Strategic Direction 1: Tobacco Free Living Goal: Prevent and Reduce Tobacco Use |
CDC Recommended Evidence- and Practice-Based Strategies
Links to Guidance Documents |
Healthy People 2020 Health Outcome Targets* |
CDC. Evaluation Toolkit for Smoke-Free Policies (2008).
Tobacco The Business of Quitting: An Employer’s website for Tobacco Cessation developed by the National Business Group on Health and supported by the CDC provides tools and resources for workplaces to establish a culture of health, select tobacco cessation benefits, establish workplace policies, communicate with employees and evaluate the effectiveness of the programs, policies, and practices.
Tobacco-Free Workplace Campus Initiative This toolkit provides guidance for assessing, planning, promoting, implementing, and evaluating a tobacco-free campus (TFC) initiative that includes a policy and comprehensive cessation services for employees. US. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD):
Optional Smoke-Free Housing Policy Implementation (Sept. 15, 2010)
Housing Interventions and Health: A Review of the Evidence
Tobacco Use 2: Increase the proportion of persons covered by indoor worksite policies that prohibit smoking. 20: Increase the proportion of smoke-free homes
Implement evidence-based strategies to prevent and reduce tobacco use among youth and adults.
Increase types of outdoor venues where tobacco use is prohibited.
Tobacco-free sports
CDC School Health Guidelines
Tobacco Use 12: Increase tobacco-free environments in schools. |
Tobacco Free Living Innovative Proposals |
Recipient will provide |
Recipient will link to HP2020 objective |
Strategic Direction 2: Active Living and Healthy Eating Goals: Prevent and Reduce Obesity, Increase Physical Activity; Improve Nutrition in Accordance with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 |
Improve jurisdiction-wide nutrition, physical activity, and screen time policies and practices in early child care settings.
Preventing Childhood Obesity in Early Care and Education Programs Selected Standards from Caring for our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards (Selected Standards Book, 2010). This book provides is the new set of national standards describing evidence-based best practices in nutrition, physical activity, and screen time for early care and education programs. The standards are for ALL types of early care and education settings centers and family child care homes. The Third Edition (CFOC, 3rd Ed.) is projected to be released in 2011.
Farm to Preschool Farm to Preschool programs connect child care providers and local food producers and processors, with the goal of serving healthy meals to children, providing agriculture, health and nutrition education opportunities, and supporting local and regional farmers. Food and garden-based education in preschools increases access to fresh fruits and vegetables. Resources include: National Farm to School Network
Nutrition and Weight Status 19: Increase the number of States with nutrition standards for foods and beverages provided to pre-school aged children in childcare. |
Increase the number of designated Baby-friendly hospitals. |
The CDC Guide to Breastfeeding Interventions. Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2005. |
Maternal, Infant and Child Health 28: Increase the percentage of live births that occur in facilities that provide recommended care for lactating mothers and their babies. |
Increase policies and practices to support breastfeeding in health care, community, workplaces, and learning and childcare settings. |
Ten Steps to Healthy Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Centers Guide This guide is designed to help child care centers improve existing breastfeeding policies and practices and their current compliance with the requirements for the Breastfeeding Friendly designation.
Purchaser’s Guide to Clinical Preventive Services provide summary plan description language that benefits managers can use to purchase recommended breastfeeding counseling coverage (USPSTF B Recommendation)
Investing in Workplace Breastfeeding Program and Policies: An Employer’s Toolkit This National Business Group on Health toolkit provides information for assessing, planning, promoting, implementing, and evaluating a worksite lactation support program.
The CDC Guide to Breastfeeding Interventions. Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2005. Included in this guide are breastfeeding interventions that are practice and evidence based, with a focus on selecting community and other interventions that address disparities within specific population groups |
Maternal, Infant and Child Health 12: Increase the proportion of mothers who breastfeed their babies 26: Increase the percentage of employers who have worksite lactation programs.
Improve nutrition quality of foods and beverages served or available in schools consistent with the Institute of Medicine’s Nutrition Standards for Foods in Schools.
Institute of Medicine Report: Nutrition Standards for Foods in Schools
Sodium Procurement Guide
NPLAN’s Developing Healthy Vending Beverage Agreements
CSPI’s Sweet Deals—School Fundraising can be Healthy and Profitable
NPLAN’s Model Wellness Policy Language for Water Access in Schools
CDC Guide to Fruit and Vegetables Strategies to Increase Access, Availability and Consumption
USDA’s Be Salt Savvy—Cut Back on Sodium for Healthier School Meals Fact Sheet |
Nutrition and Weight Status 6: Increase the contribution of fruits to the diets of the population aged 2 years and older. 18: Increase the number of States that have State-level policies that incentivize food retail outlets to provide foods that are encouraged by the Dietary Guidelines.20: Increase the percentage of schools that offer nutritious foods and beverages outside of school meals.
