Attachment 4 - Questionnaire

Attachment 4 - Questionnaire.docx

Survey of DWI Courts

Attachment 4 - Questionnaire

OMB: 2127-0694

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DWI Court Survey Instrument

  1. General Information

1a. General Information

Name of person overseeing completion of interview: _________________

Title: _______________________

Name of your organization: _______________________

Address: _______________________


Phone: _______________________

E-mail: _______________________

1. Is the specialized Problem Solving Court you are operating to treat repeat DWI offenders and/or high BAC DWI offenders a DWI Court, or is it a Hybrid DWI Court that handles both DWI cases and drug cases?

o DWI Court – currently handles DWI cases only. (Skip To Q2)

o Hybrid DWI Court – currently handles both DWI cases and drug cases (the remainder of this questionnaire will refer to this as a DWI/Drug Court). (Skip To Q2)

o Problem Solving Court no longer handling DWI cases. (Go To Q1a)

o Specialized DWI Court no longer operating. (Skip To Q1b)

1.a. Why is your Problem Solving Court no longer handling DWI cases? Please check all that apply.

o Too few DWI cases.

o Too few treatment providers available for DWI cases.

o Other specialized resources for addressing DWI cases are not available or inadequate.

o Overall lack of resources.

o Lack of results in treating DWI cases.

o Changed priorities.

o Changes in Court personnel.

o A time limit on how long the Court intended to handle DWI cases.

o Other (please specify: ___________ )

All Who Answered Q1a > Thank Respondent and End Interview

1.b Why is your specialized DWI Court no longer operating? Please check all that apply.

o Too few DWI cases.

o Too few treatment providers available for DWI cases.

o Other specialized resources for addressing DWI cases are not available or inadequate.

o Overall lack of resources.

o Lack of results in treating DWI cases.

o Changed priorities.

o Changes in Court personnel.

o A time limit on how long the specialized DWI Court was planned to operate.

o Other (please specify: ___________ )

All Who Answered Q1b > Thank Respondent and End Interview

2. What is the name of your Problem Solving Court?


3. What year did this Problem Solving Court start operating?

o Drop down list of years from 2000 – 2013, with a “before 2000” category.

4. What types of geographic areas are served by your Problem Solving Court program? Please check all that apply.

o Urban

o Rural

o Suburban

o Don’t Know

5. Would you consider the geographic area served by your Problem Solving Court to be primarily:

o Urban

o Rural

o Suburban

o Don’t Know

[If Q1 = Hybrid Court, add this instruction. Otherwise go directly to Q6] For the remaining questions in Section 1, please answer only for the DWI participants in your Problem Solving Court unless specifically directed to combine the DWI and drug cases.

6. In calendar year 2012, approximately what percentage of DWI participants in your (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program were:

o Males younger than 21 ____% o Females younger than 21 ____%

o Males 21-29 ____% o Females 21-29 ____%

o Males 30-49 ____% o Females 30-49 %

o Males 50 and older ____% o Females 50 and older ____%

7. In calendar year 2012, approximately what percentage of DWI participants in your (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program were……



White (Total)

White Hispanic

White Non-Hispanic

Black or African American (Total)

Black Hispanic

Black Non-Hispanic

American Indian or Alaska Native


Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

8. In calendar year 2012, approximately what percentage of DWI participants in your (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program did not have English as their primary language?


o Don’t Know

9. In calendar year 2012, approximately what percentage of DWI participants in your (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program were employed full time, employed part time, or unemployed?

o Employed full time _____%

o Employed part time _____%

o Unemployed _____%

10. At what point in the criminal justice process do DWI offenders enter the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program? Please check all that apply.

o Pre-conviction

o Post conviction

11. Do the DWI participants in your (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program serve jail time before entering the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program?

