1014-0013 - published 60-day FR notice

1014-0013 GPS 60-day exp 8-20-12.pdf

NTL - GOMR - Global Positioning System (GPS) for Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs)

1014-0013 - published 60-day FR notice

OMB: 1014-0013

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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2012 / Notices

days after the date of the publication in
the Federal Register.
Summer King,
[FR Doc. 2012–15220 Filed 6–20–12; 8:45 am]


Notice of Proposed Information
Collection: Comment Request;
Accountability in the Provision of HUD
Assistance ‘‘Applicant/Recipient
Disclosure/Update Report—HUD 2880’’
Office of the General Counsel,



The proposed information
collection requirement described below
will be submitted to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review, as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act. The Department is
soliciting public comments on the
subject proposal.
DATES: Comments Due Date: August 20,
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit comments regarding
this proposal. Comments should refer to
the proposal by name and/or OMB
Control Number and should be sent to:
Reports Liaison Officer, Office of
General Counsel, Department of
Housing and Urban Development, 451
7th Street SW., Room 10276,
Washington, DC 20410–0500.
Lindsey Allen, Deputy Assistant

OMB Control Number, if applicable:
Description of the need for the
information and proposed use: Section
102 of the Department of Housing and
Urban Development Reform Act of 1989
(HUD Reform Act) requires the
Department to ensure greater
accountability and integrity in the
provision of assistance administered by
the Department. One feature of the
statute requires certain disclosures by
applicants seeking assistance from HUD,
assistance from states and units of local
government, and other assistance to be
used with respect to the activities to be
carried out with the assistance. The
disclosure includes the financial
interests of persons in the activities, and
the sources of funds to be made
available for the activities, and the
proposed uses of the funds.
Each applicant that submits an
application for assistance, within the
jurisdiction of HUD, to a state or to a
unit of general local government for a
specific project or activity must disclose
this information whenever the dollar
threshold is met. This information must
be kept updated during the application
review process and while the assistance
is being provided.
Agency form numbers, if applicable:
HUD 2880.
Members of affected public:
Applicants for HUD competitively
funded assistance.
Estimation of the total numbers of
hours needed to prepare theinformation
collection including number of
respondents, frequency of response, and
hours of response: The form, HUD 2880,
must be submitted as part of an
applicant’s application for
competitively funded assistance.

Number of respondents


Frequency of

Total burden

16,900 ..........................................................................................................................................




Status of the proposed information
collection: Extension of a currently
approved collection.


Authority: The Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35, as amended.

mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

Department is submitting the proposed
information collection to OMB for
review, as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
chapter 35, as amended).
This notice is soliciting comments
from members of the public and
affecting agencies concerning the
proposed collection of information to:
(1) Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility; (2) Evaluate the
accuracy of the agency’s estimate of the
burden of the proposed collection of
information; (3) Enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (4) Minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond; including
through the use of appropriate
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submission of
This Notice also lists the following
Title of Proposal: Accountability in
the Provision of HUD Assistance
‘‘Applicant/Recipient Disclosure/
Update Report’’.


[Docket No. FR–5602–N–02]


General Counsel, Ethics Law Division,
Office of General Counsel, Department
of Housing and Urban Development,
451 7th Street SW., Room 2130,
Washington, DC 20410–0500, telephone
(202) 708–3815 (this is not a toll-free
number). This form can be viewed or
accessed at http://www.hud.gov/

Dated: June 15, 2012.
Camille Acevedo,
Associate General Counsel for Legislation and
[FR Doc. 2012–15205 Filed 6–20–12; 8:45 am]

Bureau of Safety and Environmental
[Docket ID BSEE–2012–0012; OMB Control
Number 1014–0013]

BSEE Information Collection Activity:
Global Positioning System for MODUs,
Extension of a Collection; Comment

60-day Notice.

To comply with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), BSEE is inviting comments on a


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collection of information pertaining to
the NTL discussed below. We will
submit this request to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and approval. The current OMB
approval of the information collection
in this NTL expires in January 2013, and
concerns global positioning systems on
Mobile Offshore Drilling Units
(MODUs). After a major weather event,
like a hurricane, lessees and operators
need to report new GPS information to
BSEE until all MODUs are determined
to be safe.
Submit written comments by
August 20, 2012.





Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2012 / Notices
You may submit comments
by either of the following methods listed
• Electronically: Go to http://
www.regulations.gov. In the entry titled
Enter Keyword or ID, enter BSEE–2012–
0012 then click search. Follow the
instructions to submit public comments
and view all related materials. We will
post all comments.
• Email [email protected].
Mail or hand-carry comments to the
Department of the Interior; Bureau of
Safety and Environmental Enforcement;
Regulations Development Branch;
Attention: Cheryl Blundon; 381 Elden
Street, HE–3317; Herndon, Virginia
20170–4817. Please reference ICR 1014–
0013 in your comment and include your
name and return address.
Cheryl Blundon, Regulations
Development Branch at (703) 787–1607
to request additional information about
this ICR.
Title: 30 CFR 250, Subpart A, General,
GPS (Global Positioning System) for
OMB Control Number: 1014–0013.
Abstract: The Outer Continental Shelf
(OCS) Lands Act, as amended (43 U.S.C.
1331 et seq. and 43 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.),
authorizes the Secretary of the Interior
(Secretary) to prescribe rules and
regulations to administer leasing of the
OCS. Such rules and regulations will
apply to all operations conducted under
a lease. Operations on the OCS must
preserve, protect, and develop oil and
natural gas resources in a manner that

is consistent with the need to make such
resources available to meet the Nation’s
energy needs as rapidly as possible; to
balance orderly energy resource
development with protection of human,
marine, and coastal environments; to
ensure the public a fair and equitable
return on the resources of the OCS;
preserve and maintain free enterprise
competition; and ensure that the extent
of oil and natural gas resources of the
OCS is assessed at the earliest
practicable time. Section 43 U.S.C.
1332(6) states that ‘‘operations in the
outer Continental Shelf should be
conducted in a safe manner by welltrained personnel using technology,
precautions, and techniques sufficient
to prevent or minimize the likelihood of
blowouts, loss of well control, fires,
spillages, physical obstruction to other
users of the waters or subsoil and
seabed, or other occurrences which may
cause damage to the environment or to
property, or endanger life or health.’’
To carry out these responsibilities, the
BSEE issues regulations to ensure that
operations in the OCS will meet
statutory requirements; provide for
safety and protect the environment; and
result in diligent exploration,
development, and production of OCS
leases. In addition, we also issue Notice
to Lessees (NTLs) that provide
clarification, explanation, and
interpretation of our regulations. These
NTLs are used to convey purely
informational material and to cover
situations that might not be adequately
addressed in our regulations.

Regulations at 30 CFR part 250
implement these statutory requirements.
We use the information for BSEE to
assess the whereabouts of any facility
becoming unmoored due to extreme
weather situations; as well as, to follow
the path of that facility to determine if
other facilities/pipelines, etc., were
damaged in any way. The offshore oil
and gas industry will use the
information to determine the safest and
quickest way to either remove the
obstacles or to fix and reuse them.
We will protect information from
respondents considered proprietary
under the Freedom of Information Act
(5 U.S.C. 552) and its implementing
regulations (43 CFR part 2) and under
regulations at 30 CFR 250.197, Data and
information to be made available to the
public or for limited inspection. No
items of a sensitive nature are collected.
Responses are mandatory.
Frequency: On occasion.
Description of Respondents: Potential
respondents comprise Federal oil, gas,
or sulphur lessees and/or operators.
Estimated Reporting and
Recordkeeping Hour Burden: The
currently approved annual reporting
burden for this collection is 9 hours and
the non-hour cost burden is $150,000.
The following chart details the
individual components and respective
hour burden estimates of this ICR. In
calculating the burdens, we assumed
that respondents perform certain
requirements in the normal course of
their activities. We consider these to be
usual and customary and took that into
account in estimating the burden.


Average number
of annual

Hour burden

Annual burden

Non-hour cost burdens
1—Notify BSEE with tracking/locator data access; purchase and install tracking/locator
devices—(these are future MODUs/submissions after initial purchase and notification
in subsequent years).

15 mins .............

30 devices ........

8 (rounded)

30 devices per year for replacement and/or new ×
$5,000 = $150,000

mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

2—Notify Hurricane Response Team as soon as operator is aware a rig has moved off

Estimated Reporting and
Recordkeeping Non-Hour Cost Burden:
We have identified one non-hour cost
burden for this collection; see the
burden table.
Public Disclosure Statement: The PRA
(44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.) provides that an
agency may not conduct or sponsor a
collection of information unless it

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10 mins .............

displays a currently valid OMB control
number. Until OMB approves a
collection of information, you are not
obligated to respond.
Comments: Before submitting an ICR
to OMB, PRA section 3506(c)(2)(A)
requires each agency ‘‘* * * to provide
notice * * * and otherwise consult
with members of the public and affected

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6 notifications ...


agencies concerning each proposed
collection of information * * *’’.
Agencies must specifically solicit
comments to: (a) Evaluate whether the
collection is necessary or useful; (b)
evaluate the accuracy of the burden of
the proposed collection of information;
(c) enhance the quality, usefulness, and
clarity of the information to be




Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 120 / Thursday, June 21, 2012 / Notices

collected; and (d) minimize the burden
on the respondents, including the use of
Agencies must also estimate the nonhour paperwork cost burdens to
respondents or recordkeepers resulting
from the collection of information.
Therefore, if you have other than hour
burden costs to generate, maintain, and
disclose this information, you should
comment and provide your total capital
and startup cost components or annual
operation, maintenance, and purchase
of service components. For further
information on this burden, refer to 5
CFR 1320.3(b)(1) and (2), or contact the
Bureau representative listed previously
in this notice.
We will summarize written responses
to this notice and address them in our
submission for OMB approval. As a
result of your comments, we will make
any necessary adjustments to the burden
in our submission to OMB.
Public Comment Procedures: Before
including your address, phone number,
email address, or other personal
identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
Dated: June 14, 2012.
Robert W. Middleton,
Deputy Chief, Office of Offshore Regulatory
[FR Doc. 2012–15218 Filed 6–20–12; 8:45 am]

Fish and Wildlife Service

Final Springfield Plateau Regional
Restoration Plan and Environmental
Assessment and Finding of No
Significant Impact (FONSI)
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of availability.

This notice advises the public
and other agencies of the availability of
the Final Springfield Plateau Regional
Restoration Plan (Plan) and
Environmental Assessment and Finding
of No Significant Impact (FONSI). The
U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI),
acting through the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (FWS), and the State of

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Missouri, acting through the Missouri
Department of Natural Resources
(MDNR), formally selected Alternative D
of the Plan through signing of the
FONSI. Alternative D provides for
natural resource—based restoration
using a tiered project selection process
evaluating the feasibility of primary
restoration, compensatory restoration,
and acquisition of equivalent resources.
Interested members of the public are
invited to review the Plan.
ADDRESSES: The Plan can be viewed
online at http://www.fws.gov/midwest/
nrda/motristate/ or http://www.dnr.mo.
Alternatively, copies of the Plan can
be requested from John Weber,
Restoration Coordinator, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, 101 Park DeVille Dr.,
Suite A, Columbia, MO 65203, or Tim
Rielly, Assessment and Restoration
Manager, Missouri Department of
Natural Resources, P.O. Box 176,
Jefferson City, MO 65102–0176.
You may also submit requests for
copies of the Plan by sending electronic
mail (email) to: [email protected]
or [email protected].
Weber, (573) 234–2132 (x177), or Tim
Rielly, (573) 526–3353.
The FWS and the MDNR (Trustees)
are trustees for natural resources
considered in this restoration plan,
pursuant to subpart G of the National
Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution
Contingency Plan (40 CFR 300.600 and
300.610) and Executive Order 12580.
The Memorandum of Understanding
Between the Missouri Department of
Natural Resources and U.S. Department
of the Interior establishes a Trustee
Council charged with developing and
implementing a restoration plan for
ecological restoration in the Springfield
Plateau of southwest Missouri.
The Trustees followed the NRDAR
regulations found at 43 CFR part 11 for
the development of the Plan. The
objective of the NRDAR process is to
compensate the public for losses to
natural resources that have been injured
by releases of hazardous substances into
the environment. The Comprehensive
Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act
(CERCLA, more commonly known as
the Federal ‘‘Superfund’’ law) (42 U.S.C.
9601 et seq.) and the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act (commonly
known as the Clean Water Act (CWA))
(33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.) authorize States,
federally recognized tribes, and certain
Federal agencies that have authority for

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natural resources ‘‘belonging to,
managed by, controlled by or
appertaining to [the public]’’ to act as
‘‘trustees’’ on behalf of the public, to
restore, rehabilitate, replace, and/or
acquire natural resources equivalent to
those injured by releases of hazardous
The Trustees have worked together to
determine appropriate restoration
activities to address natural resource
injuries caused by the release of
hazardous substances into the
Springfield Plateau environment. The
results of this administrative process are
contained in a series of planning and
decision documents that have been
published for public review under
CERCLA. On January 11, 2012, the FWS
published in the Federal Register a
notice of availability commencing a 45day public comment period on the Draft
Springfield Plateau Regional Restoration
Plan and Environmental Assessment (77
FR 1717). The public comment period
ended on February 27, 2012. Comments
received during the public comment
period were incorporated into our final
Current Notice of Availability
This current notice of availability
informs the public that the Trustees
have formally selected Alternative D of
The Plan through the signing of a
Finding of No Significant Impact
(FONSI). The FONSI indicates that
restoring, replacing and/or acquiring the
equivalent of injured resources in the
Springfield Plateau as described under
Alternative D in the Final Springfield
Plateau Regional Restoration Plan (Plan)
and Environmental Assessment is not a
major Federal action which would
significantly affect the quality of the
human environment within the meaning
of Section 102(2)(c) of the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969.
This notice is provided pursuant to
Natural Resource Damage Assessment
and Restoration (NRDAR) regulations
(43 CFR 11.81(d)(4)) and NEPA
(National Environmental Policy Act)
regulations (40 CFR 1506.6).
Dated: May 29, 2012.
Thomas O Melius,
Regional Director, Midwest Region,
Bloomington, Minnesota.
[FR Doc. 2012–15184 Filed 6–20–12; 8:45 am]



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