Doe F 551.1 Doe Request For Approval Of Foreign Travel

Foreign Travel Management System

TR Form-FTMS V7 0(fillable-letter size)

Foreign Travel Management System

OMB: 1910-5144

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DOE F 551.1

Traveler Name:                   



This form is provided as a convenience for the collection of Foreign Travel Request data. The form is intended for use as an offline resource to collect data necessary to support the Foreign Travel Management System (FTMS). Completion of the form is not considered sufficient in itself for satisfying DOE Order 551.1A, the data must still be entered into the FTMS for Department of Energy (DOE) tracking and monitoring. Specific questions on Foreign Travel or the completion of this form should be directed to your sites Senior FTMS Organizational Point of Contact (Sr. OPOC).

OMB Burden Disclosure Statement

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Office of the Chief Information Officer, Records Management Division, IM-11, Paperwork Reduction Project (1910-5144), U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC, 20585-1290; and to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), OIRA, Paperwork Reduction Project (1910-5144), Washington, DC 20503

This form may be completed on your computer. Press TAB to jump from one field to the next.

Section I – Traveler Information (to be completed by Traveler)

1. Program Office


1a. If Program Office is within NNSA, provide a PNTR number


2. Last Name


First Name


Middle Name or NMN


3. Do you have an SSN?   Yes No Last 4 digits of SSN (


4. Passport Type

Passport Number

Expiration Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

Used for Trip?


Regular Official Diplomatic




Regular Official Diplomatic




Regular Official Diplomatic



5. Gender:     Male Female

6. Birth Place Country:          

7. Citizenship:

8. Permanent Resident Green Card Holder?



Yes No



9. DOE Facility/Organization

Non-editable field that defaults to the site to which you are logged in. If the traveler does not work for DOE, provide further details about their employer in the Employee Type field.

13. Employee Type:

DOE Federal Employee

Other Federal Employee


Foreign National


Invitational Traveler

If non-DOE specify the name of the employer:


10. Local Organization/Department


11. Local Facility:      

12. Local ID:


14. Employment Address

Street Address



City       State          ZIP Code         Country        

15. Contact Information

Phone Type

Phone Number (domestic example: 703-555-5555)


Work Phone   Work Fax   Home Phone   Domestic Cell   International Cell



Work Phone   Work Fax   Home Phone   Domestic Cell   International Cell



Work Phone   Work Fax   Home Phone   Domestic Cell   International Cell



Work Phone   Work Fax   Home Phone   Domestic Cell   International Cell



Work Phone   Work Fax   Home Phone   Domestic Cell   International Cell


e-mail Address:

Primary Address
(for password reset; check only one)




16. Position/Title         

17. Indicate whether you have a security clearance.    Yes No

If yes, indicate highest level received:      Top Secret Secret Q L Other

18. Notes to other OPOCs.


Section II – General Trip Information (to be completed by Traveler)

Use additional general trip information pages as required. Account for all funding types estimated for this trip request.

19. Place of Departure (City, State/Province, Country)


20. Departure Date (mm/dd/yyyy)


21. Return Date (mm/dd/yyyy)


22. Estimated travel costs by funding type

Primary Sponsor

Funding Type

Program Office


Task No.

Funding Code


Estimated Airfare

Estimated Other




DOE Overhead












DOE Overhead












DOE Overhead












DOE Overhead









23. Type of Travel:

Airfare – Coach Train – Coach Vehicle Rental – Premium None

Airfare – Premium Train – Premium Vehicle – Privately Owned

Carrier Name       Flight Number      

Departure Point       Departure Date              Departure Time   :   AM PM

Arrival Point       Arrival Date              Arrival Time   :   AM PM

Type of Travel

Airfare – Coach Train – Coach Vehicle Rental – Premium None

Airfare – Premium Train – Premium Vehicle – Privately Owned

Carrier Name       Flight Number      

Departure Point       Departure Date              Departure Time   :   AM PM

Arrival Point       Arrival Date              Arrival Time   :   AM PM

(Additional entries are available at the end of this form.)

