DoD Directive 1342.20


DoDEA Sure Start Parent Questionnaire

DoD Directive 1342.20

OMB: 0704-0456

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Department of Defense

NUMBER 1342.20
October 19, 2007
SUBJECT: Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA)
References: (a) Sections 113, 191, and 2164 of title 10, United States Code
(b) Sections 921-932 of title 20, United States Code
(c) DoD Directive 1342.20, “Department of Defense Education Activity
(DoDEA),” November 28, 2005 (hereby canceled)
(d) DoD 1342.6-M, “Administrative and Logistics Responsibilities for DoD
Dependent Schools,” August 11, 1995
(e) through (p), see Enclosure 1

This Directive, under the authority vested in the Secretary of Defense by References (a) and (b):
1.1. Reissues Reference (c) to update the mission, responsibilities, functions, relationships,
and authorities of DoDEA, under the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
1.2. Reauthorizes the publication of Reference (d), consistent with DoD 5025.01-M
(Reference (e)).
1.3. Cancels DoD Directive 1342.16, (Reference (f)), which is incorporated herein.

This Directive applies to:
2.1. The Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Military Departments, (including the Coast
Guard at all times, including when it is a Service in the Department of Homeland Security by
agreement with that Department), the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the
Combatant Commands, the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the
Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities within the
Department of Defense (hereafter referred to collectively as the “DoD Components”). The term

DoDD 1342.20, October 19, 2007
“Armed Forces,” as used herein, refers to the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Marine Corps,
and the Coast Guard.
2.2. The educational program (preschool through grade 12) established by the Secretary of
Defense in overseas areas and in the United States (including its territories, commonwealths, and
2.3. Members of the Advisory Council on Dependents’ Education, the Dependents
Education Council, DoD Advisory Panel (DoD-AP) on Early Intervention and Special
Education, all other educational advisory committees and councils, and school boards of DoDEA

The mission of DoDEA is to provide an exemplary education by effectively and efficiently
planning, directing, and overseeing the management, operation, and administration of the DoD
Domestic Dependent Elementary and Secondary Schools (DDESS) and the DoD Dependents
Schools (DoDDS), which provide instruction from preschool through grade 12 to eligible
dependents of:
3.1. Members of the Armed Forces.
3.2. DoD appropriated fund (APF) and nonappropriated fund (NAF) civilian employees.
3.3. Non-DoD Federal Government civilian employees.

It is DoD policy that DoDEA shall provide, in military communities worldwide, exemplary
educational programs that inspire and prepare all students, including those with special needs, for
success in a global environment. The focus of DoDEA will be on attaining the highest in student
achievement: using performance-driven, efficient management systems; developing a motivated,
high-performing, diverse workforce at every organizational level of DoDEA; and establishing a
network of partnerships and alliances with such groups as parents, students, teachers, the military
communities, local school systems, institutions of higher education, and professional

The DoDEA is established as a DoD Field Activity under the USD(P&R) and operating under
the authority, direction, and control of the Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for
Personnel and Readiness (PDUSD(P&R)). It shall consist of:


DoDD 1342.20, October 19, 2007
5.1. A Director.
5.2. A Principal Deputy Director.
5.3. The DDESS, as authorized by section 2164 of Reference (a).
5.4. The overseas Defense Dependents’ Education System, as required by Reference (b).
5.5. Such additional subordinate organizational elements as are established by the Director,
DoDEA, within resources assigned by the Secretary of Defense.

6.1. The PDUSD(P&R), under the USD(P&R), shall:
6.1.1. Prescribe regulations required to operate the Defense Dependents’ Education
System in accordance with Reference (b).
6.1.2. Recommend resources for DoDEA to the USD(P&R) and the Secretary of
6.1.3. Establish the DoD-AP on Early Intervention and Special Education in accordance
with DoD Instruction 5105.04 and DoD Instruction 1342.12 (References (g) and (h)).
6.1.4. Establish a Dependents’ Education Council, in accordance with DoD Directive
5105.18 (Reference (i)), to provide a consultative relationship among the PDUSD(P&R); the
Director, DoDEA; and the Commanders of Combatant Commands and major Military Service
Commands on educational policy and matters related to facilities, logistics, and administrative
support provided to DoDEA by the Armed Forces.
6.1.5. Exercise authority, direction, and control over the Director, DoDEA, and facilitate
interactions with the DoD Components.
6.2. The Director, DoDEA, under the PDUSD(P&R), shall:
6.2.1. Plan, manage, and direct DoDEA, its subordinate elements, and all assigned
6.2.2. Serve as the principal advisor to the PDUSD(P&R) and the USD(P&R) on matters
involving DoDEA.
6.2.3. Prescribe regulations to carry out the functions required to operate DDESS in
accordance with section 2164 of Reference (a), and prescribe policy, technical guidance, and
procedures to operate the Defense Dependents’ Education System in accordance with Reference


