Supporting Documentation for OMB Clearance and IRB Review Process:
Note: All emails, letters and websites used as instrumentation to this information collection will include the OMB control number and standard PRA statement.
Appendices Pages
Brainstorming Letter and Instructions…………………………………………………….….……………….2
Sorting and Rating Letter and Instructions……………………………………………………….………….4
Rating Letter and Instructions……………………………………………………………………………….…….6
Sample Statements……………………………………………………………………………………………….……..7
Demographic Questions and Rating Scales with Sample Statements……………………….……..9
Leadership Interview Letter……………………………………………………….……………………….……..13
Leadership Interview Script……………………………………………………………………………….…..….14
Facilitated Discussion Letter………………………………………………………………………………………19
Facilitated Discussion Script/Guide…………………………………………………………………..………..20
Plans to Maximize Response Rates at Various Stages of the Project…………………….………..21
Appendix 1. Brainstorming Letter and Instructions
Date: DATE TBD, 2012
Subject: Invitation to participate in the Elder Justice Roadmap Project
Dear Colleague:
On behalf of the Department of Justice, along with my colleagues at the Department of Health and Human Services, I invite you to participate in a concept mapping process to develop a roadmap intended to improve how we think about and address elder abuse, neglect and exploitation nationally. Concept mapping is an inclusive method that solicits input from a broad range of stakeholders. Your expertise, perspectives and ideas are valuable to this important endeavor and we hope to include them. We expect that it will only take you five to ten minutes to respond. Your participation in the brainstorming component of concept mapping will be completely anonymous.
participate, please click on the link below and enter responses or
ideas that you believe best complete the following sentence:
understand, prevent, identify or respond to elder abuse, neglect, or
exploitation we need
. . .”
may enter as many ideas as you would like to contribute. You will
find additional instructions when you go to the link. Please visit
the site and submit your ideas no later than DATE
TBD, 2012.
you do not have access to the Internet, or would prefer to provide
your ideas through email, fax, or mail, please contact Alyssa Goldman
at 1-800-260-1602 or via email at [email protected].
you for helping us with this important work.
Andy Mao
Senior Counsel for Health Care Fraud and Elder Justice
Department of Justice
The goal of this project is to create a roadmap that will improve how we think about and address elder abuse, neglect and exploitation nationally. No such roadmap currently exists but one is urgently needed to inform emerging and ongoing policy, practice and research efforts. The project first will identify the field’s needs and priorities and then develop proposals to address them.
For the purposes of this project (and in completing the focus prompt below), “elder abuse” is:
physical, sexual or psychological abuse, as well as neglect, abandonment and financial exploitation of an older person by another person or entity,
that occurs in any setting (e.g., home, community or facility),
either in a relationship where there is an expectation of trust and/or when an older person is targeted based on age or disability.
The roadmap is intended to inform how all systems respond to elder abuse, including:
aging network
financial system
health care
legal system
mental health
protective service
social service
victim service, or
any other system.
Potential users of the roadmap and the priorities it will identify include: government officials, practitioners, policy makers, lawmakers, researchers, the public, funders, front line responders, advocates, service providers, older people, and those who care for and about them.
To ensure that we capture all ideas that you wish to contribute, we are asking you to complete the partial sentence below with those ideas.
You are welcome to review the list of ideas you see below that already have been suggested by other participants. If one of your ideas already has been included, there is no need to add it again. Some people prefer to add their own ideas without reviewing the list, which is fine too.
In the text box below, type an idea that completes or answers the focus prompt. You may add as many ideas as you would like to contribute. Although only you should submit the responses, the ideas you submit may reflect or represent those of others with whom you serve, representor work.
Please add each idea separately and keep them brief, just one thought per response.
Click on "Add this Statement" after you type in each idea. Your idea then will be saved and
added to the list of collected idea statements at the bottom of the page.
5. You may search the list of collected ideas for key terms by using the “Search” function below.
“To understand, prevent, identify or respond to elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation we need…”
Appendix 2. Sorting and Rating Letter and Instructions
Date: DATE TBD, 2012
Subject: Invitation to participate in the Elder Justice Roadmap Project
Dear Colleague:
I would like to thank you in advance for your continuing participation in the important work of the Elder Justice Roadmap Project. Through this project, we are developing a roadmap intended to improve how we think about and address elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. As you may recall, we asked you to generate responses to the following statement:
“To understand, prevent, identify or respond to elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation we need…”
now invite you to participate in the next phase of the concept
mapping, the sorting
and rating activities.
