OMB 0920-0941 change request August 2012

OMB 0920-0941 change request August 2012.doc

Evaluation of Dating Matters: Strategies to Promote Healthy Teen Relationships

OMB 0920-0941 change request August 2012

OMB: 0920-0941

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Program Contact: Andra Tharp, PhD

Submission Date: July 3, 2012

Circumstances of Change Request for OMB 0920-0941

This is a nonmaterial/non-substantive change request for #0920-0941, which received approval through July 2015 for the multi-site evaluation of Dating Matters (4 cities, 44 schools). The comprehensive study has both outcome and process evaluation components and includes multiple assessments.

Dating Matters grantees and contractors had one year for planning prior to implementation. During this planning year, grantees solidified their implementation plans (e.g., how many implementers they intended to use), piloted program materials, and finalized the participating schools. Contractors completed development of several programmatic components and made edits to evaluation instruments to enhance the connection with the final program and to eliminate redundant or unnecessary items. These changes, described in detail below, are minor and fully consistent with the focus and scope of what was already approved. Although we anticipated edits based on the work conducted during the planning year (2011-2012), in order to ensure that baseline data collection could begin in late summer 2012 as required in the funding mechanisms, the original OMB package was submitted for approval in November 2011. Therefore, the project is now requesting approval for the non-material/non-substantive changes that resulted during the planning year as a function of finalizing the program materials, clarifying instructions, and shortening several instruments.

We want to emphasize that the methods and design of the Dating Matters evaluation are unchanged. There has been no change related to individually identifiable information. Similarly, no new instruments are proposed. The burden has decreased slightly, due to:

1) re-estimating the student sample size based on actual enrollment of participating schools (previously an average enrollment was used);

2) re-calculating burden estimates for 23 standard schools and 21 comprehensive schools (previously 22 standard schools and 22 comprehensive schools) due to a few school closings during the planning year and subsequent recruitment and re-randomization of replacement schools; and,

3) re-estimating the number of implementer respondents based on the sites actual plans for hiring implementers (previously estimated based on anticipated number of implementers).

These changes are reflected in the revised Supporting Statement A and B and are summarized in the table below, as an overall decrease in burden and burden cost:

Total Burden Hours

Total Burden Cost










To clarify exactly what changes are proposed to the OMB approved instruments, we first summarize the purpose and change to each revised instrument and in subsequent tables itemize exactly which non-substantive changes have been made. The list appears long because the study includes a range of assessment tools. The changes to each tool are minor.



Reason for Modification

Outcome Evaluation

D-Student Outcome Survey Baseline

Shortened by removing (D-7 items; H-4 items; I-24 items) items. Instructions and skip patterns clarified

H-Parent Outcome Survey Baseline

I-Educator Outcome Survey Baseline

Implementation Evaluation

J-Brand Ambassador Implementation Survey

Item language clarified, added items (J-7 added 1 removed; RR- 2 added) related to aspects of the program (e.g., digital component) that were not yet finalized at the time of the original submission

RR-Communications Campaign Tracking Form

K-Local Health Department Capacity and Readiness Assessment (corresponds to screen shots in NNN)

Added (K-4 added; SS-5 added, 1 removed) items on sustainability and removed duplicative items about leadership.

SS-School Leadership Capacity Readiness Assessment (corresponds to screen shots in MMM)

DDDD-Master Trainer TA Tracking Form

Removed one response option for one question

Itemized proposed changes in Attachments—Modified items:





Attachment SS

Modified question on sustainability

31D -

How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? Select one answer per row.

Attachment DDDD

Removed one option previously included in Q.19-Language removed: Hazelden



Attachment J

Clarified language "worthwhile" changed to "good use of my time"


To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

Attachment R

Clarification to language- question about digital components


Total Number of likes to the community Facebook page

Attachment R

Clarification to language- “events” added to “activities”


Number of events/activities hosted

Attachment R

Clarification of language-"gear" changed to "materials"


Number and type of materials distributed

Attachment D

Language simplified for comprehension.


Please give your answers based on how things have been for you in the last six months.

Attachment D

Added sometime because Yes/No responses were not sufficient.


Response Options: Always; Sometimes; Never

Attachment D

Broken into two separate questions to accommodate skip pattern for respondents who have not dated someone who was a different age.


13. Have you ever dated someone who is a different age than yourself?
o Yes
o No o If No, skip to Question 15

14. How much older or younger was that person?
o 1-year difference
o 2-year difference
o More than 3 years difference in age

Attachment D

Language simplified for comprehension.


How many different people have you dated since you began dating?

Attachment D

Reference period changed to accommodate respondents who answering in regard to a dating relationship in the past.


Please indicate how often each of the following statements is true currently or was true in your most recent dating relationship.

Attachment D

Change from months to initials to remind respondents of who they are describing.


a. The person I am thinking about when filling out this questionnaire has these initials: ___________.

