Committee Regulations on compliance

Committee Regulations on compliance.docx

Annual Certification - Qualified Nonprofit Agency Serving People Who Are Blind

OMB: 3037-0001

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Title 41: Public Contracts and Property Management


Section Contents
§ 51-1.3   Definitions.


§ 51-1.3   Definitions.

As used in this chapter:

AbilityOne Program means the program authorized by the JWOD Act to increase employment and training opportunities for persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities through Government purchasing of commodities and services from nonprofit agencies employing these persons.

Agency and Federal agency mean Entity of the Government, as defined herein.

Blind means an individual or class of individuals whose central visual acuity does not exceed 20/200 in the better eye with correcting lenses or whose visual acuity, if better than 20/200, is accompanied by a limit to the field of vision in the better eye to such a degree that its widest diameter subtends an angle no greater than 20 degrees.

Central nonprofit agency means an agency organized under the laws of the United States or of any State, operated in the interest of the blind or persons with other severe disabilities, the net income of which does not incur in whole or in part to the benefit of any shareholder or other individual, and designated by the Committee to facilitate the distribution (by direct allocation, subcontract, or any other means) of orders of the Government for commodities and services on the Procurement List among nonprofit agencies employing persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities, to provide information required by the Committee to implement the JWOD Program, and to otherwise assist the Committee in administering these regulations as set forth herein by the Committee.

Committee means the Committee for Purchase from People who are Blind or Severely Disabled.

Contracting activity means any element of an entity of the Government that has responsibility for identifying and/or procuring Government requirements for commodities or services. Components of a contracting activity, such as a contracting office and an ordering office, are incorporated in this definition, which includes all offices within the definitions of “contracting activity,” “contracting office,” and “contract administration office” contained in the Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR 2.101.

Direct labor means all work required for preparation, processing, and packing of a commodity or work directly related to the performance of a service, but not supervision, administration, inspection or shipping.

Fiscal year means the 12-month period beginning on October 1 of each year.

Government and Entity of the Government mean any entity of the legislative branch or the judicial branch, any executive agency, military department, Government corporation, or independent establishment, the U.S. Postal Service, and any nonappropriated fund instrumentality under the jurisdiction of the Armed Forces.

Interested person means an individual or legal entity affected by a proposed addition of a commodity or service to the Procurement List or a deletion from it.

Military resale commodities means commodities on the Procurement List sold for the private, individual use of authorized patrons of Armed Forces commissaries and exchanges, or like activities of other Government departments and agencies.

Nonprofit agency (formerly workshop) means a nonprofit agency for the blind or a nonprofit agency employing persons with severe disabilities, as appropriate.

Other severely handicapped and severely handicapped individuals (hereinafter persons with severe disabilities) mean a person other than a blind person who has a severe physical or mental impairment (a residual, limiting condition resulting from an injury, disease, or congenital defect) which so limits the person's functional capabilities (mobility, communication, self-care, self-direction, work tolerance or work skills) that the individual is unable to engage in normal competitive employment over an extended period of time.

(1) Capability for normal competitive employment shall be determined from information developed by an ongoing evaluation program conducted by or for the nonprofit agency and shall include as a minimum, a preadmission evaluation and a reevaluation at least annually of each individual's capability for normal competitive employment.

(2) A person with a severe mental or physical impairment who is able to engage in normal competitive employment because the impairment has been overcome or the condition has been substantially corrected is not “other severely handicapped” within the meaning of the definition.

Participating nonprofit agency (formerly participating workshop) means any nonprofit agency which has been authorized by the Committee to furnish a commodity or service to the Government under the JWOD Act.

Procurement List means a list of commodities (including military resale commodities) and services which the Committee has determined to be suitable to be furnished to the Government by nonprofit agencies for the blind or nonprofit agencies employing persons with severe disabilities pursuant to the JWOD Act and these regulations.

Qualified nonprofit agency for other severely handicapped (hereinafter nonprofit agency employing persons with severe disabilities) (formerly workshop for other severely handicapped) means an agency organized under the laws of the United States or any State, operated in the interests of persons with severe disabilities who are not blind, and the net income of which does not inure in whole or in part to the benefit of any shareholder or other individual; which complies with applicable occupational health and safety standards prescribed by the Secretary of Labor; and which in furnishing commodities and services (whether or not the commodities or services are procured under these regulations) during the fiscal year employs persons with severe disabilities (including blind) for not less than 75 percent of the work-hours of direct labor required to furnish such commodities or services.

