Assessing Human Response to Military Impulse Noise

Assessing Human Response to Military Impulse Noise

ERDC CERL Community Noise General Survey 12 07 07

Assessing Human Response to Military Impulse Noise

OMB: 0710-0015

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General Community Survey

An Investigation of Community Attitudes towards Noise

Cover Page


Part A: General Community Questions

The following questions in Part A are intended for use in the General Community Survey at all Installations. The specific questions and the order may vary between Installations. The specific questions to be included at each Installation will be determined in consultation with representatives from each Installation.

INTERVIEW ID: ______ _______

(house) (person)

INTERVIEW DATE: __­__ /____/______


INTERVIEW TIME: ____:____ AM or PM (survey is to be conducted between 9 AM and 8 PM)


Good morning/afternoon/evening! My name is ______ and I am here on behalf of Pennsylvania State University. We are conducting a noise research study about residents’ attitudes about their community. Here’s my identification. It is important that we talk to different types of people and your household is one of a small number randomly selected from this community.

Participants may be asked to respond only once, or they may be asked to repeat the survey 6 months later. Participants will be answering questions about noises that are heard in their community routinely, and will have the opportunity to have their opinions heard. Your response is voluntary, you can quit at any time, and you may choose not to answer certain questions.  The results of this study will be summarized so that the answers you provide cannot be associated with you or anyone in your household. The survey will take approximately 30 minutes. You must be 18 years of age or older to consent to take part in this research study.  Responding to the survey questions implies your consent to participate in the survey. If you have any questions about the survey, you can contact Kathleen K. Hodgdon at (814) 865-2447 or ([email protected]) at the Pennsylvania State University or Bob Baumgartner at (608) 443-2700 at PA Government Consulting.

  1. Including yourself, how many people in your household live here at this moment?


  1. How many of these people are 18 years of age or older?


  1. Could you tell me about the people 18 years of age or older who normally live here starting with the oldest and finishing with the youngest? I don’t need to know their name.

Adult #















  1. Could you tell me which of the people you just described has had the most recent birthday?

RECORD ADULT NUMBER FROM Q4 Table _________________

[Ask to speak to adult with the most recent birthday. If adult with most recent birthday is not at home, ask about a good time to come back to talk to him/her].

[Confirm you are talking to the adult in the household with the most recent birthday. [REPEAT SURVEY INTRODUCTION]

  1. Have you heard about this survey before my visit today?

1 Yes

2 No

  1. How would you rate this neighborhood overall as a place to live? [READ LIST]

1 Terrible

2 Poor

3 Average

4 Good

5 Excellent

R No opinion

  1. What are some of the things you LIKE most about living in this neighborhood?


  1. What are some of the things you DISLIKE most about living in this neighborhood?


  1. While we are interested in all neighborhood conditions, we are particularly interested in the various kinds of noises that people hear in this area. Do you think your neighborhood is quiet or noisy or about average?

1 Quiet Why do you say that?


2 Average

3 Noisy Why do you say that?


  1. What kinds of noise do you hear in this neighborhood? RECORD RESPONSES



  1. Now I am going to read a list of common noises. Thinking about the last 12 months or so, when you are here at home, how much does noise from each of these sources bother, disturb, or annoy you; Extremely, Very, Moderately, Slightly or Not at all?"



 Using this card, please rate the degree of annoyance, if any, which you experience from each noise source. [HAND RESPONSE CARD A TO R]

Barking dogs

1 Not at all annoying

2 Slightly annoying

3 Moderately annoying

4 Very annoying

5 Extremely annoying

R No opinion

Playing children

1 Not at all annoying

2 Slightly annoying

3 Moderately annoying

4 Very annoying

5 Extremely annoying

R No opinion


1 Not at all annoying

2 Slightly annoying

3 Moderately annoying

4 Very annoying

5 Extremely annoying

R No opinion

Do you enjoy fireworks at organized events? Yes No

Please rate the degree of annoyance, if any, which you experience from listening to fireworks at organized events.

1 Not at all annoying

2 Slightly annoying

3 Moderately annoying

4 Very annoying

5 Extremely annoying

R No opinion

Do you enjoy amateur fireworks set off by neighbors in your community? Yes No

Please rate the degree of annoyance, if any, which you experience from listening to amateur fireworks in your community.

