RFS2 2010 Annual Compliance Report


Renewable Fuels Standard Program (RFS2-Supplemental) (Renewal)

RFS2 2010 Annual Compliance Report

OMB: 2060-0637

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Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Report Instructions
OMB Control No. 2060-0640

RFS2 2010 Annual Compliance Report

Issue Date: 12/21/2010

Report Form ID: RFS0301
Any obligated party, as described in §80.1406, that produces or imports Gasoline or MVNRLM Diesel fuel
for use in the contiguous 48 states plus Hawaii (Alaska if they opt-in) during a given compliance period,
must submit an RFS2 Annual Compliance Report under §80.1451(a).
Any exporter of renewable fuels, as described in §80.1430, that exported a volume of renewable fuel from
the contiguous 48 states plus Hawaii (Alaska if they opt-in) during a given compliance period, must
submit an RFS2 Annual Compliance Report under §80.1451(a).
Parties who have more than one activity that requires a compliance determination, must report the
information separately (i.e. imports, exports, and refining obligations must be met separately).
Obligated Parties – Gasoline or Diesel Refiners
Refiners, of gasoline or diesel, may comply in aggregate or on a refinery-by-refinery basis. In
addition, a refiner must update their registration (via the OTAQReg: Fuels Programs Registration
application) with EPA to indicate how they plan to comply prior to retiring RFS2 RINs in EMTS for
In [Field No. 8] of this report, the refiner must enter either AGREF (aggregate) or the 5 digit facility
ID (refinery-by-refinery). Regardless, the refiner will have at least four rows, one for each RVO.
Note: If complying refinery-by-refinery, there will be one row for each RVO at each refinery (e.g.
2 refineries will have 8 rows, 3 refineries will have 12 rows).
Obligated Parties – Gasoline or Diesel Importers
Importers, of gasoline or diesel, must comply in aggregate.
In [Field No. 8] of this report, the importer must enter AGIMP and will have four rows, one for
each RVO.
Renewable Fuel Exporters
Renewable fuel exporters must comply in aggregate.
In [Field No. 8] of this report, the exporter must enter EXPRT and will have between one and four
rows based on the export activity.
Note: Renewable fuel exporters that have an RVO other than renewable fuel, incur nested
obligations (e.g. for an export of biodiesel, an exporter will have a Biomass-Based Diesel RVO,
Advanced Biofuel RVO, and a Renewable Fuel RVO). Table 1 describes, but is not a substitute
for reading the regulations, which volumes of renewable fuel need to be included when an
exporter calculates their RVO(s).

Page 1

Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Report Instructions
OMB Control No. 2060-0640

RFS2 2010 Annual Compliance Report

Issue Date: 12/21/2010

Report Form ID: RFS0301
Table 1 – This table describes which volumes of a renewable fuel export incur specific
Renewable Volume Obligations (RVO) pursuant to §80.1430.

Renewable Fuel

Cellulosic Biofuel

Diesel RVO

Biofuel RVO

Fuel RVO

Non-Ester Renewable
Cellulosic Biofuel















Cellulosic Diesel
Advanced Biofuel
Renewable Fuel

Either Cellulosic Biofuel or
Biomass-Based Diesel (only 1)

Additional Notes
Fields that must contain “NA”
• For a row with field 9 as CB, “NA” must be entered in field 14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,25,26,27
• For a row with field 9 as BD, “NA” must be entered in field 14,20,21,22,23,24,26,27,29,30,31
• For a row with field 9 as AB, “NA” must be entered in field 14,15,16,20,21,27,29,30,31
• For a row with field 9 as RF, “NA” must be entered in field 15,16,29,30,31
Prior-year RIN limits
For a row with field 9 as CB, the amount of prior year RINs that may be used for compliance must
satisfy the following formula:
[No. 22] ≤ 0.20 x [No. 13]
For a row with field 9 as BD, the amount of prior year RINs that may be used for compliance must
satisfy the following formulas:
[No. 17] ≤ 0.087 x ([No. 13] - [No.15] - [No. 16])
[No. 17] + [No. 18] ≤ 0.20 x ([No. 13] - [No.15] - [No. 16])
For a row with field 9 as AB, the amount of prior year RINs that may be used for compliance must
satisfy the following formulas:
[No. 17] ≤ 0.087 x [No. 13]
[No. 17] + [No. 18] + [No. 22] ≤ 0.20 x [No. 13]
For a row with field 9 as RF, the amount of prior year RINs that may be used for compliance must
satisfy the following formulas:
[No. 17] ≤ 0.087 x ([No. 13] + [No. 14])

[No. 17] + [No. 18] + [No. 20] + [No. 22] ≤ 0.20 x ([No. 13] + [No. 14])

Note: In 2010 only, field No. 14 only applies to the Renewable Fuel RVO. In 2011 and later, field
No. 14 will apply to all RVOs.

