Phase 1 Comparative Study Questionnaire (Pretesting Version)
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this study today.
Make sure you are comfortable and can read the screen from where you sit. This study is about advertising for a new product. We will show you an ad for a new product, then ask you some questions about it. Your answers are private, and no one will ever connect your name with your answers. Your input is extremely valuable.
INSTRUCTIONS (for participants in print conditions)
Even though it is on a computer screen, please read this ad as if it were in a magazine. Imagine that this ad is for a product that you might be interested in for yourself. You can take as much time as you want to review it. We will ask you some questions about the ad later in the study.
The ad has two pages. You can enlarge and flip between the pages by clicking on the “Next” and “Back” buttons at the bottom of each page. Once you finish reading, please click “next” to move to the next part of the study.
INSTRUCTIONS (for participants in television conditions)
Even though it is on a computer screen, please watch this ad as if you saw it on television. Imagine that this ad is for a product that you might be interested in for yourself. We will ask you some questions about the ad later in the study. Once you finish viewing, please click “next” to move to the next part of the study.
Now please answer the following questions based on the ad you saw.
Q1a. [Ad Viewing]
Were you able to view the ad for [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME]?
No [Terminate]
Not sure [Terminate]
Q1b. [Check to Ensure that the Stimuli Function Properly]
How easy or difficult was it to flip between the pages in the ad for [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME]?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Extremely Extremely
Easy Difficult
Q2b. [Check to Ensure that the Stimuli were Perceived as Realistic]
How similar or different was this ad compared to ads that you have seen in magazines for other prescription medications?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DK
Extremely Extremely Don’t Know
Similar Different
Q3b. [Check to Ensure that the Stimuli were Perceived as Realistic]
Was the information in this ad less believable or more believable than the information that you have seen in magazines for other prescription medications?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DK
Less Neither less More Don’t Know
Believable nor more believable Believable
Q2a. [Check to Ensure that the Stimuli Function Properly]
Please write down your first reactions to the ad you just watched. (open-ended)
Q2b. [Check to Ensure that the Stimuli were Perceived as Realistic]
How similar or different was this ad compared to ads that you have seen on television for other prescription medications?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DK
Extremely Extremely Don’t Know
Similar Different
Q3a. [Check to Ensure that the Stimuli were Perceived as Realistic]
Was the information in this ad less believable or more believable than the information that you have seen on television for other prescription medications?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DK
Less Neither less More Don’t Know
Believable nor more believable Believable
Q4. This ad compared [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] to other medications.
Not sure
*Ask Q5 only if Respondent answered “Yes” to Q4.
Q5. Did the ad compare [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] to a specific medication or to other medications in general?
A specific medication
Other medications in general
Not sure
*Ask Q6 only if Respondent answered “A specific medication” to Q5.*
Q6. What was the name of the specific medication that [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] was compared to?
(open ended)
*Counterbalance the presentation of the benefits (Qs 7-15) and risk (Qs 16-26, 25-28) sections of the survey.*
Q7. [Benefit Recall (advertised drug)]
What are the benefits of [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME]?