24. Give justification of premium travel:


25. Names and Organizations of Headquarters personnel with whom trip has been coordinated

Org. Code

Contact Name







26. Names and Organizations of other personnel with whom you are traveling as a team:


27. Benefit to Government (include benefit to present position and the Department):


28. Type of Assignment

Temporary Duty Permanent Change of Station Temporary Change of Station

Transfers to International Organizations Cost Fee Expert


General comments regarding trip request:


Specify any paper attachments to this form:


Place of return (if not the same as the departure city) and reason:


30. Field TR (Reference) Number


31. Has the traveler contacted his/her Medical Support Staff to ensure awareness of safety and health issues of the country(ies) to be visited?

Yes No

Comments (1000 characters max.)


32. Will the traveler be taking DOE or Laboratory owned equipment on this travel?

Yes No

Comments (1000 characters max.)


Itinerary 1

Section III – Trip Itinerary (to be completed by Traveler)

Use additional itinerary pages as required. Account for the entire time between departure and return. Complete a separate itinerary for each city/country to be visited and for each personal or leave period.

33a. Is this part of the trip associated with a conference?

If yes, specify conference name, start and end dates, country-city of the conference, and the conference URL below (if known).

Yes No

33b. Will anyone from a DOE-designated sensitive country be in attendance at this conference?

Yes No Unknown

Conference Name


Conference URL (if known)


34. Destination Country-City


35. Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy)


36. End Date (mm/dd/yyyy)


37a. Select One or More Primary Purpose(s):

Professional conference or workshop


Working group or colloquia (scientific meeting)

Site Visit

R and D activities under an informal lab‑to‑lab or government-to-government agreement

Meeting(s) on scientific, technical, project, or programmatic matters

Procurement-related matters

Official Stop Over

Personal Leave

IAEA Travel

LDRD Project Work

Permanent Change of Station


If Personal Leave, enter any additional information (dates, contacts, etc.):


37b. List other primary purpose:


38. Justify Trip Purpose (i.e. topics to be discussed, formal presentation, or paper):


This part of the trip involves:


Yes No

Lab-to-Lab agreement?


Yes No

University-to-Lab agreement?


Yes No

International agreement? If yes, enter agreement name:



Yes No

Will classified information be discussed?


Yes No

Will you be interacting with anyone from a DOE-designated sensitive country?


Yes No

Does this Itinerary involve training?


Yes No

Will any part of the trip discuss sensitive subjects as defined by DOE’s Sensitive Subject List?


Yes No

Will any part of the trip involve information that is subject to U.S. Export Control restrictions?

If yes, please provide details.



Yes No

Meetings with senior government official(s)?

Provide official's name, position, and contact information. Describe meeting goals.


48. Embassy Assistance

Does the traveler require the post to arrange lodging accommodations? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Does the traveler require the post to arrange airport assistance or transportation? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Will the traveler be traveling with an accompanying pouch? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Does the traveler require an appointment with someone? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Does the traveler require any other assistance? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Fiscal Data: Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Any Other Comments/Remarks: Please describe: (Please do not exceed 4000 characters.)


49. Contacts

Host Name

Host Phone

Affiliated Institution

Facility to be Visited

Date Visited


























Hotel/Lodging Name

Hotel/Lodging Phone

Hotel/Lodging Name

Hotel/Lodging Phone













Itinerary 2

Section III – Trip Itinerary (to be completed by Traveler)

Use additional itinerary pages as required. Account for the entire time between departure and return. Complete a separate itinerary for each city/country to be visited and for each personal or leave period.

33a. Is this part of the trip associated with a conference?

If yes, specify conference name, start and end dates, country-city of the conference, and the conference URL below (if known).

Yes No

33b. Will anyone from a DOE-designated sensitive country be in attendance at this conference?