Improve the quality and amount of physical education and physical activity in schools.
The Community Guide Physical Activity chapter
CDC’s Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool
CDC’s Strategies to Improve the Quality of Physical Education
NASPE’s National Standards for PE
CDC’s Youth Physical Activity Guidelines Toolkit
NASPE’s Position Statement on Comprehensive School PA Programs
NPLAN’s Joint Use Agreement Resources
KidsWalk-to-School: A Guide to Promote Walking to School
National Center for Safe Routes to School Guide, Toolkit, and Other Resources
DHHS Physical Activity Guidelines
Physical Activity and Fitness 2: Increase the proportion of schools that require daily physical activity for all students. 3: Increase daily school physical education. 4: Increase the proportion of adolescents who spend at least 50 percent of school physical education class time being physically active. 7: Increase the proportion of adolescents that meet current physical activity guidelines 10, 11: Increase the proportion of trips made by walking and bicycling. 12: Increase the proportion of States and school districts that require regularly scheduled elementary school recess. 13: Increase the proportion of school districts that require or recommend elementary school recess for an appropriate time period.
Increase accessibility, availability, affordability and identification of healthy foods in communities, including provision of full service grocery stores, farmers markets, small store initiatives, mobile vending carts, and restaurant initiatives
Equitable Development Toolkit: Healthy Food Retailing PolicyLink An online tool that focuses on increasing access to retail outlets that sell nutritious, affordable food in underserved communities.
Strategic Alliance ENACT: Community Food Environment An online tool that focuses on attracting grocery stores to underserved areas through financial and regulatory incentives.
Healthy Corner Stores Describes successes and challenges of early corner store interventions and identifies steps for developing sustainable models:
Recommended Community Strategies and Measurements to Prevent Obesity in the United States
Nutrition and Weight Status 10: Reduce consumption of sodium in the population aged 2 years and older. 18: Increase the number of policies that incentivize healthy food retail outlets.
Heart Disease and Stroke 14: Increase the proportion of adults with prehypertension who meet the recommended guidelines (sodium intake). 15: Increase the proportion of adults with hypertension who meet the recommended guidelines (sodium intake).
Increase availability and affordability of healthful foods in institutional settings, workplaces, senior centers, and government facilities.
Vending Machine Food and Beverage Standards (California Department of Public Health Worksite Program California Fit Business Kit!
CDC’s Lean Works! offers interactive tools and evidence-based resources to design effective worksite obesity prevention and control programs.
Sodium Procurement Guide
Organizational Health Eating Policy Template (North Carolina Eat Smart Move More Worksite Initiative)
California Fit Business Kit helps employers develop and implement a culture and environment at their workplaces that support healthy eating and physical activity among workers.
Nutrition and Weight Status 6: Increase consumption of fruits. 7: Increase consumption of vegetables 9: Increase the proportion of persons who consume no more than 30 percent of calories from total fat. 15: Prevent inappropriate weight gain in youth and adults. 17: Reduce consumption of calories from solid fats and added sugars.
Promote purchase of fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods through incentives associated with food assistance programs. |
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) at Farmers Markets: A How-To Handbook.
Changes in the WIC Food Packages: A Toolkit for Partnering with Neighborhood Stores
Wholesome Wave Double Value Coupon Program
Nutrition and Weight Status 6: Increase consumption of fruits. 7: Increase consumption of vegetables. 18: Increase the number of policies that incentivize healthy food retail outlets. |
Limit density of fast food outlets and other outlets featuring high calorie, high sodium, and low nutrition foods and encourage retail venues to provide access and availability to healthier foods.
The Center for Law and the Public's Health at Johns Hopkins and Georgetown Universities. The use of zoning to restrict fast food outlets: a potential strategy to combat obesity.
The City Planner’s Guide to the Obesity Epidemic: Zoning and Fast Food
The Food Trust:
Nutrition and Weight Status 18: Increase policies that incentivize healthy food retail outlets.
22: Increase the proportion of Americans who have access to a food retail outlet that sells a variety of foods that are encouraged by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Increase opportunities for physical activity in communities and workplaces.