1 Not at all annoying

2 Slightly annoying

3 Moderately annoying

4 Very annoying

5 Extremely annoying

R No opinion

12) Other residents in this area have mentioned the following types of noises. Thinking about the last 12 months or so, when you are here at home, how much does noise from each of these sources bother, disturb, or annoy you; Extremely, Very, Moderately, Slightly or Not at all?" Please rate the degree of annoyance you experience in this neighborhood from each source.[CONTINUE TO USE RESPONSE CARD A]

Street traffic

1 Not at all annoying

2 Slightly annoying

3 Moderately annoying

4 Very annoying

5 Extremely annoying

R No opinion


1 Not at all annoying

2 Slightly annoying

3 Moderately annoying

4 Very annoying

5 Extremely annoying

R No opinion

12a) Other residents in the area have mentioned military noise. Do you hear military noise?


  2. Yes What types of military noise do you hear? RECORD RESPONSES

12b) If R mentions one or more types of military noise in Q12a, for each noise mentioned in 12a) ask: Thinking about the last 12 months or so, when you are here at home, how much does noise from each of these sources bother, disturb, or annoy you; Not at all, slightly annoying, Moderately annoying, very annoying, or extremely annoying?

First Noise Type from 12a)___________________________________________

1 Not at all annoying

2 Slightly annoying

3 Moderately annoying

4 Very annoying

5 Extremely annoying

R No opinion

Second Noise Type from 12a)_________________________________________1 Not at all annoying

2 Slightly annoying

3 Moderately annoying

4 Very annoying

5 Extremely annoying

R No opinion

Third Noise Type from 12a)____ _____________________________________

1 Not at all annoying

2 Slightly annoying

3 Moderately annoying

4 Very annoying

5 Extremely annoying

R No opinion


13) Thinking about the last 12 months or so, when you are here at home, how often do you hear each of these sounds in this neighborhood? Not at all, only occasionally, moderately often, frequently, very often?" Please use the response card to select your response.


Street traffic

  1. Not at all

  2. Only occasionally

  3. Moderately often

  4. Frequently

  5. Very often


  1. Not at all

  2. Only occasionally

  3. Moderately often

  4. Frequently

  5. Very often

Military Noise

  1. Not at all

  2. Only occasionally

  3. Moderately often]

  4. Frequently

  5. Very often


    1. To what degree do you agree with the following statements? [HAND RESPONSE CARD C TO RESPONDENT]

a I believe that people have a hard time getting used to noise

1 Strongly disagree

2 Somewhat disagree

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Moderately agree

5 Strongly agree

R No opinion

b I believe that people get used to road traffic noise

1 Strongly disagree

2 Somewhat disagree

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Moderately agree

5 Strongly agree

R No opinion

c I believe that with time most people adapt to noise

1 Strongly disagree

2 Somewhat disagree

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Moderately agree

5 Strongly agree

R No opinion

d I believe that with time I can adapt to noise

1 Strongly disagree

2 Somewhat disagree

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Moderately agree

5 Strongly agree

R No opinion

e I believe that with time I can get used to even the loudest noise

1 Strongly disagree

2 Somewhat disagree

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Moderately agree

5 Strongly agree

R No opinion


These next questions ask about the time you personally are home. Remember that this information will be kept confidential and will only be used to help us better understand your answers to the questions. The times that you provide will allow us to evaluate your answers with regard to probable noise sources in the community during that time frame.

    1. On a typical weekday, about what time do you usually wake up?

____:____ AM or PM

16) On a typical weekday, about what time do you usually fall asleep?

____:____ AM or PM

17) On a typical weekday, how many hours are you usually at home in the morning between the hours of 6 AM and 8 AM? [IF NEEDED, REMIND THAT THIS IS A 2-HOUR PERIOD]


18) On a typical weekday, how often are you at home during the day? That is between the hours of 8 AM and 6 PM? [IF NEEDED, REMIND THAT THIS IS A 10-HOUR PERIOD] _____hours

19) On a typical weekday, how often are you at home in the evening between the hours of 6 PM and 10 PM? [IF NEEDED, REMIND THAT THIS IS A 4-HOUR PERIOD]


20) On a typical weekday, how often are you at home during sleeping hours? That is between the hours of 10 PM and 6 AM? [IF NEEDED, REMIND THAT THIS IS A 8-HOUR PERIOD]


21) About how many times do you remember being bothered, disturbed, or annoyed by street traffic in the last 3 months? READ RESPONSE CATEGORIES, RECORD ANSWER

      1. Never

2 1 or 2 times

3 3-5 times

4 6-10 times

5 11-20 times

6 21-30 times

7 More than 30 times

22) About how many times do you remember being bothered, disturbed, or annoyed by aircraft in the last 3 months? READ RESPONSE CATEGORIES, RECORD ANSWER

