CE Credentials Current Version

CE Samples current version.pdf

Disability Case Development Information Collections

CE Credentials Current Version

OMB: 0960-0555

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Sample CE Forms

u t t e r to Vendor Rescheduling consultative btamination/~e~t
for M u l t
(Includes railing mddress)

Doctor's Name
Addrese qlne 1
A d d m 6 6 Line 2
City, state zip


Claimantrs Name
Address Line 1
Address L h e 2
City, State Zip





We had scheduled an appointment for a current axamination/test on
I c l a i a a m vith your office for ldate C
but the
rxamination/test was not performed. This letter is to confirm
that ve have rescheduled this appointment for Jdate & w.
Your report vill help us determine this claimant'c eligibility
for Social Security or Supplemental Security Income disability


M t e r the axamination, plmase prepare a narrative report
including history (obtained during your intervimw), a11 objective
findings, diagnosis, and prognosis. We vould also like t o have a
statement about the individual's ability, despite functional
limitations Imposed by the Impairment(s), to perforn vork-related

Physical work activities include sitting, standing, walking,
lifting, carrying, handling objects, hearing, speaking, and


Mental vork activities include understanding and memory;
mustained concentration and -persistence; mocial interaction;
and adaptation.

Pl-se do not expreas an opinion about whether the c l a h n t is
or capable of vorking. This judgment frequently depends
bn nonmedical factors much a6 age, mducation, a n d vocational
If additional tests arm needed for your mvaluation,yol~ mast
tmlmphone us at the number above for muthoriration &form such
*st6 are made. The claimant should not be billed for any
Bervices provided as a part of this urnmination.


I t is imperative that your medical report be in our office within
l o days after the examination date, as we are under a rigid time
limit t o compl~tecases without unnecessary delay.
(include State information, if no.d.4)

U t t e r to Vandor Regarding Consultative ExarinationfTest for
DDS mmEm
(Includes railing addrum)
Doctor 'l Name
Mdre66Lfne 1
Address tine 2
City, State Zip


Claimant's Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
City, State Zip





We had mcheduled an appointment for a current examination/test on
but the
vith your office for a t e C
examination/test was not performed. This letter is t o confirm
that ve have rescheduled this appointment for (pat
Your reporr rill help us determine this c l a i m a n t a i t y
for social Security or Supplemental Security Income disability
After the examination, please-prepare a narrative report
including medical history (secured during your interview), all
objective findings, diagnosis, and prognosis. We vould also like
t o have a ~tatementabout how the child's impairment(s) and
related mylaptons affect his or her daily activitils and ability
t o perform age-appropriate activities.


Domains of development or functioning that ray be addressed are:
cognition; comuniation; rotor abilities; social abilities;
responsiveness to stimuli (in children from birth t o age 1);
perronalfbehavioral patterns (in children from age 1 t o age 18);
and concentration, persimtence, and pace in taskcompletion (in
children from ige 3 to age 1B).
ff additional tests are needed for your evaluation, you rust
trlephone us at the number above for authorization before much
+k are made. The childtm parent/guardian or o t h u person
Cuponsible for this child rhould not be b i l l d for m y muvices
provided as a part of this examination.
It is imperative that your n d i c a l report k in our office vithin
10 days after the examination date, as ve are mu a rigid time
limit t o complete canes vithout unnecescary dolay.
(include State information, if needed)

Cover U t t e r to Vendor Regarding Consultative
Exmination/Test Appointment for Adult

(Includes mailing address)
Doctor's Name
Address Line 1
Ad&ese pine 2
City, State Zip



Claimant's Name
Address Line 1
Ad&eS6 Line 2
City, State Zip


We need a current examination/test of (claimant's name), as shown
on the enclosed authorization. We have scheduled the appointment
vith your office for Jdate L timd. Your report will help us
determine this claimant's eligibility for Social Security or
Supplemental Security Income disability benefits.
After the examination, please prepare a narrative report
including history (obtained during your interview), all objective
findings, diagnosis, and prognosis. We would also like to have a
statement about the individua18s ability, despite functional
limitatinns imposed by the impairment(s). t o perform vork-related