Page 2

Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Report Instructions
OMB Control No. 2060-0640

RFS2 2010 Annual Compliance Report

Issue Date: 12/21/2010

Report Form ID: RFS0301
Deficit Carryover limits
Per §80.1427(b)(1)(iii), an obligated party may not carry more than 57% of their biomass-based
diesel RVO from 2010 to 2011. Therefore, for a row with field 9 as BD, the following formula
must be satisfied:
[No. 32] ≤ 0.57 x [No.13]
Note: This limit does not apply to renewable fuel exporters.

Additional Requirements
Since RFS1 RINs are not retired through EMTS, parties are required to submit a list of all RFS1 RINs
retired for compliance pursuant to §80.1451(a)(1)(xi). All RFS1 RINs retired for compliance must be
retired via Form RFS0201: RFS1 RIN Transaction Report, rather than through the RFS0301. If RFS1
RINs have been retired for compliance during the first quarter (before February 28), a partial RFS0201
report must be filed with only the RFS1 RINs being retired for compliance. This requirement for RFS2
RINs is satisfied by the information submitted in the RFS0301 Report.
This report is due annually: Compliance year (January – December) reports are due February 28 of the
following year.
Please check the RFS reporting web site for updated instructions and templates:
For information on submitting this report using EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX) visit:

Page 3

Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Report Instructions
OMB Control No. 2060-0640

RFS2 2010 Annual Compliance Report

Issue Date: 12/21/2010

Report Form ID: RFS0301

Field Name


Field Formats, Codes, & Special Instructions


Report Form ID

AAAAAAA; Character.
RFS0301: Form ID for the RFS2 2010 Annual
Compliance Report


Report Type

A; Character. Indicate whether this is the original report
or a resubmission. Submit only one Original report,
submit any corrections or updates as Resubmission(s):
O: Original
R: Resubmission



A; Character. Specify if the data contained within the
report is being claimed as Confidential Business
Information (CBI) under 40 CFR Part 2, subpart B:
Y: Confidential Business Information
N: Non-Confidential Business Information


Report Date

MM/DD/YYYY; Character. Enter the date the original or
resubmitted report is submitted.


Report Year

YYYY; Number. Indicate the compliance period (year) of
the report.


Company/Entity ID

9999; Number. Enter the four-digit, EPA-assigned
company/entity ID.


Company Name

AAAAAAA…; Character (125 Max). The reporting
party’s name (Your company name).


Compliance Basis/
Facility ID

AAAAA; Character. Obligated parties indicate the
compliance basis if aggregating, or submit separate
facility reports which reference individual facility ID
numbers. Please include all preceding zeros in five-digit
facility ID numbers (if applicable). Imports and exports
must be aggregated and reported separately from
refining production.
The five-digit, EPA-assigned facility ID
AGREF: Aggregated Refiner Compliance
AGIMP: Aggregated Importer Compliance
EXPRT: Renewable fuel exporter

Page 4

Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Report Instructions
OMB Control No. 2060-0640

RFS2 2010 Annual Compliance Report

Issue Date: 12/21/2010

Report Form ID: RFS0301


Field Name


Field Formats, Codes, & Special Instructions
AA; Character. Enter the one code that corresponds to
the Renewable Volume Obligation (RVO) contained in
this report. Obligated parties must provide one row for
each RVO. Exporters must provide one row for each
applicable RVO based on export type.

Volume Obligation

Cellulosic Biofuel
Biomass-Based Diesel
Advanced Biofuel
Renewable Fuel
999; Number. Indicate the code corresponding to the
Fuel Type for exports. Only one Fuel Type may be
entered per row. If [No. 8] is not EXPRT, then enter “NA”.

