Interviews with partner agencies

Neighborhood Stabilization Program Tracking Panel

Appendix C

Interviews with partner agencies

OMB: 2528-0282

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Appendix C

Survey Section


Data Analysis Elements

Overall NSP2 Strategy (All respondents)


Thinking in broad terms, please describe your organization’s overall approach to NSP2, including the activities/projects that your agency is pursuing and the types of neighborhoods that you’ve decided to target.

The questions in this introductory section are designed to provide a broad understanding of how grantees have implemented NSP2, what the process was for designing the strategy, what factors influenced the strategy, and whether or not this strategy is location-specific. The questions also address the challenges grantees have faced in implementing NSP2 and their efforts to overcome these.


Staying on the big picture, what factors most influenced the design of your overall approach? For instance, was your approach shaped by specific economic factors, past experience, resources, political influence, and other organizations (partners, government agencies or neighborhood associations)?


Does your organization’s NSP2 strategy differ across tracts within a county? Across counties [where applicable]? If yes, please describe how the strategy differs and why it’s necessary to tailor the strategy.


What was the process for designing your NSP2 strategy? Who was involved, over what period of time? Who led this effort?


What have been the greatest challenges to implementing your NSP2 strategy? Have you been able to overcome these challenges?

a. If so, how?

b. If not, why not?


Are there NSP2 program rules that have or are expected to hinder your progress? To support your progress?

a. If so, how?

Partnerships (Grantees with partner organizations)


According to your application and action plan, the following organizations are contributing to your NSP2 efforts: [populate from application and action plan]. Is that still correct?

The questions in this section are intended to provide an understanding of:

  • How have grantees implemented NSP2?

  • How do partnerships contribute to the likelihood of grantees achieving their intended outcomes?

Specifically, why and under what circumstances do grantees choose to partner with other organizations; how do these partnerships function; how and why do partnership roles change over time; and what features of partnerships contribute to the success or failure of NSP2 implementation.

  1. If not, what changes have been made and why?


What is your organization’s role in the partnership, in terms of:

  1. Communicating with and managing other organizations?

  2. Monitoring progress?

  3. Conducting NSP2 eligible activities?


Please describe the roles and responsibilities of each partnership organization [populate from application/action plan]. Check all that apply: securing and managing non-federal funds, managing NSP grant and/or other federal funds, DRGR reporting, acquisition, rehabilitation, redevelopment, demolition, land banking, financing, other.


Have these roles changed since the application and/or action plan?

  1. If so, how and why?


How are program activities coordinated across the partner organizations?

  1. Do you have a formal arrangement with partner organizations (e.g., a Memorandum of Understanding) or is it more informal (e.g., personal relationships)?

  1. How are decisions about the program made (e.g., its focus and planned activities)? Do partner organizations meet on a regular basis?

Target Area and Properties (All respondents)


According to the action plan, you are targeting the following areas [populate from action plan]. Is that correct?

a. If yes:

  • What criteria, beyond HUD requirements, did you use to select these targeted tracts?

  • Were there any external factors affecting the target selection process (e.g., political pressures that reduced the intended degree of concentration or a lack of opportunities to acquire properties)?

b. If no:

  • What areas (tracts) are being targeted?

  • Why did you make these changes?

These questions are intended to aid in the selection of appropriate comparison tracts and specifically to identify as many otherwise unobservable characteristics of target tracts as possible.


How do the target tracts’ characteristics differ from other NSP2-eligible tracts in the county (especially in terms of characteristics not observed in tract-level data such as neighborhood quality, the public service package, quality of schools, and presence of neighborhood associations)?

These questions are intended to aid in the selection of appropriate comparison tracts and specifically to identify as many otherwise unobservable characteristics of target tracts as possible.


Are there other tracts in [the MSA] that are very similar and might have also been included in the NSP2 proposal? If so, which ones and why weren’t they included?

These questions are intended to aid in the selection of appropriate comparison tracts and specifically to identify as many otherwise unobservable characteristics of target tracts as possible.


Within these targeted tracts, do you purposively select specific properties for NSP2 assistance?

  1. If yes:

  • Describe the process for selecting these properties?

  • What factors influence your selection process?

