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Integrated Ocean
Observing System (IOOS)
Certification Criteria
April 2012
Produced by the
Interagency Ocean Observation Committee
1201 New York Ave., N.W. 4th Floor
Washington, D.C.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Certification Criteria ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 4
Organizational Structure .................................................................................................................. 6
Strategic Operational Plan ............................................................................................................... 7
Gaps Identification ........................................................................................................................... 8
Financial Oversight ........................................................................................................................... 8
Appendix A. Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 9
Appendix B. Relevant ICOOS Act Sections................................................................................................. 10
Executive Summary
This report provides the criteria to be certified as a regional governance entity with the associated civil
liability protection arising from the dissemination and use of IOOS data. In order to be integrated into
IOOS, an entity must demonstrate certain attributes and meet requirements called out in the Integrated
Coastal and Ocean Observing System Act of 2009 (ICOOS Act). The criteria in this document have been
formally adopted by the IOOC as the final non‐federal certification criteria. NOAA, as the lead federal
agency for IOOS, will provide program guidelines to direct certification applicants at a later date.
To be certified an applicant must meet the Governance and Management criteria which addresses a
RICE’s organizational requirements. These requirements are based on historical Regional Association
management documents and map to the five legislative requirements for RICEs in the ICOOS Act. The
five categories include: Organizational Structure, Gaps Identification, Strategic Operational Plan,
Partnership Collaboration, and Financial Oversight. Meeting the criteria is necessary to coordinate non‐
federal assets in order to fulfill regional observation missions and priorities.
Upon meeting the specific criteria, entities will have demonstrated their ability to sustain organizational
capacity and supply quality data necessary for operating under the auspices of IOOS. Advantages to
becoming certified include federal liability protection for the use of their data as well as ancillary
benefits when engaging in requests or proposals, the entity can advertise that they have received
federal approval.
By definition in the ICOOS Act, RICEs are responsible for coordinating State, Federal, local, and private
interests at a regional level and engaging the private and public sectors in designing, operating, and
improving regional coastal and ocean observing systems in order to ensure the provision of data and
information that meet the needs of user groups from the respective regions. The IOOC therefore
focused on identifying governance and management criteria necessary to coordinate non‐federal assets
in order to fulfill regional observation missions and priorities. The criteria and related information
presented in the following sections are linked directly to the ICOOS Act.
Governance refers to the regional representation of stakeholder interests, and is the organizational body
that directs and oversees management so the regional system achieves desired outcomes. Management
refers to the group of people who are given the authority by the governing body to achieve results and
defines the actions they take to do so. This includes assuring that the necessary policies, standards, data,
information, and services associated with the IOOS sub‐systems are appropriately established,
coordinated, overseen and enforced. The governance and management functions of each RICE must
improve the Nation’s capability to measure, track, explain, and predict events related directly and
indirectly to weather and climate change, natural climate variability, and interactions between the
oceanic and atmospheric environments along the US Oceans, Coasts, and Great Lakes, and promote
regional‐to‐national scale innovation and system improvements. Since the coastal component of IOOS is
comprised of a national network of regional systems, both the regional governance and management
bodies are accountable to the larger U.S. IOOS program.
The IOOC researched other models for governance and management certification, considered historical
IOOS documents such as the System Development Plan (2006) and the Regional Association Maturity
Index (2010), along with other previously developed, but not adopted or implemented, regional
certification criteria. This helped shape IOOC deliberations and clarified not only what was being
certified, but also what was required for certification. The IOOC developed governance and
management criteria within the context of the five provisions contained in the ICOOS Act section
12304(c)(4), which requires that a certified RICE:
1. Demonstrate an organizational structure capable of gathering required System observation
data, supporting and integrating all aspects of coastal and ocean observing and information
programs within a region and that reflects the needs of State and local governments,
commercial interests, and other users and beneficiaries of the System and other requirements
specified under this subtitle and the System Plan;
2. Identify gaps in observation coverage needs for capital improvements of Federal assets and non‐
Federal assets of the System, or other recommendations to assist in the development of annual
and long‐terms plans and transmit such information to the Interagency Ocean Observing
Committee via the Program Office;
3. Develop and operate under a Strategic Operational Plan that will ensure the efficient and
effective administration of programs and assets to support daily data observations for
integration into the System, pursuant to the standards approved by the Council;
4. Work cooperatively with governmental and non‐governmental entities to identify and provide
information products of the System for multiple users within the service area of the regional
information coordination entities; and
5. Comply with all financial oversight requirements established by the Administrator, including
requirements relating to audits.