Yes No Unknown

Conference Name


Conference URL (if known)


34. Destination Country-City


35. Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy)


36. End Date (mm/dd/yyyy)


37a. Select One or More Primary Purpose(s):

Professional conference or workshop


Working group or colloquia (scientific meeting)

Site Visit

R and D activities under an informal lab‑to‑lab or government-to-government agreement

Meeting(s) on scientific, technical, project, or programmatic matters

Procurement-related matters

Official Stop Over

Personal Leave

IAEA Travel

LDRD Project Work

Permanent Change of Station


If Personal Leave, enter any additional information (dates, contacts, etc.):


37b. List other primary purpose:


38. Justify Trip Purpose (i.e. topics to be discussed, formal presentation, or paper):


This part of the trip involves:


Yes No

Lab-to-Lab agreement?


Yes No

University-to-Lab agreement?


Yes No

International agreement? If yes, enter agreement name:



Yes No

Will classified information be discussed?


Yes No

Will you be interacting with anyone from a DOE-designated sensitive country?


Yes No

Does this Itinerary involve training?


Yes No

Will any part of the trip discuss sensitive subjects as defined by DOE’s Sensitive Subject List?


Yes No

Will any part of the trip involve information that is subject to U.S. Export Control restrictions?

If yes, please provide details.



Yes No

Meetings with senior government official(s)?

Provide official's name, position, and contact information. Describe meeting goals.


48. Embassy Assistance

Does the traveler require the post to arrange lodging accommodations? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Does the traveler require the post to arrange airport assistance or transportation? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Will the traveler be traveling with an accompanying pouch? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Does the traveler require an appointment with someone? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Does the traveler require any other assistance? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Fiscal Data: Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Any Other Comments/Remarks: Please describe: (Please do not exceed 4000 characters.)


49. Contacts

Host Name

Host Phone

Affiliated Institution

Facility to be Visited

Date Visited


























Hotel/Lodging Name

Hotel/Lodging Phone

Hotel/Lodging Name

Hotel/Lodging Phone













Itinerary 3

Section III – Trip Itinerary (to be completed by Traveler)

Use additional itinerary pages as required. Account for the entire time between departure and return. Complete a separate itinerary for each city/country to be visited and for each personal or leave period.

33a. Is this part of the trip associated with a conference?

If yes, specify conference name, start and end dates, country-city of the conference, and the conference URL below (if known).

Yes No

33b. Will anyone from a DOE-designated sensitive country be in attendance at this conference?

Yes No Unknown

Conference Name


Conference URL (if known)


34. Destination Country-City


35. Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy)


36. End Date (mm/dd/yyyy)


37a. Select One or More Primary Purpose(s):

Professional conference or workshop


Working group or colloquia (scientific meeting)

Site Visit

R and D activities under an informal lab‑to‑lab or government-to-government agreement

Meeting(s) on scientific, technical, project, or programmatic matters

Procurement-related matters

Official Stop Over

Personal Leave

IAEA Travel

LDRD Project Work

Permanent Change of Station


If Personal Leave, enter any additional information (dates, contacts, etc.):


37b. List other primary purpose:


38. Justify Trip Purpose (i.e. topics to be discussed, formal presentation, or paper):


This part of the trip involves:


Yes No

Lab-to-Lab agreement?


Yes No

University-to-Lab agreement?


Yes No

International agreement? If yes, enter agreement name:



Yes No

Will classified information be discussed?


Yes No

Will you be interacting with anyone from a DOE-designated sensitive country?


Yes No

Does this Itinerary involve training?


Yes No

Will any part of the trip discuss sensitive subjects as defined by DOE’s Sensitive Subject List?


Yes No

Will any part of the trip involve information that is subject to U.S. Export Control restrictions?

If yes, please provide details.



Yes No

Meetings with senior government official(s)?

Provide official's name, position, and contact information. Describe meeting goals.


