Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS)

Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS)


Joint Personnel Adjudication System (JPAS)

OMB: 0704-0496

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Logical View Report

JPAS Data Dictionary


August 09, 2012

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 2

Logical View Report 8

JpasAdjudicationAction 8

AdjudicationAction 8

AdjudicationActionFilesReviewed 9

AdjudicationOtherFile 9

Appeal 9

RequestForInformation 10

Reviewer 11

StatementOfReasons 11

SOROrganization 13

ExtensionRequest 13

ConditionalSuspenseHistory 14

AdjudicationActionProfile 14

AAProfileDisqCondition 14

DisqCondOtherFactor 15

DisqualifyingCondMitigator 15

AdjudicationFact 15

JpasLookup 16

ExceptionTypeLookup 16

LevelRoleEligibilityInvest 16

Lookup 17

PolygraphAgencyLookup 17

PolygraphLookup 17

ReviewActionLookup 18

SuitabilityDeterminationLookup 18

ServiceAgencyLookup 18

AccessNumberStatusLookup 19

AppealTypeLookup 19

AssistanceRequestTypeLookup 20

AuthorityDecisionLookup 20

AuthorityLookup 20

CategoryClassificationLookup 21

DecisionTypeLookup 21

DOHARecommendationLookup 21

DutyLookup 22

FiscalYearLookup 22

MajorCommandLookup 22

PRPStatusLookup 23

PSABDecisionLookup 23

RangeLookup 23

ReopenTypeLookup 24

SecurityLevelLookup 24

SeparationLookup 24

SuspenseTypeLookup 25

TimezoneLookup 25

CountryLookup 25

DebriefReasonLookup 26

IncidentStatusLookup 26

PositionSensitivityLookup 26

RankLookup 27

RecordStatusLookup 27

SecurityAccessLookup 28

AccessCertificationLookup 28

StateLookup 28

VisitReasonLookup 28

VisitStatusLookup 29

CommentType 29

MaritalStatusLookup 29

SSNChangeReasonLookup 30

SeparationActionLookup 30

SF86VersionLookup 30

NatureOfActionLookup 31

DSSCategoryLookup 31

Announcement 31

JpasNotification 32

Notification 32

NotificationAnnotation 33

SMONotification 33

NotificationTypeLevelRole 33

NotificationActionNotification 34

JpasRelationshipLookup 34

Access 34

AdjudicationProfile 35

AdjudicationType 35

AdjudicationTypeEligibilityChg 36

AssignmentHistory 36

Citizenship 36

Eligibility 37

EligibilityChangeReason 37

FilesReviewed 38

InvestigatingAgency 38

InformationRequest 38

InvestigationType 39

NotificationType 39

OtherFile 40

Relation 40

ValidEligibilityCitizenship 40

ValidEligibilityInvestType 41

InvestigationTypeCAF 41

NotificationActionLookup 41

PositionOfTrust 41

AccessNumber 42

BDesignation 42

AccessRule 43

AccessDebriefRule 43

AccessIndocRule 43

CAFServiceAgency 44

ValidAcctMgrUserLevelUpdate 44

ValidSMOParentChildRelationship 45

ValidUserLevelForSMO 45

ValidUserSMOLevelUpdate 45

InvestAnnotateScopeDeficiency 45

CloseDateTypeCAF 46

InterimRule 46

LockReason 46

SystemType 47

CloseDateType 47

CloseDateInvestAgency 47

CAFDecisionLookup 48

HelpDeskDecisionLookup 48

SubAgencyLookup 48

AuditActionLookup 49

FacilityEligibilityStatLookup 49

ValidProfileOtherFactor 49

DisqualifyingCondition 50

MitigatingCondition 50

OtherFactor 50

AdjudicationTypeCAF 51

AccessDowngradeRule 51

ServiceAgencyTranslation 51

FacilStatusEligibilityTrans 52

LoginActionLookup 52

JpasRequest 52

InterimSCIRequest 52

Request 53

SPARequest 54

EligibilityRequest 55

AdjudicationPSP 56

Incident 56

IncidentUpdate 57

PresidentialSupportDecision 57

PresidentialSupportProgram 58

PSPDetermination 58

AssistanceRequest 59

IncidentProfile 59

JpasSystem 59

ErrorMessage 59

Parameter 60

SystemErrorLog 60

InfoMessage 61

InterfaceProcessLookup 61

InterfaceProcessTracker 61

InterfaceActionLookup 62

InterfaceDataInProgress 62

JPASSelViewAudit 63

JpasUser 63

Alias 63

CAF 64

Category 64

EligibilityHistory 65

EmployeeCodeHistory 65

ForeignRelation 65

JPASFunction 66

Interim 67

Investigation 67

JPASUser 68

LevelRole 69

Organization 69

PasswordHistory 70

Person 71

PersonCategory 73

PersonCategoryAccess 75

Team 75

UserHistory 76

InvestigationAnnotation 76

PersonCategoryPOT 77

PositionOfTrustDetermination 77

ScopeDeficiency 78

PersonCategoryAccessNumber 78

PersonCategoryLevelRole 78

Message 81

SuspenseItem 82

Remark 82

SecurityManagementOffice 82

SMOHierarchy 84


SMONameHistory 85

SMOPersonCategory 85

MessageSMO 85

LevelRoleFunction 86

InvestigationComment 86


UserPCLockReason 87

UserPersonCategory 87

Polygraph 88

HelpDeskArchiveComment 88

PersonStatus 88

ArchiveRequest 89

CAFArchiveComment 89

RequesterComment 90

NdaDateHistory 90

NdsDateHistory 91

OrganizationHistory 91

SSNHistory 91

OrganizationAccessHistory 92

TeamDescriptionHistory 92

JPASUserProfile 93

JPASUserProfileCategory 93

JPASUserProfileCatLevelSMO 94

JpasVisit 94

Visit 95

PersonCategoryVisit 95

JpasExternalInterface 96

ACESReport 96

ACES External Interace 96

PipsAlias 96

PipsClearance 96

PipsInvestigation 97

PipsPerson 97

PSI Automation Interface 97

PIPSInvStatusInvestigation 97

PIPSInvStatusIssueCode 98

PIPSInvStatusItem 98

PIPSInvStatusPerson 99

OPMPIPSExternalInterface 99

JpasTrip 99

Trip 99

TripCountry 100

TripForeignContact 100

TripFCComment 100

TripComment 101

TripFCCountry 101

JpasComment 101

Comment 101

JPASPSIAutomation 102

ExtraCoverage 102

InvestigationRequest 102

InvRqstInvStatus 105

InvestigationRequestStatus 106

PSQFormLookup 107

ServiceTimeLookup 107

PersonnelFolderLocLookup 107

SecurityFolderLocationLookup 108

ValidPositionInvestType 108

ExtraCoverageInvestType 109

PersonCategoryAuditHistory 109

ServiceTimeInvestType 110

InvRqstEligibilityLookup 110

PosSensitivityInvestType 110

PSQFormInvestType 110

SecurityAccessInvestType 111

ManpowerFilePartLookup 111

ManpowerFunctionCategory Lookup 111

SensitivityADPInvestType 112

ValidDutyPosSvcTime 112

SensitivityADPLookup 112

RevisionReasonLookup 112

OverSvcTimeReasonLookup 113

OverInvestTypeReasonLookup 113

InvRqstExtraCoverage 113

DutyPositionLookup 114

AccessClearanceLevelLookup 114

AccessClearanceInvestType 114

ValidDutyInvestService 115

InvRqstScopeHistory 115

InvRqstStateLookup 116

EventLookup 116

OpacAlcLookup 117

ValidOpacServiceAgency 117

PositionTitleDutyPosition 117

CategoryPositionTitle 118

PositionTitleLookup 118

AccessionSource 118

AccessionSourceServiceAgency 119

ValidServiceAgencySOI 119

AttachmentStatusLookup 119

AttachmentTypeLookup 120

InvestigationRequestAttachment 120

InvRqstAttachmentStatusHistory 120

AttachmentStateLookup 121

InvRqstFedInfoProcessing 121

FedInfoProcessing 121

FedInfoProcessInvestType 122

InvestigativeRequirementLookup 122

ApplicantAffiliationLookup 123

InvRqstDeployment 123

InvRqstOPMCountryLookup 124

InvRqstOPMStateLookup 124

InvRqstDateTypeLookup 124

PSQFormAttachmentType 125

JPASReport 125

ReportLog 125

Logical View Report



Contains all adjudicative decisions for a person. The case is assigned to a user, team or CAF exclusively.

Private Attributes:

adjudicationId : Integer

A system-assigned key to make Adjudication Action unique. Format: Integer.

personId : Integer

A system-assigned key to uniquely identify a Person. Format: Number

beginDate : Calendar

Date the Adjudication Action was initially opened within the system. Format: Date

isReassigned : Boolean

Indicates whether or not the User requested reassignment to either Manager or Supervisor. Valid values: Y or N. Format: String, 1.

arrivedAtCAFDate : Calendar

The date the paper case arrived at the CAF. Format: Date.

electronicCaseArrivedDate : Calendar

The date the electronic case arrived at the CAF. This is the date the case was initially assigned. Format: Date.

paperCaseAssociatedDate : Calendar

The date that the paper case has been associated. Format: Date.

eligibility : Eligibility

The eligibility assigned by the Adjudicator -- if no review is necessary. Format: String, 1.

employeeCode : String

The code associated with a User. Format: String, 5.

exceptionType : Lookup

Text description of the type of Exception noted by the Adjudicator. Valid values: Condition, Deviation, Waiver. Valid values are in ExceptionTypeLookup. Format: String, 1.

exceptionSuspenseDate : Calendar

Date for the Exception is due based on the system parameter. Format: Date.

unclassifiedRationale : String

Free-format text provided by the Adjudicator on the Adjudication Detail screen. Format: String, 3000

unclassifiedComment : String

Free-format text provided by the Adjudicator on the Adjudication Detail screen. Format: String, 3000

reviewActionCode : Lookup

The review type action. Valid values for this code are in ReviewActionLookup. Format: String, 2.

flowToDCII : Boolean

Indicates whether or not the 'case' information is ready to be sent to DCII. Valid values: Y or N. Format: String, 1.

closedDate : Calendar

The date the Adjudication Action was completed. A final eligiblity was assigned. Format: Date.

adjudicationTypeCode : Lookup

A code used to identify the type of action currently being adjudicated. Format: String, 1.

isPSP : Boolean

An indicator set by the User stating if the Adjudication Action will be used to track a Presidential Support Program. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

legacyAssignedDate : Calendar

Date the action was assigned by the legacy load. Format: Date.

employeeCAFCode : String

A unique, system assigned code to specifically identify a CAF employee. This code is from the legacy systems and not used by the JPAS application. Format: String, 1.

assignedGrantingCAFCode : CAF

Code indicating the CAF that the action is currently assigned or the CAF that granted the eligibility. Format: String, 1

caseManagementSuspenseDate : Calendar

The suspense date set by the case assignment personnel to indicate the expected adjudication completion date of the case component. Format: Date.

casePriorityCode : Boolean

The priority of the case component as indicated by the case assignment personnel. Format: String, 1.


Represents the relationship between the files reviewed by the Adjudicator and the specific Adjudication Action.

Private Attributes:

quantity : Integer

The number of Action Files reviewed by the Adjudicator, Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Represents the relationship between the files reviewed by the Adjudicator and the specific Adjudication Action.

Private Attributes:

quantity : Integer

The number of Other Files reviewed by the Adjudicator. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


The information for an Appeal to an unfavorable Eligibility assigned during Due Process.

Private Attributes:

appealId : Integer

A unique identifier for an Appeal. Format: Integer.

cafNoticeOfIntentAppealDate : Calendar

The date the Notice of Intent to Appeal was received at the CAF. Format: Date.

cafAppealType : Lookup

The method the Person has indicated they will use to Appeal the unfavorable eligibility, such as in person or in written form, as entered by the CAF if and when they receive the 'Notice of Intent to Appeal.' Valid values in Appeal.doc. Format: String, 2.

sentToDOHAdate : Calendar

The date the CAF provided the case to the DOHA. Format: Date.

sentToPSABdate : Calendar

The date the CAF provided the case to the PSAB. Format: Date.

intentToAppeal : Boolean

True or False value indicating the Person's intention to Appeal to the unfavorable eligibility. Format: String, 1.

signedNoticeOfIntentAppealDate : Calendar

The date the person signed their Notice of Intent to Appeal. Format: Date.

dohaNoticeOfIntentAppealDate : Calendar

The date the DOHA CAF received the form called ‘Notice of Intent to Appeal.’ This notice is the person’s statement of whether they intend to appeal the unfavorable Eligibility. Format: Date.

dohaAppealType : Lookup

The method the Person has indicated they will use to Appeal the unfavorable eligibility, such as in person or in written form, as entered by the DOHA if and when they receive the 'Notice of Intent to Appeal.'. Format: String, 2.

dohaCaseNumber : String

The case number assigned by the DOHA. Format: String, 10.

caseReceivedAtDOHADate : Calendar

The date the DOHA received the paper case. Format: Date

dohaRecommendation : Lookup

The DOHA’s recommendation of whether to affirm, remand, or reverse the unfavorable Eligibility on the Person based on the Appeal Valid values in DOHARecommendationLookup. Format: String, 1.

dohaRecommendationDate : Calendar

The date the DOHA made the recommendation on the Appeal. Format: Date

dohaForwardToPSABDate : Calendar

The date the Defense Office of Hearings and Appeals (DOHA) forwarded the case to the Personnel Security Appeals Board (PSAB). Format: Date

sentNoticeIntentAppealPSABDate : Calendar

The date the Person sent the Notice of Intent to Appeal to the PSAB. Format: Date.

caseReceivedAtPSABDate : Calendar

The date the case was received by the PSAB. Format: Date

psabDecisionDate : Calendar

The date the PSAB rendered it's decision on the Appeal. Format: Date

psabDecisionCode : String

The PSAB’s decision whether to overturn or uphold the Person’s unfavorable Eligibility. The PSAB's decision is based on the Appeal. Valid values are Uphold or Overturned. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Represents the data about an adjudication that the Adjudicator requests from JCAVS.

Private Attributes:

requestId : Integer

A unique id for the Request for Information Format: Integer.

organizationCode : String

Name of the Organization the request was sent to. Format: String, 10.

levelRoleId : String

The name of the Level or Role for the Organization receiving the request. Examples of a level are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Examples or Role are: Adjudicator, Manager, Supervisor. Format: String, 25.

dateRequested : Calendar

The date the request was made. Format: Date.

suspenseDate : Calendar

The date the request is due. Format: Date.

electronicRequestReceivedDate : Calendar

The date the request was opened by the User. Format: Date.

writtenReceiptDate : Calendar

The date the written request was received by the Security Officer. Format: Date.

cafReceivedDate : Calendar

The date the information was received by the CAF. Format: Date.

unclassifiedCaseComment : String

The CAF comment entered on the Adjudication Worksheet regarding a Request for Information. Format: String, 3000.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

securityManagementOfficeId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the Security Management Office recieving the request. Format: Integer.


Represents the data for when the User sends the case to review at any point during the Adjudication or Due Process processes.

Private Attributes:

reviewerNumber : Integer

The order number of the Reviewer. For example, Reviewer One would have a 1. Format: Integer.

reviewerUserId : String

The user id of the Reviewer. Format: String, 11.

reviewerDecision : String

Indicates whether or not the Reviewer agreed or disagreed with the Adjudicator. Valid values: A or D. Format: String, 1.

reviewerDecisionDate : Calendar

Date that Reviewer One made the decision. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

recommendedEligibility : Eligibility

The Eligibility recommended by the Adjudicator that the Reviewer is agreeing or disagreeing with. Format: String, 1.

recommendedEligibilityDate : Calendar

The date the adjudicator made the recommended Eligibility. Format: Date.


Represents data collected about the notifications between JAMS and JCAVS concerning the Statement of Reasons, any intention to rebut the Statement of Reasons, the rebuttal of the Statement of Reasons, and the cafDecision regarding the Person's Eligibility.

Private Attributes:

sorNumber : Integer

A unique identifier for a Statement of Reasons. Format: Integer.

respondByDate : Calendar

A date set by JPAS as a parameter-driven date from the latest date a SOR was mailed. This date indicates the date by which the Person being adjudicated must rebut the SOR. The Respond by Date is displayed on the Due Process screen. This date is changed if and when and Extension to the SOR is granted by the CAF. If such happens, the respond by date is set to the approved Extension date itself. If more than one Extension has been granted, the Respond by Date changes to the most recent Extension granted. Format: Date.

subjectReceivedAtOrganization : Organization

The actual Organization that entered the subject received/signed date and received written SOR date. This is needed so the Statement of Reasons knows which Organizatioin Notification holds the true Electronic Notification Date (seen as Ack Receipt Date on the Due Process screen.) Format: String, 10.

subjectReceivedAtLevelId : LevelRole

The actual Level within an Organization that entered the subject received/signed date and received written SOR date. This is needed so the Statement of Reasons knows which Organizatioin Notification holds the true Electronic Notification Date (seen as Ack Receipt Date on the Due Process screen.) Format: String, 25.

writtenReceiptDate : Calendar

The date the JCAVS User received the written SOR. Entered by the JCAVS User on the SOR Update screen and displayed on the Due Process screen with the label ‘Rcvd Written SOR’. Format: Date.

subjectReceiptDate : Calendar

The date the Person being adjudicated received and may have signed the ‘SOR Receipt and Statement of Intention’ form. This date can be entered by the JCAVS User on the SOR Update screen or by the Adjudicator on the Due Process screen. Once the date is entered by one of these Users, it cannot be changed by either User. The label on the Due Process screen for this field is ‘Subject Rcvd/Signs SOR.’ Format: Date.

mailedToCAF : Calendar

Date the response was mailed to the CAF. Format: Date.

noticeOfIntentReceiveDate : Calendar

The date the CAF received the ‘SOR Receipt and Statement of Intention to Rebut’ form. Entered by the Adjudicator on the Due Process screen. Format: Date.

foiaPaRequestDate : Calendar

The date the Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act Information was requested. Format: Date.

cafDecision : Lookup

The CAF’s Eligibility determination on the Person during Due Process. This may be a favorable Eligibility if the Person’s rebuttal was sufficient reason. If unfavorable, the Person may appeal the Eligibility. Valid values are in Eligibility. Format: String, 1.

issueLORLODDate : Calendar

The date the Letter of Reinstatement or Denial was issued by the CAF. Format: Date.

intentToRespond : Boolean

True or False value indicating the Person's intention to rebut the Statement of Reasons. This value is entered by the Adjudicator as indicated by the Person on the ‘SOR Receipt and Statement of Intention to Rebut’ form. This boolean is defaulted to Null. If set to True, the Person intends to respond. Set this value to False if ‘No Intent to Respond is selected.. Valid values: Y or N. Format: String, 1.

unclassifiedCaseComment : String

Free-format text response provided by the JCAVS User to the CAF on the SOR Update screen. Format: String, 3000.

noResponseReceived : Boolean

Boolean indicating whether or not the Person responded to the requests associated with this Appeal. Valid values: Y or N. Format: String, 1.

rebuttalReceiveDate : Calendar

The date the subject's rebuttal was received at the CAF. Format: Date.

lateRebuttal : Boolean

Boolean indicating whether or not the rebuttal was received late. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

suspenseDate : Calendar

The suspense date for the Due Process action. This date overrides the respondByDate for the Suspense Notification. The intent of this date is to indicate the amount of time the Person has to send an Appeal to a Letter of Revocation or Denial.

Format: Date.

securityManagementOfficeId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the Security Management Office updating receipt of the Statement of Reasons. Format: Integer.


A separate mailing of the paper statment of reasons. There may be more than one copy mailed since the CAF may send the paper to the wrong Organization since persons move often.

Private Attributes:

sorOrganizationId : Integer

A unique identifier for an SOROrganization. Format: Integer.

sorNumber : Integer

Unique identifier for a Statement of Reason. Format: Integer.

organizationName : String

The user-entered text identifying the organization name and/or address to which they sent the paper Statement of Reasons. Format: String, 30.

dateMailed : Calendar

The date the Statement of Reason was mailed to the Security Officer. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

securityManagementOfficeId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the Security Management Office receiving the Statement of Reasons. Format: Integer.


A request for an extension on a due date for either a Request for Information or a Statement of Reasons. Normally, a JCAVS User requests an Extension and a JAMS User grants or denies an extension date.

Private Attributes:

extensionRequestId : Integer

A unique identifier for an Extension Request. Format: Integer.

grantedExtensionDate : Calendar

The extension date granted by the JAMS User. Format: Date.

requestedExtensionDate : Calendar

The extension date requested by the JCAVS User. Format: Date.

isApproved : Boolean

A True or False value to indicate if the an extension date was granted. Note that even if a date was granted, this may not be the same date that was actually requested. Format: String, 1.

decisionDate : Calendar

The date the JAMS User made his or her decision on whether to grant an extension. Format: Date.

requestedByOrganization : Organization

The Organization requesting the extension. Format: String, 10.

requestedByLevelRoleId : LevelRole

The Level in the Organization requesting the extension. Format: String, 25.

requestCreateDate : Calendar

The date the ExtensionRequest was created. This is used to sort the Extension Requests on certain screens. Format: Date.

unclassifiedExtensionJustifica : String

The unclassified justification the JCAVS User gives to justify his or her request for an extension. On the SOR Update screen, this can also be used without a requested extension only to send comments to the CAF. Format: String, 3000.

unclassifiedJAMSComments : String

The unclassified comments the JAMS User enters on the Extension Request Response screen. These will be appended to for each additional Extension Request made for the Information Request. Format: String, 3000.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

securityManagementOfficeId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the requesting Security Management Office. Format: Integer.


A ConditionalSuspense for an Adjudication Action.

Private Attributes:

conditionalSuspenseHistoryId : Integer

Unique identifier for Conditional Suspense History. Format: Integer.

suspenseDate : Calendar

The suspense date for the conditional. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the adjudicative guidelines for a given Adjudication Action.

Private Attributes:

adjudicationProfileCode : String

A unique identifier for the disqualifying and/or mitigating factors. Format: String, 2.

adjudicationId : Integer

A system-assigned key to make Adjudication Action unique. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


The Disqualifying Condition used for an adjudicative guideline. Each adjudicative profile must have at least one disqualifying condition.

Private Attributes:

adjudicationId : Integer

A system-assigned key to make Adjudication Action unique. Format: Integer.

adjudicationProfileCode : String

A unique identifier for the disqualifying and/or mitigating factors. Format: String, 2.

disqConditionId : Integer

A system-assigned key for a disqualifying condition. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


The Other Factor that mitigated the Disqualifying Condition.

Private Attributes:

adjudicationId : Integer

A system-assigned key to make Adjudication Action unique. Format: Integer.

adjudicationProfileCode : String

A unique identifier for the disqualifying and/or mitigating factors. Format: String, 2.

disqCondId : Integer

A system-assigned key for a disqualifying condition. Format: Integer.

otherFactorId : Integer

A system-assigned key for an other factor. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


The Mitigating Condition that mitigated the Disqualifying Condition.

Private Attributes:

adjudicationId : Integer

A system-assigned key to make Adjudication Action unique. Format: Integer.

adjudicationProfileCode : String

A unique identifier for the disqualifying and/or mitigating factors. Format: String, 2.

disqCondId : Integer

A system-assigned key for a disqualifying condition. Format: Integer.

mitigatingConditionId : Integer

A system-assigned key for a mitigating condition. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the facts of a case in regards to profiles and disqualifying and mitigating factors.

