OMB No. 1845-0107 Form Approval
Pending Exp. Date
Gainful Employment Program Disclosure Template
This template is to be used to meet the gainful employment disclosure requirements as required by the regulations at 34 CFR 668.6(b)(2)(iv). Enter the information below for each program at your institution subject to the gainful employment regulations.
At public and private not-for-profit institutions, gainful employment programs are Title IV-eligible non-degree (e.g., certificate programs and diploma programs).
At for-profit institutions, all programs, degree and non-degree, are gainful employment programs.
Enter the institution’s 6-digit Department of Education assigned OPEID:
[Institution name will display based on the OPEID entered]
Enter the Department of Education 6-digit CIP Code for the GE Program (Example: 11.0101) and click on “Search CIP”:
Search CIP
CIP Program Name:
[The CIP name displays here once the user has selected/entered a CIP and clicked on “Search CIP.”]
Enter the institution’s name of the program:
[The box will expand to allow for XX
Select the credential level for this program
01 – Undergraduate certificate 05
– Master’s degree 02
– Associate’s degree 06 – Doctoral degree 03
– Bachelor’s degree 07 – First professional
degree 04
– Post baccalaureate certificate
are the selections from a pull down menu.]
Occupations: Click here to select occupations for which this program prepares students. If not listed, enter the name and the SOC code of the occupation for which this program prepares students.
Include costs for completion of the entire program, assuming normal time to completion not just for one award year. Enter in whole dollars.
Enter the total tuition and required fees for the entire program, assuming completion in normal time:
Enter the total estimated costs for books and supplies for the entire program:
Enter total charges for on campus room and board for the entire program:
Check here if your institution does not provide on-campus housing for students enrolled in this program.
Enter any fees or expenses that students have in addition to those covered in tuition and fees, books and supplies, and living costs (for example, optional equipment, parking permits, etc.)
[This information will appear in the
Cost section of the output document by clicking on the “What
other costs are there?” link.]
Enter the URL for other program cost information available on your institution’s website pursuant to Sec. 668.43(a):
Enter the number of students completing the program between July 1, 20xx and June 30, 20xx:
Of the XXX [pre-populated from the response above] completers reported above, enter the number completing with any student loan debt as a result of attendance in this program: [This is the only data field on this template that you are not required to populate. The percentage of students completing the program with debt will be calculated using this field and the field above for display on the Financing section of the output document.]
For all students (both borrowers and non-borrowers) completing the program between July 1, 20xx and June 30, 20xx, enter the median cumulative debt for each of the following in whole dollars:
Title IV student loan debt:
loan debt:
Institutional financing plan debt:
Enter the normal time to complete the program as published in your institutional catalog or other publications in whole numbers, no fractions:
Of the XXX [pre-populated from response to the first question in the debt at program completion section] students completing the program between July 1, 20xx and June 30, 20xx, enter the number who completed the program within the normal time reported above:
Check the box that applies. Are you required to calculate a job placement rate for the program completers for:
Your accrediting agency(ies) or state
None of the above
Note: Institutions will provide the following for each of the placement rates they currently calculate.
Enter the job placement rate for program completers:
For this job placement rate enter the following information to be included in the template as context for the job placement rate. [This information will appear in the Success section of the output document by clicking on the “What type of jobs? How long did it take?” link.]
State name or accrediting agency(ies) Enter the state or accrediting agency(ies) to which your institution reports this job placement rate. |
Enter response to question at left here. |
Who is included? Enter information about the program completers included in the calculation of this rate (example: All students who completed between July 1, 20xx and June 30, 20xx are included in this calculation). |
Enter response to question at left here. |
What types of jobs? Provide information about whether the jobs are related to the field of study or not (example: This job placement rate looks only at jobs that were in the field of study. Positions that recent completers were hired for include: ). |
Enter response to question at left here. |
When were the former students employed? Enter information about how long after the program completion date the job placement rate is based. (example: This rate is based on program completers who were employed within 180 days of completion and were employed for at least 13 weeks). |
Enter response to question at left here. |
How were completers tracked? Provide information about how this information is obtained (completer/alumni survey, state data system, etc.). If a survey of completers/alumni is used, please provide the response rate to the survey. |
Enter response to question at left here. |
Do you have another state or accrediting agency for which placement rates are calculated?