These tasks are designed to organize and prioritize the ideas that
you and other participants generated.
In the sorting activity, we ask you to group the ideas generated in the brainstorming phase into categories based on perceived similarity in meaning or theme. All of the participants’ sorts will be combined to produce topic categories that reflect everyone’s input. It is critical that we receive your input in order to produce a robust map of conceptual categories. We estimate that the sorting and rating may take you one and a half to two and a half hours. Your participation in the sorting and rating component of concept mapping will be private since your responses will not be identified as coming from you.
In the rating activity, we ask you to rate how important you think each idea is, and how feasible you think it is to do or support each idea within the next five years. The sorting data, combined with the statement rating data from all participants and input from other sources, will lead to the elder justice roadmap.
Please find instructions for participating in the sorting and rating activities below this message.
Thank you for helping us with this important work.
Andy Mao
Senior Counsel for Health Care Fraud and Elder Justice
Department of Justice
Sorting and Rating Participation Instructions:
To complete the sorting and rating phases of the project, please visit the following website:
Please note: This invitation to participate is intended exclusively for your use; it is critical that the sorting and rating website is not shared with or forwarded to others.
When you arrive at the project website, please register by creating a user name and password for yourself. By registering, you will be able to save your work and return later if you do not have enough time to finish in your initial session. We strongly recommend that you use your email address as your user name, as this will allow the system to remind you of your password if you forget it. Please note that all information you submit will remain confidential. Once you have created a user ID and entered the website, please answer the respondent questions and then proceed to the sorting and rating activities.
It is not necessary to complete these activities in one sitting; we expect that these activities will require about as much as two and a half hours of your time.
If you do not have access to the Internet, or if you would prefer to provide your input via paper-based materials, please contact Alyssa Goldman at 1-800-260-1602 or via email at [email protected]. You may also contact Alyssa if you have any questions about these activities, or if you require technical assistance.
Please complete these activities no later than DATE TBD.
Appendix 3. Rating Letter and Instructions
Date: DATE TBD, 2012
Subject: Invitation to participate in the Elder Justice Roadmap Project
Dear Colleague:
Thank you for your continuing participation in the important work of the Elder Justice Roadmap Project. Through this project, we are developing a roadmap intended to improve how we conceptualize and address elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. As you may recall, we asked you to generate responses to the following statement:
understand, prevent, identify or respond to elder abuse, neglect, or
exploitation we need…”
now invite you to participate in the next phase of the concept
mapping, the rating
This task is designed to prioritize the ideas that you and other
participants generated. Your participation in the
sorting component of concept mapping will be confidential. In
the rating activity, we ask you to rate how important
think each idea is, and how feasible
it is to implement each idea within the next five years. The data
generated from your and other participants’ ratings input,
combined with additional data sources, will lead to the elder justice
roadmap. We expect this activity to take 30 minutes to one hour.
Please find instructions for participating in the rating activity below this message.
Thank you for helping us with this important work.
Andy Mao
Senior Counsel for Health Care Fraud and Elder Justice
Department of Justice
Rating Participation Instructions:
To complete the rating phase of the project, please visit the following website:
Please note: This invitation to participate is intended exclusively for your use; it is critical that the rating website is not shared with or forwarded to others.
When you arrive at the project website, please register by creating a user name and password for yourself. By registering, you will be able to save your work and return later if you do not have enough time to finish in your initial session. We strongly recommend that you use your email address as your user name, as this will allow system to remind you of your password if you forget it. Please note that all information you submit will remain confidential. Once you have created a user ID and entered the website, please answer the respondent questions and then proceed to the rating activity.
It is not necessary to complete this activity in one sitting. As long as you have registered, you will be able to pick up where you left off. We estimate that this activity will require a total of about 30-60 minutes to complete.
If you do not have access to the Internet, or if you would prefer to provide your input via paper-based materials, please contact Alyssa Goldman at 1-800-260-1602 or via email at [email protected]. You may also contact Alyssa if you have any questions about these activities, or if you require technical assistance.