O Yes, all serve jail time prior to entering the program

o Yes, most serve jail time prior to entering the program

o Yes, some serve jail time prior to entering the program

o No, none serve jail time prior to entering the program

o Other (please specify: _________________)

12. After graduation from the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program, what happens to the criminal charges for the majority of your DWI participants in the Court program?

o Charges stand (no reduction)

o Charges are dismissed

o Charges are reduced

o Charges and conviction stand with reduced sentence

o Charges and conviction are expunged

o Charges are dismissed and record expunged

o Other (please specify: _________________)

1b. Program Case Flow

13. How many participants are currently active in your (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program? [If Q1 = Hybrid Court in Q1, add the following sentence] Please include both your DWI and Drug cases.

o Please specify number: _________________

If Q1 = Hybrid Court, Go To Q13.a. Otherwise Go To Q14

13.a. How many of these participants were charged with DWI, how many were charged with drug offenses, and how many were charged with both DWI and drug offenses? Please enter the number.

o Charged with DWI: _________________

o Charged with drug offense: _________________

o Charged with both DWI and Drug offenses: ________________

14 Given currently available resources, approximately what is the maximum capacity of your (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program? [If Q1 = Hybrid Court, add the following sentence] Please include both your DWI and Drug cases.

o Maximum capacity (number of cases)

15. Are more DWI offenders eligible for the Court program than can participate, given resource/program limitations?

o No (Skip To Q16)

o Yes

15.a. In calendar year 2012, how many more DWI offenders were eligible for the Court program than could participate because of Court resource limitations?

o Less than 5

o 5 to 10

o 11 to 15

o 16 to 20

o 21 to 25

o 26 to 50

o 51 to 75

o 76 to 100

o More than 100

15.b. How did you select which DWI offenders to enter the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program when there were not enough slots for all who were eligible? Please check all that apply.

o Their order of processing in the justice system

o Clinical assessment

o Other (please specify: ___________ )

16. In calendar year 2012, how many people entered the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program? [If Q1 = Hybrid Court, add the following sentence] Please include both your DWI and Drug cases.

o _______ Number entered in 2012

17. In calendar year 2012, how many people graduated from the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program? [If Q1 = Hybrid Court, add the following sentence] Please include both your DWI and Drug cases.

o _______ Number graduated in 2012

If Hybrid Court in Q1, Go To Q17.a. Otherwise Go To Q18.

17.a. In calendar year 2012, how many DWI participants graduated from the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program?

o _______ Number DWI clients graduated in 2012

18, If you maintain records of graduation rates for the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program, please list the most recent graduation rate, the time period to which it applies, and specify how the rate was calculated.

O Graduation rate not available

O Graduation rate

Time period covered

How rate was calculated

19. In calendar year 2012, how many participants dropped out of the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program before completing all of their program requirements? Please include terminated cases in addition to those who voluntarily dropped out. [If Q1 = Hybrid Court, add the following sentence] Also please include both your DWI and Drug cases.

o _______ Number dropped out in 2012 before completing requirements

If Hybrid Court in Q1, Go To Q19.a. Otherwise Go To Q20.

19.a. In calendar year 2012, how many DWI participants dropped out of the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program before completing all of their program requirements? Again, please include terminated cases in addition to those who voluntarily dropped out.

o _______ Number DWI clients dropped out in 2012 before completing requirements

20. Of the participants who dropped out of the program in calendar year 2012, how many voluntarily dropped out and how many were terminated cases? [If Q1 = Hybrid Court, add the following sentence] Please base your answers on the DWI cases only.

Number voluntarily dropped out

Number of terminated cases

21. What were the leading reasons why participants dropped out of the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program in calendar year 2012? Please list the top three reasons, and the (approximate) number that dropped out of the program for that reason in calendar year 2012. [If Q1 = Hybrid Court, add the following sentence] Please base your answers on the DWI cases only.

Reason 1: ___________________________________ Number: ____________

Reason 2: ___________________________________ Number: ____________

Reason 3: ___________________________________ Number: ____________

  1. Program Structure

[If Q1 = Hybrid Court, add the following instruction] In Section 2, please answer only for the DWI participants in your DWI/Drug Court program.

2a. Program Characteristics

22. Does the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court assignment rotate among judges?

o No (Skip To Q23)

o Yes

22.a How long are judges typically assigned to your (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court?