Attachment D

Respondents may have multiple caregivers (for example, a mother and a father). Language was changed to accommodate this scenario.


From the list below, choose the one adult in your home who is the main person who takes care of you. If there is more than one person who takes care of you, select the one you spend the most time with.

Attachment D

Reference period changed to capture discrete time period between fall survey iteration (baseline) and spring survey iteration (follow-up).


In the past 6 months, how often did you:

Attachment D

Alcohol-related items collapsed into single item to reduce length of questionnaire.


Drank more than a sip of beer, wine, wine coolers, or liquor (like whiskey or gin)?

Attachment D

Specified illegal drugs to differentiate from legal non-prescription drugs.


Used other illegal drugs (cocaine, crack, meth, heroin)?

Attachment I

Text changed to accommodate educators/staff who work at multiple schools participating in the program.

Response field changed from write-in (open text) to drop-down list of participating schools to eliminate need for manual coding of responses.


What is the name of the school where you work most of your hours?

Attachment I

Text changed to accommodate educators/staff who work at multiple schools participating in the program.

Response option changed to allow for Yes/No responses (rather than filling in bubble).


Do you work at more than one school?


Attachment I

Response options changed to refine categories eligible for this survey and to allow specification of 'Other' response.


RESPONSE OPTIONS: Full-time teacher; Part-time teacher; Full-time guidance counselor; Part-time guidance counselor; Contractor employed to teach Dating Matter or Safe Dates curriculum; Other (specify)

Attachment I

Text changed for applicability at baseline (i.e., educators will not have started implementing the curriculum yet).

Question broken into two items to allow for skip pattern.


8. During this school year, are you scheduled to teach a teen dating violence prevention curriculum (either 'comprehensive' or 'standard/Safe Dates')?

8a. Mark the groups to which you will teach a teen dating violence prevention curriculum (either ‘comprehensive/ Dating Matters’ or ‘standard/Safe Dates’).

Attachment I

Additional response options offered to capture potential responses (Parents; Teachers; Others school staff).

Question broken into two items to allow for skip pattern.


9. Have you ever delivered any educational activities that addressed youth sexual harassment?

9a.Mark the groups to which you have provided educational activities that addressed youth sexual harassment. (Check all that apply.)

RESPONSE OPTIONS: 6th, 7th or 8th grade students; High school students; Parents; Teachers; Other school staff

Attachment I

Text changed to specify reference period.

Additional options offered to capture potential range of responses (Parents; Teachers; Others school staff)

Question broken into two items to allow for skip pattern.


10. Are you aware of any educational activities in your school that have addressed youth sexual harassment, currently or in the past year?

10a. Mark the groups in your school who have received educational activities addressing youth sexual harassment. (Check all that apply.)

RESPONSE OPTIONS: 6th 7th or 8th grade students; High school students; Parents; Teachers; Other school staff

Attachment I

Text edited to remove before/after qualifiers, as educators will not complete the training before taking the baseline questionnaire.


I believe teen dating violence could be prevented.


I plan to talk with my school administrator and/or other educators about how we can incorporate teen dating violence prevention into the curriculum and school policies.


I believe educators play an important role in teen dating violence prevention.


I see the importance of adults modeling respectful relationships for youth.


I plan to incorporate teen dating violence prevention into my classroom lessons.


I feel comfortable discussing teen dating violence with my students.


I feel confident in my ability to discuss teen dating violence with my students.

Attachment H

Text edited for clarity (i.e., respondent may interpret as literally the same building or house).


How many years have you lived together with your Middle School child (even if you moved homes)?

Attachment H

Reference period added to focus attention of respondent on recent events.


In the past month, when you talked about dating, did you tell your child…

Attachment H

Text changed to make questions applicable to both girls and boys.


How many times have you ever talked to your child about what to do to keep from getting pregnant or getting someone else pregnant?

Itemized proposed changes in Attachments—Deleted items:




Attachment J

Removed question about time as item duplicated item 11

6. How much time did you spend on Brand Ambassador activities over the past school year?

Attachment D

Item was dropped due to concerns about whether the respondents could complete this item reliably.

28. In a typical week, how many days from 0-7 do you eat a meal with your family?

Attachment D

Question dropped because most respondents are under the legal driving age, they would not be driving and would not have a reason to drive a car without the owner's permission.

Item 4 from Delinquency Scale

drive a car without its owner's permission?

Attachment D

Technology-based harassment items dropped to reduce length of questionnaire.

1a) Someone made a rude or mean comment to me online

1d) Someone tried to get me to talk about sex online when I did not want to.

1e) Someone asked me for sexual information about myself when I did not want to tell the person, e.g., really personal questions, like what my body looks like or sexual things I have done.

2a) Made rude or mean comments to anyone online.

2d) Tried to get someone else to talk about sex online when they did not want to.

