FAQ Report

IRIS FAQ Report.pdf

Inquiry Routing and Information System (IRIS)

FAQ Report

OMB: 2900-0619

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Am I eligible for free prescriptions?

Medication copayments are charged for each 30 day or less supply of medication provided on an outpatient basis for nonservice-connected conditions. Exemptions from this co-payment requirement are provided for veterans service-connected 50% or
more, former POWs, and for veterans whose income is less than the established dollar threshold. Also exempt from the medication copayment are veterans receiving medication for the treatment of conditions related to agent orange, ionizing radiation,
Persian Gulf, military sexual trauma, and certain cancers of the head and neck Recent combat veterans are exempt from medication copayments for two years following discharge when being treated for conditions related to their military service.


Does VA provide for Chiropractic Care?

VA medical centers and clinics may offer chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy for problems of the spine. Eligible veterans may receive chiropractic care after receiving referral from their primary care provider; however, this service is not offered at all
VA facilities. In areas distant from the locations that offer this service, eligible veterans may be able to receive chiropractic care through VA's outpatient fee-basis program after a referral by their primary care provider, and prior authorization by the
department. See your primary care provider at your nearest VA medical facility for assistance. All information about health care and health eligibility can be found at http://www.va.gov/healthbenefits/


Are veterans of the Coast Guard eligible for healthcare?

Individuals who served in the Coast Guard are veterans and are eligible for VA health care benefits in the same manner as any other veteran who served in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Air Force. All information about health care and health
eligibility can be found at http://www.va.gov/healthbenefits/


Why doesn't VA bill Medicare?

By law, VA cannot bill Medicare. The VA is obligated to bill private health insurance carriers for services provided to treat non-service connected conditions which includes health insurance
companies that provide Medicare Supplemental insurance policies such as Blue Cross/Blue Shield, AARP, Cigna, etc.


I can’t afford to make co-payments. What do I do?

There are several options: 
The first option is to request that a repayment plan be established for your financial situation. This will result in a lesser amount of payment due from you.
The second option is to request a waiver for paying your current debt. If you request a waiver, you must submit sufficient proof that you can not financially afford to make payment to VA.
The third option is to request a hardship determination to avoid future debts. You will need to submit specific financial information about your current year income. A decision will be made based on information you provide.
If you are inquiring about an outstanding medical debt owed to the VA, you may contact the Billing Call Center at (866) 400 1238
You can make payments on your medical debt by calling (888) 827 4817 or online at www.pay.gov.


What are my specific co-payments for health care?

Co-payments are required for non-service connected and zero % non-compensable veterans whose income is above the established threshold that is set annually by VA. All information about health care and health eligibility can be found at 
The best way to determine your eligibility and whether or not you would be required to make a co-payment is to contact your nearest VA facility. To find that, visit the facility page at http://www1.va.gov/directory/guide/home.asp?isFlash=1a
Click on your state, and the VA medical centers will be listed along with phone numbers.


Are all co-payments due at the same time?

You have several options available to you if this co-pays due at the same time become a hardship. Please contact the Billing Call Center at (866) 400 1238.


Why does VA ask for health insurance information?

If you are a Priority 7 veteran, providing us your insurance information will allow us to bill your insurance carrier, which will offset part or all of your co-payment. The law requires VA to bill private health insurance companies for all non serviceconnected care a veteran receives. VA’s budget and your future care could depend on the amount VA is able to collect from private health insurance carriers. By not giving us insurance information you may be limiting your future care and that of many
other veterans.


Is this a health insurance policy or an HMO?

It is neither. VA health benefits are established by Federal law and regulations and funded through appropriations. They are not the same as an insurance contract. Also, veterans do not pay monthly premiums to receive VA health care. In addition, you
are not required to use VA as your exclusive health care provider. If you have health insurance, or eligibility for other programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, or CHAMPUS, you may continue to use services under those programs. We recommend that, if
you have other health insurance or HMO coverage, you should keep that coverage to provide you with options and flexibility in the future.


Should I keep my health insurance?

VA's ability to provide health care benefits is restricted each year to that amount of dollars appropriated by Congress for the provision of health care to veterans. That amount could, in any given year, require the VA to restrict the number of veterans
enrolled for health care benefits. This means that in a given year the VA may not be in a position to enroll you, and you would have to depend on your own health insurance.


Should I complete an Advanced Directive?

VA encourages veterans to think about their health care options through the use of Advanced Directives such as Living Wills and Durable Power of Attorney. Treatment staff at your local facility can assist in explaining these options to you. VA staff will
help you complete the required forms if you so desire.


What is Hepatitis C and what should I do if I suspect I have it?

Hepatitis is basically an inflammation of the liver, the organ that eliminates toxins and is important in metabolism. VA will test any eligible enrolled veteran who believes he or she has been exposed to hepatitis C. VA will also provide treatment for those
who test positive and you may be responsible for a co-payment. For more information, please contact your local VA Medical Center.


What is a State Veterans Home?

The State Veterans Home is a home approved by the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs which was established by a State for veterans disabled by age, disease, or otherwise who by reason of such disability are incapable of earning a living. State
homes include facilities for domiciliary nursing home care, and/or adult day health care. Hospital care may be included when provided in conjunction with domiciliary or nursing home care. A state home may also provide care to veteran related family
members. For further information, please contact your local VA Medical Center.


What is CARES?

It is an acronym that stands for "Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services." CARES is a reorganization study to ensure veterans receive the right care, at the right time, at the right place. It is designed to objectively evaluate the best ways to
provide quality health care and services, to more veterans, in more locations, now and into the future.
VA intends to keep pace with technology and advances in the medical field not just to provide adequate care, but also to provide the finest care in the world. Measurable, consistent evaluation will enable VA to make the best decisions possible for
veterans' health care today and in the future, in the most cost-effective manner. The needs of special disability groups will be addressed and remain a priority. Once CARES is completed, veteran satisfaction is expected to increase as a result of better
access, more efficient programs and superior support services.


Dependents and Medical Care Overseas

For information regarding Dependents and Medical Care Overseas, please go to http://www4.va.gov/hac/forbeneficiaries/fmp/fmp.asp


Burial & Memorial Benefits

To access frequently asked questions regarding Burial & Memorial Benefits, please go to http://www.cem.va.gov/cem/faq.asp


Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Benefits

Click here for information regarding Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment Benefits


How do I get information about filing an appeal?

Anyone who is not satisfied with the results of a claim for veterans benefits (determined by a VA regional office, medical center, or other local VA office) should read the "How do I Appeal" pamphlet.  It is intended to explain the steps
involved in filing an appeal and to serve as a reference for the terms and abbreviations used in the appeal process.


Who is eligible for Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Family Coverage?

Family coverage is available for the spouses and children of:
- Active duty servicemembers and
- Members of the Ready Reserve of a uniformed service

Note: Family coverage is available only for members insured under the SGLI program. It is not available for those insured under the VGLI program.


My father is totally dependent upon me for support. Will he be eligible for SGLI
Family Coverage?

No. Only Spouses and dependent children are eligible for coverage. For all current information on our life insurance program, go to http://www.insurance.va.gov/miscellaneous/index.htm


Can retired military spouses be insured under the SGLI Family coverage?

Yes. Eligibility for spousal coverage is based on the status of the SGLI insured. All active duty SGLI insureds are eligible to insure their spouses, regardless of whether their spouse is an active duty member, retired or a civilian.


Can retired military spouses who carry VGLI be insured under Family SGLI?

Yes. Your spouse can be insured under both SGLI spousal coverage and his or her own VGLI coverage. Unless you decline coverage for your spouse, he or she will automatically be insured under SGLI spousal coverage and will also be able to maintain
his or her own VGLI coverage.

Your spouse will not pay premiums for his or her spousal coverage. It is important to understand that family insurance coverage belongs to the SGLI insured member and not to the spouse. Premiums for spousal coverage will be deducted from your
pay. If your spouse maintains VGLI coverage, he or she continues to pay VGLI premiums.

Will my spouse who is covered under both Famly SGLI and VGLI be required to
pay premiums for both coverages?

Your spouse will not pay premiums for his or her spousal coverage. It is important to understand that family insurance coverage belongs to the SGLI insured member and not to the spouse. Premiums for spousal coverage will be deducted from your
pay. If your spouse maintains VGLI coverage, he or she continues to pay VGLI premiums.


My spouse and I are both in the military and participate in SGLI. Can we both be
covered by both basic and spousal coverage?

Yes, each of you can be insured under both basic SGLI and SGLI family coverage for the maximum coverage amount of $350,000 for each spouse. To ensure that both you and your spouse have spousal coverage, each of you must have the other
listed as spouses on your DEERS record.


Are all of my children eligible for automatic family SGLI coverage?

Any dependent child under the age 18 is automatically covered under family insurance. This includes all natural born children, legally adopted children and stepchildren who are members of the servicemembers household. In addition, children who,
after attaining the age of 18 years and until completion of education or training (but not after attaining the age of 23 years), are pursuing a course of instruction at an approved educational institution are covered. And any child who has been declared
legally incompetent before the age of 18 is covered.


If my spouse or child suffers from a disease that makes it difficult to purchase life
insurance will they be eligible for SGLI Family Coverage at the same premium

Yes. Your spouse will be eligible for spousal coverage at the same premium rate, regardless of his or her health. However, if you decline coverage now and later want to insure your spouse, proof of his or her good health will be required.

Your dependent children, as defined below, are covered for free, regardless of their health.

Any dependent child under the age 18 including all natural born children, legally adopted children and stepchildren who are members of the servicemembers household. In addition, children who, after attaining the age of 18 years and until completion
of education or training (but not after attaining the age of 23 years), are pursuing a course of instruction at an approved educational institution are covered. And any child who has been declared legally incompetent before the age of 18 is covered.

Military Sexual Trauma (MST) treatment

You may enroll and receive counseling and treatment for any emotional or physical condition experienced, as a result of military sexual trauma (MST) experienced while on active duty, or active duty for training, at any VA health care facility or Vet
Center in the continental United States without regard for your service-connected rating or length of military service.  o additional information on this subject can be found at: http://www.vetcenter.va.gov/Military_Sexual_Trauma.asp and


Quality of Care issues for Women Veterans

To discuss issues pertaining to quality of care issues for women veterans, contact the Women Veterans Program at your local health care facility (white pages under U.S. Government, Department of Veterans Affairs). During normal business hours, you
can also contact the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Office of Women Veterans Health at (202) 273-8577, Women Veterans Health Strategic Health Care Group at (202) 461-7174, or the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of the Center for
Women Veterans at (202) 273-6193.


If I decline Family SGLI coverage can I later apply for it?

Yes. You can later apply for coverage for your spouse by completing a form SGLV-8285A and providing proof of insurability (proof of good health). You may download form SGLV-8285A at www.insurance.va.gov/sgliSite/forms.htm. Please see all up-todate information about our life insurance program at http://www.insurance.va.gov/miscellaneous/index.htm


What is the cost of Family SGLI coverage for my children?

SGLI coverage for children is free.


How do I pay premiums for Family SGLI coverage?

The premium for your spouse will automatically be deducted from your pay until you separate from service. Coverage will continue, at no extra cost to you, for 120 days following your separation from service.

You will pay no premiums for your children, since coverage for them is free.

I want less than the automatic amount of Family SGLI coverage for my spouse.
How can I reduce the amount of coverage?

I want less than the automatic amount of Family SGLI coverage for my spouse. How can I reduce the amount of coverage?
If you want less than the automatic amount of coverage for your spouse ($100,000 or the amount of the members coverage, whichever is less), you must complete form SGLV-8286A, Family Coverage Election, and submit the completed form to your
personnel officer.


Will both spouses of a married active duty couple automatically be charged for
Family SGLI spousal coverage?

Yes, premiums will automatically be deducted from each spouse's pay for coverage for his or her spouse. Each of you must register the other as your spouse in DEERS. If one or both members decline or reduce coverage for his or her spouse, they
must complete a form SGLV 8286A.


Will Family SGLI premiums be automatically deducted for SGLI insureds who are
not married?

No. Premiums for spousal coverage will not be deducted from the pay of single SGLI insureds. Premiums will be deducted based on information contained in your personnel and payroll files. If you are not married and your records indicate so, no
premium will be deducted for spousal coverage.


If I decline Family SGLI spousal coverage will I be entitled to a refund of any
premiums deducted?

The initial deadline for you to decline or reduce coverage and still receive a full refund of premiums was November 1, 2001. However, this deadline was extended to December 31, 2001 to provide members sufficient time to make that election. A form
SGLV 8286A must have been completed and submitted prior to December 31, 2001 to receive a refund of premiums deducted.

If you decline spousal coverage after December 31, 2001, that election will not be effective until the first day of the month following the election. Any premiums deducted prior to the effective date of the election will not be refunded. For example, if
you make an election to decline coverage by submitting the Form SGLV 8286A on March 13, 2002, that election does not become effective until April 1, 2002 and the premiums deducted in March will not be refunded. However, if a premium is
improperly deducted in the month of April, your branch of service will provide refund of that premium.

When does Family SGLI coverage for my spouse begin?

If you were married on November 1, 2001, coverage for your spouse began on November 1, 2001, when the law went into effect. If you marry after the effective date of the law, coverage will begin on the date of your marriage.


When does Family SGLI coverage for my children begin?

Coverage for your children began on November 1, 2001, when the law went into effect. Coverage for children born after the effective date begins on the date of their birth. If you adopt a child, coverage begins on the date of adoption.


When does Family SGLI coverage for my spouse end?

Family SGLI coverage for your spouse will end 120 days after any of the following events:

The date you elect in writing to terminate your spouse's coverage
The date you elect in writing to terminate your own coverage
The date of your death
The date your coverage terminates
The date of your divorce

However, your spouse can convert his or her coverage to a policy with a commercial company.

When does Family SGLI coverage for my children end?

Coverage for your children ends 120 days after any of the following events:

The date you elect in writing to terminate your coverage
The date you separate from service
The date of your death
The date your child is no longer your dependent

What are my burial benefits?

Burial in a national cemetery is open to all members of the Armed Forces and veterans having met minimum active service duty requirements and having been discharged under conditions other than dishonorable. Their spouse, widow or widower,
minor children and, under certain conditions, unmarried adult children, are also eligible for burial. Eligible spouses may be buried, even if they predecease the veteran. Members of the reserve components of the Armed Forces who die while on active
duty or while performing training duty, or who have 20 years of service in the reserve components of the Armed Forces creditable for retired pay, may also be eligible for burial. Please refer to http://www.cem.va.gov/cem/burial_benefits/eligible.
asp  for eligibility requirements.
Burial benefits include a gravesite in any of our national cemeteries with available space, the opening and closing of the grave, perpetual care, a Government headstone or marker, a burial flag, a grave liner and a Presidential Memorial Certificate, at no
cost to the family. Our cemetery listing is at http://www.cem.va.gov then click on cemeteries.
If you prefer to have the veteran buried in a private cemetery they may still be entitled to a headstone or marker, a burial flag, a Presidential Memorial Certificate and burial allowances. Go to our site at http://www.cem.va.gov for further information on
these items.
To obtain information on getting copies of military records go to our site at http://www.cem.va.gov then click on “Obtaining Military Records and Medals.”


Can VA provide burial at sea?

The VA and the National Cemetery Administration cannot provide burial at sea.
For More Assistance: If you have any questions about the Burial at Sea program, please contact the United States Navy Mortuary Affairs office toll-free at 1-866-787-0081. More information can be found at:  http://www.navy.mil/
navydata/questions/burial.html .


Can I be buried at Arlington National Cemetery?

Although Arlington National Cemetery is a national cemetery, it is one of two cemeteries maintained by the Department of the Army, not the Department of Veterans Affairs National Cemetery Administration.
We cannot answer your questions or comment about the national cemeteries under the Army’s jurisdiction. Please contact them at:
Arlington National Cemetery
Interment Services Branch
Arlington, VA 22211
(703) 607-8585    or visit their web site at    http://www.arlingtoncemetery.mil/          


How do I arrange for military funeral honors?

The Department of Defense (DOD) is responsible for providing military funeral honors. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) National Cemetery Administration cemetery staff assist with military funeral honors at VA national cemeteries.

Upon the family's request, the law requires that every eligible veteran receive a military funeral honors ceremony to include folding and presenting the United States burial flag and the playing of Taps. The law defines a military funeral honors detail as
consisting of two or more uniformed military persons with at least one a member of the veteran's parent service of the Armed Forces. The DOD program calls for funeral home directors to request military funeral honors on behalf of the veterans'
family. Veterans organizations may assist in the provision of military funeral honors. When military funeral honors at a national cemetery are desired, they are arranged prior to the committal service by the funeral home.

To arrange military funeral honors, contact your local funeral home.

Does the VA pay for cremation?

The VA does not directly provide cremation services, however please review the "Burial Allowance" link under "Other Benefits" at http://www.cem.va.gov.

Some veterans may be eligible for the allowance which may cover cremation. If you may be eligible for reimbursement, please contact a benefits counselor at the nearest VA regional office for assistance. The toll-free number is 1-800-827-1000.

How do I subscribe to or unsubscribe from the VANews Mailgroup?

To automatically receive mail from VANews or to stop receiving mail from VANews, go to this web address: http://www.va.gov/opa/pressrel/opalist_listserv.cfm and follow the instructions. Note: if you are unable to click on this link successfully, please
copy and paste it into the address line on your browser.


Can VA provide Small Business Loans?

VA does not offer small business loans.   You should contact the Small Business Administration for information on this subject.  The SBA has a web site that might be of some help:  http://www.sba.gov/


What is the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment program?

The Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) program has two key goals. First, to assist the service-disabled veteran to prepare for, obtain, and maintain suitable employment. Second, for those persons who are severely disabled and
that gainful employment is not an option, assistance may be provided to allow that person to live more independently in his or her community. To obtain information about Vocational Rehabilitiation and Employement services, please go to http://www.
vba.va.gov/bln/vre/emp_resources.htm .


Are Reserve and National Guard Veterans of Operations Enduring and Iraqi
Freedom entitled to VA benefits?

Veterans of Enduring and Iraqi Freedom and their family members might be eligible for the various types of benefits.  The following web site provides information for OEF/OIF veterans and family members: http://www.oefoif.va.


Do I have to make a long-term care copayment?

Nonservice-connected veterans and non-compensable zero percent (0%) service-connected veterans may be subject to a long-term care copayment. Some veterans may be required to complete VA Form 10-10EC, Application for Extended Care
Services. Veterans with a compensable service-connected disability do not have to make a long-term care copayment.


How do I obtain educational benefits while in a foreign country?

For information on how to obtain educational benefits while in a foreign country, please go to : http://www.gibill.va.gov/ .


How do I obtain a 1099 Form from VA for tax purposes?

How do I obtain a 1099 form from VA?
VA benefits are not taxable; therefore, VA does not send out 1099 forms.

If you need a statement of benefits paid, please contact your VA Regional Office.

How do I make a Freedom of Information (FOIA) request?

VA has a website that contains information specifically relevant to Freedom of Information (FOIA). To get to that website, go to http://www.foia.va.gov/. This website provides a wealth of information about what FOIA, how to make a request, etc.


Is there a national cemetery in the state I live in?

Please go to our cemetery listing at http://www.cem.va.gov/cem/cems/listcem.asp


How do I order a headstone or marker?

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) furnishes upon request, at no charge to the applicant, a government headstone or marker for the grave of any deceased eligible veteran in any cemetery around the world. For all deaths occurring before Sept.
11, 2001, the VA may furnish a headstone or marker only for graves that are not marked with a private headstone.
Spouses and dependents buried in a private cemetery are not eligible for a government-furnished headstone or marker.
For burials in a national cemetery or state veterans cemetery, the office staff will order the headstone or marker on your behalf.
For more information and the form needed go to http://www.cem.va.gov/hmm/.


Can I be reimbursed for burial expenses?

Please review the Burial Allowance link at http://www.cem.va.gov/ for further information.
Some veterans may be eligible for the allowance which may cover cremation. If you may be eligible for reimbursement, please contact a benefits counselor at the nearest VA regional office for assistance. The toll-free number is 1-800-827-1000.


What can I do to prepare for burial in a national cemetery?

For Burial in a VA National Cemetery
Gravesites in Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) national cemeteries cannot be reserved in advance; however, reservations made prior to 1962 will be honored. Families are encouraged to prepare in advance by discussing cemetery options, collecting
the veteran’s military information including discharge papers, and by contacting the cemetery where burial is desired.

For Burial in a Private Cemetery
We suggest that if burial will be in a private cemetery and a Government headstone or marker will be requested for the veteran’s grave, that the family complete VA Form 40-1330, Application for Standard Government Headstone or Marker for
Installation in a Private or State Veterans’ Cemetery, in advance and place it with the veterans military discharge papers for use at the time of need.
You can get further information on these items at http://www.cem.va.gov/

Where can I find the application to order a headstone or marker?

Please go to http://www.cem.va.gov/cem/hmm/order_instructions.asp for information and the form needed to order a headstone or marker.


Does VA provide legal services?

The Department of Veterans Affairs does not provide legal services and cannot provide advice about obtaining legal services.


How do I find a VA facility, VA office, or an address?

If you are looking for the location of and attendant information about any VA facility, please go to the Locations link at the top of VA home page at http://www.va.gov/ page or click on this link: http://www.va.gov/
landing2_locations.htm   This link will get you to the listings for VA Central Offices,National Cemetery Administration, Veterans Benefits Administration, Veterans Health Administration, Facilities by state, and an interactive map. 
If you wish to send a letter to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, the address is:
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Ave NW
Washington, DC 20420


Do VA benefits cover nursing home care?

VA benefits provide for a range of long-term services which include, Nursing Home Care, Domiciliary Care, Adult Day Health Care, Geriatric Evaluation and Respite Care. Nursing home benefits may be provided if specific qualifications are met; those
are: a veteran must be in need of such care and seeking nursing home care for a service-connected (SC) disability, OR is rated 60% SC and unemployable, OR is rated 60% SC and permanently and totally disabled (P&T) OR for any condition if
the veteran has a combined SC disability rating of 70% or more. The care will be provided in a VA nursing home or contract nursing home. NSC and non-compensable zero percent SC veterans can apply for long term care in the VA but could be
subject to long term care co-payments. Veterans with a compensable service-connected disability are exempt from long term care co-payments. NSC veterans applying for Extended Care or the Nursing Home Care Unit may be required to complete VA
Form 10-10EC to determine the family's current income and assets. Veterans may be discharged from a VA Nursing Home Care Unit (NHCU) without consent when VA nursing home care is no longer needed; for example, if the veteran's needs can be
met at home or in a private nursing home close to the family.
Veterans requiring nursing home care for a service-connected condition or a veteran rated 70% or more have mandatory eligibility for admission to Extended Care Services; and, those veterans are eligible to have indefinate care provided to them in
the VA or in a VA contracted nursing home.


Will VA cover nursing home care in non-VA contract facilities?

No. VA can pay for care only in nursing homes that participate in its contract program. Nursing homes that do not participate in its contract program are not covered by VA. Veterans and their families should contact the nearest VA facility for
information on Long Term Care (LTC). They may also obtain information on Health Benefits at 1-877-222-8387 or on the Internet at http://www.va.gov/elig


Are dependents of veterans eligible to receive any benefits from VA?

For a dependent to receive benefits from the VA, the veteran needs to have been rated by the VA for a service-connected disability. If the veteran is deceased, certain minor dependents, or helpless adult children may be entitled to VA benefits. Please
visit the following web sites for additional information: http://www.vba.va.gov/bln/dependents/index.htm and http://www.vba.va.gov/benefit_facts/index.htm


What is Combat-Related Special Compensation?

Simply put, Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC) provides military retirees a monthly compensation that is intended to replace some or all of their retired pay that is withheld due to receipt of VA compensation. CRSC is payable for disabilities
that are found to be related to combat. This includes disabilities that were incurred in actual combat, while engaged in hazardous service, in the performance of duty simulating was, and as a result of an instrumentality of war. The amount of CRSC
payable is directly related to the evaluation(s) assigned to combat-related disability(ies), but cannot exceed the amount of withheld retired pay.
Am I Eligible for CRSC?
To qualify for CRSC you must:
Be a Military Retiree with 20 or more years of service. This includes Chapter 61 Medical Retirees and National Guard and Reserve with 20 or more good years.
Have a Combat Related VA disability rating of 10% or higher, or a disability directed related to a Purple Heart.
How Do I Apply for CRSC?
Please understand that CRSC is not a VA program. To receive CRSC, you must submit your application (DD form 2860) through your parent military service branch. Each service branch has the authority to determine your eligibility.
For more information on how to apply, contact your parent military branch:
DoD Defenselink
U.S. Total Army Personnel Command
http://www.army.mil/      1-866-281-3254 toll free


How do I get a foreign medical claim processed?

