Attachment 6.2
Anniston Community Health Survey: Follow up Study and Dioxin Analyses
Advance Reporting Script
Clinical Tests
My name is _________. I am calling on behalf of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, or ATSDR for short. We are calling about the Anniston Community Health Survey. Am I speaking with ___________?
[IF NOT CORRECT PERSON] Please let me know the best time we can reach [him/her].
_______ (day) ____ (time). I will call back then. Thank you.
[IF CORRECT PERSON] We are contacting you about your lab results. Your _________ test was abnormal. You should call your doctor today to discuss this. We will be sending you a letter with the details of your clinical tests.
Specifically, the results of your test from mm/dd/yyyy have shown the following [read those that apply.]
Do you have a pen or pencil to put this down?
1. Your glucose level was______ mg/dL.
[If below 40 mg/dl read the following:] This is below the critical value of 40 mg/dL.1, 2 Your diabetes is poorly controlled or your medications need to be adjusted. You should see the doctor immediately.
[If above 400 mg/dL read the following:] This is above the critical value of 400 mg/dL.1, 2 Your blood sugar is very high. You should see the doctor immediately.
2. Your triglyceride level was______ mg/dL. This is above the critical value of 1,500 mg/dL.3, 4
You have a problem with your lipid metabolism and have very high risk of heart disease.
3. Your albumin level was______ g/dL.
[If below 1.5 g/dL read the following:] This is below the critical value of 1.5 g/dL.5 You may have a liver or kidney problem.
[If above 7.9 g/dL read the following:] This is above the critical level of 7.9 g/dL.5 You may be severely or chronically dehydrated.
4. Your total bilirubin was______ mg/dL. This is above the critical Value: >12.9 mg/dL 5
You have a liver or biliary tract problem.
Did you get this or do you want me to repeat the result(s)?
[If Yes, repeat; If No, continue.]
You should call your doctor today to discuss this information. As it is now more than _____ months since we collected your blood, this result may not be important for you. You and your doctor may have taken steps to correct the problem. We will be sending you a letter with the details (of your clinical tests).
If you or your doctor has a question about the results of these tests, you or he/she can contact us at ATSDR at 770-488-____.
Thank you for your participation in the study.
Heavy Metals
My name is _________. I am calling on behalf of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, or ATSDR for short. We are calling about the Anniston Community Health Survey. Am I speaking with ___________?
[IF NOT CORRECT PERSON] Please let me know the best time we can reach [him/her].
_______ (day) ____ (time). I will call back then. Thank you.
[IF CORRECT PERSON] We are contacting you about your lab results for heavy metals. Your_________ test was abnormal. You should call your doctor today to discuss this. We will be sending you a letter with the details of your tests.
Specifically, the results of your test from mm/dd/yyyy have shown the following [read those that apply]:
Do you have a pen or pencil to put this down?
1. Your lead level was_______ µg/dL. This is above the action level for all adults of 10.0-39.9 µg/dL.
[If lead level is above 40 µg/dL please read:] You need immediate medical evaluation and removal from exposure.
2. Your mercury level was_______ µg/dL. This is above the action level for all adults of 5.8-10.0 µg/L.
[If mercury level above 50 µg/L please read:] You need immediate medical evaluation.
3. Your cadmium level was_______ µg/dL. This is above the action level for all adults of 5.8-10.0 µg/L.
[If cadmium level above 50 µg/L please read:] You need immediate medical evaluation.
4. Your selenium level was_______ µg/L. This value is greater than twice the upper limit of the normal value of 37 µg/L and may correlate with disease.
5. Your manganese level was_______ μg/L.
[If below 50 μg/L read the following:] This is below the critical Value of 50 μg/L.
[If above 300 μg/L read the following:] This is above the critical level of 300 μg/L.
Did you get this or do you want me to repeat the result(s)?
[If Yes, repeat; If No, continue]
You should call your doctor today to discuss these results. If you do not have a doctor to call, we can refer you to one. We will be sending you a letter with the details of your clinical tests.
If you or your doctor has a question about the results of the metals analyses, you or he/she may contact us at ATSDR at 770-488-____.
Thank you for your participation in the study.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | CDC User |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-29 |