Utah Department of Health Exercise and Health Activity Time Policy Workplace Stairwell Modification and Promotion to Increase Daily Physical Activity This toolkit provides information for implementing and promoting changes to workplace stairwells to encourage physical activity at work.
NPLAN’s joint use agreement resources
Discount Fitness Club Network This toolkit provides guidance on identifying and establishing a relationship with a nationwide discount fitness club network (DFCN) for employees of multi-site organizations
Strategic Alliance-ENACT, Community Activity Strategies Recommended Community Strategies and Measurements to Prevent Obesity in the United States
Physical Activity and Fitness 5: Increase the schools that provide access to their physical activity spaces and facilities for all persons outside of normal school hours. 6: Increase physical activity in adults. 9: Increase access to and participation in employer-based exercise facilities and programs. 10: Increase walking. 11: Increase bicycling.
Disability and Secondary Conditions 7: Reduce reported barriers |
Active Living and Healthy Eating Innovative Strategies. |
Recipient will provide |
Recipient will link to HP2020 objective |
Strategic Direction 3: Increased Use of High Impact Quality Clinical Preventive Services Goals: Increase control of high blood pressure and high cholesterol; increase access to and demand for high impact quality preventive services.
Provide training and technical assistance to health care institutions, providers and provider organizations to effectively implement systems to improve delivery of clinical preventive services, consistent with USPSTF recommendations.
Glynn LG, Murphy AW, Smith SM, Schroeder K, Fahey T. Interventions used to improve control of blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD005182::
Purchaser’s Guide to increase use of clinical preventive services among employees
Guide to Clinical Preventive Services. The Community Guide:
Guide to Clinical Prevention Services (for screening); Health Affairs November 2010 issue: Designing Insurance To Improve Value In Health Care; Purchaser’s Guide to Clinical Preventive Services
Get With the Guidelines: Outpatient
Better Diabetes Care Project CHOICES is a brief motivational intervention for reducing alcohol-exposed pregnancies among women who are at high risk for such pregnancies.
Drinking and Reproductive Health: A Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Prevention Tool Kit
How to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates in Practice: A Primary Care Clinician’s* Evidence-Based Toolbox and Guide 2008:;
Electronic Health Records: Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology
Understanding Panel Management: A Comparative Study of an Emerging Approach to Population Care
NCI Patient Navigator Research Program
Patient Navigator Role of CHW can be found in Community Health Workers National Workforce Study. U. S. Department of Health and Human Services Resources and Services Administration Bureau of Health Professions. Community Health Worker National Workforce Study. 2007.
Community Health Workers’ Sourcebook
NCQA Patient-Centered Medical Home
CDC Case Management Guidelines
Medicare Accountable Care Organizations
RWJ Accountable Care Organization description
CDC Recommendation for Routine HIV Testing for Persons Age 13-64
National Chlamydia Coalition Testing Implementation Guidance. Why Screen for Chlamydia: An Implementation Guide for Healthcare Providers. Comprehensive guidance on Chlamydia testing and screening algorithms and assistance for clinical providers in dealing with test providers as well as discussing sexual health and testing with patients
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Recommendations for Identification and Public Health Management of Persons with Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection. MMWR 2008; 57(No. RR- 8): 1-20
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Management, and Treatment of Hepatitis C: Practice Guidelines, 2009 Update (pp 1335-1339, sections on Testing, Counseling, and Test Interpretation)
Access to Health Services 9: Increase the persons who receive appropriate clinical preventive services.
Older Adults 2: Increase the older adults who are up to date on a core set of clinical preventive measures.
Heart Disease and Stroke 4: Increase adults with hypertension whose blood pressure is under control 5: Increase adults who can state whether their blood pressure was normal or high 6: Reduce the cholesterol levels among adults 7: Reduce high total blood cholesterol levels in adults. 8: Increase blood cholesterol testing. 13: Reduce hypertension 18: Increase adherence to prescribed blood pressure medication. 19: Increase the proportion of adults with elevated LDL cholesterol who have been advised regarding cholesterol-lowering management
Diabetes 14: Increase population with diagnosed diabetes whose blood pressure is under control. 15: Improve lipid control among the population with diagnosed diabetes.
Cancer 9: Increase cancer screening counseling. 14: Increase number of women who receive a cervical cancer screening 15: Increase number of adults who receive a colorectal cancer screening 16: Increase number of women who receive breast cancer screening
Substance Abuse 21: Decrease the number of alcohol related deaths.