  1. Never

2 1 or 2 times

3 3-5 times

4 6-10 times

5 11-20 times

6 21-30 times

7 More than 30 times

23) About how many times do you remember being bothered, disturbed, or annoyed by military noise in the last 3 months]? READ RESPONSE CATEGORIES, RECORD ANSWER

      1. Never

2 1 or 2 times

3 3-5 times

4 6-10 times

5 11-20 times

6 21-30 times

7 More than 30 times

24) About how many times do you remember being bothered, disturbed, or annoyed by military noise in the last 12 months]? READ RESPONSE CATEGORIES, RECORD ANSWER

      1. Never

2 1 or 2 times

3 3-5 times

4 6-10 times

5 11-20 times

6 21-30 times

7 More than 30 times

25) Did you experience any rattle or vibration in your home from noise?

1 No - Skip to Question 28

2 Yes

Don’t recall/Can’t say - Skip to Question 28

26) What structures in your house rattle or vibrate?

  1. Windows

  2. Walls

  3. Shelves

  4. China

  5. Bric a brac

  6. Other - Please specify ____________________________________

27) Has noise or rattle ever disturbed your ability to converse or hear conversations here in this neighborhood?


Yes --- What is the noise source that affected your conversation?


---Did it affect your conversation inside your home?



Did it affect your conversation outside your home?



Has this happened to you in the last 3 months?



28) Has noise or rattle ever disturbed or disrupted other activities here in this neighborhood?


Yes --- What is the noise source that disturbed or disrupted your activities?


---Did it disrupt or disturb your activities inside your home?



-Did it disrupt or disturb your activities outside your home?



Has this happened to you in the last 3 months?

    1. No

    2. Yes

29) Since you have been living here, have you ever been awakened by noises coming from outside your home?


Yes -- What was the source of the noise that awakened you?


-- How often do you recall having been awakened by noise from this source?

1 or 2 times

3-5 times

6-10 times

11-20 times

21-30 times

31-40 times

41-50 times

More than 50 times

Has this happened to you in the last 3 months?



30) Does the noise you experience in this neighborhood ever affect you in the following ways? Thinking about the last 12 months or so, when you are here at home, how much does noise from each of these sources affect you in the following way Not at all, only occasionally, moderately often, frequently, very often. [HAND RESPONSE CARD B]

Does the noise ever startle you or make you jump?

1 Not at all

2 Only occasionally

3 Moderately often

4 Frequently

5 Very often

Does the noise ever frighten you?

1 Not at all

2 Only occasionally

3 Moderately often

4 Frequently

5 Very often

Does the noise every cause you to feel irritable or edgy?

1 Not at all

2 Only occasionally

3 Moderately often

4 Frequently

5 Very often

Does the noise ever make you become tense or nervous?

1 Not at all

2 Only occasionally

3 Moderately often

4 Frequently

5 Very often


31) What are the two favorite types of music you listen to most often? What is your favorite performer for that type of music? CIRCLE ONE RESPONSE FOR EACH OF THE TWO QUESTIONS BELOW. LIST THE NAME OF THE PERFORMER ON THE LINE.

What type of music do you listen to most often? Who is your favorite performer?

1 Rap ________________

2 Hip Hop ________________

3 Jazz ________________

4 Rock and Roll ________________

5 Country ________________

6 Classical ________________

7 Other _______________

What type of music do you listen to second most often? Who is your favorite performer?

1 Rap ________________

2 Hip Hop _______________

3 Jazz ________________

4 Rock and Roll _______________

5 Country ________________

6 Classical ________________

7 Other _______________

32) How long have you lived at this address?

1 Less than one year

2 1-5 years

3 6-10 years

4 11 or more years

R No opinion

33) Do you rent or own your home?

1 Rent

2 Own

3 OtherSPECIFY _______________________________

R No opinion

34) About how old is the house?

1 0-10 years

2 11-20 years

3 21-30 years

4 31-40 years

5 41 years and over

D Not known

R No opinion

35) How old are the windows (i.e. are they the original or replacement windows)?

1 0-10 years

2 11-20 years

3 21-30 years

4 31-40 years

5 41 years and over

D Not known

R No opinion

36) What is the type of house construction?

  1. Stone

  2. Brick

  3. Aluminum siding

  4. Vinyl siding

  5. Stucco

  6. Wood frame

  7. Modular unit

  8. Concrete block

D Not known

R No opinion

37) What is the style of the house?

