Appendix B: Cognitive Testing Protocol
The protocol includes the question that will be tested, additional questions that provide context for the tested question, and debriefing questions. The interviewer may ask unscripted follow-up questions if a participant’s answer suggests additional, pertinent information can be gained.
Introductory Material
Hi! Thank you for coming in today.
I am …... [This is my colleague ( ) who will be taking notes for us today]
Have you participated in any of our studies before? (if yes, Which ones?)
[Sign Consent Form/Permission to audiotape] (see Appendix C)
We are going to be working with some questions from the Consumer Expenditure Survey, an ongoing survey that provides information about the buying habits of American consumers. This information is used for a lot of things but its primary purpose is to help calculate inflation. Are you familiar with the inflation rate?
What we are going to do today is go through a few questions from the survey and get your reactions to them. The purpose of this session is to help us find out more about how people respond to these questions. Basically, we’re trying to find out what you think a question is asking and how hard it is to answer. We are not here to evaluate you, we are looking to improve the questions, so there are no wrong answers. All the information you give us will be kept completely confidential, and will be used to improve the survey questions.
Any questions before we begin?
Question Additions and Modifications
Add business expense screener question to CE Introduction
As we start, please understand that we ask the same topics of everybody we talk to. I realize some of these questions may not apply to your household.
Most questions that I will be asking refer to a specific time period. During this interview, the time period, unless I state otherwise is for the past three months, that is, from the 1st day of "reference month" to today.
Most of my questions are about expenses your household had or bills you’ve received. You will find it helpful to have your checkbook register, credit card statements and other records as you answer the questions.
Before we get started, do you deduct or plan to deduct any of your expenses as business expenses?
Add questions to health insurance section to capture information on health care exchange policies
Update health insurance type question to pick up Tricare policies and replace other health insurance plan questions with new questions for other government health programs
NOTE: Highlights show new questions and new skip patterns in this section.
Existing Question IHB_ITEM Do you or any members of your household have any hospitalization or health insurance plans or belong to a plan that pays all or part of your medical expenses? Include policies paid for someone outside your household and please consider any special purpose plans you may have, such as dental, vision, or prescription drug insurance.”
Skip instructions: 1: Goto HINSCMP 2: Goto Debriefing Questions
Existing Question HINSCMP What is the name of the insurance company for this policy? __________________
Existing Question HHICOVQ How many household members are covered by this policy? ________________
Existing Question HHICODE What type of insurance plan is it? * Do not collect Medicare prescription drug plans in Commercial Medicare Supplements. Medicare prescription drug plans are collected in Part C. 1. Health Maintenance Organization 2. Fee for Service Plan 3. Commercial Medicare Supplement 4. Tricare, all types including dental 5. Other special purpose plan
Skip instructions: 1: Goto HHIPOS 2-4: Goto HHIGROUP 5: Goto HHISPECT
Existing Question HHIPOS Under normal circumstances, if you go to a doctor who is not part of your plan without a referral, will your insurance company pay for the cost?
Skip instructions: goto HHIGROUP
Existing Question HHISPECT Is this special purpose insurance plan -
Dental insurance?
Skip instructions: goto HHIGROUP
Existing Question HHIGROUP Was the policy obtained on an individual or group basis? 1. Individually Obtained 2. Group through place of employment 3. Group through other organization
Skip instructions: 1, 3, DK, RF: Goto PORTAL 2: Goto HHIPRYOU
new question PORTAL: Was the policy obtained through [fill: exchange name]? 1. Yes 2. No
Skip instructions: 1: goto PORTPLAN 2, DK, RF: goto HHIPRYOU
new question PORTPLAN: Is this policy a platinum, gold, silver, bronze, or catastrophic plan?
Skip instructions: goto HHIPRYOU
Existing Question HHIPRYOU Do you or any member of your household pay ANY portion of the premiums for this policy?
Skip instructions: 1: goto HHIPRDED 2, DK, RF: goto HHIPROUT
Existing Question HHIPRDED Are any premiums paid through payroll deductions?
Skip instructions: goto HHIRPMXB
Existing Question HHIPROUT: Who pays the policy premiums?
An employer or union?
Skip instructions: If PORTAL=1 goto PREMSUBS else goto HHIMORE
Existing Question HHIRPMXB How much [do you/does your household] currently spend for this plan [including payroll deductions]? ______________ per [Time Period: HHIRPMPD]
Skip Instructions for HHIRPMPD: 1-9: If PORTAL=1 goto PREMSUBS else goto HHIMORE 10,DK,RF: Goto HHIIRGXB
new question PREMSUBS: Is the cost of the premium subsidized based on [fill: your/your household's] income? * Subsidized health coverage is insurance with a reduced premium. Low and middle income families are eligible to receive tax credits that allow them to pay lower premiums for insurance bought through healthcare exchanges or marketplaces. 1. Yes 2. No
Skip instructions: 1: goto HHISUBSPD 2, DK, RF: goto HHIMORE
new question HHISUBPD: Is the subsidy paid directly to the health insurance company? 1. Yes 2. No
Skip instructions: go to HHIMORE
new question OTHMED: Are ^YOU_ANYMEM covered by a plan such as VA Medical, CHAMPVA, CHIP[fill:/stateCHIPname], or Indian Health Service (IHS)? 1. Yes 2. No
Skip instructions: 1: if NUMHOUSE gt 1 go to OTHMDCOV else goto S14C_END 2, DK, RF: goto S14C_END
new question OTHMDCOV: How many members of your household are covered by these plans?