Private Attributes:

jpasCommentId : Integer

Unique identifier for a specific JPAS Comment. Format: Integer.

commentTypeCode : String

Unique identifier of comment types for all comments within JPAS. Format: String, 4.

commentText : String

Text entered by the client. Cannot exceed the maximum characters for the comment type. Format: Varchar, 1913.

parentId : Integer

The identifier of the parent owning record. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.



The valid values of Exception Type Codes used for adjudicating cases.

Private Attributes:

exceptionTypeCode : String

The Exception Type Code used for this particular adjudication action. Format: String, 1.

exceptionTypeDescription : String

The text description of a Exception Type code. Format: String, 10.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


This object is used to validate the User's Level/Role and Eligibility/Investigation requirements. This object is used when establishing or changing a User's Level/Role.

Private Attributes:

levelRoleEligInvestId : Integer

A unique identifier for an Level Role, Eligibility, Investigation, Type Code combination. Format: Integer.

levelRoleId : String

The name of the Level or Role. Examples of a level are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Examples or Role are: Adjudicator, Manager, Supervisor. Format: String, 25.

investigationTypeCode : String

The unique identifier for an Investigation. Format: String, 2.

eligibilityCode : String

The unique identifier for an Eligibility. Valid values are in Eligibility. Format: String, 1.

investigationStatus : String

A code indicating the status of the investigation type - open or closed - as required by Investigation Type, Eligibility, Level/Role combination. Valid values: O or C. Format: String, 1.

priorToDate : Calendar

Date that is used to validate combinations based on Congressional and DoD regulations. The current valid value is October 1, 1999. Format: Date.

afterDate : Calendar

Date that is used to validate combinations based on Congressional and DoD regulations. The current valid value is October 1, 1999. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

altInvestigationTypeCode : String

Additional investigation type required in determining Level/Role assignment for a User. Format: String, 2.

altInvestigationStatus : String

Status of alternate investigation type used in determining Level/Role assignment for a User. Format: String, 1.

closeDateTypeCode : String

A unique identifier for types of close date reasons. Format: String, 1.


This object manages all the information used for validation and that are referenced in the requirements as Look-up Tables.

Private Attributes:

lookupTableName : String

The name of the current look-up table. Format: String, 50.

lookupCode : String

The key value associated with the look-up table. Format: String, 8.

lookupText : String

The description of the look-up code. Format: String, 100.

typeDisplay : String

The text string to display to the User based on the look-up code. Format:

String, 3.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


The valid values of agencies that conduct Polygraph tests.

Private Attributes:

polygraphAgencyCode : String

The unique identifier for the Polygraph Agency. Format: String, 1.

polygraphAgencyDescription : String

The description of the Polygraph Agency. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

shortDescription : String

A short text description of the Polygroah Agency Code. Format: String, 15.


The valid values of polygraph types.

Private Attributes:

polygraphTypeCode : String

The unique identifier of the polygraph type. Format: string, 2.

polygraphDescription : String

The description of the polygraph type. Format: String, 25.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


A list of valid Review Actions.

Private Attributes:

reviewActionCode : String

The unique identifier for Review Actions. Format: String, 2.

reviewActionDescription : String

Text definition of the Review Action code. Format: String, 75.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

The date the Access becomes invalid. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : Calendar

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

shortDescription : String

A short text description of the Review Action Code. Format: String, 15.


A valid list of determinations for suitability judgments.

Private Attributes:

determinationCode : String

A unique code used to identify suitability and position of trust determination types. Format: String, 2.

determinationDescription : String

A text description of the determination code. Format: String, 25.

determinationType : String

Indicates if the determination can be used as an initial or final determination. Format: String, 1.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains a list of valid Service Agencies for use within JPAS.

Derived from AccessionSource

Private Attributes:

serviceAgencyCode : String

The agency that the Person Category is associated with. Format: String, 8.

serviceAgencyDescription : String

The name of the Service or Agency. Format: String, 75.

serviceAgencyAbbreviation : String

A short name for the Service or Agency. Format: String, 8.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

jointCommand : String

Indicates whether or not this Service/Agency represents a joint command. Valid Values: True/False. Format: String, 1.

securityOfficeIdentifier : String

Security Office Identifier. Format: String, 4.

opacALC : String

Accounting information used by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) for the purposes of billing. Format: String, 8.

submittingOfficeNumber : String

Submitting Office Number. Format: String, 4.


Contains the valid types of status for Access Numbers. For instance, the status may identify the Access Number as B or Non-B.

Private Attributes:

accessNumberStatusCode : String

The current status of an Access Number. Valid Values: B - Active B Access Number, N - Active Non-B Access Number, P - Pending B designation approval, R - Is removed from use. Format: String, 1.

accessNumberStatusDescription : String

The text description of an Access Number Status code. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11 .

dateTimeStamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the valid methods a Person can use to appeal a derogatory Eligibility (such as in person or in letter form).

Private Attributes:

appealTypeCode : Integer

The unique identifier for the appeal appearance types. Format: Integer.

appealTypeDescription : String

The text description of an Appeal Type code. Format: String, 30.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the types of assistance that can be requested.

Private Attributes:

assistanceRequestTypeCode : String

The unique identifier for the types of Assistance Requests. Format: String 18.

assistanceRequestTypeDesc : String

The text description of an Assistance Request Type code. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the valid decisions that can be made during the various processes for the Presidential Support Program (PSP). This table is used in conjunction with AuthorityLookup, DecisionTypeLookup, and PSPDetermination tables.

Private Attributes:

authorityDecisionCode : String

The Authority Decision Code used for this particular determination. Format: String, 1.

authorityDecisionDescription : String

The text description of an Authority Decision code. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the valid authorities that make decisions during the various processes for the Presidential Support Program (PSP). This table is used in conjunction with the AuthorityDecisionLookup, DecisionTypeLookup, and PSPDetermination tables.

Private Attributes:

authorityCode : String

The Authority Code used for this particular determination. Format: String, 1.

authorityDescription : String

The text description of an Authority code. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains valid types of Category sub-classifications.

Private Attributes:

categoryClassificationCode : Integer

The unique identifier for the types of Industry related classifications. Format: Integer .

categoryClassDescription : String

The text description of an CategoryClassification code. Format: String, 50.

categoryClassShortDescription : String

The short text description of a Category Classification code. Format: String, 25.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimeStamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

isAssurance : Boolean

Indicates whether or not the Category Classification is considered Assurance. Valid Values: True/False. Format: String, 1.


Contains the types of decisions based on the various processes for the Presidential Support Program (PSP). This table is used in conjunction with the AuthorityDecisionLookup, AuthorityLookup, and PSPDetermination tables.

Private Attributes:

decisionTypeCode : String

The Decision Type Code used for this particular determination. Format: String, 1.

decisionTypeDescription : String

The text description of a Decision Type code. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the recommendations available to DOHA JAMS Users during validation of Due Process cases.

Private Attributes:

dohaRecommendationCode : String

The unique identifier for the valid DOHA recommendations. Format: String, 1.

dohaRecommendationDescription : String

The text description of a DOHA Recommendation code. Format: String, 10.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimeStamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains valid PSP positions.

Private Attributes:

dutyCode : String

The duty code for the Person is in for the Presidential Support Program. Format: String, 2.

dutyCodeDescription : String

The text description of a Duty code. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains valid government financial or security reporting periods. Currently used for reporting purposes.

Private Attributes:

fiscalYear : String

The 12 month period for which the government or agency uses for reporting financial or security information. Format: String, 4.

fiscalYearDescription : String

The text description of a Fiscal Year code. Format: String, 20.

fiscalYearBeginDate : Calendar

The date the financial or security year begins. Format: Date..

fiscalYearEndDate : Calendar

The date the financial or security year ends. Format: Date.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Lists the major service commands for the Department of Defense. This information is currently not used in JPAS.

Private Attributes:

majorCommandCode : String

The component for the Organization. Format: String, 3.

majorCommandDescription : String

The text description of a Major Commend code. Format: String, 75.

majorCommandAbbreviation : String

The short description for the major service command. Format: String, 3.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimeStamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the types of PRP Accesses available for Indoctrination in JPAS.

Private Attributes:

prpStatusCode : String

Personnel Reliability Program status code. Format: String, 1.

prpStatusDescription : String

The text description of a PRP Status code. Format: String, 150.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimeStamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the valid decisions that PSAB can make on a Due Process case.

Private Attributes:

psabDecisionCode : String

The PSAB’s decision whether to overturn or uphold the Person’s unfavorable Eligibility. The PSAB's decision is based on the Appeal. Format: String, 1.

psabDecisionDescription : String

The text description of a PSAB Decision code. Format: String, 10.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimeStamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains definitions of the valid ranges used in different processes in JPAS. A range could be a date range or number range and consists of minimum and maximum values.

Private Attributes:

rangeCode : Integer

The unique identifier for the ranges. Format: Integer.

rangeDescription : String

The text description of a Range Code. Format: String, 50.

maximumRange : Integer

The numeric value of the upper end of the range. Format: Integer.

minimumRange : Integer

The numeric value of the lower end of the range specified in the RangeLookup table. Format: Integer.

processType : String

Identifies the process that uses the range. Valid values - SN - Suspense Notification. Format: String, 2.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the valid reasons the CAF may supply for the reopening of an Investigation.

Private Attributes:

reopenTypeCode : String

The type describing the reason the Investigation was reopened. Format: String, 1.

reopenTypeDescription : String

The text description of a Reopen Type code. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimeStamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the different types of a security level.

Private Attributes:

securityLevel : String

Indicates the level of security for the level - SCI, Non SCI. Valid Values: N, S. Format: String, 1.

securityLevelDescription : String

The text description of a Security Level code. Format: String, 10.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the valid types of separation possible from the Department of Defense.

Private Attributes:

separationCode : String

Code indicating the type of separation. Format: String, 1.

separationDescription : String

The text description of a Separation code. Format: String, 75.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains a list of generic suspense types available for use.

Private Attributes:

suspenseTypeCode : String

The generic suspense type chosen to describe the Suspense. Mutually exclusive with UserDefined Suspense type. Format: String, 2.

suspenseTypeDescription : String

The text description of a Suspense Type code. Format: String, 75.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains a list of all valid timezones.

Private Attributes:

timezone : String

Unique identifier for each defined time area of the world. Format: String, 4.

timezoneDescription : String

The text description of a Time Zone code. Format: String, 75.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


A list of valid countries.

Private Attributes:

countryCode : String

Unique identifier for a country. Format: String, 2.

countryName : String

A text description for the country . Format: String. 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

isoCountryCode2 : String

The 2 digit ISO standard country code (e.g. US). Format: String, 2.

isoCountryCode3 : String

The 3 digit ISO standard country code (e.g. USA). Format: String, 3.

isoCountryName : String

The ISO standard country name (e.g. United States of America). Format: String, 50.

activeFips : String

A flag indicating if the FIPS code associated to this ISO code is the active FIPS code where there is a many to one relationship. Format: String, 1.


A list of valid debrief reasons.

Private Attributes:

debriefReasonCode : String

Unique identifier for reasoning of debriefing from Access. Format: String, 1.

debriefReasonDescription : String

The text description of the debrief reason code. Format: String, 30.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


A list of valid Incident Statuses.

Private Attributes:

incidentStatusCode : String

The status of an Incident during its lifetime. Format: String, 2.

incidentStatusDescription : String

A text description of the incident status codes. Format: String, 10.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

sortOrder : Integer

Indicates the order of display for the values. Format: Integer.


A list of valid position sensitivities.

Private Attributes:

positionSensitivityCode : String

Indicates the level of sensitivity of a given position for which a Person Category may be assigned. Format: String, 1.

positionSensitivityDescription : String

A text description of the Position Sensitivity Code. Format: String, 25.

shortDescription : String

A short text description of the Position Sensitivity Code. Format: String, 15.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


A list of valid ranks.

Private Attributes:

rankCode : String

Unique values related to a government or military job. Format: String, 4.

rankDescription : String

A text description for the rank code. Format: String, 75.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

gs15GoIndicator : Boolean

Indicates whether this rank is considered to be a GS 15 or higher or an officer. Valid Values: True/False. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


A list of valid record statuses.

Private Attributes:

recordStatusCode : String

Indicates the current status of a given Person Category. Format: String, 3.

recordStatusDescription : String

A text description of the record status code. Format: String, 75.

consideredActive : Boolean

Indicates whether or not this code makes a Person Category active. Valid Values: True/False. Format: String, 1.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


A list of valid security accesses.

Private Attributes:

securityAccessCode : String

Unique identifier for a Security access. Format: String, 1.

securityAccessDescription : String

A text description of the Security Access Code. Format: String, 25.

shortDescription : String

A short text description of the Security Access Code. Format: String, 15.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


A list of valid Access Certifications.

Private Attributes:

accessCertificationCode : String

Status of a Person Category indoctrinated into a level of access. Format: String, 1.

accessCertificationDescription : String

A text description of the Access Ceritifcation codes. Format: String, 25.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


A list of valid states.

Private Attributes:

stateCode : String

A unique identifier for each state in accordance with the FIPS Pub 5-2. Format: String, 2.

stateDescription : String

A text description of the state code. Format: String, 40.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

stateNumericCode : Integer

Contains the FIPS Pub 5-2 numeric value for an alphabetic state code. Format: Integer.


A list of valid Visit Reasons.

Private Attributes:

visitReasonCode : String

Unique identifier reasons for Visits. Format: String, 2.

visitReasonDescription : String

A text description of the Visit Reason code. Format: String, 25.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the valid Statuses of a Visit.

Private Attributes:

visitStatusCode : String

Identifies the status of a Visit. Format: String, 1.

visitStatusDescription : String

A text description of the Visit Status codes. Format: String, 25.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the types of Comments that can be entered within JPAS.

Private Attributes:

commentTypeCode : String

Unique identifier of comment types for all comments within JPAS. Format: String, 4.

commentTypeDescription : String

Brief text describing the usage of the comment type. Format: String, 50.

maximumCommentLength : Integer

The maximum length of the comment type. The User cannot enter more characters than this length. Format: Integer.

processType : String

The type of processing that is allowed for the comment type. Valid values: A - Append; U - Update. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

jpasTableName : String

Name of the JPAS database table that supports the comment type. Format: String, 30.


List of valid values representing the Marital Status.

Private Attributes:

maritalStatusCode : String

Code indicating the type of SSN Change Reason. Format: String, 1.

maritalStatusDescription : String

The text description of a Marital Status code. Format: String, 10.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


List of valid values representing the reasons for changing a SSN.

Private Attributes:

ssnChangeReasonCode : String

Code indicating the type of SSN Change Reason. Format: String, 1.

ssnChangeReasonDescription : String

The text description of a SSN Change Reason code. Format: String, 25.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains separation actions for Mass Personnel process.

Private Attributes:

separationActionCode : String

Unique identifier for a separation action. Format: String, 1.

separationActionDescription : String

Text description of the separation action. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

The date the Access becomes invalid. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : Calendar

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


A list of the valid versions of the SF86 form.

Private Attributes:

sf86VersionCode : String

The version of the SF86 form. Format: String, 2.

sf86VersionDescription : String

The description of the SF86 form. Format, String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


A list of codes to show the Nature of Action taken or to be taken for the position requiring the investigation.

Private Attributes:

natureOfActionCode : String

Code to show the Nature of Action taken or to be taken for the position requiring the investigation. Format: String, 3.

natureOfActionDescription : String

The text description of a Nature of Action code. Format: String, 25.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


A list of valid DSS Categories.

Private Attributes:

dssCategoryCode : String

Unique identifier for a DSS Category. Format: String, 3.

dssCategoryDescription : String

A text description of the DSS Category Code. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


This table stores announcements and messages for JPAS Users.

Private Attributes:

announcementOrder : Integer

A number one through four indicating the order the announcement appears on the screen, with one appearing first. Format: Integer.

activeDate : Calendar

The first date on which the announcement will be displayed. The activeDate is required and must be a valid date. The activeDate will be displayed on the screen along with the Announcement Text. Format: Date.

announcementText : String

The announcement text to be displayed on the Welcome screen. Format: String, 32768.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

If present, the first date on which the announcement will no longer be displayed. If the obsoleteDate is present (it is not null), it must be a valid date and it must also be after the activeDate. If the obsoleteDate is not present (it is null), the announcement will be displayed indefinitely. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.



This object represents all the notifications that are sent within JPAS. It understands based on type where the additional information is stored within other objects.

Private Attributes:

notificationId : Integer

A system-assigned key to uniquely identify a Notification. Format: Integer.

notificationTypeKey : Integer

The key to the object that contains the additional information about this Notification. Format: Integer.

notifcationActionCode : NotificationActionLookup

The code defining the type of security action taken by the user. Format: String, 1.

sentToJAMS : Boolean

A boolean indicating whether or not the Notification was sent to the JAMS user. Valid values are Y or N. Format: String, 1.

sentToJCAVS : Boolean

A boolean indicating whether or not the Notification was sent to the JCAVS Organization. Valid values are Y or N. Format: String, 1.

sentFromJAMS : JPAS User

The user id of the User sendingthe Notification within JAMS. Format: String, 11.

sentFromJCAVS : Organization

The Organization sending the Notification for JCAVS. String, 10.

removeFromJAMS : Boolean

A boolean indicating whether or not to remove the Notification from the JAMS display screen. Format: String, 1.

Valid values : True/False.

jamsElectronicReceiptDate : Calendar

The date the notification was opened by the User. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

notificationTypeKeyCode : String

The code to describe what NotificationType Key refers to. Format: String, 2.


This table contains additional information needed in the Notification process for certain types.

Private Attributes:

annotationId : Integer

Unique identifier for the NotificationAnnotation. Format: Integer.

personId : Integer

A system-assigned key to uniquely identify a Person. Format: Number.

categoryCode : String

Unique identifier for each Category or Job. Valid values are in Category. Format: String, 3.

accessCode : String

The access code the Person Category was indoctrinated into. Format: String, 2.

indoctrinationDate : Calendar

The date the Person Category was indoctrinated into the Access. Format: Date.

interimId : Integer

A unique identifier for an Interim. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

notificationKey1 : Integer

Contains the key to another object/table used in processing the Notification data. Used where the table contains a numeric key value. Format: Integer.

notificationKey2 : Integer

Contains the key to another object/table used in processing the Notification data. Used where the table contains a numeric key value. Format: Integer.

notificationKeyDate : Calendar

Date associated with the object/table referenced in one of the Key fields. Format: Date.

notificationTextKey1 : String

Contains the key to another object/table used in processing the Notification data. Used where the table contains a text key value. Format: String, 25.

notificationTextKey2 : String

Contains the key to another object/table used in processing the Notification data. Used where the table contains a text key value. Format: String, 25.


This object represents the notifications that are sent to one or more Security Management Office(s) at one or more level/role(s) within JPAS.

Private Attributes:

levelRoleId : String

The Level/Role the SMONotification was created for. Format: String, 25.

electronicReceiptDate : Calendar

The date the notification was received by the user. Format: Date.

removeFromJCAVS : Boolean

A boolean indicating whether or not to remove the Notification from the JCAVS display screen. Valid values : True/False. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains valid user levels per notification type that can receive this notification.

Private Attributes:

notificationTypeCode : String

A unique identifier . Format: String, 2.

levelRoleId : String

A list of valid level/role(s). Format: String, 25.

relationshipType : String

Field not currently being used by JPAS. Format: String, 1.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: String, 11.


Contains the notification actions for a Notification Annotation record.

Private Attributes:

actionDate : Calendar

Date the action occurred. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.



Valid Access types for the US Government.

Private Attributes:

accessCode : String

The unique identifier for an Access. Format: String, 2.

accessDescription : String

The text description of an Access code. Format: String, 70.

accessType : String

A designator used to distinguish between types of Access. Currently used to designate SCI and Non SCI. Valid values: S= SCI; N.= Non SCI. Format: String, 1.

accessIdentifier : String

An indicator used to group the types of Access. For example, US would indicate a grouping of US Accesses. Valid Values: CN = Critical Nuclear Weapons Design Information (CNWDI); NA = NATO; PR = PRP (Personnel Reliability Program); RA = Restricted Access; SC = Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI);

SI = SIOP (Sensitive Integrated Operating Plans) Obsolete as of JPAS

US = US (Non-SCI)

NE = NC2-ESI (Nuclear Command and Control Extremely Sensitive Information)

Format: String, 2..

systemCode : String

The system/subsystem identifier. Valid values: A, J, B. Format: String, 1.

displayText : String

The text displayed to the User. Format: String, 25.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

The date the Access becomes invalid. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

ndaDateRequired : String

A flag indicating whether the NDA date is required to get this Access. Format: String, 1.

ndsDateRequired : String

A flag indicating whether the NDA date is required to get this Access. Format: String, 1.

shortDescription : String

Abbreviated description that is used on reports and screens other than Person Summary. Format: String, 15.

rank : Integer

The order of precedence for an access. Used for display purposes. Format: Integer.


A valid list of potentially disqualifying and/or mitigating factors as defined by DoD 5200.2R. as ADJUDICATIVE criteria

Private Attributes:

adjudicationProfileCode : String

A unique identifier for the disqualifying and/or mitigating factors. Format: String, 2.

adjudicationProfileDescription : String

A text description of the Adjudication Profile code. Format: String, 45.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

adjProfileDescriptionPrefix : String

The identifying code for the Adjudication Profile. Format: String, 1.


Contains all types related to adjudicative requests and decisions.

Private Attributes:

adjudicationTypeCode : String

A code used to identify the type of action currently being adjudicated. Format: String, 1.

adjudicationTypeDescription : String

A text description of the Adjudication Type code. Format: String, 25.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

hasAssociatedObject : String

Indicates which adjudication types have an object other than an Adjudication Action. This field is used be the Case Management process. Format: String, 1.

userCanCreate : Boolean

Identifies the types of adjudication actions that the User can create via the JPAS application. Format: String, 1.

canBePSP : Boolean

Indicates the adjudication type that can be considered in a Presidential Support Program (PSP) adjudication. Format: String, 1.

shortDescription : String

The text displayed to the User. Format: String, 8.

sortOrder : Integer

Indicates the order in which cases will be displayed within Case Management functions. Format: Integer,


This table contains valid Change Reason codes for a given Adjudication Type code.

Private Attributes:

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Table that tracks movement of case components from one entity to another.

Private Attributes:

assignmentHistoryId : Integer

A unique identifier for the Assignment History. Format: Integer.

parentId : Integer

The key to the owning object for the assignment. Owning objects can be Adjudication Actions, SPA Requests, Interim SCI Requests, etc. Format: Integer.

parentType : AdjudicationType

The type designator for the parent. Format: String, 1.

dateAssigned : Calendar

The date the Adjudication Action was assigned or reassigned. Format: Date.

assignedTo : String

The code of the entity that currently holds the case component. Format: String, 11.

assignedFrom : String

The code of the entity that previously held the case component. Format: String, 11.

assignedToType : String

The entity type that the assignedTo field represents. Valid values are Team, CAF, Employee. Format: String, 8.

assignedFromType : String

The entity type that the assignedTo field represents. Valid values are Team, CAF, Employee. Format: String, 8.

action : String

The type of assignment action that was taken. Valid values are Assign and Reassign. Format: String, 8.

lastUpdateBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

employeeCode : String

A unique code associated with a User. The code is the employee code of the user making a case assignment. Format: String, 5.


The valid types of Citizenship recognized by the Department of Defense.