(open ended)
Q8. [Perceived Efficacy / Likelihood of Benefit (advertised drug)]
If you took [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME], how likely or unlikely do you think it is that [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] would help your osteoarthritis symptoms?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Extremely unlikely Extremely likely
Q9. [Perceived Efficacy / Magnitude of Benefit (advertised drug)]
If [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] did help your osteoarthritis symptoms, how effective do you think [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] would be?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Would eliminate none of my symptoms Would eliminate all of my symptoms
Q10. [Relative Efficacy]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Much worse About the same Much better
Q11. [Relative Likelihood of Benefit]
Compared to [COMPARATOR DRUG NAME/OTHER MEDICATIONS], how likely or unlikely do you think it is that [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] would help your osteoarthritis symptoms?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Extremely unlikely Extremely likely
Q12. [Benefit Comprehension – Closed ended]
Based on the ad that you saw, please mark whether each of the following was mentioned as benefits of taking [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME]. Even if you think a statement is true, please select it only if it was mentioned in the ad. [Randomize presentation order]
In the Ad |
Not in the Ad |
Don’t Know |
a. Controls the pain of osteoarthritis |
x |
b. Controls the swelling from osteoarthritis |
x |
c. Can be applied directly to sore muscles for pain relief |
x |
d. Improves the range of motion in joints |
x |
13. [Perceived Likelihood of benefit (advertised drug)]
If you took [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME], how likely or unlikely do you think it is that [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME/IT] would help your osteoarthritis pain?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Extremely unlikely Extremely likely
Q14. [Perceived Magnitude of benefit (advertised drug)]
If [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] did help your osteoarthritis pain, how effective do you think [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME/ IT] would be?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Would help my osteoarthritis pain very little Would help my osteoarthritis pain a lot
Q15. [Comparative Advantage/ Experimental Manipulation Check]
Please choose a response based on the information you learned in the ad. What advantage does [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] have over [COMPARATOR DRUG NAME/OTHER MEDICATIONS] for osteoarthritis?
Yes |
No |
a. [Advertised Drug] has been shown to be more effective in controlling the pain of osteoarthritis than [Comparator Drug/ other prescription drugs].
x |
b. [Advertised Drug] has been shown to be more effective in controlling the swelling of osteoarthritis than [Comparator Drug/ other prescription drugs].
x |
c. [Advertised Drug] works for people with several common risk factors for osteoarthritis but [Comparator Drug/ other prescription drugs] does not.
x |
d. [Advertised Drug] can be used to treat severe swelling but [Comparator Drug/ other prescription drugs] cannot.
x |
e. [Advertised Drug] is the #1 prescribed medication for osteoarthritis but [Comparator Drug/ other prescription] is not. |
x |
Q16. [Risk Recall]
What are the side effects and negative outcomes of [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME]?
(open ended)
Q17-21. [Perceived Risk (advertised drug)]
Based on the information in the ad, please rate the risk of [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME].
Now, please think about the side effects and negative outcomes associated with taking [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME]. Please place an “X” on the space below that best describes how you feel about the risks of taking this prescription medication [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME].
Q17) How dangerous do you think [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] is for you?
Very dangerous ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Not at all dangerous |
Q18) How would you feel about using [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] for yourself?
Very afraid ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Not at all afraid |
Q19) If you used [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME], how likely do you think you would be to experience a side effect?
Very likely ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Not at all likely |
Q20) What do you think about the risks of using [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] compared to the benefits?
Risks greater ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Benefits greater than benefits than risks |
Q21) How risky is it for you to use [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME]?
Very risky ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Not at all risky |
Q22. [Perceived Susceptibility of risk (advertised drug)]
If you took [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] how likely do you think it is that you would have any side effects or negative outcomes from [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME]?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Very unlikely Very likely
Q23. [Perceived Severity of risk (advertised drug)]
If [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] did cause you to have side effects or negative outcomes, how serious would they be?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Not at all Moderately Very
serious serious serious
Q24a. [Attention filter] (for participants in print conditions)
Toward the bottom of the print ad for the prescription drug that you were shown, did you see a box with a picture of Tony the Tiger in it?
Yes [Terminate]
Can’t Remember [Terminate]
Q24b. [Attention filter] (for participants in broadcast conditions)
Toward the end of the television ad for the prescription drug that you were shown, did you see a box with a picture of Tony the Tiger in it?
Yes [Terminate]
Can’t Remember [Terminate]
Q25. [Relative Risk]
Compared to [COMPARATOR DRUG NAME/OTHER MEDICATIONS], how safe or risky do you think [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] is?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Much safer Somewhat safer About the same Somewhat riskier Much riskier
Q26. [Risk Comprehension – Closed]
Based on the ad that you saw, please mark whether each of the following was mentioned as a side effect or negative outcome of taking [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME]. Even if you think a statement is true, please select it only if it was mentioned in the ad.