Qualified nonprofit agency for the blind (hereinafter nonprofit agency for the blind) (formerly workshop for the blind) means an agency organized under the laws of the United States or of any State, operated in the interest of blind individuals, and the net income of which does not inure in whole or in part to the benefit of any shareholder or other individual; which complies with applicable occupational health and safety standards prescribed by the Secretary of Labor; and which in furnishing commodities and services (whether or not the commodities or services are procured under these regulations) during the fiscal year employs blind individuals for not less than 75 percent of the work-hours of direct labor required to furnish such commodities or services.

State means the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and any territory remaining under the jurisdiction of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

[56 FR 48976, Sept. 26, 1991, as amended at 59 FR 16777, Apr. 8, 1994; 71 FR 68493, Nov. 27, 2006]



Section Contents
§ 51-4.1   General.
§ 51-4.2   Initial qualification.
§ 51-4.3   Maintaining qualification.
§ 51-4.4   Subcontracting.
§ 51-4.5   Violations by nonprofit agencies.


Authority:   41 U.S.C. 46–48c.

Source:   56 FR 48980, Sept. 26, 1991, unless otherwise noted.

§ 51-4.1   General.

To participate in the AbilityOne Program, a nonprofit agency shall be represented by the central nonprofit agency assigned by the Committee on the basis of the nonprofit agency's articles of incorporation and bylaws.

[56 FR 48980, Sept. 26, 1991, as amended at 71 FR 68494, Nov. 27, 2006]

§ 51-4.2   Initial qualification.

(a) To qualify for participation in the JWOD Program:

(1) A privately incorporated nonprofit agency shall submit to the Committee through its central nonprofit agency the following documents, transmitted by a letter signed by an officer of the corporation or chief executive:

(i) A legible copy (preferably a photocopy) of the articles of incorporation showing the date of filing and the signature of an appropriate State official.

(ii) A copy of the bylaws certified by an officer of the corporation.

(iii) If the articles of incorporation or bylaws do not include a statement to the effect that no part of the net income of the nonprofit agency may inure to the benefit of any shareholder or other individual, one of the following shall be submitted:

(A) A certified true copy of the State statute under which the nonprofit agency was incorporated which includes wording to the effect that no part of the net income of the nonprofit agency may inure to the benefit of any shareholder or other individual.

(B) A copy of a resolution approved by the governing body of the corporation, certified by an officer of the corporation, to the effect that no part of the net income of the nonprofit agency may inure to the benefit of any shareholder or other individual.

(2) A State-owned or State-operated nonprofit agency, or a nonprofit agency established or authorized by a State statute other than the State corporation laws and not privately incorporated, shall submit to the Committee through its central nonprofit agency the following documents, transmitted by a letter signed by an officer of the wholly-owned State corporation or an official of the agency that directs the operations of the nonprofit agency, as applicable:

(i) A certified true copy of the State statute establishing or authorizing the establishment of nonprofit agency(ies) for persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities.

(ii) In the case of a wholly-owned State corporation, a certified true copy of the corporation bylaws; and, in the case of a State or local government agency, a certified true copy of implementing regulations, operating procedures, notice of establishment of the nonprofit agency, or other similar documents.

(b) The Committee shall review the documents submitted and, if they are acceptable, notify the nonprofit agency by letter, with a copy to its central nonprofit agency, that the Committee has verified its nonprofit status under the JWOD Act.

(c) A nonprofit agency shall submit two completed copies of the appropriate Initial Certification (Committee Form 401 or 402) to its central nonprofit agency at the time designated by the Committee. This requirement does not apply if a nonprofit agency is already authorized to furnish a commodity or service under the JWOD Act.

[56 FR 48980, Sept. 26, 1991, as amended at 59 FR 59342, Nov. 16, 1994]

§ 51-4.3   Maintaining qualification.

(a) To maintain its qualification under the JWOD Act, each nonprofit agency authorized to furnish a commodity or a service shall continue to comply with the requirements of a “nonprofit agency for other severely handicapped” or a “nonprofit agency for the blind” as defined in §51–1.3 of this chapter. In addition, each such nonprofit agency must submit to its central nonprofit agency by November 1 of each year, two completed copies of the appropriate Annual Certification (Committee Form 403 or 404) covering the fiscal year ending the preceding September 30.

(b) In addition to paragraph (a) of this section, each nonprofit agency participating in the Ability One Program shall:

(1) Furnish commodities or services in strict accordance with Government orders.

(2) Comply with the applicable compensation, employment, and occupational health and safety standards prescribed by the Secretary of Labor, including procedures to encourage filling of vacancies within the nonprofit agency by promotion of qualified employees who are blind or have other severe disabilities.

(3) Comply with directives or requests issued by the Committee in furtherance of the objectives of the JWOD Act or its implementing regulations.

(4) Make its records available for review at any reasonable time to representatives of the Committee or the central nonprofit agency representing the nonprofit agency.