Private Attributes:

citizenshipCode : String

The unique identifier for Citizenship. Format: String, 1.

citizenshipDescription : String

The text description of the Citizenship code. Format: String, 20.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

The date the Citizenship code is not longer valid. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


The valid Eligibilities allowed by the government.

Private Attributes:

eligibilityCode : String

The unique identifier for an Eligibility. Format: String, 1.

eligibilityDescription : String

A text description of the Eligibility. Format: String, 45.

rank : Integer

The order of precedence for an eligibility. Format: Integer.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

canSupportInterim : Boolean

An indicator specifying if an Eligibility can support an Interim Non-SCI Access. Format: String, 1.

favorable : Boolean

An indicator specifying whether an Eligibility is favorable or not. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

shortDescription : String

Abbreviated description that is used on reports and screens other than Person Summary. Format: String, 15.

isUsedByPSI : Boolean

Indicates if the Eligibility is used by PSI Automation process. Format: String, 1.

eligibilityType : String

Indicates the type of eligibility - SCI or Non SCI. Valid Values: S, N. Format: String, 1. Required.

interfaceTranslationCode : String

The translation code used for the interfaces for a given eligibility. The interface will use this to translate the eligibility for both the incoming and outgoing data. Must be a valid active eligibility. Format: String, 1.


This object represents the reasons that an eligiblity can be changed. A particular reason goes with a particular Adjudication Type.

Private Attributes:

eligibilityChangeReasonCode : String

Reason for the change in eligibility. Format: String, 2.

eligibilityChangeReasonDescrip : String

A text description of the Eligibility Change Reason. Format: String, 25.

activeDate : Date

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


The type of files that an Adjudicator might review during his adjudication process.

Private Attributes:

filesReviewedCode : String

A unique identifier for types of files for review. Format: String, 2.

filesReviewedDescription : String

The text description of the files reviewed code. Format: String, 45.

filesReviewedDisplayText : String

The short description of the files review code. Format: String, 15.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

The date the code is no longer valid. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the agencies who conduct personnel security investigations for the DoD.

Private Attributes:

investigatingAgencyCode : String

A unique identifier for the Investigating Agency. Format: String, 2.

investigatingAgencyDescription : String

The name of the Investigating Agency. Format: String, 25.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

The date the Access becomes invalid. Format: Date.

sendsEPSQ : Boolean

An indicator stating whether an Agency sends an EPSQ. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


The type of requests that an Adjudicator might make during his adjudication process.

Private Attributes:

informationRequestCode : String

A unique identifier for an Information Request. Format: String, 2.

informationRequestDescription : String

A text description of the Information Request. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


The types of Investigations performed by various government agencies.

Private Attributes:

investigationTypeCode : String

The unique identifier for an Investigation. Format: String, 2.

investigationDescription : String

A text description of the Investigation code. Format: String, 150.

investigationDisplayText : String

The text string to display to the User based on the Investigation code. Format: String, 10.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

rank : Integer

The hierarchy of Investigation Types. Used to determine rules such as at least NAC. The ranking considers zero to be the lowest. Format: Number, 2.

reinvestPeriod : Integer

The period of time whereby another investigation is needed. Format: Integer.

altReinvestPeriod : Integer

The period of time whereby another investigation is needed based on occupation. Format: Integer.

opmTypeCode : String

The investigation type code used by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Format: String, 2.

interfaceTranslationCode : String

The translation code used for the interfaces for a given investigation type. The interface will use this to translate the investigation type for both the incoming and outgoing data. Must be a valid active investigation type. Format: String, 2.


A list of valid Notifications.

Private Attributes:

notificationTypeCode : String

A unique code for each type of Notification within JPAS. Format: String, 2.

notificationTypeDescription : String

The name of each type of Notification. Format: String, 50.

hasReply : Boolean

Indicates which notification types can have a reply. Format: String, 1.

hasExtension : Boolean

Indicates which notification types can have an extension request. Format: String, 1.

needsApproval : Boolean

Indicates which Notifications require approval. Format: String, 1.

sendToAll : Boolean

Indicates the Notification can be sent to all levels/roles. Format: String, 1.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

usesRemoveParameter : Boolean

Indicates whether or not the NotificationType can be removed via the time defined by a system parameter and the subsystem. Valid Values: A = JAMS, C = JCAVS, F = False. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


The type of files that an Adjudicator might review during his adjudication process.

Private Attributes:

otherFileCode : String

A uniques identifier for types of Other files. Format: String, 1.

otherFileDescription : String

The text description of the other files code. Format: String, 50.

otherFileDisplayType : String

The short description for other files code. Format: String, 25.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


List of valid familial relations for a Person.

Private Attributes:

relationCode : String

A unique identifier for Relation. Format: String, 2.

relationDescription : String

A text description of the Relation code. Format: String, 15.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Table contains valid combinations of Eligibility code and Citizenship code.

Private Attributes:

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Table contains valid combinations of Eligibility and Investigation Types. Used to validate the adjudication decision to ensure that Investigation Type will support an Eligibility.

Private Attributes:

eligibilityInvestId : Integer

A unique identifier for the Eligibility/Investigation Type combinations. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


This class defines the relationship between CAF and Investigation Type. This class defines the specific Investigation Types that a CAF will include or exclude from the assignment process. The inclusion/exclusion is only processed with Investigations from External Agencies. This does not include Requests, Incidents, etc.

Private Attributes:

canBeAssigned : Boolean

A boolean indicating whether or not to include or exclude the Investigation Type for a given CAF. Valid Values: T or F. Default: F. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


List of valid values representing the security actions taken and displayed for a given Notification.

Private Attributes:

notificationActionCode : String

The code defining the type of security action taken by the user. Format: String, 1.

notificationActionDescription : String

Text describing the name of the action taken. Format: String, 50.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


This object represents a generic position of trust such as Public Trust, Child Care, IS1, IS2 or IS3,

Private Attributes:

positionOfTrustCode : String

A unique identifier for a given position. Format: String, 2.

positionOfTrustDescription : String

The name of the Position. Format: String, 25.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

The last date the position is generically valid as a position. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The id of the person or job that last updated this object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date the object was last updated. Format: Date.


Table used to track numbers assigned to a personnel position in a given service/agency.

Private Attributes:

accessNumber : String

The 9-digit number designated as an Access Number. Format: String, 18.

owningServiceAgencyCode : String

The service agency code of the User who added the Access Number. This indicates the Access Number belongs to that Service. Format: String, 8.

positionTitle : String

The position title for the Access Number. Format: String, (50).

accessNumberStatusCode : String

The current status of an Access Number. Valid Values: P - Pending B designation approval, N - Active Non-B Access Number, B - Active B Access Number, R - Is removed from use. P and R indicate an Access Number is not active. N and B indicate that an Access Number is active and available for assignment. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


The history of when an Access Number was designated as B Access

Private Attributes:

createDate : Calendar

Date the history was created. System date. Format: Date.

bRequestedDate : Calendar

The system date the 'B' Designation for an Access Number was requested. Format: Date.

bRequestedByOrganization : Organization

The Organization that requested the B designation for an Access Number. This information is kept so the Notification from NRO knows where to go. Format: String, 10.

bRequestPaperDTG : String

The User-entered Date and Time Group (DTG) indicating when the paper message was sent to NRO requesting 'B' designation for an Access Number.

Example of DTG:

260715Z Mar 02

Date = 26, Zulu time = 0715Z, Month = Mar, Year = 02

Format: String, 20.

bApproved : Boolean

Boolean indicating if the 'B' Designation was approved or not. Format: String, 1.

bDecisionDate : Calendar

The system date the NRO made the decision to Approve or Disapprove the B Designation for the Access Number. Format: Date.

bReplyPaperDTG : String

The User-entered Date and Time Group (DTG) indicating when the NRO Response paper message was sent back to the requestor.

Example of DTG:

260715Z Mar 02

Date = 26, Zulu time = 0715Z, Month = Mar, Year = 02

Format: String, 20.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

securityManagementOfficeId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the Security Management Office making the request. Format: Integer.

owningServiceAgencyCode : String

The Service Agency Code of the User adding the B designation to the access number. Format: String, 8.


The rules for Access and Eligibility.

Private Attributes:

accessRulesKey : Integer

A unique identifier for AccessRules. Format: Integer.

accessCode : String

The access code for which the rules are being defined. Format: String, 2.

eligibilityCode : String

The eligibility required in order to get this access. Format: String, 1.

interimType : String

The interims needed to get this access. Format: String, 1.

investigationTypeCode : String

The Investigation type required in order to get this Access. Format: String, 2.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


The rules defining the relationship between Accesses when debriefing.

Private Attributes:

accessDebriefKey : Integer

A unique identifier for the Access Debrief Rule. Format: Integer.

accessCode : String

The Access Code from which the Person Category is being debriefed. Format: String, 2.

debriefAccessCode : String

The access code from which the Person Category must also be debriefed if debriefed from accessCode. Format: String, 2.

lastUpdatedBy : Date

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


The rules defining the relationship between Accesses when indoctrinating.

Private Attributes:

accessIndocKey : Integer

A unique identifier for the Access Indoc Rule. Format: Integer.

accessCode : String

The Access Code into which the Person Category is being indoctrinated. Format: String, 2.

accessIndocRequired : String

The access required in order for the Person Category to be indoctrinated into accessCode. Format: String, 2.

exclusiveAccessCode : String

The access that cannot be active in order to indoctrinate into this access. Format: String, 2.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

logicalConditional : String

Type of conditional operation needed between valid rows for the Access Indoctrination Rule. Valid Values: AND, OR, NOT, EXOR, GT, LT. Format: String, 6.

debriefAccessCode : String

The Access that needs to be debriefed when this Access is indoctrinated. Format: String, 2.

debriefReasonCode : DebriefReasonLookup

The reason for the debrief when this Access is indoctrinated. Format: String, 1.


Relationship between the CAF and the Agencies that each services.

Private Attributes:

serviceAgencyCode : Lookup

The agency that the Person Category is associated with. Valid values are in ServiceAgencyLookup. Format: String, 8.

cafCode : String

A unique identifier for a Central Adjudication Facility (CAF). Valid values are in CAF. Format: String, 1.

categoryDesignation : String

An indicator describing whether the Category is Military on Non-Military. Valid Values: M = Military, N = Non-Military. Format: String, 1.

accessType : String

A designator used to distinguish between types of Access. Currently used to designate SCI and Non SCI. Valid values: S = SCI, N = Non SCI. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the user levels that an account manager can add, modify or remove based on his other user levels.

Private Attributes:

acctMgrLevelRoleId : String

The Level Role Id assigned to the Account Manager. Format: String, 25.

userLevelRoleId : String

The Level Role the Account Manager can assign to a User. Format: String, 25.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains valid User Levels for establishing parent-child relationships for a Security Management Office.

Private Attributes:

parentSMOLevelRoleId : String

The User Level of the Parent Security Management Office. Format: String, 25.

childSMOLevelRoleId : String

The User Level of the child Security Management Office. Format: String, 25.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimeStamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains valid User Levels for JPAS Users that can be assigned to a Security Management Office.

Private Attributes:

smoLevelRoleId : String

The User Level of the Security Management Office. Format: String, 25.

userLevelRoleId : String

The valid User Level for the Security Management Office level. Format: String, 25.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimeStamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains valid User Levels for adding, modifying and deactivating a Security Management Office.

Private Attributes:

smoLevelRoleId : String

The User Level assigned to the Security Managment Office. Format: String, 25.

userLevelRoleId : String

The User Level authorized to maintain the Security Management Office level. Format: String, 25.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimeStamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Identifies Scope Deficiencies for a specific Investigation. Valid scope deficiencies are defined in the ScopeDeficiency table.

Private Attributes:

investigationId : Integer

A unique identifier for an Investigation. Format: Integer.

scopeDeficiencyCode : String

A unique identifier for InvestigationScopeDeficiency. Format: String, 2.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the Close Date Types that can be used in Case Management. The Close Date Types are by individual CAF.

Private Attributes:

canBeAssigned : Boolean

A boolean indicating whether or not to include or exclude the Investigation Type for a given CAF. Valid Values: T or F. Default: F. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


This object represents the rules for granting an interim access.

Private Attributes:

interimRuleId : Integer

Unique identifier for Interim Rule. Format: Integer.

accessCode : String

The unique identifier for an Access. Format: String, 2.

investigationTypeCode : String

The unique identifier for an Investigation. Format: String, 2.

investigationStatus : String

The state of the Investigation needed to have this collateral Interim. Valid Values: C - Closed, E - EPSQ, O - Open. Format: String, 1.

altInvestigationTypeCode : String

The unique identifier for an Investigation. Format: String, 2.

altInvestigationStatus : String

The state of the additional Investigation needed to have this collateral Interim. Valid Values: C - Closed, E - EPSQ, O - Open. Format: String, 1.

eligibilityCode : String

The unique identifier for an Eligibility. Format: String, 1.

logicalCondition : String

Type of conditional operation needed between valid rows for the collateral Interim. Valid Values: AND, OR, NOT, EXOR, GT, LT. Format: String, 5.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the situations that can cause a user id to become locked.

Private Attributes:

lockReasonCode : String

Unique identifier for lock conditions. Format: String, 2.

lockReasonDescription : String

Text describing the lock condition. Format: String, 50.

lockCondition : String

Indicator of the condition that must be checked for a particular lock reason. Format: String, 255.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains data about the various subsystems within JPAS.

Private Attributes:

systemType : String

An indicator to determine which LevelRole is valid for a subsystem. Format: String, 1.

systemTypeDescription : String

Text describing the subsystem. Format: String, 50.

systemShortDescription : String

A short description of the subsystem that can be used for display purposes. Format: String, 20.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


A list of closing types for an Investigation. Each Agency has a different value or values to indicate the closing of an Investigation.

Private Attributes:

closeDateTypeCode : String

A unique identifier for types of close date reasons. Format: String, 1.

closeDateDescription : String

Text describing the type of close date on the Investigation. The descriptions are determined based on data received from DSS and OPM. Format: String, 20.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

The date the information becomes invalid. Format: Date.


The valid Investigation close types for a given Investigating Agency.

Private Attributes:

closeDateTypeCode : String

A unique identifier for types of close date reasons. Format: String, 1.

investigatingAgencyCode : String

A unique identifier for the Investigating Agency. Format: String, 2.

lastUpdatedBy : Calendar

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


List of valid decisions for the Collaborative CAF regarding Archive Requests.

Private Attributes:

cafDecisionCode : String

The decision made by the Collaborative CAF reviewer. String, 1.

cafDecisionDecription : String

A text description for CAF decisions regarding Archive Requests. Format: String. 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


List of valid decisions for the Help Desk regarding Archive Requests.

Private Attributes:

helpDeskDecisionCode : String

The decision made by the supporting Help Desk reviewer. String, 1.

helpDeskDecisionDecription : String

A text description for Help Desk decisions regarding Archive Requests. Format: String. 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains a list of sub-groups for the Service/Agency within JPAS. Further defines the groups/organizations within a Service or Agency.

Private Attributes:

subAgencyCode : String

The sub-group designation for a Service or Agency. Further defines the groups/organizations within a Service or Agency. Format: String, 6.

subAgencyDescription : String

The name of the sub-group for Service or Agency. Format: String, 75.

shortDescription : String

Abbreviated description that is used on reports and screens. Format: String, 15.

serviceAgencyCode : String

The related Service/Agency code. Format: String, 8.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains valid actions for auditing of records in the database.

Private Attributes:

auditActionCode : Integer

Unique identifier for an audit action. Format: Integer.

auditActionDescription : String

A text description of the audit action. Format: String, 75.

auditActionDisplayText : String

A short text description for the audit action that can be used for screen display and reporting purposes. Format: String, 15.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains a list of valid states for a Facility Eligibility or Clearance. The values are supplied and owned by the Facility Clearance System.

Private Attributes:

facilityEligibilityStatusCode : String

The state of a clearance or eligibility level for an Industry Organization. Format: String, 3.

facilityEligibilityStatusDesc : String

A text description of the Facility Eligibility Status. Format: String, 15.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Describes the valid relationship between an Adjudication Guideline and an Other Factor.

Private Attributes:

adjudicationProfileCode : String

A unique identifier for the disqualifying and/or mitigating factors. Format: String, 2.

otherFactorId : Integer

A system-assigned key for an other factor. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


A condition that disqualifys the Person for a favorable Eligibility. Relates to a Guideline.

Private Attributes:

disqCondId : Integer

A system-assigned key for a disqualifying condition. Format: Integer.

disqCondDescription :

The text of the disqualifying condition from a specific version of the 5200 Regulation. Format: String, 1500.

adjudicationProfileCode : String

A unique identifier for the disqualifying and/or mitigating factors. Format: String, 2.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


A condition that mitigates a particular Guideline so the Person may be granted a favorable Eligibility.

Private Attributes:

mitigatingConditionId : Integer

A system-assigned key for a mitigating condition. Format: Integer.

mitigatingConditionDescription : String

The text of the mitigating condition from a specific version of the 5200 Regulation. Format: String, 1500.

adjudicationProfileCode : String

A unique identifier for the disqualifying and/or mitigating factors. Format: String, 2.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


An other factor that mitigates any Guideline so the Person may be granted a favorable Eligibility.

Private Attributes:

otherFactorId : Integer

A system-assigned key for an other factor. Format: Integer.

otherFactorDescription : String

The text of the other factor from a specific version of the 5200 Regulation. Format: String, 1500.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


This class defines the relationship between CAF and Adjudication Type. This class defines the specific Adjudication Types that a CAF will include or exclude from the assignment process.

Private Attributes:

adjudicationTypeCode : Lookup

A code used to identify the type of action currently being adjudicated. Format: String, 1.

cafCode : String

A unique identifier for a Central Adjudication Facility (CAF). Valid values are in CAF. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


The rules for downgrading Accesses. If the Access does not exist in the access code, the access cannot be downgraded.

Private Attributes:

accessCode : String

The unique identifier for an Access. Represents the access that can be downgraded. Format: String, 2.

downgradeAccessCode : String

The unique identifier for an Access. Represents the next lower access for downgrade. Rank must be considered to select the proper downgrade access. Format: String, 2.

rank : Integer

The rank of the downgraded access. The higher the number the higher the access. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the Service/Agency and Sub-Agency combinations that need to be translated to a new Service/Agency code.

Private Attributes:

serviceAgencyCode : Lookup

Unique identifier for a DoD Service or Agency. Required. Format: String, 8.

subAgencyCode : String

The sub-group designation for a Service or Agency. Further defines the groups/organizations within a Service or Agency. Required. Format: String, 6.

translatedServiceAgencyCode : Lookup

Unique identifier for a DoD Service or Agency. The new Service/Agency code for the Service/Agency and Sub Agency combination. Required. Format: String, 8.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the translations for eligibility and facility status. Some status values require translation to another valid eligibility code.

Private Attributes:

facilityEligibilityStatusCode : String

The state of a clearance or eligibility level for an Industry Organization. Required. Format: String, 3.

eligibilityCode : String

The unique identifier for an Eligibility. Required. Format: String, 1

translatedEligibilityCode : String

The unique identifier for an Eligibility. The final eligibility based on Organziation status. Required. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


This object contains the valid actions captured when a user attempts to log into JPAS. The action may be considered successful, unsuccessful or neutral.

Private Attributes:

loginActionId : Integer

Unique Identifier for login actions. Format: Integer.

loginActionDescription : String

Text describing the login action. Format: String, 50.

loginActionShortDescription : String

Abbreviated description that can be used on reports and screens. Format: String, 15.

successIndicator : String

Identifier that shows whether the action is considered successful, unsuccessful or neutral. Valid Values: Successful (S), Unsuccessful (U), N/A (N). Format: String, 1.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

tableUsage : String

Indicates which error table uses the error: User History, System Error Log or both. Valid Values: U - User History; S - System Error Log; B - Both. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.



A request made from a JCAVS User to the CAF asking that a Person be considered for Interim SCI eligibility. The following fields are inherited from the Request object: disapprovedDate, isReassigned, receivedByCAFDate, unclassifiedComment, unclassifiedJustification, lastUpdatedBy, dateTimestamp, requestedByLevelRole, requestedByOrganization, adjudicationBeginDate, requestDate, casePriorityCode, adjudicationTypeCode and caseManagementSuspenseDate.

Derived from Request

Private Attributes:

screeningInterviewDate : Calendar

The dateof the screening Interview. Format: Date.

requiredByDate : Calendar

The date the Interim SCI is required by. Format: Date.

closeDate : Calendar

The date the Interim SCI case was closed, either when the Adjudicator closed the Request without an Adjudication Action, or when the Adjudicator closes the associated Adjudication Action. Format: Date.

originalAssignedCAF : CAF

The CAF originally assigned to the Interim SCI Request. Format: String, 1.

employeeCAFCode : String

A unique, system assigned code to specifically identify a CAF employee. This code is from the legacy systems and not used by the JPAS application. Format: String, 1.

securityManagementOfficeId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the Security Management Office making the request. Format: Integer.

grantingEmployeeCode : String

The employee code of the User who made the approval or disapproval decision on an Interim SCI Request. Format String, 5.

grantingCAFCode : String

The CAF code of the User who made the approval or disapproval decision on the Interim SCI Request. Format: String, 1.


This request needs to be adjudicated. There are several types of requests. Valid requests are Special Purpose Access (SPA) and Interim SCI.

Derived from Investigation

Protected Attributes:

requestId : Integer

A unique identifier for a given Request. Format: Integer.

adjudicationBeginDate : Calendar

The date the adjudication of the Request begins. This is when the assigned Adjudicator first accesses the Add Edit SPA screen. Format: Date.

disapprovedDate : Calendar

The date the Request was disapproved by the Reviewer. Format: Date.

isReassigned : Boolean

Indicates whether or not the User requested reassignment to either Manager or Supervisor. Valid values: Y or N. Format: String, 1.

receivedByCAFDate : Calendar

The date the Request was first assigned on the Assign Cases from External Agencies screen. Format: Date.

unclassifiedComment : String

The comment from the JAMS User concerning the Request. Format: String, 3000.

unclassifiedJustification : String

The comment from the Security Officer making the Request. Format: String, 3000.

adjudicationTypeCode : AdjudicationType

A code used to identify the type of action currently being adjudicated. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

requestedByOrganization : Organization

The JCAVS User's Organization who submitted the Request. Format: String, 11.

requestedByLevelRole : LevelRole

The Level Role of the JCAVS User who made the original Request. Format: String, 25.

requestDate : Calendar

Date the Request was made. Format: Date.

caseManagementSuspenseDate : Calendar

The suspense date set by the case assignment personnel to indicate the expected adjudication completion date of the case component. Format: Date.

casePriorityCode : Boolean

The priority of the case component as indicated by the case assignment personnel. Format: String, 1.


Represents the unique details about a Special Purpose Request that are different from a general Request. The following fields are inherited from the Request object: disapprovedDate, isReassigned, receivedByCAFDate, unclassifiedComment, unclassifiedJustification, lastUpdatedBy, dateTimestamp, requestedByLevelRole, requestedByOrganization, adjudicationBeginDate, requestDate, casePriorityCode and caseManagementSuspenseDate.

