60 Day FRN

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Standard Contract for Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and/or High-Level Radioactive Waste

60 Day FRN

OMB: 1901-0260

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tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES


Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 77 / Friday, April 20, 2012 / Notices

ensure that you have in place the
necessary processes and systems to
comply with the reporting requirements
in 2 CFR part 170 should you receive
funding under the competition. This
does not apply if you have an exception
under 2 CFR 170.110(b).
(b) At the end of your project period,
you must submit a final performance
report, including financial information,
as directed by the Secretary. If you
receive a multi-year award, you must
submit an annual performance report
that provides the most current
performance and financial expenditure
information as directed by the Secretary
under 34 CFR 75.118. The Secretary
may also require more frequent
performance reports under 34 CFR
75.720(c). For specific requirements on
reporting, please go to www.ed.gov/
4. Performance Measures: The
Secretary has established one
performance indicator for this program:
The percentage of planning grantees that
produce a high-quality plan as
measured by their receiving at least 90
percent of the total possible points in
the competition for FY 2013
implementation grants. All grantees will
be required to submit a final
performance report documenting their
contribution in assisting the Department
in measuring the performance of the
program against this indicator, as well
as other information requested by the
5. Continuation Awards: In making a
continuation award, the Secretary may
consider, under 34 CFR 75.253, the
extent to which a grantee has made
‘‘substantial progress toward meeting
the objectives in its approved
application.’’ This consideration
includes the review of a grantee’s
progress in meeting the targets and
projected outcomes in its approved
application, and whether the grantee
has expended funds in a manner that is
consistent with its approved application
and budget. In making a continuation
grant, the Secretary also considers
whether the grantee is operating in
compliance with the assurances in its
approved application, including those
applicable to Federal civil rights laws
that prohibit discrimination in programs
or activities receiving Federal financial
assistance from the Department (34 CFR
100.4, 104.5, 106.4, 108.8, and 110.23).
VII. Agency Contact

Adrienne Hawkins, U.S. Department of
Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW.,
room 4W256, Washington, DC 20202.

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Telephone: (202) 453–5638 or by email:
[email protected].
If you use a TDD or a TTY, call the
FRS, toll free, at 1–800–877–8339.
VIII. Other Information
Accessible Format: Individuals with
disabilities can obtain this document
and a copy of the application package in
an accessible format (e.g., braille, large
print, audiotape, or compact disc) on
request to the program contact person
CONTACT in section VII of this notice.
Electronic Access to This Document:
The official version of this document is
the document published in the Federal
Register. Free Internet access to the
official edition of the Federal Register
and the Code of Federal Regulations is
available via the Federal Digital System
at: www.gpo.gov/fdsys. At this site you
can view this document, as well as all
other documents of this Department
published in the Federal Register, in
text or Adobe Portable Document
Format (PDF). To use PDF you must
have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is
available free at the site.
You may also access documents of the
Department published in the Federal
Register by using the article search
feature at: www.federalregister.gov.
Specifically, through the advanced
search feature at this site, you can limit
your search to documents published by
the Department.
Dated: April 17, 2012.
James H. Shelton, III,
Assistant Deputy Secretary for Innovation and
[FR Doc. 2012–9595 Filed 4–19–12; 8:45 am]

U.S. Energy Information
Agency Information Collection
U.S. Energy Information
Administration (EIA), Department of
Energy (DOE).
ACTION: Agency Information Collection
Activities: Information Collection
Extension; Notice and Request for

The EIA, pursuant to the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
intends to extend for three years, Form
NWPA–830G ‘‘Appendix G—Standard
Remittance Advice for Payment of Fees
(including Annex A to Appendix G),’’
with the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB). The Nuclear Waste


