Preparation and training for RMS Data Collection, collection and RMS monitoring

Housing Choice Voucher Program Administrative Fee Study Data Collection for Full National Study

HCV Admin Fee_OMB Full Study_Appendix A_11-19-12

Preparation and training for RMS Data Collection, collection and RMS monitoring

OMB: 2528-0290

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OMB Control Number XXXX (expires mm/dd/yy)

Appendix A. RMS Data Collection

The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be up to 1 hour for preparation of materials for RMS data collection, 2 hours for training, 10 hours for responding to phone notifications, and 8 hours for monitoring over the course of the 40-day RMS data collection period. HUD may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this Form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this data collection is XXXX-XXXX, expiring on MM/DD/YY. This collection is authorized by 12.U.S.C. 1701z-1, which authorizes HUD to undertake studies of this type.

Screen Flow for Random Moment Sampling

Entry Screens

  1. What were you working on

    1. Regular HCV Program go to screen 5 (Which area)

    2. Special Voucher Program go to screen 2 (Which special voucher program)

    3. HCV FSS go to screen 14 (FSS)

    4. In Training (HCV) go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    5. Other Program go to screen 3 (Other program)

    6. General email or voicemail go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    7. Lunch/break go to screen 4 (Lunch/break)

    8. Not at work go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

  1. Which special voucher program

    1. Project-Based Vouchers go to screen 5 (Which area)

    2. Homeownership Vouchers go to screen 5 (Which area)

    3. HUD-VASH go to screen 5 (Which area)

    4. Family Unification Program go to screen 5 (Which area)

    5. 5-Year Mainstream Vouchers go to screen 5 (Which area)

    6. Non-Elderly Disabled Vouchers go to screen 5 (Which area)

    7. Tenant Protection or Enhanced Vouchers go to screen 5 (Which area)

    8. Disaster Vouchers go to screen 5 (Which area)

  1. What other program

    1. Public housing/HOPE VI go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    2. USDA/Rural Development go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    3. Other HUD1 go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    4. Low Income Housing Tax Credit go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    5. Other federal, state, or local go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    6. Overhead go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

  1. [Lunch/Break] Which activity

    1. Lunch go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    2. Break go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

  1. Which area

    1. Intake and eligibility go to screen 6 (Intake and Eligibility)

    2. Lease up go to screen 7 (Lease Up)

    3. Ongoing occupancy go to screen 8 (Ongoing Occupancy)

    4. Inspections go to screen 10 (Inspections)

    5. Monitoring and supervisory go to screen 12 (Monitoring and Supervisory)

    6. Supportive services go to screen 13 (Supportive Services)

    7. General customer service go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    8. Community/owner relations go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    9. Staff meetings go to screen 14 (Meetings)

Activity-Specific Screens

  1. [Intake and Eligibility]. Which activity

    1. Applicant intake go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    2. Process port-ins go to screen 16 (Client Type)

    3. Eligibility determination go to screen 16 (Client Type)

    4. Informal reviews go to screen 16 (Client Type)

    5. Denial of eligibility go to screen 16 (Client Type)

    6. Reasonable accommodation go to screen 16 (Client Type)

    7. Data entry, file management, and reports go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

  1. [Lease Up]. Which activity

    1. Briefings go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    2. Voucher issuance go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    3. Search assistance go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    4. Voucher extensions and expirations go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    5. RFTA processing go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    6. Rent reasonableness go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    7. HAP contracts go to screen 16 (Client Type)

    8. Informal reviews go to screen 16 (Client Type)

    9. Reasonable accommodation go to screen 16 (Client Type)

    10. Data entry, file management, and reports go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

  1. [Ongoing Occupancy]. Which activity

    1. Annual recertifications go to screen 9 (Annuals)

    2. Interim recertifications go to screen 16 (Client Type)

    3. Moves go to screen 16 (Client Type)

    4. Rent reasonableness go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    5. Process port-outs go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    6. End of participation go to screen 16 (Client Type)

    7. Terminations (& related informal hearings) go to screen 16 (Client Type)

    8. Other informal hearings go to screen 16 (Client Type)

    9. Reasonable accommodation go to screen 16 (Client Type)

    10. Data entry, file management, and reports go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

  1. [Annuals]. Which activity

    1. Prepare for annual recertification go to screen 16 (Client Type)

    2. Income verifications and calculations and EIV go to screen 16 (Client Type)

    3. Sending notices and responding to questions go to screen 16 (Client Type)

  1. [Inspections]. Which activity

    1. Scheduling and notifications go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    2. Preparing for inspection go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    3. Driving to/from inspection go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    4. Conducting inspection go to screen 11 (Inspection Type)

    5. Post-inspection paperwork go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    6. HQS enforcement go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    7. Reasonable accommodation go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

  1. [Inspection Type]. Which inspection type

    1. First inspection for initial/move in go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    2. Re-inspection for initial/move in go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    3. First inspection for annual go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    4. Re-inspection for annual go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    5. Complaint, emergency, or other special inspection go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    6. QC inspection go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