Appendix 4. Sample Statements
Statement ID |
Focus Prompt: “To effectively identify, respond to, understand and prevent elder abuse and/or to alleviate its consequences, at the national level, we need . . . “ |
1 |
to strengthen the first responders to elder abuse through education, funding, support and collaborative activities. |
2 |
evidence-based effective interventions by linking researchers with programs that collect the data. |
3 |
the creation of a National Resource Center combining experts from various disciplines and a place where practitioners can go for guidance and advice. |
4 |
a national outreach and media campaign that educates the public and lawmakers to the existence, history and extent of the problem. |
5 |
better clarification for the public and for involved agencies about the roles of various parties involved in receiving reports, investigation, advocacy, regulation/enforcement, and prosecution. |
5 |
prosecutors who are trained and have a dedicated focus on elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. |
7 |
Fully functioning investigatory and advocacy services, including (but not limited to) the long-term care ombudsman program, survey and certification, adult protective services, and forensic specialists. |
8 |
emergency shelter options for seniors, including those needing long-term services and supports. |
9 |
high quality, multidisciplinary technical assistance and training. |
10 |
to provide a central clearinghouse which links experts in the field |
11 |
much more rigorous research on the effectiveness of interventions |
12 |
multi-disciplinary teams to develop policy and practice solutions. |
13 |
an effective social marketing campaign to raise awareness of the issue. |
14 |
accurate, national data on incidence and prevalence. |
15 |
to understand the relationship between cognitive impairments and victimization. |
16 |
law enforcement specifically trained in the detection and investigation of elder abuse. |
17 |
awareness among the elderly population that abuse, neglect and financial exploitation are crimes. |
18 |
a strong social movement, which self-identifies as such to move this issue forward in a coordinated approach, with key teachings from other social movements. |
19 |
a greater understanding of the laws of consent within the context of capacity issues. |
20 |
research and impact evaluations about the effectiveness of knowledge mobilization strategies in raising this issue at a national level. |
21 |
to examine root causes of elder abuse, especially caregiver stress. |
22 |
to recognize that various forms of elder abuse require different tools and systems to respond. |
23 |
shift the focus from domestic elder abuse to abuse in institutional settings, where it is more prevalent. |
24 |
careful evaluation of cost-effectiveness of elder abuse programs in order to eliminate those that are not effective and worth the cost. |
Appendix 5. Respondent Questions and Rating Scales with Sample Statements
Which one of the following best describes the system in which you work in relation to elder abuse?
Aging network
Financial system
Health care
Legal system
Mental health
Protective service
Social service
Victim service
2. What is the principal nature of your work relating to elder abuse?
Direct or front line services
Which one of the following best describes the primary geographic focus of your work?
4. How long have you been involved in elder abuse-related work?
5 years or fewer
6-10 years
11-20 years
more than 20 years
5. What was your age at your last birthday?
60 years or older
59 years or younger
Importance Rating
INSTRUCTIONS: Please rate the following statements, in the range indicated below.
a scale of 1 to 5, please rate how important
you think each idea is to addressing elder abuse at the national
level in the next five years, where 1=relatively unimportant, 2=
somewhat important, 3=moderately important, 4=very important, and
5=extremely important.
When deciding how to rate an idea,
please think about how important the idea is in comparison to all
other ideas. You should use the full range of the scale when
completing this task, so that there are some items in each category.
Project Focus Prompt: To effectively identify, respond to, understand and prevent elder abuse, and/or to alleviate its consequences at the national level, we need…
These are examples of the type of statements expected. The actual statements will be developed from brainstorming inputs.
Feasibility Rating
INSTRUCTIONS: Please rate the following statements, in the range indicated below.
a scale of 1 to 5, please rate how feasible
you think it is to
implement each
idea within the next five years, where 1=not feasible, 2=somewhat
feasible, 3=feasible, 4=very feasible, and 5=extremely feasible.
When deciding how to rate an idea, please think about the
feasibility in comparison to all other ideas. You should use the full
range of the scale when completing this task, so that there are some
items in each category.