  1. If no, can you describe how your organization determines where to invest NSP2 assistance?

This question is designed to aid the impact analysis.  Understanding how grantees make decisions about which properties to target will aid in appropriately specifying property-level models, thus allowing the models to use the assumption that we can control for differences between NSP2 properties and other foreclosures.


Are activities focused within particular portions of the targeted tracts? Why or why not?

This question is intended to provide an understanding of the extent to which activities are concentrated, which may be a factor in grantee success. It is also intended to provide an understanding of the reasons how and why grantees target their NSP2 activities the way they do,


[Where applicable] Did you address any of the same target areas in NSP1?

  1. If yes:

  • What activities were conducted as part of NSP1?

  • How much funding was there for these activities?

  • What were the outcomes of these activities?

This question is designed to provide an understanding of whether pre-NSP2 activity is a factor in overall neighborhood stabilization or revitalization efforts, and to segregate the impacts of NSP2 activities from NSP1 activities.

Concurrent Neighborhood Revitalization Activities (All respondents)


[Where applicable] Another NSP2 grantee(s), [insert name of grantee(s)], also received NSP2 funds to conduct neighborhood stabilization activities in this county. Is there any coordination between your work and theirs, either in planning or implementing the program?

The questions in this section are designed to help segregate the impacts of NSP2 activities from other concurrent or previous neighborhood stabilization or revitalization.


Are there other non-NSP2 organizations currently working on community development efforts in the targeted area?

  1. If so, which organizations and what activities are they pursuing?

  2. Is there any coordination between their work and your implementation of NSP2?


Have other non-NSP funded community development occurred in the target area just prior to 2008/NSP2 program?

  1. If so:

  • By which organizations?

  • What activities were conducted, and what was the outcome/impact?


[If applicable] How do you think your organization’s NSP2 efforts relate to these other efforts?

Funding and Leveraging (All respondents)


According to your most recent QPR, you’ve allocated your total NSP2 budget of [insert total budget] to the following activities [populate from QPR]:

  • Acquisition

  • Rehabilitation

  • Redevelopment

  • Demolition

  • Land banking

  • Financing

  1. If this correct?

  2. If not, can you please provide the proper allocation percentages?

These questions confirm HUD’s data on funding for categories of grantee activities and allow us to assess to what extent grantees’ plans are changing as well as the reasons for this.


Do you foresee any changes to this allocation in the future?

  1. If yes, how so and why?


According to your original application, your organization is leveraging the following non-federal resources [populate from application]:

Leveraging source/Amount

Has that changed since the application?

These questions are designed to understand the extent to which grantees are actually able to access the leveraged funds they identified in their proposals. This will help us assess the total amount of funding available for NSP2 activities.

  1. If so, how and why?

  2. How is this changing your NSP2 strategies, plans, and activities?


What, if any, federal resources (CDBG, HOME, other) are being used to achieve the desired outcomes?

This question is designed to identify if, and the extent to which, grantees are leveraging non-NSP federal resources to accomplish their goals. It will help us both assess the total amount of funding available for NSP2 activities and control for non-NSP2 sources of funding in the impact analysis.


Please describe the process of obtaining these non-federal leveraged resources. Are you confronting any difficulties accessing promised funds?

This question is designed to understand how grantees overcome potential obstacles in securing non-federal leveraged resources, a possible factor in grantees’ success or failure in implementing their activities.

Staff and Organizational Capacity (All respondents)


How many people within your organization work on NSP2 activities, and how are they organized?

These questions are designed to address the staff capacity of NSP2 grantees, a potentially important factor in their success or failure in implementing NSP2 activities. They are also intended to understand how grantees are supplementing staff capacity and whether or not this is helpful in addressing any weaknesses.


Were any of these people hired specifically to conduct NSP2 activities?

  1. If so, why (to increase existing staff capacity, or to add a new skill set to your organization’s capacity)?


Was (or will) there any specific training held for staff members related to NSP2 or the specific strategies undertaken using NSP2 funds?


Has your organization received any form of technical assistance related to NSP2? If so, please describe:

  • The assistance your organization received?

  • Whether it has affected your ability to accomplish NSP activities?

These questions are intended to provide an understanding of the degree to which grantees are using technical assistance, whether they believe this TA has been helpful in their efforts to implement NSP2 activities, and whether TA increases the likelihood that grantees will achieve intended outcomes.


To what extent does your organization use technological tools to help observe and locate target properties?

