Online Survey of State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Ag

Evaluation of State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency Administration of Supported Employment Programs


Evaluation of State Vocational Rehabilitation Agency Administration of Supported Employment Programs

OMB: 1820-0695

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On-line Survey of

State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agencies

on Supported Employment (SE)

To enter the Survey of State VR Agencies on Supported Employment, please type your Login and Password in the boxes below, then click Login. The next page will be the first page of the survey you are requested to complete.

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US Department of Education

Rehabilitation Services Administration

OMB # 1820-xxxx

Expiration Date: xx-xx-xxxx

This survey is designed to be completed by the person(s) most knowledgeable about VR and SE, including knowledge of your agency’s policies and practices in providing SE and VR services to individuals with disabilities.

Paperwork Burden Statement

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 180 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is voluntary. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20210-4537 or email [email protected] and reference the OMB Control Number 1820-XXXX. Note: Please do not return the completed On-line Survey of State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies on Supported Employment to this address.

On-line Survey of SE

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Instructions and Recommendations for Completing the Survey

  • We recommend that you use Internet Explorer or Firefox to complete this survey.

  • The survey pages are best viewed through a full-sized browser window

  • Please do NOT use your browser’s forward or back buttons to navigate through the survey. If you do, your answers may be lost. Instead, please use the “Previous Question” and “Next Question” buttons on the bottom of each page.

  • Please use the “Comments” box at the bottom of each question to provide additional information that may help clarify your response.

  • You may exit the survey at any time by selecting the “logout” button at the top of the screen. Your survey answers will automatically be saved. When you return, you will have the option of resuming the survey from your point of exit or selecting another section from survey menu page.

  • Once you complete the survey, you will be asked to submit it. Once you click the “Submit” button, you will not be able to re-enter your survey.


Development of Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) for Individuals in Supported Employment (SE)

  1. In assessing an eligible individual’s appropriateness for SE, does your agency staff consider any expectations or standards for a minimum number of hours to work or a minimum hourly wage rate at closure?

  • No (Skip to Question 4)

  • Yes (Go to Question 2)

  1. In assessing an eligible individual’s appropriateness for SE, does your agency have an expectation or standard for the minimum number of hours the individual should work at the time of transition to long term employment?

  • No

  • Yes (please specify) _____ hours

  1. In assessing an eligible individual’s appropriateness for SE,what minimum expectation for hourly wage at closure does your agency have (select one)?

  • None

  • A specific minimum hourly wage rate of $______

  • Federal minimum wage

  • State minimum wage

  • Competitive wage for the occupation

  1. Does your agency have the capacity to track changes in an individual’s supported employment status as stated on the initial IPE?

  • No (Skip to question 8)

  • Yes (Go to question 5)

  1. In FFY 2011, how many individuals receiving VR services under an IPE had an SE goal at the time the IPE was developed? ___________________

  1. In FFY 2011, how many of the individuals who had an SE goal at the time the IPE was developed had their employment goal later revised to a non-SE goal? _______

  1. In FFY 2011, how many individuals changed from an SE goal to a non SE-goal for the following reasons after the IPE was initially developed?

Change due to the unavailability or loss of an expected extended service provider_______

Change due to obtaining employment without the need for on-going supports_______

Change due to the loss of an expected job placement_______

Change due to other reason (Specify) __________________________

  • Unable to specify

  1. In the current fiscal year, how many new applicants for VR services had a previous closure with an SE outcome within the last 12 months?

_______ Number of current year applicants with a previous closure and an SE outcome within the last 12 months

  1. Please provide any additional information you believe will help us understand your agency’s general approach to assessing the individual’s appropriateness for SE services, and amending or changing the SE goal.

SE Services and Funding

  1. Please rank the importance of the following factors on limiting the availability of post-employment SE services in your state where 1 is most important and 5 is least important. (LEAVE BLANK IF NOT APPLICABLE.)

_______ Insufficient funding for SE services provided by the VR agency

_______ Insufficient funding from other partners or agencies for extended services

_______ Limited availability of SE service providers

_______ Limited availability of SE service job placement opportunities


______ Other (Please list.)

  1. Does your agency directly employ any of the following types of staff (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)?