Yes No
Please enter here any additional information that should be included on the disclosure template to provide information/context to students on this program and the information provided above.
[This information will appear on the
output document by clicking on the “For additional information
about this program or the information provided above” link.]
Gainful Employment Disclosure Template Definitions/Glossary
Identification number used by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) to identify an institution that has a Program Participation Agreement (PPA) with the Department of Education so that its students are eligible to participate in the Federal Student Financial Assistance Programs. This is a 6-digit number.
CIP Code
The Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Code is a taxonomic coding scheme for postsecondary instructional programs/fields of study that facilitates the organization, collection, and reporting of program data. CIP Codes were developed by the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), and is the accepted Federal government statistical standard on instructional program classifications and is used in a variety of education information surveys and databases.
Example of a 6 digit CIP Code: 11.0101
The 11.0101 CIP Code corresponds to programs in Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications.
Credential Level
01 - Undergraduate certificate (including undergraduate diploma)
02 - Associate’s degree
03 - Bachelor’s degree
04 - Post baccalaureate certificate (including post graduate certificate)
05 - Master’s degree
06 - Doctoral degree
07 - First professional degree
Tuition and Required Fees for Entire Program
The amount of tuition and required fees charged to a student for the entire program. Required fees are the amounts charged to students that are not covered by tuition and required of such a large proportion of all students in the program that the student who does not pay the charge is an exception. Institutions that do not charge by program, for example a 2-year program in which the tuition rates change from one year or one term to the next, must report the total tuition and fees for the entire length of the program.
Normal Time
This is the normal amount of time necessary for a student to complete all requirements for the program according to the institution's catalog or other publications. This is typically four years for a bachelor's degree at a standard term-based institution; two years for an associate's degree at a standard term-based institution; and the various scheduled times stated in years, months, or weeks for certificate or diploma programs. For clock hour programs, it is the time, measured in years, months, or weeks, provided in the institution’s catalog or other publications. For example, if an institution’s catalog states that the normal time to complete a 1500 clock hour program is 50 weeks, the normal time would be 50 weeks.
Note normal time is not 150% of the published time nor is it the timeframe used in the calculation of completion rates for Student Right to Know disclosures.
Books and Supplies for Entire Program
The average cost of books, supplies (and tools and equipment unless already included tuition and fees) for a typical student for the entire program. If this information is not available by program, use an institutional estimate.
and Board Charges
charges assessed to students for room accommodations (for a typical
student sharing a room with one other student) and meals for the
entire length of the program.
Program Completion:
A student is considered to have completed an educational program when the student has satisfied all of the academic requirements of the program, regardless of whether the degree, certificate, or other institutional credential has been awarded to the student.
Title IV Student Loans:
Direct Loans and FFEL Program loans including Graduate/Professional PLUS loans. Does not include Parent PLUS loans, Perkins Loans, or TEACH Grants that may have been converted to Unsubsidized Direct Loans.
Private Loans:
A loan provided by a private educational lender that is not a Title IV loan and that is issued expressly for postsecondary education purposes, regardless of whether the loan is provided through the educational institution or directly to the borrower. (see 34 CFR 601.2)
Institutional Financing Plans:
An institutional financing plan includes any loan, extension of credit, payment plan, or other financing mechanism that would otherwise not be considered a private education loan but that results in a debt obligation that a student must pay to an institution after completing the program.
Public Burden Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain or retain benefit under 34 CFR 668.6(b)(2)(iv). Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20202-4536 or email [email protected] and reference the OMB Control Number 1845-0107. Note: Please do not return the completed Gainful Employment Disclosure to this address.
Revised 1-12-2012
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Authorised User |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-31 |