Physical vork activities include sitting, standing,
valking, lifting, carrying, handling objects, hearing,
s$eaking, and traveling.

o Hental work activities include understanding and memory;
sustained concentration and persistence; social interaction;
and adaptation.
Please do not express an opinion about whether the claimant is
disabled or capable of working. This judgment frequently depends
on nonmedical factors such as age, education and vocational
ff additional tests are needed for your evaluation, you must
trlephone us at the number above for authorization k f o r e such
h u t s are made. 'The claimant should not be billod for any
memice6 provided as a part of this axamination.

It i r imperative t h a t your medical report be i n our office w i t h i n
1 0 days a f t e r t h e examination date, as we are under a f i g i d the
limit t o wmplete c a s e s without unnecessary delay.

(include S t a t e information, i f needed)

Cover Letter to Vendor Regarding Consultative
StxaminationfTest Appointment for Child
(Includes railing addruo)

boctor'm "Name
Line 1
Address Line 2
city,,state zip


Clahant'm Name
Addreas Line 1
Address Line 2
City, State Zip





We need a current examination/test of the person named in the
enclosed authori~ation. We have mcheduled the appointment with
your office for (pate S timel. Your report will help us
determine this claimant's eligibility for Supplemental Security
Income disability benefits.
M t e r the examination, please prepare a narrative report
including medical history (secured during your interview), all
objective findings, diagnosis, and prognosis. We would also like
to have a statement about how the childto impairaent(s) and
related mymptoms affect his or her daily activities and ability
t o perform age-appropriate activities.
Domains of development or functioning that ray be addressed are:
cognition; communication; rotor abilities; social abilities;
responsiveness t o stimuli (in children from birth t o age 1);
personal/kehavioral patterns (in children from age 1 t o age 18);
and concentration, persistence, and pace in task completion (in
chileen from age 3 t o age 18).
If additional tests are needed for your evaluation, you must
telephone US at the number above for authorization before such
tests are made. The child's parentfquardian or other person
responsible for this child should not be billed for any eervices
provided as a part of this oxamination.
It Is imperative that your medical reportbe in our office within
day6 after the examination date, a s We are under a rigid time
limit t o complete cases without unnecessary delay.


(include State information, if n m d d )


Enclosure for cE Appointment Letter
Authorization for
Release of Consultative Examination/Test Report
of Choice








I hereby authorize the release of a copy of the medical report of
my consultative examination or test conducted by:
Examining Doctor (6)



(Name of Treating Physician)


(Address of Treating Physician)

I understand this authorization is valid for up t o 90 days,
unless revoked in writing by me.

- (Claimant Signature)


(Claimant Address)


Optional Consultative mamination/Test C o n i f m a t i o n
Response Porm

(Includas mailing a d d r e s s )
Clairant's/Applicantts ~ame:


Addrase L l n e 2


a dress L i n e 1

C i t y , S t i t e Zip

P l e a s e check the proper box t o l e t us know vhether you plan t o
keep the examination o r t e s t appointment scheduled f o r you on
_/date & t i m e l .

I will keep the appointment.








I cannot keep the appointment because
. .

