TACE Needs Assessment Workplan Template

Needs Assessment, Workplan, and Evaluation Guide for the Technical Assistance and Continuing Education Program

1820-0690 (04891) Workplan Template.xlsm

Needs Assessment and Workplan Guide for the Technical Assistance and Continuing Education Program

OMB: 1820-0690

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Goals and Objectives

Sheet 1: Need

ID All needs in your report must be linked to an agency or its partner. You will respond to this item by selecting the agency/partner for which you are reporting a need. If more than one agency or partner has the same need you can select more than one. If you identify two agencies or partners as having the same need, the information for these entities must be the same throughout the needs assessment and workplan. For example, the information supporting the need, the source that identified the need, the goals, objectives, and activities all must be the same. If any of these will differ for an agency or partner you must create separate entries. Note: RSA will complete this item when entering needs from its reports. State VR Agency Partner Your entry is a simple statement of need that is no more than one or two sentences long. This statement must be written in a manner that can easily translate into a goal statement, as needs are turned into goals. The following are examples of appropriate needs statements: “Southwest Combined needs to decrease the length of time it takes to achieve employment outcomes for returning veterans.” “Northeast General needs to reduce the number of individuals who drop out of the VR process prior to the development of the IPE.” These are an appropriate needs statement because they include phrases that indicates an expected result – “to decrease” or “to “reduce” – and clearly identify what must be decreased/reduced (length of time to achieve an employment outcome, number of drop-outs). The examples also are measurable: the agency can measure whether the time it takes for returning veterans to achieve employment outcomes has decreased or whether the number of drop-outs has been reduced. This following needs statement would not be as strong if it were written as: “Southwest Combined needs to improve the quality of services provided to returning veterans.” First, it is difficult to measure whether the quality of services has improved. Second, the underlying reason for improving the quality of services is to produce employment outcomes. Improving the quality of services is how one meets a need, not a need itself. Remember: Do not confuse a need with the method for meeting a need. Technical assistance and continuing education are not needs, they are ways you meet needs. Need You can select as many of the sources as apply if more than one source independently identified the same need. Do not select more than one source if a primary source identified a need and the second source only confirmed the need, however. Note: RSA will complete this item when entering needs from its reports. Source of Need You can select more than one of the choices above by selecting the “yes” box next to the applicable choices. However, you should limit multiple selections as much as possible by choosing the answer that is most germane to the need or that encompasses the majority of the need. A guide to what is included in these areas (with the exception of American Reinvestment and Recovery Act) can be found at: http://www.ed.gov/rschstat/eval/rehab/107-reports/2009/monitoring-2009-info-guide.doc Select American Reinvestment and Recovery Act when the need relates to using stimulus funds or when an agency/partner is paying you for assistance using stimulus funds. You most likely need to choose both ARRA and another selection because ARRA funds will be used to impact one of the other areas. For example, if an agency will use ARRA funds to improve its case management system with your assistance, you would select both ARRA and case management system. Note: RSA will complete this item when entering needs from its reports. Area of Need reporting difficulty in addressing their needs appropriately due to a lack of training and experience. As a result, it is taking approximately 6-9 months longer to achieve a successful employment outcome for a veteran.” This example includes strong evidence of the need: data showing that the number of requests from veterans is increasing and that they are taking longer to achieve employment outcomes. Further, this example explains potential causes of the need – both the unique characteristics of veterans and the lack of staff preparedness. This is important because the cause of the need should drive the activities in your subsequent workplan. Note: RSA will complete this item when entering needs from its reports. Information Supporting Need

