A Generic Submission for
Theory Development and Validation
October, 2011
Rebecca A. Ferrer, Ph.D.
Health Scientist
Basic Biobehavioral and Psychological Sciences Research Branch
Behavioral Research Program
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
National Cancer Institute/NIH
6130 Executive Blvd.
Rockville, MD 20892-8351
Phone: 301-593-0437
Email: [email protected]
Table of Contents
B. statistical methods 1
B.1 Respondent Universe and Sampling Methods 1
B.2. Procedures for the Collection of Information 1
B.3 Methods to Maximize Response Rates and Deal with Nonresponse 4
B.4 Test of Procedures or Methods to be Undertaken 5
B.5 Individuals Consulted on Statistical Aspects and Individuals Collecting
and/or Analyzing Data 6
ATTACHMENT 1: Scientific, Expert Panel, and Ongoing Working Group Meetings Information
ATTACHMENT 2: Science of Research and Technology Branch functional mission statement
ATTACHMENT 3: List of experts consulted
B. statistical methods
B.1 Respondent Universe and Sampling Methods
The universe of potential respondents includes all individuals in the general public. It is difficult to anticipate the sample of potential respondents in advance of study design; as such, each sub-study submission will include a complete description of the target sample and sampling methodology. Respondents could include: members of the general public, mail, or phone; University students; people with cancer, their family members, and/ or their caregivers; Physicians and other healthcare providers; and health researchers. Recruitment may take place via a variety of commonly used recruitment procedures, including: telephone; mail; Internet, University advertisement or participant pool solicitation; print and community advertisement; and clinical advertisement.
As stated in Supporting Statement A of this OMB submission, the collections under this clearance are not intended to be nationally representative, and as such, sampling methodology will not ensure generalizeable results. Power calculations will be undertaken to ensure that the sample size is the smallest required to adequately test the research hypothesis(es) for each study.
B.2 Information Collection Procedures
Formative theory development and validation research involves several information collection procedures, including interviews, focus groups, and surveys, conducted in person, in print, by telephone, and online. Each collection method is outlined briefly below.
All data analysis will be conducted under the advice of an NCI statistician. Data analysis procedures may differ depending on the nature of the study and the questions addressed; however, it is anticipated that data will be analyzed using standard statistical analyses commonly employed in survey research. Weighted analyses would not be undertaken in data obtained under this clearance, as the sub-studies would be formative in nature and not intended to be representative.
Written surveys (mail surveys or questionnaires) are distributed to a sample of participants through the mail. Participants can elect to complete the questionnaires and mail them back to the researcher in a pre-paid envelope. Written surveys are particularly useful for gathering information that may be subject to demand characteristics – for example, participants may be motivated to tell a phone interviewer that their diet is healthier than it actually is in order to report socially desirable information, and may be more willing to admit to poor eating habits when this information is solicited in writing. Additionally, mail surveys are an important way to reach populations that are not easily reached in other mediums (individuals without land lines who cannot be reached in phone surveys; individuals without internet access who cannot be reached in online surveys).
Online surveys are distributed online to a sample of participants in an existing panel or a panel created for the purposes of the survey. Companies like Knowledge Networks ( administer online surveys for a fee (which covers labor and programming as well as participant incentives). Additionally, projects like TESS ( can support and administer internet surveys to examine theoretical questions. Internet surveys are useful to reduce demand characteristics (see above), and also reduce the burden on both participants and researchers (see Supporting Statement A Section A.3).
Telephone surveys are useful for collecting data that requires interviews – for example, if a questionnaire involves asking about medical procedures that someone might have had but not know the correct name for – such as a fecal occult blood test – an interviewer can describe the procedure and answer questions to determine whether the participant has actually had the medical procedure. In telephone surveys, a sample of potential respondents is drawn and trained interviewers contact them to administer a questionnaire over the phone.
Computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) surveys, Computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI), and Audio-and computer-assisted Self-Interviewing are all types of telephone survey methodologies that could be employed in this type of research (see Supporting Statement A Section A.3). These can involve automated dialing, random selection, scheduling unanswered call dial-back, guided interviewing, computer-assisted interviewing, and automatic data entry.
Focus Groups. Focus groups are useful as a means of theory development, particularly when the theory is being articulated to a specialized population or for a behavior that has not previously been explored in that theoretical context. For example, when attempting to generalize a theory about one behavior to another, a focus group could help to identify differences that could be key in tailoring the theory – such as specific aspects of a behavior that could influence attitudes, which could be very different when the behaviors are very different. In another example, focus groups could be very useful for examining whether attitudes are informed differently for individuals who are a different age, even if the behaviors are the same. Focus groups allow for the collection of rich, in-depth information regarding theoretical constructs. Focus groups traditionally take place in an in-person format, with a moderator to facilitate discussion. However, focus groups may also use a variety of technology-based formats, including videoconferencing, Internet, and teleconferencing (see Supporting Statement A, Section A.3).
B.3 Methods to Maximize Response Rates and Deal with Nonresponse
Several procedures are commonly employed, accepted, and proven effective in maximizing response rate in behavioral research activities employing surveys, interviews, and focus groups. These procedures involve:
Informing potential participants about the nature of the studies, including the importance of the research and the purposes and anticipated use of the data
Recruiting participants though a variety of methods (e.g., newsletters, internet, clinic)
Obtaining support from key individuals (e.g., obtaining support from healthcare providers at a clinic where recruitment will take place)
Employing highly-trained staff to conduct interviews and surveys or to facilitate focus groups
Experienced and well-qualified staff will moderate all focus groups and conduct all interviews and surveys.
Conducting thorough trainings of all staff, including training concerning techniques for facilitating participant survey completion and cooperation and strategies for engaging potential and current participants
Targeting recruitments and study methodology appropriately to each sub-study target population and sample
Employing incentives, where appropriate and approved by OMB
Following-up non-response, when appropriate and approved by OMB
Rescheduling cancellations
Providing the name and contact information for an official at NCI, who will confirm the importance of participation and answer any questions
Including postage paid, self-addressed envelopes with mail surveys
Creating attractive graphics to attract the attention of respondents in mail and internet surveys
Hand-signing cover letters included in mail surveys
Employing multiple methods (e.g., telephone and internet) to give participants a choice, when appropriate to the research question
B.4 Tests of Procedures or Methods to be Undertaken
Before most sub-study information collection is undertaken, contractors will pilot-test any new questionnaires, instruments, and methods of data collection. Lessons from pilot tests will be identified and question and design changes will be made as necessary. Pretesting will involve no more than nine individuals unless OMB clearance is sought and obtained.
B.5 Individuals Consulted on Statistical Aspects and Individuals Collecting and/or Analyzing Data
The following individuals, among others, including scientific staff, fellows, and contractors, who may be chosen to collect theory development and validation research, will be responsible for the design of statistical and sampling procedures for each sub-study as part of these data collection activities:
Rebecca A. Ferrer, Ph.D.
Basic Biobehavioral and Psychological Sciences Research Branch
Behavioral Research Program
Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
National Cancer Institute
6130 Executive Blvd., Room 4056
Rockville, MD 20852
File Type | application/msword |
Author | McCarthyK |
Last Modified By | Vivian Horovitch-Kelley |
File Modified | 2011-10-27 |
File Created | 2011-10-27 |