Market Research to Broaden and Deepen U.S. Exporter Base

ICR 201204-0625-002

OMB: 0625-0264

Federal Form Document

ICR Details
0625-0264 201204-0625-002
Historical Active 200808-0625-001
DOC/ITA ITA-4158; ITA-4159; ITA-4160; and ITA-4161
Market Research to Broaden and Deepen U.S. Exporter Base
Extension without change of a currently approved collection   No
Approved without change 05/25/2012
Retrieve Notice of Action (NOA) 04/27/2012
  Inventory as of this Action Requested Previously Approved
05/31/2015 36 Months From Approved 05/31/2012
4,000 0 4,000
1,800 0 1,800
0 0 0

International Trade Administration (ITA) U.S. Commercial Service (CS) serves as the key U.S. government agency responsible for promoting exports of goods and services from the United States, particularly by small and medium-sized enterprises, and assisting U.S. exporters in their dealings with foreign governments. Section 4721 of 15 United States Code contains several provisions that direct the CS to, "identify United States businesses with the potential to export goods and services and provide such businesses with advice and information on establishing export businesses." As such, the long-term performance goal of the CS is to "broaden and deepen the U.S. exporter base." Furthermore, the CS is mandated by the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 to improve program performance and achieve better results for the American people. Based on this mandate, the Commercial Service developed new metrics driven by the 2008 Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) to measure the effectiveness and impact of the CS at broadening and deepening the U.S. exporter base. In order to collect information that establishes the baseline metrics for some of these new performance measures and provides data points for determining how to meet program performance goals, the CS requests approval to conduct market research on prospective and existing U.S. exporters using the following four surveys: 1. Commercial Service Brand Analysis and Strategy Survey (Form ITA - 8710): To meet the program performance goal of broadening and deepening the U.S. exporter base, the CS must increase awareness of our organization and the services we provide to U.S. companies. Currently, there is no research available about CS awareness and brand position. This survey was designed to measure four new performance metrics (awareness, consideration, transaction and loyalty) related to broadening and deepening the U.S. exporter base. 2. Market Segmentation Survey of Moderate U.S. Exporters – Manufacturers (Form ITA – 8711): To meet the program performance goal of broadening and deepening the U.S. exporter base, the CS must gain market knowledge and generate statistically valid characterizations about the needs of exporting companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. This survey was designed to identify different segments of U.S. manufacturers so that the organization can measure our ability to broaden and deepen the exporter base of each unique segment. 3. Market Segmentation Survey of U.S. Exporters – Service Providers (Form ITA – 8712): To meet the program performance goal of broadening and deepening the U.S. exporter base, the CS must gain market knowledge and generate statistically valid characterizations about the needs of exporting companies. This survey was designed to identify different segments of U.S. service providers so that the organization can measure our ability to broaden and deepen the exporter base of each unique segment. 4. Market Evaluation Survey of Non-Exporting Companies (Form ITA- 8713): To meet the program performance goal of broadening and deepening the U.S. exporter base, the CS must gain market knowledge and generate statistically valid characterizations about the needs of non-exporting companies. This survey was designed to uncover the needs of U.S. companies that are not currently exporting so that the CS can measure the organization's ability to turn non-exporters into exporters. The information will be used to improve and better target services provided to the public. Without this information, the CS is unable to measure program performance and systematically determine the needs and benefits desired of U.S. companies and how best to meet these needs in order to broaden and deepen the U.S. exporter base.

US Code: 15 USC Chapter 4721 Name of Law: Commerce and Trade

Not associated with rulemaking

  77 FR 2031 01/13/2012
77 FR 24932 04/26/2012

  Total Approved Previously Approved Change Due to New Statute Change Due to Agency Discretion Change Due to Adjustment in Estimate Change Due to Potential Violation of the PRA
Annual Number of Responses 4,000 4,000 0 0 0 0
Annual Time Burden (Hours) 1,800 1,800 0 0 0 0
Annual Cost Burden (Dollars) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Yes Part B of Supporting Statement
Suzan Winters 202 482-6042 [email protected]


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