Please contact the nearest U S Embassy and ask them for a list of Doctors who are available to conduct physical examinations needed by VA. If the examination is in a foreign language, VA will get it translated when it is received. Once you are found
to have a service-connected disability, there is a program called Foreign Medical Program (FMP)designed for US veterans residing outside the US. Under FMP, VA assumes payment responsibility for certain services that are associated with serviceconnected conditions. FMP's phone is 303.331.7590 and their e-mail is: [email protected].
For questions about the Foreign Medical Program, please go to http://www.va.gov/hac/forbeneficiaries/fmp/fmp.asp


Am I entitled to any temporary benefits from VA if I have surgery?

A temporary 100% rating for a period of convalescence may be awarded to a service-connected veteran following treatment for his service-connected disability. You should notify the VA when your surgery takes place. If you have medical evidence at
that time, you may submit it, or, you may notify VA of the provider of treatment so that we can obtain records. After a review of all the available evidence, a decision will be make as to your entitlement to the 100% rate and the length of the
convalescense period.


Copy of Rating Decision

To get a copy of your rating decision, you must make your request in writing and SIGNED BY YOU with your original signature on it. This written request should be sent to your nearest VA Regional Office and should tell us exactly what you need to get
from VA.


Status of a pending claim

You can use the eBenefits portal to check the status of your claim online if you are an eBenefits Premium (Level 2) account holder.  To determine the status of your pending claim, login to your eBenefits account (https://www.ebenefits.va.gov)
and select My eBenefits.  On the "Compensation" tab, select Compensation & Pension Claims Status to view your claim status. You can also call 1-800-827-1000 and follow the recorded instructions, or you can contact VA and fill out
the Ask A Question form.  If you are not an eBenefits account holder, you can visit the eBenefits Registration page at https://www.ebenefits.va.gov/ebenefits-portal/ for information on how to establish an account.


Can I obtain historical military records from VA?

The U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs does not maintain any historical military records such as military units assigned to, dates and places of assignment, pay records, etc. For all information about military records, go http://www.archives.gov/


Commissary and Exchange Privileges

Unlimited exchange and commissary store privileges in the United States are available to honorably discharged veterans with a service-connected disability rated at 100 percent, unremarried surviving spouses of members or retired members of the
armed forces, recipients of the Medal of Honor, and their dependents and orphans. Certification of total disability is done by VA. Reservists and their dependents also may be eligible. Privileges overseas are governed by international law and are
available only if agreed upon by the foreign government concerned. Though these benefits are provided by Department of Defense (DoD), VA does provide assistance in completing DD Form 1172, "Application for Uniformed Services Identification and
Privilege Card." For detailed information, contact the nearest military installation.


How do I resume receiving medical care after a long break in treatment?

To resume medical treatment after a long break in receiving care, call or go to the Business Office of the nearest VA medical facility. They will determine if you are eligible to receive medical care, and if you are eligible, they will help you to re-enroll and
set you up with a primary care provider. To find your nearest VA medical facility, go to http://www2.va.gov/directory/guide/home.asp?isflash=1 for a complete listing of VA facilities.


What medical or health care services are available to women veterans?

A full continuum of comprehensive medical services including health

If you have any further questions, you may call our toll-free number at 1-800-827-1000 and a Veterans Service Representative will be happy to assist you.

promotion and disease prevention, primary care, women's gender-specific
health care e.g., hormone replacement therapy, breast and gynecological
care, maternity and limited infertility (excluding In-vitro fertilization),
acute medical/surgical, telephone, emergency and substance abuse treatment,
mental health, domiciliary, rehabilitation and long term care. VA
researchers at many VA facilities also conduct medical research on women's


Historical information specific to women veterans?

To obtain historical information about women veterans, contact the Women In Military Service for America Memorial (WIMSA)
located at the gates of Arlington Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia at


How can I get gender-specific services for medical and child-related issues?

Women veterans are eligible for the same Medical Benefit Package as all veterans as well as gender-specific care. Any inpatient care or treatment required which is not available at the preferred treatment facility will be obtained through other facilities
or through community health care facilities. Apply for VA health care enrollment by completing VA Form 10-10EZ. The 10-10EZ may be obtained by visiting, calling or writing any VA health care facility or veterans' benefits office. You can also call tollfree 877-222 VETS (877-222-8387) or access the form on the Internet at http://www.va.gov/elig. The provision of health care to non-veteran children is limited to those instances where specific authority is given to VA by law. Contact your local VA
health care facility and ask to speak with the Women Veterans Program Manager (white pages under U.S. Government, Department of
Veterans Affairs).


How do I contact VA about homeless women veterans with children?

Contact the local VA homeless coordinator (or point of contact), Social Work Services department, or Women Veterans Program Manager at yourlocal VA Medical Center. In addition, there are pilot programs for homeless women veterans and for
homeless women veterans with children located at eleven designated VA facilities as well, and the Women Veterans Program Manager can discuss what options are available in your area.


Are there any services for women vets discharged for pregnancy?

The provision of health care services to veterans is established by
certain eligibility criteria and discharge status requirements. To
determine your eligibility for services, please contact your nearest VA health care


What is the process of getting quality of care issues addressed?

To address quality of care issues for women veterans, please contact the Women Veterans Program Manager at your local healthcare facility (white pages under U.S. Government, Department of Veterans Affairs) or the Veteran Health Administration
(VHA) Office of Women Veterans Health @ (202) 273-8577 or the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of the
Center for Women Veterans @ (202) 273-6193.


How do I get a clinic appointment when there is a waiting list?

If you experience an urgent or emergent medical condition, you can
contact your local VA health care facility telephone care program; visit
their walk-in (urgent care) clinic or emergency room. Non-acute problems
will be scheduled on a next available appointment basis.


How do women veterans get inpatient psychiatric care?


How do I get evaluated for nursing home care?

If you have never been seen at a VA health care facility, you must first enroll for benefits. Then you must enroll in a primary care clinic and ask for an evaluation for nursing home care. The evaluation will be done either by the primary care provider or
a geriatrics care team.


What happens when a woman veteran has an obstetrics related emergency
before enrolling?

If a women veteran is enrolled and we know she is pregnant, fee-basis care would have been authorized in advance. In the event of an obstetric emergency, she would go to the hospital and the hospital would be reimbursed for services provided
under VA contract.


Does VA deliver babies?

The Dept of Veterans Affairs medical facilities do not deliver babies because DVA has no authority to provide care to newborn infants. Local facilities will assist the veteran in accessing community resources. When the pregnant veteran has a total
disability, permanent in nature, resulting from a service-connected disability, and the child is not otherwise eligible for medical care under the Civilian Health and Medical program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), then newborn infant could
receive care under Civilian Health and Medial Program of VA (CHAMPVA).


Women Veterans Programs

For information on VA health care services available to women veterans, go to theThe Women Veterans Health Care Program Internet Web site http://www.publichealth.va.gov/womenshealth/

Most VA Medical Centers have inpatient mental health programs. Contact your VA Primary Care Provider or the local Mental Health Program office for assistance. If you already have a therapist and need inpatient care, please discuss your concerns with
your therapist. If you have urgent or emergent needs, you can contact your local VA health care facility
telephone care program or urgent care clinic.

Eligible veterans are encouraged to enroll for VA health care as soon early as possible in the pregnancy to ensure that any maternity care provided by non-VA providers can be reimbursed.

For information on other programs and services available to women veterans, go to the Center for Women Veterans Web site at: http://www1.va.gov/womenvet/

Who do I contact about non-VA benefits and services?

If you determine that VA is not the correct federal agency that can help you, and you're not sure who to contact, please go to FirstGov at http://www.usa.gov/ or call 1-800-FED-INFO (1-800-333-4636). They will help you to find the federal agency
that you need to contact.


women veterans health care website

Specific information about VA health care services available to women veterans is the Women Veterans Health Care Program Internet Web site at:


Amend or Change DD 214 or Other Military Records

You can obtain instructions for changing/correcting your military service record or changing your discharge status by leaving the VA website and going to http://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records/correct-service-records.html.
If your military service record requires a change or correction, you will need to submit DD Form 149, Application for Correction of Military Records to the relevant service branch (branch addresses are provided on the form). To obtain this form, you will
need to leave the VA Website and go to: http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/infomgt/forms/eforms/dd0149.pdf. You can also call 1-800-318-5298.
If you need to change your discharge status you will generally need to submit DD Form 293, Application for the Review of Discharge or Dismissal from the Armed Forces of the United States to the relevant service branch (branch addresses are
provided on the form). To obtain this form, you will need to leave the VA Website and go to http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/infomgt/forms/eforms/dd0293.pdf.
For Army records, you may also contact the Department of Defense, Army Review Boards Agency (ARDA).
The ARDA address is:
Army Review Boards Agency (ARBA)
ATTN: Client Information and Quality Assurance
Arlington, VA 22202-4508
Telephonic assistance is available at 1-703-607-1600
You may also send an e-mail to: [email protected]
Telephonic assistance is available at 1-703-607-1600
You may also send an e-mail to: [email protected]      Changes to DD 214 or other military records cannot be done through VA. Such requests for change must be processed through the Department of
Defense, Army Review Boards Agency (ARDA).
The ARDA address is:
Army Review Boards Agency (ARBA)
ATTN: Client Information and Quality Assurance
Arlington, VA 22202-4508


How do I find out if I am eligible for any medical care or drug benefits?

You are eligible to apply for VA health care if you are a veteran of active military service and were discharged or released from service under honorable conditions, provided that you meet minimum duty requirements.
To apply for health care benefits, you will need a copy of your discharge papers and will need to fill out a form called 1010EZ. The form can be downloaded from https://www.1010ez.med.va.gov/sec/vha/1010ez/ or you can call 1-877-222-VETS and
ask to have one mailed to you.


What if the closest VA medical facility does not have services I need?

If you are enrolled in the VA Health Benefits package and have an assigned VA health care provider, we will provide you a full range of services. These services will generally be provided through your Primary Care Provider at our medical centers or
outpatient clinics. Other services will be provided at the nearest VA facility that can provide the care you need. By law, VA has to provide care within the VA system.


What should I do if I have a health question or problem that isn’t a lifethreatening emergency?

Many facilities now offer telephone health advice services to veterans 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including weekends and holidays. The name of this program is VA Telehealth. If you have symptoms, questions, or need advice about any health
care problem, the VA Telehealth nurse would be available to offer you advice and help you decide whether you can be treated at home or not.
When you call the VA Telehealth Nurse, be ready to provide some important information so the Nurse can help you. The Nurse will need to know:
· Your full name
· Your social security number
· Your current address
· Your phone number including area code
· The VA medical center or clinic where you usually receive care
· A list of the medications you are currently taking including over-the-counter products, herbal products and dietary supplements
· And a complete description of your current medical problem. Be sure to tell the Nurse what the problem is, when it started, what you have tried for treatment and if there is anything that makes it feel worse or better.


Can I choose to get medical care outside of the VA system at VA cost?

Generally, no. By law, the VA has to provide care within the VA system. If you meet certain eligibility criteria, VA may be able to pay for routine care you receive in your local community. This is called Fee Basis care. We may authorize you to receive Fee
Basis care if we can't provide the medical services you need or if we find that you aren't physically able to travel to our facilities because of your health or the distance you must travel. To learn more about Fee Basis care and whether or not you are
eligible, contact the Fee Basis staff at your local facility.


Can I get health care from my private physician or at a private hospital at VA

By law, VA has to provide care within the VA system unless certain circumstances exist. Only when appropriate VA officials determine that certain VA services are unavailable or cannot be economically provided, can a veteran be authorized to obtain
care through private sources at VA expense.
VA can pay only for primary medical care services not previously authorized by VA officials when the care was provided under the following circumstances:
· Treatment was provided for an adjudicated service-connected disability, for any condition for a permanently and totally disabled service-connected veteran, or for a nonservice-connected disability associated with an aggravating a service-connected
· Medical care and services were provided in a medical emergency
· VA or other federal medical facilities could not provide the medical services you needed or if you were not physically able to travel to our facilities because of your health.
In the absence of any one of these three conditions VA cannot assume responsibility for the payment of or reimbursement for the cost of non VA care.


Once enrolled for medical care, do I need to enroll each year?

Enrollments are renewed annually and many veterans will stay enrolled each year without any action on their part. Most veterans who are not receiving monthly compensation or pension checks from VA, however, must complete an annual financial
statement known as a Means Test. Completing a Means Test allows the VA to place you in the correct Priority Group for determination of copayments. It also ensures that your local VA receives reimbursement from VA for the health care provided to
you. We would be glad to help you with the forms. If you need assistance, please contact your local VA facility Enrollment Office.


If I enroll in VA for health care, can I receive care anywhere in the VA system?

Yes. Once enrolled, you are part of a national health care system with more than 1,000 locations of care. Generally, you will receive your preventive and primary care at the VA location you have selected as your Preferred Facility during the enrollment


Can I obtain free prescriptions from VA?

VA provides medication to eligible veterans who are receiving care from VA medical facilities, and to those veterans authorized by VA to receive care from private physicians at VA expense. VA pharmacies cannot fill prescriptions written by a private
physician unless the veteran is specifically eligible.


I’m a military retiree. Can I receive VA care?

Individuals who retire from the military are veterans and as such are eligible for VA medical care benefits.


What is Home Health Care?

Home Health Care is skilled home care provided by VA and contract agencies to veterans who are homebound with chronic diseases and includes nursing, physical/occupational therapy and social services. There are several types of home health care
offered to eligible veterans by VA. Examples include:
· Homemakers for shopping, cleaning or meal preparation
· Home Health Aides for help with bathing and dressing
· Nursing assistants for bathing
· Nurses to help you with your medications and dressing changes
· Physical therapists to help you with strength and mobility exercises
· Occupational therapists to help you re-learn activities like eating, dressing, etc.
· Speech therapists to help you with re-learning to speak following surgery or a stroke.

If you and your VA provider agree that you are in need of these services, depending on your eligibility, VA may pay for the care. To find out what may be available, talk with your VA primary care provider or your VA social worker.

If VA is paying for my home health care services, who provides the services I

Many VA medical centers contract with home care agencies in the community to provide home health care services to veterans. VA checks to carefully ensure the home care agency staff have the right training and skills to provide services to veterans.
The home care agency will provide the services that VA requests, based on a service plan that you, your family, and your VA health care provider develop.


Does VA pay for hospice care?

If you are enrolled to receive health care services from VA, you are eligible for hospice care through VA. Generally hospice care is arranged and coordinated with a VA social worker at the facility in which you receive your health care.


Does VA pay for hospice care in a specialized hospice facility?

Yes. Generally hospice care is arranged and coordinated with a VA social worker at the facility in which you receive your health care.


What is Hepatitis C and what should I do if I suspect I have it?

Hepatitis is basically an inflammation of the liver, the organ that eliminates toxins and is important in metabolism. VA will test any eligible enrolled veteran who believes he or she has been exposed to hepatitis C. VA will also provide treatment for those
who test positive and you may be responsible for a co-payment. For more information, please contact your local VA Medical Center.


Can I obtain grief or bereavement counselling if my parent, spouse, or child is
killed while in the service of their country?

Bereavement Counseling is now being offered to parents, spouses and children of Armed Forces personnel who died in the service of their country. Also eligible are family members of reservists and National Guardsmen who die while on duty.
Counseling is offered at Vet Centers. For more information and to find the nearest Vet Center call 1-800-827-1000 or go to http://www1.va.gov/directory/guide/vetcenter_flsh.asp .


Where is the nearest Vet Center to where I live?

Your nearest Vet Center can be located by calling your local VA Medical Center or calling 1-800-827-1000. You may also go to: http://www.vetcenter.va.gov/index.asp


If an OIF/OEF reservist was medi-vac’d out of Iraq and did not complete two
years of active duty, is s/he still eligible for 2 years of free VA health care?

Reservists/National Guard are not required to complete two years of active duty service but rather the term for which they are called. Additionally, any active duty service member injured on active duty and subsequently discharged as a result of a
disability incurred in the line of duty is automatically eligible for placement into enrollment Priority Group 3 and is not subject to length of service requirements.


Is a reservist called to active duty in support of Operation Noble Eagle eligible for
two free years of health care?

A limited number of these individuals may qualify for Combat Veteran Status and eligibility for the five years of free health care for conditions related to their military service if they received Hostile Fire or Imminent Danger Pay during their period of
service in support of this operation. Operation Noble Eagle refers to U.S. military operations in homeland defense and civil support to U.S. federal, state and local agencies. A number of individuals were ordered to active duty to support this operation
but the majority do not qualify as Combat Veterans.
In order to be eligible for VA health care as a combat veteran, the veteran must have served in a combat theater of operations after November 11, 1998 or have received Hostile Fire or Imminent Danger Pay on or after that date.


Are veterans who were working in the Pentagon on September 11th considered
combat veterans?

Yes. DoD authorized payment of hostile fire pay to Military personnel who were at the Pentagon and the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 for any period of time from the time of the attack until midnight of that same day.


Are veterans of Bosnia and Kosovo entitled to healthcare?

Yes, provided that the veteran served in Bosnia or Kosovo after November 11, 1998. Both areas are designated as areas for which the Department of Defense pays hostile fire or imminent danger pay. The DoD list may be found at http://www.


Are veterans who were assigned to Cuba guarding suspected terrorist prisoners
eligible for two free years of health care when they’re discharged from active

No, the veteran must have served in a designated theater of combat operations. Cuba has not been designated as such. You may refer to VHA Directive 2004-017, Establishing Combat Veteran Eligibility, for the list of areas that have been designated as
theaters of combat operations


Does special operations service in the Phillipines constitute combat veteran status
with health care eligibility?

Yes, provided the veteran served in the Philippines after October 31, 2001. You may refer to VHA Directive 2004-017, Establishing Combat Veteran Eligibility, for the list of areas that have been designated as theaters of combat operations.


If I am enrolled in VA's health care system, what costs will I need to pay?

There is no monthly premium required to use VA care. You may, however, have to agree to pay some copayments. If you have insurance, it may cover the cost of the copayments.


Will I have out of pocket expenses for medical care?

You may be responsible for making copayments in some cases. The dollar amounts of copayments are updated annually and are set by Congress.

You may also refer to VHA Directive 2004-017, Establishing Combat Veteran Eligibility, for the list of areas that have been designated as theaters of combat operations

For the most current copayment rates and to have your specific copayment questions answered, contact the Revenue Coordinator at your local VA health care facility.
For more information about co-payments and whether or not they apply to you, please contact the Enrollment Coordinator/Enrollment Office at your local VA medical facility where you receive health care or call toll-free 1-877-222-VETS


I f I can't afford to make copayments for my health care, what should I do?

If you cannot afford to make copayments,there are three options:
· The first option is to request a waiver for paying the copayments you currently owe. To request a waiver, you must submit proof that you can’t financially afford to make payment to the VA. Contact the Revenue Coordinator at the VA health care
facility where you receive care for more information.

· The second option is to request a hardship determination so we won’t charge you in the future. If you request a hardship, you are asking VA to change your Priority Group assignment. You will need to submit current financial information and a
decision will be made based on the information

· The third option is to request a compromise. A compromise is an offer and acceptance of a partial payment in settlement and full satisfaction of the debt as it exists at the time the offer is made. Most compromise offers that are accepted must be for
a lump sum payment payable in full 30 days from the date of acceptance of the offer.

Do veterans enrolled in VA health care have to pay the deductibles that their
insurance carrier requires when treated at VA?

No. VA does not require veterans to pay those charges. In fact, many insurance companies will apply VA co-payment charges toward satisfaction of their annual deductible.


Do I still need Medicare Parts A and B if I receive my health care from VA?

VA does not require a Veteran to have Medicare Part A or B to be enrolled in VA health care. However, a Veteran may want to consider their total health care needs before changing any insurance coverage. Please see the following link for more
information: http://www.va.gov/healthbenefits/cost/insurance.asp  You may also find more information about Medicare at http://www.medicare.gov 


Does VA bill Medicare if I am hospitalized?

By law, VA cannot bill Medicare. The VA is obligated to bill private health insurance carriers for services provided to treat non-service connected conditions which includes health insurance companies that provide Medicare Supplemental insurance
policies such as Blue Cross/Blue Shield, AARP, Cigna, etc.


Can I have Medicare benefits and still receive health care services at VA?

Yes. VA Health care depends primarily on annual Congressional appropriations, VA encourages veterans to retain any health care coverage they may already have, especially those in the lower enrollment priority groups. Veterans with private health
insurance or with federally funded coverage through the Department of Defense (TRICARE), Medicare, or Medicaid, may choose to use these sources of coverage as a supplement to their VA benefits.


If I'm not satisfied with my health care, whom do I contact?

VA supports your right to present concerns, unmet needs, or complaints to us without fear of reprisal or having your access to care compromised. A Patient Advocacy Program is in place at each VA health care facility to ensure that your concerns are
addressed in a convenient and timely manner.
Patient Advocates are highly trained professionals who help resolve your concerns about any aspect of your health care experience, particularly those concerns that cannot be resolved at the point of care. Each Patient Advocate is empowered to ensure
that you receive the maximum benefits you are entitled to by law.
Patient Advocates act as VA representatives to listen to any questions, problems, or special needs you may have. They will refer your concerns to the appropriate Medical Center staff for resolution and act on your behalf to assist in explaining your
point of view. Patient Advocates can be reached through the nursing or support staff in any clinical area.


I'm dissatisfied with my Patient Advocate contact; what is the next step for
resolving my concern?

We try to resolve your concern at the lowest possible level for your convenience. However, if you are not satisfied with the outcome of your contact with the Patient Advocate, you may contact the Director of the involved VA facility. The preferred
method of contact is a written document outlining your concerns in detail. This will allow the Director to assess your concerns and make a final decision. The decision will be provided by phone or in writing.
If you are not satisfied with the assistance provided by the medical facility Director, you may contact the VISN Director in writing.
You also have the right to appeal decisions made by a VA medical facility to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals. Typical issues that are appealed include medication payment debts and reimbursement for medical services received outside of VA that were
not authorized by us. Decisions concerning clinical care such as whether or not medical care is needed, the type of medical treatment needed, a provider’s decision to prescribe (or not to prescribe) a particular drug, or whether to order a specific type
of treatment, are not within the Board’s jurisdiction.
You have one year from the time you are notified of a decision to file an appeal. For more information, or to receive a booklet explaining the appeals process in detail, contact the Department of Veterans Affairs, Board of Veterans’ Appeals, 810
Vermont Avenue NW, Washington D.C. 20420. You may also view additional information via the Internet at http://www.bva.va.gov/


Share information about my healthcare experience

We want to provide you with the best care possible and encourage you to let us know when you think we are doing a good job. We also want to know if you have problems or concerns about your health care.
· If you have a problem with your Primary Care Provider, you are encouraged to discuss it directly with him/her. If you do not feel that your problem was resolved, contact the Patient Advocate at your VA Medical Center.
· If you have a problem about VA, contact the Patient Advocate. The Patient Advocate is generally able to solve problems quickly by contacting the necessary VA staff. They also share your compliments with the staff involved and their supervisors.
· If you have a question about eligibility, contact the Enrollment or Business Office at your local VA healthcare facility.


Obtain a copy of my VA medical records

Your VA medical records are maintained at the facility or facilities where you were provided medical care. You will need to contact each facility to personally request a copy of any medical records maintained at that facility. Requests must be in writing
and should indicate what records you are requesting, why you are requesting those records, and to whom they are to be released. The addresses for all VA facilirties can be found at http://www.va.gov/directory/guide/home.asp


What are Confidential Communications and how do I request this service?

It is VA’s policy that all patients have a right to receive written communication or correspondence pertaining to health information in a confidential manner by alternative means or at an alternative location other than the patient’s permanent address of
record. Once the veteran requests this service, all future correspondence and communication will be sent to the alternative address. In addition, the veteran must specify a start date for use of the confidential address and may also request a date when
the use of this address should end.

To request this service, you may contact the Enrollment Coordinator at your local VA medical facility.

Scheduling outpatient or inpatient treatment for veterans with service-connected

VA is committed to providing priority care for non-emergent outpatient medical services and inpatient hospital care for any veteran seeking treatment of his or her service-connected disability. It is VA’s policy to provide priority access to outpatient
medical care and elective inpatient hospital care for any veteran who requires non-emergent care for a service connected disability. In addition, every effort will be made to provide clinically appropriate care to every enrolled veteran. For veterans who
are 50 percent service connected or higher, VA’s policy is to provide priority access to medical services and inpatient care, regardless if treatment is needed for their service-connected disability.


Wait time to get an appointment for health care

If you are a new enrollee and/or new patient rated less than 50 percent service-connected requiring care for a service-connected disability, and you request VA care, you will be scheduled for a primary care evaluation within 30 days of desired date. If
your outpatient appointment cannot be scheduled within this timeframe, VA will arrange to have you seen within 30 days at another VA health care facility or obtain the services on fee basis, under a sharing agreement or contract at VA expense.
If you are a veteran who is 50 percent service-connected or higher and is an already established patient (not new), your request for an appointment will be reviewed by a VA medical provider who will determine a medically appropriate timeline for an
appointment. A clinic visit will be scheduled or rescheduled, based on the medical provider’s review. You will be contacted by telephone or through correspondence of your appointment.