Focus Prompt: “To
understand, prevent, identify or respond to elder abuse, neglect, or
exploitation we need…”
Rating |
Statement |
to strengthen the first responders to elder abuse through education, funding, support and collaborative activities. |
evidence-based effective interventions by linking researchers with programs that collect the data. |
the creation of a National Resource Center combining experts from various disciplines and a place where practitioners can go for guidance and advice. |
a national outreach and media campaign that educates the public and lawmakers to the existence, history and extent of the problem. |
These are examples of the type of statements expected. The actual statements will be developed from brainstorming inputs.
Likelihood Rating
INSTRUCTIONS: Please rate the following statements, in the range indicated below.
a scale of 1 to 5, please rate how
you think it is for each idea to be implemented
within the next five years, where 1=not at all likely, 2=somewhat
likely, 3=likely, 4=very likely and 5=extremely likely.
deciding how to rate an idea, please think about the likelihood of
implementation in comparison to all other ideas. You should use the
full range of the scale when completing this task, so that there are
some items in each category.
Focus Prompt: To effectively identify, respond to, understand and
prevent elder abuse and/or to alleviate its consequences at the
national level, we need . . .
Rating |
Statement |
Extremely likely |
to strengthen the first responders to elder abuse through education, funding, support and collaborative activities. |
evidence-based effective interventions by linking researchers with programs that collect the data. |
the creation of a National Resource Center combining experts from various disciplines and a place where practitioners can go for guidance and advice. |
a national outreach and media campaign that educates the public and lawmakers to the existence, history and extent of the problem. |
These are examples of the type of statements expected. The actual statements will be developed from brainstorming inputs.
Appendix 6. Leadership Interview Letter
Date: DATE TBD, 2012
The Department of Justice (DOJ), along
with colleagues at the Department of Health and Human Services
(DHHS), is engaged in a multi-phase project to develop a roadmap
intended to improve how we conceptualize and address elder abuse,
neglect and exploitation. The project is seeking broad input to
ensure the inclusion of policy, research and practice perspectives.
A critical element of collecting such input is to conduct interviews
with leaders in areas related to elder justice and elder abuse. We
would like to invite you to be among the interviewees.
We plan on conducting these interviews by telephone and do not anticipate the interviews taking more than ninety minutes of your time. You will receive a copy of the interview format in advance of the interview itself. We will not attach your name to your comments and they will be aggregated and analyzed with other interviewee feedback. Your name may be made public as one of the people with whom we conducted a leadership interview only if you consent to have it released. The results from the interview phase will inform and help develop the elder justice roadmap.
A member of the project team from our contractor, Concept Systems Inc., will be following up with you in approximately one week to answer any questions you may have and to schedule your individual telephone interview, which will take place in MONTH TBD with subject matter expert, Marie-Therese Connolly. We hope that you will be able to participate, and appreciate your taking valuable time out of your busy schedule to share your expertise and perspective.
If you have questions about this project, please contact Ms. Brenda Pepe, Project Manager at Concept Systems, Inc., at [email protected] or 1-800-260-1602. If there is someone who assists you in the coordination of your schedule who you would prefer we contact directly, please send us his or her contact information so that we may schedule an ideal time.
Thank you for your contributions to this important work.
Andy Mao
Senior Counsel for Health Care Fraud and Elder Justice
Department of Justice
Appendix 7. Leadership Interview Script
Elder Justice Roadmap Project: Leadership Interviews |
Interviewee: |
Interviewee Phone Number: |
Email: |
Interviewer: |
Date: |
Start Time: |
End Time: |
Before beginning the interview, introduce yourself and ensure the call time is still acceptable to the interviewee.
Thank you for making time to talk with us. This interview is part of an assessment that will help the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHSS) to develop a roadmap for the elder justice field. The roadmap will identify priorities to improve how we think about and address elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. Because of your experience and expertise, you have a unique perspective on the issues. The information collected from these interviews will be used to help us develop proposals to address the concerns and priorities identified through the roadmap project.
Your participation in this interview is completely voluntary. You are of course free to withdraw from the discussion at any time. You can decline to answer any question or stop the interview at any time. A CSI representative will take notes of our discussion, but all information discussed during this interview will be de-identified. Your comments will not be attributed to you but will be aggregated with other interviewees’ feedback. After the interview, the notes of the comments you’ve provided will be edited and sent to you for review and for you to verify and approve for inclusion in the project.
