CEX Quarterly Pretesting for 2013 Changes

OMB CEQ 2013 (V3).doc

Cognitive and Psychological Research

CEX Quarterly Pretesting for 2013 Changes

OMB: 1220-0141

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January 27, 2012




“Cognitive and Psychological Research”


Brandon Kopp

Research Psychologist

Office of Survey Methods Research


Submission of Materials for the Pretesting of proposed changes for the CE Quarterly 2013

Please accept the enclosed materials for approval under the OMB clearance package 1220-0141 “Cognitive and Psychological Research.” In accordance with our agreement with OMB, we are submitting a brief description of the study.

The total estimated respondent burden hours for this study is 40 hours.

If there are any questions regarding this project, please contact Brandon Kopp at


  1. Introduction and Purpose

The Bureau of Labor Statistics has completed several projects with the goal of improving the Consumer Expenditure Quarterly Interview Survey (CEQ). One of the main goals of these improvements is to keep the market basket of goods and services, which provides item weights for the Consumer Price Index (CPI), current. Given the rapid changes in the marketplace, changes need to be made to the CEQ to ensure that the data accurately reflect the state of consumer buying habits. Based on input from CPI commodity analysts and economists, a few areas of the survey were identified as needing attention to maintain the most up-to-date market basket possible. In a parallel effort to improve CEQ data quality, economists from the Branch of Production and Control (P&C) identified changes that need to be addressed for reasons of respondent burden, outdated questions, and general instrument issues.

In addition to these recommendations, independent teams within the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) evaluated products and services which are becoming more common and made recommendations for changes to the questionnaire to improve reporting for these areas.

2. Research Design

The purpose of this study is to ensure that proposed changes to the 2013 CE Quarterly instrument are clear and understandable to respondents, and are interpreted as intended. To accomplish this goal, question variations will be tested using cognitive interviewing. The questions presented to each participant will vary, with each set covering multiple topics. Participants will be assigned topics based on their experience with and knowledge of the subject matter. A complete list of the changes to be tested is included in Appendix A. The changes are currently in draft form and will likely be revised and retested before being finalized. A final list of question wordings will be sent to OMB with the final report.

As noted, cognitive interviewing will be used to gain insight into the topics addressed in the changes. Cognitive interviews provide an in-depth understanding of the respondent’s thought processes and reactions to the questions. These interviews will be done one-on-one in the Office of Survey Methods Research (OSMR) laboratory, and will be audiotaped. Interviews will be conducted by staff from the OSMR who are experienced in conducting these types of interviews. The testing protocol is included in Appendix B.

The study will follow an iterative design, with question wording being modified as problems and improvements are identified. After the initial draft of question wording, each question will be tested using cognitive interviews, and revised, if necessary. If the question has been revised, another round of cognitive interviewing will be conducted. If further revisions are deemed necessary, additional rounds of cognitive interviewing will be done until the results indicate no major problems remain.

3. Participants

Participants will be recruited from the OSMR participant database. Screening questions will aid recruitment of participants with desired target knowledge. Efforts will be made to select participants with varying levels of education, income, and occupation, based on self-reported information provided during the initial recruitment process. Experience with the topic being studied will be considered as part of the scheduling process and this information will be used to assign topics to participants.

4. Burden Hours

The number of participants is dependent upon the results and the point at which diminishing returns is reached and no further information is being gained from additional subjects. Given that, our goal is to obtain no more than 40 participants in the OSMR lab. We anticipate that each session will average 45 minutes and last no longer than one hour, for a total of 40 burden hours. Participants will be compensated $40 for their time.

5. Data Confidentiality

Participants will be informed as to the voluntary nature of the study. Participants will also be informed that the study will be used for internal purposes to improve the design of a national Consumer Expenditure interview survey. Participants will be given a consent form to read and sign (See Appendix C). Information related to this study will not be released to the public in any way that would allow identification of individuals except as prescribed under the conditions of the Privacy Act Notice.

Appendix A: List of Changes to be Tested

Each of the following proposed changes to the CEQ will be tested using cognitive interviews. The goal is to identify the associations participants have with various terms, how they interpret question meanings, and to identify the most effective wording for questions and response choices. Below is a list of draft changes to be tested.

