Compendium of State Performance Management Practices and Methodologies for Setting a National Safety Performance Target

ICR 201204-2125-002

OMB: 2125-0633

Federal Form Document

Forms and Documents
Supporting Statement A
ICR Details
2125-0633 201204-2125-002
Historical Inactive
Compendium of State Performance Management Practices and Methodologies for Setting a National Safety Performance Target
New collection (Request for a new OMB Control Number)   No
Improperly submitted 06/13/2012
Retrieve Notice of Action (NOA) 05/03/2012
  Inventory as of this Action Requested Previously Approved
36 Months From Approved
0 0 0
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This information collection is necessary to prepare for the implementation of a national performance target for fatalities and to offer technical assistance and guidance to States in developing their methodologies for setting fatality targets. FHWA is seeking feedback from its customers on additional FHWA services needed - or how they can be improved - to assist agencies in target setting and information on how States, Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and local agencies currently set targets. To develop strategies for improvement and to collect this feedback on current experiences, FHWA is proposes to conduct a survey to solicit information from its customers to understand and improve methods to assist in fatality target-setting practice. Information collected from the survey will only be used internally as background and supporting information for an overall research project on target setting methodologies.

PL: Pub.L. 111 - 352 2 Name of Law: Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010

Not associated with rulemaking

  77 FR 2 01/04/2012
77 FR 50 03/14/2012

IC Title Form No. Form Name
Compendium of State Performance Management Practices and Methodologies for Setting a National Safety Performance Target

Miscellaneous Actions
This is a new ICR.

Kieth Williams 202 366-9212


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