Sign and mail t h i s form i n t h e enclosed envelope a s soon as



Bureau of Disability Determination Services
~ u d r e yMcCrimon

Illinois Department of Rehabilitaiion !hvices

Dear Doctor
We have been informed that you may be interested in performing
consultative examinations for our Bureau.
To be included on our Panel of Conmultants, we must receive and review
your-curriculum vitae which should include the following:
Medical School and date of graduation.
Place and dates of residency training.
Social Security Number.
State Medlcsl Licenee Number or
Copy of State Medical Licsnme Certlf icate
Uhethsr Board Csrtified and include mpeciality.
Hoepital affiliations.
Dep~rtnentnamc and address of ury State of
Illinois personnel payroll(8) you .re on at
this time.
Individual Tax IdentiIication Number (Please complete
attached Tax Ideatificatlon Number Form.)
Corporate or group Tax Identification Number
if you use one for a group practice.
Place and dnte of birth
ECFMG & if forelgn medical graduate
Encloeed with this letter 1 8 information regarding the dieclosure of
medical information under the Federal Privacy Act of 1974. Our Bureau
is currently required to obtain a wrltten acknowledgement of the
responslbillty of confidentinllty from a11 persons who perform
conmultative examinations. You will also find tbe Licensa/Credentials
krtification statement for your signature.

The 1 ~ l n o i oPurchaeing ~ c prohibitr
State employees from receivina
money for goods or services In a contract matisfied by paymmnt of
funds mpproprlated by the Illinoim Gsneral Aseembly. University
employees are excepted.

The current fee schedule has been enclosed for your information m d


future use.
Pleame forward to us your curriculum vitae and your signed Medical
Dimclosure Acknowledgement form. Your mpplication vill then..be given
every consideration by the Credentialr, Committee.
Very truly youre,

Edward C . Ference, M.D.
Chief Medical Conmultmt
EGF I DR; :rt

Federal Privacy Act Informational Sheet
Medical Dimclosure Acknowledgement/
License/Credentials Certification
Tax Identification Number Form
Fee Schedule


We have been informed that several of your physicians in your group
might be interested in performing coneultative examinntione for our
To be included on our Panel of Conaultatits, we muet receive and review
each proepective pmtliet'm curriculum vitae. Theme curricula vitae
rrhould Include the follouing:
Medical School and date of graduation.
Place and datem of remidency training.
Social Security Number.
State Medical Llcenme Number.
Whether Board Certified and include speciality.
Hospital affiliations.
Department name and addreso of any State of
Illinoim personnel payroll(6) you are on at
thin time.
Individual Tax Identification Number (Please complete
attached Tax Identification Number Form.)
Corporate or group Tax Identification Numbar
_ i f one ie used for a group practice.
Place and date of birth
ECIMG # if foreign medical graduate
Enclosed with t h i e letter is information regarding the disclosure of
medical information under the Federal Privacy Act of 1974. Our Bureau
im currently required to obtain a written acknowledgement of the
responsibility for confidentiality from all permona who perform
conmultative examinations. Therefore, please reguest each of the
doctors to read all of the information carefully and for each to eign
one of the Medical Disclomure Acknovltdgmtnt forms m d the Lieenme/
Credentials Certificstion statement onclomed.


*The Illinois Purchasing Act prohibite State employeem from receiving
money for goods or eervices in a contract satiofied by payment of funds
appropriated by the I l l i n o i ~General Assembly. University employeee are


Please forward to us the curricula vitae and the mimed Medical
Dimclosure Acknowledgement fonne. These applications will than be
given every consideration by the Credentials Committee.

Very truly yourm,

Edvard C. Ference, M.D.
Chief Medical Conmultant


Federal Privacy Act Information Sheet
Medical Dimclosure Acknowledgement/
Tax Identification Munbcr Form
Fee Schedule

Bureau of Disability Determination Services
Illinois Department of Rehabilitatioi Services

Dear Doctor
We hmve been informed t h a t you may'be i n t e r e e t e d i n pbrforming
c o n s u l t a ' t i v e examinations f o r our Bureau.
To b e i n c l u d e d on our Panel of Consultants, w e must r e c e i v e md review
your curriculum v i t a e which should i n c l u d e the following:
1. School and d a t e of graduation.
2 . S o c i a l S e c u r i t y Number.
3. R e g i s t r a t i o n Number.
4. Hospital a f f i l i a t i o n s .
5 . Department name and addrbslr of any S t a t e o f
I l l i n o i s pereonnel p
a r e on a t
- a -y r o l l ( 8 ) you
t h i e time, *
6 ., I n d i v i d u a l Tax I d e n t i f i c a t i o n Number (Plmase complete
a t t a c h e d Tax I d e n t i f i c a t i o n Number Form.)
7 . Corporate o r Group T u I d e n t i f i c a t i o n Number
if you use one f o r a group p r a c t i c e .