Large Changes

  1. Add question about whether respondent has received the Earned Income Tax Credit

  2. Allow flexible reference period for school meals

  3. Revise asset and liability questions

Combine Items

  1. Combine “golf courses” and “country clubs” with other sports club entry fees AND combine social organizations with civic, service, and fraternal organizations

  2. Combine AAA and OnStar into single question

  3. Combine bank services and safe deposit boxes into a single question

  4. Combine dishes and glasses into single question

  5. Combine Internet service item codes into single question AND Reword Internet expenditure question to cover Internet at hotels and other locations

  6. Combine PDAs, digital book readers, and tablets into single question

  7. Combine phones and accessories with answering machines into single question

  8. Combine prepaid cellular and regular cellular into single question

  9. Combine residential phone service and Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) into single question

  10. Combine rental and purchase questions for medical related items

  11. Combine rental of sports equipment and fees for playing sports into single question

  12. Combine smoke detectors and other household appliances into single question

  13. Combine sweaters, shirts, blouses, and tops into single question

  14. Combine uncommon, similar items in the auto repair section

  15. Combine water and sewer into single question

  16. Combine childcare codes in Misc. expenses and reword “Nursery school” to “preschool” in educational expenses

  17. Combine response options for question about who pays health insurance premiums

Reword current questions

  1. Reword camping and hunting and fishing equipment to include “including all guns”

  2. Reword “garage rental” to “parking garage”

  3. Reword “trash and garbage collection” to “garbage and recycling collection”

  4. Reword audio/video items to include those in vehicles

  5. Reword Medical Expenditure Reimbursement Section Intro to exclude other types of accounts

  6. Reword Medical Expenditures Section Intro to include mention of “co-pays” and “out-of-pocket expenses”

  7. Reword other vehicles to include “including boats and planes”

  8. Replace word “convalescent” with “rehabilitation” and “rehabilitative”

  9. Replace word “paperbacks” with “digital books” in OTHRBKRF

Appendix B: Cognitive Testing Protocol

The protocol includes the question that will be tested, additional questions that provide context for the tested question, and debriefing questions. The interviewer may ask unscripted follow-up questions if a participant’s answer suggests additional, pertinent information can be gained.

Large Changes

  1. Add question about whether respondent has received the Earned Income Tax Credit

During the last 12 months, did ^YOU_ANYMEM claim an Earned Income Tax Credit on your federal income tax return?

1. Yes

2. No

  • Have you heard of the Earned Income Tax Credit before? Can you please tell me what it is (describe it for me)?

  • Can you repeat this question in your own words?

  • Was this question easy or difficult to answer?

  • What does the word "claim" mean to you?

  • Do you prepare your taxes, does someone else in your household, or do you use a tax preparation service?

  • (If Other Prepares) Would you know if the EITC was claimed?

  • Do you consider this a sensitive topic?

  • Did you receive money from the tax return that you claimed the EITC on or did you have to pay money in?

  1. Allow flexible reference period for school meals

Since the first of the reference month, not including the current month, have you or any members of your household purchased any meals at school for preschool through high school age children?

1. Yes

2. No

What are the names of all household members who purchased meals at school? * Enter line numbers for all that apply. [enter value] _____________

Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, not including ^CUR_MONTH, what has been the usual expense for the meals ^NAME purchased at school? [enter value] _____________


* Specify time period

1. Days

2. Weeks

3. Months

4. Percent

5. Half school year

6. School Year

7. Other, specify

  • I asked what your “usual expense” is for meals purchased at school. What does usual expense mean to you?

  • How often do you make payments for this child's meals? Do you make daily, weekly, monthly payments or some other period of time?

  • Did you realize that you do not have to report a monthly cost for this question? That you could report daily, weekly, or yearly cost? Would you have preferred any of those?

  • Would any other time period have made this question easier to answer?

  1. Revise asset and liability questions

The next few questions are about credit, loans, and financial assets.  We know people aren't used to discussing their debt and financial assets, but we use this information to get a picture of how spending relates to changes in debt and assets.  Be assured that, like all other information you have provided, these answers will be kept strictly confidential.

