SSA-6233 (current)

SSA-6233 (current).pdf

Representative Payee Report of Benefits and Dedicated Account

SSA-6233 (current)

OMB: 0960-0576

Document [pdf]
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Representative Payee Report of Benefits
and Dedicated Account

Form Approved
OMB No. 0960-0576









Please review the above mailing address and correct if necessary.

This report is about the benefits you received for the beneficiary and those which were deposited in
the dedicated account during the report period shown above. It also includes any money you
reported as saved from a prior report period. Please read the enclosed instructions before
completing this form to help you answer each question.
1. Were you (the payee) convicted of a crime considered to
be a felony during the report period shown above?







If YES, please explain the type of crime:

2. Did the beneficiary continue to live alone, or with the same
person, or in the same institution during the report period
shown above?
If NO, please explain and provide the beneficiary's current address:

3. Benefits paid to you during the report period
Benefits you reported saved from prior years
Total Accountable Benefit Amount
A. Did you (the payee) decide how the total
accountable amount was spent or saved?


If NO, please explain:

Form SSA-6233-BK (07-2010) ef (07-2010) Destroy Prior Editions

Continued on the Reverse


B. How much of the total accountable amount did you spend for
the beneficiary's food and housing during the report period?


C. How much of the total accountable amount did you spend on
other things for the beneficiary such as clothing, education,
medical and dental expenses, recreation, or personal items
during the report period?



If the beneficiary lives in an institution or other care facility and you spent less
than $360 a year for the beneficiary's personal needs, please explain how his/her
needs were met:

D. How much, if any, of the total accountable amount did you save
for the beneficiary as of the last month in the report period? If
none, show zeroes.



4. If you showed an amount in 3.D. above, place an "X" in the boxes below to show how you are
saving the benefits. If you have more than one account, you may mark more than one box in
each section.


U.S. Savings Certificates
of Deposit



Beneficiary's Name
Your Name for
by Your Name
Beneficiary's Name


A. If you answered "Other" in 4.A., show the type of account or investment in which the
benefits are saved:

B. If you answered "Other" in 4.B., show the title of the account in which the benefits are

Form SSA-6233-BK (07-2010) ef (07-2010)


6. Past-due SSI benefits deposited by SSA in dedicated account
Balance in dedicated account as you reported on a prior report
Total Dedicated Account Amount


Did you deposit any money into the dedicated account during the
report period?





If YES, please provide the date and amount of each deposit:


A. Did you take any money out of the dedicated account
during the report period?
If YES, please explain what items and/or services you
purchased and the amount of each purchase:


B. Were these purchases for medical treatment, or education
or job skills training?


If NO, please explain how they benefited the beneficiary
and are related to his/her impairment(s):

8. What is the balance, including any interest earned, in the dedicated
account as of the last month in the report period? If none, show



I declare under penalty of perjury that I have examined all the information on this form, and on any accompanying statements
or forms, and it is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that anyone who knowingly gives a false or
misleading statement about a material fact in this information, or causes someone else to do so, commits a crime and may
be sent to prison, or may face other penalties, or both.
PAYEE'S SIGNATURE (If signed by mark (X), two witnesses must sign below.)


TELEPHONE NUMBER (including area code)




Witness Signatures Are Required Only If The Payee's Signature Above Has Been Signed By Mark (X).




Form SSA-6233-BK (07-2010) ef (07-2010)


Social Security Administration
Representative Payee Report of Benefits
and Dedicated Account
Why You
This Form

We must regularly review how representative payees used the benefits they
received on behalf of Social Security and/or Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
beneficiaries. We do this to ensure the benefits are used properly.
When you were appointed representative payee, you were required to establish a
separate (we refer to it as a dedicated) account in which we direct deposited
certain past-due SSI benefits. You were informed of the duties and responsibilities
of a representative payee, including keeping a record of all the money taken from
the dedicated account and receipts for all the items and/or services purchased. We
must regularly review this account for additional deposits and to ensure that the
items and/or services purchased are in compliance with the law. As part of this
review, you need to answer the questions on the enclosed form. It is called
Representative Payee Report of Benefits and Dedicated Account, SSA-6233-BK.
You should keep these records (e.g. bank statements and canceled checks) along
with receipts for two years from the time you complete the form. Do not submit
any records with the completed form. If we have any questions, we will contact

What You
*eed To Do

Please read the instructions below before you complete the report. Then,
complete the report and send it to us in the enclosed envelope within 30 days.
If you do not return it promptly, we may stop sending payments to you.