Encloeed vlth t h i s l e t t e r i s information r e g a r d i n g t h e dimclomure of
medical i n f o r m a t i o n undor t h e F e d e r a l P r i v a c y A c t of 1974. Our Bureau
i s c u r r e n t l y r e q u i r e d t o o b t a i n a writtmn acknowlbdgement of t h e
r e s p o n s i b i l i t y o f c o n f i d e n t i a l i t y from a11 persons who perform
c o n l r u l t a t i v e examinations. You w i l l a l s o f i n d t h e License/
C r e d e n t i a l 6 C e r t i f i c a t i o n statbment f o r your e i g n a t u r e .
A copy of' t h e c u r r e n t f e e echedule h a s been encloeed f o r your
i n f o r m a t i o n and f u t u r e use.

*The I l l i n o i s Purchasing Act p r o h i b i t s S t a t e employees from r e c e i v i n g
money f o r goods o r servicem in a c o n t r a c t s a t i s f i e d by payment of f u n d s
a p p r o p r i a t e d b y the I l l i n o i s General Assembly. U n i v e r s i t y employees
a r e excepted.


Please forward to us your curriculum vitae m d your signed Medical
Dlscloeura Acknowledgment £ o m . Your application will then be given
ovary consideration by the Credantials Committee.

Edward C. Ference, M.D.
Chief Medical Consultant


Federal Privacy k t Information Sheet
Medical Dieclosure Acknowladgement
Licenme/Credentials Cartificetion
Tax Idcntificatlon Number Porn
Fee Schedule

Bureau of Disability Determination Services

Audrey McCrimon

Illinois Department of Rehabilitation Services

Dear Doctor
We have been informed that several of your psychologists might be
interested in performing consultative examinations for our Bureau.
To be included on our Panel of Consultants. ve must receive and review
each prospective panelist's curriculum vitae. These curricula vitae
should include the following:




School and date of graduation.
Place and data of graduate training and m y specialty
Social Security Number.
Hoepita1 affiliationa.
Department name md addreme of any State of Illinois
personnel payroll(s] you &re on at this time. +
Individual Tax Identification Number (Pleame complete
attached Tax ldentificrtion 13rrmber Form.)
Corporate or group Tax Identification Number if one
is used for a group practice.

Eneloeed with this letter is information regarding the Disclosure of
Medical Information under the Federal Privacy Act of 1974. Our Bureau
is currently required to obtain a vritten acknowledgement of the
renponaibility of confidentiality from a11 permons who perform
consultative examinations. Therefore, please repueet each of your
psychologists to read the information carefully and for each to sign
one of the Medical Discloeure Acknowledgement forma m d the Licenee/
Credentials Certification statement enclosed.

*The 1lli.noie Purchasing Act prohibits State mployeee from receiving
money for goods or mervices in a contract satisfled by payment of funds
appropriated by the Illinole General Aeeembly. University euiployaee are

A copy of the current fee schedule has been encloaed for informationel
purposes and future u8e.
Please forward to ua the curricula vitae m d the signed Medical
Dieclosure Acknowledgement forms. These applications will then be
given every consideration by the Credential8 Committee.

Edvard G. Ference, M.D.
Chief Medical Coneultnnt


Federal Privacy Act Informational Sheet
Medical Diacloeure Acknowledgement/
License/Credentinla Certification
Tax Identification Number Form
Fqe Schedule

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2011-05-19
File Created2007-03-06

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