GRA Nomination Form, Framework and Instructions

Green Ribbon Schools

Att_GRS Evaluation Framework 2012-2-8.xls

GRA Nomination Form, Framework and Instructions

OMB: 1860-0509

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Framework for Evaluation of Schools by Authorities Making Nominations to the U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools
Three Green Ribbon Pillars Pillar Element Category Green School Objectives
How a School Might Demonstrate Progress Toward these Goals: Resources:
1. Environmental Impact and Energy Efficiency - Buildings, grounds and operations: The school has made significant progress toward net zero environmental impact (zero carbon, solid waste, and hazardous waste footprints) • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions, using an energy audit or emissions inventory and reduction plan, cost-effective energy efficiency improvements and on-site renewable energy and/or purchase of green power Energy and Greenhouse Gases Earned EPA's ENERGY STAR  certification Received certification: Yes/No DOE and EPA ENERGY STAR for K-12 School Districts
Reduction of total energy use intensity from an initial baseline measured in kBTU/square foot/year Percent reduction from initial baseline tracked in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager

All energy is derived from renewable sources Percentage of energy consumption derived from on-site renewable energy generation:________% Percentage from purchased renewable energy: _____________% Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy (DSIRE)
DOE Wind for Schools Project
USDA Fuels for Schools
All building area that has been constructed or undergone major renovations in the past three years meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS), Green Globes or comparable standards Percentage of all applicable building area meeting this goal USGBC Center for Green Schools
Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS)
Green Globes
Building achieves LEED Existing Buildings: Operation & Maintenance, CHPS Operations, Green Globes or comparable standards. Applied for and received certification Advanced Energy Design Guide for 50% energy savings in K-12 schools
National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilites
American Society of Heating, Refridgeating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Green Standards
Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing Roofpoint
School has fully implemented the Facility Energy Assessment Matrix within EPA's Guidelines for Energy Mangement School building has been assessed with Federal Guiding Principles Checklist in Portfolio Manager EPA's Guideliens for Energy Management Overview
ENERGY Star for Federal Agencies
GHG emissions from building energy use have been reduced or offset Current Total GHG Emissions (MtCO2e)
Baseline Total GHG Emissions (MtCO2e)
Change from Baseline: GHG Emissions (MtCO2e)
DOE State Energy Program
DOE America’s Home Energy Education Challenge
Energy and water efficient product purchasing and procurement policy is in place Yes/No EPA WaterSense
DOE Purchasing Specifications for Energy Efficient Products
All furniture purchases are "level" certified by the Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Assocation (BIFMA) Percentage of total by cost BIFMA Level Standard
• Improved water quality, efficiency, and conservation; Water Reduction of total water use intensity from an initial baseline measured in gal/Square foot/year Percent reduction from initial baseline tracked in ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager EPA Energy Star Portfolio Manager
School carries out regular audits of facilities and irrigation systems are conducted to ensure they are free of significant water leaks and to identify opportunities for savings Yes/No EPA Watersense: Outdoor Water Use
Irrigation system and schedule are appropriate for climate, soil conditions, plant materials, grading and season Yes/No USDA Community Facilities Loans and Grants
All outdoor landscapes consist of water-efficient or regionally-appropriate plant choices Yes/No
Alternative water sources are used before potable water for irrigation wherever possible Yes/No
All potable water meets federal, state and local water quality standards, and drinking water sources are protected if drinking water is acquired from school's own well Yes/No EPA Drinking Water in Schools & Childcare Facilities
School has a program to to control lead in drinking water including voluntary testing and implemention of measures to reduce lead exposure in drinking water is in place Yes/No National Resources Defense Council Green Squad
All taps, faucets and fountains used for drinking and cooking are cleaned on a regular basis to reduce possible bacterial contamination; regularly clean faucet screens and aerators to remove particulate lead deposits Yes/No AND specify how often cleaning is conducted
Grounds School grounds devoted to ecologically or socially beneficial uses, including those that give consideration to native wildlife Nature of project and scope of impact. Fish and Wildlife Service Schoolyard Habitats
• Reduced solid waste production, through increased recycling, reduced consumption, and improved management, reduction, or elimination of hazardous waste streams Waste All solid waste has been eliminated (reduce, recycle, & reuse policy/practices) Percentage of waste that is diverted from the landfill or incinerator by recycling or composting as well as waste reduced and reused EPA WasteWise
EPA Tools to Reduce Waste in Schools
Terra Cycle
Grades fo Green Trash Redux
Keep America Beautiful Recycle-Bowl
Do Something