As of TODAY- [Do you/does your household] have a balance on any major credit cards including store cards and gas cards?

  1. Yes

  2. No

What is the total amount owed on all cards? _________

What was the total amount paid in finance, interest, and late charges for all cards in ^LAST_MONTH? _________

As of TODAY - [Do you/does your household] have any student loans?

  1. Yes

  2. No

What is the total amount owed on all student loans? _________

What was the total amount paid in finance, interest, and late charges for all student loans in ^LAST_MONTH? _________

As of TODAY - [Do you/does your household] have any other debt such as medical loans or personal loans?

  1. Yes

  2. No

What is the total amount owed on all other loans? _________

What was the total amount paid in finance, interest, and late charges for all other loans in ^LAST_MONTH? _________

As of TODAY – What is the total value of any checking, savings, money market mutual fund accounts, and certificates of deposit or CDs [you/your household] [have/has]? _________

As of TODAY – What is the total value of all retirement accounts such as 401(k)s, IRAs, and Thrift Savings Plans that [you/your household] [own/owns]? _________

Do you [or any members of this household] have a defined benefit retirement plan?

  1. Yes

  2. No

As of TODAY – What is the total value of all directly-held stock and stock funds [not in retirement accounts] that [you/your household] [own/owns]? _________

What is the total value of all directly-held bonds and bond funds [not in retirement accounts] that [you/your household] [own/owns]? _________

As of TODAY – What is the total value of all other financial assets, such as whole life insurance, annuities, trusts, and royalties that [you/your household] [own/owns]? _______

  • What do you think is meant by “Major credit cards”? Are there any types of cards you think this question doesn’t refer to? Do you have any credit cards you did not include in your answer to this question?

  • What do you think is meant by “any other debt such as medical loans and personal loans?” What does “personal loans” mean to you? What are some examples of personal loans?

  • Do you have a retirement plan? Is it a 401(k), IRA, Thrift Savings Plan, or some other type? Did you include all of these in your answer to this question?

  • Was it easy or difficult for you to report all checking and savings account balances together? How about retirement accounts? Credit card balances?

  • How accurate do you think your reports were for checking and savings? Retirement accounts? Credit card balances?

IF HH Size > 1

  • Are you knowledgeable about the checking account balances of other household members? Savings accounts? Retirement Accounts? Credit cards?

Combine Items

  1. Combine “golf courses” and “country clubs” with other sports club entry fees AND combine social organizations with civic, service, and fraternal organizations

Have you had any membership costs or other expenses related to any of the following?

1. Subscriptions to newspapers, magazines, or periodicals. Include online subscriptions.

2. Books purchased from a book club

3. Season tickets to theater, concert series, opera, other musical series, or amusement parks

4. Season tickets to sporting events

5. Encyclopedias or other reference books

6. Golf courses, country clubs, health clubs, fitness centers, swimming pools, weight loss centers, or other sports and recreational organizations

7. Vacation clubs

8. Civic, service, fraternal, and other social organizations

9. Credit card membership fees

10. Shopping memberships including warehouse clubs like Sam’s Club and discount memberships like Amazon Prime

11. Services that use Global Positioning System or GPS, such as OnStar, not already reported

12. Direct or online dating services

  • I asked if you had any expenses for memberships in “sports and recreational organizations.” What are some examples of sports and recreational organizations?

  • I also asked you about “social organizations.” What are some examples of social organizations?


  • (if Yes to #6) Which ones? Golf courses, country clubs, health clubs, fitness centers, swimming pools, weight loss centers, or other sports and recreational organizations?

  • (if multiple) Did you find it easy or difficult to answer this question? How easy or difficult was it to report the overall cost for these memberships? Do you pay the dues for these organizations on different schedules?

  • (if Yes to #8) What type of organization (civic, service, fraternal, or other)? How often do you pay your dues?

  1. Combine AAA and OnStar into single question

Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, not including ^CUR_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM had any expenses for automobile service clubs such as AAA or services such as OnStar or LoJack?