In the Ad |
Not in the Ad |
Don’t know |
a. Abdominal pain |
x |
b. Dizziness |
x |
c. Swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue |
x |
d. Muscle pain or weakness |
x |
Q27. [Perceived Likelihood of risk (advertised drug)]
Based on the information in the ad, how likely would [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] be to cause abdominal pain?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Not at all Moderately Very
likely likely likely
Q28. [Perceived Likelihood of risk (advertised drug)]
Based on the information in the ad, how likely would [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] be to cause dizziness?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Not at all Moderately Very
likely likely likely
[Trust in information]
Q29. How likely is it that the benefits of the drug presented in this ad are true?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Not at all Extremely
Likely Likely
Q30. How skeptical are you about the truth of the benefits of the drug presented in this ad?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Not at all Extremely
Skeptical Skeptical
Q31. [Source Credibility] Please mark your agreement or disagreement with each of the following statements. The sponsor of this advertisement is:
Very Strongly disagree |
Strongly disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Strongly agree |
Very Strongly agree |
a. Sincere |
b. Honest |
c. Dependable |
d. Trustworthy |
e. Credible |
Q32. [Behavioral Intentions (seek drug info, talk to doc, etc.)]
Please rate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following behaviors.
Very Unlikely |
Somewhat Unlikely |
Neither Likely nor Unlikely |
Somewhat Likely |
Very Likely |
a. Talk to your doctor about [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] |
b. Ask your doctor about getting a sample of [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] |
c. Ask your doctor to prescribe [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] |
d. Look for information about [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] |
Q33. [Attitudes toward the brand]
Based on the information in the ad, rate [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME].
Bad product 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Good product
Disliked a lot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Liked a lot
Unpleasant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pleasant
Poor quality 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Good quality
Q342. [Attitudes toward the comparator drug]
Bad product 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Good product
Disliked a lot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Liked a lot
Unpleasant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pleasant
Poor quality 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Good quality
Q35. [Current Prescription Drug Use]
Are you currently taking any prescription drugs for osteoarthritis?
Don’t Know
Q36. [Intention to change medications (hypothetical)]
Please rate how likely or unlikely you are to switch to [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME].
1 2 3 4 5
Very Unlikely Somewhat Unlikely Neither Likely nor Unlikely Somewhat Likely Very Likely
Q37. [Another option]
If you could take [either of the two drugs] for free, which drug would you rather take?
Neither drug
Q38. [Perceived severity of personal illness]
How severe is your osteoarthritis now? Would you describe it as:
Very mild
Q39. [Health Literacy]
How confident are you in filling out medical forms?
- Not at all
- A little
- Somewhat
- Quite a bit
- Extremely
Q40.[Need for cognition]
Please rate your agreement or disagreement with each of the following statements.
Disagree a lot |
Somewhat disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree a lot |
Q41. Please tell us if you have any other comments about the ad that you saw or about the questions that you answered (open-ended)
[Debriefing Statement]
The purpose of this study is to learn about reactions to advertising for prescription drugs. In order to get a real-life reaction, we used pretend products in this study. [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] and [COMPARATOR DRUG NAME] are not real products and are not available for sale. Please see your healthcare professional for questions about osteoarthritis.
You have been very helpful. Thank you very much for your participation!
Phase 2 Comparative Study Questionnaire (Pretesting Version)
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this study today.
Make sure you are comfortable and can read the screen from where you sit. This study is about advertising for a new product. We will show you an ad for a new product, then ask you some questions about it. Your answers are private, and no one will ever connect your name with your answers. Your input is extremely valuable.
INSTRUCTIONS (for participants in print conditions)
Even though it is on a computer screen, please read this ad as if it were in a magazine. Imagine that this ad is for a product that you might be interested in for yourself. You can take as much time as you want to review it. We will ask you some questions about the ad later in the study.