Maternal, Infant and Child Health 10: Increase abstinence from alcohol, cigarettes and illicit drugs among pregnant women.
Adolescent Health 3: Increase the percentage of adolescents tested for HIV.
HIV 6: Increase adults with TB who have been tested for HIV. 8: Increase the new HIV infections diagnosed before progression to AIDS. 10: Reduce the number of new cases of perinatally acquired HIV/AIDS and perinatally acquired AIDS. 12: Increase HIV-infected persons who know they are infected. 14: Increase HIV testing.
Immunization and Infectious Diseases 1: Reduce chronic hepatitis B virus in infants and young children. 26: Increase persons aware they have a chronic hepatitis C infection. 27: Increase hepatitis B testing in communities experiencing health disparities.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases 3: Reduce Chlamydia trachomatis infections. 4: Reduce gonorrhea rates. 5: Reduce transmission of syphilis. 6: Reduce genital herpes. 8, 9: Increase screening for genital Chlamydia infections.
Disability and Secondary Conditions 14: Reduce reported delays in receiving primary care due to barriers. 15: Increase transition planning from pediatric to adult health care. |
Provide outreach, including paid and earned media, to increase use of clinical preventive services by the population or population subgroups. |
GYT (Get Yourself Tested): , the National Chlamydia Coalition: and Cicatelli Associates: . |
HIV 14: Increase HIV testing.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases 8, 9: Increase screening for genital Chlamydia infections. |
Increase coverage, availability and use of expedited partner therapy. |
A description of EPT principles and CDC’s clinical guidance (p34) can be found at
Program recommendations are contained in CDC’s MMWR recommendations at (See section on treatment for partners). |
Sexually Transmitted Diseases 1: Reduce females who have ever required treatment for pelvic inflammatory disease. 3: Reduce Chlamydia trachomatis infections. 4: Reduce gonorrhea rates. 8, 9: Increase screening for genital Chlamydia infections.
Access to Health Services 9: Increase the persons who receive appropriate clinical preventive services. |
Prevent diabetes, especially in high risk populations.
Diabetes Training and Technical Assistance Center – **This site provides information on diabetes and in the future will house training, curriculum and recognition information on the National Diabetes Prevention Program.
Knowler WC, Barrett-Connor E, Fowler SE, et al. Reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or metformin. N Engl J Med 2002;346:393-403.
National Diabetes Prevention Program
Diabetes 16: Increase the people with pre-diabetes or multiple diabetes risk factors that engage in prevention behaviors.
Access to Health Services 9: Increase the persons who receive appropriate clinical preventive services.
HIV 14: Increase HIV testing. |
Increase access to and use of school-based dental sealant programs. |
Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors (ASTDD) Best Practice Approach Report: School-based Sealant Programs
Oral Health 10: Increase dental sealants on their molar teeth.
Improve arthritis, asthma, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes outcomes with chronic disease self management training programs. |
Stanford Chronic Disease Self-Management Program
Arthritis evidence-based self-management programs
Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma
Asthma: A Business Case for Employers and Health Care Purchasers
The Asheville Project
Diabetes Self-Management Education Action Guide
AADE Guidelines for the Practice of Diabetes Self-Management Education and Training
Arthritis, Osteoporosis, & Other Back Conditions 7: Increase provider counseling for arthritis. 8: Increase education for adults with arthritis.
Respiratory Diseases 1, 2: Reduce hospitalizations and emergency visits for asthma 3: Reduce activity limitations among persons with asthma 4: Reduce activity limitation due to chronic lung/ breathing problems. Reduce asthma deaths 7: Reduce number of school or work days missed among persons with asthma 8: Increase the proportion of persons with asthma who receive formal patient education 9: Increase appropriate asthma care.
Heart Disease and Stroke 4: Increase adults who can state whether their blood pressure was normal or high. 6: Increase adults who have had cholesterol checked. 7: Reduce high blood cholesterol levels 8: Reduce the mean total cholesterol among adults 11: Increase adherence to hypertensive prescriptions. 12: Increase controlled hypertension. 13: Increase cholesterol management.
Diabetes 1: Increase diabetes education. 4: Reduce lower extremity amputations. 13: Improve glycemic control. 14, 15: Increase population with diagnosed diabetes whose blood pressure and lipids are under control. |
Implement Viral Hepatitis Action Plan |
Clinical Preventive Services Innovative Interventions. |
Recipient will provide |
Recipient will link to HP2020 objective |
Strategic Direction 4: Social and Emotional Wellness Goals: Increase child and adolescent health and wellness, including social and emotional wellness. |
Promote effective parenting practices.