Lap band surgery or gastric bypass surgery

Lap band surgery is not an approved procedure for the VA, nor is it approved if performed in your community. The VA does offer gastric bypass surgery for those veterans who meet the necessary criteria; however, not all VA medical facilities perform
this surgery. Veterans interested in gastric bypass surgery would need to make inquiry at his/her local VA medical facility to see if the necessary criteria can be met for procedure and,if allowed, where and when it could be performed.


Additional information needed to support claim

Have you received a letter from VA asking you to provide more information about your claim for benefits, or you are asked to clear up some information you gave to VA earlier? Then you should fill out a Statement in Support of Claim, VA Form
21-4138. Please download the actual form from this web site: http://www.vba.va.gov/pubs/forms/VBA-21-4138-ARE.pdf . Fill it out and mail it to the VA Regional Office that has your claim records. You can find the address of the office here: http://
You may also deliver your statement through this web application by clicking on "Ask a Question" tab at the top of this form. Select "Statement in Support of Claim" as the Type of inquiry, then select the appropriate topic, and click on the "Next"


Non-compensable disability

A noncompensable disability is one which VA has determined is service-connected, but does not meet the scheduler requirements for a compensable evaluation.  Veterans are entitled to medical care at the VA Medical Center for any
service-connected condition, but do not receive a monetary payment for a noncompensable disability.  The only exception to this is if a veteran is suffering from two or more separate permanent service-connected disabilities of such
character as clearly to interfere with normal employability, even though none of the disabilities may be of compensable degree under the 1945 Schedule for Rating Disabilities the rating agency is authorized to apply a 10-percent rating, but not in
combination with any other rating.


Difference between VA compensation and severance disability?

For a full explanation of severance pay from the military versus compensation from the VA, please refer to 38 U.S.C., 3.700.3 for the legislative rules governing these differences.
A quick explanation of how VA compensation versus severance disability works is this:
Disability severance pay from the military is granted for a disability received or acquired while in the military and is usually paid in a lump sum. VA compensation is unlike severance pay because it is not paid in a single lump sum, but is paid out over
time. If the VA were to pay you compensation and severance pay for the same disability, you would be getting paid twice for the same disability. According to law, this is not allowed.
If you filed for other disabilities that were not related to your disability severance, the VA could possibly pay you for those disabilities.
For all current information about compensation and pension benefits and requirements, etc., go to http://www.vba.va.gov/VBA/  and click on the applicable links.


Does VA cover Nursing Home care?

To be eligible for nursing home care, you would first need to be enrolled in the VA Healthcare System. You can apply for VA health care enrollment by completing VA Form 10-10EZ. The 10-10EZ may be obtained by visiting, calling, or writing any VA
health care facilty or veterans' benefits office. You can also download a copy at https://www.1010ez.med.va.gov/sec/vha/1010ez/    You can also call toll-free 1-877-222-VETS (1-877-222-8387) or access the form on the Internet at
You can submit a completed form in person or by mail to the enrollment coordinator at any VA Medical Center. Please be sure to sign your application form, otherwise it cannot be processed for enrollment. VA Form 10-10EZ is a four-page application
form, front and back.
Once a determination of your eligibility has been made, you will receive written notification. This process can take between 30-60 days.


Can I reopen a claim for disability compensation?

You can file a supplemental disability claim at any time.  If you would like to reopen a claim that was previously denied, you will need to submit new and material evidence showing why service connection is warranted.  If
you are already service-connected for a disability, you may request reevaluation if you feel the condition has worsened.  If you would like to claim service connection for a new condition, then you may submit your claim on blank paper
stating the condition, date the disability began, and where you were treated. VA will obtain your service medical records for those conditions treated in service. Conditions treated by private doctors will require an authorization release form. This
process will begin when your claim is received. Please provide your VA claim number on all correspondence. If you have further questions, please feel free to call us toll free at 1-800-827-1000, Monday thru Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You may
also file your claim in person with a Benefits Representative at your nearest VA office.


MyHealtheVet (MHV)

My HealtheVet (MHV) is a web-based product that gives veterans information and tools to improve their health. Registration is required to have full access to all features. Registrants can access more than 18 million pages of health information from the
site’s Health Education Library. They are able to:
Add information to a personal health journal about over-the-counter medications, allergies, military health history, medical events, tests and allergies.
Record and track personal information such as contact information, emergency contacts, health care providers, and health insurance information.
Record and track personal health metrics (blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, heart rate, body temperature, weight, and pain) in Health E-logs.
Print a wallet ID card with the personal information entered into the personal health record.
You can find all MyHealtheVet information at http://www.myhealth.va.gov.


Having trouble accessing the Veterans Information Portal? Can't get to TAS or

If you have forgotten your user name or password for access to the Veterans Information Portal, or you can't get into the TAS (The Appraisal System) or ACE (Automated Certificate of Eligibility),
your user ID is locked the fifth time you try to log on with the ID and an invalid password. Once locked, your account must be unlocked by the VIP Help Desk, [email protected]. The failed password count is cumulative and applies to each person
attempting to log on with that ID, even on separate machines, separate offices, or at different times. The failed log-on attempt count is reset to zero with each successful log on.


What are Compensation and Pension Benefits?

For current information and a comprehensive look at VA compensation and pension benefits for veterans, veterans' dependents, and dependents of deceased veterans, please go to http://www.vba.va.gov/VBA/  and click on the applicable links.


What is Vocational Rehabilitation?

Please click on the following link to see what VA provides in the form on vocational rehabilitation, independent living services and education and job counseling benefits for qualified veterans and dependents: http://www.vba.va.gov/bln/vre/index.htm


Can I get a loan from VA to buy a house?

For a comprehensive look at what VA offers in the way of Home Loan services, please go to the following web site: http://www.benefits.va.gov/homeloans/


If a veteran dies in a VA hospital, does VA put a death notice or obituary in the

For confidentiality reasons, VA does not submit a death or obituary notice to newspapers. Such notices are at the discretion of the veteran's family or guardian and are handled either by the funeral home with the family's guidance, or by the family


Medical Care for former Prisoners of War (POWs)

Former POWs receive special priority for VA health-care enrollment, even if their illness has not been formally associated with their service. Former POWs are exempt from making means test co-payments for inpatient and outpatient medical care and
medications, but they have the same co-pay rules as other veterans for extended care. They also are now eligible for dental care without any length-of-internment requirement.


Direct Deposit - What is required for Direct Deposit?

You will need a 9 digit routing number beginning with a 0, 1, 2 or 3. An account number can be up to 17 characters long. Consider whether you want this deposited to a check or savings account.


Direct Deposit of VA benefits

Compensation, Pension, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Ch 31), Montgomery GI Bill(MGIB) Active Duty (Ch 30), and MGIB Selective Reserve (Ch 1606) can all be sent to a direct deposit bank account.  You can go to Contact VA on
our website and click on Ask A Question. On the customer entry form, select Compensation or Pension as appropriate and then select the Subtopic of Direct Deposit to address any issues concerning Direct Deposit issues.


Direct Deposit - May I apply by telephone?

Yes, you may apply for Direct Deposit by telephone by calling 1-877-838-2778 or 1-800-827-1000, Monday through Friday 7:30 AM to 4:50 PM Central Time.


Direct Deposit - May I apply via FAX?

Yes, please send your fax request to this telephone number: 918/781-4395.


Direct Deposit - May I mail a Direct Deposit request?

Yes, you may mail your request to:
VA National Direct Deposit Center,
Suite B,
125 S. Main Street,
Muskogee, OK 74401


Information, programs and service for minority veterans

VA's Center for Minority Veterans provides information about and promotes the use of VA programs, benefits, and services used by minority veterans. Information for minority veterans can be found at http://www.va.gov/


How do I find out about education benefits?

All information about VA education benefits is available at http://www.gibill.va.gov/. Please click on the link to access VA's Education website.


Direct Deposit - How may I change my Direct Deposit Destination?

Veterans Compensation, Pension  recipients already receiving benefits may change their direct deposit information by calling 1-877-838-2778, Monday through Friday, 7:30AM to 4:50PM Central Time or online at https://iris.
custhelp.com/   by using the Ask A Question feature (select Compensation or Pension as your topic and then Direct Deposit as a subtopic). 
If the issue concerns the Education (MGIB), please select the Education link that appears above the Ask a Question link. 


Am I eligible for veterans preference in hiring?

Veterans preference applies to employment in the following ways:

1. Veterans Recruitment Appointment (VRA)
Veterans who qualify as preference eligibles under VRA are:

A disabled veteran;
A veteran who served on active duty in the Armed Forces during a war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge is authorized;
A veteran who, while serving in the Armed Forces, participated in a military operation for which an Armed Forces Service Medal was awarded; or
A recently separated veteran, meaning a veteran last separated from active duty within the last three (3) years.
These veterans are entitled to an additional 5 or 10 points added onto their earned rating in a competitive civil service examination. In all other situations (for example, selection from a merit promotion list or other "internal" action such as
reassignment, transfer, or reinstatement), veterans' preference is not a factor.

A basic principle of Federal employment is that all candidates must meet the qualification requirements for the position for which they receive an appointment.

2. Veterans Employment Opportunities Act of 1998 (VEOA)

Is there insurance for traumatic injuries?

VA's new Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection
(TSGLI) program adds to the financial security of America's fighting
force. Prudential Financial Inc., the program's insurer, is making
payments under this new program, ranging from $25,000 to $100,000, to
service members who have suffered certain traumatic injuries while on
active duty. The insurance program started December 1, 2005, and is
designed to provide financial help to military families through extended
periods of medical care and healing. Benefits are payable retroactively
to October 7, 2001 for service members and veterans who suffered certain
traumatic injuries while serving in Operation Enduring Freedom or
Operation Iraqi Freedom. VA and the Department of Defense are working to
identify eligible service members and veterans. Eligibility information
is available at www.insurance.va.gov or by calling the Servicemembers'


Dental Care Eligibility, Services and Locations

Eligibility for dental care is limited by law.  For information on finding out if you are eligible for VA medical care, look to our Health Eligibility website at http://www.va.gov/healthbenefits .  For information on specific VA dental
benefits, go to http://www.va.gov/DENTAL/index.asp.


What benefits and services are available for spouses and dependents of deceased

The Veterans Benefits Administration has created a "survivors" Web site for spouses and dependents of military personnel who died on active duty and for the survivors and dependents of veterans who died after leaving the military. The Web site is
organized into two broad categories - death in service and death after service. It provides website visitors with information about a wide range of benefits for the surviving spouse, dependent children, and dependent parents of deceased veterans and
active-duty personnel. The site also has information from and provides links to other federal agencies and organizations that offer benefits and services to survivors and dependents. The Web site can be reached by clicking on the Benefits link on the
VA home page and then the Survivor benefit link that appears in the dropdown box, or by going to: http://www.vba.va.gov/survivors/.


I’m being discharged from the service. What type of assistance is available to

A VA encourages all separating service members to contact their respective Transition Centers to determine when the VA Transition Assistance Briefings are scheduled. These briefings provide information which will help you make the transition to
civilian life easier by identifying many of the VA benefits available to you. Please see Department of Defense transition portal web site at http://www.defense.gov/personneltransition/military-personnel.aspx.
For more information regarding services available to returning Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve service members of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom visit http://www.oefoif.va.gov/


My spouse is leaving for deployment what assistance is available to us?

Here a few websites and resources available to you and your family:
Coping When a Family Member Has Been Called to War http://www.ptsd.va.gov/public/pages/coping-family-member-war.asp
Children Coping with Deployment http://www.ptsd.va.gov/public/pages/children-coping-deployment.asp
For more information regarding services available to returning Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve service members of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom visit the Seamless Transition Website at http://www.oefoif.va.gov/


Is it true that newly-separated veterans can receive free dental care from VA?
What is the eligibility for this service?

Cost free VA dental benefits are available:  You must have served 90 days or more, and; Your DD214 must not show that you received all your needed dental service at least 90 days prior to your separation.  You must apply
to VA for this dental care within 180 days (6 months) of separation from active duty.


Dental care to OIF/OEF active duty service members being treated at VHA

Recently discharged veterans whose discharge record (DD214) clearly indicates either that dental services were not provided within 90 days of discharge or that dental treatment was not completed who served on active duty 90 days or more and who
apply for VA dental care within 90 days of separation from active duty, may receive a one time treatment for dental conditions and follow up treatment for that specific dental condition.
For more information regarding services available to returning Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve service members of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom visit http://www.oefoif.va.gov/


Eligibility for OIF/OEF veterans

Title 38, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 1710(e)(1)(D) states that a veteran who served on active duty in a theater of combat operations during a period of war after the Persian Gulf War, or in combat against a hostile force during a period of
hostilities after November 11, 1998 is eligible for hospital care, medical services, and nursing home care for any illness, notwithstanding that there is insufficient medical evidence to conclude that such condition is attributable to such service.
“Hostilities” is defined as conflict in which the members of the Armed Forces are subjected to danger comparable to the danger to which members of the Armed Forces have been subjected in combat with enemy armed forces during a period of war.
OIF/OEF veterans qualify for special combat veteran eligibility for up to two years after their discharge from service. This special eligibility includes enrollment in Priority Group 6 and exemption from copayments for care of conditions potentially related
to their military service. Veterans serving in the Southwest Asia theater of operations (OIF) are also eligible to participate in the Persian Gulf War Registry examination program.
For more information regarding services available to returning Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve service members of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom visit http://www.oefoif.va.gov/


What if the health care problem is obviously unrelated to combat service (e.g.,
happened after return to the United States)? Can VA provide treatment?

Yes, these individuals may be treated for medical conditions that are not related to combat service, as determined by a VA provider. This medical treatment may be provided on a “co-payment required” basis based on the veteran’s enrollment and
copay status.
For more information regarding services available to returning Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve service members of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom visit http://www.oefoif.va.gov/


Does VHA provide help to families dealing with “coming home” issues?

VA has developed a telephone service called Coaching into Care,  which provides assistance to family members and friends trying to encourage their Veteran to seek health care for possible readjustment and mental health issues. 
 The service is available toll-free at 1-888-823-7458, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday, and online at http://www.mirecc.va.gov/coaching/.  
If a Veteran is experiencing an acute crisis, callers should contact the Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255 for immediate help.  Check with VHA for possibly more information.


Does VA ever provide bereavement (grief) counseling to families of active duty
service members killed in action?

The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) offers bereavement counseling to parents, spouses and children of Armed Forces personnel who died in the service of their country. Also eligible are family members of reservists and National Guardsmen who die
while on duty. VA's bereavement counseling is provided at community-based Vet Centers located near the families. There is no cost for VA bereavement counseling. Services are obtained by contacting Readjustment Counseling Service (RCS) at
202-273-9116 or via electronic mail at [email protected] both of which are specific to this specialized service. RCS staff will assist families in contacting the nearest Vet Center. For further information, please visit http://www.vetcenter.va.gov/
For more information regarding services available to returning Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve service members of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom visit http://www.oefoif.va.gov/


If a spouse or other family member from out of state wants to visit an OIF/OEF
active duty service member being treated at my VHA medical center but can’t
afford the airfare, is there any program to help?

In September 2003, Operation Hero Miles was created by Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger (Maryland) to provide free airline tickets to troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan to allow them to go home on R & R leave. In December 2003,
Operation Hero Miles partnered with the Fisher House Foundation to provide free airline tickets to family members of injured troops so they could travel to military hospitals to provide comfort. The Fisher House Foundation has now expanded this
program to provide free airline tickets for family members of OIF/OEF active duty personnel who are transferred to VHA facilities.
Operation Hero Miles depends on donations of frequent flyer miles and donations of money to purchase plane tickets. Several airlines are accepting the donations and providing free tickets to Operation Hero Miles and the Fisher House Foundation. For
more information, please go to http://fisherhouse.org/programs/hero-miles/ and to http://www.fisherhouse.org.
The tickets will be available to families of OIF/OEF active duty service members who are inpatients in VHA facilities so the family members can travel to the facility. The active duty member will have to request the ticket from the Fisher House
Foundation through their VA social worker or case manager. Requests should be faxed to the Director of Social Work Service in VA Central Office at 202-273-8385 using the VA Operation Hero Miles application form.
For more information regarding services available to returning Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve service members of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom visit http://www.oefoif.va.gov/


What is the Fisher House Program?

Fisher Houses are temporary lodging facilities designed for the use of families of hospitalized active duty service members and veterans. They are constructed on military installations and VHA facility grounds by the Fisher House Foundation and then
donated to DoD or the VA. There are VA Fisher Houses at Albany, Bay Pines, Cincinnati, Denver, Minneapolis West Palm Beach, and Houston. VHA Handbook 1140.1, VHA Fisher House Program, has more information on VA Fisher Houses, including
criteria for utilization. Information about the Fisher House Foundation can be found at http://www.fisherhouse.org.
The Fisher House Foundation has asked that family members of hospitalized OIF/OEF active duty service members and veterans be given high priority for lodging at DoD and VA Fisher Houses. There is no cost to a family for staying at a VA Fisher
House. Each VA Fisher House has a full-time manager, who arranges admissions and who is the point of contact for referrals. For questions about the VA Fisher House Program, contact the Director of Social Work Service in VA Central Office at


Are OIF/OEF veterans ever charged a co-payment?

Combat veterans are exempt from co-payments for the care of any condition potentially related to their service in a theater of combat operations. However, they may be charged co-payments for treatment clearly unrelated to their military experience,
as identified by their VA provider. Conditions not to be considered potentially related to the veteran’s combat service include, but are not limited to, care for common colds, injuries from accidents that happened after discharge from active duty, and
disorders that existed before joining the military
For more information regarding services available to returning Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve service members of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom visit http://www.oefoif.va.gov/


What prescription benefits are available to OIF/OEF eterans returning from active

OIF/OEF veterans qualify for special combat veteran eligibility for up to two years after their discharge from service. This special eligibility includes enrollment in Priority Group 6 and exemption from copayments for care of conditions potentially related
to their military service. This includes prescriptions written by a VA provider. Veterans serving in the Southwest Asia theater of operations (OIF) are also eligible to participate in the Persian Gulf War Registry examination program.
For more information regarding services available to returning Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve service members of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom visit http://www.oefoif.va.gov/


What is a Veteran Identification Card (VIC) and how do I get one?

The Department of Veterans Affairs is providing a Veterans Identification Card (VIC) for veterans to use at VA medical facilities. The VIC will be issued only to veterans who are eligible for VA medical benefits and only for the purpose of identification
and check-in for VA medical appointments. The new card protects personal privacy by not showing Social Security Numbers or dates of birth on the front of the cards.
VA has Service Connected, POW and Purple Heart (PH) indicators on the new VIC. Veterans who have been awarded service-connected status after their VIC has been issued or SC status is not properly documented on their card, will need to present
their letter showing their SC rating to the eligibility clerk at the local VA Medical Center where they obtain treatment. After verification, the eligibility clerk will submit a request to National Card Management Directory (NCMD) System for a new card to
be issued to the veteran.
Once a veteran has his/her picture taken for the new card at the VA medical facility, the card will be mailed to the veteran at the address that has been provided. To ensure that a veteran receives the new VIC card, the veteran should please verify that
VA has the correct address on file. If the U.S. Postal Service cannot deliver the card, it will be returned to the facility at which the card was requested. The card will then be held in a secure location at the facility for 90 days. If the card is not picked up
within the 90-day period, the card will be destroyed.
With regard to the use of veteran ID cards for store discounts, please note: If these are valid store discounts for Veterans, a Veteran's DD-214 and a driver's license or non-driver's license should be appropriate.  The VIC is the only ID card
offered for veterans by VA; if a store will not accept this proof of veteran status, please check with your State's division of Veterans Affairs to see if they offer this service.
For all information about Veterans Identification Cards (what it is, how to get one, what to do if lost or stolen, when it can be used, etc.) go to http://www.va.gov/healthbenefits/access/veteran_identification_card.asp for details.


How does VA determine the level of compensation payable?

Disability compensation is a monthly benefit paid to veterans because of injuries or diseases that happened while on active duty, or were made worse by active military service.

VA must obtain evidence to establish that the disability claimed is the result of the veteran's military service. VA then evaluates the medical evidence and assigns a disability rating percentage.

VA evaluates each service-related condition in 10% increments. For some conditions, the maximum level of compensation is 100%. However, for most conditions, the maximum level of compensation is less than 100%.

Once the medical evidence is evaluated and a percentage rating assigned, VA pays the amount of compensation provided by law for that rating.
For current information about compensation, eligibility, payment rates, applications, etc., go to http://www.vba.va.gov/VBA/    and click on the applicable links.

Never filed for compensation. How do I file a claim for VA disability

You can file an original claim for compensation online by going to VA's forms on line at : http://vabenefits.vba.va.gov/vonapp/main.asp.
You may also obtain a copy of the claim form by going to VA's forms download web site at: http://www.va.gov/vaforms/.
Where it asks for the form number, type in "526" for VA Form 21-526, Veterans Application for Compensation and Pension. The form has multiple parts. Make sure you download all the parts.
In addition to the completed application form, VA may need a copy of your discharge paper, military medical records, and current medical evidence to support your claim. Your application and supporting information should be submitted directly to your
VA regional office. Make sure your name and claim number (Social Security Number) are included on all documentation submitted. You can find the address for the regional office at: http://www1.va.gov/directory/guide/division_flsh.asp?
isFlash=1&dnum=3 .
For all current information about compensation and pension, eligiblity, payment rates,applications, etc., go to http://www.vba.va.gov/VBA/  and click on the applicable links.


Never applied for compensation. Will VA Help me in obtaining required

Yes, if you know of records that will support your claim, VA will help you by requesting them from the person, medical facility, company, or agency that has them.
On Part B of VA Form 21-526, Veterans Application for Compensation and Pension, tell us the name and address of the person, medical facility, company or agency that has these records, the approximate time frame covered by these records, and the
condition for which you were treated in the case of medical records.
If you received treatment from a military health care facility after your discharge from service, just tell us the name of the facility. If your treatment was by a private physician, or any other health care provider, complete VA Form 21-4142, Authorization
and Consent to Release Information to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). We will use this form to request these records. You can find the form at: http://www.vba.va.gov/pubs/forms/VBA-21-4142-ARE.pdf .


When will my benefits be effective if the claim is approved?

In general the effective date will be the date your claim was received by VA or the date entitlement arose, whichever is the later, however there are exceptions to this general rule.  To review the regulations governing effective dates
please visit: www.benefits.va.gov/WARMS/docs/regs/38cfr/bookb/part3/s3_400.doc


Can I be paid retroactively to when I was discharged?

If your claim is received by VA within one year from your separation from service, your award will be retroactive to your separation date. Otherwise, VA can only pay benefits based on the date your claim was received.
For all current information about compensation and pension, eligibility, applications, etc., please go to http://www.vba.va.gov/VBA/  and click on the applicable links.


Are there other VA benefits related to compensation?

Yes. Veterans with service-connected disabilities are entitled to VA health care for those disabilities, and may also be entitled to vocational rehabilitation and employment benefits and service-disabled life insurance. In certain cases, a seriously disabled
veteran may be entitled to a clothing allowance, specially adapted housing grants, automobile grants, and adaptive equipment. Information on any additional benefits to which you may be entitled would be provided with your claims decision. For
information about prosthetics, medical devices, sensory aids, etc., please go to our Prosthetics Web site at http://www.prosthetics.va.gov/
For all current information about compensation and pension, eligbility, applications, etc., go to http://www.vba.va.gov/VBA/   and click on the applicable links.


What if I have another disability not previously claimed?

If you have another disability that you feel is related to your military service, but you have not previously filed a claim for that disability, you may file a new claim by submitting a written request. VA Form 21-4138, Statement in Support of Claim, may
also be used for this purpose.

You can find VA Form 21-4138 at: http://www.vba.va.gov/pubs/forms/VBA-21-4138-ARE.pdf

To establish a new condition as service-connected, we will need any information you can provide that will help us link that condition to your military service. You should also submit current medical evidence. Be sure to include your VA claim number or
Social Security number on all correspondence. Mail the completed form or other written request and any evidence you have to your VA regional office.

You may find the address for a VA regional office at:
For all current information about compensation and pension, eligibility, payment rates, applications, etc., go to http://www.vba.va.gov/VBA/  and click on the applicable links.

How much does VA pay in compensation?

Monthly tax-free benefits vary depending on the type of disability and percent of disability rating.   For 30% or more disability, an additional amount is added for each dependent. Additional amounts are also paid for severe disabilities such
as the loss of use of a limb or an organ.  For current information about disability compensation payment rates, please go to :  http://www.vba.va.gov/bln/21/Rates/#BM01


What is the Individual Unemployability benefit?

