5. Did the needle or other sharp object involved in the injury have a safety feature? □ Y □ N
5a. If yes, indicate type of safety feature: (Check one) If No, skip to Q6.
□ Bluntable needle, sharp
| □ Needle/sharp ejector
| □ Mylar wrapping/plastic
□ Retractable needle/sharp
| □ Other safety feature (specify) _______________
□ Sliding/gliding guard/shield
| □ Unknown safety mechanism
5b. If the device had a safety feature, when did the injury occur? (Check one)
□ Before activation of the safety feature was appropriate
| □ Safety feature failed, after activation
□ During activation of the safety feature
| □ Safety feature not activated
□ Safety feature improperly activated
| □ Other (specify) __________________
| |
6. When did the injury occur? (check one)
| |
| □ During or after disposal
| |
| | |
□ After use of the item before disposal
| | |
7. For what purpose or activity was the sharp device being used: (Check one)
| |
Obtaining a blood specimen percutaneously
| |
| □ Performing a fingerstick/heelstick
| |
□ Performing arterial puncture
| □ Other blood-sampling procedure
| |
Giving a percutaneous injection
| |
| □ Placing a skin test (e.g., tuberculin, allergy, etc.)
| |
| | |
Performing a line related procedure
| |
□ Inserting or withdrawing a catheter
| □ Injecting into a line or port
| |
□ Obtaining a blood sample from a central or peripheral I.V. line or port
| □ Connecting an I.V. line
| |
Performing surgery/autopsy/other invasive procedure
| |
| | |
| Specify procedure:_______________________
| |
Performing a dental procedure
| |
| | |
□ Restoration (amalgam composite, crown)
| | |
| | |
| | |
Handling a specimen
| |
□ Transferring BBF into a specimen container
| | |
| |
□ Other diagnostic procedure (e.g., thoracentesis)
| | |
□ Other (specify)____________________________________________________
| |
| |
| |