To help us process your report, please follow these instructions:
1. Do not use dollar signs.
2. Show money amounts in dollars only. Do not show cents.
For example, show $1,540.30 like this:

, 5



3. Be sure you, the representative payee, sign the form.

To Help You

Benefits - The Social Security and/or SSI money you receive.
Payee - You. The person (or organization) who receives Social Security and/or
SSI benefits for someone else.
Beneficiary - The person for whom you receive Social Security and/or SSI
Legal Guardian - The person or organization appointed by a State court to
manage the affairs of a beneficiary.

Form SSA-6233-BK (07-2010) ef (07-2010)

Continued on the Reverse

To Help You

Report Period - The 12-month period shown on the report for which you must
account for the benefits you received and report on the dedicated account.
Total Accountable Benefit Amount - The amount of benefits paid to you during
the report period plus any amount you reported as saved on last year's report.
*ote: This amount does not include any SSI past-due benefits SSA deposited
into the dedicated account.
Dedicated Account - This is the savings, checking or money market account you
were required by law to establish for certain past-due SSI benefits. We call it a
dedicated account because the law also restricts the items and/or services you
can buy with money from the account.
Total Dedicated Account Amount - The amount of past-due SSI benefits SSA
direct deposited into the dedicated account plus the account balance as you
reported on last year's report.

Question 1 Payee Felony

Place an "X" in the "YES" box if during the report period, you (the payee) were
convicted of a crime considered to be a felony, and explain the type of crime.
Otherwise, place an "X" in the "NO" box.

Question 2 Beneficiary

Place an "X" in the "YES" box if the beneficiary continued to live alone, or with
the same person, or in the same institution during the entire report period. Place
an "X" in the "NO" box if different people, or different institutions took care of
the beneficiary during any part of the report period. Explain the change and
provide the beneficiary's current address.

Question 3 Accounting
For Benefits

The total accountable benefit amount includes the benefits you received during
the report period plus any benefits you reported as saved on last year's report.
Note: It does not include the money that was deposited by SSA or you into the
dedicated account.

A.Who Decided
How Benefits
Were Used?

Place an "X" in the "YES" box if you (the payee) decided how the benefits were
to be spent or saved. Place an "X" in the "NO" box if the beneficiary or someone
else decided how to use the money, and explain in the space provided.

B. Food And

Show the total amount of benefits spent for food and housing for the beneficiary
during the report period. If the beneficiary lives in an institution or nursing home
and you pay monthly charges, multiply the monthly charge by 12 and show this

Form SSA-6233-BK (07-2010) ef (07-2010)



Show the total amount of benefits spent for the beneficiary on clothing,
medical/dental care, education, and recreational items like toys, movies, cameras,
radios, candy, stationery, grooming aids, etc. during the report period. *ote: If
the beneficiary lives in an institution or other care facility, you should spend at
least $360 a year for the beneficiary's personal needs. If you spent less than $360,
explain in the space provided.


Show the total amount of benefits you have saved for the beneficiary at the end
of the report period, including any interest earned. Show zeroes if you did not
save any of the benefits. *ote: Do not include the money saved in the dedicated

Question 4 Savings Information

Answer this question if you showed an amount in 3.D.

A.Type of

Place an "X" in the box which shows how you are saving the benefits. Place an
"X" in the "Other" box if your method of saving the benefits is not listed.


Place an "X" in the box which most accurately describes the wording of the
account title you have on the beneficiary's savings. Place an "X" in the "Other"
box if the account title is different or if you have not placed the savings in any
type of account. *ote: A savings or checking account title should always show
that the money belongs to the beneficiary, but the beneficiary should not have
direct access to the funds.

Question 5 Other Savings/
Account Titles

Answer this question only if you checked "Other" in 4.A. or 4.B.

A.Type of

Indicate whether the saved benefits are in cash, Treasury Bills, or some other

B.Title of

Show the title of the account if the savings are in an account or other investment.
Show "None" if the savings are not in an account or investment.

Question 6 Total Dedicated
Account Amount

The total dedicated account amount includes the past-due SSI benefits SSA
deposited into the account during the report period plus the balance in the
account as you reported on last year's report.

Deposits Into

Place an "X" in the "YES" box if you deposited any money into the dedicated
account during the report period. Show the date and amount of each deposit.
Place and "X" in the "NO" box if you did not deposit any money into the

Form SSA-6233-BK (07-2010) ef (07-2010)


Question 7 A. Money Taken
Out Of

Place an "X" in the "YES" box if during the report period you took money out of
the dedicated account. Explain what items and/or services you purchased and the
amount of each purchase. Place an "X" in the "NO" box if no money was
removed from the account.


