Railroad Track Maintenance Credit

TD 9365 - Railroad Track Maintenance Credit

FINAL 26 CFR Pts1&602

Railroad Track Maintenance Credit

OMB: 1545-2031

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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 218 / Tuesday, November 13, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
assets in excess of $10 million, is required to
file one Form 1120S, ‘‘U.S. Corporation
Income Tax Return,’’ 100 Forms W–2, ‘‘Wage
and Tax Statement,’’ 146 Forms 1099-DIV,
‘‘Dividends and Distributions,’’ one Form
940, ‘‘Employer’s Annual Federal
Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return,’’ and
four Forms 941, ‘‘Employer’s Quarterly
Federal Tax Return.’’ Because S is required
to file 252 returns during the calendar year,
S is required to file its 2007 Form 1120S

(f) Effective/applicability dates. This
section applies to returns of electing
small business corporations that report
total assets at the end of the
corporation’s taxable year that equal or
exceed $10 million on Schedule L of
Form 1120S for taxable years ending on
or after December 31, 2006, except for
the application of the short year rules in
paragraph (d)(5) of this section, which is
applicable for taxable years ending on or
after November 13, 2007.
§ 301.6037–2T


Par. 14. Section 301–6037–2T is


Kevin M. Brown,
Deputy Commissioner for Services and
Approved: November 6, 2007.
Eric Solomon,
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
[FR Doc. E7–22147 Filed 11–9–07; 8:45 am]

Internal Revenue Service
26 CFR Parts 1 and 602
[TD 9365]
RIN 1545–BE90

Railroad Track Maintenance Credit
Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
ACTION: Final Regulations.

rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with RULES


SUMMARY: This document contains final
regulations that provide rules for
claiming the railroad track maintenance
credit under section 45G of the Internal
Revenue Code for qualified railroad
track maintenance expenditures paid or
incurred by a Class II railroad or Class
III railroad and other eligible taxpayers
during the taxable year. These final
regulations reflect changes to the law
made by the American Jobs Creation Act
of 2004, the Gulf Opportunity Zone Act
of 2005, and the Tax Relief and Health
Care Act of 2006.
DATES: Effective Date: These regulations
are effective on November 13, 2007.

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Applicability Date: For dates of
applicability, see § 1.45G–1(g).

David Selig, (202) 622–3040 (not a tollfree number).
Paperwork Reduction Act
The collection of information
contained in these final regulations has
been reviewed and approved by the
Office of Management and Budget in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3507(d)) under
control number 1545–2031.
The collection of information in these
final regulations is in § 1.45G–1(d). This
information is required to enable the
IRS to verify the assignments of railroad
track miles made under section 45G(b).
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a valid control
Books or records relating to this
collection of information must be
retained as long as their contents might
become material in the administration
of any internal revenue law. Generally,
tax returns and tax return information
are confidential, as required by 26
U.S.C. 6103.
This document contains amendments
to 26 CFR part 1 to provide regulations
under section 45G of the Internal
Revenue Code (Code). Section 45G was
added to the Code by section 245(a) of
the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004,
Public Law 108–357 (118 Stat. 1418)
(AJCA), and was modified by section
403(f) of the Gulf Opportunity Zone Act
of 2005, Public Law 109–135 (119 Stat.
2577), and section 423(a) of the Tax
Relief and Health Care Act of 2006,
Public Law 109–432 (120 Stat. 2922)
(TRHCA). On September 8, 2006, the
IRS and Treasury Department published
in the Federal Register temporary and
proposed regulations (REG–142270–05)
under section 45G (71 FR 53009, 71 FR
53053). The IRS and Treasury
Department issued a correction notice
for the temporary regulations in TD
9286 on December 8, 2006 (71 FR
71039). No requests were received to
testify on the proposed regulations and,
accordingly, no public hearing was
held. Written and electronic comments
responding to the proposed regulations
were received. After consideration of all
the comments, the proposed regulations
are adopted as amended by this
Treasury decision and the
corresponding temporary regulations are

