30 day Federal Register Notice

2012-191 2nd notice published.pdf

Farmer Questionnaire - Vicinity of Nuclear Power Plants

30 day Federal Register Notice

OMB: 3316-0016

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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 7 / Wednesday, January 11, 2012 / Notices

You must include the DS form number
(if applicable), information collection
title, and OMB control number in any

Direct requests for additional
information regarding the collection
listed in this notice, including requests
for copies of the proposed information
collection and supporting documents, to
Sydney Taylor, Visa Services, U.S.
Department of State, 2401 E Street NW.,
L–603, Washington, DC 20522, who may
be reached at [email protected].
soliciting public comments to permit
the Department to:
• Evaluate whether the proposed
information collection is necessary for
the proper performance of our
• Evaluate the accuracy of our
estimate of the burden of the proposed
collection, including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used.
• Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
• Minimize the reporting burden on
those who are to respond, including the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of technology.
Abstract of Proposed Collection
The DS–261 allows the beneficiary of
an approved and current immigrant visa
petition to provide the Department with
his current address, which will be used
for communications with the
beneficiary. The DS–261 also allows the
beneficiary to appoint an agent to
receive mailings from the National Visa
Center (NVC) and assist in the filing of
various application forms and/or paying
the required fees. The beneficiary is not
required to appoint an agent but must
provide current contact information. All
cases will be held at NVC until the DS–
261 is electronically submitted to the
Department. If the form is not
electronically submitted to the
Department within one year, NVC will
begin the case termination process.

pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

The DS–261 will be submitted
electronically to the Department via the
Internet. Applicants who submit the
electronic form will no longer submit
paper-based applications to the
Dated: December 21, 2011.
David T. Donahue,
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of
Consular Affairs, Department of State.

Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request
Tennessee Valley Authority.
30-Day notice of submission of
information collection approval and
request for comments.


The proposed information
collection described below will be
submitted to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) for review, as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. chapter 35, as
amended). The Tennessee Valley
Authority is soliciting public comments
on this proposed collection as provided
by 5 CFR 1320.8(d)(1).
ADDRESSES: Requests for information,
including copies of the information
collection proposed and supporting
documentation, should be directed to
the Agency Clearance Officer: Mark
Winter, Tennessee Valley Authority,
1101 Market Street (MP–3C),
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402–2801;
(423) 751–6004.
DATES: Comments should be sent to the
Agency Clearance Officer no later than
February 10, 2012.
Type of Request: Regular submission.
Title of Information Collection: Land
Use Survey Questionnaire—Vicinity of
Nuclear Power Plants.
Frequency of Use: Annual.
Type of Affected Public: Individuals
or households, and farms.
Small Businesses or Organizations
Affected: No.
Federal Budget Functional Category
Code: 271.
Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 150.
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 37.5.
Estimated Average Burden Hours Per
Response: .25.
Need For and Use of Information:
This survey is used to locate, for
monitoring purposes, rural residents,
home gardens, and milk animals within
a five mile radius of a nuclear power
plant. The monitoring program is a
mandatory requirement of the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission set out in the
technical specifications when the plants
were licensed.

Michael T. Tallent,
Director, Enterprise Information Security &

[FR Doc. 2012–361 Filed 1–10–12; 8:45 am]

[FR Doc. 2012–191 Filed 1–10–12; 8:45 am]



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U.S.–EU High Level Working Group on
Jobs and Growth
Office of the United States
Trade Representative.
ACTION: Request for comments.

At the November 28, 2011,
European Union (EU)-United States
Summit meeting, President Obama,
European Commission President
Barroso, and European Council
President Von Rompuy directed the
Transatlantic Economic Council to
establish a High Level Working Group
on Jobs and Growth, led by U.S. Trade
Representative Ron Kirk and EU Trade
Commissioner Karel De Gucht. The
Working Group was asked to identify
policies and measures to increase U.S.–
EU trade and investment to support
mutually beneficial job creation,
economic growth, and international
competitiveness. The Leaders also asked
the Working Group to work closely with
public and private sector stakeholder
groups, and to draw on existing
dialogues and mechanisms, as
To ensure that it has access to a wide
range of views, ideas, and options
concerning policies and measures to
increase transatlantic trade and
investment, the Working Group plans to
consult extensively with business,
nongovernmental organizations,
academia, and other stakeholders. As
part of this process, and consistent with
the Leaders’ mandate, the U.S.
Government welcomes written input
from members of the public on options
for increasing trade and investment in
areas including, but not limited to, the
• Conventional barriers to trade in
goods, such as tariffs and tariff-rate
• Reduction, elimination, or
prevention of barriers to trade in goods,
services, and investment;
• Opportunities for enhancing the
compatibility of regulations and
• Reduction, elimination, or
prevention of unnecessary ‘‘behind the
border’’ non-tariff barriers to trade in all
• Enhanced cooperation for the
development of rules and principles on
global issues of common concern and
also for the achievement of shared
economic goals relating to third
For each option or proposal that is
suggested, submissions should seek to




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File Modified2012-01-11
File Created2012-01-11

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