  1. If used, have these tools helped or hindered implementation? Please explain both how and why (e.g., some tools provide visual data like PolicyMap or GIS; others are coupled with structural arrangements such as the ability to bid on properties before other competitors through FirstLook).

NSP1 Experience (Grantees who received NSP1 grants)


Please describe your organization’s role in NSP1.


What were the primary challenges of NSP1? What were the primary successes?

Questions about NSP1 experience, if any, are designed to provide an understanding about whether this experience in a factor in grantees success in implementing NSP2, and what specific lessons learned influenced their planning and execution of NSP2 strategies and activities.


How did your NSP1 experience affect your NSP2 planning or implementation (e.g., staffing, staff training, partnerships, activities pursued, target area, monitoring process, technical assistance, technology)?

NSP2 Outcomes (All respondents)


According to your action plan, you originally hoped to accomplish the following outcomes [populate from action plan]:

  • Acquisition (# units/beneficiaries)

  • Rehabilitation (# units/beneficiaries)

  • Redevelopment (# units/beneficiaries)

  • Demolition (# units/beneficiaries)

  • Land Banking (# units/beneficiaries)

  • Financing (# units/beneficiaries)

Are these still accurate?

  1. If no, how and why have these expectations changed?

The questions in this section are intended to understand differences, if any, between original expectations for NSP2 outcomes and expectations based on a year of experience with NSP2.


Does the pace of NSP2 activities to date match the expectations outlined in your action plan? Why or why not?


According to your application, you originally hoped to accomplish the following outcomes outside of the five specific NSP2 activities:

  • Additional outcomes (# units/beneficiaries)

Are these still accurate?

  1. If no, how and why have these expectations changed?


Overall, how do you think the program’s outcomes will result in neighborhood impacts?

Survey Section


Data Analysis Elements

Overall of Activities (All respondents)


Thinking fairly broadly about your organization’s NSP2 activities, based on your most recent action plan, your organization is currently pursuing [list appropriate activities]. Is this accurate?

  1. If no, can you describe (a) how the activities changed and (b) why did they change – for instance, did they change because of resources or budget constraints, shifting neighborhood needs, capacity issues, or some external influence?

This question is designed to determine whether action plans are accurate in describing grantees’ current plans and activities, and if not, why these plans and have changed.

Property Acquisition Process (Grantees doing acquisition and rehab, demolition, redevelopment, and/or land banking)


How are specific properties identified and selected? What factors influence the selection of properties for NSP2 assistance (e.g., is concentration of properties a factor)?

These questions will provide details about how grantees are implementing NSP2, and specifically how they are acquiring properties for rehab, demolition, redevelopment, or land banking. Understanding whether grantees are able to acquire the properties they target will aid in appropriately specifying property-level models, thus allowing the models to use the assumption that we can control for differences between NSP2 properties and other foreclosures. It will also identify external factors that may affect grantees’ success in achieving intended outcomes.


Are there properties that are identified by your organization but are not pursued?

  1. If so, why are they not pursued?


Are there properties that are pursued but that the program is not able to acquire?

  1. If so, why is the program not able to acquire them?


Is there a type of property (tax lien, short sale, foreclosure, etc.) that is easier for you to acquire than another?


Does competition from other sources (e.g., investors) for the properties in your targeted tracts affect your ability to acquire properties?


Does the acquisition process for foreclosures differ from the process for short sales?


In general, how and when do you decide what intervention (demolition, rehab, or land banking) is suitable for a property?

Rehabilitation Process (Grantees doing acquisition and rehab)


Once a property is acquired, what are the steps that the property goes through in the rehabilitation process? Walk me through the process, from beginning to end, of what happens to a lot or unit when it is targeted for rehabilitation.

The questions in this section will elicit details about how grantees are implementing NSP2, and specifically the property rehabilitation activity. This will allow us to identify when the NSP2 investment is visible in the neighborhood (and may therefore begin having an impact on neighborhood stability); who NSP2 is ultimately serving; how these beneficiaries are selected, and whether NSP2 activities are contributing to the long-term supply of affordable housing in a neighborhood.


How long does each of these steps take? Establish a rough timeline.


When is the NSP2 investment visible to the community? Is it at the start of rehab, completion of rehab, sign posted on property indicating acquisition by organization, other?


