0142 Environmental Impact Analysis worksheet

30 CFR 550, Subpart B, Plans and Information


509-585 - Contents of Exploration Plans (EP)

OMB: 1010-0151

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U.S. Department of the Interior OMB Control Number: 1010-0151

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, OMB Approval Expires: xx/xx/xxxx

Regulation and Enforcement


Identify the IPF’s that can cause impacts to the listed environmental resources by placing an “x” in the space under each IPF category associated with your proposed activities that may impact a particular environmental resource. If you determine an IPF would not impact a particular environmental resource, leave the space blank. For those cells that are footnoted, provide a statement as to the applicability to your proposed operations, and, where there may be an effect, provide an analysis of the effect. If you are aware of other environmental resources at or near your activity’s site that are not included on the worksheet, address them too.



Impact Producing Factors (IPFs)

Categories and Examples

Refer to a recent GOM OCS Lease Sale EIS for a more complete list of IPFs


(air, noise, light, etc.)

Effluents (muds, cuttings, other discharges to the water column or seafloor)



to the seafloor

(rig or anchor emplacements, etc.)

Wastes sent to shore for treatment or disposal


(e.g., oil spills, chemical spills, H2S releases)

Other IPFs you identify

Site-specific at Offshore Location

Designated topographic features




Pinnacle Trend area live bottoms




Eastern Gulf live bottoms




Chemosynthetic communities


Water quality


Marine mammals



Sea turtles



Air quality


Shipwreck sites (known or potential)


Prehistoric archaeological sites


Vicinity of Offshore Location

Essential fish habitat


Marine and pelagic birds

Public health and safety


Coastal and Onshore





Shore birds and coastal nesting birds


Coastal wildlife refuges

Wilderness areas

Other Resources You Identify

NOTE: The numbers in parentheses refer to the footnotes on page 2 of this form.

BOEMRE FORM 0142 (mo/year - Supersedes all previous editions of this form which may not be used) Page 1 of 2

Footnotes for Environmental Impact Analysis Matrix

1. Activities that may affect a marine sanctuary or topographic feature. Specifically, if the well or platform site or any anchors will be on the seafloor within the:

(a) 4-mile zone of the Flower Garden Banks, or the 3-mile zone of Stetson Bank;

(b) 1000-m, 1-mile or 3-mile zone of any topographic feature (submarine bank) protected by the Topographic Features Stipulation attached to an OCS lease;

(c) Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) criteria of 500 ft from any no-activity zone; or

(d) Proximity of any submarine bank (500 ft buffer zone) with relief greater than 2 meters that is not protected by the Topographic Features Stipulation attached to an OCS lease.

2. Activities with any bottom disturbance within a OCS lease block protected through the Live Bottom (Pinnacle Trend) Stipulation attached to an OCS lease.

3. Activities within any Eastern Gulf OCS block where seafloor habitats are protected by the Live Bottom (Low-Relief) Stipulation attached to an OCS lease.

4. Activities on blocks designated by the BOEMRE as being in water depths 400 meters or greater.

5. Exploration or production activities where H2S concentrations greater than 500 ppm might be encountered.

6. All activities that could result in an accidental spill of produced liquid hydrocarbons or diesel fuel that you determine would impact these environmental resources. If the proposed action is located a sufficient distance from a resource that no impact would occur, the EIA can note that in a sentence or two.

7. All activities that involve seafloor disturbances, including anchor emplacements, in any OCS block designated by the BOEMRE as having high-probability for the occurrence of shipwrecks or prehistoric sites, including such blocks that will be affected that are adjacent to the lease block in which your planned activity will occur. If the proposed activities are located a sufficient distance from a shipwreck or prehistoric site that no impact would occur, the EIA can note that in a sentence or two.

8. All activities that you determine might have an adverse effect on endangered or threatened marine mammals or sea turtles or their critical habitats.

9. Production activities that involve transportation of produced fluids to shore using shuttle tankers or barges.

Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) Statement: The PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501et seq.) requires us to inform you that BOEMRE collects this information as part of an applicant’s Exploration Plan (EP) or Development Operations Coordination Document (DOCD) submitted for BOEMRE approval. We use the information in our review and data entry for OCS plans. Reponses are mandatory (43 U.S.C 1334). We will protect proprietary data according to the Freedom of Information Act and 30 CFR 250.197. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget Control Number. The public reporting burden for this form is included in the burden for preparing EPs and DOCDs. We estimate that burden to average 600 hours per response for EPs and 700 hours per response for DOCDs, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining data, and completing and reviewing the forms associated with subpart B. Direct comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this form to the Information Collection Clearance Officer, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement, 381 Elden Street, Herndon, VA 20170.

BOEMRE FORM 0142 (mo/year - Supersedes all previous editions of this form which may not be used) Page 2 of 2

File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByMinerals Management Service
File Modified2011-09-15
File Created2011-09-15

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