The Individual Unemployability (IU) benefit is payable when a veteran cannot secure or retain employment as a result of his/her service-connected disabilities.
If you are unable to maintain employment as a result of your service-connected disabilities, complete VA Form 21-8940, Veteran's Application for Increased Compensation Based on Unemployability and submit current medical evidence on the extent
your service-connected disabilities. The form may be found at: http://www.vba.va.gov/pubs/forms/VBA-21-8940-ARE.pdf . The evidence should reflect your condition within the past 12 months and include any hospital reports and outpatient
treatment records. If you do not have the evidence, be sure to provide information telling VA where the evidence can be obtained.


Can I have my claim reconsidered even though denied in the past?

If you have new evidence to support your previously denied claim, you should send a written request to your VA regional office to have your claim reopened. Include the new supporting evidence (or information telling VA where the evidence can be
obtained). You may use VA Form 21-4138, Statement in Support of Claim, to submit your written request.
You may find the form at:  http://www.vba.va.gov/pubs/forms/VBA-21-4138-ARE.pdf .


What should I do if I think an error was made on a previous disability decision?

If it has not yet been a year since that decision was issued, you are still within the time frame to appeal the decision, and you should file a Notice of Disagreement. This must be submitted in writing and specify exactly your disagreement with the
decision you received. You should refer to your decision notification letter and the attached VA form 4107, Your Rights To Appeal Our Decision, for further guidance on filing a Notice of Disagreement. You may download a copy of VA Form 4107 at:
http://www.vba.va.gov/pubs/forms/4107.PDF .
If you do not have a copy of your decision notification letter, VA can send that information to you. You may contact the VA regional office to make that request by going to VA's web messaging site, https://iris.custhelp.com .
If it has been more than a year since VA made the decision that you believe is incorrect, that decision is now final. If you wish to have that decision reviewed, you will need to specifically identify the error you believe was made, such as the
determination of service connection, the effective date, or evaluation for a claimed disability. You will also need to identify the factor(s) that resulted in an incorrect outcome, such as the incorrect application of the law.
It may be best to discuss your personal situation with a VA or Veterans Service Organization representative who can advise and assist you with your claim. VA offers a web site list of most National, State and local veterans service organizations at:
http://www1.va.gov/vso/ .


Do I need to do anything if I have a claim or appeal pending with VA?

No action is needed on your part until you receive correspondence from VA which will identify anything needed on your part.  When processing your claim for benefits, VA will send a letter to you informing you if further information is
needed and outlining the evidence needed to support your claim.  Upon receipt of an appeal, VA will send a letter acknowledging the receipt of your appeal and asking if you would like to follow the traditional appellate process or have a
DRO review your case.


If VA increases my disability rating or adds another disability, when will my
increased benefits be effective?

The effective date for your increased benefits will usually be the date VA receives your claim for an increase or a new disability.
VA may award an earlier effective date for an individual evaluation of a current service-connected disability if private medical evidence reveals that there is an increase in the veteran's disability and a claim is received within one year of the factually
ascertainable increase.
For example, if there is medical evidence to show that the veteran's service-connected left knee arthritis was worse on June 13, 2009, and we receive a claim for an increased evaluation for the veteran's left knee arthritis on December 6, 2009, then
the effective date for the increased evaluation will be June 13, 2009.                  
Additionally, VA will also consider treatment reports from VA or the uniform services, and the date of admission (or examination) will be accepted as the date of claim (unlimited retroactive entitlement) when increased disability is shown.  
For all current information about compensation and pension, eligibility, payment rates, applications, etc., go to http://www.vba.va.gov/VBA/  


Can I get back compensation payments?

In general the effective date will be the date your claim was received by VA or the date entitlement arose, whichever is the later, however there are exceptions to this general rule.  
To review the regulations governing effective dates please visit: www.benefits.va.gov/WARMS/docs/regs/38cfr/bookb/part3/s3_400.doc


How long will it take to receive a decision on my compensation claim?

The length of time it takes to receive a decision depends on several factors, such as the complexity of your disability(ies), the number of disabilities you claim, and the availability of evidence needed to decide your claim. Currently most claims are being
processed within six months, but can take longer in complex claims.


What are the Veteran Non-Service Connected Pension Rates ?

For all current information about compensation and pension, eligibility, payment rates, applications, etc., go to http://www.vba.va.gov/bln/21/Rates/#BM01 and click on the applicable links.


How much does VA pay for pension benefits?

VA pays you the difference between your countable family income and the yearly income limit that describes your situation. This difference is generally paid in 12 equal monthly payments rounded down to the nearest dollar.
For all current information about compensation and pension, eligibility, payment rates, applications, etc., go to http://www.vba.va.gov/VBA/    and click on the applicable links.


Are VA disability compensation and VA pension the same?

VA compensation and a VA pension are not the same thing. The simplest explanation is that VA compensation is a benefit paid on the basis of the kind and severity of a disability that happened as a result of your active duty in military service. VA
pension is a benefit paid on the basis of a disability that was not a result of active service in the military, or because of age. Pension is also based on income. There are other criteria that may apply to deciding eligibility for VA pension. That's why it is a
good idea to contact a representative at VA regional office to discuss your situation, or go to a national, state, or local veterans service organization for help.
The VA regional office may be contacted via:
Telephone at: 1-800-827-1000.
Internet web messaging at:  https://iris.custhelp.com .
In person or mail at an address you can locate at: http://www1.va.gov/directory/guide/division_flsh.asp?isFlash=1&dnum=3
For all current information about compensation and pension, eligibility, payment rates, applications, etc., go to http://www.vba.va.gov/VBA/    and click on the applicable links.
A list of veterans services officers may be found at: http://www1.va.gov/vso/ .


Am I Eligible for Vet Center Services?

If you served in a combat zone and received a campaign ribbon (Vietnam, Southwest Asia, OEF, OIF, etc.) you are eligible for Vet Center services. Your family members are also eligible for services to deal with military related issues. In addition,
parents, siblings, spouses and children of any active duty service member who dies while on active duty are eligible for bereavement counseling services. Services are also provided to any veteran who experienced military related sexual trauma while
on active duty. Vet Center services include outreach, individual, group, marital and family counseling, bereavement counseling, medical referrals, VA benefits assistance, employment counseling, alcohol & drug assessment and referral, information
and referral to community resources and community education.


How do I find a Vet Center?

The 207 community based Vet Centers are located in all fifty states, District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Information and contact information for your local Vet Center can be found here. Vet Center staff are available toll
free during normal business hours at 1-800-905-4675 (Eastern) & 1-866-496-8838 (Pacific). Vet Center listings are also found in your local ‘Blue Pages’. Vet Center services include outreach, individual, group, martial and family counseling,
bereavement counseling, medical referrals, VA benefits assistance, employment counseling, alcohol & drug assessment and referral, information and referral to community resources and community education.


What does VA provide for veteran burials?

All burial and memorial benefits information can be found at http://www.cem.va.gov. This site provides information about those things that VA can provide, such as headstones, markers, burial flags, presidential memorial certificates, burial allowances,
etc., eligibility for those benefits and how to apply for them.


VA Information about Agent Orange

Information about Agent Orange can be found on our VA website at www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/agentorange/ . Please go to this website for all VA information related to this topic. Thank you.


What health care and attendant health care services are offered by VA?

VA has an extensive website pertaining to Health Care Eligibility, qualifying requirements, co-payments and charges, covered services, applying for health care, income verification, and other issues material to health care. To find specific and
comprehensive information about health care offered by VA, please click on this link to Health Benefits website.


Qualify for home loan if bankruptcy filed?

The fact you have been adjudicated bankrupt does not in itself disqualify you for a VA home loan. The following rules apply:
· If the bankruptcy was discharged more than 2 years ago, it may be disregarded
· If the bankruptcy was discharged within the last 1 to 2 years, it is probably not possible to determine that you are a satisfactory credit risk unless both of the following requirements are met:
o you have reestablished satisfactory credit, and
o the bankruptcy was caused by circumstances beyond your control (such as unemployment, medical bills, etc.)
· If the bankruptcy was discharged within the past 12 months, it will not generally be possible to determine that you are a satisfactory credit risk.
For all information about home loans, go to http://www.benefits.va.gov/homeloans/


What services and benefits are available for veterans living abroad?

For more information regarding VA services and benefits for US veterans living abroad, please go to http://benefits.va.gov/persona/veteran-abroad.asp .


Replace Lost Service Medals, Awards, Decorations

For information about and instructions for replacing lost service medals, awards and decorations, please go to http://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records/replacement-medals.html at the National Archives. This website provides the
instructions that you need to obtain replacements for lost service medals,awards and decorations.


Correcting Service Records and Discharges

For information and instructions about correcting your military service records, please go to http://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records/correcting-records.html at the National Archives. This information will provide all the information
that you need to initiate the necessary changes.


Nursing community information at VA

Comprehensive information about nursing services, nursing practices, published reports re: nursing, professional resources, etc., can be found at http://www.va.gov/nursing. Please check this website for all nursing service information.


Nursing Employment and Scholarships

For information about nursing and other types of health care employment, go to http://www.vacareers.va.gov/ We also have a nursing website that provides information on this discipline with links to jobs information, scholarship and awards
information; go to http://www.va.gov/nursing and click on the applicable links.


Data and Information about Veterans

The Department of Veterans Affairs Veteran Data and Information Web Site which can be found at http://www.va.gov/vetdata/. This site is managed by the Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Policy and is designed to provide you with a variety of
data and information about veterans. This site includes socio-economic data, the demographic characteristics of veterans, the geographical distribution of the veteran population, and other statistical data and information by veteran program. The Office
of Policy continually updates this site based on the most recent data from veteran surveys and other research.


Information about CHAMPVA

VA's Health Administration Center (HAC) is responsible for handling all CHAMPVA (Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs) issues. Please go to http://www4.va.gov/hac/landing2_relatedlinks.asp and click on the
appropriate links for beneficiaries, providers, non-VA care, forms, etc. to obtain the information that you need.


Spina Bifida Benefits

Spina Bifida benefits are for any birth child of a Korean Veteran who served in or near the Korean demilitarized zone between April 1, 1968 to August 31, 1971.  Also, any birth child of a Vietnam Veteran who served in the Republic of
Vietnam between January 9, 1962 and May 7, 1975.  


Programs/Information for Women Veterans

Information for women veterans about programs and services can be found on our Women Veterans website at http://www1.va.gov/womenvet/. Please check this website for a host of information specifically for women who have served our country.


How do I obtain a VA Home Loan Certificate of Eligibility or a duplicate of a
VA Home Loan Certificate of Eligibility

Apply online
To get your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) online, please go to the eBenefits portal at this link. If you already have login credentials, click the Login box, and if you need login credentials, please click the Register box and follow the directions on the
screen. If you need any assistance please call the eBenefits Help Desk at 1-800-983-0937. Their hours are Monday-Friday, 8am to 8pm EST.
Apply through your lender
Most lenders have access to the Web LGY system. This Internet-based application can establish eligibility and issue an online COE in a matter of seconds. Not all cases can be processed through Web LGY - only those for which VA has sufficient data in
our records. However, Veterans are encouraged to ask their lenders about this method of obtaining a certificate.
Apply by mail
Use VA Form 26-1880, Request for Certificate of Eligibility.
Surviving Spouses
Spouses must apply by mail using VA Form 26-1817, Request for Determination of Loan Guaranty Eligibility - Unmarried Surviving Spouses. If your Veteran spouse died after service, VA must determine that the death was due to a service-connected
disability. Please allow 2-3 months for this process unless you know that the decision on service-connected death has already been made.
If you can't print the form, just call 1-888-768-2132 and follow the prompts for Eligibility and we will mail the form to you.
Send the completed form to:
VA Loan Eligibility Center
Attn: COE (262)
PO Box 100034
Decatur, GA 30031


General Info about Disability Payment Rates

For all current information about compensation and pension, eligibility, payment rates, applications, etc., go to http://www.vba.va.gov/VBA/    and click on the applicable links.


Does VA offer any assisted living help?

All questions about assisted living arrangements should be addressed to the Social Work Department at your nearest VA medical facility. They can provide information about services or other assistance available through VA and/or your local community.


What is CARES?

CARES is the Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services, a system-wide process that reviews the structure, organization, and physical location of veterans' health facilities throughout VA. It addresses the clinical role of small facilities, vacant
space, the potential for enhanced use leases and the consolidation of services and campuses. For complete information on the CARES endeavor, go to http://www.va.gov/.


Can a borrower get a VA home loan for the purchase of a second home if they do
not currently have a VA loan on their primary residence?

If you are an eligible veteran and still have remaining entitlement or have had your entitlement restorded, you can get a second property using a VA Loan. You must occupy or intend to occupy the property as your primary home within a reasonable
period of time after closing the VA Loan.   For all information about home loans, go to http://www.benefits.va.gov/homeloans/


Does VA perform organ transplants?

The Department of Veterans Affairs has an organ transplant program that began in 1961. Information about the Transplant Program, location of transplant centers, policy, documents and procedures material to transplants, and other useful information
on this subject can be found on VA's transplant website at http://www.va.gov/transplant .


Smoking and Tobacco Use Cessation Program

For information about VA's Smoking and Tobacco Use Cessation Program, go to http://www.publichealth.va.gov/smoking/ and click on the links on that page.


Smoking Cessation Treatments for Veterans w/Mental Health Disorders

For information about tobacco cessation treatments delivered by mental health professionals to VA patients with mental disorders, please go to http://www.publichealth.va.gov/smoking/index.asp for details.


Does VA offer a weight management program?

MOVE! is a national weight management program designed by the VA National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (NCP), a part of the Office of Patient Care Services, to help veterans lose weight, keep it off and improve their health.
For information about this program, please go to http://www.move.va.gov/ for details.


Health Promotion and Disease Prevention program

The VA National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (NCP) is a field-based program office of the VHA Office of Patient Care Services. This entity deals with health and wellness issues and links to other offices and services related to this
discipline. Please check their website at http://www.prevention.va.gov/ for more information.


Surgical Services

For information about surgical services, publications, staff biographies, etc., please go to our Surgical Service website at http://www1.va.gov/surgery/ and click on the links for the information that you seek.


Information about jobs and employment opportunities

The primary website to check is http://www.usajobs.gov/   This is a one-stop source of information for Federal jobs and employment throughout federal government. This site provides the ability to do job searches by geographic
location, job type, agency, etc., and to obtain comprehensive information about jobs and employment for veterans, obtain forms, etc.
In addition, there are several websites at VA that provide information about employment.  They are: http://www.va.gov/jobs/  and http://www.vacareers.va.gov/index.asp
VA Careers is the official job board Web site for the Department of Veterans Affairs and is updated daily. VACareers.va.gov assists potential VA employees in finding job openings throughout the agency; open positions are posted on this website as
soon as they are made available, including positions that become available at newly opened facilities.  Please note that local VA facility job vacancies are also handled locally by that  facility. You may wish to contact the local
Human Resources office at that facility to get the most up-to-date information. You can locate information about various VA facilities by going to http://www.va.gov/landing2_locations.htm
http://www.va.gov/nursing/ is VA's nursing website that provides information on this discipline with links to health care jobs information, scholarship and awards information; click on the applicable links on this website.
http://www.vba.va.gov/bln/vre/emp_resources.htm is the Vocational Rehabilitation site that includes information about employment.
Many state governments have information specifically for veterans regarding job opportunities with that state government. Please check your state government website.
Other links to jobs information may be found at:      http://www.fedshirevets.gov/
Department of Labor veterans site: http://www.dol.gov/vets
America’s Job Bank: http://www.jobbankinfo.org/
Some generic but powerful job hunting/posting database used by industry country and worldwide are: http://www.monster.com, http://careerbuilder.com, http://simplyhired.com Another resource is http://www.hireahero.org, which is a non-profit
charity networking Web site that provides information about military-friendly employers.


Contact Loan Guaranty about Home Loan/VA Mortgage Issues

If you need to contact our Loan Guaranty service about mortgage/home loan questions, mortgage payments, problems making payments, etc., please go to http://www.homeloans.va.gov/contact.htm and follow the links for the contact(s) that apply to
your specific issue. Thank you.


National Veterans Wheelchair Games Information

For information about the National Veterans Wheelchair Games, go to http://www.wheelchairgames.org Click on the links for current and historical information and contact information.


Vets starting/expanding businesses

VA's Center for Veterans Enterprise has a website that provides information about programs and assistance offered to veterans who wish to start or expand their businesses. Please go to http://www.vetbiz.gov/ and click on the appropriate links for
specific offerings. You can also check VA's Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) Small Business Proponet for the Department of Veterans Affairs at http://www.va.gov/osdbu/veteran/index.asp.


Clothing Allowance

Veterans may be eligible for more than one annual clothing allowance or two annual clothing allowances for a single type of garment.  To qualify for a clothing allowance, each appliance or medication must affect a distinct type of article
of clothing or outer garment.  To qualify for two clothing allowances, the article of clothing must wear out at a faster rate than if affected by a single appliance or medication.


How do I volunteer to help veterans at VA?

VA has a website dedicated to information about our volunteer service at http://www.va.gov/volunteer/ You can go directly to the information entry form for those interested in volunteering by going to http://www.volunteer.va.gov/apps/VolunteerNow/

Thank you.


Hearing aid and prosthetic supplies/repairs and aids for the visually impaired

Denver Distribution Center
| View Map Yahoo! - MapQuest - Google
155 Van Gordon Street
Lakewood, CO 80228-1709
Phone: 303-914-5150
VA's Denver Distribution Center (DDC) serves many eligible veterans worldwide by distributing hearing aid batteries, accessories, and prosthetic socks directly to their homes as well as providing them with hearing aid repair service. DDC's customers
also include VA's Audiology and Speech Pathology Services, Prosthetic and Sensory Aid Services, Blind Rehabilitation Centers, other VA services throughout the United States and other Government agencies. These items are shipped anywhere
DDC products and services include:
Hearing aids and accessories, and hearing aid repairs
Batteries (predominantly used in hearing aids provided to veterans, although several battery types are available that may also be used in other battery powered devices such as artificial larynxes, assistive listening devices, and neuromuscular
stimulators), Prosthetic Items including prosthetic socks, prosthetic feet, and orthotic softgoods.
Aids for the Visually Impaired, such as rigid and folding mobility canes and adjustable-length support canes; braille pocket watches, wrist watches, and clocks; talking wrist watches and alarm clocks, wrist watches and clocks with highly contrasting
faces; braille writers, and AM/FM/TV audio receivers.
For more information and assistance, please go to our Denver Distribution website at http://www.va.gov/oal/about/dalc.asp
For other information regarding Prosthetics, Medical Devices and Sensory Aids, go to http://www.prosthetics.va.gov/
For details specific to hearing aids, go to http://www.prosthetics.va.gov/Hearing_Aids.asp and http://www.va.gov/oal/Veterans/accessories.asp


How to Obtain VA Forms


Jobs and Employment Opportunities in Health Care

For information about jobs/employment in the health care field that are available at VA, go to http://www.vacareers.va.gov/
We also have a nursing website that provides information on this discipline with links to jobs information, scholarship and awards information; go to http://www.va.gov/nursing and click on the applicable links.
Information about jobs in our dental service can be found at http://www.va.gov/dental/careers.asp.
You can also check the links at http://www.va.gov/jobs for information about all job offerings at VA.


Trouble getting into the Home Loan Guaranty Portal web site

If you are having problems getting into the Home Loan Guaranty Portal web site because you lost your password, or the current password doesn't work, please send an e-mail directly to the web portal managers at:

To find a VA Form, you can click on the VA Forms link on the bottom of the VA home page or you can go to http://www.va.gov/vaforms and perform the forms search. When the search occurs, any results will be displayed below the search box on the
Forms page, so be sure to scroll down to see the results.

Many forms are available in pdf format; this means that to view or to download the forms, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your machine. You can download this tool for free by going to http://www.adobe.com. Thank you.

[email protected] .

Thank you,
Loan Guaranty Service

Information on PTSD

VA has revised and updated its information on its website for the VA National Center for PTSD. The website provides a wealth of information on trauma and PTSD for veterans and their family members, as well as educational information for clinicians
and other health care providers. Please go to : http://www.ptsd.va.gov to view this information.
For benefit information, please go to: http://benefits.va.gov/benefits/.


Polytrauma Care

Polytrauma care is for patients with injuries to more than one physical region or organ system, one of which may be life threatening, and which results in physical, cognitive, psychological, or psychosocial impairments and functional disability. Some
examples are: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Hearing Loss, Amputations, Fractures, Burns, and Visual Impairment.

Please visit VA's Polytrauma System of Care website at http://www.polytrauma.va.gov for all information about services to veterans who have suffered from polytraumatic injuries and for their families. It also has links to each of VA's 21 polytrauma
facilities---four Polytrauma Rehabilitation Centers and 17 Polytrauma Network sites.

For information about Prosthetics, Medical Devices and Sensory Aids (eyeglasses, hearing aids, etc.) go to http://www.prosthetics.va.gov/

Find a gravesite

To search for burial locations of veterans and their family members in VA National Cemeteries, state veterans cemeteries, various other military and Department of Interior cemeteries, and for veterans buried in private cemeteries when the grave is
marked with a government grave marker, go to http://gravelocator.cem.va.gov/j2ee/servlet/NGL_v1


Find a national or state veteran cemetery

The Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) National Cemetery Administration maintains 124 national cemeteries in 39 states (and Puerto Rico) as well as 33 soldier’s lots and monument sites. There are also state veterans cemeteries, although there is
not a state veterans cemetery in all states. To view a list of veteran cemeteries, please go to http://www.cem.va.gov/cem/cems/listcem.asp


Information about headstones and markers

Information about headstones and markers, including eligibility for a headstone, how to apply for a headstone, how to complete the application, types of headstones and markers that are available, etc., can be found at http://www.cem.va.gov/


How does VA build a veterans cemetery?

The National Cemetery Administration has an Office of Construction Management to ensure quality planning, design and construction of VA national cemeteries. Please visit their website to view information about Architect Engineer design standards,
construction standards, real property, environmental management, and other information associated with design and construction of national cemeteries at http://www.cem.va.gov/design_construction/.


Replace a lost service medal, award or decoration

VA does not handle the replacement of lost service medals, awards or decorations. For information about and instructions for replacing lost service medals, awards and decorations, please go to http://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-servicerecords/replacement-medals.html at the National Archives. This website provides the instructions that you need to obtain replacements for lost service medals, awards and decorations.


State veterans cemetery grant program

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) State Cemetery Grants Program was established in 1978 to complement VA’s National Cemetery Administration. The program assists states in providing gravesites for veterans in those areas where VA’s national
cemeteries cannot fully satisfy their burial needs. Go to http://www.cem.va.gov/grants/ for more information.


List of Veterans Service Organizations

A list of veterans service organizations can be found at http://www1.va.gov/vso/index.cfm?template=view You can click on any organization listed to get additional information about that organization, including addresses, contact information, etc.


Information about veterans service organizations

VA has a website devoted to veterans service organizations. This website provides directories, reports and contact information about these organizations. Please go to http://www1.va.gov/vso/index.cfm to view this information by clicking on any
applicable links.


Patient Safety

VA's National Center for Patient Safety (NCPS) was established in 1999 to develop and nurture a culture of safety throughout the Veterans Health Administration, dedicated to the nationwide reduction and prevention of inadvertent harm to patients as
a result of their care. Patient safety managers at 154 VA hospitals and patient safety officers at 21 VA regional headquarters participate in the program. For information about patient safety, please go to http://www.patientsafety.gov


Hepatitis Information

VA has a website devoted to issues and information pertaining to hepatitis C and its treatment. Please go to http://www.hepatitis.va.gov and click on any applicable links.


Letters from Privacy Guard

If you receive a letter offering free credit monitoring for one year from Privacy Guard, paid by VA, please follow the instructions provided in the letter to sign up. This is a legitimate offer through VA in response to the potential loss of personal data.


Where to go for information on completing a benefits application on line

Pleae click here for information about benefits applications on line:


Aid and Attendance and Housebound benefits


How Does VA calculate your pension?

For all current information about compensation and pension, eligibility, payment rates, applications, etc., go to http://www.vba.va.gov/VBA/    and click on the applicable links.


Exclusions and deductions of countable income

For all current information about compensation and pension, eligibility, payment rates, countable income, applications, etc., go to http://www.vba.va.gov/VBA/  and click on Veteran Services tab and click on Pension.


What is countable income for veterans pension eligibility purposes?

For all current information about compensation and pension, eligibility, payment rates, countable income, applications, etc., go to http://www.vba.va.gov/VBA/    and click on the applicable links.


What is VA Pension for veterans?

For all current information about compensation and pension, eligibility, payment rates, applications, etc., go to http://www.vba.va.gov/VBA/    and click on the applicable links.