Office paper is composed of recycled content in accordance with EPA's Comprensive Procurement Guide or fiber from forests certified as responsibly managed by the Forest Stewardship Council, Sustainable Forestry Initiative, American Tree Farm System or comparable certification standard . Percentage of total content by cost EPA Comprehensive Procurement Guide
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)
Sustainabile Foresty Initiative (SFI)
American Tree Farm System
Green Seal

All office paper content is "totally chlorine-free" (TCF) or "processed-chlorine-free" (PCF) Percentage of total content Green Seal

Hazardous waste All computer purchases are Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) certified Percentage of total by cost EPEAT
Consortium for School Networking Initiative Green Computing for K-12 Schools
Environmentally Friendly Printers Association
Green Electronics Council
Consumer Electronics Association Greener Gadgets
Hazardous waste has been reduced or eliminated Lbs. of hazardous waste generated per student/year. Hazardous Waste Policy for storage, management and disposal of laboratory chemicals and other areas with hazardous waste EPA Reducing Risk from Hazardous Waste
EPA Proper Maintenance, Removal and Disposal of PCB-Containing Lights
Remaining hazardous waste is safely and properly managed in accordance to Federal and State regulations CDC Hazardous Waste Self-Management Checklist
All cleaning products and services in use are certified "green," or can otherwise demonstrate that they meet the environmental standards of established ecolabel programs. Custodial program is based in the principles of effective management and "green" service. Applied for and is making progress toward certification to the ISSA Cleaning Industry Management Standard - Green Building (CIMS-GB), the Green Seal Standard for Commercial and Institutional Cleaning Services, GS-42 or equivalent standard EPA Design for the Environment
Green Seal
ISSA - CIMS Standard
Green Cleaning for Healthy Schools
EPA Schools Chemical Cleanout Campaign
• Expanded use of alternative transportation to, during and from school, through active promotion of locally-available options and implementation of enabling projects and policies Transportation All students walk, bike, bus or carpool (2+ students in the car) to/from school Percentage of students doing this DOT Predestrian & Bicycle Safety
Safe Routes to Schools
Walking School Bus
Anti-idling policy on file; signs posted stating that all vehicles, including school buses, are prohibited from idling on school premises, and
Vehicle loading & unloading areas at least 25 feet away from all buildings air intakes (including doors and windows)
Actively enforced anti-idling policy EPA Assessing Outdoor Air Near Schools
School transportation use is more efficient and environmentally benign Percentage of school-owned electric vehicles, or other means for school vehicles to demonstrate significant reductions in emissions EPA Clean School Bus USA
CHPS Transportation Plan
“Safe Pedestrian Routes” to school have been designated, distributed to parents and posted in the main office Yes/No Safe Routes to Schools
2.Healthy School Environments - Healthy Students and Staff: The school improves the health and performance of students and staff • An integrated school environmental health program based on an operations and facility-wide environmental management system that considers student and staff health and safety in all practices related to design, construction, renovation, operations, and maintenance of schools and grounds Integrated Pest Management School is implementing an integrated pest management plan is in effect
School provides notification of their pest control policies, methods of application and requirements for posting and pre-notification to parents and school employees; school maintains annual summaries of pesticide applications, copies of pesticide labels, copies of notices and MSDSs in an accessible location; and children are prohibited from entering the pesticide area for at least 8 hours following the application or longer, if feasible, or if required by the pesticide label.
Yes/No EPA Integrated Pest Management for Schools
Ventilation Stricter of ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010 (Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality) OR state or local code
Local exhaust systems (including dust collection systems, paint booths, fume hoods) installed at airborne contaminant sources, including science labs, copy/printing facilities, chemical storage rooms
Yes/No American Society of Heating, Refridgeating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Green Standards
Contaminant Controls Radon: All ground-contact classrooms tested for radon within the past 24 months and all Levels >4 pCi/L mitigated in conformance with ASTM E2121
Percentage EPA Radon Information
Carbon Monoxide: School has inventory of all combustion appliances & annually inspects these appliances; CO alarms installed & meet the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) code 720; OR school does not have combustion appliances Yes/No EPA Health Schools Environment Assessment Tool
Mercury: School has replaced all unnecessary mercury containing devices with non-mercury devices AND
School recycles or disposes of unwanted mercury laboratory chemicals, mercury thermometers, gauges and other devices in accordance with federal, state and local environmental regulations
Yes/No EPA Schools and Mercury
Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA): Wooden decks, stairs, playground equipment or other structures treated with Chromated Copper Arsenate have been replaced or sealed within the past 12 months