Derived from Request

Private Attributes:

endDate : Calendar

The requested expiration date from the Security Officer. Format: Date.

extensionRequestedDate : Calendar

Extended end date requested by the Security Officer.. Format: Date.

extensionRequestedByOrganizati : Organization

The JCAVS User's Organization who requested an extension for the SPA. This is needed in case a different User requests the extension than made the original Request. The subsequent Notification would be sent differently. Format: String, 10.

extensionRequestedByLevelRole : LevelRole

The Level Id of the JCAVS User who requested the Extension on the SPA. This is needed to send the subsequent Notification. Format: String, 25.

extensionApprovedByJCAVS : Boolean

True if the Reviewer approved the extension requested by the Requestor. Used to determine whether to show the date to the Adjudicator. Format: String, 1.

approvedStartDate : Calendar

The start date for a Special Purpose Access request approved by the CAF. Format: Date.

approvedEndDate : Calendar

Ending date for which the SPA access is valid. Format: Date.

approvedExtensionDate : Calendar

The date the CAF approved an extemsion of a Special Purpose Access request. Format: Date.

adjudicatingEmployeeCode : String

The employee code of the User who approved or denied the Request. Format: String, 5.

extensionReviewDate : Calendar

The date the extension request was reviewed. Format: Date.

screeningInterviewDate : Calendar

The date the screening interview took place. Format: Date.

disapprovedMessageSent : Boolean

A boolean indicating whether or not an approval message was sent. Valid values are Y or N. Format: String, 1.

isApprovedByJCAVS : Boolean

A boolean indicating whether or not the Request was approved by JCAVS. Format: String, 1.

requestedStartDate : Calendar

The date the requested access is to start. Format: Date.

reviewDate : Calendar

The date the second level Security Officer perfomed the review of the Request. Format: Date.

reviewedByOrganization : Organization

The Organization performing the review of the Request. Format: String, 10.

jcavsAssignedCAF : String

The CAF originally assigned to the SPA Request. Format: String, 1.

employeeCAFCode : String

A unique, system assigned code to specifically identify a CAF employee. This code is from the legacy systems and not used by the JPAS application. Format: String, 1.

adjudicationTypeCode : String

A code used to identify the type of action currently being adjudicated. Format: String, 1.

requestedBySMOId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the requesting Security Management Office. Format: Integer.

requestDecisionDate : Calendar

The date the decision on the SPA Request was made. Format: Date.

reviewedBySMOId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the reviewing Security Management Office. Format: Integer.

extensionRequestedBySMOId : Integer

The Security Management Office who submitted the extension Request. Format: Integer.

grantingCAFCode : String

The CAF code of the User who made the approval or disapproval decision on the SPARequest. Format: String, 1


Represents the unique details about an Eligibility Request that are different from a general Request. The following fields are inherited from the Request object: adjudicationBeginDate, adjudicationTypeCode, caseManagementSuspenseDate, casePriorityCode, dateTimestamp, disapprovedDate, isReassigned, lastUpdatedBy, receivedByCAFDate, requestDate, requestId, requestedByLevelRole, requestedByOrganization, unclassifiedComment and unclassifiedJustification

Derived from Request

Private Attributes:

requestedByPersonCategory : String

The Person Category the JCAVS Requestor was signed in as when they made the Request. This is needed to provide the phone number for the Eligibility Request. Format: String, 3.

suspenseDate : Calendar

Suspense date entered by the JAMS Adjudicator. Format: Date.

closeDate : Calendar

The date the Request was closed by the Adjudicator. Format: Date.

securityManagementOfficeId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the requesting Security Management Office. Format: Integer.

ssnChangeReasonCode : String

A unique identifier for types of ssn change reasons. Format: String, 1.

isCancelled : Boolean

Indicates that the Eligibility Request was cancelled. Valid Values: True/False. Default is False. Format: String, 1.

requestedByPersonId : Integer

The person Id of the JCAVS User who made the request. Format: Integer.


A table that supports the relationship between a PresidentialSupportProgram object and an AdjudicationAction object. A PresidentialSupportProgram object can have many AdjudicationActions associated with it.

Private Attributes:

adjudicationId : Integer

A system-assigned key to make Adjudication Action unique. Format: Integer.

presidentialSupportProgramId : Integer

A Unique identifier of the Presidential Support Program Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Report of derogatory information for the Person Category.

Private Attributes:

incidentId : Integer

A system-defined identifier for the Incident. Format: Integer.

incidentDate : Calendar

The date the Incident took place for the Person Category. Format: Date.

createdByJCAVS : Boolean

True if the Incident was created by a JCAVS User. False if the Incident was created by a JAMS User. Defaults to True. Format: String, 1.

pendingInformation : Boolean

Indicates that the User is waiting on further information for the Incident before adjudication. Defaults to False. Format: String, 1.

cafSuspenseDate : Calendar

Suspense date determined by the system parameter for Incident Suspense. This is the amount of time for the CAF suspense of the Incident. Format: Date.

cafReceivedPaperDate : Calendar

User-entered date that the paper Incident information was received at the CAF. Format: Date.

closeDate : Calendar

The date the Incident was closed, either when the Adjudicator closes the Incident manually if the Incident does not have an Adjudication Action, or when the Adjudicator has closes the associated Adjudication Action. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

isReassigned : Boolean

Indicates that the Incident case has been reassigned to a Team. Format: String, 1.

beginDate : Calendar

The date the Adjudicator begins work on the Incident. Format: Date.

adjudicationTypeCode : AdjudicationType

A code used to identify the type of action currently being adjudicated. Format: String, 1.

originalAssignedCAF : CAF

The CAF the Incident was originally assigned to. This is so when the Report Incident screen is redisplayed, the original CAF is displayed, not necessarily where the case is located now. Format: String, 1.

caseManagementSuspenseDate : Calendar

The suspense date set by the case assignment personnel to indicate the expected adjudication completion date of the case component. Format: Date.

casePriorityCode : Boolean

The priority of the case component as indicated by the case assignment personnel. Format: String, 1.


Table used to track each time the status of an Incident was changed.

Private Attributes:

incidentUpdateId : Integer

A unique identifier for the Incident update to the whole Incident. Format: Integer.

incidentStatusCode : Lookup

The status of the Incident at the time the unclassified comment was entered. Format: String, 2.

updatedByOrganization : Organization

The Organization that created or updated the Incident. Format: String, 10.

unclassifiedComment : String

The new unclassified comments for the Incident. Format: String, 3000.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

securityManagementOfficeId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the Security Management Office updating or creating the Incident. Format: Integer.


A Decision regarding the Person Category in the Presidential Support Program.

Private Attributes:

decisionId : Integer

A unique identifier for a decision for a PSP. Format: Integer.

decisionTypeCode : String

Describes the type of Decision being made for the PSP. Valid values: I - Initial Decision, A - Initial Appeal, R - Reinstatement, L - Appeal. Format: String, 1.

decisionDate : Calendar

The date the Decision on the PSP was made. Format: Date.

authorityCode : String

Indicates the type of User that made the Decision. Valid Values: A - Adjudicator, U - Unit, S - Service Secretary, O - OSD/ES. Format: String, 1

authorityOrganization : Organization

The current assigned Organization of the User making the Decision. Format: String, 10.

authorityDecisionCode : String

The decision made on the PSP. Valid Values: Reccommends Approval, Approved, Disapproved, Removed, Reinstated, Suspended, Terminated. Format: String, 1.

paperForwarded : Boolean

Indicates whether or not the PSP paper packet was forwarded according to manual business processes. Format: String, 1.

receivedAppealDate : Calendar

The Date the CAF received the Appeal that started this Decision. Format: Date.

notifiedContractingAgencyDate : Calendar

The date the Contracting Agency was notified of a Presidential Support Program (PSP) decision. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

receivedNotificationDate : Calendar

The date the paper notification was received from the Contracting Agency or Unit regarding the Person's suspension from PSP. Format: Date.

securityManagementOfficeId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the Security Management Office of the User making the decision. Format: Integer.


Contains information pertaining to decisions

Private Attributes:

presidentialSupportProgramId :

A Unique identifier of the Presidential Support Program Format: Integer.

pspOrganization : String

The PSP Organization entered by the Adjudicator stating in which Organization the Person will be supporting the Presidential Support Program. Format: String, 10.

dutyCode : String

The duty code for the Person is in for the Presidential Support Program. Format: String, 2.

unclassifiedJAMSComment : String

The unclassified Comments entered by the PSP Adjudicator. Format: String, 3000.

unclassifiedSecretaryComments : String

Comments entered by the Service Secretary and/or OSD/Executive Secretary on the PSP Decision screen. Format: String, 3000.

unclassifiedFieldComments : String

Comments entered by the Field when a Person Category is removed, suspended, or terminated from PSP. Format; Sting, 3000.

sentToSecOSDate : Calendar

Date the packet was sent from the CAF to the Service Secretary or OSD/ES. Format: Date.

isFinal : Boolean

Indicates that the PSP is final. There is no opportunity for Appeal back into this PSP. This means that the next time a User enters a PSP screen, a NEW PSP object will be created. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Used to determine if PSP is valid based on the combination of authority, authority decision and decision type.

Private Attributes:

pspDeterminationKey : Integer

A unique idientifer for the PSP Determination. Format: Integer.

authorityCode : String

The Authority Code used for this particular determination. Format: String, 1.

authorityDecisionCode : String

The Authority Decision Code used for this particular determination. Format: String, 1.

decisionTypeCode : String

The Decision Type Code used for this particular determination. Format: String, 1.

hasPSP : Boolean

Indicates whether or not PSP is valid for the combination of authority, authority decision code and decision type. Valid Values: T/F. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


A request for indoctrination or debriefing assistance for a Person Category.

Private Attributes:

assistanceRequestId : Integer

A unique identifier for an Assistance Request. Format: Integer.

assistanceRequestTypeCode : String

A code indicating the type of assistance requested. Valid Values: I - Indoctrination, D- Debrief. Format: String, 1.

unclassifiedComments : String

The comments the requesting JCAVS User enters regarding the Assistance Request. Format: String, 3,000.

requestedByOrganization : Organization

The Organization that requested assistance. Format: String, 10.

requestedByLevelRoleId : LevelRole

The Level or Role that requested assistance. Format: String, 25.

sentToOrganization : Organization

The Organization to which the request is being sent. Format: String, 10.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

requestedBySMOId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the requesting Security Management Office. Format: Integer.

sentToSMOId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the receiving Security Management Office. Format: Integer.


Identifies guidelines associated with a specific Incident. Valid guidelines are defined in the AdjudicationProfile table.

Private Attributes:

incidentId : Integer

A system-defined identifier for the Incident. Format: Integer.

adjudicationProfileCode : String

A unique identifier for the disqualifying and/or mitigating factors. Format: String, 2.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.



The list of application Error Messages.

Private Attributes:

errorCode : Integer

System-assigned identifier to uniquely distinguish Error Messages.

errorText : String

The description of the Error Message. The information displayed to a User. Format: String, 200.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


The system and security parameters used to govern the application regardless of User. See UC 7 - Maintain Parameters for a list of parameters.

Private Attributes:

parameterValue : String

The name of the Parameter. Format: String, 50.

comment : String

A description of how and when to use the parameter value. Format: String, 200.

charValue : String

The character representation of the Parameter. This field is used only if the actual Parameter value requires a String or Character representation. Format: String, 50.

dateTimeValue : Calendar

The date representation of the Parameter. This field is used only if the actual Parameter value requires a Date. Format: Date.

decimalValue : FloatingDecimal

The decimal representation of the Parameter. This field is used only if the actual Parameter value requires a Decimal representation. Format: Number, 15,4.

integerValue : Integer

The numeric representation of the Parameter. This field is used only if the actual Parameter value requires an Integer representation. Format: Number, 12.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Table used to track error conditions at a system level. Actions tracked to

date are Invalid Signon UserId, User Already Logged On, User Id previously


Private Attributes:

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. Format: String, 11.

action : String

Describes the action taken by the User. Examples are: Expired Password, User

Already Logged In, Locked Id, Password Change. Key to the Lookup Object for

User Actions. Format: String, 30.

ipAddress : String

The IP address where the action was performed. The address is available in the

HTTP session. Format: String, 15.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

loginActionId : Integer

Unique Identifier for login actions. Format: Integer

systemErrorLogId : Integer

A unique identifier for the System Error Log. Format: Integer.


Contains informational text displayed to the User.

Private Attributes:

infoMessageCode : Integer

A unique identifier for the Informational Messages. Format: Integer.

infoMessageText : String

A text description of the Informational message. Format: String, 255.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11.

dateTimeStamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains a valid set of Interface processes used to poll or send data to an external entity.

Private Attributes:

interfaceProcessCode : Integer

Unique identifier for an Inteface Process. Format: Integer

interfaceProcessDescription : String

A text description of the Interface Process. Format: String, 50

interfaceDisplayText : String

A short description of an interface process used for screen or report display. Format: String, 10.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Used to determine when an interface related process should poll for or send information for the given outside entity. The object tracks the last action and whether or not the action was successfully completed.

Private Attributes:

interfaceTrackerId : Integer

Unique identifier for an InterfaceTracker. System-generated. Format: Integer.

interfaceActionCode : Integer

A unique identifier for an Interface Action. Format: Integer

completedSuccessfully : Boolean

Boolean indicating if the action taken completed successfully. Valid Values: True/False. Format: String, 1.

actionDate : Calendar

Date and time the action was taken by the Interface. Format: Date (full date/time complement)

interfaceProcessCode : Integer

Unique identifier for an Inteface Process. Format: Integer

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains valid actions for an Interface.

Private Attributes:

interfaceActionCode : Integer

A unique identifier for an Interface Action. Format: Integer

interfaceActionDescription : String

A text description of an Interface Action. Format: String, 50.

interfaceActionDisplayText : String

A short description that can be used for screen display and reporting. Format: String, 10

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


This object tracks the progress of data exchanges and progress with JPAS data interfaces. The records are removed once the process has completed all steps. The combination of interfaceDataInProgressKey and the interfaceProcessCode must be unique.

Private Attributes:

interfaceDataInProgressId : Integer

Unique identifier for the Interface Process recording data in process. System-generated. Format: Integer.

InterfaceDataInProgressKey : String

The key for the object in which the interface process is tracking a status. The key may represent any one of several objects such as an Investigation Request or Attachment. Required. Format: String, 25.

interfaceProcessCode : Integer

Unique identifier for an Inteface Process. Identifies the process that owns the record. Required. Format: Integer

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Object used to track specified activity initiated on both Joint Adjudication Management System (JAMS) and Joint Clearance and Access Verification System (JCAVS) "Select a Person" and "Person Summary" screens related to viewing a Person's data.

Private Attributes:

jpasSelViewAuditId : Integer

A unique identifier for an JPASSelViewAudit object. Format: Integer.

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. Format: String, 11.

securityManagementOfficeId : Long

Security Management Office assigned to the User Level. Format: Numeric(10,0)

cafCode : String

A unique identifier for a Central Adjudication Facility (CAF). Format: String, 1.

targetPersonId : Integer

A system-assigned key to uniquely identify a Person. Format: Number

targetSSN : String

The Social Security Number of the Person assigned by the US Government. Format: String, 9

actionCode : String

Indicates the action being performed. Valid Values: "S" (Select) or "V" (View). Format: String, 1.

actionScreen : String

Indicates the name of the screen being audited. Format: String, 50.

actionTimestamp : Calendar

Indicates the date and time of the record being audited. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

targetDeersPersonnelIdentifier: String

Unique identifier for a Person used by DEERS. Format: String, 12



The name or names used by a Person other than his given name.

Private Attributes:

aliasId : Integer

A system-assigned number to uniquely identify an Alias of a Person. Format: Number, 10.

firstName : String

First Name of the Alias. Format: String, 20

middleName : String

Middle Name or Initial of the Alias. Format: String, 20

lastName : String

Last Name of the Alias. Format: String, 52

suffix : String

The Suffix of the Alias. Sample values are Jr, Sr, I,II, etc. Format: String, 4.

effectiveDate : Calendar

The date the Alias became effective. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

originalPidSource : String

Contains the source of the Alias information (Interfaces only). Format: String, 11


Codes that identify a Central Adjudication Facility (CAF).

Private Attributes:

cafCode : String

A unique identifier for a Central Adjudication Facility (CAF). Format: String, 1.

cafDescription : String

A text description of the CAF code. Format: String, 10.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

usesSPA : Boolean

Boolean indicating whether or not this CAF uses the SPA function. Valid Values: T or F. Default: F. Format: String, 1.

isCollaborative : Boolean

Indicates whether or not this CAF is acting as the Collaborative CAF. This CAF processes archive data requests. Format: String, 1.

transitionedToCAFCode : String

If present, this is the new CAF code to which this obsolete CAF migrated. Format: String, 1.

defaultTeamCode : String

If present, when creating a new Adjudication Action for a closed investigation from OPM which is determined to be for this obsolete CAF, the Adjudication Action will be assigned to this team code. Contains Z*UNASSIGN where * is the obsolete CAF. Format: String, 10.


Contains all types of jobs or categories for DoD used within JPAS.

Private Attributes:

categoryCode : String

Unique identifier for each Category or Job. Format: String, 3.

categoryDescription : String

Description of the Category Code. Format: String, 100.

categoryType : String

Further definition of the Category Code. Valid values: Enlisted and Officer. Format: String, 10.

displayType : String

A character indicating whether this is a primary or secondary category for display purposes. Format: String, 1.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the category code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

categoryDesignation : String

An indicator describing whether the Category is Military on Non-Military. Format: String, 1. Valid Values: M - Military, N- Non-Military

dodDesignation : String

A designation indicating whether the Category is DoD or Non-DoD. Valid Values: F - DoD, T- Non-DoD. Format: String, 1.

shortDescription : String

Abbreviated description that is used on reports and screens other than Person Summary. Format: String, 15

isIndustry : String

Format: String, 1. Valid values - T/F


Represents the history of a Person's Eligibility over time. A history is created everytime the Eligibility is changed.

Private Attributes:

eligibilityHistoryId : Integer

A unique identifier for Eligibility History. Format: Integer.

eligibility : Lookup

The Eligibility that was previously assigned. Format: String, 1. Valid values are in Eligibility.

grantingCAF : CAF

The CAF that granted the eligibility. Format: String, 1.

eligibilityDate : Calendar

The date the Eligibililty was assigned. Format: Date.

changeReason : Lookup

The reason the Eligibility was changed. Format: String, 2. Valid values are in EligibilityChangeReason.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

grantingEmployeeCode : String

The employee code of the User who granted the eligibility. Format: String, 5

adjudicationId : Integer

The Id of the Adjudication Action that set the Eligibility. Format: Integer

reviewActionCode : Lookup

The review type action that set this Eligibility. Valid values for this code are in Review Action Codes.xls. Format: String, 2.


The history needed to track when and who had a particular employee code.

Private Attributes:

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. Format: String, 11.

employeeCode : String

A unique code associated with a User. The code is system-generated. Format: String, 5.

startDate : Calendar

The date the employee code was initially assigned. Format: Date.

endDate : Calendar

The date the employee code was deleted from the User. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains the types of relationships that a Person could have within JPAS.

Private Attributes:

foreignRelationId : Integer

Unique identifier for a Person's foreign relation. Format: Integer.

quantity : Integer

The number of the Relation per Country. Format: Integer.

country : Lookup

The Country code of the Foreign Relation. Format: String, 2

Valid values are in CountryLookup.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


A screen, field or hypertext link that can be accessed within the application. When associated with a LevelRole, it defines what that LevelRole can see in the application. The table reference name is JPASFunction.

Private Attributes:

functionName : String

The name of the screen, frame, panel, field or link that needs security applied. Format: String, 50

functionDescription : String

A text definition of the function. Format: String, 100

notificationTypeCode : String

A unique code for each type of Notification within JPAS. Identifies the type of Notification supported by this screen. If none, then null. Valid values are in NotificationType. Format: String, 2.

menuLevel : String

Identifies where in the menu this function resides if associated directly with a menu.



A100001 - single function

A250001 - upper level

A250010 - child level


C100001 - single function

C400001- upper level

C400010- child level

Format: String, 7.

url : String

The Universal Relative Location (URL) for each function that requires a HTML page. The URL is the fully qualified directory path for the HTML page. Format: String, 150.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

functionPermission : String

Indicates the types of permissions needed by the user. The permission can reside anywhere within the string. Some functions require an and between the permissions. Other functions require an or between the permissions. Format: String, 20.

Valid Values: A = Assign/Reassign Cases; B = B Access permission needed; C = Case Management; D = Assign CAF Cases; E = OSD/Executive Secretary; F = Ad Hoc Reports; G = Management Reports; H = Help Desk Security Management Office with archive permission; I = Reassign from Employee; J = View JCAVS; K = Separation/Transfer; L = CAF with collaborative CAF; M = User with Multiple Person Categories/Levels; N = PSQ Initiate; O = Assign Cases to other CAF; P = PSP; Q = Industry User; R = JAMS Reports; S = Service Secretary; T = News Link; U = Update Case component; V = PSQ Approver; W = PSQ Review; X = Facility Designation


Contains the collateral access/eligibility types for a Person Category.

Private Attributes:

interimId : Integer

A unique identifier for an Interim. Format: Integer,

interimType : Lookup

The interim 'access' given to Person Category. Format: String, 1. Valid values are E, U or O

createDate : Calendar

The date the Interim was approved. Format: Date.

closeDate : Calendar

The date the Interim was removed or closed. Format: Date.

waiverLetterSignedDate : Calendar

The date the Commander or Agency Chief signed the waiver letter. Format: Date.

localFileCheckDate : Calendar

The date the local file check was completed. Format: Date.

investigationTypeCode : String

The unique identifier for an Investigation. Format: String, 2

cafCode : String

A unique identifier for a Central Adjudication Facility (CAF). Valid values are in CAF. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

grantedByOrganization : Organization

The Organization that granted the Interim. Format: String, 10.

securityManagementOfficeId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the Security Management Office granting the Interim. Format: Integer.


The Investigation data received from DSS for a given Person.

Private Attributes:

investigationId : Integer

A unique identifier for an Investigation. Format: Integer.

ssn : String

The social security number of the Person being investigated. Format: String, 9

investigationOpenDate : Calendar

The date this investigation was opened. Format: Date.

investigationCloseDate : Calendar

The date this investigation was closed. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

isLegacy : Boolean

A boolean indicating whether or not this investigation is from a previous legacy system. JPAS will not process any legacy investigations. Format: String, 1. Valid values: T or F

caseNumber : String

An identifier for an investigation. This field will hold the DSS Case Type Code (also known as Case Category Code) if the Investigation comes from DSS. The field will hold the OPM Case Number if the Investigation comes from OPM. Format: String, 10.

employeeCode : String

Employee Code of the user who created the Investigation. Format: String, 5.

closeDateTypeCode : String

Unique identifier for types of close date reasons. Format: String, 1


A Person who has access to the JPAS. A User is assigned security level/role that dictates the application access. A User may be in more than one level/role.

Private Attributes:

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. Format: String, 11.

teamCode : String

Unique identifier for a Team. Format: String, 10.

password : String

The Password for a given User cannot be reused for a period specified by a Parameter. Currently, the Parameter is set for 18 months. Format: String, 100.

dateLastSuccessfulLogin : Calendar

The date of the last successful attempt by the User to log-in. Format: Date. Full Date/Time.

datePasswordChanged : Calendar

The date the Use last changed his password. Format: Date.

numberOfInvalidAttempts : Integer

The number of times a User has attempted an invalid log-in. Format: Number, 3.

isLoggedOn : boolean

An indicator to determine whether or not the User is in an active session with

the system. The indicator is set when the User has successfully logged into the

application and is turned off when the User successfully exits the system or has

reached a time-out situation. Format: String, 1.

displaySaveCloseMessage : boolean

An indicator that can be set by the User to determine whether or not to display

the Save message when properly exiting the application. Format: String, 1.

timezone : TimeZone

The timezone that the User is currently working in. The timezone will be used

to apply the correct date and time for certain actions taken by the User.