Who is eligible for VA benefits

For all current information about compensation and pension, eligibility, payment rates, applications, etc., go to http://www.vba.va.gov/VBA/    and click on the applicable links.


What is net worth?

Net worth means the net value of the assets of the Veteran and his or her dependents.   It includes such assets as bank accounts, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, some annuities and trust funds and any property other than the
Veteran's residence and a reasonable lot area.    There is no set limit on how much net worth a Veteran and his or her dependents can have, but net worth cannot be excessive.    The decision as
to whether a Veteran's net worth is excessive depends on the facts of each individual case.   All net worth should be reported and VA will determine if a Veteran's assets are of a sufficient amount that the claimant could live off
these assets for a reasonable period of time.   Pension is a needs-based program and is not intended to protect substantial assets or build up an estate for the benefit of heirs.


Apply for veterans non-service connected pension

For all current information about compensation and pension, eligibility, payment rates, applications, etc., go to http://www.vba.va.gov/VBA/    and click on the applicable links.


Multiple payments from VA

You cannot receive both a VA non-service connected pension and service-connected compensation payments at the same time.    However, if you apply for pension and are awarded payments, VA will pay you whichever
benefit is the greater amount.


Acquisitions, purchase of goods and services, vendor contracts

All information about procurements, acquisitions, supplies, purchase contracts and regulations pertaining to same, etc., can be found at the website of VA’s Office of Acquisition and Logistics (OAL) at http://www.va.gov/OALC/index.asp. Please
go to that website and utilize any of the links that address the information that you seek. The website also provides contact information for Acquisition staff.


List of all VA Facilities, offices, locations in US, state or region

You can find a complete running list of all VA facilities in the country or in a given state or region by going to http://www1.va.gov/directory/guide/rpt_fac_list.cfm?isflash=0


What is VONAPP?

The VONAPP (Veterans On Line Applications) website is an official U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) website, which enables veterans to apply for benefits using the Internet. This site can be used to apply for compensation, pension, vocational
rehabilitation, and education benefits as follows:

For information about benefits regarding aid & attendance and housebound benefits, go to http://www.vba.va.gov/bln/21/pension/vetpen.htm#7
Information about prosthetics, medical devices and sensory aids, go to http://www.prosthetics.va.gov/

U.S. military veterans and some service members within six months of separation or retirement can apply for compensation, pension, and vocational rehabilitation benefits using VONAPP.

U.S. military veterans, service members with two years of service, members of the Selected Reserve, and spouses/dependents of a "service connected" disabled or deceased veteran can apply for education benefits using VONAPP.

VONAPP also has a link to VA Form 10-10EZ, Application for Health Benefits.

Go to http://vabenefits.vba.va.gov/vonapp/about_vonapp.asp to find all information regarding VONAPP, how it works, when and how it can be used, etc.

What is MOVE?

MOVE! is a national weight management program designed by the VA National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (NCP), a part of the Office of Patient Care Services, to help veterans lose weight, keep it off and improve their health.
For all information about this program, go to http://www.move.va.gov/


What Social Work services does VA have?

Social Work is a professional service with treatment responsibilities in all patient care areas, helping patients and families to achieve their highest level of adjustment/coping in society, promoting vocational and psychosocial rehabilitation. Social workers
develop and implement treatment approaches which address individual social problems and work with acute/chronic medical conditions, dying patients, and bereaved families. VA social workers are responsible for ensuring continuity of care through
the admission, evaluation, treatment, and follow-up processes. This includes coordinating discharge planning and providing case management services based on the patients clinical and community health and social services resources. Over the years,
Social Work staff has addressed the needs of distinct veteran populations, i.e., the homeless, the aged, HIV/AIDS patients, spinal cord injury, Ex-POWs, Viet Nam and Persian Gulf veterans and their families, etc. For all issues regarding Social Work
services, go to http://www.socialwork.va.gov/index.asp and click on any applicable links.


Environmental Issues and Hazards

The Environmental Agents Service (EAS) administers health care programs related to environmental issues, including Operations Iraqi Freedom/Enduring Freedom (OIF/OEF), Gulf War, Agent Orange, depleted uranium, ionizing radiation, and Project
112 (Including Project SHAD). EAS also oversees the War-Related Illness And Injury Study Centers (WRIISCs). Organizationally, EAS falls under the the Occupational and Environmental Health Strategic Health Care Group of the Office of Public Health
and Environmental Hazards.

PROGRAMS include:

Project 112 (Including Project SHAD)
War-Related Illness And Injury Study Centers (WRIISCs)


Education Benefits/GI Bill

For all information about education benefits/GI Bill, go to http://www.gibill.va.gov/


Mental Health Services at VA

The mental health website can be accessed at http://www.mentalhealth.va.gov/
The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Mental Health Strategic Healthcare Group provides general inpatient psychiatric services at 132 medical centers as well as mental health outpatient services in 689 medical centers and community-based
outpatient clinics. In addition, readjustment counseling services are available for veterans and their families at 209 Vet Centers across the nation.
Mental health services are available in primary care clinics, VA nursing homes, and residential care facilities where veterans receive health care. Veterans with a serious mental illness are seen at facilities and clinics where specialized programs, such as
mental health intensive case management, day centers, work programs and psychosocial rehabilitation are provided.
The mental health website can be accessed at http://www.mentalhealth.va.gov/
Information specific to PTSD can be found at : http://www.mentalhealth.va.gov/PTSD.asp
Links to attendant information which include the following topics can also be found on this website:
Substance Use, Abuse Drug Policy
Veteran Recovery
Women Veterans
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Vocational rehabilitation
My Healthe Vet
Vet Centers (Readjustment Counseling Services)
Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Centers (MIRECC)
OEF/OIF Returning Veterans Fact Sheet
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
National Strategy for Suicide Prevention


Crisis Hotline

The Veterans Crisis Line is a toll-free, confidential resource that connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring VA responders.
Veterans and their loved ones can call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1 or chat online at www.VeteransCrisisLine.net* to receive free, confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, even if they are not registered with VA or enrolled in
VA health care.
The professionals at the Veterans Crisis Line are specially trained and experienced in helping Veterans of all ages and circumstances—from Veterans coping with mental health issues that were never addressed to recent Veterans struggling with
relationships or the transition back to civilian life.
Vet Centers and VA Medical Centers stand ready to reach out and help veterans in crisis or at risk for suicide. We can help.  Find a facility at http://www1.va.gov/directory/guide/home.asp?isFlash=1) or Vet Center (link to Vet Center at
http://www1.va.gov/directory/guide/vetcenter_flsh.asp?) today!


I owe the VA money. Who do I contact?

Non-Medical Debt:  If you are inquiring about an outstanding non medical debt owed to the VA, you may contact:
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Debt Management Center
P.O. Box 11930
St. Paul, MN 55111
(800) 827-0648
(612) 970-5688 (fax)[email protected]
The Debt Management Center also maintains a web site: http://www.va.gov/debtman/

Medical Debt: If you are inquiring about an outstanding medical debt owed to the VA, you may contact: the Billing Call Center at (866) 400 1238.   You can make payments on your medical debt by calling (888) 827 4817 or online
at www.pay.gov.


What is the Denver Acquisition & Logistics Center (DALC)?

The VA Denver Acquisition and Logistics Center (DALC)  serves many eligible veterans worldwide by distributing hearing aids, accessories and batteries; prosthetic socks; aids for the visually impaired; and orthopedic items to their homes as well
as providing them with hearing aid repair service. DALC's customers also include VA's Audiology and Speech Pathology Service, Prosthetic and Sensory Aids Service, Blind Rehabilitation Service, other VA services, and other Government agencies. These
items are shipped anywhere requested.
DALC products include: Hearing aids and accessories; hearing aid repairs are also available.
Batteries - Batteries predominantly used in hearing aids provided to veterans, although several battery types are available that may also be used in other battery powered devices such as artificial larynxes, assistive listening devices, and neuromuscular
Prosthetic Items - more than 500 prosthetic socks, and orthotic softgoods. For treatment and management of acute and chronic disabilities of the spine or abdomen, a variety of orthopedic corsets, belts, abdominal binders and supports are available.
Aids for the Visually Impaired such as rigid and folding mobility canes and adjustable-length support canes; braille pocket watches, wrist watches, and clocks; talking wrist watches and alarm clocks, wrist watches and clocks with highly contrasting
faces; braille writers, and AM/FM/TV audio receivers.
You can contact them directly via e-mail at [email protected] or call Regina Krawiec, Veteran Services Division - (303) 914-5145.
The web address for the Denver Acquisition & Logistics Center is http://www.va.gov/oal/ . You can find information on this Web page for Acquisition and Materiel Management for supplier or logistic information, Information
Resources Management (IRM) for Remote Order Entry System (ROES), other DALC software, or access assistance and Fiscal for information about your bill or other financial issues.
For specific information about Prosthetics, Medical Devices and Sensory Aids, go to http://www.prosthetics.va.gov/


kidney disease programs

For information about kidney diseases, dialysis, and other attendant issues and information, please go to http://www.va.gov/kidney


Policy on Flag Folding Recitations

VA's policy on flag folding recitations can be found at http://www1.va.gov/opa/pressrel/pressrelease.cfm?id=1406 and says the following:
“13-Fold” Ceremony, Other Scripts Approved

WASHINGTON -- To ensure burial services at the 125 national cemeteries operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) reflect the wishes of veterans and their families, VA officials have clarified the Department’s policy about recitations made
while the U.S. flag is folded at the gravesite of a veteran.

“Honoring the burial wishes of veterans is one of the highest commitments for the men and women of VA,” said William F. Tuerk, VA’s Under Secretary for Memorial Affairs. “A family may request the recitation of words to accompany the meaningful
presentation of the American flag as we honor the dedication and sacrifice of their loved ones.”

Traditional gravesite military funeral honors include the silent folding and presentation of an American flag, a 21-gun rifle salute, and the playing of “Taps.”

The clarification includes the following:

Volunteer honor guards are authorized to read the so-called “13-fold” flag recitation or any comparable script;

Survivors of the deceased need to provide material and request it be read by the volunteer honor guards; and


Homeless Veterans

VA offers a wide array of special programs and initiatives specifically designed to help homeless veterans live as self-sufficiently and independently as possible. In fact,VA is the only Federal agency that provides substantial hands-on assistance directly
to homeless persons. Although limited to veterans and their dependents, VA's major homeless-specific programs constitute the largest integrated network of homeless treatment and assistance services in the country. For all information about programs
and services for homeless veterans, please go to http://www.va.gov/homeless/ and utilize the links to specific information.


Prosthetics, Medical Devices and Sensory Aids

The Prosthetics and Sensory Aids service provides a vast array of devices and services in the prosthetics arena. These services include such items as:
• Home Oxygen
• Home Improvement and Structural Alterations Grant
• Automobile Adaptive Equipment
• Clothing Allowance
• Artificial Limbs/Orthotics
• Wheelchairs
• Eyeglasses
• Hearing Aids
• Durable Medical Equipment


Benefit Debt Collection (Non Medical)

VA's Debt Management Center (DMC) has an information Web site devoted to information related to debt collection at http://www.va.gov/debtman/ You should be able to find the answer to your debt collection questions there.


Pay your Non-Medical Benefit Debt Online

If you owe VA money and have the ability to pay online, please go to VA's Debt Management Center (DMC) web page for online payments. This is a secure web page located at: https://www.pay.va.gov/ .


Vocational Rehab and Employment Services

Information about the services that the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) program provides to veterans with service-connected disabilities can be found at http://www.vba.va.gov/bln/vre/. This website is dedicated to providing
information about veteran benefits administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Service to veterans, employers, and the general public.

The website provides information about vocational counseling available to active duty service members and veterans who have recently separated from active duty. You will also find information about vocational counseling and special rehabilitation
services available to dependents of veterans who meet certain program eligibility requirements. In addition, there is a link to VetSuccess.Gov at http://www.vetsuccess.gov which is Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) Service's
website that emphasizes employment for veterans with service-connected disabilities. There are links to employment information, small business resources, coming home to work, etc.

Returning OEF/OIF service members--Programs and Services

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has a web site for returning Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve service members of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF). You can find this web site at http://www.oefoif.va.gov/

This site contains and also links to information about
Enhanced VA Health Care Benefits
Primary Care Health Services
National Guard / Reserves Info
Transition Services
Housing Transition
Military Transition Programs
Employment Information
Family Services

Survivor Benefits Information

For all current information about compensation and pension, eligibility, payment rates, applications, etc., go to http://www.vba.va.gov/VBA/    and click on the applicable links.


Who has oversight to VA's acquisition and materiel, budget, financial services,
and asset management?

The Office of Management has two distinct missions. Our first mission is to support the Veterans Health Administration (VHA); Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA); National Cemetery Administration (NCA); Board of Veterans' Appeals (BVA); and
staff offices as VA provides benefits and services to our Nation's veterans. We do this by providing strategic and operational leadership for budget, financial management, acquisition and materiel management, and asset enterprise management. Our
second mission is to promote public confidence through stewardship and oversight of VA business activities, ensuring their consistency with national policy, law, and regulation. The Office of Management supports the Administrations and staff offices
through eight major service lines and has a number of activities and initiatives underway to help improve the Department's operations.


Information about Parkinson's Disease

VA has a website dedicated to information about Parkinson's Disease. The Veterans Affairs (VA) Parkinson's Disease, Research, Education and Clinical Centers (PADRECCs) and the National VA Parkinson's Disease Consortium websites can be accessed
at http://www.parkinsons.va.gov/index.asp


Information about available jobs/employment and how to apply

For jobs information for all federal agenecies and also state and local positions, go to http://www.usajobs.gov. This is a repository for all federal jobs with instructions for applying for them. You can search by job type, geographic location, federal
agency, etc.. Instructions and forms are also provided there. Please check the website frequently since jobs are posted daily. You can also visit our Office of Human Resources Management website at http://www.va.gov/ohrm/ You are also welcome to
contact the HR office at your nearest VA facility for more information.


Pandemic Flu Information

VA's Web site for pandemic flu can be found at http://www.pandemicflu.va.gov/ The information on this Web site is intended to provide information and resources to veterans, VA staff, and others interested in VA and pandemic influenza preparedness,
response, and recovery.

For specific information about all the disciplines for which the Office of Management has oversight, go to http://www.va.gov/om/


What is VETBIZ; Contact VETBIZ

Veterans Online Business Registry (VETBIZ).
VETBIZ will:
Enable veterans to electronically post information about their business enterprise to inform Government and corporate buyers about their capacity and capability to perform Federal requirements;
Enable buyers to quickly locate veterans in business to be placed on original source lists;
Inform agencies, contracting officers and businesses of veterans and service-disabled veterans in business, the products and services they provide and contact information for them.
The Vetbiz Web site is http://www.vetbiz.gov
Mailing Address:
U.S. Department of Veterans Affair
The Center for Veterans Enterprise (CVE)
810 Vermont Avenue, N. W.
Washington, D.C. 20420
Business Location:
The Center for Veterans Enterprise
1722 I Street, N. W.
Washington, D.C. 20420
Phone Numbers
toll free 866.584.2344
direct 202-303-3260
direct email address:


Upgrade Or Change Discharge

Each of the military services maintains a discharge review board with authority to change, corrects or modify a discharges or dismissals that are not issued by a sentence of a general courts-martial. The board has no authority to address medical
discharges. The veteran or his surviving spouse, next of kin or legal representative, may apply for a review of discharge by writing to the military department concerned, using Department of Defense Form 293 and also DD 149. You can obtain this
form from your local VA regional office, call 1-800-827-1000, from veterans service organizations ,or from the internet http://www.dtic.mil/whs/directives/infomgt/forms/formsprogram.htm.


Commissary or Exchange Privileges

Unlimited exchange and commissary store privileges in the United States are available to honorably discharged veterans with a service-connected disability rated at 100%, unremarried surviving spouses of members or retired members of the armed
forces, recipients of the Medal Honor, and dependents and orphans of military retirees. For non-retirees, death must be service-connected. Dependents of Reservists also may be eligible. Privileges overseas are governed by international law and are
available only if agreed upon by the foreign government concerned. Though these benefits are provided by DOD, VA does provides assistance in completing DD Form 1172, "Application for Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card. For detail
information, contact the nearest military installation or contact our VA regional office, call toll-free 1 (800) 827-1000.


A veteran cannot receive a Stimulus payment from VA if such payment was
received from SSA or the RRB.

If a veteran receives an Economic Recovery Payment (ERP) also known as a stimulus payment, from the Social Security Administration (SSA) or the Rail Road Retirement Board (RRB) that person is no entitled to an ERP payment from VA.


Some incarcerated Veterans will not receive a stimulus payment from VA

If veteran was incarcerated as of Jan 31, 2009, he or she will not receive a stimulus payment from VA.


Veterans living overseas will not receive a stimulus from VA

If a beneficiary resided outside the U.S. as of 4/21/09, payment is not authorized.


If you owe the Federal government, you may not receive any VA stimulus

If a veteran had a federal debt, Treasury will offset or recoup the $250.00 payment.


Health effects of military service during Operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm
and Iraqi Freedom

Information about health effects of military service during Operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom and related VA programs can be found at http://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/gulfwar/


Exposure to ionizing radiation during military service

Information for veterans, including atomic veterans, and the public about exposure to ionizing radiation during military service can be found at http://www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/radiation/


Military Testing involving biological and chemical warfare, Project Shad and
Project 112

Information for veterans and the public about military tests involving biological and chemical warfare materials during the 1960s along with information about:
Project SHAD (Shipboard Hazard and Defense), which was conducted to determine the vulnerability of U.S. warships to attacks with chemical and biological agents and
Project 112, which involved similar tests on land, rather than aboard ships
can be found at www.publichealth.va.gov/exposures/shad/


Center of Excellence on Implementing Evidence Based Practice (CEIEBP)

The goal of VA's Center of Excellence on Implementing Evidence Based Practice is advancing the science of transforming the healthcare system, both within and outside the VA health care system, to deliver consistently high quality care.
Research priorities are :
Develop, apply, and spread models of care that are safe, effective,
relationship-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable;
Identify and disseminate effective approaches for organizational change and redesign;
Implement, evaluate, and disseminate systems interventions, considering individual,
relational, and organizational factors, to transform care delivery; and
Implement and integrate health informatics into improved work processes and
care delivery.

To learn more about this organization and its goals, go to


Research on Specific Health Issues (QUERI)

VA's Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) is dedicated to implementing research findings into routine clinical practice.
The QUERI centers focus on 9 high-risk and/or highly prevalent diseases or conditions among veterans.
Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) QUERI
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) QUERI
HIV/Hepatitis QUERI
Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) QUERI
Mental Health (MH) QUERI
Polytrauma and Blast-Related Injuries (PT/BRI) QUERI
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) QUERI
Stroke QUERI
Substance Use Disorders (SUD) QUERI


Center for Health Services Research in Primary Care

More information about the Center for Health Services Research in Primary Care is located at http://www.durham.hsrd.research.va.gov/.


Health Care Financing & Economics (HCFE)

The HCFE was created To conduct economic research, support health services research, and disseminate the results of our research with the aim of improving health delivery systems for veterans and others.

You may find more information on our website below.



The Center for Health Quality, Outcomes and Economic Research (CHQOER)

CHQOER research emphasizes the development of novel quantitative and qualitative approaches for assessing the quality and effectiveness of health care and applying this knowledge to solve select clinical, policy, and management problems faced by
those responsible for improving the care of veterans. For more information please go to our website at the link listed below:


Contacting Us:

Center for Health Quality, Outcomes & Economic Research (CHQOER)
Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Hospital (152), Bld 70
200 Springs Road
Bedford, MA 01730
phone: 781-687-2872; fax: 781-687-3106

Web Automated Reference Materials System (WARMS)

The Web Automated Reference Materials System (WARMS) system allows a search of numerous reference documents and regulations material to services and benefits offered by the Veterans Benefits Administration. You can check this documents
database by going to http://www.warms.vba.va.gov/


Is the VA conducting a telephone campaign about its prescription medication

The VA is not conducting a telephone campaign regarding its prescription medication program. If you have received a call indicating we have made policy and procedure changes and are asked for personal financial information such as your credit card
number, please let us know by using the "Contact VA" found on any VA web site. The VA will never call and ask you to disclose personal financial information over the phone.


Phone calls supposedly received from VA asking for personal financial information

The VA does not call Veterans and ask them to disclose personal financial information over the phone. If you receive a call, please let us know by using "Contact VA."


Calls supposedly from VA asking for credit card number to pay for prescriptions

VA has not changed its processes for dispensing prescription medications. If you have received a call asking for personal financial information, please let us know by using Contact VA. The VA will never call and ask you to disclose personal financial
information over the phone.


CHAMPVA, Children of Women VietNam Veterans, (CWVV) SpinaBifida, CHAMPVA
Inhouse Treatment Initiative (CITII) Dependents Health Care, Overseas Veterans
(FMP), Persian Gulf Program

The Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA), Children of Women VietNam Veterans, (CWVV) SpinaBifida, CHAMPVA Inhouse Treatment Initiative (CITII), Dependents Health Care, Overseas Veterans, and
Persian Gulf program are all programs administered by VA's Heath Admininistration Center (HAC) in Denver, Colorado. Please go to http://www.va.gov/hac/hacmain.asp for specific information about all of these programs.


Crisis Prevention Veterans Chat Campaign

The Veteran Crisis campaign of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is expanding its outreach to all Veterans by piloting an online, one-to-one “chat service” for Veterans who prefer reaching out for assistance using the Internet.
Called “Veterans Chat,” the new service enables Veterans, their families and friends to go online where they can anonymously chat with a trained VA counselor. If a “chatter” is determined to be in a crisis, the counselor can take immediate steps to
transfer the person to the Veteran Crisis Hotline, where further counseling and referral services are provided and crisis intervention steps can be taken.
“This online feature is intended to reach out to all Veterans who may or may not be enrolled in the VA health care system and provide them with online access to the Crisis Line; it is meant to provide Veterans with an anonymous way to access VA’s
crisis prevention services.
Veterans, family members or friends can access Veterans Chat through the crisis  prevention Web site (www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org). There is a Veterans tab on the left-hand side of the website that will take them directly to Veteran
resource information. On this page, they can see the Hotline number (1-800-273-TALK), and click on the Veterans Chat tab on the right side of the Web page to enter.
Veterans retain anonymity by entering whatever names they choose once they enter the one-on-one chat. They are then joined by a counselor who is trained to provide information and respond to the requests and concerns of the caller.
If the counselor decides the caller is in a crisis, the counselor will encourage the Veteran to call the Crisis Line, where a trained crisis or suicide prevention counselor will determine whether crisis intervention techniques are required.


How do I file an appeal with the Board of Veteran Appeals (BVA)?

The Board has prepared a pamphlet for you to help explain the process.  It is available for you on the web site:  http://www.bva.va.gov/
You may also send in your name and address, and we will mail you a copy.  You may request a copy by:
Email to:    [email protected]
Or mail:
Board of Veterans' Appeals  
810 Vermont Avenue
Washington, DC  20420
Attention: Ombudsman


Receiving warnings using Internet Explorer in eBenefits

This message requires that you change a setting in Internet Explorer. To make the change and get rid of the message, follow these steps:
1.Open Internet Explorer.
2.Select the following menu command: Tools > Internet Options. The Internet Options window opens.
3.Click the Security tab.
4.Click the Internet icon in the upper left of the window.
5.Under Security level for this zone, click Custom Level. The Security Settings window opens.
6.Scroll to the Miscellaneous section.
7.Under Display Mixed Content, select Enable.
8.Click OK to close the Security Settings window.
9.Click OK to close the Internet Options window.


Error message while accessing the VA eBenefits Portal

Your browser is looking for a DoD root certificate, which provides the identity of a web site or a person. The DoD recommends that you install several certificates.
To download and install the certificates, follow these steps:
1.Open Internet Explorer.
2.Click the following link: Download Class 3 Root CA Certificate. The File Download window opens.
3.Click Open. (If you receive a security warning, click Allow.) The Certificate Manager window opens.
4.In the left side of the Certificate Manager window, click the plus sign (+) to see the Certificates folder.
5.Double-click the Certificates folder. The available certificates show on the right.
6.Locate the certificate that you downloaded (for example, DoD Class 3 Root A), then double-click the certificate. The Certificate window opens.
7.Click Install Certificate. The Certificate Import Wizard window opens.
8.Click Next.
9.Select the Place all certificates in the following store option, then click Browse. The Select Certificate Store window opens.
10.Select the Trusted Root Certification Authorities folder, then click OK.
11.Click Next.
12.Click Finish. If a Security Warning message appears, click Yes, then click OK to close the confirmation message.
13.Click OK to close the Certificate window.
14.Repeat steps 2 through 13 for the following certificates:
· Download Root CA 2 Certificate
· Download External Certification Authority (ECA) Root CA Certificate
· Download External Certification Authority (ECA) Root CA 2 Certificate


What is eBenefits?