Who are the expected beneficiaries for the activity? (May need to ask for different target areas.)


How are the beneficiaries selected? Specifically, how is the eligibility of renters/purchasers for NSP2 units determined?


What requirements or procedures are there for ensuring long-term affordability of the units?

Redevelopment Process (Grantees doing redevelopment)


Once a property is acquired, what are the steps that the property goes through in the redevelopment process? Walk me through the process, from beginning to end, of what happens to a lot or unit when it is targeted for redevelopment.

This section will provide details about how grantees are implementing any redevelopment activities. This will allow us to identify when the NSP2 investment is visible in the neighborhood (and may therefore begin having an impact on neighborhood stability); who NSP2 is ultimately serving; how these beneficiaries are selected, and whether NSP2 activities are contributing to the long-term supply of affordable housing in a neighborhood.


How long does each of these steps take? Establish a rough timeline.


When is the NSP2 investment visible to the community? Is it at the start of redevelopment, completion of redevelopment, sign posted on property indicating acquisition by organization, other?


Who are the expected beneficiaries for the activity? (May need to ask for different target areas.)


How are the beneficiaries selected? Specifically, how is the eligibility of renters/purchasers for NSP2 units determined?


What requirements or procedures are there for ensuring long-term affordability of the units?

Demolition Process (Grantees doing demolition)


Once a property is acquired, what are the steps that the property goes through in the rehabilitation process? Walk me through the process, from beginning to end, of what happens to a lot or unit when it is targeted for rehabilitation.

The questions in this section will elicit details about how grantees are implementing NSP2, and specifically demolition activities. This will allow us to identify when the NSP2 investment is visible in the neighborhood (and may therefore begin having an impact on neighborhood stability); who NSP2 is ultimately serving; how these beneficiaries are selected, and whether NSP2 activities are contributing to the long-term supply of affordable housing in a neighborhood.


How long does each of these steps take? Establish a rough timeline.


When is the NSP2 investment visible to the community? Is it at the start of rehab, completion of rehab, sign posted on property indicating acquisition by organization, other?


Who are the expected beneficiaries for the activity? (May need to ask for different target areas.)


How are the beneficiaries selected? Specifically, how is the eligibility of renters/purchasers for NSP2 units determined?

Land Banking Process (Grantees doing land banking)


Once a property is acquired, what are the steps that the property goes through in the rehabilitation process? Walk me through the process, from beginning to end, of what happens to a lot or unit when it is targeted for land banking.

This section addresses how grantees are implementing land banking activities, when (and whether) this use of NSP2 funds is visible in the neighborhood (and may therefore begin having an impact on neighborhood stability); and what grantees’ ultimate goals are for land-banked property.


How long does each of these steps take? Establish a rough timeline.


When is the NSP2 investment visible to the community? Is it at the start of land banking, completion of land banking, sign posted on property indicating acquisition by organization, other?


What are your ultimate goals/expectations for the land-banked property?

Financing Process (Grantees doing financing)


What type of financing are you providing (e.g., providing funding for developers, soft-second mortgages to individuals, other)?

The questions in this section gather details about how grantees are implementing NSP2 financing activities, including the types of financing being provided and the beneficiaries of the financing. We will also learn whether this type of NSP2 investment has a visible impact in the neighborhood.


Who are the expected beneficiaries for the activity?


What are the eligibility requirements for potential beneficiaries (e.g., individuals: financial literacy training, proof of income, credit score; organizations: demonstrated capacity)?


When is the NSP2 investment visible to the community? Is it when individuals purchase homes, begin improving property maintenance, other?

Obstacles and Challenges (All respondents)


What obstacles or challenges have you encountered to carrying out the action plan?

  1. How have you addressed these obstacles?

  2. Have some of these obstacles or challenges been insurmountable? If so, why?

These questions ask grantees to report on the challenges they have encountered in implementing NSP2, in order to provide understanding and context for the outcomes that grantees are able to achieve.


What strategies have worked well and why?


Are there NSP2 program rules that have or are expected to hinder your progress? To support your progress? If so, how?

Survey Section


Data Analysis Elements

Partnerships (All respondents)


I understand that you are partners with [primary grantee] in implementing NSP2. What is your organization’s role in the partnership, in terms of:

  • Designing and implementing the strategy?