Format: String, 4.

employeeCode : String

A unique code associated with a User. The code is system-generated. Format:

String, 5.

oldEmployeeCode : String

The employee code imported from legacy systems. Format: String, 4.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

isRemoved : Boolean

The state of the User. A User is either Active meaning that the User is valid for the application. Or the User is Deleted meaning that the User has been effectively removed from application access. This status is to support the use

of a User id for only one Person and the fact that a User id can never be reused. Format: String, 1. Valid values: True/False.

dateLastUnsuccessfulLogin : Calendar

The date of the last unsuccessful attempt by the User to log-in. Format: Date. Full Date/Time.

newPasswordEncryption : Boolean

Indicates which password encryption is used for the user's current password. A True value indicates the new Java encryption and a False value indicates an obsolete encryption method was used. Format: String, 1. Valid Values: True (T); False (F). Default is False.

cafCode : String

A unique identifier for a Central Adjudication Facility (CAF). Format: String,


unavailableStartDate : Calendar

The begin date the User is not available. Format: Date.

unavailableEndDate : Calendar

The end date the User is not available. Format: Date.

transitionedFromTeamCode : String

The last team code held by the JPAS User prior to transitioning from one CAF to another. Format: String, 10.


The security level or role assigned to a User. The LevelRole is used to define the application security.

Private Attributes:

levelRoleId : String

The name of the Level or Role. Examples of a level are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Examples or Role are: Adjudicator, Manager, Supervisor. Format: String, 25

levelRoleDescription : String

A text description of the level or role. Format: String, 100

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

systemType : String

An indicator to determine which LevelRole is valid for a subsystem. Format: String, 1.

levelRoleShortDescription : String

The short description of the level or role. This description is generally displayed. Format: String, 35.

securityLevel : String

Indicates the level of security for the level - SCI, Non SCI. Valid Values: N, S. Format: String, 1.

rank : Integer

Indicates the position of the Level for a JCAVS User. Used to determine the highest level the User is assigned for User Maintenance. The lowest level will have a rank of 1. Format: Integer


Contains a list of Units or Agencies for use within JPAS,

Private Attributes:

unitIdentificationCode : String

A unique label that identifies a Department of Defense organization within JPAS. Format: String, 10

organizationName : String

A designation applied to the organization. Format: String, 30

organizationLocation : String

The physical location of an Organization. Format: String, 30.

addressLine1 : String

The address related to the Organization Code. Format: String, 30.

addressLine2 : String

The address related to the Organization Code. Format: String, 30.

addressLine3 : String

The address related to the Organization Code. Format: String, 30.

city : String

The city related to the Organization Code. Format: String, 30.

state : Lookup

The US state where the Organization is located. Format: String, 2. Valid values are in StateLookup.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

isPSP : Boolean

An Indicator stating if an Organization is part of the Presidential Support Program. Format: String, 1.

postalCode : String

The postal code of the address for the Organization. Format: String, 11.

country : Lookup

The country where the Organization resides. Format: String, 2. Valid values are in CountryLookup.

serviceAgencyCode : Lookup

The agency that this Organization is associated with. Valid values are in ServiceAgencyLookup. Format: String, 8.

majorCommand : Lookup

The component for the Organization. Valid values are in MajorCommandLookup. Format: String, 2.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

subAgencyCode : String

The sub-group designation for a Service or Agency. Further defines the groups/organizations within a Service or Agency. Format: String, 6.

eligibilityCode : String

The unique identifier for an Eligibility. This information is controled by an external interface. Format: String, 1

facilityEligibilityStatusCode : String

The state of a clearance or eligibility level for an Industry Organization. Format: String, 3

facilityEligibilityStatusDate : Calendar

Date of the Facility Eligibility Status. Format: Date

facilityEligibilityIssueDate : Calendar

The date the Facility Eligibility was issued. Format: Date

facilityHomeOffice : String

The Division or Company that has purview over the Division or Subsidiary. This applies only to Industry Organizations. Format: String, 10

owningPIDSource : String

Contains the source of the Organization information (Interfaces only). Format: String, 11


The Password for a given User cannot be reused for a period specified by a

Parameter. Currently, the Parameter is set for 18 months.

Private Attributes:

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. Format: String, 11.

password : String

The Password for a given User cannot be reused for a period specified by a

Parameter. Currently, the Parameter is set for 18 months. Format: String, 100.

createDate : Calendar

Date the password was changed. Format: Datetime

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

newPasswordEncryption : Boolean

Indicates which password encryption is used for the user's current password. A True value indicates the new Java encryption and a False value indicates an obsolete encryption method was used. Format: String, 1. Valid Values: True (T); False (F). Default is False.


An individual who is either employed directly by the Department of Defense or is employed by a contractor for the Department of Defense.

Private Attributes:

personId : Integer

A system-assigned key to uniquely identify a Person. Format: Number

ssn : String

The Social Security Number of the Person assigned by the US Government. Format: String, 9

firstName : String

The first name of the Person. Format: String, 20

middleName : String

The middle name or initial of the Person. Format: String, 20

lastName : String

The last name of the Person. Format: String, 52

suffix : String

The suffix of the Person's name. Examples are Jr, Sr, I, II etc. Format:

String, 4.

birthDate : Calendar

The Person's date of birth. Format: Date

birthState : Lookup

The Person's state of birth. Format: String, 2

country : Lookup

The Person's country of birth. Format: String, 2

citizenship : Citizenship

The Person's country of citizenship. Format: String, 1.

eligibility : Eligibility

The level of security that a Person is assigned. The Eligibility is assigned through the adjudication process. Format: String, 1. Valid values are in Eligibility.

eligibilityDate : Calendar

The date the Eligibililty was assigned. Format: Date.

investigationTypeCode : Investigation

The Investigation that is tied to the Eligibility. Format: String, 2.

investigationDate : Calendar

The closed date of the Investigation that is tied to the Eligibility. Format: Date

grantingCAF : CAF

The CAF that granted the eligibility. Format: String, 1.

ndsDate : Calendar

The date the Non-disclosure Statement was signed. Ths date is used to identify whether or not a date exists for the Person. No functions operate on this data. This is information only. Format: Date

ndaDate : Calendar

The date the Non-disclosure Agreement was reached. Ths date is used to identify whether or not a date exists for the Person. No functions operate on this data. This is information only. Format: Date

epsqSentDate : Calendar

The date the EPSQ was sent. Format: Date.

epsqInvestigationType : InvestigationType

The Investigation type of the Investigation that the EPSQ is supporting.

Format: String, 2.

epsqSentToAgency : InvestigatingAgency

The Investigating Agency the EPSQ was sent to. Format: String, 2.

deathDate : Calendar

Date the Person died. Data from DEERS. Format: Date.

attestationDate : Calendar

Date the Person signs the Attestation agreement with the Government. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

deersPersonnelIdentifier : String

Unique identifier for a Person used by DEERS. Format: String, 12

acesEligible :

Indicates the status of a Person in regards to sending information to ACES.

Format: String, 1.

securityManagementOfficeId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the Security Management Office creating the Person. The creation is from the Non-DoD function. Format: Integer.

epsqFavorableReviewDate : Calendar

The date the EPSQ received a favorable date. Format: Datetime.

epsqLocalAgencyCheckDate : Calendar

Date the checks were done with the local agency in support of the EPSQ. Format: Datetime.

personStatusCode : String

Indicates the current state of Person. Format: String, 1.

personStatusDate : Calendar

The date the Person was placed in this state. Format: Datetime.

birthCity : String

The city in which the Person was born. Supplied by the User when requesting an

Investigation Request. Format: String, 30.

maritalStatusCode : String

Indicates the current marital status. Format: String, 1.

createDate : Calendar

Date the Person was created. Format: Date.

createdBy : String

User or Interface ID that created the Person. Format: String, 11.

createdByCAFCode : CAF

The CAF of the JAMS User who created the Person. Format: String, 1.

createdByEmployeeCode : String

The employee code of the JAMS User who created the Person. Format: String, 5.

qualifyingEventDate : Calendar

The date DoD person became qualified. Format: Date.

originalPIDSource : String

Contains the source of the Person information (Interfaces only). Format:

String, 11.

pkiKey : String

Will contain a FASCN (for PIV certificates) or a

SubjectDN+IssuerDN+SerialNumber (for other Federal Bridge Approved

certificates). Format: String, 600.

pkiKeyTypeCode : String

Will have '01' when the pkiKey column contains a FASCN (for PIV certificates)

and '02' when the pkiKey contains SubjectDN+IssuerDN+SerialNumber (for other

Federal Bridge Approved certificates). Format: String, 2.


The relationship of a Person to the Department of Defense.

Derived from Access

Private Attributes:

occupationCode : String

Job Description. Format: String, 10

recordStatusCode : Lookup

Indicates the current status of a given Person Category. Format: String, 3. Valid values are in RecordStatusLookup.

positionSensitivityCode : Lookup

Indicates the level of sensitivity of a given position for which a Person Category may be assigned. Format: String, 1 Valid values are in PositionSensitivityLookup.

securityAccessCode : Lookup

Security Access is the level of access required for do the job. Valid values are in SecurityAccessLookup. Format: String, 1.

officeSymbolText : String

A User-defined code identifying their office. Format: String, 10

dutyPhone : String

The government phone system prefix and exchange number for the Person Category. Format: String, 15.

dutyCountryCode : String

The government phone system country code for the Person Category. Format: String, 4.

prpStatusCode : Lookup

Personnel Reliability Program status code. Valid values are in PRPStatusLookup. Format: String, 1.

prpDate : Calendar

Date the Person Category was granted the Personnel Reliability Program . Format: Date.

separationDate : Calendar

Date the Person was separated from the Category. Format: Date.

separationCode : Lookup

Code indicating the type of separation. Format: String, 1

Valid values are in SeparationLookup.

gradeCode : String

The government persons Pay Grade. Format: String, 4.

serviceAgencyCode : Lookup

The agency that the Person Category is associated with. Valid values are in ServiceAgencyLookup. Format: String, 8.

tafmsDate : Calendar

Total Active Federal Military Service Date. Date started with the military. Format: Date.

rnltDate : Calendar

Report Not Later Than Date. Format: Date.

projectedAssignment : String

Organization that the Person Category is being assigned to. Format: String, 10

projectedSecurityAccessCode :

The security access code the Person Category should need in the new assignment. Data received in data load. Format: String, 1.

projectedDepartDate : Calendar

Date the Person Category expected to leave the current assignment. Format: Date

discoTopSecretDate : Calendar

The date that DISCO awarded Top Secret Eligibility to the Person Category. Format: Date.

stationDepartureDate : Calendar

Date the Person Category is departing from this job. Format: Date.

stationArrivalDate : Calendar

Date that the Person Category is to arrive at the new assignment. Format: Datetime

attachedOrganization : Organization

The Organization that a Person is attached to. This comes from DEERS. Format: String, 10.

commercialPhone : String

The commercial phone prefix and exchange for the Person Category. Format: String, 15.

commercialCountryCode : String

The commercial phone country code for the Person Category. Format: String, 4.

commercialAreaCode : String

The commercial phone area code for the Person Category. Format: String, 5.

commercialExtension : String

The commercial phone extension for the Person Category. Format: String, 4.

lastUpdateBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

secureActionUpdateDate : Calendar

The last date the Office Information was changed by a JPAS User. Format: Date.

secureActionUpdateByOrg : Organization

The Organization that last updated the Person Category Office Information. Format: String, 10.

nonDoDPosition : String

A further definition of the job position held by the Person Category. This information will only be applicable to Non-DoD Categories. Format: String, 25

securityManagementOfficeId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the Security Management Office creating the Person Category. The creation is from the Non-DoD function. Format: Integer.

convCurrentAssignedOrg : String

Contains the JPAS Current Assigned Organization at the times of PSM Net conversion. Used to place the Person Category within a network. Format: String, 10

categoryClassificationCode : Integer

The unique identifier for the types of Industry related classifications. Format: Integer .

positionNumber : String

Position Number from the Personnel systems. Format: String, 20

subAgencyCode : String

The sub-group designation for a Service or Agency. Further defines the groups/organizations within a Service or Agency. Format: String, 6.

createDate : Calendar

Date the Person Category was created. Format: Datetime

createdBy : String

User or Interface ID that created the Person Category. Format: String, 11.

createdByCAFCode : CAF

The CAF of the JAMS User who created the Person Category. Format: String, 1.

createdByEmployeeCode : String

The employee code of the JAMS User who created the Person Category. Format: String, 5.

originalPIDSource : String

Contains the source of the Person Category information (Interfaces only). Format: String, 11.


This object represents the different types of valid Accesses that a given Person Category can have. For an Access to be valid, the Person must be indoctrinated. Conversely to remove an Access, the Person must be debriefed.

Private Attributes:

indoctrinationDate : Calendar

The date the Person Category was indoctrinated into the Access. Format: Date

indoctrinationOrganization : Organization

The Organization performing the indoctrination for this Access. Format: String, 10

debriefDate : Calendar

The date the Person Category was debriefed from the Access. Format: Date

debriefReason : Lookup

The reason for removing the Access from the Person Category. Format: String, 1.

debriefOrganization : Organization

The Organization performing the debriefing for this Access. Format: String, 10

certification : Lookup

The certification needed for SIOP (obsolete as of JPAS and NC2-ESI access. Valid values are in AccessCertificationLookup. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

indoctrinationSMOId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the indoctrinating Security Management Office. Format: Integer.

debriefSMOId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the debriefing Security Management Office. Format: Integer.

debriefCafCode : String

A unique identifier for a Central Adjudication Facility (CAF). Format: String, 1

indoctrinationCafCode : String

A unique identifier for a Central Adjudication Facility (CAF). Format: String, 1


Private Attributes:

teamCode : String

Unique identifier for a Team. The team code starts with the CAF code Required. Format: String, 10.

teamName : String

The text description of the Team code. Format: String, 20.

isAdministrative : Boolean

Indicates whether or not the Team is considered to be an Administrative Team. The boolean is used in the Adjudication Action Review process. Format: String, 1

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

createdByUser : String

Represents the user id of the Account Manager who created the Team. System Assigned. Format: String, 11.

createDate : Calendar

Represents the date when the Team is created. System Assigned. Set to the current date. Format: Date


Table used to track user actions within JPAS. Actions tracked to date are UserId Inactive, Password Changed, Password Expired, User Id is Locked, User Already Logged On, Invalid Login - Back Button, User Successfully Logged On, Invalid Passwords Exceeded Max

Private Attributes:

userHistoryId : Integer

A system-assigned key to create a unique identifier. Format: Number, 10

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. Format: String, 11.

action : String

Describes the action taken by the User. Examples are: Expired Password, User Already Logged In, Locked Id, Password Change. Key to the Lookup Object for User Actions. Format: String, 30

ipAddress : String

The IP address where the action was performed. The address is available in the HTTP session. Format: String, 15

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

levelRoleId : String

The name of the Level or Role. Examples of a level are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Examples or Role are: Adjudicator, Manager, Supervisor. Format: String, 25

categoryCode : String

Unique identifier for each Category or Job. Format: String, 3.

systemType : String

An indicator to determine which LevelRole is valid for a subsystem. Format: String, 1.

loginActionId : Integer

Unique Identifier for login actions. Format: Integer


The annotation supporting an Investigation that has been sent back to the Investigating Agency to be reopened for further information.

Private Attributes:

reopenTypeCode : Lookup

The type describing the reason the Investigation was reopened. Format: String, 1.

suspenseDate : Calendar

The Suspense Date set by the User for the reopened Investigation. Format: Date

investigationOriginalCloseDate : Calendar

The Orignal close date on the investigation. Since the DSS Interface will overrwrite the Investigation Close Date with the actual re-close date, the Adjudicator must set the Original Close date on the Annotation to the Investigation. Format: Date.

returnedToAgencyDate : Calendar

The date the CAF returned the Investigation to the Investigating Agency to be reopened and further investigated. Format: Date.

unclassifiedReopeningRemarks : String

The unclassifed remarks from the Adjudicator with further explaination on why the Investigation was sent back to be reopened. Format: String 3,000.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


This object represents the Positions of Trust granted to a specific Person Category.

Private Attributes:

createDate : Calendar

Date the record was created. System Date. Format: Date Time.

startDate : Calendar

The date the Person Category is considered granted a position of trust. Format: Datetime.

endDate : Calendar

The date the position is not longer valid. Format: Datetime.

initialDeterminationCode : Lookup

The initial determination on a position of trust made for a given Person Category. Format: String, 1

initialDeterminationDate : Calendar

The date the initial determination was made. Format: Datetime.

finalDeterminationCode : Lookup

The final decision made for a given position and Person Category. Format: String, 1.

finalDeterminationDate : Calendar

The date the final decision was made. Format: Datetime.

determiningOrganization : Organization

The current assigned Organization of the user who made the decision. If there is no Final Determination, this Organization is the one that made the Initial Determination. If an Organization makes a Final Determination, the Organization changes to the Organization that made the Final Determination. Format: String, 10

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

securityManagementOfficeId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the determining Security Management Office. Format: Integer.


Used to determine the value that should be displayed to the user based on the position of trust and the final and/or intial determination.

Private Attributes:

positionOfTrustDetermineCode : Integer

A unique idientifer for the Position of Trust Determination. Format: Numeric (10,0) Identity

positionOfTrustCode : String

The Position of Trust Code used for this particular determination. Format: String, 2.

endDateCode : String

A code identifying the type of end date. Used in processing of business rules.

Valid values:

current date GE start Date, 1

current date LE end Date (or end Date null), 2

current date GT end Date, 3

Format: String, 1.

initialDeterminationCode : String

The initial determination on a position of trust made for a given Person Category. Format: String, 2.

finalDeterminationCode : String

The final decision made for a given position and Person Category. Format: String, 2.

displayText : String

The text displayed to the Use for this combination of fields. Format: String, 3

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


A reason for sending the Investigation back for further information.

Private Attributes:

scopeDeficiencyCode : String

A unique identifier for InvestigationScopeDeficiency. Valid values are in ScopeDeficiency. Format: String, 2.

scopeDeficiencyDescription : String

A text description of the Scope Deficiency code. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


A relationship table between PersonCategory and AccessNumber. The table tracks the history of an Access Number for a given PersonCategory.

Private Attributes:

accessNumberAssignDate : Calendar

The date the access number was assigned to the Person Category. Format: Date.

accessNumberRemoveDate : Calendar

The date the access number was removed from the Person Category. Format: Date Time

designatedB : Boolean

Indicates whether or not the Access Number was designated as B at the time of assignment. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


A relationship table between PersonCategory and LevelRole. The table identifies the valid levels/roles for a user.

Private Attributes:

levelRoleId : String

The name of the Level or Role. Examples of a level are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Examples or Role are: Adjudicator, Manager, Supervisor. Format: String, 25

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. Format: String, 11.

personId : Integer

A system-assigned key to uniquely identify a Person. Format: Number

categoryCode : String

Unique identifier for each Category or Job. Format: String, 3.

systemType : String

An indicator to determine which LevelRole is valid for a subsystem. Format: String, 1.

secret : Boolean

Boolean indicating whether or not the User can adjudicate any Investigation except O, J, or T. Format: String, 1

topSecret : Boolean

Boolean indicating whether or not the User can adjudicate all Investigation types except 0 or J valid for Eligibility

code of O, J, or T. Check the Valid Investigations and Eligibility look-up table. Format: String, 1

sensitiveCompartmentedInformat : Boolean

Boolean indicating whether or not the User can be adjudicate any type Investigations. Format: String, 1

limitedAccessAuthorization : Boolean

Boolean indicating whether or not the User can adjudicate Investigations with at least one alpha character in the

SSN. One alpha character denotes a Foreign National. Format: String, 1

specialAccessProgram : Boolean

Boolean indicating whether or not the User has been granted Special Access permission. Format: String, 1.

reviewRequired : Boolean

Boolean indicating whether or not the User has Adjudication Actions that must go to at least one level of review Format: String, 1

caseDistribution : Boolean

Boolean indicating whether or not the User can assign Investigations or Adjudication Actions to Teams. Format: String, 1

adHoc : Boolean

Boolean indicating whether or not the User can have access to JAMS Reporting. Format: String, 1

freedomOfInformationActPA : Boolean

Boolean indicating whether or not the User can have read-only to JAMS. Format: String, 1

accessJCAVS : Boolean

Boolean indicating whether or not the User can have read-only access to JCAVS. Format: String, 1

employee : Boolean

A boolean that indicates whether or not the User can adjudicate another CAF employee (user) within the User's CAF. Format: String, 1

presidentialSupport : Boolean

A boolean that indicates whether or not the User can edit on the PSP screens otherwise read-only. Format: String, 1

gs15GeneralOfficer : Boolean

A boolean that indicates whether or not the User can adjudicate Grade O7 and above, GS15 and above and SES. Format: String, 1

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

osdExecutiveSecretary : Boolean

A Boolean indicating that the User can act for the OSD/Executive Secretary. Format: String, 1

serviceSecretary : Boolean

A Boolean indicating that the User can act for the Service Secretary. Format: String, 1

bAccessDesignation : String

A permission which indicates that the User may perform the B Access business process. Format: String 1

securityManagementOfficeId : Long

Security Management Office assigned to the User Level. Numeric(10,0)

caseManagement : Boolean

Indicates that the User is allowed to Search for, Select, and view case component information in the Case Management Function for Case Components located anywhere within their CAF. If a User does not have the permission, he or she cannot Search, Select, or View case component information, essentially, does not have access to any portion of Case Management at all.

Exception - All Users with an In-Basket have the capability to view the case components assigned to them in their In Basket, and a User does not have to have this permission to have an In Basket.

Format: String, 1

updateCaseComponent : Boolean

Indicates that the User is allowed to Update case components via Case Management. If a User does not have the permission, he or she cannot update the case component information. This permission is only valid if the User is also granted the Case Management permission, which provides access to the Case Management function. Format: String, 1

assignCAFCases : Boolean

Indicates that the User is allowed to assign cases currently assigned to the CAF. If a User does not have the permission, he or she cannot assign case components currently assigned to the CAF. This permission is only valid if the User is also granted the Case Management permission, which provides access to the Case Management function. Format: String, 1

reassignToOtherCAF : Boolean

Indicates that the User is allowed to reassign case components to another CAF from the Case Management Function. If a User does not have the permission, he or she cannot assign case components to other CAFs using the Case Management function. This permission is only valid if the User is also granted the Case Management permission, which provides access to the Case Management function.

Exception - All Users with an In-Basket have the capability to reassign cases to other CAFs from their In-Basket. No permission is needed to have this capability in the In-Basket.

Format: String, 1

assignReassign : Boolean

Indicates that the User is allowed to assign or reassign cases currently assigned to themselves or their Team to anywhere else within the CAF. If a User does not have the permission, he or she cannot reassign cases assigned to the Team. This permission is only valid if the User is also granted the Case Management permission, which provides access to the Case Management function.

Exception - All Users with an In-Basket have the capability to reassign cases out of their own In-Basket. No permission is needed to have this capability in the In-Basket.

