Department of Justice
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Supporting Statement
OMB #1140-0065
Requisition for Firearms/Explosives Forms, ATF F 1370.2 and Requisition for Forms or Publications, ATF F 1370.3
These forms are used by the general public and ATF personnel to request and obtain forms and publications from the Bureau of ATF Distribution Center. The information requested on the forms is necessary in order to fill orders properly and promptly. Without the use of these forms, the general public would have to request forms and publications from the Bureau using postcards, letters, or calling the order line. The forms provide a uniform procedure for maintaining supplies and rendering more timely service to the public.
The information collected is used by the Bureau to maintain proper quantities of forms and publications on hand for distribution. Requests are kept and tabulated to determine the volume of forms and publications likely to be received during a given time period and to maintain adequate stock levels. Also, when reprinting of materials is required, the information is used to determine which forms and publications can be ordered in large quantities, thereby reducing printing costs.
The forms associated with this information collection are available on ATF’s website as fillable and printable. ATF also provides the option of ordering via the internet, paper or by telephone. Orders placed via the internet are submitted electronically.
ATF uses a subject classification code on all ATF forms. This code ensures there is no duplication within ATF. Similar information is not available elsewhere for this information collection requirement.
This information collection has no impact on small businesses, therefore, ATF does not use any method to minimize burden as any response to this collection is voluntary.
There is no consequence to the Federal government if the information collection is not conducted or is less frequent, however, the forms do provide a uniform format for maintaining supplies and providing a more timely service to the public.
There are no special circumstances for this information collection and it is in conformance with the guidelines of 5 CFR 1320.6.
ATF had a need to design a tool to assist the ATF Distribution Center with requests for ordering forms. Distribution Center employees were consulted on the designing of both forms. A 60 day and 30 day notice was published in the Federal Register to solicit comments from the general public. No comments were received.
No payment or gift is associated with this collection.
The information requested on the forms is necessary to fulfill requests from the public for agency firearms and explosives forms. The forms are stored in a secure location. Confidentiality is not assured.
No questions of a sensitive nature are asked.
It is estimated that 1,646 respondents will take 3 minutes to submit the forms per year. This is a reduction of 28,354 respondents. The annual burden is 82 hours (1,646 respondents x 3 minutes divided by 60 = 82 hours). This is a reduction of 1,418 burden hours.
There is no start-up cost associated with this collection. Respondents who use this form will incur the cost of $0.46 to mail the form. The total cost if all respondents mail the forms is $757.16 (1,646 x .46).
Estimates of annual cost to the Federal Government are as follows:
Printing $3200
Administrative $2605
Total $5805
The adjustments to this collection are reduction in number of respondents and reduction in cost burden. The respondents are reduced by 28,354 to 1,646. The postage rate increased to $0.46 however, the cost burden is reduced by $12,442.84 to a total of $757.16.
The results of this information collection will not be published.
ATF does not request approval to not display the expiration date for OMB approval of the information for this collection.
There are no exceptions to the certification statement.
Collections of Information Employing Statistical Methods
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Department of Justice |
Author | ATF |
Last Modified By | ATF |
File Modified | 2013-05-23 |
File Created | 2013-05-23 |