48. Embassy Assistance

Does the traveler require the post to arrange lodging accommodations? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Does the traveler require the post to arrange airport assistance or transportation? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Will the traveler be traveling with an accompanying pouch? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Does the traveler require an appointment with someone? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Does the traveler require any other assistance? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Fiscal Data: Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Any Other Comments/Remarks: Please describe: (Please do not exceed 4000 characters.)


49. Contacts

Host Name

Host Phone

Affiliated Institution

Facility to be Visited

Date Visited


























Hotel/Lodging Name

Hotel/Lodging Phone

Hotel/Lodging Name

Hotel/Lodging Phone













Itinerary 4

Section III – Trip Itinerary (to be completed by Traveler)

Use additional itinerary pages as required. Account for the entire time between departure and return. Complete a separate itinerary for each city/country to be visited and for each personal or leave period.

33a. Is this part of the trip associated with a conference?

If yes, specify conference name, start and end dates, country-city of the conference, and the conference URL below (if known).

Yes No

33b. Will anyone from a DOE-designated sensitive country be in attendance at this conference?

Yes No Unknown

Conference Name


Conference URL (if known)


34. Destination Country-City


35. Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy)


36. End Date (mm/dd/yyyy)


37a. Select One or More Primary Purpose(s):

Professional conference or workshop


Working group or colloquia (scientific meeting)

Site Visit

R and D activities under an informal lab‑to‑lab or government-to-government agreement

Meeting(s) on scientific, technical, project, or programmatic matters

Procurement-related matters

Official Stop Over

Personal Leave

IAEA Travel

LDRD Project Work

Permanent Change of Station


If Personal Leave, enter any additional information (dates, contacts, etc.):


37b. List other primary purpose:


38. Justify Trip Purpose (i.e. topics to be discussed, formal presentation, or paper):


This part of the trip involves:


Yes No

Lab-to-Lab agreement?


Yes No

University-to-Lab agreement?


Yes No

International agreement? If yes, enter agreement name:



Yes No

Will classified information be discussed?


Yes No

Will you be interacting with anyone from a DOE-designated sensitive country?


Yes No

Does this Itinerary involve training?


Yes No

Will any part of the trip discuss sensitive subjects as defined by DOE’s Sensitive Subject List?


Yes No

Will any part of the trip involve information that is subject to U.S. Export Control restrictions?

If yes, please provide details.



Yes No

Meetings with senior government official(s)?

Provide official's name, position, and contact information. Describe meeting goals.


48. Embassy Assistance

Does the traveler require the post to arrange lodging accommodations? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Does the traveler require the post to arrange airport assistance or transportation? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Will the traveler be traveling with an accompanying pouch? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Does the traveler require an appointment with someone? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Does the traveler require any other assistance? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Fiscal Data: Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Any Other Comments/Remarks: Please describe: (Please do not exceed 4000 characters.)


49. Contacts

Host Name

Host Phone

Affiliated Institution

Facility to be Visited

Date Visited


























Hotel/Lodging Name

Hotel/Lodging Phone

Hotel/Lodging Name

Hotel/Lodging Phone













Itinerary 5

Section III – Trip Itinerary (to be completed by Traveler)

Use additional itinerary pages as required. Account for the entire time between departure and return. Complete a separate itinerary for each city/country to be visited and for each personal or leave period.

33a. Is this part of the trip associated with a conference?

If yes, specify conference name, start and end dates, country-city of the conference, and the conference URL below (if known).

Yes No

33b. Will anyone from a DOE-designated sensitive country be in attendance at this conference?

Yes No Unknown

Conference Name


Conference URL (if known)


34. Destination Country-City


35. Start Date (mm/dd/yyyy)


36. End Date (mm/dd/yyyy)


37a. Select One or More Primary Purpose(s):

Professional conference or workshop


Working group or colloquia (scientific meeting)

Site Visit

R and D activities under an informal lab‑to‑lab or government-to-government agreement

Meeting(s) on scientific, technical, project, or programmatic matters

Procurement-related matters

Official Stop Over

Personal Leave

IAEA Travel

LDRD Project Work

Permanent Change of Station


If Personal Leave, enter any additional information (dates, contacts, etc.):


37b. List other primary purpose:


38. Justify Trip Purpose (i.e. topics to be discussed, formal presentation, or paper):


This part of the trip involves:


Yes No

Lab-to-Lab agreement?