Attachment I

Dropped from baseline because educators will not yet have implemented the curriculum.

In this school, the students receiving the interventions… mostly asked relevant questions during the session

In this school, the students receiving the interventions… rarely paid attention during the sessions

In this school, the students receiving the interventions… mostly responded correctly to questions during the sessions

In this school, the students receiving the interventions… rarely suggested solutions during case examples during the sessions

In this school, the students receiving the interventions… regularly were disruptive during the sessions

In this school, the students receiving the interventions… regularly participated in the sessions

In this school, the students receiving the interventions… were regularly supportive of each other during the sessions

In this school, the students receiving the interventions… mostly did not take the sessions seriously

In this school, the students receiving the interventions… mostly understood the key concepts from the sessions

In this school, the students receiving the interventions… regularly expressed discomfort with the topics covered

Would you say that the effectiveness of the classroom sessions varied by grade level and/or by gender? Please indicate the way in which the effectiveness of the curriculum sessions varied by grade level and/or by gender.

I believe the intervention was very effective at … reducing dating violence among students in the school

I believe the intervention was very effective at … reducing peer-to-peer violence among students in the school

I believe the intervention was very effective at … reducing sexual harassment among students in the school

I believe the intervention was very effective at … reducing risky sexual behavior among students in the school

I believe the intervention was very effective at … reducing substance use (alcohol use, cigarettes, drugs among students in the school

I believe the intervention was very effective at … reducing negative social interactions between students in the school

I believe the intervention was very effective at … increasing student reporting of violent behavior among students in the school

I believe the intervention was very effective at … increasing the willingness of students to seek help to address violent or harassing behavior among students in the school

In general, which activities/lessons worked the best and in what ways? Why do you think?

Which activities/lessons were harder to get them involved in and why?

Do you think the CDC should revise the activities/lessons for the students? If yes, in what ways?

How do you think the lessons/interventions might be replicated for future and more widespread implementation?

Is there anything in general that you would like to add about the whole experience of being part of a research project? Feel free to comment either about the students, or your experiences/perceptions/observations?

Attachment H

Item was dropped due to concerns about whether the respondents could complete this item reliably.

Can your child tell how you are feeling without asking you?

Attachment H

Dropped from Baseline questionnaire because parents will not have attended program events yet.

How long does it take you to get to a single 6th 7th or 8th grade parent program for Dating Matters event?

How far do you travel (mileage) to participate in a session of the 6th or 7th grade parent program for Dating Matters?

How many Parents Matter! Program sessions have you attended this year?

Itemized proposed changes in Attachments—Added items:




Question Text

Attachment K

Added – questions to capture planning for sustainability


h. Dating Matters will have opportunities to be integrated with other violence prevention efforts. (Not at All, A Little, Somewhat, A Lot, Don't Know)


Did you have to consult with anyone to answer any questions on this assessment?


If yes, with whom did you consult?


Is there any other relevant information about your capacity to implement the Dating Matters initiative that you would like to share?

Attachment SS

Added - question to capture effective local health department leadership


a. Local health department leaders can gain support from elected or appointed officials when needed.
b. Local health department leaders can influence laws and policies that could prevent teen dating violence.
c. Elected or appointed officials are aware of the Dating Matters initiative.
(Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree, Don't Know)

Attachment SS

Added - questions about sustainability

31E -

e. There will be opportunities for teen dating violence prevention to be integrated with other violence prevention efforts.
Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Agree Strongly, Agree, Don’t Know

34 -

Did you have to consult with anyone to answer any questions on this assessment?


- If yes, with whom did you consult?

36 -

Is there any other relevant information about your capacity to implement the Dating Matters initiative that you would like to share?

Attachment J

Added- question about brand ambassador program


C) The i2i Ambassador Handbook was helpful: strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, strongly disagree

H) Participants frequently visited and participated in conversation on the Facebook Page: strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, strongly disagree

I) I think that participants liked the texting component: strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, strongly disagree

Attachment J

Added- question about brand ambassador program


What feedback did you receive from the participants on the texting component?


Which types of Facebook posts (i.e. images, conversation starters, events) received the most comments and likes?


What are some ways the Facebook Page could be more successful?


What feedback did you receive from the participants on the Facebook component?

Attachment R

Added- question about digital components


Number of new partnerships developed to support the Youth Communications Program

Attachment R

Added- question about digital components


a. Monthly New Likes: The number of new people who have liked the Page (Unique Users)___

b. Monthly People Talking About This: The number of people sharing stories about the page

c. Monthly Page Engaged Users: The number of people who engaged with the Page, including any click or story created

d. Monthly Total Reach: The number of people who have seen any content associated with the Page

e. Monthly Total Consumers: The number of people who clicked on any of the content


File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleOMB CY 08
Last Modified ByTharp, Andra (CDC/ONDIEH/NCIPC)
File Modified2012-08-17
File Created2012-08-09

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