  • One year

  • Two years

  • Until the existing Court judge decides to step aside

  • Other (please specify: ___________ )

23. Does the treatment and supervision that the DWI participant receives at the beginning of the program change as the DWI participant continues to the end of the program?

o No (Skip To Q24)

o Yes (Skip To Q23.b)

o Depends

23.a. What does it depend on?

Please specify:

23.b. Is the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program structured in phases through which all DWI participants in the program are expected to progress?

o No (Skip To Q25)

o Yes

24.b1. How many phases are DWI participants in the program expected to progress through?

o (Specify number)

24. What is the minimum period of time DWI participants are required to be enrolled in the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program in order to graduate? If there is no minimum please enter a “0.”

o ___ ___ months two digits

25. In practice, what is the average period of time DWI participants are enrolled in the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program before graduating?

o ___ ___ months two digits

26. Does the expected length of (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court participation vary depending on ……………? (Please check all that apply)

o Length of alternative sentence

o The type of drug used by the participant

o Initial drug test results

o Clinical assessment

o Criminal history

o Probation violator status

o The length does not vary

2b. DWI Court Eligibility Criteria

27. Does your (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court have rules about who can enter the Court program based on the DWI offender’s criminal history?

o No (Skip To Q28)

o Yes

27.a. What is the most serious type of prior conviction DWI participants in the Court program are allowed to have?

o None

o Non-violent offense misdemeanors

o Non-violent offense felonies

o Violent offense misdemeanors

o Violent offense felonies

27.b What is the maximum number of prior DWI convictions DWI participants in the Court program are allowed to have?

o 0

o 1

o 2

o 3

o 4

o 5 or more

o No limit

28. What are the minimum criteria for a DWI offender to be eligible for the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program? Please check all that apply.

o Multiple DWI convictions

o High BAC

o Other (Specify )

29. Besides charge and criminal history, what criteria are used to exclude DWI offenders from admission in the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program? Please check all that apply.

o None

o Previous treatment failure

o Alcohol abuse disorder not present or severe enough for treatment

o Alcohol abuse disorder too severe for available services to address

o Use of a specific substance

o Presence of a severe mental disorder

o Presence of a severe medical condition

o Legal use of prescribed medications

o Illegal use of prescribed medications

o Lack of motivation or readiness for treatment

o Lack of sufficient community ties or other social assets

o Defendant refuses to participate

o DA discretion due to suspected major drug trafficking

o DA discretion due to suspected “flight risk”

o DA discretion due to weak criminal case (e.g., not jail-bound)

o Other DA discretion

o Defendant has another pending criminal case

o Defendant is on probation

o Defendant is on parole

o Defendant is a gang member

o Defendant is not eligible for public health care

o Defendant is not a legal resident of the United States

o Defendant is a sex offender

o Defendant failed (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court in the past

o Defendant graduated from (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court in the past

o Other (please specify): ___________________________

30. Are DWI offenders required to sign a contract in order to begin participating in the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program? Please check all that apply.

o A contract agreeing to program rules

o A contract waiving their rights in Court

o A contract agreeing to the alternative sentence for failure to comply with (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court requirements

o A treatment contract with providers that agrees to program rules

o No signed contracts

31. Does your (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program allow DWI participants to remain in treatment after a positive drug or alcohol test?

o No

o Yes, one time

o Yes, two times

o Yes, three times

o Yes, four or more times

o Yes, a positive drug or alcohol test rarely or never leads to (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court failure unless program participants also exhibit other types of non-compliance (e.g., new arrests, warranting, treatment absences, etc.)