Answer this question if you checked "YES" in 7.A. Place an "X" in the "YES"
box if the items and/or services purchased were for medical treatment, or
education or job skills training. Place an "X" in the "NO" box if the purchases
were for something else and explain how the purchases benefited the beneficiary
and are related to his/her impairment(s).

How Is
Related To

Question 8 Dedicated

Show the balance in the dedicated account at the end of the report period,
including any interest earned. Show zeroes if there is no money in the

To The

Show your relationship to the beneficiary. Some examples include: parent,
brother, friend. If you are the beneficiary's legal guardian, show "legal guardian".
If you represent a bank, institution or agency, show your job title (e.g.,
administrator, bookkeeper, etc.).

Your Responsibilities
As Representative

As representative payee, you must use the Social Security and/or SSI benefits
you receive for the care and well being of the beneficiary. You need to know the
beneficiary's needs so that you can use the money properly.

Sign your name in this block. If you sign by mark ("X"), please have two
witnesses sign their names and show the date. If the payee is an institution or
agency, the form must be signed by an authorized person.

In addition to reporting on the use of benefits and the dedicated account, you
must report any changes which may affect the beneficiary's eligibility for
benefits, or the payment amount. You should report these changes as soon as
possible by calling SSA at 1-800-772-1213, or by calling or writing your local
SSA office. For example, you must tell us if the beneficiary:


moves (especially if he/she enters or leaves a hospital or other institution),
goes to work,
is imprisoned,
is adopted,
no longer needs a payee, or
you are no longer responsible for the beneficiary.

As payee for a child receiving SSI benefits, we may ask you for proof that the
child is receiving medical treatment for his/her disabling condition. We may ask
for this information at the time we review the child's case. If we do ask for this
information, you must give it to us.
Form SSA-6233-BK (07-2010) ef (07-2010)


The Privacy
And Paperwork
Reduction Act

Privacy Act Statement
Collection and Use of Personal Information
Sections 205(j) and 1631(a) of the Social Security Act, as amended, authorize us to collect this
information. The information you provide will be used to account for the beneficiary's payments,
and to ensure that beneficiary needs are being met.
The information you furnish on this form is voluntary. However, failure to provide the requested
information could prevent you from continuing as a representative payee.
We rarely use the information you supply for any purpose other than for accounting for
beneficiary's payments, and to ensure that beneficiary needs are being met. However, we may use
it for the administration and integrity of Social Security programs. We may also disclose
information to another person or to another agency in accordance with approved routine uses,
which include but are not limited to the following:

To enable a third party or an agency to assist Social Security in establishing rights to
Social Security benefits and/or coverage;


To comply with Federal laws requiring the release of information from Social
Security records (e.g., to the Government Accountability Office and Department of
Veterans' Affairs);


To make determinations for eligibility in similar health and income maintenance
programs at the Federal, State and local level; and


To facilitate audit or investigative activities necessary to assure the integrity of
Social Security programs.

We may also use the information you provide in computer matching programs. Matching
programs compare our records with records kept by other Federal, State or local government
agencies. Information from these matching programs can be used to establish or verify a person's
eligibility for Federally-funded or administered benefit programs and for repayment of payments
or delinquent debts under these programs.
Additional information regarding this form, routine uses of information, and our programs and
systems, is available on-line at or at your local Social Security office.
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement - This information collection meets the requirements of 44
U.S.C. § 3507, as amended by Section 2 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. You do not
need to answer these questions unless we display a valid Office of Management and Budget
control number. We estimate that it will take about 20 minutes to read the instructions, gather the
facts, and answer the questions. SEND THE COMPLETED FORM TO YOUR LOCAL
SOCIAL SECURITY OFFICE. The office is listed under U. S. Government agencies in your
telephone directory or you may call Social Security at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778).
You may send comments on our time estimate above to: SSA, 6401 Security Blvd, Baltimore,
MD 21235-6401. Send only comments relating to our time estimate to this address, not the
completed form.

If You Have
Any Questions

If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-772-1213. We can answer
most questions over the phone. If you prefer to visit one of our offices, please
use the 800 number and we will give you the address and telephone number of
the office nearest you. Please take this report with you if you visit an office.

Form SSA-6233-BK (07-2010) ef (07-2010)


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleRepresentative Payee Report of Benefits and Dedicated Account
SubjectRepresentative Payee Report of Benefits and Dedicated Account, Representative, Payee, Report, Benefits, Dedicated Account, Accou
File Modified2010-07-08
File Created2010-07-08

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