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General Overview
Section 38 allows a credit for the
taxable year for, among other things, the
current year business credit. The current
year business credit is the sum of the
credits listed in section 38(b). Section
245(c)(1) of the AJCA amended section
38(b) to add to the list of credits the
railroad track maintenance credit
(RTMC) determined under section
Section 45G(a) provides that, for
purposes of section 38, the RTMC for
the taxable year is an amount equal to
50 percent of the qualified railroad track
maintenance expenditures (QRTME)
paid or incurred by an eligible taxpayer
during the taxable year.
Section 45G(b) imposes limitations on
the amount of the RTMC for any taxable
year. The credit allowed under section
45G(a) may not exceed $3,500
multiplied by the sum of (1) the number
of miles of railroad track owned by, or
leased to, the eligible taxpayer as of the
close of the taxable year, and (2) the
number of miles of railroad track
assigned to the eligible taxpayer by a
Class II railroad or Class III railroad that
owns or leases the track as of the close
of the taxable year.
Section 45G(c) defines an eligible
taxpayer to mean any Class II railroad or
Class III railroad, and any person who
transports property using the rail
facilities of such a railroad, or who
furnishes railroad-related property or
services to such a railroad, but only
with respect to miles of railroad track
assigned to such person by a Class II
railroad or Class III railroad.
Section 45G(d), as amended by
section 423(a) of the TRHCA, defines
the term QRTME to mean gross
expenditures (whether or not chargeable
to capital account) for maintaining
railroad track (including roadbed,
bridges, and related track structures)
owned or leased as of January 1, 2005,
by a Class II or Class III railroad
(determined without regard to any
consideration for such expenditures
given by the Class II or Class III railroad
which made the assignment of such
Section 45G(e) defines the terms Class
II railroad and Class III railroad to have
the respective meanings given those
terms by the Surface Transportation
Board (STB).
Under section 45G(f), section 45G
applies to QRTME paid or incurred
during taxable years beginning after
December 31, 2004, and before January
1, 2008. The amendments to section
45G(d) made by section 423(a) of the
TRHCA apply retroactively to taxable




Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 218 / Tuesday, November 13, 2007 / Rules and Regulations

years beginning after December 31,
Summary of Comments
Eligible Taxpayers
A commentator suggested that the
final regulations clarify that a Class II or
Class III railroad may not be
recharacterized as an ineligible taxpayer
because the railroad is a member of a
controlled group of corporations under
section 45G(e)(2) that includes a Class I
railroad. Section 45G(c)(1) defines the
term eligible taxpayer to include any
Class II or Class III railroad. Section
45G(e)(1) provides that the terms Class
II railroad and Class III railroad have the
respective meanings given such terms
by the STB. The controlled group rules
do not affect the class designations
made by the STB. The temporary
regulations did not prescribe that the
class designations made by the STB be
superseded by the controlled group
rules. Nevertheless, in response to the
comment, the final regulations in
§ 1.45G–1(b)(1) state explicitly that the
definitions of Class II and Class III
railroads are determined without regard
to the controlled group rules under
section 45G(e)(2).

rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with RULES

Effect on Reimbursements
Commentators stated that the
reimbursement rule in § 1.45G–
1T(c)(3)(ii) of the temporary regulations
prevents eligible taxpayers from being
made whole for their expenditures on
railroad track infrastructure, because the
credit is only for 50 percent of eligible
expenditures. Under § 1.45G–
1T(c)(3)(ii), QRTME is treated as not
paid or incurred during the taxable year
to the extent that a taxpayer is entitled
to reimbursement of any expenditures
that would otherwise qualify as
QRTME. Section 1.45G–1T(c)(3)(ii)
further provides that reimbursements
may consist of amounts paid either
directly or indirectly to the taxpayer.
Examples of indirect reimbursements in
the temporary regulations include
discounted freight shipping rates, price
markups of railroad-related property,
debt forgiveness, and similar
arrangements. Thus, § 1.45G–1T(c)(3)(ii)
limits the QRTME paid or incurred to
the actual out-of-pocket expenditures
paid or incurred by an eligible taxpayer.
On December 20, 2006, Congress
enacted the TRHCA, which changed the
definition of QRTME. Although
statutory changes other than technical
corrections are usually made
prospectively, this change to the statute
was made retroactive to the original date
of enactment of section 45G. The new
definition provides that QRTME is not