1 Two story

2 Two story with basement

3 Ranch on concrete slab

4 Ranch with basement

3 Bi-level

4 Other style SPECIFY ________________________________________

D Not known

R No opinion

Interviewer: Check features of house structure as applicable:

  1. Windows:

    1. Single frame

    2. Double frame

    3. Single paned

    4. Double paned (Insulated or storm windows in place)

  1. Garage:

    1. Separate structure

    2. Attached to home

      1. Single

      2. Double

  1. Wind chimes or other potential noise sources outside house

    1. Wind chime

    2. Shutters—both operating and decorative

    3. Patio and carport roofs

    4. Antennas

    5. Mail boxes and mail slots

    6. Gutters and downspouts

Part B: Installation-Specific Questions

A subset of the following questions will be used for the General Community Survey at each Installation. The number of questions and the specific questions may vary between Installations. The specific questions to be included at each Installation will be determined in consultation with representatives from each Installation.

These next questions are about [NAME OF INSTALLATION] and how you feel about living in close proximity to it.

B1) Do any members of this household work for the [NAME OF INSTALLATION]? If so, who?


2 No

B2) Have any members of this household served in the Armed Services? If so, who?


2 No

B3) Do any members of this household receive retirement or disability income as result of military or civilian service in the Department of Defense? If so, who?


2 No

B4) How would you rate the importance of [NAME OF INSTALLATION] for the economic health of your town and county? Is it extremely important, very important, moderately important, slightly important, or not at all important?


1 Not at all important

2 Slightly important

3 Moderately important

4 Very important

5 Extremely important

R No opinion

B5) How would you rate the importance of [NAME OF INSTALLATION] for public health in your town and county?

1 Not at all important

2 Slightly important

3 Moderately important

4 Very important

5 Extremely important

R No opinion

B6) How would you rate the importance of Federal funding to your local school district from the [NAME OF INSTALLATION]? Is it extremely important, very important, moderately important, slightly important, or not at all important?

1 Not at all important

2 Slightly important

3 Moderately important

4 Very important

5 Extremely important

R No opinion


B7) One role that military installations are expected to fulfill is to serve as environmental caretakers of Federal lands, protecting rare and endangered species and, when appropriate, providing opportunities for recreation, such as hunting and fishing and outdoor activities. How would you rate the job [NAME OF INSTALLATION] has done in caring for this environment? Have they been . . . . [READ LIST]

1 Terrible

2 Poor

3 Average

4 Good

5 Excellent

R No opinion

B8) Are there any other positive benefits, other than those already mentioned, from that [NAME OF INSTALLATION] has on the quality of life experienced by you and your household? [RECORD RESPONSES]


B9) Are there any negative effects that [NAME OF INSTALLATION] has on the quality of life experienced by you and your household? [RECORD RESPONSE]


B10) Thinking about the last 12 months (since MONTH/YEAR), when you were here at home, what noises, if any, do you remember hearing from operations at [Installation of Interest]? [DO NOT READ LIST; CHECK ALL THAT ARE MENTIONED]

__ Do not remember hearing any noises

__ Helicopters

__ Aircraft

__ Small arms/guns

__ Big Arms/guns

__ Bombs or Explosives

__ Military Vehicles

__ OtherSPECIFY_______________________________________________


B11) Thinking about the last 3 months when you are here at home, how much does noise from (insert noise source from number B10) bother, disturb, or annoy you? [HAND RESPONSE CARD A]

1 Not at all annoying

2 Slightly annoying

3 Moderately annoying

4 Very annoying

5 Extremely annoying

R No opinion


[ASK B12 a-c IF Q12 LE 3]

B12a) Is there a particular time of day when [INSERT NOISE SOURCE FROM B10] noise was most disturbing? [RECORD ALL TIMES OF DAY WHEN MOST DISTURBING

1 Yes ___:___ AM/PM TO ___:___ AM/PM

___:___ AM/PM TO ___:___ AM/PM

___:___ AM/PM TO ___:___ AM/PM

2 No

D Don’t recall

B12b) About how many times do you remember being bothered, disturbed or annoyed by [INSERT NOISE SOURCE FROM B10] during the last 3 months?


D Don’t Recall

B12c) Have you ever been awakened by [INSERT NOISE SOURCE FROM B10] in the last 3 months?

1 Yes How many times were you awakened by this noise? ____ times

2 No

D Don’t recall

B13) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Operations at [NAME OF INSTALLATION] are vital for the security of the United States.” [HAND RESPONSE CARD D]

1 Strongly disagree

2 Somewhat disagree

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Moderately agree

5 Strongly agree

R No opinion

B14 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “The Army has a choice to shift annoying noise at [Installation of Interest] to some other military installation.”