DoDD 1342.20, October 19, 2007

6.2.4. Administer, implement, and evaluate such policy, technical guidance, and
procedures required for the effective operation, administration, management, budgeting, facilities
construction, and financing of DoDEA.
6.2.5. Provide programs for eligible dependents designed to meet the special needs of: Individuals in need of compensatory education. Individuals with an interest in vocational education. Gifted and talented individuals. Individuals of limited English-speaking ability. Children with disabilities.
6.2.6. Provide recommendations and support to the PDUSD(P&R) and USD(P&R) on
the development and justification of school construction, modification, and/or repair projects
included in annual military construction programs.
6.2.7. Enter into such agreements as are necessary with domestic and foreign school
entities to ensure the delivery of educational services when the Director, DoDEA, determines
under section 926(b) of Reference (b) that no overseas schools operated by the Department of
Defense are reasonably available to deliver such services.
6.2.8. Establish and operate NAF instrumentalities in support of student activities that
are not supported from APFs in accordance with DoD Instruction 1015.14 (Reference (j)), and
ensure that the use of NAF is reviewed in accordance with DoD Instruction 7600.6 (Reference
6.2.9. Serve as the Executive Secretary of the Advisory Council on Dependents’
Education in accordance with section 929 of Reference (b) and in accordance with Reference (g).
6.2.10. Serve as the Executive Secretary of the Dependents’ Education Council
authorized by this Directive.
6.2.11. Keep abreast of developments in the elementary, secondary, and higher education
fields to ensure appropriate assimilation of new programs and technologies in DoD schools, to
include imbedding the study of less commonly taught languages into the curriculum of DoDEA.
6.2.12. Maintain liaison and representation with professional educational associations or
organizations or school districts as necessary and appropriate to accelerate the exchange of
emerging opportunities; maintain currency in educational developments; ensure the proper
accreditation of DoD schools; implement a structured program to ensure the smooth transition of


DoDD 1342.20, October 19, 2007
military-connected students between DoD and non-DoD schools; and promote the advancement
of educational goals and objectives.
6.2.13. When funds are available, provide: Extracurricular and co-curricular programs and activities to enrich the
school environment and experience; Support of student travel to compete in interscholastic programs and
competitions; Summer school programs; and Developmental preschool programs, if such programs are not otherwise
6.2.14. Provide a free, appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment
and related services for children, ages 3 through 21 years, with disabilities enrolled in the DoD
school systems as specified in their respective Individualized Education Programs and in
accordance with Reference (h).
6.2.15. Establish education advisory committees and school boards in accordance with
DoD Instruction 1342.15 and DoD Instruction 1342.25 (References (l) and (m)), respectively.
6.2.16. Ensure DoDEA programs and activities are designed and managed to improve
standards of performance, economy, and efficiency, and demonstrate attention to the
requirements of DoDEA’s organizational customers, both internal and external to the
Department of Defense.
6.2.17. Perform other duties as assigned by the Secretary of Defense, the USD(P&R),
and the PDUSD(P&R).
6.3. The Secretaries of the Military Departments shall provide facilities, logistics, and
administrative support, as required, for the effective operation of DoDEA. Reimbursement for
goods and services shall be made in accordance with DoD Instruction 4000.19 and DoD
Directive 1400.16 (References (n) and (o)), respectively. However, reimbursement shall not be
required for expendable medical supplies and support provided to DoDEA, but shall be furnished
and funded by the supporting activity.

7.1. In the performance of assigned responsibilities and functions, the Director, DoDEA,
7.1.1. Report directly to the PDUSD(P&R).


DoDD 1342.20, October 19, 2007

7.1.2. Keep the DoD Components fully informed concerning DoDEA activities for
which they have collateral or related functions.
7.1.3. Use established facilities and services in the Department of Defense and other
Federal, State, and local government agencies and private organizations, as authorized and
appropriate, to achieve a balance of modernization, efficiency, and economy of operations.
7.1.4. Consult and coordinate with other Federal, State, and local government agencies,
academia, and other private organizations, as appropriate, to exchange information and advice on
programs in their fields of responsibility.
7.2. The Heads of the other DoD Components shall coordinate with the Director, DoDEA, as
appropriate, on matters relating to DoDEA operations, functions, and responsibilities.