Once an entity is certified as a RICE, they will be a designated non‐Federal IOOS regional partner. With
regard to governance, a RICE must:
Exist for the purpose of facilitating interests and needs related to the collection, use, and
dissemination of coastal and ocean observations and related data and products within a
specified geographic region.
Be responsible for engaging both the public and private sector in the design, operation, and
improvement of a regional coastal ocean observing system.
Certification Criteria
Organizational Structure
Section 12304(c)(4)(A)(i) Demonstrate an organizational structure capable of
gathering required System observation data, supporting and integrating all aspects of
coastal and ocean observing and information programs within a region and that
reflects the needs of State and local governments, commercial interests, and other
users and beneficiaries of the System and other requirements specified under this
subtitle and the System Plan;
To demonstrate this requirement, the RICE must meet the criteria below as prescribed by the NOAA
program guidelines;
1. Show documentation of an organizational structure:
a. Pursuant to the article of incorporation in the home state, or binding agreement that
includes a legal mechanism for:
i. Accepting and disbursing funds, that includes the establishment and use of
criteria for distributing funds based on a well‐defined system for setting
observing system priorities;
ii. Entering into contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements;
iii. Addressing issues of accountability and liability.
b. Create and maintain a representative Governing Board with the power and
responsibility to ensure its autonomy. The Governing Board shall:
i. Operate with bylaws, signed articles of agreement, or similarly binding
agreements that:
1. Provide for the formulation and implementation of a Strategic
Operational Plan and budget, as described in Section II and the System
Plan, Appendix F;
2. Provide procedures for calling meetings of the Board, decision‐making,
establishing policies, and amending by‐laws.
ii. Articulate a process used to solicit/receive advice on RICE membership diversity,
stakeholder coordination and engagement strategies, and requirements to
ensure the provision of data and information that meet the needs of user
iii. Describe methods for assessing user satisfaction with the system, including the
adequacy of the system and subsystems to meet needs; and procedures for
responding to user feedback
iv. Ensure decisions about the priorities and the overall design of the system are
transparent and available;
2. Devise and adopt a Membership policy that:
a. Articulates the process by which individuals or organizations may become members,
maintain their membership, or lose their membership, including qualification for
membership, categories of membership, and rights and responsibilities of membership;
b. Strives for organizational diversity to include intra‐regional geographic representation,
and a diversity of member activities and interests from both public and private sectors;
c. Allows for non‐voting or advisory members from adjacent regions or nations.
Strategic Operational Plan
Section 12304(c)(4)(A)(iii) develop and operate under a strategic operational plan that
will ensure the efficient and effective administration of programs and assets to
support daily data observations for integration into the System, pursuant to the
standards approved by the Council;
To demonstrate this requirement a RICE must develop a Strategic Operational Plan which fully describes
the operations of the regional coastal ocean observing system, including specific subsystems, and
consists of the following:
1. Background and Context, including a description of:
a. The role of the RICE in the region and within U.S. IOOS
b. The processes that will be used to update and maintain the Strategic Operational Plan
c. The primary RICE assets and partners
2. Goals and Objectives of the RICE, including a description of:
a. How the observing system will serve to meet IOOS societal goals in the region;
b. The major objectives that address priorities for data collection and management,
development of products and services, research and development, and education and
outreach to meet user needs and improve system capacity.