Renewable Fuel
Export Type

20: Biodiesel (EV 1.5)
21: Biodiesel (EV 1.6)
30: Cellulosic Diesel
60: Cellulosic Ethanol
90: Cellulosic Jet Fuel
100: Cellulosic Heating Oil
110: Cellulosic Naphtha
10: Non-cellulosic Ethanol
140: Non-cellulosic Jet Fuel
40: Non-ester Renewable Diesel (EV 1.7)
41: Non-ester Renewable Diesel (EV 1.6)
130: Renewable Naphtha
150: Renewable Heating Oil (EV 1.6)
151: Renewable Heating Oil (EV 1.1)
152: Renewable Heating Oil (EV 1.2)

Gasoline and
Diesel Production /
Renewable Fuel
Export Volume


999999999999; Number. Enter the total volume of all
gasoline or diesel produced or imported for the
compliance year as defined in §80.1407.
If [No. 8] is EXPRT, the volume of renewable fuel

Page 5

Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Report Instructions
OMB Control No. 2060-0640

RFS2 2010 Annual Compliance Report

Issue Date: 12/21/2010

Report Form ID: RFS0301


Field Name


Field Formats, Codes, & Special Instructions

Renewable Fuel
Standard Value/
Equivalence Value


99.999; Number. Enter the renewable fuel standard set
by the EPA (Please see RFS2 Annual Standards
rulemaking for percentages) as defined in §80.1405.

Volume Obligation


If [No. 8] is EXPRT, enter the equivalence value provided
in §80.1415 for the fuel indicated in [No. 10].
999999999999; Number. Enter the renewable volume
obligation (RVO) as calculated in §80.1427 for obligated
parties and §80.1430 for exporters of renewable fuel, for
the compliance period.
Importers & Refiners: [No. 13] = [No. 11] x [No. 12]/100
Exporters: [No. 13] = [No. 11] x [No. 12]


Prior year Deficit


999999999999; Character. Enter prior year deficit RVO.
If no deficit, enter “0”.
If [No. 9] is not RF, enter “NA”




2008 RFS1 RINs,
with RR code of
15, 16 or 17, that
were used in
compliance year

9999999999; Character. Enter the total number of 2008
year RINs, with RR code of 15, 16, or 17 used for
compliance in compliance year 2009.

2009 RFS1 RINs,
with RR code of
15, 16 or 17, that
were used in
compliance year

9999999999; Character. Enter the total number of 2009
year RINs, with RR code of 15, 16, or 17 used for
compliance in compliance year 2009.

2008 RFS1 RINs
used, D code of 2,
RR code is 15, 16,
or 17

If [No. 9] is not BD, enter “NA”.

If [No. 9] is not BD, enter “NA”.

9999999999; Character. Enter the total number of 2008
RFS1 RINs with a D code of 2 and RR code of 15, 16, or
Further, these RINs may not have been previously retired
or used for compliance.
Note: The amount of prior year RINs that can be used for
compliance must satisfy formulas found in the additional
notes section of these instructions.

Page 6

Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Report Instructions
OMB Control No. 2060-0640

RFS2 2010 Annual Compliance Report

Issue Date: 12/21/2010

Report Form ID: RFS0301

Field Name
2009 RFS1 RINs
used, D code of 2,
RR code is 15, 16,
or 17


Field Formats, Codes, & Special Instructions
9999999999; Character. Enter the total number of 2009
RFS1 RINs with D code of 2 and RR code of 15, 16, or
These RINs may have been previously retired (using
Retire Code RBH or RNR) and reinstated, but this
quantity of RINs does not include those used for
compliance in 2009.
Note: The amount of prior year RINs that can be used for
compliance must satisfy formulas found in the additional
notes section of these instructions.



2010 RFS1 RINs
used, D code of 2,
RR code is 15, 16,
or 17

9999999999; Character. Enter the total number of 2010
RFS1 RINs with D code of 2 and RR code of 15, 16, or

2009 RFS1 RINs
used, D code of 2,
RR code is not
15,16, or 17

9999999999; Character. Enter the total number of 2009
RFS1 RINs with D code of 2 and RR code that is not 15,
16, or 17.

These RINs may have been previously retired (using
Retire Code RBH or RNR) and reinstated.

These RINs may have been previously retired (using
Retire Code RBH or RNR) and reinstated.
Note: The amount of prior year RINs that can be used for
compliance must satisfy formulas found in the additional
notes section of these instructions.



2010 RFS1 RINs
used, D code of 2,
RR code is not
15,16, or 17

9999999999; Character. Enter the total number of 2010
RFS1 RINs with D code of 2 and RR code that is not 15,
16, or 17.

2009 RFS1 RINs
used, D code of 1,
RR code of 25

9999999999; Character. Enter the total number of 2009
RFS1 RINs with D code 1 and RR code of 25.

These RINs may have been previously retired (using
Retire Code RBH or RNR) and reinstated.

These RINs may have been retired (using Retire Code
RBH or RNR), but this quantity of RINs does not include
those previously used for compliance.
Note: The amount of prior year RINs that can be used for
compliance must satisfy formulas found in the additional
notes section of these instructions.