  • Statewide SE coordinator

  • Regional or local SE coordinator

  • Counselors with specialized SE caseloads

  • SE job coaches

  • Other (please specify)_______________________________

  1. Does your agency generally limit use of Title VI-B funding only to the purchase of specific services?

  • Yes, only specific services may be purchased with Title VI-B fund

  • No, any services included on the IPE may be purchased with Title VI-B funds (skip to 14)

  1. What services did your agency purchase for individuals with a SE goal in FFY 2011 using Title VI-B funds? (Check the four most frequently provided services)?

  • Agency did not purchase services for individuals with an SE goal in FFY 2011 using Title VI-B funds.

  • Supplemental assessments

  • Job development/carving

  • Job placement

  • On-site job coaching

  • Psychosocial rehabilitation

  • Personal adjustment training

  • Work adjustment training

  • Independent Living skills directly related to employment

  • Transportation

  • Identification and arrangement of natural supports

  • Identification and arrangement of other extended supports services

  • Other (Please specify.)

  1. State VR agencies may use Title VI-B and Title I funds to provide SE services. Within your agency, who decides whether the SE services provided to an individual with a SE goal will be paid from Title VI-B or Title I funds?

  • Counselors

  • Supervisors

  • Managers

  • Financial administrator

  • Agency head

  • State law

  • Other (Please specify).

  1. In question 14, what does the individual base his/her decision on?

  1. Please indicate the total amount of Title VI-B funding your agency expended/liquidated (not just obligated) on all individuals who exited the VR service program with an SE outcome in FFY 2011.

$ _______ Title VI-B funds


on’t know (Please explain.)

  1. Please indicate the total amount of Title I funding your agency expended/liquidated (not obligated) on all individuals who exited the VR service program with an SE outcome during FFY 2011.

$ _______ Title I funds


on’t know (Please explain.)

  1. Please indicate the total amount of ARRA funding your agency expended/liquidated (not obligated) on all individuals who exited the VR service program with an SE outcome during FFY 2011.

$ _______ ARRA funds


on’t know (Please explain.)

  1. Are there other sources of funding (in addition to Title I and Title VI-B) available to your agency in FFY 2011 for providing time-limited SE services?

  • Yes (Please identify the source and indicate the amount of funding provided)

Other sources of funding

Amount of annual funding for FFY 2011

  • No other sources of funding available

  1. Did your agency purchase SE services in FY 2011? If yes, please indicate the amount of Title I and Title VI-B funds expended/liquidated on all SE cases by type of funding method used.



Funding Method used to purchase time limited SE services

Amount of Title I funds

Amount of Title VI-B funds



Performance or outcome-based


  1. If your agency uses multiple methods to reimburse SE service providers, which method results in more competitive employment outcomes? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

  • Do not use multiple methods to reimburse SE providers

  • Fee for service

  • Contract/slot-based

  • Performance-based

  • They are used for different services, so are not comparable

  • Other

22. If your agency carried over Title VI-B funds into FY 2012 or, if you have a general agency and a VR agency for the Blind in your State and transferred any amount of Title VI-B funds awarded to your agency in FFY 2011, please indicate the reasons for doing so below. (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY OR SELECT THE FIRST BOX IF YOU HAD NO CARRY OVER)

  • Did not carryover or transfer any Title VI-B funds in FFY 2011

  • Too few individuals with SE goals to use funds

  • Inadequate availability of extended services to serve more individuals in SE

  • Inadequate availability of SE job placements

  • Difficulty or errors in tracking expenditures of Title VI-B funds

  • Other (Please specify.)

23. Please provide any additional information you believe will help us understand your agency’s policy and practices regarding SE funding and the uses of Title VI-B funds.

SE Service Providers

24. Are your agency’s policies and procedures for identifying, selecting, and certifying SE service providers different from those used for all agency service providers?

  • Our agency does not use outside SE providers

  • SE service providers are identified, selected and certified through the same process as all agency vendors

  • SE service providers must meet additional requirements (Please list requirements):

25. To what extent, if any, does a shortage of SE service providers hinder or prevent delivery of SE services in your state?