1 Strongly disagree

2 Somewhat disagree

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Moderately agree

5 Strongly agree

R No opinion

B15) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “The Army has a choice of whether to shift annoying noise to a different time of day.”

1 Strongly disagree

2 Somewhat disagree

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Moderately agree

5 Strongly agree

R No opinion


B16) Some people who live within 10 miles of military installations have said they are annoyed by window rattling and house vibration from training or testing of large guns, bombs and explosions. Thinking about the last 3 months when you were here at home, how much did the rattling or vibration from guns and explosions bother, disturb, or annoy you? [HAND RESPONSE CARD A]

1 Not at all annoying

2 Slightly annoying

3 Moderately annoying

4 Very annoying

5 Extremely annoying

R No opinion


B17) Have you have experienced rattle of vibration from military explosions while inside your home?

    1. No - SKIP TO Q B19

    2. Yes - What parts of your house rattled or vibrated? [DO NOT READ LIST, CHECK ALL THAT ARE MENTIONED

__ Windows

__ Walls

__ Shelves

__ China

__ Small decorative items (“bric a brac” or “knick knacks’)

__ Floors

__ Garage door

__ OtherSPECIFY_________________________

B18) In your opinion, what is the cause of the house vibration around military installations? [HAND RESPONSE CARD E]

1 Seismic energy from explosions travels through the ground and causes house vibration

2 Sound energy from explosions travels through the air and causes house vibration

3 Other

R No opinion

B19) Some people who live within 10 miles of military installations have said they are annoyed by hearing the low frequency rumble of large guns, bombs and explosions. In answering the next question, please concentrate on the annoyance of the sound all by itself and try to ignore any annoyance you experience from rattles and vibration. Thinking about the last 3 months when you were here at home, how much did the rumble of guns and explosions bother, disturb, or annoy you? [HAND RESPONSE CARD A]

1 Not at all annoying

2 Slightly annoying

3 Moderately annoying

4 Very annoying

5 Extremely annoying

R No opinion


B20) Have the noise or rattle from gunfire and explosions disturbed your ability to converse or hear conversations INSIDE your home in the last 3 months?

1 Yes

2 No

D Don’t recall

B21) Have the noise or rattle from gunfire and explosions disturbed your ability to converse or hear conversations OUTSIDE your home in the last 3 months?

1 Yes

2 No

D Don’t recall

B22) Have the noise or rattle from gunfire and explosions disturbed your activities inside your home in the last 3 months?

1 Yes

2 No

D Don’t recall

B23) Have the noise or rattle from gunfire and explosions disturbed your activities outside your home in the last 3 months?

1 Yes

2 No

D Don’t recall

B24 Army range noise includes noises from tanks, projectiles, and explosions. Does the military range noise you experience in this neighborhood ever affect you in the following ways? [HAND RESPONSE CARD B]

    1. Does the military range noise ever startle you or make you jump?

1 Not at all

2 Only occasionally

3 Moderately often

4 Frequently

5 Very often

R No opinion

    1. Does the military range noise ever frighten you?

1 Not at all

2 Only occasionally

3 Moderately often

4 Frequently

5 Very often

R No opinion

    1. Does the military range noise every cause you to feel irritable or edgy?

1 Not at all

2 Only occasionally

3 Moderately often

4 Frequently

5 Very often

R No opinion

    1. Does the military range noise ever make you become tense or nervous

1 Not at all

2 Only occasionally

3 Moderately often

4 Frequently

5 Very often

R No opinion


B25) Do you ever experience rattles or house vibration from military low flying jets or helicopters?

  1. No

2 Yes About how many times a year do you experience rattles or vibration?

________ times a year

D Don’t recall

B26) Have you ever complained to the authorities at [Installation of Interest] about noise of any kind?

1 YesPlease describe your experience:









2 No

D Don’t recall



1 Not at all annoying

2 Slightly annoying

3 Moderately annoying

4 Very annoying

5 Extremely annoying

R No opinion


1 Not at all

2 Only occasionally

3 Moderately often

4 Frequently

5 Very often


1 Strongly disagree

2 Somewhat disagree

3 Neither agree nor disagree

4 Moderately agree

5 Strongly agree

R No opinion


1 Not at all important

2 Slightly important

3 Moderately important

4 Very important

5 Extremely important

R No opinion


1 Seismic energy from explosions travel through the ground and causes house vibration

2 Sound energy from explosions is conducted through the air



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File Created2007-12-06

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