1. Yes

2. No

How much? [enter value] _____________

  • What do you think of when I say "services such as OnStar or LoJack?" How would you classify these services?

  • Have you ever heard of OnStar before? LoJack?

  • Do you pay for any GPS services for your vehicle (other than OnStar or LoJack)? For any GPS services for your phone? Did you include those costs here?


  • Which of these services do you have?

  • (if both) Was it easy or difficult to report the cost of these items together?

  1. Combine bank services and safe deposit boxes into a single question

Have ^YOU_ANYMEM paid any charges or fees for bank services such as overdraft fees, ATM fees, other account service charges, or safe deposit box rental from financial institutions such as banks, credit unions, and finance companies?

1. Yes

2. No

What is the usual MONTHLY charge? [enter value] _____________

  • Do you rent a safe deposit box? How often do you make rental payments?

  • How did you arrive at your answer to this question?

  • Do you consider this to be a sensitive topic?

  1. Combine dishes and glasses into single question

Have you or any members of your household purchased any --

15. Lamps or other lighting fixtures?

16. Other household decorative items?

17. Closet storage items?

18. Travel item including luggage?

19. Dishes, glasses, or serving pieces?

20. Stainless, silver, or other flatware?

21. Non-electric cookware?

  • What items come to mind when I say "Dishes, glasses, or serving pieces"?

  • What do you think of when I say "serving pieces"?

  • (Give participants a list of related and unrelated items) Please circle the items that definitely belong in this category.

  1. Combine internet service item codes into single question AND Reword Internet expenditure question to cover Internet at hotels and other locations

Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your household had any expenses for:

1. Cable or satellite TV, not already reported?

2. Satellite radio services, not already reported?

3. Internet service at home not already reported or at places such as hotels and airports?

99. None/No more entries

  • What places are there, other than airports and hotels, where you can purchase Internet service? Have you ever used these?


  • You reported that you spent ____ on Internet Service at home or at places such as hotels and airports. How much of this amount is for Internet Service at home? How much is for service away from home?

  • Have you ever paid to use the Internet aside from in your home and on your phone? Where?

  • When was the last time you paid for Internet away from your home?

  • How often do you pay for internet away from your home?

  1. Combine PDAs, digital book readers, and tablets into single question

Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your household purchased or rented any of the following items?

1. Small electrical kitchen appliances

2. Electrical personal care appliances

3. Smoke detectors

4. Electric floor cleaning equipment

5. Sewing machines

6. GPS devices, calculators, and fax machines

7. Digital book readers and tablets

8. Computers, computer systems, or related hardware

9. Computer software including computer games

  • What comes to mind when I say "digital book reader?" Do you own a digital book reader?

  • What comes to mind when I say "tablet"?

  • What is the difference between a tablet and a digital book reader?

  1. Combine phones and accessories with answering machines into single question

Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your household purchased or rented any of the following items?

13. Video game hardware or accessories

14. Video games

15. Telephones or accessories including answering machines

16. Photographic equipment

17. Musical instruments, supplies, or accessories

18. Lawn mowing machinery or other yard equipment

19. Power tools

20. Non-power tools

21. Window air conditioners

22. Portable cooling or heating equipment

23. Televisions, all types

  • (Give participants a list of related and unrelated items) Please circle the items that definitely belong in this category.

  • Do you own a home phone (non-cellular)? Thinking of your home phone what do you think of when I say "telephone accessories?" Do you consider an answering machine a telephone accessory? Why or Why Not?

  1. Combine prepaid cellular and regular cellular into single question

What types of telephone services did the bill include?

1. Residential Service including VoIP

2. Mobile/Cellular Service including prepaid

  • Do you or any members of your household have a cell phone that has a contract? (if yes) Did you include that phone (those phones) when you answered this question?

  • Where did you purchase your prepaid phone? How do you add minutes for your phone?

  • Do you have any phone service that I may have missed with this question?

  1. Combine residential phone service and VoIP into single question

Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your household received any bills for telephone services, including cellular and Voice Over IP? Do not include bills for telephones used entirely for business purposes.

1. Yes

2. No

What types of telephone services did the bill include?