The ad has two pages. You can enlarge and flip between the pages by clicking on the “Next” and “Back” buttons at the bottom of each page. Once you finish reading, please click “next” to move to the next part of the study.
INSTRUCTIONS (for participants in television conditions)
Even though it is on a computer screen, please watch this ad as if you saw it on television. Imagine that this ad is for a product that you might be interested in for yourself. We will ask you some questions about the ad later in the study. Once you finish viewing, please click “next” to move to the next part of the study.
Now please answer the following questions based on the ad you saw.
Q1a. [Ad Viewing]
Were you able to view the ad for [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME]?
No [Terminate]
Not sure [Terminate]
Q1b. [Check to Ensure that the Stimuli Function Properly]
How easy or difficult was it to flip between the pages in the ad for [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME]?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Extremely Extremely
Easy Difficult
Q2b. [Check to Ensure that the Stimuli were Perceived as Realistic]
How similar or different was this ad compared to ads that you have seen in magazines for other prescription medications?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DK
Extremely Extremely Don’t Know
Similar Different
Q3b. [Check to Ensure that the Stimuli were Perceived as Realistic]
Was the information in this ad less believable or more believable than the information that you have seen in magazines for other prescription medications?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DK
Less Neither less More Don’t Know
Believable nor more believable Believable
Q2a. [Check to Ensure that the Stimuli Function Properly]
Please write down your first reactions to the ad you just watched. (open-ended)
Q2b. [Check to Ensure that the Stimuli were Perceived as Realistic]
How similar or different was this ad compared to ads that you have seen on television for other prescription medications?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DK
Extremely Extremely Don’t Know
Similar Different
Q3a. [Check to Ensure that the Stimuli were Perceived as Realistic]
Was the information in this ad less believable or more believable than the information that you have seen on television for other prescription medications?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DK
Less Neither less More Don’t Know
Believable nor more believable Believable
Q4. Experimental Manipulation Check
This ad had a drawing showing weight loss.
Not sure
Q4. Experimental Manipulation Check
This ad had a drawing showing a skin patch next to a stack of pills.
Not sure
Q4. Experimental Manipulation Check
This ad had a drawing highlighting the liver and intestines.
Not sure
Not sure
*Ask Q6 only if Respondent answered “Yes” to Q5.*
Q6. Did the ad compare [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] to a specific medication or to other medications in general?
A specific medication
Other medications in general
Not sure
*Ask Q7 only if Respondent answered “A specific medication” to Q6.*
Q7. What was the name of the specific medication that [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] was compared to?
(open ended)
*Counterbalance the presentation of the benefits (Qs 8-16) and risk (Qs 17-24, 26-29) sections of the survey.*
Q8. [Benefit Recall (advertised drug)]
What are the benefits of [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME]?
(open ended)
Q9. [Perceived Efficacy / Likelihood of Benefit (advertised drug)]
If you took [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME], how likely or unlikely do you think it is that [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] would lower your high cholesterol?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Extremely unlikely Extremely likely
Q10. [Perceived Efficacy / Magnitude of Benefit (advertised drug)]
If [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] did lower your high cholesterol, how effective do you think [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] would be?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Would lower my cholesterol very little Would lower my cholesterol a lot
Q11. [Relative Efficacy]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Much worse About the same Much better
Q12. [Relative Efficacy]
Compared to [COMPARATOR DRUG NAME/OTHER MEDICATIONS], how likely or unlikely do you think it is that [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] would lower your high cholesterol?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Extremely unlikely Extremely likely
Q13. [Benefit Comprehension – Closed ended]
Based on the ad that you saw, please mark whether each of the following was mentioned as benefits of taking [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME]. Even if you think a statement is true, please select it only if it was mentioned in the ad. [Randomize presentation order]
In the Ad |
Not in the Ad |
Don’t Know |
a. Treats high cholesterol |
x |
b. Suppresses hunger |
x |
c. Lowers blood sugar |
x |
d. Treats chest pain associated with heart disease |
x |
Q14. [Perceived Likelihood of benefit (advertised drug)]
If you took [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME], how likely or unlikely do you think it is that [DRUG NAME/IT] would lower your high cholesterol?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Extremely unlikely Extremely likely
Q15. [Perceived Magnitude of benefit (advertised drug)]
If [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] did help lower your high cholesterol, how effective do you think [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME/ IT] would be?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Would help lower my high cholesterol very little Would help lower my high cholesterol a lot
Q16. [Comparative Advantage/Manipulation Check]
Please choose a response based on the information you learned in the ad. What advantage does [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] have over [COMPARATOR DRUG NAME/OTHER MEDICATIONS] for this condition?