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reduced by the discount amount in the
case of discounted freight shipping
rates, the increment in a markup of the
price for track materials, or by debt
forgiveness or cash payments made by
the Class II or Class III railroad to the
assignee as consideration for railroad
track maintenance expenditures.
Consideration received directly or
indirectly from persons other than the
Class II or Class III railroad, however,
does reduce the amount of QRTME. See
Joint Committee on Taxation Staff,
General Explanation of Tax Legislation
Enacted in the 109th Congress, 109th
Cong., 2d Sess. 769 (January 17, 2007).
Consistent with the change to the
statute, the final regulations
retroactively limit the application of the
reimbursement rule in § 1.45G–
1(c)(3)(ii) to consideration received
directly or indirectly from persons other
than the Class II or Class III railroad. A
taxpayer that relied on the
reimbursement rule in § 1.45G–
1T(c)(3)(ii) and reduced its QRTME
reported on Form 8900, ‘‘Qualified
Railroad Track Maintenance Credit,’’
that was filed with the taxpayer’s
Federal income tax return, may amend
its return to apply § 1.45G–1(c)(3)(ii) to
the taxable year provided the taxpayer
applies all of § 1.45G–1 to the taxable
Basis Adjustment
Commentators suggested that the
basis reduction required by section
45G(e)(3) should only be taken by the
Class II or Class III railroad owning the
railroad track even if an assignee claims
the RTMC. Section 45G(e)(3) requires
that if a credit is allowed with respect
to any railroad track, the basis of such
track shall be reduced by the amount of
the credit so allowed. Section 1.45G–
1T(e) of the temporary regulations
provides rules for adjusting basis for the
amount of the RTMC claimed by an
eligible taxpayer. The temporary
regulations provide that for purposes of
the basis adjustment under section
45G(e)(3), railroad track is the asset, if
any, to which the QRTME must be
capitalized, whether the asset is tangible
or intangible. Therefore, the only basis
that is reduced under section 45G(e)(3)
is basis created by capitalizing the
Congress commonly includes a basis
adjustment rule when it enacts business
tax credits as an investment incentive.
See, for example, sections 43(d), 44(e),
45D(h), 45F(f), 45H(d), 45L(e), and
280C. The purpose of a basis adjustment
is to prevent the taxpayer who claims
the credit from obtaining a double tax
benefit by also including the
expenditures on which the credit was

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claimed in the basis of the asset created
by the expenditures. Section 45G(e)(3) is
clear and requires that the basis be
reduced on the track with respect to
which the credit is allowed. Therefore,
to further the intent of Congress by
preventing the double tax benefit, the
basis adjustment rule must require that
the increase in basis of property that
results from the QRTME (without regard
to the basis adjustment rule) be reduced
by the amount of the credit allowed
with respect to such QRTME. Allowing
the reduction in basis by a taxpayer
other than the taxpayer claiming the
credit on property other than the
property whose basis is increased by the
QRTME (without regard to the basis
adjustment rule) is contrary to the
statute. Therefore, the final regulations
do not adopt the commentators’
Commentators also suggested that the
definition of railroad track under
section 45G(e)(3) should be limited to
rails, ties, ballast, and other track
materials. As stated previously, section
45G(e)(3) requires that basis be reduced
on the track with respect to which the
credit is allowed. The credit is allowed
with respect to QRTME expended on
railroad track. The definition of railroad
track for purposes of the basis
adjustment must be the same as the
definition used for determining QRTME.
Limiting the definition of railroad track
under the basis adjustment rule to rails,
ties, ballast, and other track materials is
inconsistent with the intent of the
definition of railroad track on which
expenditures may qualify as QRTME.
The definition of railroad track for
which expenditures may qualify as
QRTME was intended by Congress to be
expansive and includes bridges and
other related track structures.
Commentators further suggested that
the definition of railroad track under
section 45G(e)(3) should not include
intangibles. All or some of the QRTME
paid or incurred by an eligible taxpayer
during the taxable year may be required
to be capitalized under section 263(a) as
a tangible asset or as an intangible asset
for improvements to another taxpayer’s
real property depending upon whether
the eligible taxpayer owns (leases) the
railroad track and improvements or not.
(See, for example, § 1.263(a)–4(d)(8),
which generally requires capitalization
of amounts paid or incurred by a
taxpayer to produce or improve real
property owned by another.) Regardless
of whether an asset created by QRTME
is tangible railroad track owned by the
taxpayer, leasehold improvement to
railroad track, or intangible railroad
track for improvements to another
taxpayer’s real property, capitalization



Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 218 / Tuesday, November 13, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
of the QRTME creates the basis in
railroad track that must be reduced
under section 45G(e)(3) if the RTMC is
claimed on such expenditures. The
rules requiring capitalization of
amounts paid or incurred by a taxpayer
to produce or improve real property
owned by another under section 263(a)
were prescribed prior to the enactment
of section 45G. The provision in these
final regulations that specifically
references intangible assets is a
reminder that, for purposes of section
45G(e)(3), it is possible that the basis
that must be reduced is the basis of an
intangible asset.
Coordination With Section 61
The temporary regulations, as
corrected, do not contain a specific
provision relating to the application of
section 61, because such a provision
would need to be placed in regulations
under section 61. Section 1.45G–1T was
never intended to provide rules for
determining gross income under section
61. Section 61 and its regulations apply
to certain transactions involving section
45G regardless of these regulations or
the temporary regulations, and
additional regulations under section 61
are not necessary. As stated in the
preamble to the temporary regulations,
there is no provision in section 45G that
prevents the application of section 61 to
certain transactions under section 45G.
Taxpayers are reminded, therefore, that
certain transactions under section 45G
may generate gross income.

rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with RULES

Other Changes
The final regulations contain other
various changes that clarify the
application of section 45G.