3. Operational Plan for the Observing System, including a description of:
a. How the individual elements‐‐data collection and management, development of
products and services, research and development, and education and outreach‐‐come
together as an integrated system;
b. A strategy for ongoing system operations that demonstrates those responsible for
current and future operations have appropriate skills and experience to successfully
deliver observations;
c. A strategy for ongoing system operations that demonstrates proper equipment
management procedures including the nature and schedule for calibration, testing, and
other quality management factors;
4. A development strategy to sustain and enhance the system that balances long‐term
observations with changing user needs and requirements.
5. Data Management and Communications (DMAC) Plan, including a description of:
a. Documentation of the personnel and processes dedicated to data management to
ensure data usability, documentation, quality, preservation, and accessibility;
b. Data sharing policy including any special exceptions to an open data sharing policy or
any ethical or intellectual property issues that must be independently managed by the
c. The Council approved protocols that have been adopted by the RICE to integrate data
into the System;
d. Documentation of a strategy to address how data collected by the RICE is preserved for
future users and is independently understandable by them.
6. Budget Plan:
a. The RICE shall annually update its budget plan to include a description of:
i. The current and projected sources of funding and in‐kind support;
ii. The plans and strategies for diversifying the funding base;
iii. The apportionment of funding across all RICE activities, and project future
funding shortfalls and associated risks.
Gaps Identification
Section 12304(c)(4)(A)(ii) identify gaps in observation coverage needs for capital
improvements of Federal assets and non‐Federal assets of the System, or other
recommendations to assist in the development of the annual and long‐term plans
created pursuant to subsection (c)(2)(A)(i) and transmit such information to the
Interagency Ocean Observing Committee via the Program Office;
To demonstrate this requirement, the RICE must:
1. Identify gaps in observation coverage within the region by:
a. Identifying gaps in the spatial and temporal coverage of the existing observation
network, both federal and non‐federal, and including in the Strategic Operational Plan
priorities and options for addressing these gaps.
Financial Oversight
Section 12304(c)(4)(A)( v) comply with all financial oversight requirements established
by the Administrator, including requirements relating to audits;
To demonstrate this requirement, the RICE must;
1. Fulfill requirements for financial oversight and compliance including audits detailed in the
grant, contract, Cooperative Agreement or other vehicle for the exchange of funds.
2. Document, the budget for operating and maintaining regional observation assets, platforms,
sensors, etc. owned and operated by the RICE.
Appendix A. Definitions
Standards on which a judgment or decision may be based.
Data Management Maturity Criteria:
Standards reflecting the quality and validity of data.
Federal Assets:
All relevant non‐classified civilian coastal and ocean observations, technologies, and related modeling, research,
data management, basic and applied technology research and development, and public education and outreach
programs, that are managed by federal agencies.
Non‐Federal Assets:
All relevant coastal and ocean observation technologies, related basic and applied technology research and
development, and public education and outreach programs that are integrated into the System and are managed
through States, tribes or tribal government, regional organizations, universities, nongovernmental organizations,
or the private sector.
Program Office:
Within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, an Integrated Ocean Observing Program Office
utilizes personnel from member agencies participating on the Interagency Ocean Observation Committee, to
oversee daily operations and coordination of the System.
Regional Coastal Ocean Observing System (RCOOS):
A network of observations, DMAC, data analysis and modeling that links the needs of users to observations of
coastal marine and estuarine environments and the Great Lakes on regional scales. This definition is located in the
System Plan in Appendix B.
Regional Information Coordination Entities:
An organizational body that is certified or established by contract or memorandum by the lead Federal agency
designated in the Integrated Coastal and Ocean Observation System Act of 2009, and that coordinates State,
Federal, local, and private interests at a regional level with the responsibility of engaging the private and public
sectors in designing, operating, and improving regional coastal and ocean observing systems in order to ensure the
provision of data and information that meet the needs of user groups from the respective regions.
System Elements:
A national system that contains: (A) Federal assets to fulfill national and international observation missions and
priorities; (B) non‐Federal assets, including a network of regional information coordination entities, to fulfill
regional observation missions and priorities; (C) data management, communication, and modeling systems for the
timely integration and dissemination of data and information products from the System; (D) a research and
development program. The research and development program consists of (i) basic and applied research and
technology development to improve understanding of coastal and ocean systems and their relationships to human
activities and to ensure improvement of operational assets and products, including related infrastructure,
observing technologies, and information and data processing and management technologies; and(ii) large scale
computing resources and research to advance modeling of coastal and ocean processes.