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Policy Act (NWPA) of 1982 required
that the DOE enter into Standard
Contracts with all generators or owners
of spent nuclear fuel and high-level
radioactive waste of domestic origin.
Form NWPA–830G is part of the
Standard Contract for Disposal of Spent
Nuclear Fuel and/or High-Level
Radioactive Waste. Generators and
owners of spent nuclear fuel and highlevel radioactive waste of domestic
origin pay fees into the nuclear waste
fund based on net electricity generated
and sold as defined in the Standard
Contract. Together, forms ‘‘Appendix G’’
and ‘‘Annex A to Appendix G’’ are
commonly referred to as Remittance
Advice (RA) forms. Comments are
invited on: (a) Whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information shall have
practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
(c) ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
DATES: Comments regarding this
proposed information collection must
be received on or before June 19, 2012.
If you anticipate difficulty in submitting
comments within that period, contact
the person listed in ADDRESSES as soon
as possible.
ADDRESSES: Send comments to Marta
Gospodarczyk. To ensure receipt of the
comments by the due date, submission
by FAX (202–586–3045) or email
([email protected]) is
recommended. The mailing address is
Office of Electricity, Coal, Nuclear, and
Renewables Analysis, EI–34, Forrestal
Building, U.S. Department of Energy,
Washington, DC 20585. Alternatively,
Ms. Gospodarczyk may be contacted by
telephone at 202–586–0527.
Requests for additional information or
copies of any forms and instructions
should be directed to Ms. Gospodarczyk
at the address listed above.
Additionally, forms and instructions
may be viewed at http://www.eia.gov/
information collection request contains:
(1) OMB No. 1901–0260;
(2) Information Collection Request
Title: Standard Contract for Disposal of



tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 77 / Friday, April 20, 2012 / Notices
Spent Nuclear Fuel and/or High-Level
Radioactive Waste;
(3) Type of Request: Three-year
(4) Purpose:
The Federal Energy Administration
Act of 1974 (15 U.S.C. 761 et seq.) and
the DOE Organization Act (42 U.S.C.
7101 et seq.) require the EIA to carry out
a centralized, comprehensive, and
unified energy information program.
This program collects, evaluates,
assembles, analyzes, and disseminates
information on energy resource reserves,
production, demand, technology, and
related economic and statistical
information. This information is used to
assess the adequacy of energy resources
to meet near and longer term domestic
The EIA, as part of its effort to comply
with the Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), provides
the general public and other Federal
agencies with opportunities to comment
on collections of energy information
conducted by or in conjunction with the
EIA. Also, the EIA will later seek
approval for this collection by the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB)
under Section 3507(a) of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995.
The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982
(42 U.S.C. 10101 et seq.) required that
the DOE enter into Standard Contracts
with all generators or owners of spent
nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive
waste of domestic origin. Form NWPA–
830G ‘‘Appendix G—Standard
Remittance Advice for Payment of Fees’’
is an addendum to this Standard
Contract. The form titled ‘‘Annex A to
Appendix G: Standard Remittance
Advice for Payment of Fees’’ is an
addendum to Appendix G. Together,
forms ‘‘Appendix G’’ and ‘‘Annex A to
Appendix G’’ are commonly referred to
as Remittance Advice (RA) forms. The
RA must be submitted quarterly by
generators and owners of spent nuclear
fuel and high-level radioactive waste of
domestic origin who signed the
Standard Contract. Form ‘‘Appendix G’’
is used by DOE to collect information
from Purchasers regarding their
payment to the Nuclear Waste Fund for
spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste
disposal. Form ‘‘Annex A to Appendix
G’’ collects data on the amount of net
electricity generated and sold, upon
which these fees are based.
Please refer to the proposed forms and
instructions for more information about
the purpose, who must report, when to
report, where to submit, the elements to
be reported, detailed instructions,
provisions for confidentiality, and uses
(including possible non-statistical uses)
of the information. For instructions on

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obtaining materials, see the ‘‘For Further
Information Contact’’ section.
(4a) Proposed Changes to Information
Collection: No changes are proposed;
(5) Annual Estimated Number of
Respondents: 104;
(6) Annual Estimated Number of
Total Responses: 416;
(7) Annual Estimated Number of
Burden Hours: 2080;
(8) Annual Estimated Reporting and
Recordkeeping Cost Burden: $0;
Statutory Authority: Section 13(b) of the
Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974,
Pub. L. 93–275, codified at 15 U.S.C. 772(b);
Section 302 of the Nuclear Waste Policy Act
of 1982, codified at 42 U.S.C. 10222.
Issued in Washington, DC, on April 12,
Stephanie Brown,
Director, Office of Survey Development and
Statistical Integration, U.S. Energy
Information Administration.
[FR Doc. 2012–9574 Filed 4–19–12; 8:45 am]