Format: String, 1

reassignFromEmployee : Boolean

Indicates that the User is allowed to reassign case components currently assigned to another Employee on the User's Team and assign them elsewhere. Adjudicators and Case Assignment Personnel may not receive this permission. This permission is only valid if the User is also granted the Case Management permission, which provides access to the Case Management function. Format: String, 1

polygraph : Boolean

Indicates that the user can process Polygraph information within JPAS. Format: String, 1.

mgmtReport : Boolean

A Boolean indicating that the User is permitted to access Managment Reports. Format: String, 1

adHocReport : Boolean

A Boolean indicating that the User has the access to the Ad Hoc Reports. Format: String, 1.

psqReview : Boolean

Indicates that the JPAS User has the ability to review Personnel Security Questionaires from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Valid Values: True/False. Default: False. Format: String, 1.

psqInitiate : Boolean

Indicates that the JPAS User has the ability to initiate Investigation Requrests sent to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Valid Values: True/False. Default: False. Format: String, 1.

psqApprove : Boolean

Indicates that the JPAS User has the ability to approve Investigation Requrests sent to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Valid Values: True/False. Default: False. Format: String, 1.

psqOverride : Boolean

Indicates that the JPAS User has the ability to override the Investigation Type and/or the Service Time of the Investigation Requrests. Valid Values: True/False. Default: False. Format: String, 1.

createLevel11 : Boolean

Indicates that the Level 4 Account Manager can create User Level 11. This indicator is not set via the JPAS application and is only assigned to the Level 4 User with Account Manager. Valid values: T/F. Format: String, 1.


A free text message sent from the CAF to an Organization regarding a Person.

Private Attributes:

messageId : Integer

Unique identifier for a given Message. Format: Integer.

sentToOrganization : Organization

The Organization that the message was sent to by the CAF. Format: String, 10.

unclassifiedComment : String

The comments sent on the Message to JCAVS. Format: String, 3000

suspenseDate : Calendar

The Suspense Date entered by the JAMS User indicating when the User expects a reply to the Message. Format: Date.

originatingCAFCode : String

The CAF code of the User who sent the Message. Format: String, 1.

replySatisfiedDate : Calendar

The date the JAMS User enters indicating that they have received a reply that satisfies the intent of the Message sent to JCAVS. Format: Date.

userId : String

The User Id of the JAMS User who sent the Message. This is saved to create ownership of the associated Suspense Notification. Format: String, 11

createDate : Calendar

Date the message was orignially created. Format: Datetime.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


A task on the Person Category set by the JCAVS User.

Private Attributes:

suspenseItemId : Integer

A Unique identifier for the Suspense Item. Format: Integer.

suspenseDate : Calendar

The date the Suspense Item is due. Format: Date

suspenseTypeCode : Lookup

The generic suspense type chosen to describe the Suspense. Mutually exclusive with UserDefined Suspense type. Format: String, 2.

userDefinedSuspenseType : String

The suspense type as defined by User-entered text. Format: String, 50.

pointOfContactName : String

The name of the point of contact for the Suspense Item. Format: String, 50.

pointOfContactPhone : String

The phone number of the point of contact for the Suspense Item. Format: String, 30

closeDate : Calendar

The date the Suspense Item is closed. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

securityManagementOfficeId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the Security Management Office. Format: Integer.


A general comment entered by a User regarding a Person Category.

Private Attributes:

remarkId : Integer

A unique identifier for the remark. Format: Integer.

unclassifiedRemarkText : String

The remark entered on a Person Category Format: String, 500.

createDate : Calendar

The date the remark was first created. Format: Date.

createdByOrganization : Organization

The Organization of the User who made the remark. Format: String, 10.

createdByLevelRole : LevelRole

The Level or Role of the User who made the remark. Format: String, 25.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

securityManagementOfficeId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the creating Security Management Office. Format: Integer.


This object represents the oversight of personnel security. These offices would have either an owning or servicing relationship with Person Categories and will have a parent and may have child relationships to other Security Management Offices. In addition, each JCAVS User would be associated with a Security Management Office.

Private Attributes:

securityManagementOfficeId : Integer

Unique identifier for a Security Management Office. System generated. Format: Integer.

securityManagementOfficeCode : String

A short name for the office. Format: String, 10. Required. The code cannot be reused.

securityManagementOfficeName : String

Represents the fully qualified description for the office. Format: String, 50. Required. User defined. Can be changed.

levelRoleId : LevelRole

The name of the Level or Role. Examples of a level are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Examples or Role are: Adjudicator, Manager, Supervisor. Format: String, 25

serviceAgencyCode : String

The agency that the Security Management Office is associated with. Format: String, 8.

contactPhoneNumber : String

Represents the commercial phone number to call to contact a Security Officer. Format: String, 30. Can be updated.

location : String

Represents the physical location of the Security Management Office. For example, the city in which the Security Management Office is located. Format: String, 50. Required. Can be updated.

emailAddress : String

Indicates the primary contact for the Security Management Office. Format: String, 255. Can be updated.

activeDate : Calendar

Represents the date the office can be used in creating relationships. Format: Date/time. Required. Cannot change if any relationships with JPAS User or Person Category exist. Date must be greater than or equal to the current date.

deactivateDate : Calendar

represents the date the office can no longer be considered for any relationships. All relationships should be severed by this date. Format: Date/time. Cannot be future dated. Cannot be entered if a relationship exists with JPAS User or Person Category.

createdBy : JPASUser

Represents the user id of the Account Manager who created the Security Management Office. Format: String, 11. Updated by the System when the action is taken.

deactivatedBy : JPASUser

Represents the user id of the Account Manager who made the Security Management Office inactive. Format: String, 11. Updated by the System when the action is taken.

serviceSecretaryDesignation : Boolean

Indicates that this Security Management Office is the Service Secretary Office for the Service/Agency. The designation is needed in processing of notifications for the Presidential Support Program (PSP) business process. Can be updated. Format: String, 1.

osdESDesignation : Boolean

Indicates the Security Management Office supports the Office of Secretary of Defense/Executive Secretary for the Service/Agency. The designation is needed in processing of notifications for the Presidential Support Program (PSP) business process. Can be updated. Format: String, 1.

nroDesignation : Boolean

Indicates the Security Management Offices that handle B Access for the Service/Agency. The designation is needed in processing notifications for the B Access business process. Can be updated. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

faxNumber : String

Fax number of the Security Management Office. Format: String, 30.

dsnNumber : String

Represents the government phone number to call to contact a Security Officer. Can be updated. Format: String, 30.

convUIC : String

Format: String, 10

convLevelRoleId : String

Format: String, 25

bDesignation : Boolean

Indicates the Security Management Office may perform the B Access business process. Can be updated. Format: String, 1.

polygraphDesignation : Boolean

Indicates that this Security Management Office may maintain Polygraph information and view Polygraph History. This permission may be applied to any level of SMO. Format: String, 1.

archiveDesignation : Boolean

Indicates that this Security Management Office may receive and process requests to reactivate an archived Person. This designation will not appear on the maintenance screen but will be maintained outside the application for security reasons. Format: String, 1.

facilityDesignation : Boolean

Indicates that this Security Management Office may recieve facility related notifications. Format: String, 1.


This object represents the relationship between a parent Security Management Office and a child Security Management Office. A Security Management Office can have only one parent in SCI and one parent in Non-SCI. The parent Security Management Office must have a user level greater than or equal to the child Security Management Office.

Private Attributes:

parentSMOId : Integer

Unique identifier for the parent Security Management Office. Format: Integer.

childSMOId : Integer

Unique identifier for the child Security Management Office. Format: Integer.

beginDate : Calendar

Represents the date the parent relationship become effective. Format: Datetime. Can be future dated.

endDate : Calendar

Represents the date the parent relationship is not longer in effect. Format: Datetime. Can be future dated. Cannot be less than the Begin Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains a history of the Security Management Offices assigned to a JPAS User.

Private Attributes:

userId : JPASUser

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. Format: String, 11.

securityManagementOfficeId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for a Security Management Office. System generated. Format: Integer.

beginDate : Calendar

The date the User was initially assigned to the Security Management Office. Format: Datetime.

endDate : Calendar

The date the User was removed from the Security Management Office. Format: Datetime.

levelRoleId : LevelRole

The name of the Level or Role. Examples of a level are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Examples or Role are: Adjudicator, Manager, Supervisor. Format: String, 25

categoryCode : String

The category the User needed at the time of assignment. Format: String, 3.

Valid values are in Category.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


This object represents the historical data for each time a Security Management Office name was changed.

Private Attributes:

securityManagementOfficeId : Integer

Unique identifier for a Security Management Office. System generated. Format: Integer.

securityManagementOfficeName : String

Represents the fully qualified description for the office. Format: String, 50. Required. User defined. Can be changed.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


This object represents the Security Management Offices owning or servicing relationship with Person Categories.

Private Attributes:

securityManagementOfficeId : Integer

Unique identifier for a Security Management Office. System generated. Format: Integer.

personId : Integer

A system-assigned key to uniquely identify a Person. Format: Number

categoryCode : String

Unique identifier for each Category or Job. Format: String, 3.

levelRoleId : LevelRole

The name of the Level of the User's Security Management Office. Examples of a level are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Format: String, 25

relationshipIndicator : String

Indicates the type of relationship. Valid types are owning and servicing. Format: String, 1.

createdBy : JPASUser

The user id of the User who created the relationship. Format: String, 11.

createDate : Calendar

The date the relationship was created. Format: Date/Time.

removedBy : JPASUser

The user id of the User who marked the relationship as removed. Format: String, 11.

removedDate : Calendar

The date the relationship was marked as removed. Format: Date/Time.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Tracks the Security Management Offices that recieve a particular message.

Private Attributes:

messageId : Integer

Unique identifier for a given Message. Format: Integer.

securityManagementOfficeId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the Security Management Office receiving the Message. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains a list of valid system Functions for a given Level or Role.

Private Attributes:

levelRoleId : String

Format: String, 25

functionName : String

Format: String 50

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains all comments entered by the JAMS User for a given Investigation.

Private Attributes:

jpasCommentId : Integer

Unique identifier for a specific JPAS Comment. Format: Integer.

commentTypeCode : String

Unique identifier of comment types for all comments within JPAS. Format: String, 4.

commentText : String

Text entered by the client. Cannot exceed the maximum characters for the comment type. Format: Varchar, 1913.

parentId : Integer

The identifier of the parent owning record. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


This object is used to retrieve a count of a given type of open cases assigned to a given CAF.

Private Attributes:

adjudicationId : Integer

A system-assigned key to make Adjudication Action unique. Format: Integer.

adjudicationTypeCode : String

A code used to identify the type of action currently being adjudicated. Format: String , 1

cafCode : String

A unique identifier for a Central Adjudication Facility (CAF). Format: String, 1.

investigationId : Integer

A unique identifier for an Investigation. Format: Integer.

investigationTypeCode : String

The unique identifier for an Investigation. Format: String, 2

lastUpdatedBy : String

The id of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimeStamp : Date

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


The Lock Reasons for a particular User. A User may encounter more than one reason for locking the user id.

Private Attributes:

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. Format: String, 11.

personId : Integer

A system-assigned key to uniquely identify a Person. Format: Number

categoryCode : String

Unique identifier for each Category or Job. Format: String, 3.

systemType : String

An indicator to determine which LevelRole is valid for a subsystem. Format: String, 1.

lockReasonCode : String

Unique identifier for lock conditions. Format: String, 2.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains information about a user and the subsystems assigned.

Private Attributes:

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. Format: String, 11.

personId : Integer

A system-assigned key to uniquely identify a Person. Format: Number

categoryCode : String

Unique identifier for each Category or Job. Format: String, 3.

systemType : String

An indicator to determine which LevelRole is valid for a subsystem. Format: String, 1.

isLocked : Boolean

An indicator to determine whether or not the User has been disabled and is not permitted to access the application. The indicator can be set by the Account Manager or the system. Format: String, 1.

lockDate : Calendar

The date the User was disabled either by the Account Manager or the system. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


This object holds the information related to a Polygraph test for a Person. A Polygraph for a Person may or may not be associated with an Investigation.

Private Attributes:

polygraphId : Integer

The unique JPAS identifier for a Polygraph. Format: Integer

polygraphTypeCode : String

Indicates the type of polygraph conducted. Format: String, 2.

polygraphAgencyCode : String

Indicates the Agency that conducted the Polygraph. Format: String, 1.

polygraphDate : Calendar

The date the Polygraph was conducted. Format: Date.

fileNumber : String

The user-specified number for a Polygraph. The format for the number differs by service/agency and is not validated by JPAS. Format: String, 20.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

sourceId : String

Indicates the origin of the data. The Polygraph data may be received from a data interface or JPAS. Format: String, 20.


Contains all comments entered by the Help Desk for a given Archive Request.

Private Attributes:

jpasCommentId : Integer

Unique identifier for a specific JPAS Comment. Format: Integer.

commentTypeCode : String

Unique identifier of comment types for all comments within JPAS. Format: String, 4.

commentText : String

Text entered by the client. Cannot exceed the maximum characters for the comment type. Format: Varchar, 1913.

parentId : Integer

The identifier of the parent owning record. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


This object contains all valid states of a Person in JPAS.

Private Attributes:

personStatusCode : String

Indicates the current state of Person. Format: String, 1.

personStatusDescription : String

A text name for the person status. Format: String, 25.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


A request made by a user to activate an archived Person. Data and actions are based on the user qualifications and the target Person qualifications.

Private Attributes:

archiveRequestId : Integer

Unique identifier for all requests for reactivation. Format: Integer

personId : Integer

A system-assigned key to uniquely identify a Person. Format: Integer.

ssn : String

The Social Security Number of the Person assigned by the US Government for the requested archived Person. Format: String, 9

firstName : String

The first name of the requested archived Person. Format: String, 20

middleName : String

The middle name or initial of the requested archived Person. Format: String, 20

lastName : String

The last name of the requested archived Person. Format: String, 52

birthDate : Calendar

The requested archived Person's date of birth. Format: Date

stateCode : Lookup

The requested archived Person's state of birth. Format: String, 2

countryCode : Lookup

The requested archived Person's country of birth. Format: String, 2

cafCode : String

A unique identifier for the requesting Central Adjudication Facility (CAF). Mutually exclusive with Security Management Office Id. Format: String, 1.

securityManagementOfficeId : Integer

Unique identifier for the requesting Security Management Office. Format: Integer.

helpDeskDecisionCode : String

The decision made by the supporting Help Desk reviewer. String, 1.

helpDeskDecisionDate : Calendar

The date the Help Desk reviewer made the decision. Format: Datetime.

decisionSMOId : SecurityManagementOffice

The Security Management Office of the Help Desk who made the decision. Format: Integer

cafDecisionCode : String

The decision made by the Collaborative CAF reviewer. String, 1.

cafDecisionDate : Calendar

The date the Collaborative CAF reviewer made the decision. Format: Datetime.

decisionCafCode : CAF

The Central Adjudication Facility who made the CAF decision. Format: String, 1

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of the requesting User. Format: String, 11.

requestDate : Calendar

Date the Archive Request was submitted by the requester. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains all comments entered by the CAF for a given Archive Request.

Private Attributes:

jpasCommentId : Integer

Unique identifier for a specific JPAS Comment. Format: Integer.

commentTypeCode : String

Unique identifier of comment types for all comments within JPAS. Format: String, 4.

commentText : String

Text entered by the client. Cannot exceed the maximum characters for the comment type. Format: Varchar, 1913.

parentId : Integer

The identifier of the parent owning record. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


The reason the user needs the archived Person activated.

Private Attributes:

jpasCommentId : Integer

Unique identifier for a specific JPAS Comment. Format: Integer.

commentTypeCode : String

Unique identifier of comment types for all comments within JPAS. Format: String, 4.

commentText : String

Text entered by the client. Cannot exceed the maximum characters for the comment type. Format: Varchar, 1913.

parentId : Integer

The identifier of the parent owning record. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains a history of all Non Disclosure Agreement signed dates for a Person.

Private Attributes:

ndaDateHistoryId : Integer

Unique identifier for the Nda History Date records. System generated. Format: Integer.

personId : Integer

A system-assigned key to uniquely identify a Person. Format: Number.

ndaDate : Calendar

The date the Non-disclosure Agreement was reached. Format: Date

securityManagementOfficeId : Integer

Unique identifier for a Security Management Office creating the history record. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. Format: String, 11.


Contains a history of all Non Disclosure Statement signed dates for a Person.

Private Attributes:

ndsDateHistoryId : Integer

Unique identifier for the Nds History Date records. System generated. Format: Integer.

personId : Integer

A system-assigned key to uniquely identify a Person. Format: Number.

ndsDate : Calendar

The date the Non-disclosure Statement was signed. Format: Date

securityManagementOfficeId : Integer

Unique identifier for a Security Management Office creating the history record. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. Format: String, 11.


Keeps the history of the Orgnaizations a Person was associated with and the Accesses the Person had while at the specified Organization.

Private Attributes:

organizationHistoryId : Integer

A unique identifier for Organization History. Format: Integer

unitIdentificationCode : String

A unique label that identifies a Department of Defense organization within JPAS. Format: String, 10

personId : Integer

A system-assigned key to uniquely identify a Person. Format: Number

categoryCode : String

Unique identifier for each Category or Job. Format: String, 3.

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. Indicates the User who made the changes in the Person's Organization and Accesses. Format: String, 11.

cafCode : String

A unique identifier for a Central Adjudication Facility (CAF). Format: String, 1.

securityManagementOfficeId : Integer

Unique identifier for a Security Management Office. System generated. Security Management Office of the User performing the action. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

separationActionCode : String

Unique identifier for a separation action. Format: String, 1


Tracks all of the changes made for a Person's SSN.

Private Attributes:

personId : Integer

A system-assigned key to uniquely identify a Person. Format: Number

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. Format: String, 11.

cafCode : String

A unique identifier for a Central Adjudication Facility (CAF). Valid values are in CAF. Format: String, 1.

ssnChangeReasonCode : String

A unique identifier for types of ssn change reasons. Format: String, 1

ssnChangeDate : Calendar

The date the ssn was changed. Format: Date.

oldSSN : String

The old Social Security Number of the Person assigned by the US Government. Format: String, 9

newSSN : String

The new Social Security Number of the Person assigned by the US Government. Format: String, 9

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

ssnHistoryId : Integer

Unique identifier for a SSN History record. System generated. Format: Integer.


Identifies the Accesses that were changed due to the Organization being changed for a Person.

Private Attributes:

organizationAccessHistoryId : Integer

A unique identifier for Organizaion Access History. Format: Integer

organizationHistoryId : Integer

A unique identifier for Organization History. Format: Integer

accessCode : String

The unique identifier for an Access. Format: String, 2.

indoctrinationDate : Calendar

The date the Person Category was indoctrinated into the Access. Format: Date

indoctrinationSMOId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for the indoctrinating Security Management Office. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


A history of changes to the Team descriptions. A record is entered every time the description changes.

Private Attributes:

teamDescriptionHistoryId : Integer

Unique identifier for the Team Description History. System generated. Required. Format: Number, 10,0

teamCode : String

Unique identifier for a Team. The team code starts with the CAF code Required. Format: String, 10.

teamName : String

The text description of the Team code. Required. Format: String, 20.

changeDate : Calendar

Date the Team description was changed. Required. Format: Date.

changeUserId : String

User Id of the Account Manager who made the change. Required. Format: String, 11.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Object used to capture the user's Personal Identification Data (PID) data.

Private Attributes:

firstName : String

The first name of the user. Format: String, 20

middleName : String

The middle name or initial of the user. Format: String, 20

lastName : String

The last name of the user. Format: String, 52

suffix : String

The suffix of the user's name. Examples are Jr, Sr, I, II etc. Format: String, 4.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The id of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. Format: String, 11.


Object used to capture the user's Person Category and contact information related data.

Private Attributes:

serviceAgencyCode : ServiceAgencyLookup

The agency that the Person Category is associated with. Valid values are in ServiceAgencyLookup. Format: String, 8.

nonDoDPosition : String

A further definition of the job position held by the Person Category. This information will only be applicable to Non-DoD Categories. Format: String, 25

organizationName : String

The name of the designated organization. Format: String, 30

organizationAddressLine1 : String

The address related to the Organization Unit Identification Code. Format: String, 30.

organizationAddressLine2 : String

The address related to the Organization Unit Identification Code. Format: String, 30.

unitIdentificationCode : String

A unique label that identifies a Department of Defense organization within JPAS. Format: String, 10

organizationAddressLine3 : String

The address related to the Organization Unit Identification Code. Format: String, 30.

organizationCity : String

The city related to the Organization Unit Identification Code. Format: String, 30.

organizationPostalCode : String

The postal code of the address for the Organization Unit Identification Code. Format: String, 11.

workPhoneNumber : String

The work phone number for the Person Category. Format: String, 40.

dsnNumber : String

The government phone system number for the Person Category. Format: String, 30.

workEmailAddress : String

The work email address for the Person Category. Format: String, 255.

confirmationDate : Calendar

Date the user confirmed their person category and contact information related data. Format: Date.

lastUpdateBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

organizationState : StateLookup

The US state where the Organization is located. Format: String, 2. Valid values are in StateLookup.

organizationCountry : CountryLookup

The country where the Organization resides. Format: String, 2. Valid values are in CountryLookup.

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. Format: String, 11.

categoryCode : String

Unique identifier for each Category or Job. Format: String, 3.


Object used to capture the user's Security Management Office contact information data.

Private Attributes:

confirmationDate : Calendar

Date the user confirmed their Security Management Office contact information. Format: Date.

smoCode : String

A short name for the Security Management Office. Format: String, 10.

smoContactPhoneNumber : String

Represents the commercial phone number to call to contact a Security Officer. Format: String, 40.

smoEmailAddress : String

The email address for the Security Management Office. Format: String, 255.

smoName : String

Represents the fully qualified description for the office. Format: String, 50.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. Format: String, 11.

categoryCode : String

Unique identifier for each Category or Job. Format: String, 3.

levelRoleId : String

The name of the Level. Format: String, 25



A Visit is a trip to a destination with a defined first day and last day and Point of Contact.

Private Attributes:

visitId : Integer

A Unique Identifier for the Visit. Format: Integer.

createdByOrganization : Organization

The Organization that created the Visit. Format: String, 10.

createdByLevelRoleId : LevelRole

The Level of the JCAVS User who created the Visit. Format: String, 25.

hostingOrganization : Organization

The Organization hosting the Visit; the Organization being Visted. Format: String, 10.

visitReasonCode : Lookup

The Reason for the Visit. Format: String, 2

The valid values are in the Visit Reason Lookup.

visitStatusCode : Lookup

The Visit status. This may be inital, modified, or canceled. Format: String, 1 The valid values are in Visit Status Lookup

statusDate : Calendar

The date the Visit status was changed. Format: Date.

firstDay : Calendar

The first day of the Visit. Format: Date.

lastDay : Calendar

The last day of the Visit. Format: Date.

pointOfContactName : String

The name of the Point of Contact for the Visit. Format: String, 50

pointOfContactPhone : String

The commerical or DSN phone number of the Point of Contact for the Visit. Format: String, 30.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

createdBySMOId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for a Security Management Office. System generated. Format: Integer.

hostingSMOId : SecurityManagementOffice

Unique identifier for a Security Management Office. System generated. Format: Integer.

personId : Integer

A system-assigned key to uniquely identify a Person. Identifies the Point of Contact for the Visit. Format: Number

categoryCode : String

Unique identifier for each Category or Job. Identifies the Point of Contact for the Visit. Format: String, 3.


The unique relationship between Person Category and a Visit.