2c. Substance Abuse Assessment

32. Which of the following sources of information determine whether DWI offenders are eligible for the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program? Please check all that apply.

o Clinical assessments

o Alcohol test results (Skip To Q33)

o Self-reported alcohol use history (Skip To Q33)

o Self-reported alcohol treatment history (Skip To Q33)

o Professional judgment of person conducting the initial screening (Skip To Q33)

o Contact with family member, friend, employer, or other acquaintance (Skip To Q33)

If clinical assessments are checked …

32.a What instrument is used to assess clinical eligibility? Please check all that


o Addiction Severity Index (ASI)

o Alcohol Dependence Scale (ADS)

o American Drug and Alcohol Survey (ADAS)

o Drug Dependence Scale (DDS)

o Offender Profile Index (OPI)

o Simple Screening Instrument (SSI)

o Texas Christian University Prevention Management and Evaluation System

o Instrument designed by Court staff

o Other (please specify): ___________________________

o Other (please specify): ___________________________

33. Does the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court conduct a formal mental health assessment of DWI offenders?

o No (Skip To Q34)

o Yes, all DWI offenders (Skip To Q33.b)

o Yes, some DWI offenders

33.a. What are the criteria for conducting a formal mental health assessment of DWI offenders?

Please specify:

33.b. What instruments are typically used for the mental health screening? Check all that apply.

o Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)

o Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI)

o Referral Decision Scale (RDS)

o Symptom Checklist 90-Revised (SCL-90R)

o Other (please specify): _________________________

o Other (please specify): _________________________

  1. Program Operations

3a. Management Information Systems (MIS)

34. Does the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court have a computerized data system that tracks client progress including both criminal justice and treatment measures?

o No

o Yes (Skip To Q34.b)

34.a. Are you aware of the Treatment Research Institute Court Evaluation Program (TRI-CEP) DWI Court Module? TRI-CEP is a web-based performance monitoring tool that was specifically crafted to capture all of the performance indicators recommended by the National Drug Court Institute (NDCI) expert panel.

o No (Skip To Q35)

o Yes (Skip To Q35)

34.b. Who is required to enter data into the computerized data system? Please check all that apply.

o Court

o Treatment program

o Case management

o Probation/Parole

o Pretrial services

o Other (please specify): _______________

34.c. Are client records updated at regular intervals, or are they updated at intervals that vary in length?

o Records are updated at regular intervals

o Records are updated at intervals that vary in length (Skip to Q34d)

o Records are updated at both regular and irregular intervals

o Other (please specify): _______________

34.c1. On average, how often are client case records updated in the computerized data system?

o Less than 2 weeks

o Every 2-4 weeks

o Every 1-2 months

o Every 3-6 months

o Every 7-12 months

o More than 1 year

o Other (please specify): _______________

34.d. Who accesses the computerized system for monitoring purposes? Please check all that apply.

o Treatment provider

o Court staff

o Case managers

o Judge

o Probation/Parole

o Other (please specify): ___________________

34.e. Do you maintain computerized records of the following for participants in the

(DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program:







Current status















Appearance at scheduled Court hearings



Appearance at scheduled treatment appointments



Appearance at drug tests



Drug test results



Progress in treatment



Employment status



Family status



Educational status



35. Does the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court have a computerized data system that tracks costs of operating the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program?

o No (Skip To Q36)

o Yes

35.a. What are the cost categories tracked by the computerized system?







Drug Testing






Public Defender



Other (Specify )


Other (Specify )


Other (Specify )


3b. Entry Into DWI Court Program

36. On average, how many days elapse between initial arraignment in Court and the DWI offender’s entry into the treatment program? [If Q1 = Hybrid Court, add the following sentence] Please base your answers on the DWI cases only.

o Fewer than 6 days

o 6 to 10 days

o 11 to 20 days

o 21 to 30 days

o 30to 45 days

  • 45 to 60 days

  • 60 to 75 days

  • 75 to 90 days

o More than 90 days

3c. Program “Staffing”

[If Q1 = Hybrid Court, add this instruction] In Section 3c, please answer only for the DWI participants in the Court program.