Yes |
No |
a. [Advertised Drug] provides an appetite suppressant that helps patients lose weight but [Comparator Drug/ other cholesterol medications] does/do not.
x |
b. [Advertised Drug] does not have to be taken every day like [Comparator Drug/ other cholesterol medications].
x |
c. [Advertised Drug] does not carry the risk of liver damage unlike [Comparator Drug/ other cholesterol medications].
x |
d. [Advertised Drug] can reduce the risk of diabetes but [Comparator Drug/ other cholesterol medications] cannot.
x |
e [Advertised Drug] is the #1 prescribed medication for high cholesterol but [Comparator Drug/ other cholesterol medications] is/are not. |
x |
f. [Advertised Drug] is delivered through a patch unlike [Comparator Drug/ other cholesterol medications] which is delivered through a pill/pills. |
x |
g. Unlike [Comparator Drug/ other cholesterol medications], [Advertised Drug] targets cholesterol absorption in both your intestines and your liver. |
x |
h. [Advertised Drug] does not require regular blood tests to check liver function like [Comparator Drug/ other cholesterol medications] does/do. |
Q17. [Risk Recall]
What are the side effects and negative outcomes of [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME]?
(open ended)
Q18-22. [Perceived Risk (advertised drug)]
Based on the information in the ad, please rate the risk of [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME].
Now, please think about the side effects and negative outcomes associated with taking [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME]. Please place an “X” on the space below that best describes how you feel about the risks of taking this prescription medication [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME].
Q18) How dangerous do you think [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] is for you?
Very dangerous ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Not at all dangerous |
Q19) How would you feel about using [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] for yourself?
Very afraid ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Not at all afraid |
Q20) If you used [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME], how likely do you think you would be to experience a side effect?
Very likely ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Not at all likely |
Q21) What do you think about the risks of using [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] compared to the benefits?
Risks greater ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Benefits greater than benefits than risks |
Q22) How risky is it for you to use [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME]?
Very risky ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Not at all risky |
Q23. [Perceived Susceptibility of risk (advertised drug)]
If you took [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] how likely do you think it is that you would have any side effects or negative outcomes from [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME]?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Very unlikely Very likely
Q24. [Perceived Severity of risk (advertised drug)]
If [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] did cause you to have side effects or negative outcomes, how serious would they be?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Not at all Moderately Very
serious serious serious
Q25a. [Attention filter] (for participants in print conditions)
Toward the bottom of the print ad for the prescription drug that you were shown, did you see a box with a picture of Tony the Tiger in it?
Yes [Terminate]
Can’t Remember [Terminate]
Q25b. [Attention filter] (for participants in broadcast conditions)
Toward the end of the television ad for the prescription drug that you were shown, did you see a box with a picture of Tony the Tiger in it?