Bright Futures
School Connectedness: Strategies for Increasing Protective Factors among Youth
Maternal, Infant and Child Health 14: Increase the proportion of children with special health care needs who receive their care in family-centered, comprehensive, coordinated systems. 30: Increase screening, evaluation, and early intervention in young children with developmental delays.
Mental Health and Mental Disorders 6: Increase treatment for children with mental health problems
Early and Middle Childhood 5: Increase use of positive parenting.
Disability and Secondary Conditions 20: Increase intervention services in home or community-based settings for children with disabilities.
Adolescent Health 8: Increase the adolescents connected to a positive adult caregiver. |
Implement effective positive youth development and risk reduction approaches to improve adolescent health.
Communities that Care
Raising Healthy Children
Review of studies with impressive outcomes, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health |
Social and Emotional Wellness Innovative Interventions. |
Recipient will provide |
Recipient will link to HP2020 objective |
Strategic Direction 5: Healthy and Safe Physical Environment Goals: Increase bicycling and walking; improve the community environment to support health.
Increase adoption of comprehensive approaches to improve community design to enhance walking and bicycling and active transportation. |
CDC Recommendations for Improving Health through Transportation Policy
Active Design Guidelines: Promoting Physical Activity and Health in Design
KidsWalk-to-School: A Guide to Promote Walking to School
National Center for Safe Routes to School guide, toolkit, and other resources
Environmental Health 9: Increase use of alternative modes of transportation.
Disability and Secondary Conditions 7: Reduce reported barriers
Physical Activity and Fitness 6, 7: Increase physical activity in adults and adolescents. 10: Increase walking. 11: Increase bicycling.
Environmental Health 9: Increase use of alternative modes of transportation. |
Establish community design standards to make streets safe for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists and users of public transit.
Increasing Physical Activity Through Community Design: A Guide for Public Health Practitioners
How to Develop a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan
Complete Streets: Best Policy and Implementation Practices
Environmental Health 9: Increase use of alternative modes of transportation.
Physical Activity and Fitness 10: Increase walking. 11: Increase bicycling 16: Increase policies for the built environment that enhance access to and availability of physical activity opportunities. |
Increase mixed use zoning and transit-oriented development.
Creating Safe, Healthy and Active Living Communities: A Public Health Professional's Guide to Key Land Use and Transportation Planning Policies and Processes
Creating Regulatory Blueprint for Healthy Community Design: A Local Government Guide to Reforming Zoning and Land Development Codes |
Environmental Health 9: Increase use of alternative modes of transportation.
Physical Activity and Fitness 10: Increase walking. 11: Increase bicycling
Establish community protocols to assess the impact of community changes on community health and wellbeing.
A Health Impact Assessment Toolkit: A Handbook to Conducting HIA
Practice Standards for Health Impact Assessment (HIA)
Planning for Healthy Places with Health Impact Assessments |
Physical Activity and Fitness 6, 7: Increase physical activity in adults and adolescents.
Disability and Secondary Conditions 7: Reduce reported barriers |
Change building codes and other important policies to increase safe and healthy homes.
Environmental Health 3: Reduce pesticide exposures. 5: Reduce physical problems in housing units. 13: Reduce blood lead levels in children. 16: Reduce indoor allergen levels. 17: Increase the number of homes with an operating radon mitigation system. 18: Increase number of homes constructed with radon-reducing features 24: Reduce the number of U.S. homes with lead-based paint hazards. Tobacco Use 20: Increase the proportion of smoke-free homes Disability and Health 21: Increase homes and residential buildings with visitable features.
Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors (ASTDD) Best Practice Approach Report: Use of Fluoride – Community Water Fluoridation |
Oral Health 2: Increase the proportion of the U.S. population served by community water systems with optimally fluoridated water.
Reduce alcohol retail outlet density and reduce illegal beverage service.
Community Guide
Community Guide |
Substance Abuse 8: Reduce average annual alcohol consumption 16: Reduce the proportion of adults who drank excessively 7: Reduce the proportion of persons engaging in binge drinking of alcoholic beverages 20: Decrease the number of deaths attributable to alcohol. |
Healthy and Safe Physical Environment Innovative Interventions. |
Recipient will provide |
Recipient will link to HP2020 objective |
*Complete Healthy People 2020 Objectives can be found at:
Additional guidance is available at and at specific programmatic links at the CDC website.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | hth8 |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-30 |