  • Communicating with and managing other organizations?

  • Monitoring progress?

  • Conducting NSP2 activities?

The questions in this section are intended to provide an understanding of:

  • How have grantees implemented NSP2?

  • How do partnerships contribute to the likelihood of grantees achieving their intended outcomes?

Specifically, how do NSP2 grantee partnerships function; how and why do partnership roles change over time; and what features of partnerships contribute to the success or failure of NSP2 implementation.


Has your role changed since the original partnership agreement?

a. If so, how and why?


How do you coordinate program activities with [insert lead organization]?


Have you worked with [insert lead organization] previously?

a. If so, in what capacity/for what type of activities?

Staff and Organizational Capacity (All respondents)


How many people within your organization work on NSP2 activities, and how are they organized?

These questions are designed to address the staff capacity of NSP2 grantees, a potentially important factor in their success or failure in implementing NSP2 activities. They are also intended to understand how grantees are supplementing staff capacity and whether or not this is helpful in addressing any weaknesses.

These questions are intended to provide an understanding of the degree to which grantees are using technical assistance, whether they believe this TA has been helpful in their efforts to implement NSP2 activities, and whether TA increases the likelihood that grantees will achieve intended outcomes.


Were any of these people hired specifically to conduct NSP2 activities?

a. If so, why (to increase existing staff capacity, or to add a new skill set to your organization’s capacity)?


Was (or will) there any specific training held for staff members related to NSP2 or the specific strategies undertaken using NSP2 funds?


Has your organization received any form of technical assistance related to NSP2? If so, please describe:

  • The assistance your organization received?

  • Whether it has affected your ability to accomplish NSP activities?


To what extent does your organization use technological tools to help observe and locate target properties (e.g., some tools provide visual data like PolicyMap or GIS; others are coupled with structural arrangements such as the ability to bid on properties before other competitors through FirstLook)?

a. If used, have these tools affected implementation? Please explain how and why.

NSP1 Experience (Grantees who received NSP1 grants)


Please describe your organization’s role in NSP1.


What were the primary challenges of NSP1? What were the primary successes?

Questions about NSP1 experience, if any, are designed to provide an understanding about whether this experience in a factor in grantees success in implementing NSP2, and what specific lessons learned influenced their planning and execution of NSP2 strategies and activities.


How has your NSP1 experience affected your NSP2 planning or implementation (e.g., staffing, staff training, partnerships, activities pursued, target area, monitoring process, technical assistance, technology)?

Property Acquisition Process (Partners responsible for doing acquisition and rehab, demolition, redevelopment, and/or land banking)


How are specific properties identified and selected? What factors influence the selection of properties for NSP2 assistance (e.g., is concentration of properties a factor)?

These questions will provide details about how grantees are implementing NSP2, and specifically how they are acquiring properties for rehab, demolition, redevelopment, or land banking. Understanding whether grantees are able to acquire the properties they target will aid in appropriately specifying property-level models, thus allowing the models to use the assumption that we can control for differences between NSP2 properties and other foreclosures. It will also identify external factors that may affect grantees’ success in achieving intended outcomes.


Are there properties that are identified by your organization but are not pursued?

  1. If so, why are they not pursued?


Are there properties that are pursued but that the program is not able to acquire?

  1. If so, why is the program not able to acquire them?


Is there a type of property (tax lien, short sale, foreclosure, etc.) that is easier for you to acquire than another?


Does competition from other sources (e.g., investors) for the properties in your targeted tracts affect your ability to acquire properties?


Does the acquisition process for foreclosures differ from the process for short sales?


In general, how and when do you decide what intervention (demolition, rehab, or land banking) is suitable for a property?

Rehabilitation Process (Partners responsible for doing rehab)


Once a property is acquired, what are the steps that the property goes through in the rehabilitation process? Walk me through the process, from beginning to end, of what happens to a lot or unit when it is targeted for rehabilitation.

The questions in this section will elicit details about how grantees are implementing NSP2, and specifically the property rehabilitation activity. This will allow us to identify when the NSP2 investment is visible in the neighborhood (and may therefore begin having an impact on neighborhood stability); who NSP2 is ultimately serving; how these beneficiaries are selected, and whether NSP2 activities are contributing to the long-term supply of affordable housing in a neighborhood.