If you have additional questions after today’s interview, please feel free to contact Andy Mao at the Department of Justice, or Marie-Therese Connolly.
We have asked for about 90 minutes of your time. We have a range of potential questions and will cover as many as possible in the allotted time. Before we begin, I’d like to ask you a few questions about your involvement in the field of elder justice.
Introductory Questions
Let’s begin.
In a recent online forum with people involved in elder justice, we asked the following open-ended question: “To effectively understand, prevent, identify, and/or respond to elder abuse, neglect and exploitation, and/or to alleviate its consequences, at the national level, we need…”
The following categories of focus emerged:
The following 4 questions refer to these categories of concern and potential action, and also ask you to describe categories of potential action that we may not have mentioned. If you are not familiar with a topic, we will skip it.
Factors that Influence Elder Justice
Taking into account your knowledge of the issues related to elder justice and elder abuse, which of the following factors do you believe will most influence elder abuse in the next five years?
Topic |
Comments |
Are there topics we didn’t mention that you believe will strongly influence how we address elder abuse, neglect and exploitation in the next five years?
Topic |
Comments |
What initiatives are you aware of relating to any of the categories we’ve mentioned that have struggled or even failed in the last ten years, and why? Are there measures that could have led to their success and if so what? What initiatives are most likely to be successful in the next five years and why?
Topic |
Struggle |
Potential success |
From your point of view, what are the practical challenges to addressing these issues in the next five years? If you are not familiar with a topic, we will skip it.
Topic |
Challenges |
Are there any other topics or challenges you think are important to address?
Partnerships Questions
In your work in this field, what would you identify as existing partnerships that may serve as good models for addressing elder abuse, neglect and exploitation, and alleviating its consequences in meaningful ways?
If you believe new partnerships should be forged to better address and/or alleviate the consequences of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation, what individuals, groups, agencies or interests should be included?
Many groups have a role to play in addressing elder abuse. What do you see as the most important role of the FEDERAL government?
What do you see as the most important role of the STATE government?
What do you see as the most important role of the LOCAL government?
What do you see at the most important priorities for RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS?
What do you see as priorities for ADVOCACY ENTITIES in advancing elder justice?
What do you see as priorities for enhancing the ability of DIRECT SERVICE AND SUPPORT AGENCIES to address elder abuse?
13a. What are other contributions you’d like to see at the NATIONAL, STATE AND LOCAL LEVELS?
What specific areas of elder justice do you believe should be priorities for research?
Do you have any other questions or comments?
thanks for your time and input. We will send you the notes from this
interview within the next three days, so that, if you wish to do so,
you can review, make any necessary corrections, and confirm that they
reflect our conversation. Again, thank you for your time and
thoughtful input.
Appendix 8. Facilitated Discussion Letter
Date: DATE TBD, 2012
The Department of Justice (DOJ), along
with colleagues at the Department of Health and Human Services
(DHHS), is engaged in a multi-phase assessment to develop a roadmap
intended to identify priorities for research, policy and practice in
how we address elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. The project is
seeking broad stakeholder input to ensure the inclusion of diverse
perspectives in the elder justice field.
the first phase of the assessment, input from more than 700 people in
fields related to elder justice and elder abuse was gathered through
a concept mapping process. The process yielded a unique concept map
identifying issues, priorities and key targets for action. We now
invite you to participate in an online Facilitated Discussion on DATE
This is one in a series of six online discussions to be convened with
elder justice experts from various perspectives, including policy
makers, practitioners and researchers. Our plan is that the
discussion groups will meet on line twice so that discussants have
the opportunity to reflect on the initial discussion and then address
the issues again during the second discussion. We will provide you
with the agenda, supporting materials, and technical support prior to
the meeting. If you do not have access to high speed Internet,
you may still participate in the discussion by telephone. The
online discussion will last about two hours.
the Facilitated Discussions, we will share with you the results of
the concept mapping process, and seek your feedback on the emerging
priorities. Your comments and recommendations will help to
ensure greater relevance for action-oriented decisions on practice,
program, policy and research. As a participant, you will be
among the first to review and help interpret the concept map, ratings
and priorities reports, and other products of the concept mapping
initiative. More importantly, you will have an opportunity to
ask questions about the process and results, and contribute comments
from your perspective. Through these six online Facilitated
Discussions, we hope to confirm, enrich, and query our findings.