Sheet 2: Goals and Objectives

ID A goal statement is the outcome to be achieved by the agency/partner once its need has been met. When possible, include a target to be achieved and a timeline for achieving the target. This is not the goal of the TACE Center, it is the goal the agency or partner hopes to achieve with your TA or CE. The agency/partner is the owner of the goal and is responsible for determining whether the goal has been met and for monitoring progress toward its goal, unless the goal is compliance-related. The TACE Center and RSA can assist the agency/partner in setting goals and evaluating progress if requested by the agency/partner, but neither the TACE Center nor RSA holds the agency/partner accountable for reaching the goal unless the goal is compliance-related. GOAL Objectives are what must be accomplished to meet the goal previously stated. An objective should be measurable, and when possible include a target to be achieved and a timeline for achieving that target. The uninformed reader should be able to understand how the agency/partner should be able to achieve its goal if the objective(s) is/are completed. The connection between the objective and the information supporting the need in your needs assessment report also should be clear. OBJECTIVES FOR THIS GOAL You describe the intended outcome that will result from meeting this objective. For example: Objective: Conduct an analysis to determine the factors creating the long delay between eligibility and implementation of the IPE. How will you know the objective was met?: A written report that identifies the factors creating the long delay between eligibility and implementation of the IPE will be complete by May 2011. Objective: Increase the number of CRP staff who have knowledge, skills, and abilities related to the rehabilitation needs of returning veterans. How will you know the objective was met?: Pre-and post-tests of CRP staff will show increased knowledge of best practices for serving consumers with PTSD. HOW WILL YOU KNOW THE OBJECTIVE WAS MET? instructions for updating a needs assessment report below You will provide an open-ended response to this item. Accomplishing an objective is intended to assist a state agency or partner to meet its goal. Based on feedback you receive after completing the objective, you will describe what the agency or partner intends to do with the TA or CE provided. Objective: Conduct an analysis by May 2011 to determine the factors creating the long delay between eligibility and implementation of the IPE. How will you know the objective was met?: A written report that identifies the factors creating the long delay between eligibility and implementation of the IPE will be complete by May 2011. What has/will result(ed) from meeting this objective?: The report identified many factors creating the long delay between eligibility and implementation of the IPE, but the factor with the greatest impact was a lack of timely communication between front-line counselors and their supervisors who sign off on IPEs. The agency plans to implement a system of planned weekly meetings between supervisors and counselors to ensure timely communication. Objective: By December 2009, increase the number of CRP staff who have knowledge, skills, and abilities related to the rehabilitation needs of returning veterans. How will you know the objective was met?: Twenty CRP staff will show increased knowledge of best practices for serving consumers with PTSD and of the VA service system by December 2009. Increased knowledge will be determined through pre- and post-testing. What has/will result(ed) from meeting this objective?: CRPs will ensure that all new consumers who are returning veterans are assigned only to counselors who attended trainings to increase their knowledge, skills and abilities. WHAT HAS/WILL RESULT(ED) FROM MEETING THIS OBJECTIVE? You must come to agreement with each agency on a timeline for addressing its needs, bearing in mind any timelines set forth in CAPs or PIPs or the goals previously stated. You will use a drop-down menu to indicate when you will begin working toward objectives. The drop-down list includes the following selections: • Agency/partner plans to address this objective • Agency/partner has addressed this objective • Agency/partner no longer requests TA or CE • To be addressed in TPY 2010 • To be addressed in TPY 2011 • To be addressed in TPY 2012 • To be addressed in TPY 2013 Make your selection based on the bullets that follow. The first three bullets apply only to needs that are identified in RSA monitoring reports, CAPs, or PIPs. TACE PROGRAM YEAR TO BEGIN SUPPORTING OBJECTIVE Skip this item when creating a new needs assessment report. See instructions for updating a needs assessment report below. You will use a date field to enter the month and year in which you completed this objective, meaning all activities associated with it are done. DATE COMPLETED

Sheet 3: Activity

ID You will use a text box to describe the activity. The uninformed reader should be able to understand what you are doing, how you will do it, and how the activities will lead to the accomplishment of the objective. ACTIVITY Technical Assistance (TA): Technical assistance helps and supports agencies and partners to develop and implement strategies and resources to improve their outcomes, policies, procedures, practices, or capacity. TA assists agencies or partners to problem-solve to achieve a mutually agreed upon goal. Technical assistance may involve multiple contacts and interactions over an extended period of time. TA may be provided in person, by electronic media such as telephone, video or e-mail and by other means. The following are examples of technical assistance: consultation, facilitation, logistical support, analysis, assessment/evaluation, outreach, and resource sharing. TA Continuing Education: Continuing education generally is training for individuals designed to increase participants’ knowledge, skills, and abilities. Such events can be delivered to large or small groups, in-person, or via telecommunications or other distance education mechanisms. Examples of continuing education include classes, workshops, and presentations. CE Type of Activity Method of Delivery

Sheet 4: Evaluation

ID TA: The assistance provided was highly relevant to the goals of my agency: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree CE: The content presented was highly relevant to my job: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree EVALUATION: Relevance Question TA: These technical assistance activities will be highly useful in improving my agency’s policies/ practices/capacity: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree CE: This training activity greatly increased my knowledge/skills/abilities: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree EVALUATION: Effectiveness Question TA: Overall, I found that this was high quality technical assistance: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree CE: Overall, I found that this was a high quality training activity: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree EVALUATION: Quality Question You have responsibility for surveying participants in each activity conducted under your workplan. An activity participant is the recipient of TA or CE, such as a counselor who received training or a state director with whom a TACE-sponsored subject matter expert consulted. You will create two surveys – one for TA activities and one for CE activities. These surveys can be formatted and contain additional questions for your own purposes, as long as they also contain the questions below without deviation in wording. TA evaluations should be completed at the conclusion of the primary TA activity by persons highly involved in all aspects of the TA who understand how the TA may affect the agency/partner. CE evaluations should be completed at the end of the CE course/training by as many participants in the CE as possible. If an activity includes components of both TA and CE, appropriate participants should answer survey questions that cover both TA and CE unless this is not feasible. If it is not feasible, you should choose the set of questions that best fits the intent of the activity. If an activity has multiple events with the same audience that leads to one outcome, you need only survey the participants once. For example, three conference calls with a state director to resolve one issue requires only one survey after the final conference call. If an activity has multiple events with different audiences, you would survey participants after each event but the collective responses from all three events represent your data for the activity. For example, if you held two different webinars on the same topic at two different times, you would survey all participants from both webinars. EVALUATION TOTALS
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Non-Respondents Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Non-Respondents Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Non-Respondents Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Non-Respondents