37. Who are the members of the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court team involved in decisions regarding the program for DWI participants and in monitoring their progress? Please check all that apply.

o The judge/judges

o (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program director or coordinator

o Clinical director

o Case manager

o Treatment provider representatives

o Supervision/probation officers

o Defense attorneys/Public Defenders

o Prosecutor

o Others (please specify): __________________

o There is no (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court team (Skip to Q39)

38. What is the typical amount of turnover among members of the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court team during the course of a DWI offender’s participation in the Court program?

o Little to no turnover, team members rarely change from program entry to graduation

o Some turnover, usually part of the team changes between program entry and graduation

o A lot of turnover, hardly anyone on the team at time of program entry is still on the team at time of graduation

o Inconsistent turnover, the amount of turnover varies according to circumstances

o Other (please specify): __________________

39. Does the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program have “staffing” meetings to discuss DWI offenders participating in the Court program?

o No (Skip To Q40)

o Yes

39.a. How often are the “staffing” meetings?

o More than once per week

o Weekly

o Every other week

o Once per month

o Less than once a month

o As needed

39.b. Who regularly attends the “staffing” meetings? Please check all that apply.

o The judge/judges

o (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program director or coordinator

o Clinical director

o Case manager

o Treatment provider representatives

o Supervision officers

o Defense attorneys

o Prosecutor

o Others (please specify): __________________

39.c. Are recommendations made during the “staffing meetings” about what will happen to a DWI program participant in Court?

o No (Skip To Q40)

o Yes

39.c1. How often does the Court/judge follow “staffing” meeting recommendations in Court?





3d. Case Management and Program Contacts

[If Q1 = Hybrid Court, add this instruction] In Section 3d, please answer only for the DWI participants in the Court program.

40. Who in the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program has primary case management responsibilities?

o (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court case manager

o (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program director or coordinator

o Pretrial services

o Probation/Parole

o Treatment Alternatives to Street Crime (TASC)

o Treatment provider

o Other (please specify): ____________________________

41. Does the frequency of meetings that DWI participants in the Court program have with case managers vary with the phase of the program?

o No

o Yes

o The program does not have phases

42. In Phase 1, how often do DWI participants in the Court program see their case manager: (If the program does not have phases, then answer about the first two months of the program.)

o More than once a week

o One time a week

o Less than once a week

o Not at all

3e. Transportation Issues

43. Which of the following statements best describes how the transportation needs of DWI Court participants with a suspended or revoked driver’s license are typically solved (getting to treatment meetings, Court appearances, medical appointments, work, etc.)?

o Emphasis by the Court is placed on the participant solving his/ her transportation needs;

o The Court and the participant work together to solve the participant’s transportation needs;

o Participants rarely have a suspended or revoked license.

o The Court takes the lead in solving the participant’s transportation needs;

o The participant is issued a restricted driver’s license in order to engage in necessary travel;

44. Does the Court monitor the compliance of DWI Court participants to any requirements that they have concerning a suspended or revoked driving license?

o Yes:

o No;

o Sometimes;

o Participants rarely have a suspended or revoked license.

  1. Treatment / Drug Testing

[If Q1 = Hybrid Court, add this instruction] In Section 4, please answer only for the DWI participants in the Court program.

4a. Substance Abuse Treatment Services

45. Is the substance treatment program for the DWI participants in the Court program operated through the Court (i.e., treatment providers are hired directly by the Court to carry out services defined by the Court), or are DWI participants in the program referred to treatment providers operating independently from the Court?

o Operated directly by Court

o Operated by independent providers

o Both (some of the treatment program is run directly by the Court and some is run by providers operating independently from the Court)

46. How many substance abuse treatment providers (alcohol and other drugs) provide services for your Court program?

o 1

o 2

o 3 to 5

o 6 to 10

o 11 to 20

o 21 to 50

o 51 to 100

o More than 100

47. What treatment services or community groups are currently available to DWI participants in your Court program through DWI treatment providers? Please check all that apply.

o None

o Residential

o Intensive outpatient

o Outpatient: individual counseling

o Outpatient: group counseling

o Detoxification

o Drug education

o Methadone maintenance

o Methadone to abstinence

o Pharmacological interventions

o Acupuncture

o Self-help (AA, NA, Smart Recovery, etc.)

o Relapse prevention

o Community-based therapeutic community

o Other (please specify: ____________________ )

Ask Q48 If Pharmacological Interventions In Q47. Otherwise Go To Q49.

