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pdfFederal Register / Vol. 77, No. 236 / Friday, December 7, 2012 / Notices
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with
III. Initial Plan To Revise NUREG–1520
A. Proposed Changes
The NRC staff proposes to revise the
SRP to provide guidance and clarify the
discussion in several technical areas,1
including criticality hazards and
management measures. Further, the staff
proposes to add two chapters to address
the requirements for material control
and accounting (MC&A) and physical
protection, which are referenced in
section 70.22 of Title 10 of the Code of
Federal Regulations (10 CFR), ‘‘Contents
of Application.’’ Additionally, the staff
also proposes to revise the SRP to add
guidance on the characterization and
treatment of natural phenomena events
and their impacts to fuel cycle facilities.
Furthermore, the NRC staff is expecting
to incorporate administrative changes
throughout the SRP to ensure
consistency among the chapters.
The NRC staff is planning to revise
Chapter 5, ‘‘Nuclear Criticality Safety,’’
to expand its discussion of the double
contingency principle and double
contingency protection. The discussion
will include a description of what
constitutes a loss of double contingency.
Furthermore, the staff proposes to revise
Chapter 11, ‘‘Management Measures,’’ to
provide guidance on graded
management measures. This guidance
will address the selection of IROFS for
application of graded management
The NRC staff proposes the addition
of two new chapters to the SRP: Chapter
12, ‘‘Material Control and Accounting;’’
and Chapter 13, ‘‘Physical Protection.’’
The purpose of adding these chapters is
to more fully address the 10 CFR part
74 requirements for material control and
accounting, and the 10 CFR part 73
physical protection requirements that
are specifically addressed in § 70.22 for
fuel cycle facilities. In Chapters 12 and
13, the staff is planning to reference
applicable fuel cycle facility review
guidance for 10 CFR part 73 and part 74
including those currently being
evaluated under the rulemaking process.
The staff also proposes to revise the
SRP to add guidance on the
characterization and treatment of
natural phenomena events, and their
potential impacts on fuel cycle facilities.
In addition, the NRC staff expects to
incorporate administrative changes
throughout the chapters of the SRP.
Such administrative changes may
include rearrangement of some sections
and general streamlining to further
improve clarity, reduce redundancy,
and to assure that statutory, regulatory,
1 Guidance on ISA implementation issues will be
addressed in an ISG.
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and guidance document references are
accurate and up to date.
For the ISG addressing ISA
implementation issues, the staff plans to
engage stakeholders to ensure common
understanding on ISA implementation
issues such as the use of passive
engineered controls, bounding
assumptions, and initial conditions to
meet the 10 CFR part 70 requirements.
In addition, the staff plans to provide
clarification on the completeness of the
ISA summaries to ensure that facilities
appropriately consider all credible
events when developing an ISA.
After consideration of the comments
now being solicited, the NRC plans to
develop and publish a project plan that
establishes timelines and milestones for
the SRP revisions and ISG development.
The project plan will include additional
opportunities for public comment.
B. Receiving Alerts
The NRC may post additional
information related to revising NUREG–
1520, including meeting notices, to the
Federal rulemaking Web site at http://, under Docket ID
NRC–2012–0220. The Federal
rulemaking Web site allows you to
receive alerts when changes or additions
occur in a docket folder. To subscribe:
1) navigate to the docket folder (NRC–
2012–0220); 2) click the ‘‘Email Alert’’
link; and 3) enter your email address
and select how frequently you would
like to receive emails (daily, weekly, or
monthly). In addition, public meeting
notices will be posted on the NRC’s
Public Meeting Schedule Web site,
public-meetings/index.cfm, at least 10
days prior to the meeting.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this 28th day
of October 2012.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Marissa Bailey,
Deputy Director, Division of Fuel Cycle Safety
and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Material
Safety and Safeguards.
[FR Doc. 2012–29678 Filed 12–6–12; 8:45 am]
Submission for Review: Application To
Make Deposit or Redeposit (CSRS), SF
2803, and Application To Make Service
Credit Payment for Civilian Service
(FERS), SF 3108
U.S. Office of Personnel
ACTION: 60-Day notice and request for
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The Retirement Services,
Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
offers the general public and other
federal agencies the opportunity to
comment on a revised information
collection request (ICR) 3206–0134,
Application to Make Deposit or
Redeposit (CSRS) and Application to
Make Service Credit Payment for
Civilian Service (FERS). As required by
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(Pub. L. 104–13, 44 U.S.C. chapter 35)
as amended by the Clinger-Cohen Act
(Pub. L. 104–106), OPM is soliciting
comments for this collection. The Office
of Management and Budget is
particularly interested in comments
1. Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of functions
of the agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
2. Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
3. Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
4. Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submissions
of responses.
DATES: Comments are encouraged and
will be accepted until February 5, 2013.
This process is conducted in accordance
with 5 CFR 1320.1.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit written comments on
the proposed information collection to
U.S. Office of Personnel Management,
Retirement Services, Union Square 370,
1900 E Street NW., Washington, DC
20415–3500, Attention: Alberta Butler
or sent via electronic mail to
[email protected].
copy of this ICR, with applicable
supporting documentation, may be
obtained by contacting the Retirement
Services Publications Team, Office of
Personnel Management, 1900 E Street
NW., Room 4332, Washington, DC
20415, Attention: Cyrus S. Benson, or
sent via electronic mail to
[email protected] or faxed to
(202) 606–0910.
Application to Make Deposit or
Redeposit (CSRS) and SF 3108,
Application to Make Service Credit
Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 236 / Friday, December 7, 2012 / Notices
Payment for Civilian Service (FERS), are
applications to make payment used by
persons who are eligible to pay for
Federal service which was not subject to
retirement deductions and/or for
Federal service which was not subject to
retirement deductions which were
subsequently refunded to the applicant.