Skip instructions: Goto S14C_END |
ACA Exchange Questions:
Add question to screen out non-deeded timeshare properties
Is this a time-sharing arrangement where you or any member of your household has use of the property only for a specified length of time each year? 1. Yes 2. No
Is this a deeded or right-to-use timeshare? 1. Deeded 2. Right-to-use
(help screen for DEEDED): -The ownership of the property does not expire -The owner is liable for his portion of real estate taxes, which are usually collected with the maintenance fees.
timeshares -Often called a “club membership” or right to use the reservation system. -Rights to use the property expire after a certain number of years, typically 15-30 years.
Reword total owed for property after last payment question, inputting month names as necessary
Reword loan question to "Line of credit home equity loans"
In-Lab Screener Questions Do you own your home?
Do you have a home equity line of credit?
(if “No” Then) Give participant scenario Please read this scenario and I will ask you a couple questions about it.
Two years ago, you took out a home equity line of credit on your home for $30,000 to do some remodeling. You have been paying the loan back at $500 per month. The last time you checked in [THE REFERENCE MONTH] you still owed $18,000. You paid the $500 toward the loan in [THE REFERENCE MONTH] and [TWO MONTH] but did not make a payment in [LAST MONTH].
(if “Yes” Then) PAIDLOAN I'd like to ask you some questions about you and your household’s home equity line of credit.
Since the first of [THE REFERENCE MONTH], have/has you or your household made any payments for your/your household's loan? 1. Yes 2. No
PDAMTX1 What was the total amount paid in [THE REFERENCE MONTH]? ______
PDAMTX2 What was the total amount paid in [TWO MONTH]? ______
PDAMTX3 What was the total amount paid in [LAST MONTH]? ______
IF PAIDLOAN= 2, DK, RF, fill "How much was owed at the end of [LAST MONTH]?" ELSEIF PDAMTX3 ne 0, fill "How much was owed at the end of [TWO MONTH] before the payment made in [LAST MONTH]?" ELSEIF PDAMTX2 ne 0, fill "How much was owed at the end of [THE REFERENCE MONTH] before the payment made in [TWO MONTH]?" ELSEIF PDAMTX1 ne 0, fill, "How much was owed at the end of [PRE - REFERENCE MONTH] before the payment made in [THE REFERENCE MONTH]?" |
Change vacation home property question to include "not rented out"
Do you own this home? 1. Yes 2. No
Since the first [THE REFERENCE MONTH], how much time did you occupy this timeshare/property? *
Enter quantity and select period (Days
Other) Since the first of [THE REFERENCE MONTH], was this property either rented by someone outside your household or available to be rented? 1. Yes 2. No
the first of [THE
how much time was this property rented by someone outside your
the first of [THE REFERENCE MONTH], how much time was this
property available to be rented, but not rented out?
Remove "for non-business use" from computer software expense question
Have you or any members of your household purchased or rented any --
What did you purchase or rent? ________
Was this item
When did you purchase it? ________
What did it cost? (Include delivery charges, exclude installation charges.) _______
What was the total rental expense since the first of the reference month not including the current month? ______
Was this purchase combined with any other expense? _______
Examples List
Delete “Room-size” from rugs or other non-permanent floor coverings question
Since the first of [THE REFERENCE MONTH], have you or any member of your household purchased any - - Read each item on list 26. Rugs or other non-permanent floor coverings, including carpet squares? 1. Yes 2. No
What did you purchase? _________________
What did it cost? __________ |
Modify wording of tire repair expense question to exclude new tire purchase
I will now ask about expenses for vehicle services, parts, and equipment. Please do not include expenses for vehicles used entirely for business.
Since the first of [THE REFERENCE MONTH], have you or any members of your household had expenses for any of the following? * Read each item on list 1. Oil change, lubrication, or oil filter 2. Motor tune-up 3. Battery purchases or installation 4. Tire purchases or mounting 5. Tire repair
What was the expense for? ______
Did this expense include labor? 1. Yes 2. No
In what month did you have this expense? ______
What was the total cost? ______
Was this expense combined with any other expenses? ______
Reword "food and beverages for catered affairs" to "catering"
Now I am going to ask about miscellaneous expenses which have not been collected anywhere else in this survey. Please remember to include any payments you made online or had automatically deducted. Also, please include any shipping and handling charges with the cost of any item that was shipped. Since the first of [THE REFERENCE MONTH], have you or any members of your household had expenses for any of the following, either for you or any members of your household or for someone outside your household?