Yes [Terminate]
Can’t Remember [Terminate]
Q26. [Relative Risk]
Compared to [COMPARATOR DRUG NAME/OTHER MEDICATIONS], how safe or risky do you think [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] is?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Much safer Somewhat safer About the same Somewhat riskier Much riskier
Q27. [Risk Comprehension – Closed]
Based on the ad that you saw, please mark whether each of the following was mentioned as a side effect or negative outcome of taking [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME]. Even if you think a statement is true, please select it only if it was mentioned in the ad.
In the Ad |
Not in the Ad |
Don’t know |
a. Weakness |
x |
b. Diarrhea |
x |
c. Nightmares |
x |
d. Depressed mood |
x |
Q28. [Perceived Likelihood of risk (advertised drug)]
Based on the information in the ad, how likely would [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] be to cause weakness?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Not at all Moderately Very
likely likely likely
Q29. [Perceived Likelihood of risk (advertised drug)]
Based on the information in the ad, how likely would [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] be to cause diarrhea?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Not at all Moderately Very
likely likely likely
[Trust in information]
Q30. How likely is it that the benefits of the drug presented in this ad are true?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Not at all Extremely
Likely Likely
Q31. How skeptical are you about the truth of the benefits of the drug presented in this ad?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Not at all Extremely
Skeptical Skeptical
Q32. [Source Credibility] Please mark your agreement or disagreement with each of the following statements. The sponsor of this advertisement is:
Very Strongly disagree |
Strongly disagree |
Somewhat disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Strongly agree |
Very Strongly agree |
a. Sincere |
b. Honest |
c. Dependable |
d. Trustworthy |
e. Credible |
Q33. [Behavioral Intentions (seek drug info, talk to doc, etc.)]
Please rate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following behaviors.
Very Unlikely |
Somewhat Unlikely |
Neither Likely nor Unlikely |
Somewhat Likely |
Very Likely |
a. Talk to your doctor about [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] |
b. Ask your doctor about getting a sample of [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] |
c. Ask your doctor to prescribe [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] |
d. Look for information about [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] |
Q34. [Attitudes toward the brand]
Based on the information in the ad, rate [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME].
Bad product 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Good product
Disliked a lot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Liked a lot
Unpleasant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pleasant
Poor quality 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Good quality
Q35. [Attitudes toward the comparator drug]
Based on the information in the ad, rate [COMPARATOR DRUG NAME OTHER CHOLESTEROL MEDICATIONS].
Bad product 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Good product
Disliked a lot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Liked a lot
Unpleasant 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pleasant
Poor quality 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Good quality
Q36. [Current Prescription Drug Use]
Are you currently taking any prescription drugs for high cholesterol?
Don’t Know
Q37. [Intention to change medications (hypothetical)]
Please rate how likely or unlikely you are to switch to [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME].
1 2 3 4 5
Very Unlikely Somewhat Unlikely Neither Likely nor Unlikely Somewhat Likely Very Likely
Q38. [Another option] If you could take [either of the two drugs] for free, which drug would you rather take?
Neither drug
Q39. [Perceived severity of personal illness]
How severe is your high cholesterol now? Would you describe it as:
Very mild
Q40. [Health Literacy]
How confident are you in filling out medical forms?
not at all, a little, somewhat, quite a bit, extremely
Q41.[Need for cognition]
Please rate your agreement or disagreement with each of the following statements.
Disagree a lot |
Somewhat disagree |
Neither agree nor disagree |
Somewhat agree |
Agree a lot |
Q42. Please tell us if you have any other comments about the ad that you saw or about the questions that you answered (open-ended)
The purpose of this study is to learn about reactions to advertising for prescription drugs. In order to get a real-life reaction, we used pretend products in this study. [ADVERTISED DRUG NAME] and [COMPARATOR DRUG NAME] are not real products and are not available for sale. Please see your healthcare professional for questions about high cholesterol.
You have been very helpful. Thank you very much for your participation!
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | APPENDIX D |
Author | juanmanuel.vilela |
Last Modified By | CTAC |
File Modified | 2012-04-06 |
File Created | 2012-04-06 |