Private Attributes:

permanentCertification : Boolean

Indicates if this Person Category is permanently certified for this Visit. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date



A record of a Report run on a Person in the Automated Continuing Evaluation System (ACES).

Private Attributes:

acesScreenType : String

Indicates the type of screen JPAS requests ACES to display. Format: String, 1

acesDateCompleted : Calendar

The date the ACES Report was generated. Format: CCYYMMDD

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

acesPersonId : String

Person ID used in ACES. Format: String, 38

acesRecordCheckSeqId : String

Identifier unique to a specific set of ACES record checks for a specific Person. Format: String, 38

ACES External Interace

ACES - Automated Continuing Evaluation System. ACES conducts automated database checks on selected DoD national security clearance holders between their regularly scheduled full-scale background investigations to identify information of adjudicative concern so that those cases can be routed to the CAFS for review.


The name or names used by a Person other than his given name in PIPS.

Private Attributes:

aliasID : Integer

A system-assigned key to create a unique identifier. Format: Number, 10.

firstName : String

First Name of the Alias. Format: String, 15

middleName : String

Middle Name or Initial of the Alias. Format: String, 15

lastName : String

Last Name of the Alias. Format: String, 20


Clearance data held in the PIPS (SII) System for a Person.

Private Attributes:

clearanceId : Integer

A unique identifier for PIPS Clearances. Format: Integer.

clearanceLevel : String

Level of Clearance in PIPS; Format - String, 15; See Appendix B-5 of OPM ICD.

grantingAuthority : String

Granting Authority in PIPS; Format - String 40

agencyPhoneNumber : String

Phone number of agency; Format - string 10 (numeric).

grantedDate : Date

Date clearance was granted in PIPS; Format - date yyyymmdd.

lateValidatedDate : Date

Date clearance was validated in PIPS; Format - date yyyymmdd.


Investigation data held in the PIPS (SII) System for a Person.

Private Attributes:

investigationId : Integer

A unique identifier for an Investigation. Format: Integer.

caseType : String

PIPS Investigation Case Type - See Appendix B-1 of OPM ICD document. Format:

caseNumber : String

PIPS Investigation Case Number, String 10

caseStatus : String

PIPS Investigation Case Status. See Appendix B-2 of OPM ICD. Format: String 14

closingAction : String

PIPS Investigation Closing Action - See Appendix B-3 of OPM ICD. Format: String 15

closingDate : Calendar

PIPS Investigation closing date. Format: yyyymmdd

investigatingAgency : String

PIPS Investigating Agency; Should be "OPM" or Other. Format: String 20

seriousnessCode : String

PIPS Seriousness Code - see Appendix B-4 of OPM ICD. Format: String 15

pipsFileAvailable : Boolean

PIPS File Available indicator. Format: String, 1.


An individual who has data in the PIPS/SII System.

Private Attributes:

ssn : String

The Social Security Number of the Person assigned by the US Government. Format: String, 9

firstName : String

The first name of the Person. Format: String, 15

middleName : String

The middle name or initial of the Person. Format: String, 15

lastName : String

The last name of the Person. Format: String, 20

birthDate : Date

The Person's date of birth. Format: Date

birthState : String

The Person's state of birth. Format: String, 2

birthCountry : String

The Person's country of birth. Format: String, 2

Valid values in CountryLookup.

PSI Automation Interface


PIPS record containing detailed investigation data for a case status request.

Private Attributes:

extraCoverageCode : String

Codes representing potentially actionable information. 20 characters. Optionally provided.

caseStatusCode : String

The code value of the Investigation's overall status. 2 characters.

caseStatusDescription : String

The description of the Investigation's overall status. 20 characters

agencyDate : Calendar

The date the case should be sent to the agency, based on timeliness service. 8 characters.

recentCaseEventCode : String

The code value of the last action taken on this case by OPM. 2 characters

recentCaseEventDescription : String

The description of the last action taken on this case by OPM. 20 characters.

recentCaseEventEffectiveDate : Calendar

The date of the last action taken on this case by OPM. 8 characters.

recentCaseOrganizationCode : String

The Organization ID of the OPM Office holding the case file. 3 characters

currentCaseCost : DecimalFormat

The Current Cost of the Investigation billed by OPM to the Agency. 6 characters

unacceptableCode : String

Indicators of reasons that the case papers were returned to the agency. 10 characters. Optionally provided.

administrativeReturnCode : String

Indicator of return for administrative reasons. 1 character. Optionally provided

requirementsMetCode : String

Indicator of return when investigative requirements were met by a previous investigation. 1 character. Optionally provided.


PIPS record for Issue codes related to an investigation as a result of a case status request.

Private Attributes:

investigationIssueCode : String

Numbers/letters of the questions on the Standard Form 85 or 86 that have no response, an unfavorable response, or a response that may be relevant to the investigation. Up to 28 occurrences of 3 characters. Optionally provided.


PIPS Item record related to a case status request. May have multiple items per request.

Private Attributes:

itemNumber : String

Sequential item number. 3 characters

itemType : String

A code referencing NAC items. 4 characters.

itemEntryNumber : Integer

The Item Entry Number. 2 characters.

itemLocation : String

The Item Name/Address and State. 15 characters. Optionally provided.

itemCity : String

The Item City. 30 characters. Optionally provided.

coverageMethod : String

The Coverage Method. 1 character. Optionally provided.

itemStatus : String

A code indicating the status of each piece of an investigation. PIPS identifies BI-type cases for closing action when all Personal coverage Items are completed (CM) or canceled (CE), and NACI cases when an OPM-established time period has passed or when all Items are CM or CE. 2 characters. Optionally provided.

assignedCompletionDate : Calendar

The Assigned Completion Date of the Item. 8 characters. Optionally provided.

mostRecentItemEvent : String

The Most recent Item event. 2 characters. Optionally provided.

mostRecentItemEffectiveDate : String

The date of the most recent item event. 8 characters. Optionally provided.

itemResult : String

A code summarizing the results of the investigation of a piece of a case. 2 characters. Optionally provided

itemIssue : String

Issue Codes 01-14 and Seriousness Codes A, B, C or D that pertain to the most recent item event. Up to 13 occurrences of 3 characters. Optionally provided.


PIPS record containing subject and investigation information for a case status request.

Private Attributes:

opmCaseNumber : String

Case Number that is assigned by OPM. 10 characters.

lastName : String

Subject's last name. 20 characters

ssn : String

Subject's social security number. 9 characters.

securityOfficeCode : String

The Security Office Identifier of the Case. 4 characters.

submittingOfficeNumber : String

The Submitting Office Number of the Case. 4 characters.

agencyFileNumber : String

OPM's Agency's File Number. 25 characters. Optionally provided.

pipsCaseType : String

The code value of the PIPS type of case conducted by OPM or another agency. 4 characters.

pipsCaseTypeDescription : String

The description of the PIPS type of case conducted by OPM or another agency. 9 characters.

pipsCaseServiceCode : String

The code value of the PIPS Timeliness Service code. 1 character.

pipsCaseServiceDescription : String

The description of the PIPS Timeliness Service code. 3 characters.

investigationScheduledDate : Calendar

The date the Investigation was scheduled by the computer and papers were transmitted to the field. 8 characters. Optionally provided.




A record of a Unofficial Foreign Travel trip scheduled or taken for a Person


Private Attributes:

tripId : Integer

Unique identifier for the trip. Format: Integer

startDate : Calendar

Beginning date of the trip. Format: Date.

endDate : Calendar

Ending date of the trip. Format: Date.

reportedDate : Calendar

Date the trip was reported to the security manager. Format: Date.

isCancelled : Boolean

Indicates that the trip was cancelled. Valid Values: T/F. Format: String, 1.

defensiveBriefingDate : Calendar

Indicates the date the Defensive Travel Briefing was given.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


A record of the Countries a Person will visit during a trip.

Private Attributes:

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


A record of the Foreign Contacts encountered by a Person while on an Unofficial Foreign Travel Trip.

Private Attributes:

tripForeignContactId : Integer

Unique identifier for a Foreign Contact made during a specific Trip. Format: Integer

firstName : String

The first name of the Person. Format: String, 20

middleName : String

The middle name or initial of the Person. Format: String, 20

lastName : String

The last name of the Person. Format: String, 52

suffix : String

The suffix of the Person's name. Examples are Jr, Sr, I, II etc. Format: String, 4

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Private Attributes:

jpasCommentId : Integer

Unique identifier for a specific JPAS Comment. Format: Integer.

commentTypeCode : String

Unique identifier of comment types for all comments within JPAS. Format: String, 4.

commentText : String

Text entered by the client. Cannot exceed the maximum characters for the comment type. Format: Varchar, 1913.

parentId : Integer

The identifier of the parent owning record. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Private Attributes:

jpasCommentId : Integer

Unique identifier for a specific JPAS Comment. Format: Integer.

commentTypeCode : String

Unique identifier of comment types for all comments within JPAS. Format: String, 4.

commentText : String

Text entered by the client. Cannot exceed the maximum characters for the comment type. Format: Varchar, 1913.

parentId : Integer

The identifier of the parent owning record. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Represents the relationship between the Country and the Foreign Contact which the Person made while on an Unofficial Foreign Travel Trip.

Private Attributes:

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date



Private Attributes:

jpasCommentId : Integer

Unique identifier for a specific JPAS Comment. Format: Integer.

commentTypeCode : String

Unique identifier of comment types for all comments within JPAS. Format: String, 4.

commentText : String

Text entered by the client. Cannot exceed the maximum characters for the comment type. Format: String.

parentId : Integer

The identifier of the parent owning record. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Date

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date



Contains a list of valid Extra Coverages used by the Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-QIP). The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) owns these values. JPAS uses these codes as one factor to indicate the criticality of an Investigation Request.

Private Attributes:

extraCoverageCode : String

A unique identifier for Extra Coverage. Format: String, 2

extraCoverageDescription : String

A text description of the Extra Coverage. Format: String, 255.

extraCoverageDisplayText : String

A short text description used for screen and report display. Format: String, 50

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains all information sent to and received from OPM for the purposes of requesting and tracking an Investigation. The object will track all decisions and be kept as a history of the requests and decisions determined.

Derived from SF86VersionLookup

Private Attributes:

investigationRequestId : Integer

A unique identifier for Investigation Requests. Format: Integer

personId : Integer

A system-assigned key to uniquely identify a Person. Format: Number

categoryCode : String

Unique identifier for each Category or Job. Format: String, 3.

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. Indicates the User who is assigned the request. Format: String, 11.

teamCode : String

Unique identifier for a Team. Format: String, 10.

cafCode : String

A unique identifier for a Central Adjudication Facility (CAF). Format: String, 1.

adjudicationTypeCode : String

A code used to identify the type of action currently being adjudicated. Format: String , 1

psqFormCode : String

A unique identifier for a Personnel Security Questionarire. Indicates the type of questionaire requested for the Investigation. Format: String, 2

requestDate : Calendar

Date the User created the Investigation Request. Format: Date.

positionTitle : String

A field that describes the title the belongs with the position held. Format: String, 30.

isReassigned : Boolean

Indicates whether or not the Investigation Request is reassigned. Valid Values: True/False. Format: String, 1.

receivedByCAFDate : Calendar

The date the Request was first assigned on the Assign Cases from External Agencies screen. Format: Date.

casePriorityCode : Boolean

The priority of the case component as indicated by the case assignment personnel. Valid Values: True/False. Format: String, 1.

caseManagementSuspenseDate : Calendar

The suspense date set by the case assignment personnel to indicate the expected adjudication completion date of the case component. Format: Date.

isPeriodicInvestigation : Boolean

Indicates whether or not a Periodic Investigation is needed. Values: True/False. Format: String, 1.

revisionReasonCode : String

A unique identifier for the revision reason code. Format: String, 2.

securityAccessCode : String

Unique identifier for a Security access. Format: String, 1

submittingOfficeNumber : String

Code identifying the Service/Agency submitting the Investigation Request. Format: String, 4.

personnelFolderLocCode : String

Unique identifier for Personnel Folder Locations. This code is unique to JPAS. Format: String, 2.

personnelFolderLocationName : String

A text name of the location if the folder location is Other. Format: String, 50.

personnelFolderAddress1 : String

The text address of the personnel folder location. Format: String, 30.

personnelFolderCity : String

The name of the city where the personnel folder is located. Format: String, 30.

personnelFolderStateCode : String

A unique identifier for each state in accordance with the FIPS Pub 5-2. Format: String, 2

personnelFolderPostalCode : String

The postal code of the address for the personnel folder. Format: String, 10.

securityOfficeIdentifier : String

The Security Office Identifier. Format: String, 4

securityFolderLocationCode : String

Unique identifier for Security Folder Locations. This code is unique to JPAS. Format: String, 2.

securityFolderLocationName : String

A text name of the location if the folder location is Other. Format: String, 50.

securityFolderAddress1 : String

The text address of the folder location. Format: String, 30.

securityFolderCity : String

The name of the city where the folder is located. Format: String, 30.

securityFolderStateCode : String

A unique identifier for each state in accordance with the FIPS Pub 5-2. Format: String, 2

securityFolderPostalCode : String

The postal code of the address for the folder. Format: String, 10.

opacALC : String

Accounting information used by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) for the purposes of billing. Format: String, 8

requestingOfficialName : String

The name of the official authorizing the Investigation Request. Format: String, 100

requestingOfficialTitle : String

The title or rank of the official authorizing the Investigation Request. Format: String, 50

requestingOfficialPhone : String

The phone number of the official authorizing the Investigation Request. Format: String, 25

requestingOfficialExtension : String

The phone extension of the official authorizing the Investigation Request. Format: String, 6

sensitivityADPCode : String

A unique identifier for the Sensitivity ADP Code. Format: String, 1.

opmRequestId : Number

Unique identifier for an Investigation Request for the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) system - Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-QIP). Format: Number, 38

accessClearanceLevelCode : String

A unique identifier for the Access Clearance Level Code. Format: String, 1.

birthDate : Calendar

The Person's date of birth. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

closeDate : Calendar

The date the Investigation Request case was closed. Format: Date.

origIinvestigationRequestId : Integer

Contains the original Investigation Request Id for requests that are cancelled by OPM. Format: Integer.

serviceAgencyCode : String

The agency that the Investigation Request is associated with. Format: String, 8.

personnelFolderAddress2 :

The text address 2 of the personnel folder location. Format: String, 30.

personnelFolderAddress3 : String

The text address 3 of the personnel folder location. Format: String, 30.

securityFolderAddress2 : String

The text address 2 of the folder location. Format: String, 30.

securityFolderAddress3 : String

The text address 3 of the folder location. Format: String, 30.

positionTitleCode : String

Unique identifer for position titles. Format: String, 2

originalSource : String

Identifies the originating source of the data. The source can be an interface or JPAS. Format: String, 11.

attachmentStateId : Integer

A unique identifier for the state of the attachments associated with an Investigation Request. Format: Integer

attachmentStateDate : Calendar

The date the attachment state id was determined. Format: Small Datetime.

attachmentSendMethod : String

Indicates the method used to provide signature attachments to OPM. The methods available are paper and electronic. All Investigation Requests started after JPAS must use the electronic method. For Investigation Requests approved prior to JPAS, the value is NULL. For Investigation Requests in a status of Initiate up to but not including Approved, the value is P. Format: String, 1. Valid Values: E - Electronic; P - Paper; NULL

applicantAffiliationCode : String

This field is required for all Investigation Requests started after JPAS The field was added for the new SF86 (SF 86 2008). For Investigation Requests started prior to JPAS3.2.0.0, the value is NULL. Format: String, 7.

IPAC : String

Accounting information used by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) for the purposes of billing. This field is required for all Investigation Requests started after JPAS The field was added for the new SF86 (SF 86 2008). For Investigation Requests started prior to JPAS3.2.0.0, the value is NULL. Format: String, 8.

natureOfActionCode : String

Code to show the Nature of Action taken or to be taken for the position requiring the investigation. Format: String, 3

natureOfActionDate : Calendar

The effective date of the nature of action requiring the investigation. Format: Date

geographicLocation : String

Nine-digit Worldwide Geographic Location Code, showing the actual location or duty station for the position. Format: String, 9

personnelFolderWebAddress : String

Electronic official personnel folder web address. Format: String, 150

treasuryAccountSymbol : String

Code assigned by the Department of the Treasury. It identifies the agency, the period of availability of funds, and the specific account by fund group. There is a unique TAS for each fund. Format: String, 27

obligatingDocumentNumber : String

Document number of the purchase order or other obligating documents prepared by the requesting agency. It is usually a 17-digit alphanumeric code. This number is usually assigned by the agency's contracting office. Format: String, 17

businessEventTypeCode : String

Up to an 8-digit alphanumeric code that indicates the type of activity being reported (payments, collections, etc). Some agencies are using DISB if receiving services and COLL if performing services. BETC determines the transaction effect on the Treasury Account Symbol's Fund Balance with the Treasury. Format: String, 8

accountingData : String

Agency data for internal use. May be used by the requesting agency to note any information the agency needs for its own internal process. The information entered will be printed on documents used to close the case to the agency. If the agency does not need this information, this should be left blank. Format: String, 25

requestingOfficialEmail : String

Requesting official email address. Format: String, 100

secRequestingOfficialName : String

Secondary requesting official name. Format: String, 100

secRequestingOfficialTitle : String

The title or rank of the secondary requesting official. Format: String, 50

secRequestingOfficialEmail : String

Email address of the secondary requesting official. Format: String, 100

secRequestingOfficialPhone : String

The phone number of the secondary requesting official. Format: String, 25

secRequestingOfficialExtension : String

The phone extension of the secondary requesting official. Format: String, 6

specialHandlingInstructions : String

Special handling instructions for the investigation being requested. Format: String, 256


Contains the status for a given Investigation Request.

Private Attributes:

InvRqstStatusId : Integer

A system generated unique identifier for the Investigation Request Status. Format: Integer

investigationRequestId : Integer

A unique identifier for Investigation Requests. Format: Integer

invRequestStatusCode : Integer

A unique identifier for the status of an Investigation Request. Format: Integer

invRequestStatusDate : Calendar

Date the status occurred. This is a full date time field. Format: Date

securityManagementOfficeId : Integer

Unique identifier for a Security Management Office. System generated. Indicates the initiating Security Management Office. Format: Integer.

cafCode : String

A unique identifier for a Central Adjudication Facility (CAF). Format: String, 1.

createdBy : String

The name of the User or job which created the change to the object. Format: String,11

phoneNumber : String

The commercial phone prefix and exchange for the User approving the Investigation Request. Format: String, 30

eventCode : String

A unique identifier for the Event Code. Format: String 2

eventDate : Calendar

Date the event occurred. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains valid values for the state of an Investigation Request. Some values are owned by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and others are owned by JPAS. JPAS has some statuses that must be tracked but not sent to OPM.

Private Attributes:

invRequestStatusCode : Integer

A unique identifier for the status of an Investigation Request. Format: Integer

invRequestStatusDescription : String

A text description of the Investigation Request Status. Format: String, 100

invRequestStatusDisplayText : String

A short description used for screen and report display. Format: String, 40

processIndicator : String

A field indicating the ownership of the status code. Valid Values are J - JPAS; E - OPM e-QIP Non-Accessions; A - e-QIP Accessions; B - e-QIP Accessions and Non-Accessions. Format: String, 2

isOpenCM : Boolean

Indicates whether or not an Investigation Status is considered open for Case Management. Valid Values: True/False. Format: String, 1.

createdBy : String

The owner or jobname that created the object. Format: String, 11

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

eligibleToDeleteAttachments : Boolean

Indicates whether or not the Investigation Request Status can allow the associated attachments to be deleted. Format: String, 1. Valid Values: True (T); False (F). Default is False. Required.

eligibleToReceiveAttachments : String

Indicates whether or not the Investigation Request Status can allow attachments to be associated with the Investigation Request. Format: String, 1. Valid Values: FAX (F); Upload (U); Both FAX and Upload (B); Not Allowed (N). Required. Default is Not Allowed (N).


Contains a list of valid Personnel Security Questionaire Forms.

Private Attributes:

psqFormCode : String

A unique identifier for a Personnel Security Questionarire. Format: String, 2

psqFormDescription : String

A text description of the PSQ Form. Format: String, 25.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains a list of valid Service Codes used by the Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-QIP). The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) owns these values. JPAS uses these codes as one factor to indicate the criticality of an Investigation Request.

Private Attributes:

serviceTimeCode : String

A unique identifier for Service Time. Format: String, 1

serviceTimeDescription : String

A text description of the Service Time Code. Format: String, 25.

serviceTimeShortDescription : String

A text description that can be used for screen display or reporting. Format: String, 10

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains a valid list of Personnel File locations for a Person. The location is based on the type of category; ie: Industry vs Military.

Private Attributes:

personnelFolderLocCode : String

Unique identifier for Personnel Folder Locations. This code is unique to JPAS. Format: String, 2.

personnelFolderLocDescription : String

A text description of the Personnel Folder Locations. These descriptions were provided by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Format: String, 50.

personnelFolderLocDisplayText : String

A short text description used for screen and report display. Format: String, 10

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains a valid list of Security Folder locations for a Person. The location is based on the type of category; ie: Industry vs Military.

Private Attributes:

securityFolderLocationCode : String

Unique identifier for Security Folder Locations. This code is unique to JPAS. Format: String, 2.

securityFolderLocationDesc : String

A text description of the Security Folder Locations. These descriptions were provided by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Format: String, 50.

securityFolderLocDisplayText : String

A short text description used for screen and report display. Format: String, 10

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains valid combinations of Postion Numbers, Organization and Investigation Types. Used in PSI Automation for validation of non-Industry Investigation Requests.

Private Attributes:

positionInvestTypeId : Integer

Unique identifier for Position/Investigation Type combinations. System-generated. Format: Integer.

manpowerFileTypeCode : String

Unique identifier for the Manpower File types. This field distinguishes who is active, guard or reservist. The data is owned and supplied by the Manpower Systems. Format: String, 1

manpowerTypeCode : String

This data is owned and supplied by the Manpower Systems. All MNTs beginning with "x" are Funded Requirements (Authorizations), and all beginning with "r" are Unfunded Requirements. Together they equal total requirements and resources. Format: String, 5

manpowerFunctionCategoryCode : String

The relationship of an individual or position to the mission of a unit. This data is owned and supplied by the Manpower Systems. Format: String, 1

unitIdentificationCode : String

A unique label that identifies a Department of Defense organization within JPAS. Format: String, 10

positionNumber : String

Position Number from the Personnel systems. Format: String, 20

investigationTypeCode : String

The unique identifier for an Investigation. Format: String, 2

summaryQuarterYear : String

Quarter and year that data was pulled by Manpower system. This data is owned and supplied by the Manpower Systems. Format: String, 1.

serviceAgencyCode : Lookup

The agency that the Person Category is associated with. Format: String, 8.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains the valid combinations of Extra Coverage for a given Investigation Types.

Private Attributes:

investigationTypeCode : String

The unique identifier for an Investigation. Format: String, 2

extraCoverageCode :

A unique identifier for Extra Coverage. Format: String, 2

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

extraCovInvTypeId : Integer

A system-assigned key to make the Extra Coverage Investigation Type combination unique. Format: Integer.


Tracks audit requirements for a Person Category.

Private Attributes:

perCatAuditHistoryId : Integer

Unique identifier for the Person Category Audit History. System-generated. Format: Integer

personId : Integer

A system-assigned key to uniquely identify a Person. Format: Number

categoryCode : String

Unique identifier for each Category or Job. Format: String, 3.

jpasUserPersonId : Integer

A system-assigned key to uniquely identify a Person. Person id of the User performing the action. Format: Integer.

jpasUserCategoryCode : String

Unique identifier for each Category or Job. Category code of the User perfoming the action. Format: String, 3.