0 0 0 0 0 0

Sheet 5: Data

Source of Need
Advisory committee: A regional committee established by a TACE Center to provide input on its annual needs assessment and for other purposes to be determined by the TACE Center. An advisory committee must include representatives from each state VR agency in the region; RSA’s Independent Living Training and Technical Assistance grantees; individuals with disabilities or parents, family members, guardians, advocates, or other authorized representatives of the individuals; members of minority groups; trainees; providers of VR and IL services; and RSA. The RSA representative is an ex officio member of the committee. Advisory Committee
Partner: Any entity that is actively engaged with a state VR Agency in the provision of VR or IL services to individuals with disabilities. Partners may include, but are not limited to: Community Rehabilitation Programs, Client Assistance Programs, Centers for Independent Living, State Rehabilitation Councils, Statewide Independent Living Councils, Designated State Agencies, State Educational Agencies, American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Service Projects, Randolph-Sheppard Programs, Projects with Industry, One-Stop Centers, Assistive Technology Act Programs, programs carried out by the Under Secretary for Rural Development of the Department of Agriculture, Workforce Investment Boards, institutions of higher education, and entities responsible for administering state Medicaid programs. Partner

Area of Need
American Reinvestment and Recovery Act ARRA
Case Management System
Data Management
Fiscal Management
Internal & External Communication Processes
Personnel Management
Quality Assurance Activities
Service Delivery System
Strategic Planning

• One-stop Center 1-stop
• Department of Agriculture Program Ag. Program
• American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Service Projects AIVRS
• Assistive Technology Act Programs AT Act Program
Kevin Red: Business Leadership Network BLN
• Centers for Independent Living CIL
• Client Assistance Program CAP
• Community Rehabilitation Program CRP
• Developmental Disabilities Agency DDA
• Institution of Higher Education IHE
• State Medicaid Program Medicaid
• Mental Health Agency MHA
• Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker MSF
• Projects with Industry PWI
• Randolph-Sheppard Program RS
• State Education Agency SEA
• Statewide Independent Living Councils SILC
• State Rehabilitation Council SRC
• Substance Abuse Agency Substance Abuse
• Workforce Investment Board WIB

State Agency
AR General
AR Blind
NM General
NM Blind
TX General
TX Blind

• Select Agency/partner plans to address this objective when a monitoring report, CAP, or PIP identifies an objective but the agency/partner says it will address it without your assistance. You should instruct them to inform RSA. Agency/Partner plans to address this objective
• Select Agency/partner has addressed this objective when a monitoring report, CAP, or PIP identifies an objective but the agency/partner says it has resolved it on its own. Select this only if the agency/partner has finished, not if they are in the process. You should instruct them to inform RSA. Agency/Partner has addressed this objective
• Select Agency/partner no longer requests TA or CE when an agency/partner informs you it does not want TA or CE despite a request in its monitoring report, CAP, or PIP. You should instruct them to inform RSA. Agency/Partner no longer requests TA or CE
• For all objectives for which and agency/partner wants assistance, you must project the TACE Program Year in which you will begin providing TA or CE. Select To be addressed in TACE Program Year 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 to designate the TACE Program Year in which you intend to begin addressing the objective. This does not mean you must address the objective completely in that year, as some may take more than a year to address. To be addressed in TPY 2010
For all objectives for which and agency/partner wants assistance, you must project the TACE Program Year in which you will begin providing TA or CE. Select To be addressed in TACE Program Year 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 to designate the TACE Program Year in which you intend to begin addressing the objective. This does not mean you must address the objective completely in that year, as some may take more than a year to address. To be addressed in TPY 2011
For all objectives for which and agency/partner wants assistance, you must project the TACE Program Year in which you will begin providing TA or CE. Select To be addressed in TACE Program Year 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 to designate the TACE Program Year in which you intend to begin addressing the objective. This does not mean you must address the objective completely in that year, as some may take more than a year to address. To be addressed in TPY 2012
For all objectives for which and agency/partner wants assistance, you must project the TACE Program Year in which you will begin providing TA or CE. Select To be addressed in TACE Program Year 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 to designate the TACE Program Year in which you intend to begin addressing the objective. This does not mean you must address the objective completely in that year, as some may take more than a year to address. To be addressed in TPY 2013

Type of Activity

Method of Delivery

Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
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