Form 00 ArtBeat Survey Instrument

ArtBeat Survey

OMB Survey Instrument 20130805

ArtBeat Survey - Full Implementation Years (FY15-FY16)

OMB: 3135-0134

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OMB Control #: ****‐**** 
Expiration Date: */**/**** 

Recently you played an important role in the cultural life of our country by 
attending an arts program.  
The National Endowment for the Arts supports hundreds of arts performances, 
exhibitions, and film screenings every year, including the event you attended.  
We invite your feedback.  The survey takes about five minutes to complete and 
will help us understand how NEA‐funded arts events impact audiences.  
You must be at least 18 years old to participate. Your answers are voluntary and
anonymous, so please be as candid as possible. The responses themselves and
their association with particular grantees may be made public.
Please enter the keyword for the event you attended to be directed to the survey: 
Paperwork Burden Statement
Your participation is voluntary. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to
respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) control number. The valid OMB control number for this survey is displayed at the top
right of this page. The estimated time to complete this questionnaire is 5 minutes per response, including
the time to review instructions, search existing data resources, gather the data needed, and complete and
review the information collection. Please contact the Office of Research and Analysis, National
Endowment for the Arts ([email protected]) if you have any questions regarding the estimated time
burden, suggestions for improving the questionnaire, or any other aspect of this data collection

For Question 2, respondents will be given a list of emotions to choose as answers for their first,
second, and/or third most memorable feelings. Since this question may introduce additional
fatigue into the response process, the survey will assign to a half of respondents questions asking
them to identify their three most memorable emotions, and the remaining respondents will get
the version of the question containing two memorable emotions options. This approach will test
the question response and overall survey drop-out rates.
Question 2 version with 3 response options:

Question 2 version with 3 response options:

Question 8 asks about respondents' experience with creating or performing art. There are two
approaches to asking this question. The first approach is to ask a general question about
experience with creating or performing art, and the second approach is to be more specific; the
second approach requires asking about experience with each separate form of art. Each
respondent answering this survey will be assigned either the more general or to the more specific
version of this question. There will be no respondents who will be asked both of these questions.
The actual questions are below
This is the more general version of the question asking about experience with creating or
performing art:

This is the more specific version of the question asking about experience with creating or
performing art:

In the more specific question, the forms of art come from the National Endowment for the Arts
discipline designations.

File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorRoman Ivanchenko
File Modified2013-08-05
File Created2013-08-05

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