Secondhand Tobacco Smoke: Smoking prohibited on campus Yes/No CDC Guidelines for School Health Programs to Prevent Tabacco Use
Asthma Control School has an asthma management program in place consistent with the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program’s (NAEPP) Asthma Friendly Schools Guidelines Yes/No EPA Managing Asthma in Schools
CDC Tools for Making Your School Asthma-Friendly
Indoor Air quality School has developed and implemented a comprehensive indoor air quality management program consistent with IAQ Tools for Schools Yes/No EPA Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools
EPA Healthy School Environments Assessment Tool
EPA Managing Asbestos in Schools
EPA School Flag Program
CDC American Lung Association Asthma Friendly Schools Toolkit
Moisture Control All structures visually inspected and free of mold, moisture & water leakage. Indoor relative humidity maintained below 60% (cold climates during freezing temperatures should target 20-30%). Moisture resistant materials/protective systems installed (e.g., flooring, tub/shower, backing, and piping) Yes/No EPA Mold Remidiation in Schools and Commercial Buildings
Chemical Management School has a chemical management program in place that includes the following elements:
-Chemical purchasing policy, including low- or no-VOC products
-Chemical inventory
-Storage and labeling
-Training and handling
-Hazard communication
-Spills, clean-up and disposal
- Select DFE, Green Seal, Eco Logo or comparable standard, approved cleaning products
Yes/No EPA Design for the Environment
Green Seal
EPA Buy Clean
EPA Schools Chemical Cleanout Campaign
• High standards of nutrition, fitness, and quantity of quality outdoor time for both students and staff Fitness and Outdoor Time Students engage in at least 150 minutes of school-supervised physical education and/or outdoor time per week Percentage The First Lady's Let's Move!
The President's Challenge
Partnership for A Healthier America
Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Prevent Obesity
Healthy Schools Campaign, School Food and Fitness
National Healthy Schools Day
Food Has earned USDA HealthierUS School Challenge Gold Award of Distinction for school food Yes/No OR list other HealthierUS School Challenge award level earned USDA HealthierUS School Challenge
All food purchased is certified as environmentally preferable (e.g. Organic, FairTrade, Food Alliance, Rainforest Alliance) Yes/no USDA Farm to School Program
USDA National Organic Program
National Farm to School Network
All food grown and processed within 200 miles of the school, which may include on school grounds. Percentage CNCS: Expand Access to Healthy Local Food
Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Better School Food
The Healthy School Lunch Campaign
UV Safety School participates in Sunwise Program Yes/No EPA Sunwise Program
3. Environmental and Sustainability Education: 100% of the school's graduates are environmentally and sustainability literate • Interdisciplinary learning about the key relationships between dynamic environmental, energy and human systems Learning and Environmental Literacy Students learn about the environment and sustainability at every grade level within the school, incorporating both content and practice Yes/No ED Federal Resources fro Educational Excellence (FREE), Environment