Page 7

Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Report Instructions
OMB Control No. 2060-0640

RFS2 2010 Annual Compliance Report

Issue Date: 12/21/2010

Report Form ID: RFS0301

Field Name
2010 RFS1 RINs
used, D code of 1,
RR code of 25


Field Formats, Codes, & Special Instructions
9999999999; Character. Enter the total number of 2010
RFS1 RINs with D code 1 and RR code of 25.
These RINs may have been retired (using Retire Code
RBH or RNR) and reinstated.


2010 RFS2 RINs
used, D code of 3

9999999999; Character. Enter the total number of 2010
Cellulosic Biofuel (D3) RINs used for compliance.


2010 RFS2 RINs
used, D code of 4

9999999999; Character. Enter the total number of 2010
Biomass-Based Diesel (D4) RINs used for compliance.


2010 RFS2 RINs
used, D code of 5

9999999999; Character. Enter the total number of 2010
Advanced Biofuel (D5) RINs used for compliance.


2010 RFS2 RINs
used, D code of 6

9999999999; Character. Enter the total number of 2010
Renewable Fuel (D6) RINs used for compliance.


2010 RFS2 RINs
used, D code of 7

9999999999; Character. Enter the total number of 2010
Cellulosic Diesel (D7) RINs used for compliance.


Cellulosic Biofuel
Waiver Credits

9999999999; Character. Enter the total number of
cellulosic biofuel waiver credits used for compliance.
If [No. 9] is not CB or no credits were purchased, enter
Note: Cellulosic biofuel waiver credits may only be used
for the RVO incurred in the compliance year (i.e.
Cellulosic biofuel waiver credits may not be used to
satisfy a prior year deficit per §80.1456(b)(4))


Cellulosic Biofuel
Waiver Credits
Payment Method

AAAAAAA; Character. Enter the method used to pay for
the cellulosic biofuel waiver credits.
If [No. 9] is not CB or no credits were purchased, enter
Submitted payment via Pay.gov
Submitted payment via Fedwire
Submitted payment via Mail

Page 8

Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) Report Instructions
OMB Control No. 2060-0640

RFS2 2010 Annual Compliance Report

Issue Date: 12/21/2010

Report Form ID: RFS0301

Field Name


Field Formats, Codes, & Special Instructions
AAAAAAA…; Character (125 Max). Enter transaction
reference ID that was provided by the US Treasury for
the purchase of cellulosic biofuel waiver credits.

Cellulosic Biofuel
Waiver Credits
Payment ID

If a company has more than one transaction ID for the
compliance year they must separate each applicable
transaction ID with #.
If [No. 9] is not CB or no credits were purchased, enter

Deficit RVO


999999999999; Number. Enter the deficit RVO carried
over into the next year.
If no deficit, enter “0”

Sample report lines:

RFS0301,O,Y,01/15/2011,2010,1234,”Sample Company Inc”,AGREF,CB,NA,10000000,0.004,


RFS0301,O,Y,01/15/2011,2010,1234,”Sample Company Inc”,AGREF,BD,NA,10000000,1.100,


RFS0301,O,Y,01/15/2011,2010,1234,”Sample Company Inc”,AGREF,AB,NA,10000000,0.61,


RFS0301,O,Y,01/15/2011,2010,1234,”Sample Company Inc”,AGREF,RF,NA,10000000,8.25,


Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
The public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is disclosed in the
estimates of the individual report form instructions. Burden means the total time, effort, or financial
resources expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or provide information to or for
a Federal agency. This includes the time needed to review instructions; develop, acquire, install, and
utilize technology and systems for the purposes of collecting, validating, and verifying information,
processing and maintaining information, and disclosing and providing information; adjust the existing
ways to comply with any previously applicable instructions and requirements; train personnel to be able to
respond to a collection of information; search data sources; complete and review the collection of
information; and transmit or otherwise disclose the information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor,
and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid
OMB control number.
Send comments on the Agency's need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden
estimates, and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden, including through the use of
automated collection techniques to the Director, Collection Strategies Division, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (2822), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB
control number in any correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address.
Page 9

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleRFS2 2010 Annual Compliance Report (Report Form ID RFS0301) -- Instructions (December 21, 2010)
Subjectrenewable fuel standards, producers, exporters, rfs2, gasoline, diesel, fuel, rin, production, compliance, outlook.report, trans
AuthorU.S. EPA
File Modified2010-12-23
File Created2010-05-20

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