1. Residential Service including VoIP

2. Mobile/Cellular Service

  • What is “Voice over IP”?

  • Are you familiar with the term “VOIP”?

  • What comes to mind when I say “Voice over IP” or “VoIP”? What companies come to mind?

  • Do you consider VOIP to be residential service, cellular service, or neither?

  1. Combine rental and purchase questions for medical related items

Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your household made any payments for the following?
1. Eye examinations, treatment, or surgery
2. Purchase of eye glasses or contact lenses
3. Dental care
4. Hospital room or hospital services
5. Services by medical professionals other than physicians
6. Physician services
7. Lab tests or x-rays
8. Care in convalescent or nursing homes
9. Care for invalids, convalescents, handicapped, or elderly persons in the home
10. Adult day care centers
11. Other medical care and services
12. Hearing aids
13. Prescription drugs
14. Supportive or convalescent equipment
15. Medical or surgical equipment for general use

Was this item –
1. Purchased for someone inside the household?
2. Rented?
3. Purchased for someone outside the household?

What was the total amount paid in the above month?/ What is your monthly expense? [enter value] _____________

  • (if yes to #14) What type of supportive or convalescent equipment did you purchase/rent? Did you return the item after it was no longer needed?

  • (if yes to #15) What type of medical or surgical equipment did you purchase/rent? Did you return the item after it was no longer needed?

  1. Combine rental of sports equipment and fees for playing sports into single question

Did ^YOU_ANYMEM pay any fees to play sports, exercise, or rent any sports equipment ^NotCountingAnySpeqp?

1. Yes

2. No

How much did ^YOU_ANYMEM pay? / What costs for playing sports or renting sports equipment won’t be reimbursed? [enter value] _____________________

  • When I ask whether you paid fees for sports or exercise while on vacation what comes to mind?

  • When I ask whether you rented any sports equipment while on vacation what comes to mind? What sorts of sports equipment might someone rent while on vacation?


  • You reported an expense to play sports or to rent sports equipment. What was this expense for?

  • (if fees for sports) Were you furnished with sports equipment after paying the fee to participate in sports or did you have to bring your own?

  • Was this part of a health club or other organization membership?

  1. Combine smoke detectors and other household appliances into single question

Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your household purchased or rented any of the following items?

1. Small electrical kitchen appliances

2. Electrical personal care appliances

3. Electrical floor cleaning equipment

4. Other household appliances including smoke detectors

5. Sewing machines

6. GPS devices, calculators, and fax machines

  • What comes to mind when I say "other household appliances?"

  • (Give participants a list of related and unrelated items) Please circle the items that definitely belong in the category “other household appliances”.

  • Have you purchased a smoke detector in the last 3 months?

  • (if yes) Did you include that smoke detector when answering this question?

  1. Combine sweaters, shirts, blouses, and tops into single question

Since the first of the reference month, have you or has any member of your household purchased any of the following items, either for members of your household or for someone outside your household?

1. Coats, jackets, or furs?

2. Sport coats or tailored jackets?

3. Suits?

4. Vests?

5. Shirts, sweaters, blouses, or tops?

6. Pants, jeans, or shorts?

7. Dresses?

8. Skirts?

What was the total cost of these purchases? [enter value] _____________

  • (Give participants a list of related and unrelated items) Please circle the items that definitely belong in the category “Shirts, blouses, and tops.”


  • Did you find it easy or difficult to report the cost of these items together? Please explain.

  1. Combine uncommon, similar items in the auto repair section

Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your household had expenses for any of the following?

1. Oil change, lubrication, or oil filter

2. Other regular vehicle maintenance or servicing such as tune-ups or alignment

3. Battery purchase or installation

4. Tire purchase and installation

5. Tire repair

6. Body work or painting

7. Any vehicle or engine repairs

8. Vehicle accessories or customizing

9. Other vehicle services, parts, or equipment

10. Vehicle cleaning services including car washes

99. None/No more entries

  • What comes to mind when I say "Any vehicle or engine repairs?" What type of repairs do you think this question is referring to?

  • I asked if you have had an expense for “Any vehicle or engine repairs.” Did you find this question easy or difficult to answer?

