My name is __________. I am calling from the U.S. Census Bureau.
I am currently updating Census Bureau address lists
under OMB #0607-0809, expiration date 05/31/2016. Our website
contains the information about why I am calling today and you are
welcome to review this information.
would like to ask you some questions about an apartment building
address. Your participation is voluntary and your response to
these questions is confidential and protected from disclosure
under U.S. Title 13. This will only take a few minutes.
is the address for this phone number?
there more than one housing unit at this address?
the answer is no, thank the respondent :) That
is all my questions. Thank you for your help.
the answer is yes, go to #3)
you tell me how many units are in this building and how they are
(For example, 101, 102; 201, 202; 101A, 202B.)
the listing by asking:)
To confirm, there are ____ units in this building, numbered
_____ to ____.
there any other places in this building where people live or
could live? For example, is there a resident manager or
maintenance supervisor?
the answer is yes, ask:) Do
these places have separate addresses?
the answer is yes, ask:) Could
you please tell me the addresses?
it be possible to fax the Census Bureau a list of the units in
this building? This will be used to make sure I have recorded
the information correctly.
the answer is no, thank the respondent :) That
is all my questions. Thank you for your help.
the answer is yes, provide fax:)
email address is ____________, my fax number is _______________.
is all the information I need. Thank you for your help.