The resulting input will be summarized and linked to the overall
concept map. Your comments during the facilitated
will not be attributed to you personally and will be incorporated
into the concept map without identifying the person(s) who provided
the input. Of course, the other participants in the discussion will
hear the comments but will be requested not to disclose information
identifying individuals’ comments.
Please let us know if you are available to participate in this discussion by contacting Ms. Brenda Pepe, Project Manager, at [email protected] or 1-800-260-1602 by DATE TBD. You may also contact Brenda if you have any questions about the discussion or the project. We appreciate your taking valuable time out of your busy schedule to share your perspective.
Thank you for helping us with this important work.
Andy Mao
Senior Counsel for Health Care Fraud and Elder Justice
Department of Justice
Appendix 9. Facilitated Discussions Guide/Script
Facilitated Discussion Purpose
The project team is conducting six facilitated discussions. The focus of these discussions and identities of participants will be based on issues identified in the preliminary map. At each facilitated discussion, the 10 invited attendees will briefly review the preliminary concept map framework. Since the concept map is identified in the first phase of the project, it is not possible to specify the exact wording of the questions to be discussed, as this will depend upon the specific outcomes of the concept mapping process. Instead we describe the purpose of the discussions below, and provide frequently asked questions posed during a typical facilitated discussion, which will be adjusted to reflect the content elicited from the resulting map. The primary focus of the meeting is to solicit input from attendees by eliciting contributions to the discussions’ three main purposes:
Gathering input from the participants’ professional experience and perspectives to complement the conceptual framework of the map.
Building a comprehensive framework of the issues.
Bringing together a broad and varied group of professionals in the field of elder justice to engage them in improving how we conceptualize and address elder abuse, neglect and exploitation.
Participants’ input will strengthen our understanding of how to more effectively prevent, identify, and/or respond to elder justice issues.
Discussion questions should be structured to invite participants to:
Comment upon their experience and knowledge relating to issues identified in the map.
Make recommendations about opportunities to further enhance the concept map.
Discussion Questions to Consider
What does this concept map tell us?
What connections make sense or are reasonable?
What story can be told by visually linking concepts together?
What is the big idea represented by this map?
What can be inferred from the different concepts and arrangement of ideas?
Is there an area or issue missing?
How do you think the information in this map can be used?
What priorities do you identify for the field?
What priorities do you identify for specific parts of the field?
Who else do you think needs to know this information?
Are there other concerns or issues that you believe should be reflected in the map or otherwise incorporated into this framework? Is anything missing?
How might others in the field of elder justice and elder abuse understand this framework differently?
How might this framework be useful in how we address elder abuse?
Appendix 10. Plans to Maximize Response Rates at Various Stages of the Project
In order to maximize response rates throughout the various stages of the projects, reminder communications will be distributed to brainstorming, sorting, rating, and facilitated discussion invited participants, as well as invited leadership interviewees. The reminder communications for each project component are below.
Brainstorming Reminder to Participate
Dear Colleagues:
My thanks to those of you who have already contributed your ideas to the Elder Justice Roadmap Project. These ideas will be critical in developing the concept map that will improve how we conceptualize and address elder abuse, neglect and exploitation.
This email is a reminder to please contribute to the idea generation phase of the concept map by DATE/TIME TBD. Even if you have already done so, you are welcome to return to the site to review the ideas that others have contributed, and to consider adding any other ideas. Although only you should submit responses, the ideas you submit may reflect or represent not only your own ideas but also those of others whom you serve or represent, or with whom you work. Please note that redundancies are fine; we will eliminate any redundancies in the statement set once the brainstorming site closes. Your participation in the brainstorming component of concept mapping will be completely anonymous.
To participate, please click on the link below and enter your responses to complete the following sentence:
understand, prevent, identify or respond to elder abuse, neglect, or
exploitation we need . . .”
If you do not have access to the Internet, or if you would prefer to provide your ideas through email, fax or over the phone, please contact Alyssa Goldman at 1-800-260-1602 or via email at [email protected].
Thank you for helping us with this important work.