Federal Energy Regulatory
Combined Notice of Filings #1
Take notice that the Commission
received the following electric rate
Docket Numbers: ER11–4062–001.
Applicants: Entergy Arkansas, Inc.
Description: Entergy Arkansas, Inc.
submits tariff filing per 35: Reliant IOA
Compliance Filing to be effective
Filed Date: 4/11/12.
Accession Number: 20120411–5254.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 5/2/12.
Docket Numbers: ER12–273–001.
Applicants: Allegheny Energy Supply
Company, LLC.
Description: Revised MBR Power
Sales Tariff to be effective 10/31/2011.
Filed Date: 4/11/12.
Accession Number: 20120411–5234.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 5/2/12.
Docket Numbers: ER12–1471–000.
Applicants: Canastota Windpower,
Description: Canastota Windpower,
LLC Notice of Change in Status re MBR
Tariff to be effective 10/20/2001.
Filed Date: 4/11/12.
Accession Number: 20120411–5001.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 5/2/12.
Docket Numbers: ER12–1472–000.
Applicants: Conch Energy Trading,
Description: Conch Energy Trading
LLC, FERC Electric Tariff to be effective

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Filed Date: 4/11/12.
Accession Number: 20120411–5002.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 5/2/12.
Docket Numbers: ER12–1473–000.
Applicants: PJM Interconnection,
Description: Original Service
Agreement No. 3272; Queue No. W2–
026 to be effective 3/13/2012.
Filed Date: 4/11/12.
Accession Number: 20120411–5066.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 5/2/12.
Docket Numbers: ER12–1474–000.
Applicants: Southern California
Edison Company.
Description: SGIA and Service
Agreement SCE—RE Victor Phelan Solar
One LLC to be effective 4/12/2012.
Filed Date: 4/11/12.
Accession Number: 20120411–5082.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 5/2/12.
Docket Numbers: ER12–1475–000.
Applicants: Baltimore Gas and
Electric Company.
Description: Market-Based Rate Tariff
Revisions to be effective 3/12/2012.
Filed Date: 4/11/12.
Accession Number: 20120411–5120.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 5/2/12.
Docket Numbers: ER12–1476–000.
Applicants: Calvert Cliffs Nuclear
Power Plant, LLC.
Description: Market-Based Rate Tariff
Revisions to be effective 3/12/2012.
Filed Date: 4/11/12.
Accession Number: 20120411–5121.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 5/2/12.
Docket Numbers: ER12–1477–000.
Applicants: CER Generation II, LLC.
Description: Market-Based Rate Tariff
Revisions to be effective 3/12/2012.
Filed Date: 4/11/12.
Accession Number: 20120411–5122.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 5/2/12.
Docket Numbers: ER12–1478–000.
Applicants: CER Generation, LLC.
Description: Market-Based Rate Tariff
Revisions to be effective 3/12/2012.
Filed Date: 4/11/12.
Accession Number: 20120411–5123.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 5/2/12.
Docket Numbers: ER12–1479–000.
Applicants: Constellation Energy
Commodities Group, Inc.
Description: Market-Based Rate Tariff
Revisions to be effective 3/12/2012.
Filed Date: 4/11/12.
Accession Number: 20120411–5124.
Comments Due: 5 p.m. ET 5/2/12.
Docket Numbers: ER12–1480–000.
Applicants: Constellation Energy
Commodities Group Maine, LLC.
Description: Market-Based Rate Tariff
Revisions to be effective 3/12/2012
under ER12–1480 Filing Type: 30.
Filed Date: 4/11/12.
Accession Number: 20120411–5125.



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File Modified2012-04-20
File Created2012-04-20

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