How long does each of these steps take? Establish a rough timeline.


When is the NSP2 investment visible to the community? Is it at the start of rehab, completion of rehab, sign posted on property indicating acquisition by organization, other?


Who are the expected beneficiaries for the activity? (May need to ask for different target areas.)


How are the beneficiaries selected? Specifically, how is the eligibility of renters/purchasers for NSP2 units determined?


What requirements or procedures are there for ensuring long-term affordability of the units?

Redevelopment Process (Partners responsible for doing redevelopment)


Once a property is acquired, what are the steps that the property goes through in the redevelopment process? Walk me through the process, from beginning to end, of what happens to a lot or unit when it is targeted for redevelopment.

This section will provide details about how grantees are implementing any redevelopment activities. This will allow us to identify when the NSP2 investment is visible in the neighborhood (and may therefore begin having an impact on neighborhood stability); who NSP2 is ultimately serving; how these beneficiaries are selected, and whether NSP2 activities are contributing to the long-term supply of affordable housing in a neighborhood.


How long does each of these steps take? Establish a rough timeline.


When is the NSP2 investment visible to the community? Is it at the start of redevelopment, completion of redevelopment, sign posted on property indicating acquisition by organization, other?


Who are the expected beneficiaries for the activity? (May need to ask for different target areas.)


How are the beneficiaries selected? Specifically, how is the eligibility of renters/purchasers for NSP2 units determined?


What requirements or procedures are there for ensuring long-term affordability of the units?

Demolition Process (Partners responsible for doing demolition)


Once a property is acquired, what are the steps that the property goes through in the demolition process? Walk me through the process, from beginning to end, of what happens to a lot or unit when it is targeted for demolition.

The questions in this section will elicit details about how grantees are implementing NSP2, and specifically demolition activities. This will allow us to identify when the NSP2 investment is visible in the neighborhood (and may therefore begin having an impact on neighborhood stability); who NSP2 is ultimately serving; how these beneficiaries are selected, and whether NSP2 activities are contributing to the long-term supply of affordable housing in a neighborhood.


How long does each of these steps take? Establish a rough timeline.


When is the NSP2 investment visible to the community? Is it at the start of demolition, completion of demolition, sign posted on property indicating acquisition by organization, other?


How and when do you decide what should happen to the property once it is demolished (e.g., green space, redevelopment, land banking, sell to outside investors)?


Who are the expected beneficiaries for each possible outcome? [May need to ask for different target areas]

Land Banking Process (Partners responsible for doing land banking)


Once a property is acquired, what are the steps that the property goes through? Walk me through the process, from beginning to end, of what happens to a lot or unit when it is targeted for land banking.

This section addresses how grantees are implementing land banking activities, when (and whether) this use of NSP2 funds is visible in the neighborhood (and may therefore begin having an impact on neighborhood stability); and what grantees’ ultimate goals are for land-banked property.


How long does each of these steps take? Establish a rough timeline.


When is the NSP2 investment visible to the community? Is it at the start of land banking, completion of land banking, sign posted on property indicating acquisition by organization, other?


What are your ultimate goals/expectations for the land-banked property?

Financing Process (Partners responsible for doing financing)


What type of financing are you providing (e.g., providing funding for developers, soft-second mortgages to individuals, other)?

The questions in this section gather details about how grantees are implementing NSP2 financing activities, including the types of financing being provided and the beneficiaries of the financing. We will also learn whether this type of NSP2 investment has a visible impact in the neighborhood.


Who are the expected beneficiaries for the activity?


What are the eligibility requirements for potential beneficiaries (e.g., individuals: financial literacy training, proof of income, credit score; organizations: demonstrated capacity)?


When is the NSP2 investment visible to the community? Is it when individuals purchase homes, begin improving property maintenance, other?

Obstacles and Challenges (All respondents)


What obstacles or challenges have you encountered to carrying out your organization’s NSP2 responsibilities?

  1. How have you addressed these obstacles?

  2. Have some of these obstacles or challenges been insurmountable? If so, why?

These questions ask grantees to report on the challenges they have encountered in implementing NSP2, in order to provide understanding and context for the outcomes that grantees are able to achieve.


What strategies have worked well and why?


Are there NSP2 program rules that have or are expected to support hinder your progress? If so, how?

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
AuthorJudson L. James
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-31

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