Andy Mao
Senior Counsel for Health Care Fraud and Elder Justice
Department of Justice
Sorting and Rating Reminder to Participate
Dear Colleagues:
Less than two weeks remain for you to participate in the sorting and rating phases of the concept map for the Elder Justice Roadmap Project. Your input is critical to developing a concept map designed to enhance how we address elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. Your participation in the sorting and rating component of concept mapping will be confidential since your responses will not be identified as coming from you. We hope to capture your input before the website closes on DATE/TIME TBD.
To access the website, please click on the link below:
We estimate these activities will require about 90 to 150 minutes of your time.
Please note: It is not necessary to complete these activities in one sitting. You will be asked to register/signup to create a username and password upon visiting the sorting and rating website for the first time. This username and password will allow you to revisit the website at your convenience and complete these activities. We recommend that you use your email address as your username, so that the system can remind you of your password if you forget it.
Please feel free to contact Alyssa Goldman at [email protected] or (607) 272-1206 or 1-800-260-1602 with any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your help with this important work.
Andy Mao
Senior Counsel for Health Care Fraud and Elder Justice
Department of Justice
Rating Reminder to Participate
Dear Colleagues:
Less than two weeks remain for you to participate in the rating phase of the concept map for the Elder Justice Roadmap Project. Your input is critical to developing a concept map designed to enhance how we address elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. Your participation in the rating component of concept mapping will be confidential your responses will not be identified as coming from you.
We hope to capture your input before the website closes on DATE/TIME TBD.
To access the website, please click on the link below:
We estimate these activities will require about 30 to 60 minutes of your time.
Please note: It is not necessary to complete this activity in one sitting. You will be asked to register/signup to create a username and password upon visiting the sorting and rating website for the first time. This username and password will allow you to revisit the website at your convenience and complete the activity. We recommend that you use your email address as your username, so that the system can remind you of your password if you forget it.
Please feel free to contact Alyssa Goldman at [email protected] or (607) 272-1206 or 1-800-260-1602 with any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your help with this important work.
Andy Mao
Senior Counsel for Health Care Fraud and Elder Justice
Department of Justice
Facilitated Discussion Follow-Up
We sent an email message about two weeks ago on behalf of Andy Mao with the Department of Justice, inviting you to participate in an online facilitated discussion to contribute to the development of an Elder Justice Roadmap. We expect your participation to provide high quality guidance as we develop the roadmap.
Please let us know by INSERT DATE if you are available to participate in the facilitated discussion scheduled on INSERT DATE. The online discussion will last less than 2 hours and will take place twice so that the discussants have time to consider the issues. We will provide you with the agenda, supporting materials, and technical support a few days prior to the meeting itself. If you do not have access to high speed Internet, we hope that you will still participate by telephone.
To RSVP, please contact me by email at [email protected] or phone at 1-800-260-1602. If you have questions about the project, you may also contact the project subject matter expert, Marie-Therese Connolly, at [email protected].
Thank you in advance for contributing to this important work.
Brenda Pepe
Client Services Consultant
Concept Systems, Inc.
Leadership Interview Follow-Up
Last week, you received an email message on behalf of Andy Mao with the Department of Justice, inviting you to participate as a leadership interviewee to contribute to the development of a Roadmap for the elder justice field. This message is a follow-up, to ask your assistance in scheduling your telephone interview with Marie-Therese Connolly, the subject matter expert on the project. One of the consultants at Concept Systems, Inc. will set up the call at your convenience. The interview will last no longer than 90 minutes.
We hope to schedule your interview during the week of INSERT DATE, between the hours of INSERT TIME. Please take a moment to provide us with the following information:
A preferred date and time;
A second date and time that we might use as an option in case the first option is unavailable; and
The telephone number at which we may contact you at the interview time.
Prior to the interview itself, I will send you a copy of the interview questions for your review. If you need any additional information please don’t hesitate to contact me by email or phone at 1-800-260-1602; or you may contact the project subject matter expert, MT Connolly, at [email protected]. If there is someone who assists you in the coordination of your schedule that you would prefer we contact directly, please send us their contact information so that we may schedule an ideal time.
Thank you in advance for your willingness to contribute to this important work.
Brenda Pepe
Client Services Consultant
Concept Systems, Inc.
File Type | application/msword |
File Modified | 2012-03-26 |
File Created | 2012-03-26 |