  • (give list) Please circle the items you think should be included with "Any vehicle or engine repairs." Place an X over any items you believe do not count as vehicle repair.

  • How often do you have repairs done on your vehicle (aside from regular maintenance like oil changes)?

  • Many times you will receive an itemized receipt, do you read the individual items on the receipt?

  • When you have your vehicle repaired do you talk to someone at the repair shop about exactly what was done or do you just want to know your vehicle is repaired?

  • Do you consider yourself knowledgeable about vehicle repairs?


  • (if yes to #7) You said you had repairs done to your vehicle or engine. What repairs were done?

  1. Combine water and sewer into single question

Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your household received any bills for any of the following utilities, fuels, or services? Do not include bills for properties used entirely for business.

1. Electricity

2. Natural or utility gas

3. Fuel oil

4. Bottled or tank gas

5. Other fuels including wood

6. Piped-in water and sewerage maintenance

7. Garbage and recycling collection

8. Water softening service

9. Septic tank cleaning

99. None/No more entries

  • Do you pay for your water and sewer bill together? Do water and sewer appear separately (itemized) on the bill or do you see a single amount?

  • Do you pay for water, sewer, or both along with any other bill such as rent or condo fees? What else is included?

  1. Combine childcare codes in Misc. expenses and reword “Nursery school” to “preschool” in educational expenses

Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your household paid for -
2. Preschool or child day care centers?

Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your household had expenses for any of the following, either for you or any members of your household or for someone outside your household?
11. Stamp or coin collecting?
12. Lotteries or games of chance?
13. Babysitting, nanny services, or other child care

What was the total amount of this expense?/What is your monthly expense?[enter value] _____________

  • I asked if you had any expense for “preschool or child day care centers.” Are there any terms you would use other than “preschool?”

  • I also asked if you had expenses for “babysitting, nanny services, or other child care.” What other types of child care arrangements are there other than babysitting and nanny service?


  • You said you had an expense for babysitting or other child care. Was the child care done in your home, someone else's home, or at a daycare facility?

  • (opposite of what they say in previous) Did you have any expense for child care (inside/outside) your home?

  1. Combine response options for question about who pays health insurance premiums

***Do you have a health insurance plan?
1. Yes
2. No

What type of insurance plan is it?
1. Health Maintenance Organization
2. Fee for Service Plan
3. Commercial Medicare Supplement
4. Other special purpose plan

Was the policy obtained on an individual or group basis?
1. Individually obtained
2. Group through place of employment
3. Group through other organization

Are the policy premiums paid -

1. Entirely or partially by YOU_YRCU?
2 Entirely by an employer or union?
3. Entirely by another group or persons outside your household?

  • (if 1) Do you pay all or part of your health insurance premiums? (if part) Who pays the rest? Does your employer reimburse you for any of the costs?

  • (if 2) Is money withdrawn from your paycheck to pay any part of the insurance premium?

Reword current questions

  1. Reword camping and hunting and fishing equipment to include “including all guns”

Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your household purchased or rented any of the following items?

31. General sports equipment (exclude athletic shoes for sports-related use, such as football, baseball, soccer, or bowling

32. Health and exercise equipment

33. Camping equipment

34. Hunting and fishing equipment including all guns

35. Winter sports equipment

36. Water sports equipment

  • When I say "hunting and fishing equipment" what comes to mind? What are examples of hunting equipment and fishing equipment?

  • (Give participants a list of related and unrelated items) Please circle the items that definitely belong in the category “hunting and fishing equipment”.

  • Do you own any guns that you do not use for hunting (e.g., for protection or sport shooting)? Did you include those guns in your answer to this question?

  • Do you consider this to be too sensitive or personal? Do you think other people might find this question sensitive?

  1. Reword “garage rental” to “parking garage”

Since the first of ^REF_MONTH, have ^YOU_ANYMEM had expenses for –

Parking, such as parking garages, parking lot fees, or parking meters? Do not include expenses that are part of your property ownership or rental costs, a business expense, or expenses that will be totally reimbursed.

1. Yes

2. No

How much was paid, not including any payments made this month? [enter value] _____________

  • When I say “parking garage” what comes to mind?


