*1. Which personnel groups did you include in your annual influenza vaccination program this past season?
All personnel who work in the facility
All personnel who work in clinical areas, including those without direct patient care duties (e.g., clerks, housekeepers)
Only personnel with direct patient-care duties (e.g, physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists)
*2. Which of the following types of employees did you include in your annual influenza vaccination program this past season? (check all that apply)
Full-time employees Number _______
Part-time employees Number _______
Contract employees Number _______
Volunteers Number _______
Others, specify:_______________________ Number ________
*3. At what cost did you provide influenza vaccine to your healthcare workers?
No cost
Reduced cost
Full cost
*4. Did you provide influenza vaccination during all work shifts (including nights and weekends)?
*5. Which of the following methods did you use during influenza season to deliver vaccine to your healthcare workers? (check all that apply)
Mobile carts
Centralized mass vaccination fairs
Provided vaccination in congregate areas (e.g, conferences/meetings or cafeteria)
Provided vaccination at occupational health clinic
Other, specify:_______________________