NOAA Climate Services: Education
Students have a meaningful outdoor experience(s) at every grade level; a meaningful experience is considered to be an investigative or experiential project that engages students in critical thinking, problem solving and decision making Yes/No US Global Change Research Program Climate Change Toolkit for Educators
EPA Teacher Resources and Lesson Plans
Environment and sustainability are integrated throughout the curriculum Yes/No DOE H2 Educate
NAAEE Framwork for Assessing Environmental Literacy
Professional development opportunities in environmental and sustainability education are available to all teachers Yes/No DOE EnergyKids
US Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development
Graduates score proficient or better on state or school environmental science or environmental education assessments Percentage of graduates scoring proficient or better NAEE's Excellence in Environmenttal Education: Guidelines for Learning (K-12)
Facing the Future Curriculum and Lesson Finder
Students score proficient or better on science education assessments Percentage of graduates who have completed AP Environmental Science Percentage of graduates scoring 3 or better Green Education Foundation Sustinability Education Clearinghouse
NOAA/ EPA Environmental Education Evaluation Resource Assistant
School has high percentages of enrollment in AP Environmental Science; students receive scores of 3 or better on AP Environmental Science exam Yes/No Climate Change, Wildlife and Wildlands Toolkit for Formal and Informal Educators
Teachers Try Science
EPA Student's Guide to Global Climate Change
School has established or moves toward establishing an environmental or sustainability literacy graduation requirement
Yes/No EPA Energy Star Join the Fight Against Climate Change
Biology Teacher Resources
NSF/ NOAA Earth System Science Education Alliance Courses

• Use of the environment and sustainability to develop STEM content knowledge and thinking skills to prepare graduates for the 21st century technology-driven economy

Environmental education pays particular attention to scientific practices, such as asking questions, developing and using models, planning and carrying out investigations, analyzing and interpreting data, using mathematics and computational thinking, constructing explanations, and engaging in argument from evidence As measured by percentages of enrollment in environmental and other earth sciences, assessments and post-secondary school or career intended focus, White House Educate to Innovate
Community Resources for Science
EPA Environmental Education Grants
DOE STEM Teacher Development
NSF ILab Central
Students graduate with robust general science education that includes a deep understanding of life, physical, and earth sciences Yes/No Bayer Making Science Make Sense
NSF Live Science
NSF National Lab Network
• Development of civic engagement knowledge and skills, and students' application of these to address sustainability and environmental issues in their community Community and Civic Engagement The curriculum provides a demonstrated connection between classroom content and college and career readiness, particularly to post-secondary options that focus on environmental and sustainability fields studies and/or careers Yes/No National Park Service Education Resources
USDA Agriculture in the Classroom
NSF/ NOAA Centers for Ocean Sciences for Education Excellence
Students are required to conduct an age-appropriate community engagement project around a self-selected environmental or sustainability topic at every grade level Percentage of students who satisfactorily complete a project National Wildliofe Federation Get Outside
Hands on the Land
All graduates score proficient or better in a community and civic engagement skills assessment Percentage of graduates scoring proficient or better Coastal America
School partners with local academic, business and informal science institutions and/or other schools to help advance the school toward the 3 Pillars and/or assist the progress of (an)other school(s), particularly a school with lesser capacity in these areas. Scope and impact of partnerships Canon Envirothon
Lexus Eco-Challenge
Kohl’s Associates in Action
Donors Choose
Schools develop outdoor classrooms on their grounds including native plantings and use them to teach an array of subjects in context, engage the broader community and develop civic skills Existence of outdoor classroom. Scope and impact of learning, community engagement and service learning Fish and Wildlife Service Schoolyard Habitats
School Garden Wizard
Green Thumb Challenge
Association of Zoos and Aquariums
File Typeapplication/
File TitleED Green Ribbon Schools: Framework for State Nominating Authorities -- October 2011 (Excel)
AuthorArnold, Rebecca
Last Modified ByAuthorised User
File Modified2012-02-13
File Created2011-04-05

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