The eBenefits Portal is a joint project between the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense. eBenefits is a one-stop shop for benefits-related information for Wounded Warriors, Veterans, Service Members, their families, and their
Veterans, Service Members, Retirees, and families of Service Members can register for an eBenefits account. As the site continues to develop, we will provide ever-increasing access to benefits-related information and resources.


Is my personal information secure on eBenefits?

Yes. The eBenefits site uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology, now called Transport Layer Security (TLS). TLS provides a secure Internet connection.
eBenefits sometimes accesses DoD Websites to enable you to create an account, log in, and display service information. DoD uses strong security certificates that are not available elsewhere. Everyday browsers that you might use for such activities as
online shopping don't always recognize certain security certificates.
When you visit certain sites, your browser may display an alert message if it encounters an unknown security certificate. When you see such a message, double-check to ensure that the browser is attempting to reach a DoD system. If you see a URL
that ends with .mil, instruct your browser that the site is OK.
As always, when accessing your eBenefits account from a public location, use caution when entering or viewing personal information. Always remember to log out and close the browser when you are finished.
All sensitive personal information accessible within the system is protected and safeguarded through Level 2 credentialing. A Level 2 access is required as a security measure to protect your personal information.


Do I have to have a Level 2 credential to access eBenefits?

No. You may directly access the eBenefits web portal without undergoing the Level 2 credentialing process (considered a Level 1 access). Level 1 access will only allow you to explore the general information areas of the web portal (e.g., Browse
Benefits Links, Home Loan Guaranty information). It is important to understand that in order to gain access to your personal information you must possess a Level 2 credential.
This requirement is for your protection to ensure the security of your personally sensitive information.


I am currently on active duty. Do I have to apply in person for Level 2 access?

No. If you are an active duty service member or a member of the Selected Reserve your Common Access Card (CAC) verifies that you have been in-person proofed.  Department of Defense (DoD) requires an individual with an active (CAC) to
utilize the CAC for the purpose of registering for a DS Logon Level 2 account. 


I am a military retiree. Do I have to apply in person for an E-Benefits Level 2

No. Retired military personnel may obtain Level 2 access if they register using their Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) PIN. Retired personnel who have been issued a DFAS PIN may apply for access directly and do not have to proof in


I received my PIN and attempted to access eBenefits, but was unsuccessful.
What do I do?

If you require any assistance activating your account or you have questions regarding the activation instructions, you may contact the Defense Manpower Data Center Support Center (DSC), toll-free at 1-800-477-8227. The DSC is open 24 hours a day,
seven days a week, including Federal holidays.


I can access my eBenefits account, but am having trouble navigating on the site.
Can anyone help me?

If you require any assistance within the eBenefits web portal, you may contact the eBenefits Customer Support group, toll-free at 1-800-983-0937. A customer support representative will assist you Monday-Friday, 7am to 7pm CST.


What type of claim status information will be available on eBenefits?

You will be able to view the following information online through eBenefits:

Date of Claim
Claim Type
Claim Status
Power of Attorney
Regional Office of Jurisdiction
Current Processing Location (if there is a temporary Station of Jurisdiction)
Claimed Conditions
Date Closed
MAP-D Tracked Item Paragraph Language

What type of payment history information will be available on eBenefits?

You will be able to view the following payment history information:


What do the "3 Phases of Claim Status" mean in eBenefits?

Payment Date
Payment Amount
Payment Type
Payment Method Mailing Address or DD/EFT (including Bank Name and Account Number)
Returned Payments
Payment Returned Date

The 3 phases in the claims process are:




This is the initial part of the claims process. The claimant is provided information as to what information is needed for the claim and an opportunity to provide or identify any additional evidence to support the claim. All appropriate evidence is gathered
and reviewed.


What is NOAA and how do I find its website?.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a branch of government that falls under the purview of the Dept of Commerce.   From daily weather forecasts, severe storm warnings and climate monitoring to fisheries
management, coastal restoration and supporting marine commerce, NOAA’s products and services support economic vitality and affect more than one-third of America’s gross domestic product. NOAA’s dedicated scientists use cutting-edge research and
high-tech instrumentation to provide citizens, planners, emergency managers and other decision makers with reliable information they need when they need it.  You can get to the NOAA website by going to http://www.noaa.gov/


What is the Public Health Service; do they assist veterans?

The U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps is an elite team of more than 6,000 full-time, well-trained, highly qualified public health professionals dedicated to delivering the Nation's public health promotion and disease prevention programs
and advancing public health science.  The PHS  will expand the number of mental health providers caring for military personnel affected by deployments, veterans, and  families in need of mental health services and
substance use treatment.  To access more information about PHS, go to http://www.usphs.gov/default.aspx


Am I allowed to copy and use a VA seal or an image on a VA web page?

The use of any VA department logos and/or seals may only be used for official VA business by the department.   Images that appear on VA web pages may be used provided they are not copyrighted.   A copyrighted image will
have the © (a circled "C") copyright symbol or will have an appropriate annotation confirming the copyright.


What can I do on eBenefits?

After you create an account, you can use my eBenefits to set up a profile, add and manage favorite links, access military personnel records such as your DD 214, view healthcare information, and more.  Additional capabilities are always in
development, so check back often.


CGI error on Ask A Question in Contact VA (IRIS)

Web Browser software recommendation!
This IRIS Web site was designed to work correctly with current standard versions of Internet browsers that support current web standards and settings (not test or hybrid versions or 64 bit versions). If you cannot submit your inquiry because you are
receiving a CGI error and you are using a standard browser (such as the standard version of Internet Explorer), you will need to check the browser settings.
You will need to ensure that:
you are running the standard version of your browser
have javascript enabled
set the Internet Security/Privacy level to Medium
and also add *va.gov to your Trusted sites zone
We apologize for any difficulties.


What’s the difference between a Basic and a Premium eBenefits account?

A Basic account enables you to view general eBenefits information and customize it to suit your needs. With this type of account, you can apply for some VA benefits, but you cannot view your personal information from VA and DoD systems.
A Premium account gives you the highest level of access to eBenefits. You can do everything you can do with a Basic account. You can also view secure, personal information from VA and DoD systems.


What are the requirements for getting a Basic eBenefits account?

To get a Basic account, you must meet the following requirements:
• You must be registered in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS).
Enrollment in DEERS is automatic for all service members and veterans who have served since 1982. Those who served prior to 1982 are being added from VA/DoD records.
 • You must have a DoD Self-Service Logon (DS Logon). A DS Logon is a secure identity (username and password) that is accepted by various DoD and VA self-service websites. If you are already registered in DEERS, you are eligible for a DS
Logon. Once you have a DS Logon, it's valid for the rest of your life.


What are the requirements for getting a Premium eBenefits account?

To get a Premium account, you must meet the following requirements:
· You must be registered in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS).
Enrollment in DEERS is automatic for all service members and veterans who have served since 1982. Those who served prior to 1982 are being added from VA/DoD records.
· Veterans and Service members can obtain a premium account online by visiting the eBenefits website and using the DS Logon Registration Wizard's online identity authentication tool.
· Veterans and Service members holding DoD Common Access Cards (CAC) may use these cards to obtain a DS Logon premium account online.
· Military retirees can use their DFAS MyPay logon and password to self-authenticate and obtain their DS Logon premium account online.
· Upgraded MyHealtheVet users with a DS Logon now have instant access to eBenefits (via single sign on).
· Veterans in receipt of monetary benefits from VA via direct deposit can obtain a DS Logon account by calling 1-800-827-1000 option 7.
· You can visit a VA Regional Office or TRICARE Service Center and verify your identity in person. Bring the following with you:
- A government-issued photo ID such as a driver's license, identification card, or U.S. passport (expired or unexpired)
- A secondary form of identification such as a birth certificate, social security card, or picture ID
- An original or certified copy of your DD-214


How do Veterans who are not DoD employees or contractors get an eBenefits

If you're a Veteran and do not work for DoD, you need to first get a Basic eBenefits account, then upgrade to a Premium account:
1.Visit the eBenefits site at https://www.ebenefits.va.gov.2.Click the Register button in the upper right of any page.
3.Click the Basic Account link on the left.
4.Follow the online instructions.
5.Once you get your Basic account, visit a VA Regional office and verify your identity in person to upgrade to a Premium account.


How do Veterans who are DoD employees or contractors get an eBenefits

If you're a Veteran DoD employee or contractor, choose either of the following options to get a Premium eBenefits account:
· If you have a DoD-issued CAC or DFAS myPay Login ID and password, request a DS Logon through DS Access.
· Request a DS Logon at a DoD RAPIDS facility when obtaining your identification card.
Note: If you request your DS Logon at a RAPIDS facility, you will receive your activation code by US Mail within 7 to 12 business days.


How do Service Members get an eBenefits account?

If you're a Service Member, choose either of the following options to get a Premium eBenefits account:
· If you have a DoD-issued CAC or DFAS myPay Login ID and password, request a DS Logon through DS Access.
· Request a DS Logon at a DoD RAPIDS facility when obtaining your identification card.
Note: If you request your DS Logon at a RAPIDS facility, you will receive your activation code by US Mail within 7 to 12 business days.
How do Retirees with a myPay account get an eBenefits account? (Add to IRIS)
If you're a Retiree with a myPay account, choose any of the following options to get a Premium eBenefits account:
· If you have a DoD-issued CAC or DFAS myPay Login ID and password, request a DS Logon through DS Access.
· Request a DS Logon at a VA Regional facility.
· Request a DS Logon at a DoD RAPIDS facility when obtaining your identification card.
Note: If you request your DS Logon at a facility, you will receive your activation code by US Mail within 7 to 12 business days.


How do Retirees with a myPay account get an eBenefits account?

If you're a Retiree with a myPay account, choose any of the following options to get a Premium eBenefits account:
· If you have a DoD-issued CAC or DFAS myPay Login ID and password, request a DS Logon through DS Access.
· Request a DS Logon at a VA Regional facility.
· Request a DS Logon at a DoD RAPIDS facility when obtaining your identification card.
Note: If you request your DS Logon at a facility, you will receive your activation code by US Mail within 7 to 12 business days.


How do Service Members’ family members get an eBenefits account?


What is DEERS?

DEERS is the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System. DEERS is an automated information system designed to maintain timely and accurate information on service members and dependents who are eligible for military benefits and
entitlements. The system also detects and prevents fraud and abuse in the distribution of those benefits and entitlements.


What if I’m not registered in DEERS, or what if I’m not sure if I’m registered?

Enrollment in DEERS is automatic for all service members and veterans who have served since 1982. Those who served prior to 1982 are being added from VA/DoD records.
If you find that you're not registered in DEERS or are simply not sure, call the DEERS Support Office toll-free telephone number:
· 800-527-5602 for Alaska and Hawaii
· 800-334-4162 for California
· 800-538-9552 for All Other States
Note: The best time to call the DEERS office is between 0600 and 1500 PST.


What if the current address on my identification doesn't match with what is on
record in the DEERS database?

You need to visit a VA Regional facility and bring a proof of residency that matches the addresses on each of your identification items.  The proof of residency can be a utility bill, phone bill, financial statement, mortgage voucher, or rent voucher.


Why should I update my DEERS information?

Updating information in DEERS is key to maintaining eligibility for TRICARE and other military benefits.


When and how often should I update DEERS Information?

Any change that affects service member benefits and entitlements should be recorded in DEERS. This includes a change of residence, change of status, marriage or divorce, and addition of dependents.
You should review the accuracy of your information at least once a year.


How do I update my DEERS information?

You can update your information in a number of ways:
· Request an update through your nearest military personnel office.
· Contacting the DMDC/DEERS Support Office
By Phone:
U.S. & worldwide…..…….………....1-800-538-9552
United Kingdom…………….….……0800-587-1594
By Fax 1-831-655-8317
By Mail: DMDC/DEERS Support Office
400 Gigling Road
Seaside, CA 93955-6771
DSO is open Monday through Friday, excluding Federal holidays, from 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PST


What is a DS Logon?

A DS Logon is a secure identity (username and password) that is used by DoD and VA self-service websites, including eBenefits, to provide identity authentication. If you are already registered in DEERS, you are eligible for a DS Logon.  
Once you have a DS Logon, it's valid for the rest of your life.
Your DS Logon username will include your first name, last name, and possibly a few numbers to make it unique.  You can set your own password, but it must follow strict password guidelines.  Passwords expire after 150
Read the DoD Self-Service Logon FAQs page for more information.


What is the purpose of a DS Logon?

The DS Logon is a secure credential that allows for single-sign on capability to a variety of VA and DoD websites and portals. The credential increases the security of a user's personally identifiable information (PII) and personal health information
(PHI). This provides a high level of authentication assurance in situations where Common Access Card (CAC) authentication is not available.


I'm a Veteran. How do I get a DS Logon?

To get a DS Logon, you need to visit a VA Regional Office and verify your identity in person by a Public Contact Representative. Find a VA Regional Office


I was recently in-person proofed for a DS Logon. When and how will I receive my
activation code?

After being in-person proofed at a VA Regional Office, you will receive an activation code in 7 to 12 business days. The code will be sent by US Postal Service (USPS) mail.
If you do not receive your activation code within the time frame, call the DMDC Support Center (DSC) at 1-800-372-7437. The DSC is available 24 x 7 x 365.


I received my DS Logon activation code in the mail. Now what do I do?

Once you receive your DS Logon activation code, go to the eBenefits website and click on "Login".  You will be in the DoD Self-Service Access Center.  Click on "Activate" beside the "Have a DS Logon activation letter?" and
follow the instructions.


Can the spouse or dependent of a Veteran get a DS Logon?

Yes.  Spouse and dependent age 18 or older of a current or former military personnel can get a DS Logon.  Spouse and/or dependent must be in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS).
NOTE:  If you request your DS Logon at a VA Regional Office or a TRICARE Service Center, you will receive your activation code by US Mail to your current mailing address within 7 to 12 business days.


Can the delegate or surrogate for a Veteran get a DS Logon?

Right now, only Veterans can get a DS Logon. Delegates or surrogates for the Veteran may be able in the future. Check back periodically for updates.


What is in-person proofing?

In-person proofing is a method of verifying the identity of a Veteran, Service Member, or dependent. It requires that you appear in person at a VA Regional Office and verify your identity.


Why is in-person proofing necessary to receive a DS Logon?

In-person proofing ensures that you are who you say you are. It also prevents an imposter from using your name to create a fraudulent DS Logon account.


What do I need to bring in order to be in-person proofed?

You need to bring the following:
· At least one form of photo identification issued by a federal or state government. This includes a state-issued driver's license, identification card, or U.S. passport (expired or unexpired).
· A secondary form of identification. This includes a birth certificate, social security card, or picture ID from a non-governmental entity (for example, a university ID).
· If the addresses on your identification items don't match the address in DEERS, you need to bring proof of residency. This can be can be a utility bill, phone bill, financial statement, mortgage voucher, or rent voucher.


I'm a current service member with a Common Access Card (CAC). Do I need to
be in-person proofed?

No. If you are an active duty service member, having a CAC verifies that you have been in-person proofed.


I haven't used my account in over a year. Do I need to be in-person proofed

No, you do not need to be in-person proofed again. The DoD Self-Service Logon credential does not expire. However, if the account is not used for 150 days, the password will expire. To log on to the account again, the password must be reset by
answering the challenge questions that were chosen during the initial setup of the account.


Is a Veteran Identification Card (VIC) an acceptable form of identification for inperson proofing?

Yes, if you're a Veteran, you can use the VIC as an accepted form of identification to receive in-person proofing.


Can I make the text on the site larger for easier reading?

Yes. To increase the text size on the page, use the text buttons in the upper right corner of any eBenefits page. The text remains in the selected size for the remainder of time that eBenefits is open.


I use the JAWS screen reader. How do I change my settings to use the forms on

To change your JAWS settings, follow these steps:
1.Press ALT + U to select the Utilities menu.
2.Press C to select the Configuration Manager.
3.In the JAWS Configuration Manager, press ALT + S to select the Set Options menu.
4.Press H to select HTML options.
5.Press CTRL + Tab to select the Misc. tab.
6.Press ALT + V to select Use Virtual Labels in Forms Mode. This checks or unchecks the option, depending on your previous setting. If you are unsure, continue to press ALT + V until you hear checked.


What kind of computer setup must I have to use eBenefits?

You need the following:
· A PC or Mac
· A Web browser with JavaScript enabled
· Access to the Web through a local Internet Service Provider (ISP)


How can I use eBenefits when I don't have a computer?

· Call or visit your local VA Medical Center to learn more about using their computers. The VA Facility Locator can help you find contact information for your VA Regional facility.
· Use a computer at a public library or Internet cafe.
As always, when you access your eBenefits account from a public location, use caution when entering or viewing personal information. When you are finished, always remember to log out, clear the browser history and cache, and close the browser


How do I change my name in DEERS?

If your name has changed upon separation from the Armed Services because of marriage, divorce, or a legal name change, you need to update your name in DEERS to remain eligible for benefits.
To update your name in DEERS, follow these steps:
1. Call the DMDC Support Office (DSO) so that a representative can tell you which documents you should provide to process the name change.
· Phone numbers and hours of operation:
o (800) 538-9552
o (866) 363-2883 (for the hearing impaired)
o Monday through Friday 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Pacific Time (Closed on federal holidays)
2. Mail or fax a copy of the relevant name change document (i.e., marriage or divorce certificate) to the DSO. Include your social security number, current phone number, and address.
· Mailing address:
Defense Manpower Data Center Support Office
400 Gigling Road
Seaside, CA 93955-6771
· Fax number:
(831) 655-8317
NOTE: The name change process takes from three business days to three weeks to process. You will be contacted by phone or mail when the name change has been completed.


FAQ Help

As you search for answers to your questions, you can easily move from one function to another using the tabs on the tab bar. Be aware that you must have a inquirer account to access certain functions.
Note: This site contains the Accessible Links function in compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. It can be activated using accessibility software, such as a screen reader, or through this keystroke sequence: From a page other than
Support Home, press Tab until the focus is on the My Stuff tab. Press Tab again and then press Enter.


Inquiry Type Help
Status of Claim (Select this option if your question is about the status of a claim for which VA has not made a decision.)
Status of Appeal at a Local VA Office (Select this option if VA has made a decision on your claim and you filed an appeal with the VA office that made the decision.
Compensation & Pension from the Topic selection in step #2, or, if a medical issue, please select one of the medical options in #2.)
Complaints about a lack of courtesy or service received from VA
Positive Feedback


Toll Free Numbers for Contacting VA

Department Name(s)
Toll Free Number(s)

VA Benefits:
Death Pension
Dependency Indemnity Compensation
Direct Deposit
Directions to VA Benefits Regional Offices
Disability Compensation
Disability Pension
Home Loan Guaranty
Medical Care
Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment

If your appeal pertains to compensation & pension benefits, please select


Paperwork Reduction Act Notice

OMB Number: 2900-0619
Estimated Burden: 10 minutes

The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 requires us to notify you that this information collection is in accordance with the clearance requirements of section 3507 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. We may not conduct or sponsor, and you are not
required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB number. We anticipate that the time expended by all individuals who must complete this form will average ten (10) minutes. This includes the time it will take to read
instructions, gather the necessary facts and fill out the form. This collection of information is intended to fulfill the need identified by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to categorize your question, complaint, compliment, or suggestion and collect
the necessary information to respond to it. Results will be used to automatically route your inquiry to the appropriate person in the VA, which will help ensure that you receive a response in a timely manner. Use of this form is voluntary and failure to
participate will have no adverse effect of benefits to which you might otherwise be entitled.


Veteran Status Help

I am asking about
benefits for Myself as a Veteran
I am a Veteran asking about specific benefits/services that I receive or wish to receive.
benefits on behalf of a Veteran
I am asking about or on behalf of a Veteran (a person other than myself).
benefits for a Dependent of a Veteran
I represent a person who is a dependent of a Veteran (living or deceased) and who is receiving, or wants to apply for VA benefits.
a General Question
I have a general question for which Veteran status/information is not needed.


Browser Software Alert for Persons Using Ask A Question on Contact VA

Web Browser software recommendation!
This IRIS Web site was designed to work correctly with current standard versions of Internet browsers that support current web standards and settings (not test or hybrid versions or 64 bit versions). If you cannot submit your inquiry because you are
receiving a CGI error and you are using a standard browser (such as the standard version of Internet Explorer), you will need to check the browser settings.
You will need to ensure that:
you are running the standard version of your browser
have javascript enabled
set the Internet Security/Privacy level to Medium
and also add *va.gov to your Trusted sites zone
We apologize for any difficulties.


Why can’t I update my inquiry? I get a broken link message.

VA has upgraded their Contact Us website and changed the way to update an inquiry. If your inquiry was entered before the upgrade on January 9, 2011 and you wish to update it, please enter a new inquiry at https://iris.custhelp.com with your
additional question. We apologize for any inconvenience to you.


Duplicate Error on IRIS Customer Entry Form

If you are unable to submit an inquiry because you received an error message about a duplicate Social Security Number (SSN), duplicate claim number or a duplication of any other identifying information, please do the following:
1.  Delete the information in the specific field that is generating the error (i.e., if the error pertains to a duplicate SSN, delete the information in the SSN  field on the form.)
2.  Scroll to the Comment/Question box at the top of the form and tell us the nature of the error.  Also provide the specific information that you tried unsuccessfully to enter (i.e., if there is a duplicate SSN error, please
tell us that the problem is a duplicate SSN issue and also provide the correct SSN in the body of the message so that we have enough information to track down the problem.)
3. In the Topics box, change the Topic selection to  "All Technical, Password and Access Problems" and then pick "VA Dept Website Tech Issues" as the  Subtopic.    
4.  In the Veteran Status section of the form (below your contact information), select "General Information" from the Veteran Status dropdown box.
4.  Leave your contact information (name, address, etc.) in the fields that have not generated an error so that we can notify you as soon as possible that the problem has been resolved.
5.  Click on the Submit button.
We offer our sincere apologies for any inconvenience to you.


How do I submit an application for Specially Adapted Housing (SAH)/ Special
Housing Adaptation (SHA) benefits on the eBenefits website?

You can use the My eBenefits Dashboard to locate the link for SAH:
1. Go to https://www.ebenefits.va.gov.
2. Sign in with your DoD Self-Service Logon.
3. Click on the My eBenefits tab.
4. Locate the Housing category.
5. Click Specially Adapted Housing Grant Application and Claims Status (SAH).
6. Click (apply for benefits online click here).
7. Complete the application, totaling three pages.
8. Click Submit Application.


What type of eBenefits account do I need to apply for Specially Adapted Housing
(SAH)/ Special Housing Adaptation (SHA) grant benefits?

You will need a Basic eBenefits account to access the application for SAH on the eBenefits portal.
To register for a Basic account, follow these steps:
1. Go to https://www.ebenefits.va.gov.
2. Click the Register link in the upper right to access the main Registration page.
3. Follow the instructions on the page.
Note: You must be registered in DEERS to receive an eBenefits account.
What if I'm not registered in DEERS, or what if I'm not sure if I'm registered?
Enrollment in DEERS is automatic for all service members and veterans who have served since 1982. Those who served prior to 1982 are being added from VA/DoD records.
- If you find that you're not registered in DEERS or are simply not sure, call the DEERS Support Office toll-free telephone number 1-800-538-9552.
Note: The best time to call the DEERS office is between 0600 and 1500 PST.
- If you find that you're not registered in DEERS and you are in receipt of Department of Veterans Affairs monetary benefits please call 1-800-827-1000 option 7.
You can visit a VA Regional Office or TRICARE Service Center and verify your identity in person. Bring the following with you:
- A government-issued photo ID such as a driver's license, identification card, or U.S. passport (expired or unexpired)
- A secondary form of identification such as a birth certificate, social security card, or picture ID
- An original or certified copy of your DD-214
- If the addresses on your ID items don't match the address in DEERS, you'll need to bring a proof of residency. For this purpose you can bring a utility bill, phone bill, financial statement, mortgage voucher, or rent voucher.


How often can I apply for Specially Adapted Housing (SAH)/Special Housing
Adaptation (SHA) benefits?

Public Law 109-233 authorized up to three usages of grant benefits.  An eligible veteran or servicemember may use their grant benefit up to three times, but cannot exceed the aggregate maximum amount allowable by law.  The current
maximum aggregate grant amount allowable at the time of this publication is $63,780 for the SAH grant and $12,756 for the SHA grant.  This amount could be increased annually based on a cost of-construction index.


Can I Use my Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) grant or Special Housing
Adaptation (SHA) grant benefits for my temporary housing?

A temporary grant (TRA) may be available to veterans and servicemembers who are/will be temporarily residing in a home owned by a family member. This assistance, up to $14,000 for the SAH grant or $2,000 for the SHA grant, may be used to
adapt the family member's home to meet the veteran or servicemembers special needs at that time. However, this amount is not subject to annual adjustments based on the cost-of-construction index.
The TRA grant program is a pilot program and is scheduled to end on December 31, 2011.