System Plan:
Ocean. US Publication No. 9, The First Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) Development Plan.
The process to establish the truth, accuracy, or reality of a claim; e.g. that of data quality.
Appendix B. Relevant ICOOS Act Sections
Section 12303(6):
IN GENERAL‐ The term `regional information coordination entity' means an organizational body that is certified or
established by contract or memorandum by the lead Federal agency designated in section 12304(c)(3) of this
subtitle and coordinates State, Federal, local, and private interests at a regional level with the responsibility of
engaging the private and public sectors in designing, operating, and improving regional coastal and ocean
observing systems in order to ensure the provision of data and information that meet the needs of user groups
from the respective regions.
CERTAIN INCLUDED ASSOCIATIONS‐ The term `regional information coordination entity' includes regional
associations described in the System Plan.
Section 12303(9):
(9) SYSTEM PLAN‐ The term `System Plan' means the plan contained in the document entitled `Ocean. US
Publication No. 9, The First Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) Development Plan', as updated by the
Council under this subtitle.
Section 12304(c)(2)(D):
The Council shall establish or designate an Interagency Ocean Observing Committee which shall – establish
protocols and standards for System data processing, management and communication.
Section 12304(c)(2)(E):
The Council shall establish or designate an Interagency Ocean Observation Committee which shall – develop
contract certification standards and compliance procedures for all non‐Federal assets, including regional
information coordination entities, to establish eligibility for integration into the System and to ensure compliance
with all applicable standards and protocols established by the Council, and ensure that regional observations are
integrated into the System on a sustained basis.
Section 12304(c)(3)(C):
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shall – promulgate program guidelines to certify and
integrate non‐Federal assets, including regional information coordination entities, into the System to provide
regional coastal and ocean observing data that meet the needs of user groups from the respective regions.
Section 12304(c)(4)(A) (i):
REGIONAL INFORMATION COORDINATION ENTITIES‐ To be certified or established under this subtitle, a regional
information coordination entity shall be certified or established by contract or agreement by the Administrator,
and shall agree to meet the certification standards and compliance procedure guidelines issued by the
Administrator and information needs of user groups in the region while adhering to national standards and shall‐‐
(i) demonstrate an organizational structure capable of gathering required System observation data, supporting and
integrating all aspects of coastal and ocean observing and information programs within a region and that reflects
the needs of State and local governments, commercial interests, and other users and beneficiaries of the System
and other requirements specified under this subtitle and the System Plan;
(ii) identify gaps in observation coverage needs for capital improvements of Federal assets and non‐Federal assets
of the System, or other recommendations to assist in the development of the annual and long‐term plans created
pursuant to subsection (c)(2)(A)(i) and transmit such information to the Interagency Ocean Observing Committee
via the Program Office;
(iii) develop and operate under a strategic operational plan that will ensure the efficient and effective
administration of programs and assets to support daily (why daily?) data observations for integration into the
System, pursuant to the standards approved by the Council;
(iv) work cooperatively with governmental and non‐governmental entities at all levels to identify and provide
information products of the System for multiple users within the service area of the regional information
coordination entities; and
(v) comply with all financial oversight requirements established by the Administrator, including requirements
relating to audits.
Section 12304(e):
Civil Liability – For purposes of determining liability arising from the dissemination and use of observation data
gathered pursuant to this section, any non‐Federal asset or regional information coordination entity incorporated
into the System by contract, lease, grant, or cooperative agreement under subsection (c)(3)(D) that is participating
in the System shall be considered to be part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Any
employee of such a non‐Federal asset or regional information coordination entity, while operating within the
scope of his or her employment in carrying out the purposes of this subtitle, with respect to tort liability, is
deemed to be an employee of the Federal Government.
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | Microsoft Word - IOOS Certification Criteria_4 25 17 |
Author | nrome |
File Modified | 2012-05-03 |
File Created | 2012-05-03 |