48. Please check which of the following drugs are currently being used in your Court program for treatment services to DWI participants.:

o Naltrexone

o Buprenorphine

o Acamprosate

o Other (please specify): ________________________

49. Does treatment for DWI participants include cognitive behavioral therapy?

o Yes, for all DWI clients

o Yes, for some DWI clients

o No

o Not sure

50. How often does your (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court have trouble finding available slots in the following treatment programs for the DWI offenders participating in the Court program?







Intensive outpatient






Outpatient: individual counseling






Outpatient: group counseling






*Not Applicable

51. Does your (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program integrate mental health and substance abuse treatment for those DWI participants with co-occurring disorders?

o No, participants with co-occurring disorders are excluded from (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court

o No, treatment is not integrated

o Yes

52. Does your (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program require that the following technology be used by, or applied to, DWI participants?

Transdermal Monitoring





Ignition Interlock





Breath Test Devices





4b. Drug/Alcohol Testing

53. When drug/alcohol testing DWI participants in the Court program, how is the sample collected? Please check all that apply.

Alcohol Drugs Other than Alcohol

o Saliva o Saliva

o Urine o Urine

o Patch o Patch

o Breath o Breath

o Blood o Blood

o Other o Other

54. Who is the primary collector of drug/alcohol test samples:

o Court staff

o Pretrial services agency

o Probation department

o Treatment provider

o Other (please specify): ________________________

55. Is collection of drug/alcohol test specimens supervised or observed?

o No

o Yes

56. What drugs are tested for? Please check all that apply.

o Alcohol

o Marijuana

o Crack/cocaine

o Heroin/opiates

o Methamphetamine

o Benzodiazepines

o Stimulants



o Other (specify: _______________ )

o Other (specify: _______________ )

o Other (specify: _______________ )

57. Does the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court conduct its own testing, or is the testing conducted by an outside party not under the authority of the Court?

o Testing is done by the Court

o Testing is done by an outside party not under the authority of the Court

o Testing is done by both the Court and an outside party

58. How soon after testing are results available to the Court or Court staff?

o Immediately (within an hour)

o 1 to 2 hours

o Within 24 hours

o Within a week

o More than one week

59. Does the frequency of drug/alcohol testing DWI participants in the Court program vary with the phase of the program?

o No

o Yes

o The program does not have phases

60. How often are DWI participants in the Court program drug/alcohol tested in Phase 1? (If the program does not have phases, then answer about the first two months of the program.)

o More than once a week

o One time a week

o Less than once a week

o Not at all

  1. Courtroom Processes

[If Q1 = Hybrid Court] In Section 5, please answer only for the DWI participants in the Court program.

5a. Courtroom Practices

61. How often does a DWI participant in the Court program typically appear in (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court in Phase 1? (If the program does not have phases, then answer about the first two months of the program.)

o More than once a week

o One time a week

o One time every other week

o Once a month

o Not at all

62. Does the frequency of a DWI participant’s appearance in (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court vary with the phase of the program the DWI participant is in?

o No (Skip To Q63)

o Yes

o The program does not have phases (Skip To Q63)

62.a. How often does the DWI participant in the Court program appear in (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court during ………?

More than One time One time Once a Not at Not

once a week a week every month all Applicable

other week

Phase 2 o o o o o o

Phase 3 o o o o o o

Phase 4 o o o o o o

63. How long does the judge typically spend talking with each DWI participant during a Court session?

o The judge typically doesn’t speak with DWI participants.

o Less than 2 minutes

o 2-3 minutes

o 3-5 minutes

o More than 5 minutes

64. During a (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court session, is a DWI participant in the Court program allowed to leave the courtroom once his/her case has been addressed?

o No

o Yes

5b. Infractions and Sanctions

65. Which infractions of the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program result in sanctions applied to the DWI participant in the program?



Positive Drug Test





Failure to Appear For Hearing





Missed Treatment Session





Other (Specify )





Other (Specify )





66. Does the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program have a written policy defining which sanctions

accompany given infractions?

o No (Skip To Q67)

o Yes

66.a. Does the DWI participant in the Court program receive a copy of the policy so s/he is informed as to what sanctions accompany given infractions?

    • No

    • Yes

66.b. How often does the judge follow the policy for sanctions?