  • You said you spent ____ on parking. Was any of this expense for parking in a garage?

  • (if yes) is this a regular fee each month or do you pay each time you use the garage?

  • Is this a multi-level parking structure or an individual garage?

  • (if multi-level) Do you have an assigned spot in the garage?

  1. Reword “trash and garbage collection” to “garbage and recycling collection”

Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your household received any bills for any of the following utilities, fuels, or services? Do not include bills for properties used entirely for business.

1. Electricity

2. Natural or utility gas

3. Fuel oil

4. Bottled or tank gas

5. Other fuels including wood

6. Piped-in water and sewerage maintenance

7. Garbage and recycling collection

8. Water softening service

9. Septic tank cleaning

99. None/No more entries

  • When I say “recycling” what do you think of?

  • Do you recycle? What things do you recycle?

  • Do you pay for collection of your recycling? Do you pay that as part of your trash collection bill? Does the cost for recycling appear separately (itemized) on the bill or as a single amount?

  • Is that bill (are those bills) part of any other bills such as rent or condo fees?

  1. Reword audio/video items to include those in vehicles

Have ^YOU_ANYMEM purchased or rented any --

* Read each item on list

22. Televisions, all types including those installed in vehicles

23. DVD players, VCRs, DVRs, or video cameras

24. Satellite dishes, receivers, or accessories

25. Handheld personal music players

26. Stereos, radios, speakers, and sound components including those installed in vehicles

27. Other sound or video equipment including accessories

  • I asked if you or any member of your household had purchased or rented any “televisions, including those installed in vehicles.” What do you think is meant by “those installed in vehicles”?


  • You reported an expense for television, radio, video, or sound equipment. Was any of this expense for equipment installed in a vehicle?


  • Have you ever had a stereo, television, DVD player, or other audio-visual equipment installed in your vehicle? What did you have installed?

  • (if yes) Do you consider this a _____ expense or a vehicle expense?

  1. Reword Medical Expenditure Reimbursement Section Intro to exclude other types of accounts

Now I am going to ask some questions about your reimbursements.

By reimbursements, I mean any money received for any money received for any members of your household from an insurance company, medical care provider, or non-household member for medical expenses which you previously paid or will pay.

Do not include reimbursements from any consumer driven health plans such as Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA), Health Reimbursement Accounts (HRA), Health Savings Accounts (HSA), High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP), or Medical Savings Accounts (MSA).

  • Have you had any medical expenses during the last 3 months? (if no) When was the last time you had a medical expense? I don’t need to know what it was for.

  • Was any of that expense reimbursed?

  • (show list) Are you familiar with these types of plans? Are there any you’ve never heard of?

  • (show list) Are you currently enrolled in any of these types of plans? (if yes) Was any of the reimbursement you received from these programs?

  1. Reword Medical Expenditures Section Intro to include mention of “co-pays” and “out-of-pocket expenses”

Now I am going to ask some questions about medical payments and reimbursements. I will begin with your payments.

By payments I mean any co-pays and out-of-pocket expenses. Include all payments, even those for persons who are outside your household.

  • I said "By payments I mean any co-pays and out-of-pocket expenses. Include all payments, even those for persons who are outside your household." Can you tell me in your own words what these instructions are saying?

  • What does the term "Co-pay" in reference to medical payments mean to you?

  • What does the term "out-of-pocket expenses" mean to you?

  • Are these terms you regularly use? What terms do you normally use?

  1. Reword other vehicles to include “including boats and planes”

^CU_DoDoes ^YOU_YRCU own any other types of vehicles including boats and planes which are not used entirely for business?

* IF YES -

Do you own any -

2. Motor home

3. Trailer-type camper

4. Other attachable-type camper

5. Motorcycle, motor scooter, or moped (motorized bicycle)

6. Boat, with motor

7. Boat, without a motor

8. Trailer other than a camper type, such as for a boat or cycle

9. Private plane

10. Any other vehicle

95. Continue list

  • When I say "Other types of vehicles" what comes to mind? What are some examples of "other vehicles?"

  • (if no, ask second question during debriefing) Do you have any of these types of vehicles?

