Employer Discussion Guide: Steering Committee Members (Case Studies)

National Healthy Worksite Program

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Employer Discussion Guide: Steering Committee Members (Case Studies)

OMB: 0920-0965

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OMB No. 0920-XXXX
Exp. Date: XX-XX-XXXX

CDC National Healthy Worksite Program
Employer Discussion Guide: Steering Committee
Members (Case Studies)
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or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a
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Steering Committee /
HR directors
(~10 case study sties)
(1 – 3 staff/site)

NHW Steering

Challenges and
strategies for

Month 20 (near the
end of program


@ 0.5

Implementation: These are planned as facilitated small group discussions to be conducted near the end
of the implementation period (~ 20 months following project start) with employer staff and/or Human
Resource Department directors who participate in the worksite health program steering committee. These
will be used to produce10 case studies.
Thank you for taking time today to help us better understand issues related to the National Healthy
Worksite (NHW) program. Our task is to provide the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) with an evaluation that will further CDC’s understanding of factors related to employee
engagement, program implementation, and outcomes.
Informed Consent
Before we get started, I’d like need to give you some more information to help you decide whether or not
you would like to participate.


This project is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many parts of the
project are being managed by Research Triangle Institute International (RTI). RTI is an
independent, non-profit institute headquartered in Research Triangle Park, NC. RTI provides
technical services to clients worldwide. They are helping CDC evaluate the National Healthy
Worksite (NHW) program.
You were asked to participate because of your role in your company’s health promotion activities.




We will be having similar discussions with others who are knowledgeable about the NHW
Your participation in this discussion is voluntary. In the course of this discussion, you may refuse
to answer specific questions. You may also choose to end the discussion at any time.
The discussion is designed to take about 30 minutes.
There are no right or wrong answers or ideas—we want to hear about YOUR experiences and
All of the comments you provide will be maintained in a secure manner. We will not disclose your
responses or anything about you unless we are compelled by law. Your responses will be
combined with other information we receive and reported in the aggregate as feedback from the
group. In our project reports, your name will not be linked to the comments you provide in this
CDC is authorized to collect information for this project under the Public Health Services Act.
There are no personal risks or personal benefits to you for participating in this discussion.
We are interested in your comments so that we can improve the NHW program for future
participants. Please feel free to contact Dr. Laurie Cluff at RTI. Her toll-free number is 1-800-3348571 x 6514. You can also call RTI’s Office of Research Protection and Ethics toll-free at 1-866214-2043.

Participant Information:
1. What is your worksite?
2. What is your role in the worksite health promotion activities?

Program Content, Participation and Establishment
3. How are employees informed about health promotion opportunities and programs?
4. What employees are eligible to participate in the health promotion programs?
5. Approximately how many employees participate in health promotion programs?
6. What program components have had the most participation?
7. What were the biggest challenges you encountered when establishing the programming?
Probe: What strategies did you use to overcome these challenges?
8. What strategies were most effective for encouraging participation?
9. What motivated employees to continue participating in health promotion activities?


10. In what ways has health promotion been incorporated into organizational policies?
11. What are the most positive changes you have seen at the organizational level?

Policy changes


Physical/structural changes?


Social/cultural changes?

12. How supportive have employees been of these organizational level changes?
Probe: In what ways have employees shown support?
13. What do you think will be required to sustain the program?
14. What have you learned that you would share with others trying to start health promotion programs at
their worksites?

Program Participation:

What programming or services have you participated in or used?


What factors made it easier for you to participate?


What changes you have seen in your own health or health behaviors?


Is there anything else you would like to tell us about the program?

Date of Interview:_______________

Interview Site:__________________




File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - Attachment_E-5_Employer_Discussion_Guide_SteeringComm 5-10-12
File Modified2012-05-10
File Created2012-05-10

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