(5) Maintain records of direct labor hours performed in the nonprofit agency by each worker.

(6) Maintain a file for each blind individual performing direct labor which contains a written report reflecting visual acuity and field of vision of each eye, with best correction, signed by a person licensed to make such an evaluation, or a certification of blindness by a State or local governmental entity.

(7) Maintain in the file for each blind individual performing direct labor annual reviews of ability to engage in normal competitive employment. These reviews must be signed by an individual qualified by training and/or experience to make this determination.

(8) Maintain an ongoing placement program operated by or for the nonprofit agency to include liaison with appropriate community services such as the State employment service, employer groups and others. Those individuals determined capable and desirous of normal competitive employment shall be assisted in obtaining such employment.

(9) Upon receipt of payment by the Government for commodities or services furnished under the Ability One Program, pay to the central nonprofit agency a fee which meets the requirements of §51–3.5 of this chapter.

(c) Each nonprofit agency employing persons with severe disabilities participating in the AbilityOne Program shall, in addition to the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, maintain in each individual with a severe disability's file:

(1) A written report signed by a licensed physician, psychiatrist, or qualified psychologist, reflecting the nature and extent of the disability or disabilities that cause such person to qualify as a person with a severe disability, or a certification of the disability or disabilities by a State or local governmental entity.

(2) Reports which state whether that individual is capable of engaging in normal competitive employment. These reports shall be signed by a person or persons qualified by training and experience to evaluate the work potential, interests, aptitudes, and abilities of persons with disabilities and shall normally consist of preadmission evaluations and reevaluations prepared at least annually. The file on individuals who have been in the nonprofit agency for less than two years shall contain the preadmission report and, where appropriate, the next annual reevaluation. The file on individuals who have been in the nonprofit agency for two or more years shall contain, as a minimum, the reports of the two most recent annual reevaluations.

(d) The information collection requirements of §51–4.2 and §51–4.3 and the recordkeeping requirements of §51–4.3 have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (Public Law 96–511). The information collection requirements have been assigned the following OMB control numbers:

Committee form

OMB control No.

Committee form 401


Committee form 402


Committee form 403


Committee form 404


The recordkeeping requirements have been assigned OMB control number 3037–0005.

[56 FR 48980, Sept. 26, 1991; 56 FR 64002, Dec. 6, 1991, as amended at 59 FR 59343, Nov. 16, 1994; 62 FR 32237, June 13, 1997; 62 FR 66529, Dec. 19, 1997; 68 FR 53685, Sept. 12, 2003; 71 FR 68494, Nov. 27, 2006; 73 FR 28043, May 15, 2008]

§ 51-4.4   Subcontracting.

(a) Nonprofit agencies shall seek broad competition in the purchase of materials and components used in the commodities and services furnished to the Government under the JWOD Act. Nonprofit agencies shall inform the Committee, through their central nonprofit agency, before entering into multiyear contracts for materials or components used in the commodities and services furnished to the Government under the JWOD Act.

(b) Each nonprofit agency shall accomplish the maximum amount of subcontracting with other nonprofit agencies and small business concerns that the nonprofit agency finds to be consistent both with efficient performance in furnishing commodities or services under the JWOD Act and maximizing employment for persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities.

(c) Nonprofit agencies may subcontract a portion of the process for producing a commodity or providing a service on the Procurement List provided that the portion of the process retained by the prime nonprofit agency generates employment for persons who are blind or have other severe disabilities. Subcontracting intended to be a routine part of the production of a commodity or provision of a service shall be identified to the Committee at the time the commodity or service is proposed for addition to the Procurement List and any significant changes in the extent of subcontracting must be approved in advance by the Committee.

(d) A nonprofit agency may not subcontract the entire production process for all or a portion of an order without the Committee's prior approval.

[56 FR 48980, Sept. 26, 1991, as amended at 62 FR 66529, Dec. 19, 1997]

§ 51-4.5   Violations by nonprofit agencies.

(a) Any alleged violations of these regulations by a nonprofit agency shall be investigated by the Committee which shall notify the nonprofit agency concerned and afford it an opportunity to submit a statement of facts and evidence. Pending a decision by the Committee, the central nonprofit agency concerned may be directed by the Committee to temporarily suspend allocations to the nonprofit agency.

(b) If a nonprofit agency fails to correct its violations of these regulations, the Committee, after affording the nonprofit agency an opportunity to address the Committee on the matter, may terminate the nonprofit agency's eligibility to participate in the JWOD Program.

[56 FR 48979, Sept. 26, 1991, as amended at 59 FR 59343, Nov. 16, 1994; 73 FR 28043, May 15, 2008]

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