  • (show list) circle the items you consider part of the category "type of vehicle"

  1. Replace word “convalescent” with “rehabilitation” and “rehabilitative”

Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your household made any payments for the following?

1. Eye examinations, treatment, or surgery

2. Purchase of eye glasses or contact lenses

3. Dental care

4. Hospital room or hospital services

5. Services by medical professionals other than physicians

6. Physician services

7. Lab tests or x-rays

8. Care in rehabilitation centers or nursing homes

9. Care for invalids, persons undergoing rehabilitation, handicapped, or elderly persons in the home

10. Adult day care centers

11. Other medical care and services

  • Are you familiar with the term "convalescent home"? Can you please explain in your own words what a convalescent home is?

  • Is a convalescent home the same thing or different than a rehabilitation center?

  1. Replace word “paperbacks” with “digital books” in OTHRBKRF

Since the first the reference month, have you or any members of your household ....

Bought any books, including digital books, which were not purchased through a book club? Do not include school books or reference books.

1. Yes

2. No

What was the total expense? [enter value] ________

How much of the total amount was spent this month? [enter value] ________

  • What types of books do you think this question is referring to? Are there any types of books you think this question is not referring to?

  • Have you purchased any digital books? Were these included in your report of the price?

  • Did you include the cost of a digital book reader in this report?

Appendix C: Consent Form

Consent Form

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is conducting research to increase the quality of BLS surveys. This study is intended to suggest ways to improve the procedures the BLS uses to collect survey data.

The BLS, its employees, agents, and partner statistical agencies will use the information you provide for statistical purposes only and will hold the information in confidence to the full extent permitted by law. In accordance with the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002 (Title 5 of Public Law 107-347) and other applicable Federal laws, your responses will not be disclosed in identifiable form without your informed consent. The Privacy Act notice on the back of this form describes the conditions under which information related to this study will be used by BLS employees and agents.

During this research you may be audio and/or videotaped, or you may be observed. If you do not wish to be taped, you still may participate in this research.

We estimate it will take you an average of 45 minutes to participate in this research (ranging from 30 minutes to 60 minutes).

Your participation in this research project is voluntary, and you have the right to stop at any time. If you agree to participate, please sign below.

Persons are not required to respond to the collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number is 1220-0141 and expires February 29, 2012.


I have read and understand the statements above. I consent to participate in this study.

___________________________________ ___________________________

Participant's signature Date


Participant's printed name


Researcher's signature

OMB Control Number: 1220-0141

Expiration Date: 02/29/12


In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (5 U.S.C. 552a), you are hereby notified that this study is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), under authority of 29 U.S.C. 2. Your voluntary participation is important to the success of this study and will enable the BLS to better understand the behavioral and psychological processes of individuals, as they reflect on the accuracy of BLS information collections. The BLS, its employees, agents, and partner statistical agencies, will use the information you provide for statistical purposes only and will hold the information in confidence to the full extent permitted by law. In accordance with the Confidential Information Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2002 (Title 5 of Public Law 107-347) and other applicable Federal laws, your responses will not be disclosed in identifiable form without your informed consent.

Attachment D: Introductory Material

  • Hi! Thank you for coming in today.

  • I am …... [This is my colleague ( ) who will be taking notes for us today]

  • Have you participated in any of our studies before? (if yes, Which ones?)

  • Consent Form/Permission to audiotape

  • Explanation:

    • We are going to be working with some questions from the Consumer Expenditure Survey, an ongoing survey that provides information about the buying habits of American consumers. This information is used for a lot of things but its primary purpose is to help calculate inflation. Are you familiar with the inflation rate?

    • What we are going to do today is go through a few questions from the survey and get your reactions to them. The purpose of this session is to help us find out more about how people respond to these questions. Basically, we’re trying to find out what you think a question is asking and how hard it is to answer. We are not here to evaluate you, we are looking to improve the questions, so there are no wrong answers. All the information you give us will be kept completely confidential, and will be used to improve the survey questions.

  • Any questions before we begin?


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleOctober 14, 2003
Last Modified Bykopp_b
File Modified2012-01-31
File Created2012-01-18

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