Student Focus Group Protocol

Data Collection for the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers Program Evaluation (ITEST)

Student Focus Group Protocol

Student Focus Group Protocol

OMB: 3145-0222

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Student Focus Group Protocol

Let’s begin by going around and saying your name and your grade level.
1) How did you hear about this project?
a. Why did you decide to participate?
b. Have you done anything like this before?
c. Did you know many of the other people in the program before it started?
2) What kinds of things do you do in this program?
a. What technologies or devices did you use?
b. How often do you attend?
3) What do you like most about the program?
4) What do you dislike about the program?
5) What kinds of things have you learned from this program? Get specific examples.
6) How many [science/math/technology] classes do you plan to take in high school? Do you
plan on taking any AP [science/math/technology] classes?
7) What do you want to do after high school? If they want go to college, ask:
a. What do you want to study in college
b. What do you want to do when you graduate college?
8) Has this program changed what you want to do in or after high school? What about after
college? If yes:
a. How has it changed?
b. Why did it change?
9) Have you learned about a career that you didn’t know existed, or didn’t know much about,
before you participated in this program?
10) Do you know how to do things on a computer or with other technology, that you didn’t know
about before you participated in this program?
11) Does participating in this program make a difference in how much you like your
[science/math/technology] class during the school day?
a. Does participating make a difference in how much (or what kind of)
science/math/technology you plan to take in high school?
12) Would you want to do something like this again?
13) Have you done anything since participating in this project that you think is related to the
kinds of things you did with the project? Probe for:
a. Invented, designed or built something on your own.
b. Participated in a science or engineering fair or event.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleSupporting Statement
AuthorKyle Goss
File Modified2012-04-13
File Created2012-04-13

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