*Type of vaccination: Influenza
*Influenza subtype: Seasonal (years) _____________ Non-seasonal (years) ____________
*Do you plan to use this information to satisfy federal record-keeping requirements for the administration of vaccine covered by the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program? Yes No
*Vaccine administered: Onsite at this facility
Offsite at a location other than this facility
Declined due to medical contraindications
(e.g.,allergy to vaccine components)
Declined due to personal reasons
If declined for personal reasons: (check all that apply)
Fear of needles/injections
Fear of side effects
Perceived ineffectiveness of vaccine
Religious or philosophical objections
Concern for transmitting vaccine virus to contacts
Other (specify):
*Date of vaccination:_____ / _____ / _____
mm dd yyyy
*Product: (check one) Seasonal: Non-seasonal:
Afluria® 2009 H1N1: CSL Limited
Fluarix® Novartis and Diagnostics, Ltd.
Flulaval® Sanofi Pasteur, Inc.
Flumist® MedImmune LLC
Fluvirin® Other (please specify)_________________
*Lot number: Manufacturer: ______________
*Type of influenza vaccine: Live attenuated (LAIV) [e.g., nasal (Flumist®)]
Inactivated vaccine(TIV)[e.g., injectable(Fluvirin®,Fluzone®,Fluarix®,
FluLaval®, Afluria®)]
*Route of administration: Intramuscular