Yes No

University-to-Lab agreement?


Yes No

International agreement? If yes, enter agreement name:



Yes No

Will classified information be discussed?


Yes No

Will you be interacting with anyone from a DOE-designated sensitive country?


Yes No

Does this Itinerary involve training?


Yes No

Will any part of the trip discuss sensitive subjects as defined by DOE’s Sensitive Subject List?


Yes No

Will any part of the trip involve information that is subject to U.S. Export Control restrictions?

If yes, please provide details.



Yes No

Meetings with senior government official(s)?

Provide official's name, position, and contact information. Describe meeting goals.


48. Embassy Assistance

Does the traveler require the post to arrange lodging accommodations? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Does the traveler require the post to arrange airport assistance or transportation? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Will the traveler be traveling with an accompanying pouch? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Does the traveler require an appointment with someone? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Does the traveler require any other assistance? Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Fiscal Data: Please describe: (Please do not exceed 2000 characters.)


Any Other Comments/Remarks: Please describe: (Please do not exceed 4000 characters.)


49. Contacts

Host Name

Host Phone

Affiliated Institution

Facility to be Visited

Date Visited


























Hotel/Lodging Name

Hotel/Lodging Phone

Hotel/Lodging Name

Hotel/Lodging Phone













24. Additional Types of Travel

Type of Travel:

Airfare – Coach Train – Coach Vehicle Rental – Premium None

Airfare – Premium Train – Premium Vehicle – Privately Owned

Carrier Name       Flight Number      

Departure Point       Departure Date              Departure Time   :   AM PM

Arrival Point       Arrival Date              Arrival Time   :   AM PM

Type of Travel

Airfare – Coach Train – Coach Vehicle Rental – Premium None

Airfare – Premium Train – Premium Vehicle – Privately Owned

Carrier Name       Flight Number      

Departure Point       Departure Date              Departure Time   :   AM PM

Arrival Point       Arrival Date              Arrival Time   :   AM PM

Type of Travel

Airfare – Coach Train – Coach Vehicle Rental – Premium None

Airfare – Premium Train – Premium Vehicle – Privately Owned

Carrier Name       Flight Number      

Departure Point       Departure Date              Departure Time   :   AM PM

Arrival Point       Arrival Date              Arrival Time   :   AM PM

Type of Travel

Airfare – Coach Train – Coach Vehicle Rental – Premium None

Airfare – Premium Train – Premium Vehicle – Privately Owned

Carrier Name       Flight Number      

Departure Point       Departure Date              Departure Time   :   AM PM

Arrival Point       Arrival Date              Arrival Time   :   AM PM

Type of Travel

Airfare – Coach Train – Coach Vehicle Rental – Premium None

Airfare – Premium Train – Premium Vehicle – Privately Owned

Carrier Name       Flight Number      

Departure Point       Departure Date              Departure Time   :   AM PM

Arrival Point       Arrival Date              Arrival Time   :   AM PM

Reviews and Approvals

1. Local Approver


Approver Site






Date (mm/dd/yyyy)



2. Local Approver


Approver Site






Date (mm/dd/yyyy)



3. Local Approver


Approver Site






Date (mm/dd/yyyy)



4. Head of Organization


Approver Site






Date (mm/dd/yyyy)



5. Programmatic RPSO


Approver Site






Date (mm/dd/yyyy)



6. Funding RPSO


Approver Site






Date (mm/dd/yyyy)



Page 3 v. 7.0 – 8/2012

File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorDave Wood
Last Modified Bycrutcev
File Modified2012-08-23
File Created2012-08-23

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