  1. [Monitoring and Supervisory]. Which activity

    1. Plans/policies go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    2. Monitor utilization and HAP expenses go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    3. PIC and EIV review and corrections go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    4. SEMAP and file QC go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    5. VMS reporting and corrections go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    6. Other monitoring go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    7. Staff supervision go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    8. Board activities go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    9. Community relations go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    10. Billing and accounting go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    11. Audit management go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    12. Research studies go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

  1. [Supportive Services]. Which activity

    1. Working with non-PHA partners go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    2. Marketing, outreach, and enrollment go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    3. Case management, services, and referrals go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    4. Homeownership-related services and referrals go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    5. Expanding housing opportunities go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

  2. [Meetings]. What was the meeting about

    1. Intake and eligibility go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    2. Lease up go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    3. Ongoing occupancy go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    4. Inspections go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    5. Monitoring, supervisory, accounting go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    6. Supportive services go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    7. Community/owner relations go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    8. Multiple topics or can’t specify go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

  1. [HCV FSS]. Which activity

    1. Working with non-PHA partners go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    2. Marketing, outreach, and enrollment go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    3. Case management, services, and referrals go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    4. Escrow monitoring or payouts go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    5. Program exits go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    6. Reasonable accommodation go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    7. Staff meetings or training go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    8. Data entry, file management, and reports go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

Client Types (Completed Only For Some Activities)

  1. [Client Type]. Which household type(s) (select all that apply)

    1. Homeless go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    2. Elderly go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    3. Non-Elderly Disabled go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    4. Small Family (1-5 members) go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    5. Large Family (6+ members) go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

    6. Not able to specify go to screen 17 (Closing Screen)

Closing Screen

  1. [Closing Screen]. Were you working on [all answers from above] at xx o’clock today?

    1. Yes

    2. No Return to Screen 1

[End of Notification]

Staffing Chart

PHAs will be asked to complete this staffing chart and return it to the study team prior to the start of RMS data collection.

We have created an Excel table to provide information on the roles and work schedules for all staff who work on the HCV program. We need this information in order to customize the hand-held devices for the RMS data collection. Please complete all fields of the HCV Staffing Chart for all staff who work on the HCV program.

Which Staff Should be Included in the Staffing Chart

Any staff who performs any of the following activities for the HCV program should be included in the chart:

  • Wait list management, initial intake and eligibility

  • Lease up and HAP contracting (initials and moves)

  • Ongoing occupancy (and terminations)

  • Inspections (including scheduling)

  • Program monitoring, supervisory activities, and billing and accounting

  • Special voucher program activities and services

  • FSS program for HCV participants

  • General customer service

  • Customer service for persons with disabilities

  • Community/owner relations

This includes all front line staff as well as supervisors who spend all or part of their time on the HCV program.

Definition of Fields in Staffing Chart

The HCV Staffing Chart has 12 fields to fill out for each HCV program staff, as follows:





Name of PHA

Type in the PHA’s name (e.g., SCHA)

Last Name

Employee’s last name

Type in the employee’s last name

First Name

Employee’s first name

Type in the employee’s first name


Employee’s job title

Type in the employee’s job title


Estimated percent of time the employee works on the HCV program (only if PHA administers more than one program)

Enter your estimate for the percent of time the employee spends out of his/her work day on HCV-related activities. For example, if an employee spends about one-quarter of their time on intake for HCV and about three-quarters of their time on intake for public housing, enter 25%. If employee only works on the HCV program, enter 100%.

Typical Monday Schedule

Employee’s typical work hours on a Monday

Enter start time (e.g., 8:30 AM) in one column and end time (e.g., 4:30 PM) in next column. If an employee does not work one day a week, enter “off” on that day.

Typical Tuesday Schedule

Employee’s typical work hours on a Tuesday

See above.

Typical Wednesday Schedule

Employee’s typical work hours on a Wednesday

See above.

Typical Thursday Schedule

Employee’s typical work hours on a Thursday

See above.

Typical Friday Schedule

Employee’s typical work hours on a Friday

See above.

Before Hours Work?

Does the employee come in earlier than his/her typical work schedule once a week (or four times a month) or more?

Use the drop down menu to enter “Yes” or “No.” Enter Yes if the employee comes in early once a week (or four times a month) or more.

After Hours Work?

Does the employee work after his/her typical work schedule once a week (or four times a month) or more?

Use the drop down menu to enter “Yes” or “No.” Enter Yes if the employee takes work home at night or on weekends once a week (or four times a month) or more.

HCV Staffing Chart (available also as Excel spreadsheet)

Last Name

First Name



Typical Monday Schedule

Typical Tuesday Schedule

Typical Wednesday Schedule

Typical Thursday Schedule

Typical Friday Schedule

Before Hours Work?

After Hours Work?




Time on HCV





























































































































1 Includes all HUD programs other than regular HCV or special vouchers. Examples include: public housing, CDBG, HOME, SHP, HOPWA, Section 8 mod rehab and new construction, NSP, housing counseling.

Appendix A ▌pg. 7

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleAbt Single-Sided Body Template
AuthorAbt Associates Inc.
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-30

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