Can I apply for Specially Adapted Housing (SAH)/ Special Housing Adaptation
(SHA) benefits while I am on active duty awaiting discharge due to my disability?

Yes.  If you are currently being discharged for a disability that meets the basic requirements for SAH/SHA benefits, but are maintaining active duty status, you may apply for SAH/SHA benefits.


Medical Treatment Records of Dependents, Military Retirees, and Others (created
at military medical facilities)

Medical treatment records created at military medical facilities fall under the jurisdiction of The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and are kept at NARA's National Personnel Records Center (NPRC). 
For general information on how to obtain medical treatment records for dependents, military retirees or others that were created at military medical facilities, please go to: http://www.archives.gov/st-louis/military-personnel/other-medical-records.
For records-specific instructions, please go to http://www.archives.gov/veterans/ .


Obtain Medical Treatment Records of Dependents, Military Retirees, and Others
(created at military medical facilities)

Medical treatment records for dependents, military retirees, and others that were created at military medical facilities fall under the jurisdication of The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).  
To obtain general information about medical records from military medical facilities, please go to: http://www.archives.gov/st-louis/military-personnel/other-medical-records.html
For specific instructions, please go to NARA's National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) web page at: http://www.archives.gov/veterans/.


Medical Treatment Records of Dependents, Military Retirees, and Others(created
at military medical facilities)

Medical treatment records created at military medical facilities fall under the jurisdiction of the National Archives Records Adminstration (NARA). 
For general information about types of records maintained at NARA, go to http://www.archives.gov/st-louis/military-personnel/other-medical-records.html
For specific instructions on requesting medical records created at military medical facilities, please go to the NARA's web page for National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) at: http://www.archives.gov/veterans/military-service-records/


List of VA acronyms.

VA acronyms can be found at: http://www.virec.research.va.gov/Acronyms/acronyms.htm . 


Avoid a foreclosure

For information about home loan delinquencies and avoiding foreclosure, go to http://www.benefits.va.gov/homeloans/docs/foreclosure_avoidance_fact_sheet.pdf  for assistance.


What services are provided for blind veterans?

Blind veterans may be eligible for services at a VA Medical Center or for admission to a VA blind rehabilitation center or clinic. Services are available at all VA medical facilities through the Visual Impairment Services (VIST) Coordinator.
Aids and services for blind veterans include:
A total health and benefits review by a VA Visual Impairment services team
Adjustment to Blindness Training 
Home improvements and structural alterations to homes
Specially adapted housing and adaptations
Low vision aids and training in their use 
Electronic and mechanical aids for the blind, including adaptive computers and computer-assisted devices such as reading machines and electronic travel aids
Talking books, tapes and Braille literature
Supporting veterans in identifying sources for guide dogs and in completing application process to obtain a guide dog, assist with expenses of training the veteran to use the dog and the cost of the dog's medical care as provided for in VHA policy and
For specific information about Prosthetics, Medical Devices and Sensory Aids (eyeglasses, hearing aids, etc.)go to http://www.prosthetics.va.gov/


Caregiver Support Program

For all information about VA's Caregiver's Support Program, please see their website at Caregiver Support Program  (http://www.caregiver.va.gov)


Caregiver Support Program

For all information about VA's Caregiver Support program, please go to http://www.caregiver.va.gov    


The VONAPP Direct Connect feature will provide a wizard-based application,
which allows Veterans to manage the list of Dependents and Request for
Approval of School Attendance.

The VONAPP Direct Connect feature will provide a wizard-based application, which allows Veterans to manage the list of Dependents and Request for Approval of School Attendance. Veterans will be able update their personal information and inform
Veterans Affairs (VA) of changes to their dependents, marital status, and school verification. This wizard will replace and become the electronic version of VA Form 21-686c - Declaration of Status of Dependents and VA Form 21-674, Request for
Approval of School Attendance.
Note: Only requests to add a spouse and/or dependent children are being accepted. Over time, VDC will be expanded to include additional VA electronic forms and associated functionality.


All Veterans with Premium (DS Logon level 2) with a 10% or greater disability
award can access VDC

All Veterans with Premium (DS Logon level 2) with a 10% or greater disability award can access VDC. However, only Veterans with a 30% or more compensation disability rating from VA can receive additional allowance for dependents through VDC.


VONAPP Direct Connect (VDC) allows Veterans to request changes to dependents
on their benefits profile.

VONAPP Direct Connect (VDC) allows Veterans to request changes to dependents on their benefits profile. This system is appropriate for Veterans in receipt of 30% or greater compensation benefits who wish to:

Update their marital status to account for marriage, divorce, separation, or a deceased spouse.

Add a biological child, stepchild, or legally adopted child as a dependent

Request for Approval of School Attendance for dependents between the ages of 18 - 23.

Note: In order to add a dependent as a helpless child, all of the following criteria must be met:

The child is 18 years of age or older, and

Medical evidence shows permanent incapacity for self-support existed prior to the child's 18th birthday, and

The child is determined to permanently incapable of self support by a Rating Decision, and


Can I request to have a dependent added to my current VA benefits profile?

Yes, Veterans who are eBenefits Premium (DS Logon level 2) account holders can apply to have new dependents added to their benefits profile via the VONAPP Direct Connect (VDC) tool on the eBenefits portal.
Note: Submission of a request will not result in automatic award. All requests will be reviewed for accuracy, determine if additional information is needed, and approved or denied by the VA Regional Office. Reference the eBenefits enrollment scripts
and/or FAQs for more information about the eBenefits registration process. Publicly accessible eBenefits registration information is also available online at: eBenefits - Registration Overview


Where can I manage dependent benefits on eBenefits (Where is VDC Located)?

After logging in to eBenefits (https://www.ebenefits.va.gov/), a Veteran would navigate to and hover over the "Apply for Benefits" tab, select "Apply for Veterans Benefits Online", which is under General column, and then select "Manage Dependents
(VONAPP Direct Connect)".


I have an eBenefits account, how do I Start or Continue the process of adding a
dependent using VDC?

Log onto eBenefits and using your DS Logon navigate to the "Manage Dependents (VONAPP Direct Connect)" screen.  On the VDC screen, you will be provided with the option to "Start a New Application", continue an "Open Application" or view
"Submitted Application" by clicking the associated links.  Select the appropriate option to either start or continue an application, which will initiate the step-by-step wizard tool.


What information will be required to complete this online application process via
VDC in eBenefits?

The Veteran will need to provide the dependent's full name, SSN, DOB, relationship to the Veteran, etc…
Note:  Supporting documentation will be requested for the special situations such as: if the Veteran is requesting school registration for home schooling, adoption decree if adopted, and support for step-child not in household.


What are the steps in the eBenefits / VDC online dependents application process?

The online dependent benefits application process is outlined in Steps 1-11, below. To view the screenshots associated with these steps, please review the eBenefits-VDC Help Desk Reference Guide
Note: Steps 1 - 7 have common questions for the interview process when adding a spouse or child. When entering school age child 18 - 23 years old, you will be required to provide additional information such as; School name and location, enrollment
type, etc…Supporting documentation for adopted children will be required at the end of this interview process.  The following steps refer to adding a child as a dependent.
1.  The Veteran begins or continues their application to manage dependents 

Click Apply for Dependent Benefits or Continue to open your application to manage dependents

2.  The Veteran updates his/her personal information

Review your personal information that is on file with the VA. To make updates to the record, click Edit Personal Information

Note: If you click Edit Personal Information, you will be re-directed to the Update Personal Contact Information portlet.

3.  The Veteran chooses to either update their marital status or add a new dependent child to their VA record

Click Update Marital Status to request changes to marital status such as; marriage, divorce, separation, or deceased spouse.

What file extensions are accepted by VDC for uploading documents?

VDC accepts the following file extensions when uploading documents:
Note: VDC does not support ".bmp" file extensions. This feature will be available in a future release.


How long will it take for my VDC dependents application to be processed?

The average days to process a dependency claim varies depending on the workload at your particular VA Regional Office.


Why does my VDC Claim Status - Details Screen in eBenefits show the VA
Regional Office in St. Paul, Minnesota as having jurisdiction over my claim, when
I reside in another state?

The VDC online submission process is initially received by the St. Paul Regional Office, however, your Claim Status - Details Screen will be updated the following business day to show the correct VA Regional Office of Jurisdiction.


How much time am I given to provide supporting documentation for my VDC
dependents claim?

Once the process has started; you are given 30 days to submit any required supporting documentation in order to complete your online VDC application.


Who do I contact for eBenefits / VDC Technical Support?

If technical support is needed; you can reach a Representative at 1-800-983-0937.


Known VDC / eBenefits Issues and Workarounds.

Below are three known issues with workarounds:

User Experience Issue


If the user selects the Back button in the browser to navigate from the Final Review page back to the Dependent Summary page, the user may see non-edited Child Dependent status' changed to "Update Pending" when no changes have been made.

This is a display issue. The user can still continue and submit the application.

In Internet Explorer 7, a user may be unable to select an item from the drop-down list.


Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development (JRRD)

What is JRRD?
The Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development (JRRD) is a VA publication that has been publishing cutting edge rehabilitation research from around the globe for almost 50 years. It is sponsored by the VA and is under the auspices of the
VHA Office of Research and Development, Rehabilitation Research and Development Service. Our web site (http://www.rehab.research.va.gov/jrrd/index.html) had more than 15 million hits and 6.4 million downloads(all freely accessible) last year of
PDF, HTML, and PowerPoint(JSP) peer-reviewed content (including all legacy content back to the inaugural issue) for scientists, physicians, and clinicians and JRRD at A Glance (English, Spanish, and in 2012 Chinese) for Veterans and laypersons. We
also offer RSS feeds, and Podcasts, and we are the only scientific publication that features Veteran artwork on every issue. We are available on Facebook and via Twitter and LinkedIn. For FAQs please see: http://www.rehab.research.va.gov/jour/
Mailing List Issues:
With the implementation of Executive Order, Promoting Efficient Spending (Nov 9, 2011), we undertook measures to fulfill the order by significantly decreasing our hardcopy production and mailing costs which has resulted in many libraries, institutions,
and persons with generic addresses being purged from our database. If you have an issue with subscribing to or unsubscribing to the mailing list, please contact JRRD using this direct email address:    
[email protected] .


Changing Government Life Insurance Beneficiary

No, a power of attorney is not acceptable for executing a change of beneficiary for government life insurance even if certain state statutes allow it. The beneficiary designation can only be changed by the veteran or by a court appointed guardian,
depending upon whether the veteran is competent or incompetent.
Changing a beneficiary designation for a veteran who is competent
Changing a beneficiary designation for a veteran who is incompetent


What is the Agent Orange Fast Track Application System?
Fast Track is an accelerated claims process dedicated to Vietnam Veterans who have been diagnosed with an Agent Orange presumptive condition.
The Agent Orange Fast Track Claims process is for Veterans who:

Served in-country or in the in-land waterways of Vietnam between January 9, 1962 and May 7, 1975; and

Have been diagnosed with Ischemic Heart Disease, Hairy Cell and other B-Cell Leukemias, Parkinson's Disease, Prostate Cancer, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Hodgkin's Disease, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, or Multiple Myeloma.

For all information about Fast Track, please go to:  Agent Orange Fast Track Application System

Can my lender get my Certificate of Eligibility for me?

Yes, it's called Web LGY.  Most lenders have access to the Web LGY system.  This Internet based application can establish eligibility and issue an online Certificate of Eligibility in a matter of seconds.  Not all cases can be processed
through Web LGY - only those for which VA has sufficient data in our records.  However, veterans are encouraged to ask their lenders about this method of obtaining a certificate.


How do I apply for a VA guaranteed loan?

You can apply for a VA loan with any mortgage lender that participates in the VA home loan program.  At some point, you will need to get a Certificate of Eligibility from VA to prove to the lender that you are eligible for a VA loan.


Proof of military service

If you are still serving on regular active duty, you must include an original statement of service signed by, or by direction of, the adjutant, personnel officer, or commander of your unit or higher headquarters which identifies you and your social security
number, and provides your date of entry on your current active duty period and the duration of any time lost.
If you were discharged from regular active duty after January 1, 1950, a copy of DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge From Active Duty should be included with your VA Form 26-1880. If you were discharged after October 1, 1979, DD
If you are still serving on regular active duty, you must include an original statement of service signed by, or by direction of, the adjutant, personnel officer, or commander of your unit or higher headquarters which shows your date of entry on your
current active duty period and the duration of any time lost.
If you were discharged from the Selected Reserves or the National Guard, you must include copies of adequate documentation of at least 6 years of honorable service. If you were discharged from the Army or Air Force National Guard, you may submit
NGB Form 22, Report of Separation and Record of Service, or NGB Form 23, Retirement Points Accounting, or it’s equivalent. If you were discharged from the Selected Reserve, you may submit a copy of your latest annual points statement and
evidence of honorable service. Unfortunately, there is no single form used by the Reserves or National Guard similar to the DD Form 214. It is your responsibility to furnish adequate documentation of at least 6 years of honorable service.
If you are still serving in the Selected Reserves or the National Guard, you must include an original statement of service signed by, or by the direction of, the adjutant, personnel officer, or commander of your unit or higher headquarters showing the
length of time that you have been a member of the Selected Reserves. Again, at least 6 years of honorable service must be documented.


How can I obtain proof of military service?

Standard Form 180, Request Pertaining to Military Records, is used to apply for proof of military service regardless of whether you served on regular active duty or in the selected reserves. This request form is NOT processed by VA. Rather, Standard
Form 180 is completed and mailed to the appropriate custodian of military service records. Instructions are provided on the reverse of the form to assist in determining the correct forwarding address.


How can I obtain proof of military service?



I have already obtained one VA loan. Can I get another one?

Yes, your eligibility is reusable depending on the circumstances. Normally, if you have paid off your prior VA loan and disposed of the property, you can have your used eligibility restored for additional use. Also, on a one-time only basis, you may have
your eligibility restored if your prior VA loan has been paid in full but you still own the property. In either case, to obtain restoration of eligibility, the veteran must send a completed VA Form 26-1880 to our Atlanta Eligibility Center. To prevent delays in
processing, it is also advisable to include evidence that the prior loan has been paid in full and, if applicable, the property disposed of. This evidence can be in the form of a paid-in-full statement from the former lender, or a copy of the HUD-1
settlement statement completed in connection with a sale of the property or refinance of the prior loan.


Can I get my eligibility restored to use for a new loan?

In this case the veteran’s eligibility can be restored only if the qualified assumer is also an eligible veteran who is willing to substitute his or her available eligibility for that of the original veteran. Otherwise, the original veteran cannot have eligibility
restored until the assumer has paid off the VA loan.


My prior VA loan was assumed, the assumer defaulted on the loan

In either case, although the veteran’s debt was waived by VA, the Government still suffered a loss on the loan. The law does not permit the used portion of the veteran’s eligibility to be restored until the loss has been repaid in full.


Only a portion of my eligibility is available at this time

Yes, depending on the circumstances. If a veteran has already used a portion of his or her eligibility and the used portion cannot yet be restored, any partial remaining eligibility would be available for use. The veteran would have to discuss with a
lender whether the remaining balance would be sufficient for the loan amount sought and whether any down payment would be required.


Surviving spouse of a deceased veteran eligible for the home loan benefit

The unmarried surviving spouse of a veteran who died on active duty or as the result of a service-connected disability is eligible for the home loan benefit. If you wish to make application for the home loan benefit as a surviving spouse, contact our
Atlanta Eligibility Center. In addition, a surviving spouse who obtained a VA home loan with the veteran prior to his or her death (regardless of the cause of death), may obtain a VA guaranteed interest rate reduction refinance loan. For more
information, contact our Atlanta Eligibility Center.
[NOTE: Also, a surviving spouse who remarries on or after attaining age 57, and on or after December 16, 2003, may be eligible for the home loan benefit. However, a surviving spouse who remarried before December 16, 2003, and on or after
attaining age 57, must apply no later than December 15, 2004, to establish home loan eligibility. VA must deny applications from surviving spouses who remarried before December 16, 2003 that are received after December 15, 2004.]


List of VA Approved Appraisers

The Construction and Valuation Sections at each of the VA Regional Loan Centers maintain a list of approved VA fee appraisers within their jurisdiction.


Time for Appraiser to complete appraisal

Fee appraisers must complete VA assignements as quickly as appraisals for conventional loans are completed in the area where the property is located as determined by VA market surveys.  Extenuating circumstances may justify a delay. 
Refer to the Lender's Handbook, Section 11.03.


How are appraisers added to the VA fee panel?

Fee appraiser panels are maintained by the Construction and Valuation section (C&V) at the VA Regional Loan Center (RLC) having jurisdiction over the area in which the appraisals are performed.  Qualified appraisers are added to
the panel on an "as needed" bases.  Inquires should be made to C&V at the appropriate RLC.


Requirements to become VA Fee Appraiser

The requirements for one to be eligible to become a VA fee appraiser are available at this link.
*Note: VA offices will screen applicants credit for delinquent Federal debts.  And finally, a fee panel vacancy must exist in the area in which the applicant wishes to work.


How to file a complaint against a VA approved appraiser?

VA fee appraisers are approved and their performance monitored by the Construction and Valuation Section at the VA Regiona Loan Center of jurisdiction.  Any complaints concerning appraisal performance should be directed to the Valuation
Officer at the Regional Loan Center.  A list of VA Regional Loan Centers may be found on our website at: http://www.benefits.va.gov/homeloans/rlcweb.asp


Are the children of a living or deceased veteran eligible for the home loan

No, the children of an eligible veteran are not eligible for the home loan benefit. 


What if I don't agree with the value on the appraisal or NOV?

Any party of interest to the transaction can submit a request (written) through the lender to the fee appraiser on whose appraisal the current VA valuation is based, for a reconsideration of value.  Requests other than to change value will be
submitted through the lender to the VA office of jurisdiction.  Although there is no requirement that comparable sales or other real estate market information be submitted with a request for a change in value, such supporting information
will greatly assist the VA in reviewing the request.  Lender Appraisal Processing Program (LAPP) cases should also include a recommendation by the Staff Appraisal Reviewer (SAR).


Process to Convert FHA Appraisal to VA

You must contact the Construction and Valuation section at the Regional Loan Center having jurisdiction over the location of the property.  Generally a HUD appraisal cannot be converted for VA use, but there is one exception as explained
in the VA Lender's Handbook, section 10.11.


Automated Valuation Model

No.  All VA appraisals must be performed by VA fee panel appraisers, assigned on a rotational basis.


What is a VA Guaranteed Home Loan?

VA guaranteed loans are made by private lenders, such as banks, savings & loans, or mortgage companies to eligible veterans for the purchase of a home which must be for their own personal occupancy. The guaranty means the lender is
protected against loss if you fail to repay the loan. The guaranty replaces the protection the lender normally receives by requiring a down payment allowing you to obtain favorable financing terms.


Asbestos Insulation

VA does not address asbestos related issues specifically, however, deteriorating asbestos insulation within the confines of a home may be considered hazardous to one's health.  Chapter 12 - Minimum Property Requirements VA Pamplet 26-7,
Revised states:
12.06 Hazards and Defective Conditions
The property must be free of hazards which may adversely affect the health and safety of the occupants, adversely affect the structural soundness of the dwelling and other improvements to the property, or impair the customary use and enjoyment of
the property by the occupants.
If an appraiser notices this condition, he/she should make a note on the appraisal report and require an inspection with corrections as needed by a professional in that field with full disclosure to the veteran.


What is pre-purchase counseling and why is it helpful?

Pre-purchase counseling gives a person information on (1) the process of buying a home, (2) the key players in the home buying process, and (3) debt management. The goal is to create a better informed homebuyer. While VA does not require such
counseling, we strongly recommend it. There is usually no charge for the housing counseling. An excellent online source of information for first time homebuyers is provided by Ginnie Mae.
To locate a housing counseling office call (800) 569-4287 or visit HUDs website. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) maintains both the phone number and website.


Does my entitlement guarantee that I will get a home loan?

No, VA cannot compel a lender to make a loan that would violate their lender policies. Lenders must also comply with VA income and credit standards. If a lender is unwilling to make a loan to you, we can only suggest that you try other lenders.


How much is my entitlement?

Your basic entitlement is $36,000. For loans in excess of $144,000 to purchase or construct a home, additional entitlement up to an amount equal to 25 percent of the VA county loan limit for a single family home may be available. VA county loan
limits, which can change yearly, are available at this link. The loan limits are the amount a qualified veteran with full entitlement may be able to borrow without making a downpayment.


How do I obtain a VA Home Loan?

Here are the steps:

Select a home and discuss the purchase with the seller or selling agent. Sign a purchase contract conditioned on approval of your VA home loan.

Select a lender, present them with your Certificate of Eligibility if available, and complete a loan application.  The lender can also obtain a Certificate of Eligibility on your behalf.

The lender will develop all credit and income information. They will also request VA to assign a licensed appraiser to determine the reasonable value for the property. A Certificate of Reasonable Value will be issued. Note: You may be required to pay for
the credit report and appraisal unless the seller agrees to pay.

The lender will let you know the decision on the loan. You should be approved if the established value and your credit and income are acceptable.

You (and spouse) attend the loan closing. The lender or closing attorney will explain the loan terms and requirements as well as where and how to make the monthly payments. Sign the note, mortgage, and other related papers.


Benefits of a VA home loan

There are many benefits of a VA Home loan:
Equal opportunity.
No down payment (unless required by the lender or the purchase price is more than the reasonable value of the property).
Buyer informed of reasonable value.
Negotiable interest rate.
Ability to finance the VA funding fee (plus reduced funding fees with a down payment of at least 5% and exemption for veterans receiving VA compensation).
Closing costs are comparable with other financing types (and may be lower).
No mortgage insurance premiums.
An assumable mortgage.
Right to prepay without penalty.
For homes inspected by VA during construction, a warranty from builder and assistance from VA to obtain cooperation of builder.
VA assistance to veteran borrowers in default due to temporary financial difficulty.


What can VA not do?

Guarantee that a home is free of defects. VA guarantees only the loan. It is your responsibility to assure that you are satisfied with the property being purchased. The VA appraisal is not intended to be an "inspection" of the property. You should seek
expert advice (a qualified residential inspection service), as necessary, BEFORE legally committing to a purchase agreement.
If you have a home built, VA cannot compel the builder to correct construction defects although VA does have the authority to suspend a builder from further participation in the home loan program.
VA cannot guarantee that you are making a good investment.  VA cannot provide you with legal services.



While Radon testing is not required, it is encouraged.  For information on Radon and how to test, please read the Environmental Protection Agency guide found at this link.


Is a guaranteed loan a gift?

No, it must be repaid, just as you must repay any money you borrow. If you fail to make the payments you agreed to make, you may lose your home through foreclosure.


Can I get a loan for a home outside of the United States?

Unfortunately, the law only allows VA to guarantee loans on property in the United States, its territories, or possessions.



The fact you and/or your spouse have been adjudicated bankrupt does not in itself disqualify you for a VA home loan. The following rules apply:
If the bankruptcy was discharged more than 2 years ago, it may be disregarded
If the bankruptcy was discharged within the last 1 to 2 years, it is probably not possible to determine that you and/or your spouse are a satisfactory credit risk unless both of the following requirements are met:
you and/or your spouse have reestablished satisfactory credit, and
the bankruptcy was caused by circumstances beyond your and/or your spouses control (such as unemployment, medical bills, etc.)
If the bankruptcy was discharged within the past 12 months, it will not generally be possible to determine that you and/or your spouse are satisfactory credit risks.


VA funding fee

The VA funding fee is required by law. The fee is intended to enable the veteran who obtains a VA home loan to contribute toward the cost of this benefit, and thereby reduce the cost to taxpayers. The funding fee for second time users who do not
make a down payment is slightly higher. The idea of a higher fee for second time use is based on the fact that these veterans have already had a chance to use the benefit once, and also that prior users have had time to accumulate equity or save
money towards a down payment. First and second time users who make a down payment of at least 5 percent pay a reduced funding fee of 1.5 percent, the same as first time users making the same down payment. For a 10 percent down payment,
the fee drops to 1.25 percent. The effect of the funding fee on a veteran's financial situation is minimized since the fee may be financed in the loan. National Guard and Reservist veterans pay a slightly higher funding fee percentage. To determine the
exact funding fee percentage, please review the funding fee table.


Do I need to occupy the property

The law requires that you certify that you intend to occupy the property as your home. This requirement is considered satisfied if you actually intend to occupy the property as your home and in fact so occupy it when the loan is closed or within a
reasonable time afterward.


I am a single veteran stationed overseas and want to buy a home in my home

The law specifically provides that occupancy by the veteran's spouse satisfies the personal occupancy requirement. The law makes no provision for occupancy by any other relatives as a substitute for personal occupancy by the veteran.