The Director, DoDEA, is hereby delegated authority to:
8.1. Communicate directly with the Heads of the DoD Components, as necessary, to carry
out assigned functions and responsibilities, including the transmission of requests for advice and
assistance. Communications to the Military Departments normally shall be transmitted through
the Secretaries of the Military Departments, their designees, or as otherwise provided in law or
directed by the Secretary of Defense in other DoD issuances. Communications to the
Commanders of the Combatant Commands normally shall be transmitted through the Chairman
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
8.2. Communicate with other federal government officials, including representatives of the
Legislative Branch, state and local officials, members of the public, and representatives of
foreign governments, as appropriate, in carrying out assigned responsibilities, functions,
relationships and authorities. Communications with representatives of the Legislative Branch
shall be coordinated with the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs or the Under
Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, Department of Defense, as
appropriate, and be consistent with the DoD Legislative Program.
8.3. Obtain reports and information, consistent with DoD Instruction 8910.01 (Reference
(p)), as necessary, to carry out assigned responsibilities and functions.
8.4. Exercise the administrative authorities contained in Enclosure 2.

The Director, DoDEA, shall be a civilian selected by the Secretary of Defense, based on
USD(P&R) recommendation.


DoDD 1342.20, October 19, 2007

This Directive is effective immediately.

Enclosures - 2
E1. References, continued
E2. Delegations of Authority


DoDD 1342.20, October 19, 2007
REFERENCES, continued

(e) DoD 5025.01-M, “DoD Directives System Procedures,” current edition
(f) DoD Directive 1342.16, “Provision of Free Public Education for Eligible Dependent
Children Pursuant to Section 6, Public Law 81-874, as Amended,” October 16, 1987
(hereby canceled)
(g) DoD Instruction 5105.04, “Department of Defense Federal Advisory Committee
Management Program,” August 6, 2007
(h) DoD Instruction 1342.12, “Provision of Early Intervention and Special Education Services
to Eligible DoD Dependents,” April 11, 2005
(i) DoD Directive 5105.18, “DoD Committee Management Program,” February 8, 1999
(j) DoD Instruction 1015.14, “Establishment, Management, and Control of Nonappropriated
Fund Instrumentalities and Financial Management of Supporting Resources,”
November 22, 2005
(k) DoD Instruction 7600.6, “Audit of Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities and Related
Activities,” January 16, 2004
(l) DoD Instruction 1342.15, “Educational Advisory Committees and Councils,”
March 27, 1987
(m) DoD Instruction 1342.25, “School Board for Department of Defense Domestic Dependent
Elementary and Secondary Schools (DDESS),” October 30, 1996
(n) DoD Instruction 4000.19, “Interservice and Intragovernmental Support,” August 9, 1995
(o) DoD Directive 1400.16, “Inter-departmental Civilian Personnel Administration
Support,” October 30, 1970
(p) DoD Instruction 8910.01, “Information Collection and Reporting,” March 6, 2007



DoDD 1342.20, October 19, 2007

E2.1. Under the authority vested in the Secretary of Defense, and subject to the authority,
direction, and control of the USD(P&R) and the PDUSD(P&R), and in accordance with DoD
policies and issuances, the Director, DoDEA, is hereby delegated authority as required in the
administration and operation of DoDEA to:
E2.1.1. Exercise the powers vested in the Secretary of Defense by 5 United States Code
(U.S.C.) 3101, and 5101-5107 on the employment, direction, and general administration of
DoDEA civilian personnel.
E2.1.2. Fix rates of pay for overseas wage-rate employees exempted from the
Classification Act of 1949 by 5 U.S.C. 5102 on the basis of rates established under the Federal
Wage System. In fixing such rates, the Director, DoDEA, shall follow the wage schedule
established by the DoD Wage Fixing Authority.
E2.1.3. Administer oaths of office incident to entrance into the Executive Branch of the
Federal Government or any other oath required by law in connection with employment therein,
in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 2903, and designate in writing, as may be necessary, officers and
employees of DoDEA to perform this function.
E2.1.4. Establish a DoDEA Incentive Awards Board and authorize cash awards to, and
incur necessary expenses for the honorary recognition of, civilian employees of the Government
whose suggestions, inventions, superior accomplishments, or other personal efforts, including
special acts or services, benefit or affect DoDEA or its subordinate activities, in accordance with
5 U.S.C. 4503, applicable Office of Personnel Management regulations, and DoD 1400.25-M,
Subchapter 451.
E2.1.5. Maintain an official seal and attest to the authority of official DoDEA records
under the seal.
E2.1.6. Enforce security procedures in accordance with applicable law, regulation and
policy, including Executive Order 10450, “Security Requirements for Government
Employment,” April 27, 1953; Executive Order 12333, “United States Intelligence Activities,”
December 4, 1981; Executive Order 12968, “Access to Classified Information,” August 2, 1995;
and DoD Directive 5200.2, as appropriate to:
E2.1.6.1. Designate any position in DoDEA as a “sensitive” position in accordance
with procedures prescribed in DoD 5200.2-R.