  • To a great extent – there is a shortage of SE service providers in all areas of the state

  • To some extent – there are shortages of SE service providers in certain areas of the state

  • Not at all – there is an adequate number of SE service providers in all areas of the state

26. Do SE service providers have a role in identifying extended services for individuals with SE outcomes in your agency?

  • No

  • Yes

27. Do SE service providers have a role in securing extended services for individuals with SE outcomes in your agency?

  • No

  • Yes

28. Please provide any additional information you believe will help us understand your agency’s policy and practices regarding SE service providers.

Use of Cooperative Arrangements

29. Does your agency currently serve individuals with a goal of SE through cooperative arrangements with other state or local agencies?

  • No (Go to question 37 )

  • Yes

30. With what other state or local agencies does your agency currently have a formal cooperative arrangement to serve individuals with a goal of SE? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)

  • State mental health agency

  • Local mental health agency(s)

  • State Developmental Disability Agency

  • Local developmental disability boards or councils

  • State education agency

  • Local education agency(s)

  • State workforce development agency/Department of labor

  • Local workforce development agency/one-stop center(s)

  • Others (please specify)

31. For each separate formal cooperative arrangement that supports joint funding for individuals with an SE goal, please complete the table below based on FFY 2011.

Partner agency

Number of individuals with an SE goal served during FFY 2011

Number of individuals achieving an SE outcome at closure

Amount of funding provided by partner agency type (enter zero if none)

Amount of funding provided by

VR agency

State mental health agency



Local mental health agency



State Development Disability agency



Local Developmental Disability boards or councils



State education agency



Local education agency(s)



State workforce development agency/one-stop center(s)



Local workforce development agency/one-stop center(s)






32. Please rank the following situations on a scale of 1 to 3 where 1 is the most frequent and 3 is the least frequent situation for your state VR agency concerning individuals exiting the VR program with an SE outcome who are served by both your agency and state or local agencies serving persons with intellectual disabilities.(If Situation #1 is the most frequent, go to Question 33. If not, skip to question 34)


Frequency Ranking

  1. Individuals start with Development Disability agency (initiate services with DD before VR) and are referred to VR for time limited SE services (Go to question 33)

  1. Individuals start (initiate services) with DD and VR at the same time and continue to be served by both agencies with DD agency providing extended services after VR time limited services end (skip question 33)

  1. Individuals start with VR and are referred to DD agency as appropriate for employment related services, including extended services following VR time-limited services (skip question 33)

33. If Situation 1 is ranked as the most frequent in Q32, then rank the following situations on a scale of 1 to 4 where 1 is the most frequent and 4 is the least frequent situation:


Frequency Ranking

DD agency has no further involvement with the individual (i.e. does not provide employment related service to the individual during or following VR services)

DD agency discontinues employment related services during the individual’s VR experience, but resumes services to the individual as the provider of extended services following exit from VR services with an SE outcome

DD agency continues to provide employment related services during the individual’s VR experience, but does not provide extended services to the individual following exit from VR services with an SE outcome

DD agency continues to provide employment related services during the individual’s VR experience, and then provides extended services to the individual following exit from VR services with an SE outcome

34. Please rank the following situations on a scale of 1 to 3 where 1 is the most frequent and 3 is the least frequent situation for your state VR agency concerning individuals exiting services with an SE outcome who are served by both your agency and state or local agencies serving persons with mental illness. (If Situation #1 is the most frequent, go to Question 35. If not, skip to question 36)


Frequency Ranking

  1. Individuals start with state or local Mental Health (MH) agency(s) (initiate services with MH before VR) and are referred to VR for time limited SE services (complete question 35)

  1. Individuals start (initiate services) with MH and VR at the same time and continue to be served by both agencies with MH agency providing extended services after VR time limited services end (skip question 35)

  1. Individuals start with VR and are referred to MH agency as appropriate for employment related services, including extended services following VR time-limited services (skip question 35)

35. If Situation 1 is ranked as the most frequent in Q34, then rank the following situations on a scale of 1 to 4 where 1 is the most frequent and 4 is the least frequent situation:


Frequency Ranking

MH agency has no further involvement with the individual (i.e. does not provide employment related service to the individual during or following VR services)

MH agency discontinues employment related services during the individual’s VR experience, but resumes services to the individual as the provider of extended services following exit from VR services with an SE outcome

MH agency continues to provide employment related services during the individual’s VR experience, but does not provide extended services to the individual following exit from VR services with an SE outcome

MH agency continues to provide employment related services during the individual’s VR experience, and then provides extended services to the individual following exit from VR services with an SE outcome

36. Please provide any additional information you believe will help us understand your agency’s policy and practices regarding use of cooperative arrangements in providing SE services.

Extended Services and Natural Supports

37. Please rank the following policies or practices on a scale of 1 to 7 where 1 is most frequently used and 7 is least frequently used by your agency to determine when an individual has achieved job stabilization.

Policy or Practice

Frequency Ranking

Individual sustains a specified number of hours worked per week

Job coach provides services less than specified percentage of the work day

Job coach provides service less than specified number of hours per work week

Job coach contacts individual no more than twice per month

Individual is employed for more than a predetermined number of weeks

Individual achieves employer-defined work goals

Other (Please specify.)

38. Please rank the following monitoring methods on a scale of 1 to 6 where 1 is most frequently used and 6 is least frequently used by your agency to monitor progress of individuals during their transition between job stabilization and case closure.

Policy or Practice

Frequency Ranking

Contact with the employer

Meet with the individual regularly

Through monthly report from the employment specialist or job coach

Through regular meetings between the individual, counselor, and/or job coach

Contact with a family member

Other (Please specify.)

39. How often does your agency identify funding (as opposed to secure funding) for extended services before establishing a goal of SE?

  • 76-100% of the time

  • 51-75% of the time

  • 26-50% of the time

  • 1-25% of the time

  • Never

40. How often does your agency identify potential providers for extended services before establishing a goal of SE?

  • 76-100% of the time

  • 51-75% of the time

  • 26-50% of the time

  • 1-25% of the time

  • Never

41. What are the specific sources of funding for extended services for SE available in your state for FFY 2011? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)

  • State developmental disability agency

  • State mental health agency

  • Specific State funded SE or extended service program

  • SSA work incentive program / Partners Plus Program

  • Local government

  • Extended services provider

  • United Way or other charitable organizations

  • Other (Please list.)

42. Are there specific individuals with SE goals for whom securing funding for extended services is especially difficult, owing to the lack of a dedicated funding source (e.g., persons with TBI, transitional youth)?

  • No

  • Y

    es (Please specify.)

43. How would you characterize your agency’s views on the use of natural supports as a means of extended services for individuals exiting with an SE outcome?

  • Routinely use natural supports in preference over other methods of providing extended services

  • Use natural supports at request or discretion of the consumer

  • Use natural supports only when other forms of extended services are not available

  • Do not use natural supports (STOP – GO TO END OF SURVEY)

  • Other (Please specify.)

44. For the following forms of natural supports, how many individuals did your agency help arrange an SE outcome for those exiting the VR program in FFY 2011? ()

Employer or co-worker _______

Employee assistance programs _______

Family members _______

Friends _______

Independent Living center staff _______

Other (Please specify.)

45. What factors do counselors in your agency use in determining whether natural supports may be effective in maintaining the individual in employment? (SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)

  • Individual characteristics (e.g., disability type, significance of disability, work history)

  • Employer characteristics (e.g., prior experience with SE placements)

  • Job characteristics (e.g., job tasks required)

  • Other (Please specify.)

46. Does your agency provide counselors with any specific written guidance concerning policies and procedures regarding the use of natural supports to provide extended services?

  • No

  • Yes

47. Does your agency provide counselors with training in how to plan for or access natural supports?

  • No

  • Yes

48. Please provide any additional information you believe will help us understand your agency’s policy and practices regarding extended services and natural supports for individuals with SE outcomes.

Thank you for your participation in this survey.

File Typeapplication/msword
File Modified2012-07-06
File Created2012-07-06

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