What was the expense for? _______
In what month did you have this expense? (can be same for every month) _______
Was this expense for someone inside or outside your household? _______ |
Infobook List:
Examples list
Remove Question
Remove ALCOHOL screener from alcohol questions
(ALCOHOL – Question To be Removed) Since the first of [THE REFERENCE MONTH] have you or any members of your household purchased alcohol, including beer and wine?
What has been you or your household's usual MONTHLY expense for alcohol, including beer and wine to be served at home? __________ |
Modifications to the CE Information Booklet
Update Infobook examples for sport or recreational equipment repairs
Since the first of [THE REFERENCE MONTH], did you or any members of your household have any expenses for service contracts, maintenance, or repairs for – 9. Sport or recreational equipment
What did the service contract or repair cover? _____________ What was the total cost? _____________
Infobook List:
Modify Infobook examples for fees for participating in sports by removing 'golf' and adding other examples
Since the first of [THE REFERENCE MONTH] have you or any member of your household had any membership costs or other expenses related to any of the following? 1. Golf courses or country clubs 2. Health clubs, fitness centers, swimming pools, weight loss centers, or other sports and recreational organizations 3. Fees for participating in sports such as bowling, biking, hockey, football, or swimming
What was the total amount of this expense? / What is your monthly expense? ______
Infobook List:
1. Golf courses or country clubs 2. Health clubs, fitness centers, swimming pools, weight loss centers, or other sports and recreational organizations 3. Fees for participating in sports such as bowling, biking, hockey, football, or swimming |
Update Infobook examples for dental care
Now I am going to ask some questions about medical payments and reimbursements. I will begin with your payments.
By payments I mean any co-pays and out-of-pocket expenses. Include all payments, even those for persons who are outside of your household.
the first of [THE
have you or any members of your household made any payments for
the following?
Describe the care/service/item.
Was this a purchase or rental?
Was/were the care/service/item for a member of your household or someone outside of your household?
what month was(were) the payment(s) made? (can be the same amount
each month) What was the total amount paid in the above month?/ What is your monthly expense?
Was this expense combined with any other expenses?
Infobook List: Dental care, such as - |
cleanings |
Modify the Infobook examples for travel items including luggage
Add examples to closet storage items in Infobook.
Since the first of [THE REFERENCE MONTH], have you or any members of your household purchased for you or your household or for someone outside of your household any - 15. Lamps, lighting fixtures, or ceiling fans? 16. Other household decorative items 17. Closet storage items? 18. Travel items including luggage?
What did you purchase? _______
What was the purchase price? ________
Infobook Lists:
Closet Storage Items:
Travel items including luggage:
Add examples to water sports equipment in Infobook
Since the first of [THE REFERENCE MONTH], have you or any members of your household purchased or rented any of the following items? 27. General sports equipment (exclude athletic shoes for sports related use, such as football, baseball, soccer or bowling) 28. Health and exercise equipment 30. Hunting and fishing equipment, including all guns 32. Water sports equipment 33. Outboard motors
What did you purchase or rent? _______
Was this item 1. Purchased for someone inside the household? 2. [Rented?/BLANK] 3. Purchased for someone outside the household?
What did it cost? _______
Infobook List:
Modify Infobook examples for clothing accessories by changing “purse” to “hand bag”
Modify the Infobook examples for costumes
Modify the Infobook examples for uniforms
Update Infobook examples for coats, jackets, or furs
Now I am going to ask about clothing and footwear, for infants, children, and adults. Please include any shipping and handling charges with the cost of any item that was shipped.
Since the first of [THE REFERENCE MONTH], have you or has any member of your household purchased any of the following items, either for members of your household or for someone outside your household?
Mention all categories; only ask for detail for bolded categories of interest.
What did you buy? _______
For whom was it purchased? (name) ______
For whom was this purchased?
When did you purchase it? (can be same amount each month) _______
What is your monthly expense/How much did it cost? ______
Was this purchase combined with anything else? _______
Coats, jackets, or furs
Infobook List: Coats, jackets, or furs, including - shawl/stole raincoat down vest
List of examples Coats Jackets or Furs:
Infobook List: Accessories, including - |
hand bag wallet apron ear muffs handkerchiefs
rain accessories
Infobook List: Uniforms, other than sport, for which the cost is not reimbursed, including - |
school uniforms |
barber smocks |
List of examples Uniforms:
Infobook List: Costumes, including - dance
Costumes Picture Array |
Accessories Picture Array |
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Kincaid, Nora - BLS |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-31 |