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E2.1.6.2. Authorize, in case of an emergency, the appointment of a person to a
sensitive position in DoDEA for a limited period of time and for whom a full field investigation
or other appropriate investigation, including the National Agency Check, has not been
E2.1.6.3. Authorize the suspension, but not the termination, of a DoDEA employee
in the interest of national security.
E2.1.6.4. Initiate personnel security investigations and, if necessary in the interest of
national security, suspend a security access to classified information for personnel assigned,
detailed to, or employed by DoDEA. Any action under this paragraph shall be in accordance
with procedures prescribed in DoD 5200.2-R.
E2.1.6.5. Grant interim clearances for Secret access to classified information when
the requirements of DoD 5200.2-R have been met.
E2.1.6.6. Prescribe regulations to carry out the functions required to operate DDESS
in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2164, and prescribe policy, technical guidance and procedures to
implement regulations issued by PDUSD(P&R), or higher authority, to operate the Defense
Dependents’ Education System in accordance with 20 U.S.C. 921-922 and 924-932.
E2.1.7. Authorize and approve:
E2.1.7.1. Travel for DoDEA civilian employees in accordance with Joint Travel
Regulations (JTR), Volume 2, “DoD Civilian Personnel,” current edition.
E2.1.7.2. Temporary duty travel for military personnel assigned or detailed to
DoDEA in accordance with Joint Federal Travel Regulations, Volume 1, “Uniformed Service
Members,” current edition.
E2.1.7.3. Invitational travel to non-DoD personnel whose consultative, advisory, or
other highly specialized technical services are required in a capacity that is directly related to, or
in connection with, DoDEA activities, in accordance with JTR, Volume 2.
E2.1.7.4. Overtime work for DoDEA civilian personnel in accordance with
applicable law and regulation.
E2.1.8. Approve the expenditure of funds available for travel by military personnel
assigned or detailed to DoDEA for expenses incident to attendance at meetings of technical,
scientific, professional, or other similar organizations in such instances when the approval of the
Secretary of Defense, or designee, is required by 37 U.S.C. 412 and 5 U.S.C. 4110 and 4111.
E2.1.9. Develop, establish, and maintain an active and continuing Records Management
Program pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 3102 and DoD Directive 5015.2.



DoDD 1342.20, October 19, 2007
E2.1.10. Accept, hold, administer, and spend gifts, including any gift of an interest in
real property, made on the condition that it be used in connection with the operation or
administration of DoDEA, in accordance with 10 U.S.C. 2605.
E2.1.11. Authorize the publication of advertisements, notices, proposals, or other public
periodicals, as required for the effective administration and operation of DoDEA, consistent with
44 U.S.C. 3702.
E2.1.12. Establish and maintain, for the functions assigned, an appropriate publications
system for the promulgation of Directives, Instructions, Publications, and Reference documents,
and changes thereto, according to the policies and procedures prescribed in DoD 5025.01-M.
E2.1.13. Enter into support and service agreements with the Military Departments; other
DoD Components; or other Federal, State, and local government agencies and private
organizations for the effective performance of DoDEA functions and responsibilities.
Intragovernmental Transactions must be tracked in accordance with OMB M-03-01 dated
October 4, 2002.
E2.1.14. Enter into and administer contracts, directly or through a Military Department, a
DoD contract administration services component, or other Federal agency, as appropriate, for
supplies, equipment, and services required to accomplish the mission of DoDEA. To the extent
that any law or Executive order specifically limits the exercise of such authority to persons at the
Secretarial level of a Military Department, such authority shall be exercised by the appropriate
Under Secretary, Deputy Under Secretary, or Assistant Secretary of Defense.
E2.1.15. Approve waivers of indebtedness for DoDEA employees in accordance with 5
U.S.C. 5584.
E2.1.2. The Director, DoDEA, may redelegate these authorities, as appropriate, and in
writing, except as otherwise specifically indicated above or as otherwise provided by law or



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDoD Directive 1342.20, October 19, 2007; POSTED November 1, 2007
SubjectDistribution:, Release:
File Modified2007-11-02
File Created2007-11-02

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