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. User id of the Person performing the action. Format: String, 11.

levelRoleId : String

The name of the Level or Role. Level/Role of the User performing the action. Format: String, 25

systemType : String

Indicates the subsystem the User used at the time of the action. Format: String, 1

securityManagementOfficeId : Integer

Unique identifier for a Security Management Office. System generated. Security Management Office of the User performing the action. Format: Integer.

cafCode : String

A unique identifier for a Central Adjudication Facility (CAF). CAF of the User performing the action. Format: String, 1.

auditActionCode : Integer

Unique identifier for an audit action. Format: Integer

parentId : Integer

The unique identifier for which the audit history is being created. An example would be actions taken regarding an Investigation Request. Format: Integer.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains the valid combinations of Service Time for a given Investigation Types.

Private Attributes:

investigationTypeCode : String

The unique identifier for an Investigation. Format: String, 2

serviceTimeCode : String

A unique identifier for Service Time. Format: String, 1

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains a list of valid Access Code used by the Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-QIP). The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) owns these values.

Private Attributes:

invRqstEligibilityCode : String

Unique identifier for the OPM Access types. Format: String, 1.

invRqstEligibilityDescription : String

A text description of the OPM Access codes. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

ate the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains the valid combinations of Position Sensitivity codes for a given Investigation Types.

Private Attributes:

investigationTypeCode : String

The unique identifier for an Investigation. Format: String, 2

positionSensitivityCode : String

Indicates the level of sensitivity of a given position for which a Person Category may be assigned. Format: String, 1

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains valid relationships between a Personnel Security Questionaire and the supported Investigation Types.

Private Attributes:

investigationTypeCode : String

The unique identifier for an Investigation. Format: String, 2

psqFormCode : String

A unique identifier for a Personnel Security Questionarire. Format: String, 2

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains the valid relationships between Investigation Type and Security Access.

Private Attributes:

investigationTypeCode : String

The unique identifier for an Investigation. Format: String, 2

securityAccessCode : String

Unique identifier for a Security access. Format: String, 1

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Private Attributes:

manpowerFileTypeCode : String

Unique identifier for the Manpower File types. This field distinguishes who is active, guard or reservist. The data is owned and supplied by the Manpower Systems. Format: String, 1

manpowerFilePartDescription : String

Text description of the Manpower File Type Code. This data is owned and supplied by the Manpower Systems. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

ManpowerFunctionCategory Lookup

Contains the data to determine relationship of an individual or position to the mission of a unit

Private Attributes:

manpowerFunctionCategoryCode : String

The relationship of an individual or position to the mission of a unit. This data is owned and supplied by the Manpower Systems. Format: String, 1

manpowerFunctionDescription : String

Text description of the Manpower Functional Category. The data is owned and supplied by the Manpower Systems. Format: String, 255

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains the valid Sensitivity ADP Types for a given Investigation Type.

Private Attributes:

sensitivityADPCode : String

A unique identifier for the Sensitivity ADP Code. Format: String, 1.

investigationTypeCode : String

The unique identifier for an Investigation. Indicates the level of Investigation recommended. Format: String, 2

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains the valid Service Times for a given Duty Position Code.

Private Attributes:

dutyPositionCode : String

A unique identifier for the duty position code. Format: String, 2.

serviceTimeCode : String

A unique identifier for Service Time. Format: String, 1

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains a list of valid Sensitivity ADP.

Private Attributes:

sensitivityADPCode : String

A unique identifier for the Sensitivity ADP Code. Format: String, 1.

sensitivityADPDescription : String

A text description of the Sensitivity ADP codes. Format: String, 25.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

ate the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Private Attributes:

revisionReasonCode : String

A unique identifier for the revision reason code. Format: String, 2.

revisionReasonDescription : String

A text description of the Revision Reason Code. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

ate the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains a list of valid Override reasons used to override the Service Time associated with the Investigation Request.

Private Attributes:

overServiceTimeReasonCode : String

A unique identifier for the override Service Time Reason Code. Format: String, 1.

overServiceTimeRsnDescription : String

A text description of the Override Service Time Reason codes. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

ate the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains a list of valid Override reasons used to override the Investigation Type of the Investigation Request.

Private Attributes:

overInvestTypeReasonCode : String

A unique identifier for the override Investigation Type Reason Code. Format: String, 1.

overInvTypeReasonDescription : String

A text description of the Override Investigation Type Reason codes. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

ate the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains the list of Extra Coverages used on the Investigation Request.

Private Attributes:

investigationRequestId : Integer

A unique identifier for Investigation Requests. Format: Integer

extraCoverageCode : String

A unique identifier for Extra Coverage. Format: String, 2

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

invRqstExtraCoverageId : Integer

A system generated unique identifier for the InvRqstExtraCoverage. Format: Integer


Contains a list of valid Duty Position Codes used. There are certain Duty Position Codes which do not allow the Service Time to be overriden.

Private Attributes:

dutyPositionCode : String

A unique identifier for the duty position code. Format: String, 2.

dutyPositionDescription : String

A text description of the Duty Position codes. Format: String, 100.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

ate the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains a list of valid Access Clearance Level.

Derived from InvestigationType

Private Attributes:

accessClearanceLevelCode : String

A unique identifier for the Access Clearance Level Code. Format: String, 1.

accessClearanceDescription : String

A text description of the Access Clearance Level codes. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

ate the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Identifies the Valid combinations of Access Clearance Level Code and Investigation Type

Private Attributes:

accessClearanceInvestTypeld : Integer

A unique identifier for the Access Clearance Level and Investigation Type relationship. Format: Integer

accessClearanceLevelCode : String

A unique identifier for the Access Clearance Level Code. Format: String, 1.

investigationTypeCode : String

The unique identifier for an Investigation. Format: String, 2

isIndustry : Boolean

Indicates whether or not the Access Clearance Level and the Investigation Type combinations is valid for Industry. Valid Values: True/False. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains the valid values for Duty Position, Investigation Type and Service Code.

Private Attributes:

validDutyInvestSvcID : Integer

Unique Identifier system defined. Format: Integer.

dutyPositionCode : String

A unique identifier for the duty position code. Format: String, 2.

investigationTypeCode : String

The unique identifier for an Investigation. Indicates the level of Investigation recommended. Format: String, 2

serviceTimeCode : String

A unique identifier for Service Time. Format: String, 1

canOverrideSvcTime : Boolean

Indicates whether or not the Service Time can be changed for this Duty Position Code. Values: True/False. Format: String, 1.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

ate the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date

isRecommended : Boolean

Indicates whether or not the value is the default value. Values: True/False. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains the Investigation Request Scope History for a given Investigation Request.

Private Attributes:

invRqstScopeHistoryId : Integer

A system generated unique idenitfier for the Investigation Scope History. Format: Integer.

investigationRequestId : Integer

A unique identifier for Investigation Requests. Format: Integer

invRqstStateCode : String

A unique identifier of Investigation Request State Code. Format: String 1 Valid Values: R - Recommended, I - Initiated, or A - Approved.

investigationTypeCode : String

The unique identifier for an Investigation. Indicates the level of Investigation recommended. Format: String, 2

recommendedInvestigationTypeCo : String

The unique identifier for the recommended Investigation. Indicates the level of Investigation recommended. Format: String, 2

dutyPositionCode : String

A unique identifier for the duty position code. Format: String, 2.

serviceTimeCode : String

A unique identifier for Service Time. Format: String, 1

recommendedServiceTimeCode : String

A unique identifier for Service Time. Format: String, 1

invRqstEligibilityCode : String

Unique identifier for the OPM Access types. Format: String, 1.

contractNumber : String

The number of the contract to which the Person is assigned. Format: String, 50

overInvestTypeReasonCode : String

A unique identifier for the override Investigation Type Reason Code. Format: String, 1.

overServiceTimeReasonCode : String

A unique identifier for the override Service Time Reason Code. Format: String, 1.

positionSensitivityCode : String

Indicates the level of sensitivity of a given position for which a Person Category may be assigned. This attribute is represented by Sensitivity Level in the JPAS Application. Format: String, 1

createdByUser : String

The name of the User who created the change to the object. Format: String,11

createDate : Calendar

The date the User created the change. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

unitIdentificationCode : String

A unique label that identifies a Department of Defense organization within JPAS. Format: String, 10

isPeriodicInvestigation : Boolean

Indicates whether or not a Periodic Investigation is needed. Values: True/False. Format: String, 1.

hasBreakInService : Boolean

Indicates that the subject has a Break in Service. Valid Values: True/False. Default is False. Format: String, 1.

investigativeRequirementCode : String

This field is required for all Investigation Requests started after JPAS The field was added for the new SF86 (SF 86 2008). For Investigation Requests started prior to JPAS3.2.0.0, the value is NULL. Format: String, 1.


Contains the valid values of the different States the Investigation Request can have.

Private Attributes:

invRqstStateCode : String

A unique identifier of Investigation Request State Code. Format: String 1 Valid Values: R - Recommended, I - Initiated, or A - Approved.

invRqstStateDescription : String

A description of the Investigation Request State. Format: String 15.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

ate the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains the valid values for the Events that occur within the Investigation Request Process.

Private Attributes:

eventCode : String

A unique identifier for the Event Code. Format: String 2

eventDescription : String

A description of the Event. Format: String 10

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains the list of On-line Payment and Collection - Supply Agency Location Code (OPAC-ALC)

Private Attributes:

opacALCCode : String

Contains the OPAC-ALC Code. Format: String, 8

opacALCDescription : String

Contains the description of the OPAC-ALC. Format: String, 60

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains the valid OPAC-ALCs for a given Service Agency.

Private Attributes:

serviceAgencyCode : String

The agency that the Person Category is associated with. Format: String, 8.

opacALCCode : String

Contains the OPAC-ALC Code. Format: String, 8

isDefault : Boolean

Determines if the opacALCCode should be the default. Valid Values T/F. Defaults to F. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Represents the valid Duty Positions for a Person Category based on the Category/Position Title.

Private Attributes:

positionTitleCode : String

Unique identifer for position titles. Format: String, 2

dutyPositionCode : String

A unique identifier for the duty position code. Format: String, 2.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Represents the valid Position Titles for a Category.

Private Attributes:

categoryCode : String

Unique identifier for each Category or Job. Format: String, 3.

positionTitleCode : String

Unique identifer for position titles. Format: String, 2

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Private Attributes:

positionTitleCode : String

Unique identifer for position titles. Format: String, 2

positionTitleDescription : String

Text for the position title code. Format: String, 50

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

ate the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains valid sources for Accession Investigation Requests. These sources are the systems from each Service or Agency that feed JPAS data.

Private Attributes:

accessionSourceCode : String

The unique value for an Accession Source. Required. Format: String, 11

accessionSourceDescription : String

The name of the Service or Agency system providing Accession Investigation Requests to JPAS. Format: Sting, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Uses default time of 12:00 AM. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Uses default time of 12:00 AM. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Use full date and time. Format: Date


Contains the relationship between Service Agency and Accession Source.

Private Attributes:

accessionSourceCode : String

The unique value for an Accession Source. Required. Format: String, 11

serviceAgencyCode : Lookup

The agency that the Person Category is associated with. Format: String, 8.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Use full date and time. Format: Date


Contains the valid SOI and SON for a Service/Agency based on SCI and Non-SCI Eligibility types.

Private Attributes:

serviceAgencyCode : Lookup

Unique identifier for a DoD Service or Agency. Format: String, 8. Required.

eligibilityType : String

Indicates the type of eligibility - SCI or Non SCI. Valid Values: S, N. Format: String, 1. Required.

securityOfficeIdentifier : String

Security Office Identifier. Format: String, 4

submittingOfficeNumber : String

Submitting Office Number. Format: String, 4

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

SOIIndustryCafCode : String

A unique identifier for a Central Adjudication Facility (CAF). Format: String, 1


Contains the valid status list for Attachments used in PSI Automation. These statuses are owned by JPAS for use in managing the attachments.

Private Attributes:

attachmentStatusCode : Integer

The unique identifier for the attachment status. There are a limited number of statuses available. Format: Integer.

attachmentStatusDescription : String

The description of the attachment status. Format: String, 100.

shortDescription : String

A short text description of the attachment status. Format: String, 20.

isSuccessful : Boolean

Indicates whether the Attachment Status is considered a successful attachment or an error condition. Required. Format: String, 1. Valid Values: True (T); False (F). Default is False.

isDisplayed : Boolean

Indicates whether the Attachment Status is displayed in JPAS. Required. Format: String, 1. Valid Values: True (T); False (F). Default is False.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Required. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


The list of valid attachment or document types that can be sent to e-QIP. The attachment type code, attachment type description, and active date data are owned by OPM.

Private Attributes:

attachmentTypeCode : String

The code associated with the Attachment Type. This code is owned by OPM. Format: String, 3.

attachmentTypeDescription : String

The description of the Attachment Type. The description is owned by OPM. Format: String, 50.

shortDescription : String

The short description for the Attachment Type used for display in JPAS. Format: String, 15.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the value is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


An Attachment associated with an Investigation Request.

Private Attributes:

invRqstAttachmentId : Integer

The unique identifier for an attachment associated with an Investigation Request. System Generated. Format: Integer.

investigationRequestId : Integer

A unique identifier for Investigation Requests. Format: Integer

attachmentTypeCode : String

The code associated with the Attachment Type. This code is owned by OPM. Format: String, 3. Valid values are on the AttachmentTypeLookup.

opmAttachmentId : Number

The unique identifier received from e-QIP for the attachment associated with the Investigation Request. Format: Number, 38.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.

repositoryId : String

The identifier for the document repository related to the attachment. Not all attachments will be stored in the document repository. Format: String, 128


The Status History for an Investigation Request Attachment.

Private Attributes:

invRqstAttachmentStatHistoryId : Integer

Unique identifier for Investigation Request Attachment Status History. System Generated. Format: Integer.

invRqstAttachmentId : Integer

The unique system-defined identifier for an attachment associated with an Investigation Request. Required. Format: Integer.

attachmentStatusCode : Integer

The unique identifier for the attachment status. Required. Format: Integer.

invRequestStatusCode : Integer

The status of the Investigation Request at the time of the attachment status creation. Format: Integer

createDate : Calendar

The date of the Attachment Status was created. Required. Format: Full Datetime.

createdBy : String

The userId or process that created the Investigation Request Attachment Status. The automated process name is JPAS_FAX. The userId is any valid JPAS User with the appropriate permissions. Required. Format: String, 11.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Private Attributes:

attachmentStateId : Integer

A unique identifier for the state of the attachments associated with an Investigation Request. Format: Integer

attachmentStateDescription : String

The description of the state of the attachment. Format: String, 100

shortDescription : String

The short description for the state of the attachment. Format: String, 15.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the value is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains the list of FIPC codes used on the Investigation Request.

Private Attributes:

investigationRequestId : Integer

A unique identifier for Investigation Requests. Format: Integer

fedInfoProcessCode : String

A unique identifier for FIPC. Format: String, 2

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTImestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

invRqstFedInfoProcessingId : Integer

A system generated unique identifier for the InvRqstFedInfoProcessing. Format: Integer


Contains a list of valid FIPC (Federal Information Processing codes) used by the Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-QIP). The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) owns these values. JPAS uses these codes as identifiers required to determine additional activities for fully processing an investigation as well as the method of delivery for fingerprints for an Investigation Request.

Private Attributes:

fedInfoProcessCode : String

A unique identifier for FedInfoProcessing. Format: String, 2

fipcDescription : String

A text description of the FedInfoProcessing. Format: String, 255.

fipcDisplayText : String

A short text description used for screen and report display. Format: String, 50

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


Contains the valid combinations of FIPC for a given Investigation Types.

Private Attributes:

fedInfoInvTypeId : Integer

A system-assigned key to make the Federal Information Processing codes and Investigation Type Code combinations unique. Format: Integer.

investigationTypeCode : String

The unique identifier for an Investigation. Format: String, 2

fedInfoProcessCode : String

A unique identifier for FedInfoProcessCode. Format: String, 2

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date


The list of valid investigative requirement codes that can be sent to e-QIP. The investigativeRequirementCode, investigativeRequirementDescri, and active date data are owned by OPM.

Derived from InvestigationRequest

Private Attributes:

investigativeRequirementCode : String

The code that is associated to the Investigative Requirement. This code is owned by OPM. Format String, 1.

investigativeRequirementDescri : String

The description of the Investigative Requirement. The description is owned by OPM. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the value is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Private Attributes:

applicantAffiliationCode : String

The code that is associated to the Applicant Affiliation This code is owned by OPM. Format: String, 7.

applicantAffiliationDesc : String

The description of the Applicant Affiliation. The description is owned by OPM. Format: String, 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the value is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains all Deployment information of an applicant for an Investigation Request

Private Attributes:

deploymentNum : Integer

A unique identifier for InvRqstDeployment. Format: Integer

investigationRequestId : Integer

A unique identifier for Investigation Requests. Format: Integer

fromDate : Calendar

Date of departure for PSC or TDY. Format: Date.

toDate : Calendar

Length of Stay at new Location. Format: Date.

reason : String

Reason for PCS or TDY. Format: String, 256.

pointOfContact : String

The name of point of contact at new location. Format: String, 100.

contactPhoneNumber : String

The name of point of contact at new location. Format: String, 30.

streetAddressUnitDutyLocation : String

New location address. Format: String, 100.

stateCode : String

A unique identifier for each state code of new location in accordance with OPM valid values. The valid values are found in InvRqstOPMStateLookup. Format: String, 2.

cityPostName : String

City or Post Name of new location. Format: String, 70.

zipCode : String

The postal code of the new location. Format: String, 10.

countryCode : String

A unique identifier for each country in accordance with OPM valid values. The valid values are found in InvRqstOPMCountryLookup. Format: String, 2

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String,11

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date

fromDateTypeCode : String

Type of relocation or temporary duty. Format: String, 1.

toDateTypeCode : String

Type of relocation or temporary duty. Format: String, 1.


A list of valid OPM Countries.

Private Attributes:

countryCode : String

Unique identifier for a OPM country. Format: String, 2.

countryName : String

A text description for the OPM country . Format: String. 50.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


A list of valid OPM states.

Private Attributes:

stateCode : String

A unique identifier for each OPM state. Format: String, 2.

stateName : String

A text description of the OPM state code. Format: String, 40.

activeDate : Calendar

Date the information becomes active and ready for use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Calendar

Date the information is no longer active or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


A list of valid Date Types used for Deployments on Add/Modify Investigation Request.

Private Attributes:

typeCode : String

Code indicating the Deployment Date Type. Format: String, 1.

typeDescription : String

The text description of a Deployment Date Type code. Format: String, 20.

isFromDateType : String

Indicates if the Deployment Date Type Code is used for From Date. Format: String, 1.

isToDateType : String

Indicates if the Deployment Date Type Code is used for To Date. Format: String, 1.

activeDate : Date

Date the information becomes active and ready to use. Format: Date.

obsoleteDate : Date

Date the look-up code is no longer activate or can be used. Format: Date.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Date

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.


Contains valid relationships between a Personnel Security Questionaire and the supported Attachment Types.

Private Attributes:

psqFormCode : String

A unique identifier for a Personnel Security Questionarire. Format: String, 2

attachmentTypeCode : String

The code associated with the Attachment Type. This code is owned by OPM. Format: String, 3.

nonAccessionsRequired : String

Indicates whether an attached document of this type is required for Non-Accessions. Valid Values: True (T); False (F). Default is False. Format: String, 1.

accessionsRequired : String

Indicates whether an attached document of this type is required for Accessions. Valid Values: True (T); False (F). Default is False. Format: String 1.

allowMultiples : String

Indicates whether or not the document type allows for receipt of multiple versions. A value of False would cause a replacement of the document type. Valid Values: True (T); False (F). Required. Format: String, 1.

lastUpdatedBy : String

The name of the User who made the last change to the object. Format: String, 11.

dateTimestamp : Calendar

The date and time the last change was made to the object. Format: Date.



Used to capture report statistics for future report and performance needs.

Private Attributes:

reportLogId : Number

Unique identifier for the Report Log. Format: Integer

rptStartTime : Calendar

The start time of the selected report. Format: Datetime

rptEndTime : Calendar

The end time of the selected report. Format: Datetime.

rptType : String

Indicates the type of report executed. Format: String, 1. Valid Values: A - JAMS; C - JCAVS; M - Management

rptStoredProcName : String

The name of the stored procedure to run the report. Format: String, 30.

userId : String

A system-generated identifier used to authenticate the identity of a User. Format: String, 11.

cafCode : String

A unique identifier for a Central Adjudication Facility (CAF). Format: String, 1.

categoryCode : String

Unique identifier for each Category or Job. The Category of the User requesting the report. Format: String, 3.

securityManagementOfficeId : Integer

Unique identifier for a Security Management Office. System generated. Format: Integer.

levelRoleId : String

The name of the Level or Role. Examples of a level are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Examples or Role are: Adjudicator, Manager, Supervisor. Format: String, 25

selGenerations : Integer

The number of Security Management Office generations selected by the JCAVS User. Format: Integer

selSMORelationshipIndicator : String

Indicates the type of relationship selected by the JCAVS User. Valid types are owning and servicing. Format: String, 1.

selStartDate : Calendar

The start date selected by the JPAS User. Format: Datetime.

selEndDate : Calendar

The end date selected by the JPAS User. Format: Datetime.

selInvestTypeCode : String

The unique identifier for an Investigation. Investigation Type selected by the JPAS User. Format: String, 3

selToCafCode : String

A unique identifier for a Central Adjudication Facility (CAF). The CAF Codes selected by the JPAS User. Format: String, 3

selBreakdown : String

The selected breakdown within the CAF for JAMS reports. Format: String, 3. Valid Values: TM, CAF, ADJ

selBreakdownDtl : String

The further refinement of the report breakdown. Reflects the CAF Code, Team Code or User Id related to selBreakdown. Format: String, 11.

selAdjTypeCode : String

A code used to identify the type of action currently being adjudicated. List of types selected for the report. Format: String , 3

selOrganizationLocation : String

The city related to the Organization Code. The location selected by the JPAS User. Format: String, 30.

selEligCode : String

The unique identifier for an Eligibility. The eligibility code selected by the JPAS User. Will contain one value or the word ALL. Format: String, 3

selSecurityAccessCode : String

Unique identifier for a Security access. The security access code selected by the JPAS User. Will contain one value or the word ALL. Format: String, 3

selPosSensitivityCode : String

Indicates the level of sensitivity of a given position for which a Person Category may be assigned. The selected position sensitivity by the JPAS User. Will contain one value or the word ALL. Format: String, 3

selUnitIdentificationCode : String

A unique label that identifies a Department of Defense organization within JPAS. Organization selected by the JPAS User. Format: String, 10

selMinMonthRange : Integer

The minimum month selected for a range. Format: Integer

selMaxMonthRange : Integer

The maximum month selected for a range. Format: Integer

selServiceAgencyCode : Lookup

The agency that the Person Category is associated with. The Service/Agency selected by the User. Format: String, 8.

rowsReturned : Integer

The number of rows returned for the report. Format: Integer

Page 127

File Typeapplication/msword
File TitleLogical View Report Generation Template
AuthorKim Hees
Last Modified ByLinda Babb
File Modified2013-02-21
File Created2013-02-21

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