Almost always



Ask Q67 If Positive Drug Test In Q65 > Never. Otherwise Go To Instruction Preceding Q69.

67. With repeated drug test infractions, do the sanctions progressively increase in magnitude or intensity to produce greater consequences to the DWI participant?

o No

o Yes, always an increase from the last sanction

o Yes, sometimes an increase from the last sanction

68. How soon is a sanction imposed for a positive drug test?

o Within a day, regardless of Court appearance

o Within a week, regardless of Court appearance

o At the next Court appearance

o Other (please specify: ______________ )

Ask Q69 If Q65 > Never For Any Infraction Other Than Positive Drug Test. Otherwise Go To Instruction Preceding Q70.

69. How soon is a sanction imposed for infractions other than positive drug tests?



Within a day, regardless of Court appearance

Within a week, regardless of Court appearance

At the next Court appearance

Other (please specify)

Failure to Appear For Hearing

Other (Specify )

Other (Specify )

Ask Q70 If One Or More Infractions In Q65 > Never. Otherwise Skip To Q71.

70. Is anyone other than the judge/magistrate allowed to impose the sanction?

o No (Skip To Q71)

o Yes

70.a. Who is allowed to impose the sanction? Please check all that apply.

o (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court case manager

o Treatment provider

o (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court staff

o Probation / Parole

o Other (please specify: ______________)

5c. Achievements

71. Does your (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program have formal rewards for achievements?

o No (Skip To Q72)

o Yes

71.a. Below is a list of achievements. Which ones are typically rewarded? Please

check all that apply.

o 30 days clean and sober

o 90 days clean and sober

o Completed requirements of residential treatment program

o Completed a program phase

o Entered school or vocational program

o Completed school or vocational program

o Obtained employment

o Maintained employment

o Other (please specify: ______________)

71.b. Do rewards include: Please check all that apply.

o Verbal acknowledgment

o Gifts or prizes

o Symbolic tokens

o Removal of sanctions (such as decrease in the frequency of Court appearances or drug tests)

o Other (please specify): ____________________

5d. Graduation

72. What are the graduation requirements of the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program for DWI participants? Please fill in the blanks.

72.a. Minimum time clean and sober: If there is no minimum, please enter a


________ # months

72.b. Minimum time sanction-less: If there is no minimum, please enter a "0".

________ # months

73. What are other graduation requirements of the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program for DWI participants? Please check all that apply.

o. None

o Pay drug/alcohol testing fees

o. Pay Court costs

o. Pay restitution fees

o. Completed requirements of treatment program

o Aftercare plan

o. Community service

o. Essay about program experience/value

o. Other (please specify):

74. After graduation, are there opportunities for DWI participants to come back to the (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program as mentors, or for other opportunities to work with the Court program?

o No

o Yes, opportunities as mentors

o Yes, other opportunities to work with the program

6a. Other Issues

75. To date, have you conducted any evaluation of your (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court regarding impact, cost, or efficiency of resource utilization?

o No (Skip To Q76)

o Yes, an evaluation was conducted by the Court

o Yes, an evaluation was conducted by an agency or entity external to the Court

75.a. What did you evaluate? Please check all that apply.

o Effectiveness in reducing DWI

o Effectiveness in reducing positive drug results

o DWI Recidivism

o Impact on clients’ quality of life

o Cost benefit

o Efficiency of staff usage

o Other (please specify: ______________)

75.b Is there a report in electronic form summarizing the results of your evaluation that you can make available to NHTSA?

  • No

  • Yes [See instructions for uploading]

76. Does your (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court currently receive grant funding from…..? Please check all that apply.

o Federal government

o State government

o County or Municipal government

o Non-Profit Organization

o Other Private Sector

o Other (please specify )

77. What other sources of funds are you currently using to operate your (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court program? Please check all that apply.

o Money from fines and forfeitures

o Client fees

o Other collected fees

o Medicaid

o Fundraising

o Other (please specify: ______________)

78. Has your (DWI; DWI/Drug) Court developed a written plan for sustaining the program over time?

o No

o Yes

We have no more questions for you. Thank you for participating!!!


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