Agency: Retirement Operations,
Retirement Services, Office of Personnel
Title: Application to Make Deposit or
Redeposit (CSRS), and Application to
Make Service Credit Payment for
Civilian Service (FERS).
OMB Number: 3206–0134.
Frequency: On occasion.
Affected Public: Individuals or
Number of Respondents: 150.
Estimated Time per Respondent: 30
Total Burden Hours: 75.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
John Berry,
[FR Doc. 2012–29620 Filed 12–6–12; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. CP2013–23; Order No. 1562]
International Mail Contract
Postal Regulatory Commission.
The Commission is noticing a
recent Postal Service filing concerning
an additional inbound competitive
Multi-Service Agreements with Foreign
Postal Operators 1 negotiated service
agreement with China Post. This notice
informs the public of the filing, invites
public comment, and takes other
administrative steps.
DATES: Comments are due: December
12, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments
electronically via the Commission’s
Filing Online system at http:// Those who cannot submit
comments electronically should contact
the person identified in the FOR FURTHER
telephone for advice on filing
tkelley on DSK3SPTVN1PROD with
Stephen L. Sharfman, General Counsel,
at 202–789–6820.
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
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II. Contents of Filing
III. Commission Action
IV. Ordering Paragraphs
I. Introduction
On November 30, 2012, the Postal
Service filed a notice, pursuant to 39
CFR 3015.5, stating that it has entered
into an additional negotiated service
agreement with foreign postal operator
China Post (Agreement).1 The
Agreement is a successor to the existing
China Post 2011 Agreement, which will
expire December 31, 2012.2
The Postal Service seeks to have the
inbound portion of the Agreement,
which concerns delivery of inbound Air
CP,3 Surface CP, and Express Mail
Service, included within the Inbound
Competitive Multi-Service Agreements
with Foreign Postal Operators 1
(MC2010–34) product on the
competitive product list. Notice at 1.
II. Contents of Filing
The Postal Service’s filing consists of
the Notice, an Excel file containing
redacted financial workpapers, and four
attachments. Attachment 1 is a redacted
copy of the Agreement. Attachment 2 is
the certified statement required by 39
CFR 3015.5(c)(2). Attachment 3 is a
redacted copy of the Governors’
Decision No. 10–3. Attachment 4 is an
application for non-public treatment of
unredacted material. Id. at 3. The
Agreement’s intended effective date is
January 1, 2013. Id. at 4. The term is for
one year after the effective date, unless
terminated earlier. Id.
The Postal Service reviews the
regulatory history of the Inbound
Competitive Multi-Service Agreements
with Foreign Operators 1 product and
identifies the TNT Agreement (approved
in Docket No. CP2010–95) as the
baseline agreement for purposes of
determining the functional equivalence
of the instant Agreement.4 Id. at 1–3. It
asserts that the Agreement fits within
applicable Mail Classification Schedule
language and addresses functional
equivalency with the baseline
agreement, including similarity of cost
1 Notice of United States Postal Service of Filing
Functionally Equivalent Inbound Competitive
Multi-Service Agreement with a Foreign Postal
Operator, November 30, 2012 (Notice).
2 See Docket No. CP2011–68, Order No. 859,
Order Concerning an Additional Inbound
Competitive Multi-Service Agreements with
Foreign Postal Operator, November 30, 2012
3 ‘‘CP’’ is an abbreviation used to identify or
reference international parcel post (from the French
phrase colis postaux, ‘‘postal package’’).
4 The Postal Service identifies Governors’
Decision No. 10–3 as the enabling Governors’
Decision. Id. at 1–2. The TNT Agreement’s status
as the baseline agreement was confirmed in Order
No. 840, September 7, 2011.
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characteristics. Id. at 5. The Postal
Service also identifies differences
between the two contracts, such as
revisions to existing articles and the
addition of new annexes, but asserts
that these differences do not detract
from a finding of functional
equivalency. Id. at 5–8.
The Agreement also includes rates for
a yet-to-be-launched inbound product.
Id. Annex 1 n.3. Prior to launching the
product, the parties to the Agreement
must enter into a written modification
to the Agreement, subject to approval
from various entities, including the
Commission. Id. at 4 n.8.
Rates under the instant Agreement are
intended to become effective on January
1, 2013. Id. at 2–3. They are to remain
in effect for 1 year after the effective
date of the agreement, unless terminated
earlier. Id. at 4.
III. Commission Action
Notice of establishment of docket. The
Commission establishes Docket No.
CP2013–23 for consideration of matters
raised by the Notice. The Commission
appoints Allison J. Levy to serve as
Public Representative in this docket.
Interested persons may submit
comments on whether the Postal
Service’s filing in the captioned docket
is consistent with the policies of 39
U.S.C. 3632 and 3633 and the
requirements of 39 CFR part 3015.
Comments are due no later than
December 12, 2012. The public portions
of this filing can be accessed via the
Commission’s Web site (http:// Information on obtaining
access to sealed material appears in 39
CFR part 3007.
IV. Ordering Paragraphs
It is ordered:
1. The Commission establishes Docket
No. CP2013–23 for consideration of
matters raised by the Postal Service’s
2. Pursuant to 39 U.S.C. 505, Allison
J. Levy is appointed to serve as an
officer of the Commission (Public
Representative) to represent the
interests of the general public in this
3. Comments by interested persons in
this proceeding are due no later than
December 12, 2012.
4. The Secretary shall arrange for
publication of this order in the Federal
By the Commission.
Ruth Ann Abrams,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2012–29547 Filed 12–6–12; 8:45 am]
File Type | application/pdf |
File Modified | 2012-12-07 |
File Created | 2012-12-07 |