May a veteran join with a non veteran who is not his or her spouse in obtaining a
VA loan?

Yes, but the guaranty is based only on the veteran's portion of the loan. The guaranty cannot cover the nonveteran's part of the loan. Consult lenders to determine whether they would be willing to accept applications for joint loans of this type.
Lenders that are willing to make these types of loans will likely require a down payment to cover risk on the unguaranteed, nonveteran's portion of the loan. Unlike other loans, the lender must submit joint loans to VA for approval before they are
Both incomes can be used to qualify for the loan. However, the veteran's income must be sufficient to repay at least that portion of the loan related to the veteran's interest in (portion of) the property and the nonveteran's income must be adequate to
cover the rest.


If a veteran dies before the loan is paid off, will the VA guaranty pay off the
balance of the loan?

No. The surviving spouse or other co-borrower must continue to make the payments. If there is no CO-borrower, the loan becomes the obligation of the veteran's estate. Mortgage life insurance is available but must be purchased from private
insurance sources.


My home was appraised by VA and now I am having problems with its condition.
Wasn't the appraisal an inspection of the property and can't VA help me with
these problems?

Although the VA fee appraiser must view the property from both the exterior and interior to determine its overall condition, the appraisal process is not intended to be an "inspection" of the property. While the appraiser is an experienced observer, and
is required to recommend needed repairs based upon his or her observations while completing the appraisal, the appraiser is not expected to recommend cosmetic repairs, ensure that mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems work properly, climb
on the roof, etc. VA cannot guarantee that all defective conditions will be seen by the appraiser, or that the property will otherwise be satisfactory to the buyer in all respects, and we have no authority to assist veteran homeowners with the correction
of defects in existing homes. VA encourages homebuyers to satisfy themselves that the home they intend to purchase is in a condition that is acceptable to them.


correct construction defects

If the new home was inspected by a fee compliance inspector assigned by VA or HUD during construction, VA has complaint processing procedures that are used to attempt to get the builder to correct construction defects which the VA determines are
the builder's responsibility. A complaint must be registered with VA within the first year of ownership. Ultimately, VA does not have the authority to force a builder to make corrections to a property. Also, some problems about which a veteran complains
may be determined by VA to be within minimum standards of acceptable building practice. In such cases, VA will not look to the builder for correction. However, when builders refuse to correct items which VA determines are their responsibility to
correct, VA will take administrative sanctions against them and refuse to do further business with them. In the end, some veterans may still need to pursue legal action against the builder.


escrow account for taxes and insurance

VA does NOT require lenders to maintain escrow accounts. VA does require that lenders ensure that the property is covered by sufficient hazard insurance at all times and that property taxes are paid. Most lenders decide to use escrow accounts to do
this, but they are not required by VA and VA has no standards governing them.
They are governed by RESPA which is administered by the US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. For more information, click here.


Does having a VA loan limit a veteran's right or ability to sell the property?

No. A veteran may sell the property to a veteran or non-veteran at any time. However, if the loan was closed after March 1, 1988, and it will be assumed, the qualifications of the assumer must be reviewed and approved by the lender or VA.


Assume existing VA loan

No. If the loan was closed after March 1, 1988, the lender or VA must be notified and requested to approve the assumer and grant the veteran release from liability. If the loan was closed prior to March 1, 1988, the loan may be assumed without
approval from VA or the lender. However, the veteran is strongly encouraged to request a release of liability from VA in order to avoid owing a debt to the Government if the loan assumer (or a subsequent assumer) fails to pay the loan.


veteran obtains a release of liability

No. The assumer must not only qualify from a credit and income standpoint, but he or she must be a veteran with sufficient entitlement to substitute for that used by the original veteran in obtaining the loan and meet occupancy requirements.


trouble repaying the loan

It is best to talk with the lender as soon as possible to explain why the payments are late and when and how those late payments will be made. If there was a job loss, divorce, or other serious problem, and the regular monthly payments cannot be
made, then it may be best to sell the home to avoid foreclosure. VA may be able to assist in arranging a repayment plan or other alternative to foreclosure. VA offers home loan counseling through its 9 Regional Loan Centers (RLCs). Call our toll-free
number (800-827-l000) to request a call-back from a Loan Service Representative or click here for the phone number and address of the RLC closest to you.


What is VA refunding?

When VA refunds a loan, the loan is purchased from the private lender. VA only refunds a loan when the veteran has had problems making the payments due to circumstances beyond his or her control, the problems have improved so that payments
can now be made or will be in the near future, but the loan holder is not willing to wait before taking action to terminate the loan. Refunding is rare because most lenders prefer to work out the problems, if at all possible, rather than selling the loan to
VA and thereby giving up the right to future income from that loan.


compromise claim payment

When a veteran attempts to sell his or her home and the expected proceeds from the sale are not enough to pay off the existing loan, and the veteran has no other source of funds to complete the transaction, a VA compromise claim pays the
difference. As with any claim payment by VA, the veteran usually remains liable to VA for the amount of the claim payment. However, the compromise claim is usually less than the claim which would have been payable if the sale had fallen through,
the veteran had failed to make the loan payments, and the lender had foreclosed on the loan.


If a veteran dies before the loan is paid off, will the VA guaranty pay off the
balance of the loan?

No. The surviving spouse or other co-borrower must continue to make the payments. If there is no co-borrower, the loan becomes the obligation of the veteran's estate. Mortgage life insurance is available but must be purchased from private insurance


Staff Appraisal Reviewer

Basic SAR information is in Chapter 15 of the VA Lenders Handbook:   http://www.benefits.va.gov/warms/pam26_7.asp


Lenders Appraisal Processing Program

Your employer must be a VA approved lender with VA automatic approval authority.


Who does my lender/employer contact about becoming approved as a VA lender
with automatic approval authority?

Information on VA lender approval processing is in Chapter 1 of the VA   Lenders Handbook: http://www.benefits.va.gov/warms/pam26_7.asp
VA lender applications, fees, automatic or supervised lender approvals are handled by the Loan Production unit at the VA Regional Loan Center (RLC) of jurisdiction.  Direct all lender approval questions to the Loan Production unit at RLC
of jurisdiction.  RLC contact information is available online at: http://www.benefits.va.gov/homeloans/rlcweb.asp


What qualifications do I need to become an SAR?

You must be employed a full-time salaried employee and must have at least (3) three years of appraisal or appraisal review experience that qualifies you to competently perform administrative appraisals reviews in conjunction with underwriting loans
for VA loan guaranty purposes.  If you have been a HUD/FHA DE Underwriter for (3) three years, this will meet our requirement.


Where can I find information on submitting an application to VA to become a
Staff Appraisal Reviewer (SAR) for my lender?

Information on Lenders Appraisal Processing Program (LAPP) and SARs is in Chapter 15 of VA Lenders Handbook: http://www.benefits.va.gov/warms/pam26_7.asp
SAR application instructions and VA Form 26-0798 are on-line at:    http://www.benefits.va.gov/homeloans/sar.asp


Form OF306, Declaration for Federal Employment

Option Form 306, Declaration for Federal Employmentis an OPM form as opposed to a VA Form. This form may be used to determine your acceptability for Federal and Federal Contract employment and your enrollment status in
the Government's Life Insurance Program.    To obtain this document in fillable pdf format, please click on this link to obtain the form from the www.opm.gov website:. Optional Form 306 (OF306) 


Form OF306, Declaration of Federal Employment

Form OF306, Declaration of Federal Employment is an OPM form and not a VA form.  To download a fillable pdf copy of this form, click on this link at OPM, OPM Form OF306


What is a service bureau?

A service bureau provides data tracking and reporting services for loan servicing companies. Service bureaus send event updates to VA on a daily basis for servicers.


Are portal-only events also applicable to direct-connection servicers?

Yes, the portal-only events are applicable to servicers who have direct connections with VA. These events are not submitted through the overnight file process.


Does new VALERI user receive an e-mail message with their user name &

Yes, e-mail is sent with the information required to access the Servicer Web Portal.


How many times can a VALERI user try before their account is locked?

Each user has the ability to make 3 attempts to log-in to the application before the account is locked and the user must contact their company administrator.


What's the allowed file format for submitting on the VALERI Servicer Web Portal?

Most formats are acceptable. For example: PDF, XLS, DOC formats are acceptable. Executable (EXE) files are not acceptable.


Is the borrower's full Social Security Number visible anywhere in VALERI?

The SSN is not visible in VALERI. There are two events that require submission of the borrower's SSN: Electronic Default Notification and Transfer of Ownership.


How often are reports updated in VALERI?

Reports are updated nightly. Check them daily.


Will VALERI be posting updates for enhancements to the VALERI application?

When appropriate, the VALERI Servicer News Flashes will contain important enhancement notifications.


Can you choose more than one report at time in VALERI?

No, only one report can be run at a time in VALERI.


Are VA techs being assigned based on the last 2 digits of the LIN?

Cases are not assigned by the last 2 digits. Loans are assigned nationally based on a balanced assignment process. All technicians will have roughly the same caseload.


Will Servicer receive a hard copy of the VALERI Servicer Guide?

No hard copy of the Guide will be provided. You may download the guide from the VALERI website. Please periodically check for updates to the Servicer Guide.


What happens if the assigned technician is out of the office?

There is a contact list on the VALERI website so you may contact a Servicing Officer (SO) from the same Regional Loan Center for assistance.


Is the Assigned Technician in VALERI clickable to see the VA tech's contact info?

When you click on the name it provides you the ability to send e-mail to that technician.


Can more than one person access VALERI report at the same time?

Yes, multiple people can access the same report at once.


How many VALERI administrators can I have at my company?

You can control the number of administrators that you have. VA requires that all administrators participate in VALERI Administrator training prior to executing administrative duties in VALERI.


Does the servicer visually see withdrawals or revisions of events in VALERI?

You can view unrevised and withdrawn events by accessing the loan in the Servicer Web Portal, clicking the "Show All" check-box in the event inbox.


Who to contact for trouble with access to the VALERI application?

For trouble with the VALERI application, contact your company administrator.


What is the web address for the VALERI application?

The VALERI application can be accessed at https://www.vbavaleri.com.


Does servicer make own decisions and wait for a post-audit request from the VA?

Yes, servicers have been given authority to approve partial releases of securities, and they are subject to post-audit selection.


What type of exemptions do you allow for disasters?

These are considered extenuating property circumstances. Please review the VA policy for natural disasters at http://www.benefits.va.gov/homeloans/docs/va_policy_regarding_natural_disasters.pdf


Does VA need the date we prepared the partial release or the date it was

VA requires you to report the date the partial release of security is executed.


What are the seven reportable events that have to be done manually?

The seven events are Partial Release of Security, Partial Payment Returned, Transfer of Custody, Improper Transfer of Custody, Invalid Sale Results, Basic Claim, and Refunding Settlement.


Is there a requirement on the Servicing Transfer (receiving servicer) event in

VA does not penalize the receiving servicer if the transferring servicer does not report the Servicing Transfer (transferring servicer) event. However, the receiving servicer must report the Servicing Transfer (receiving servicer) and Electronic Default
Notification events prior to reporting any other delinquent loan events to VA.


report the loss on the claim for the insurable loss

Yes the insurance loss proceeds must be reported on the claim even though the property has been repaired. Some of the items required to be reported include: claim date, amount of claim, amount applied to repairs, and amount applied to unpaid
principal balance.


report the Bankruptcy Filed event for a loan goes into bankruptcy prior to the
61st day

The Bankruptcy Filed event is not reportable prior to an Electronic Default Notification being reported. It must be reported at the same time as the Electronic Default Notification.


Will my Electronic Default Notification if the loan info is incorrect in WebLGY?

Yes, all events must meet certain matching criteria in order to be accepted by VALERI. If your baseline loan data does not match what is in WebLGY, contact VA Loan Production to resolve the issue.


Notifying VA of returned short payoff as a partial payment

Servicers are required to submit the Partial Payment Returned event when they return a partial payment to the borrower. A partial payment is a remittance by or on behalf of the borrower on a loan in default of any amount less than the full amount
due under the terms of the loan and security instruments at the time the remittance is tendered. Funds submitted for paying off the loan are not considered a partial payment as they were not remitted for the purpose of bringing the loan current;
therefore, the servicer would not be required to submit the Partial Payment Returned event.


Does VALERI application track the initiation of a demand letter?

VALERI does not track demand letters however you do need to report to VALERI when you have sent the VA loss mitigation letter. This new letter is required by VA regulations and failure to send it will be tracked by VA.


Servicer report a loan as 61 days delinquent

Loans are reportable as delinquent when they become 61 days delinquent. For servicers with a service bureau, this information will come to VA and be reported in VALERI in an overnight file exchange on the 61st day so it will be seamless to you. If
you had to report a specific loan through the Servicer Web Portal it would have to come through no later than the 68th day which is within 7 days of the 61st day of delinquency


Will we be submitting Notice of Defaults and, Notice of Intent to Foreclosure
through VALERI?

All data is now being reported electronically and the physical forms are no longer required.


should the Loss Mitigation Letter be mailed to borrower who is on an active

Yes. VA believes the borrower should be able to recognize that this is a standard form letter that is sent even when a repayment plan is in place.


If the customer is a cease and desist customer should the letter still be mailed?

 If the customer has a court order prohibiting contact or collection actions, then it would appear that the letter should not be sent. However, that issue should be reviewed with servicer's counsel for more definitive guidance.


Loss Mittigation letter be mailed to deceased borrower

Most servicers change account names to read "Estate of..." in such a situation. The letter would be appropriate in that case to provide information to the executor of the estate, or the heirs who may be receiving information on the affairs of the


If the property is vacant, should the Loss Mitigation Letter still be mailed?

Yes. The borrower may simply not have provided the servicer with a forwarding address, but the letter will be forwarded if the borrower filed such a request with the Postal Service. The borrower may also have made other arrangements (with a
neighbor or relative).


If the customer is active bankruptcy should the Loss Mitigation Letter letter still
be mailed?

This should be discussed with your counsel. However, VA expects that in most such cases the letter will not be sent, as it probably could be viewed as a prohibited collection action.


Loss Mitigation Letter Questions be ing mailed toa chapter 7 discharge nonreaffirmed borrower

We understand some servicers send special letters under these circumstances. Those special letters have been designed with the assistance of counsel to provide the status of the loan and list potential actions by the servicer, without specifically asking
for payment. If such a letter contained advice that the loan was guaranteed by VA and provided the VA website address, that might be beneficial to a veteran, as well as the servicer.


Can the VA loss mitigation letter be blended with another letter?

Yes. The regulation contains two paragraphs of specific language. VA expects that most servicers will blend the letter with a particular VA identification so that it can be sent in the required situations.


Is Loss Mitigation Letter Questions required on VA Vendee Loans and Mobile
Homes ?

The letter is not required and would not be appropriate for vendee loans. For manufactured home loans guaranteed under Title 38, United States Code (U.S.C.), section 3712, the letter is not required, as such loans are governed by the regulations at
title 38, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), sections 36.4201 through 36.4287, inclusive. However, loans for manufactured homes that are permanently affixed and are guaranteed under 38 U.S.C. 3710, do fall under the new rules and the letter must
be sent. Servicers must exercise due caution in reviewing manufactured home loans in their portfolios to ensure that they are properly designated as guaranteed under 3710 or 3712, and if guaranteed under 3710, that the homes are permanently
affixed to the lots in accordance with current State laws.


Can the Loss Mitigation Letter be sent on the 45th day of delinquency on all loans
regardless of previous modification or date of origination?

There are no restrictions on sending the Loss Mitigation Letter but it must be sent no later than the 45th day on an Early Payment Default and no later than the 75th day on all other reportable defaults.


recommend retention options to veterans who do not intend to keep the property

No. Your records must be documented to state that you have reviewed and considered all loss mitigation options but that the veteran/obligor/estate did not want to keep the property.


Will VA allow servicer to proceed with the foreclosure for chronic delinquency?

You are still responsible for reviewing all alternatives and verifying that these alternatives are not viable for the veteran.


Can the executor of the estate bypass retention options and complete a
liquidation option?

Yes. Case notes simply need to be documented to indicate that the executor does not want to consider any home retention options.


If a property is in probate would it be best to proceed with a liquidation option,
or wait for probate to be completed?

You would need to consult with your attorney but prompt termination of the loan is in the best interest of all parties.


Does special forbearance followed by a private sale qualify for am ncentive

If the loan is 61 days delinquent and the forbearance is at least 1 month in duration, it will be eligible for an incentive payment.


May the servicer take verbal financial information when considering a loan

This is an internal process. It is not a VA requirement. VA only requires supporting documentation that was used to complete the underwriting of the loan to complete the loan modification at the time of a post-audit.


Should the compromise sale purchase be "arms length?"

Every case needs to be reviewed but the bottom line is that the net proceeds of the sale must not be less than net value.


Is it allowable on compromise sale if relative purchases the house and allows the
current homeowner(s) to live in the house.

Every case needs to be reviewed but the bottom line is that the net proceeds of the sale must not be less than net value.


Must the loan be 61 days past due to complete a compromise sale?

 No. To be eligible for an incentive payment, the loan must be a reportable default (i.e., 61 or more days delinquent).


Do we have to get promissory notes on certain loans noted in the old Servicer
Loss Mitigation Program (SLMP) guidelines?

No, promissory notes are no longer required.


Who counsels the veteran about his/her benefits affected by a compromise sale?

The two paragraphs that are required to be placed in the VA loss mitigation letter will explain the effects on their benefit. These paragraphs can be found in the new 43 00 series of regulations.


Is a private sale a full payoff?



Can I convert from VEAP to the Montgomery GI Bill?

Currently, there is no opportunity for VEAP (Chapter 32) participants to convert to the Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty (Chapter 30).
The military has had "open seasons" where service members were able to convert their VEAP eligibility to Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty (Chapter 30) eligibility; the most recent open season ended on October 31, 2001.


Do VRAP students have to verify monthly via WAVE to receive payment?

VRAP students must verify their enrollment monthly.  Verification may be completed via:
Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE) at  www.GIBill.va.gov,
Interactive Voice Response (IVR) at 1-877-823-2379,
or by  calling a GI Bill representative at 1-888-442-4551.


Does the Veteran have to remain under the age limit through completion of the
VRAP program? Through exhaustion of their benefit? Or just be under the age
cap at the time of application?

The Veteran only needs to meet the age requirement at the time of application.


Is my school eligible to offer training under VRAP?

Your school must be a two-year technical school and/or community college.  Four-year institutions, even if they offer a two-year or Associate’s Degree, are not eligible to participate.


Can VRAP students participate in work-study?

No.  The work-study provisions were not amended to include VRAP.  As such, VRAP participants will not be eligible to receive VA work-study benefits.


How and when does DoL verify unemployment status and thus declare someone
eligible for VRAP? Does a Veteran have to remain unemployed to be eligible for

Unemployment status is determined through self-attestation the day the Veteran applies for the program and they do not have to remain unemployed throughout the duration of the program.


When and how will I find out if I’ve been approved for the VRAP program?

Once an eligibility determination is made, a notification letter will be mailed to you.  To obtain the status of your VRAP claim, you may send an electronic inquiry (7 days a week, 24 hours a day) on our website, www.gibill.va.gov by
clicking the “Submit a Question” button.  You may also call the VA Education Call Center at 1-888-442-4551 (Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, CST).


Is there a paper application anywhere for VRAP? I don’t have a computer – now

VRAP applications are only accepted electronically.  If you need assistance completing and submitting the online application you may visit your Local Veterans Employment Representative (LVER)/Disabled Veterans Outreach Program
(DVOP) specialist or One-Stop Career Shop.  You may also receive assistance by visiting the
nearest VA Regional Office.  Click here for a listing of VA Regional Offices.


Why is there a restriction on the age of unemployed Veterans to take advantage
of VRAP?

The Veterans Opportunity to Work Act of 2011 specifically limited VRAP participation to Veterans who are at least 35 and no older than 60.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statics, about half of all unemployed Veterans fall in that age


Am I eligible for VRAP if I transfer the Post-9/11 GI Bill to my dependent(s) and/
or spouse?

It depends on how much Post-9/11 GI Bill entitlement you transferred. You may be eligible for VRAP if you transferred all unused Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to a spouse or dependent child.  Remember, to qualify for VRAP you cannot be
eligible for an education program administered by VA.   


I’m over the age of 60 and therefore not eligible for VRAP. What benefits are
available for me?

There are extensive employment resources available for Veterans provided by the Federal Government.  Visit www.fedshirevets.gov and the Department of Labor’s www.DOL.gov/vets to learn more.  We also encourage you
to call us at 1(800) 827-1000 to speak with a representative and learn about the different kinds of benefits you may be eligible to receive.


I don’t have an active bank account; must I have one to apply for VRAP?

You do not have to have an active bank account to apply for VRAP.  However, to meet the Department of Treasury mandate to issue all Federal benefit payments electronically, we encourage you to provide direct deposit information.
  If do not have or are not eligible for a checking or savings account may qualify for an Electronic Transfer Account (ETA).   More information on the ETA account is available at https://www.eta-find.gov.  


What if I am using VRAP and my program is only 3 months long? 18 months

VRAP provides up to 12 months of training assistance to unemployed Veterans.  If your training program is three months then VA will pay you three months of benefits.  If your training program is 18 months long, VA will only pay up to
12 months. 


Can I pursue an Associate’s degree or certificate program at a 4-year school
under the VRAP program?

VRAP only provides assistance for approved training offered at community colleges and technical schools. The term “community college” includes those educational institutions listed on the Department of Education's National Center for Educational
Statistics’ College Navigator website as 2-year institutions.


Can I use VRAP if I am not a full-time student?

No. VRAP benefits can only be paid for training pursued on a full-time basis.


Why is there a restriction on the age of unemployed Veterans to take advantage
of VRAP?

The Veterans Opportunity to Work Act of 2011 specifically limited VRAP participation to Veterans who are at least 35 and no older than 60.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statics, about half of all unemployed Veterans fall in that age


Can I apply for VRAP before I start training?

Yes, the earlier the better as applications may be received through October 1,
2013, or once we have 99,000 participants, whichever comes first.   


What happens if I don’t complete the VRAP program?

VA will not take any adverse action against you if you do not complete your
program.  VA will pay up to 12 months of benefits for qualifying training under VRAP.  
DOL will offer you employment assistance when you stop training even if you do not
complete your program.  Additional employment resources can also be found at My Next Move for Veterans for those who don't complete their VRAP program.


How much money will I get under VRAP if my program is only 3 months long? 18
months long?

VRAP provides up to 12 months of training assistance to unemployed Veterans.  
If your training program is three months then VA will pay you three months of benefits.  
If your training program is 18 months long, VA will only pay up to 12 months.


Am I eligible for VRAP if I transfer the Post-9/11 GI Bill to my dependent(s) and/
or spouse?

It depends on how much Post-9/11 GI Bill entitlement you transferred. You
may be eligible for VRAP if you transferred all unused Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to a
spouse or dependent child.  Remember, to qualify for VRAP you cannot be eligible for
an education program administered by VA.  


What is considered "unemployed"?

The Department of Labor defines "unemployed" as "People who are jobless, looking for jobs, and available for work."
All three criteria must be met to be considered unemployed.


What is the 6 credit hour exclusion?

VA automatically grants <rn:answer_xref style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial" target="_new" contents="mitigating circumstances" answer_id="403" /> for up to 6 credits the first
time a student reduces or terminates and mitigating circumstances must be considered.This automatic grant is called the 6-Credit Hour Exclusion.The exclusion is a one-time grant made the first time mitigating circumstances must be considered for
the student. Up to 6 credits can be excluded if the student has been awarded benefits for the credit. The 6-Credit Hour Exclusion cannot be granted if the student completes the term and receives non-punitive grades.
If the student withdraws from 3 credits, the exclusion will be granted for 3 credits and the student’s one time exclusion is used.
If the student withdraws from 12 credits, the exclusion will be granted for 6 credits, the student’s one time exclusion is used, and the student must provide mitigating circumstances for the other 6 credits.


What do I do if I need a job now?

There are extensive employment resources available for Veterans provided by the Federal Government. Visit www.fedshirevets.gov and the Department of Labor's www.dol.gov/vets to learn more.


What will happen when I finish my training under the VRAP program?

The Department of Labor will provide employment assistance to every Veteran who participates, upon completion of their program.


When, where, and how can I apply for the VRAP?

We are accepting VRAP applications now, please visit eBenefits to apply. The program will start paying benefits at the end of July 2012 for enrollments certified for July 1, 2012, the first day of the program.


Will the payments under the VRAP be sent directly to the school like payments
under the Post- 9/11 GI Bill?

No. The benefit will be paid directly to you and you are responsible for paying your expenses including tuition, fees, and books.


How much does the Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP) pay?

You may receive up to 12 months of payments equal to the monthly full time payment rate under the Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty.

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