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Drafting Information
The principal author of these
regulations is David Selig, Office of the
Associate Chief Counsel (Passthroughs
and Special Industries). However, other
personnel from the IRS and Treasury
Department participated in their
List of Subjects
26 CFR Part 1
Income taxes, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
26 CFR Part 602
Reporting and recordkeeping
Adoption of Amendments to the
Accordingly, 26 CFR parts 1 and 602
are amended as follows:


Effective Dates
Section 245(a) of the AJCA provides
that section 45G applies to taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2004 and
beginning before January 1, 2008.
Section 423(b) of the TRHCA provides
that the amendments made by section
423(a) to section 45G(d) take effect as if
included in section 245(a) of the AJCA.
The final regulations provide that
§ 1.45G–1 is effective for taxable years
ending on or after September 7, 2006
(the effective date of § 1.45G–1T).
Section 1.45G–1(g)(2) provides that a
taxpayer may apply § 1.45G–1 to taxable
years beginning after December 31,
2004, and ending before September 7,
2006, provided that the taxpayer applies
all provisions in § 1.45G–1 to the
taxable year.
Special Analyses
It has been determined that this
Treasury decision is not a significant

regulatory action as defined in
Executive Order 12866. Therefore, a
regulatory assessment is not required. It
has been determined that section 553(b)
of the Administrative Procedure Act (5
U.S.C. chapter 5) does not apply to these
regulations, and because the regulations
do not impose a collection of
information on small entities, the
Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C.
chapter 6) does not apply. Therefore, a
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis under
the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C.
chapter 6) is not required. Pursuant to
section 7805(f) of the Internal Revenue
Code, the notice of proposed rulemaking
was submitted to the Chief Counsel for
Advocacy of the Small Business
Administration for comment on its
impact on small business.

Paragraph 1. The authority citation
for part 1 continues to read in part as


Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805 * * *
■ Par. 2. Section 1.45G–0 is added to
read as follows:

§ 1.45G–0 Table of contents for the
railroad track maintenance credit rules.

This section lists the table of contents
for § 1.45G–1.
§ 1.45G–1 Railroad track maintenance
(a) In general.
(b) Definitions.
(1) Class II railroad and Class III railroad.
(2) Eligible railroad track.
(3) Eligible taxpayer.
(4) Qualifying railroad structure.
(5) Qualified railroad track maintenance
(6) Rail facilities.
(7) Railroad-related property.

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(8) Railroad-related services.
(9) Railroad track.
(10) Form 8900.
(11) Examples.
(c) Determination of amount of railroad track
maintenance credit for the taxable year.
(1) General amount.
(2) Limitation on the credit.
(i) Eligible taxpayer is a Class II railroad or
Class III railroad.
(ii) Eligible taxpayer is not a Class II railroad
or Class III railroad.
(iii) No carryover of amount that exceeds
(3) Determination of amount of QRTME paid
or incurred.
(i) In general.
(ii) Effect of reimbursements received from
persons other than a Class II or Class III
(4) Examples.
(d) Assignment of track miles.
(1) In general.
(2) Assignment eligibility.
(3) Effective date of assignment.
(4) Assignment information statement.
(i) In general.
(ii) Assignor.
(iii) Assignee.
(iv) Special rule for returns filed prior to
November 9, 2007.
(5) Special rules.
(i) Effect of subsequent dispositions of
eligible railroad track during the
assignment year.
(ii) Effect of multiple assignments of eligible
railroad track miles during the same
taxable year.
(6) Examples.
(e) Adjustments to basis.
(1) In general.
(2) Basis adjustment made to railroad track.
(3) Examples.
(f) Controlled groups.
(1) In general.
(2) Definitions.
(i) Trade or business.
(ii) Group and controlled group.
(iii) Group credit.
(iv) Consolidated group.
(v) Credit year.
(3) Computation of the group credit.
(4) Allocation of the group credit.
(i) In general.
(ii) Stand-alone entity credit.
(5) Special rules for consolidated groups.
(i) In general.
(ii) Special rule for allocation of group credit
among consolidated group members.
(6) Tax accounting periods used.
(i) In general.
(ii) Special rule when timing of QRTME is
(7) Membership during taxable year in more
than one group.
(8) Intra-group transactions.
(i) In general.
(ii) Payment for QRTME.
(g) Effective/applicability date.
(1) In general.
(2) Taxable years ending before September 7,
(3) Special rules for returns filed prior to
November 9, 2007.
§ 1.45G–0T


Par. 3. Section 1.45G–0T is removed.




Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 218 / Tuesday, November 13, 2007 / Rules and Regulations

■ Par. 4. Section 1.45G–1 is added to
read as follows:

rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with RULES

§ 1.45G–1

Railroad track maintenance

(a) In general. For purposes of section
38, the railroad track maintenance credit
(RTMC) for qualified railroad track
maintenance expenditures (QRTME)
paid or incurred by an eligible taxpayer
during the taxable year is determined
under this section. A taxpayer claiming
the RTMC must do so by filing Form
8900, ‘‘Qualified Railroad Track
Maintenance Credit,’’ with its timely
filed (including extensions) Federal
income tax return for the taxable year
the RTMC is claimed. Paragraph (b) of
this section provides definitions of
terms. Paragraph (c) of this section
provides rules for computing the RTMC,
including rules regarding limitations on
the amount of the credit. Paragraph (d)
of this section provides rules for
assigning miles of railroad track.
Paragraph (e) of this section contains
rules for adjusting basis for the amount
of the RTMC claimed by an eligible
taxpayer. Paragraph (f) of this section
contains rules for computing the
amount of the RTMC in the case of a
controlled group, and for the allocation
of the group credit among members of
the controlled group.
(b) Definitions. For purposes of
section 45G and this section, the
following definitions apply:
(1) Class II railroad and Class III
railroad have the respective meanings
given to these terms by the Surface
Transportation Board (STB) without
regard to the controlled group rules
under section 45G(e)(2).
(2) Eligible railroad track is railroad
track (as defined in paragraph (b)(9) of
this section) located within the United
States that is owned or leased by a Class
II railroad or Class III railroad at the
close of its taxable year. For purposes of
section 45G and this section, a Class II
railroad or Class III railroad owns
railroad track if the railroad track is
subject to the allowance for depreciation
under section 167 by the Class II
railroad or Class III railroad.
(3) Eligible taxpayer is—
(i) A Class II railroad or Class III
railroad during the taxable year;
(ii) Any person that transports
property using the rail facilities (as
defined in paragraph (b)(6) of this
section) of a Class II railroad or Class III
railroad during the taxable year, but
only is an eligible taxpayer with respect
to the miles of eligible railroad track
assigned to the person for that taxable
year by that Class II railroad or Class III
railroad under paragraph (d) of this
section; or

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(iii) Any person that furnishes
railroad-related property (as defined in
paragraph (b)(7) of this section) or
railroad-related services (as defined in
paragraph (b)(8) of this section), to a
Class II railroad or Class III railroad
during the taxable year, but only is an
eligible taxpayer with respect to the
miles of eligible railroad track assigned
to the person for that taxable year by
that Class II railroad or Class III railroad
under paragraph (d) of this section.
(4) Qualifying railroad structure is
property located within the United
States that is described in the following
STB property accounts in 49 CFR Part
1201, Subpart A:
(i) Property Account 3, Grading.
(ii) Property Account 4, Other rightof-way expenditures.
(iii) Property Account 5, Tunnels and
(iv) Property Account 6, Bridges,
trestles, and culverts.
(v) Property Account 7, Elevated
(vi) Property Account 8, Ties.
(vii) Property Account 9, Rails and
other track material.
(viii) Property Account 11, Ballast.
(ix) Property Account 13, Fences,
snowsheds, and signs.
(x) Property Account 27, Signals and
(xi) Property Account 39, Public
improvements; construction.
(5) Qualified railroad track
maintenance expenditures (QRTME) are
expenditures for maintaining, repairing,
and improving qualifying railroad
structure (as defined in paragraph (b)(4)
of this section) that is owned or leased
as of January 1, 2005, by a Class II
railroad or Class III railroad. These
expenditures may or may not be
chargeable to a capital account.
(6) Rail facilities of a Class II railroad
or Class III railroad are railroad yards,
tracks, bridges, tunnels, wharves, docks,
stations, and other related assets that are
used in the transport of freight by a
railroad and that are owned or leased by
the Class II railroad or Class III railroad.
(7) Railroad-related property is
property that is provided directly to,
and is unique to, a railroad and that, in
the hands of a Class II railroad or Class
III railroad, is described in—
(i) The following STB property
accounts in 49 CFR Part 1201, Subpart
(A) Property Account 3, Grading;
(B) Property Account 5, Tunnels and
(C) Property Account 22, Storage
warehouses; and
(ii) Asset classes 40.1 through 40.54 in
the guidance issued by the Internal
Revenue Service under section 168(i)(1)

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(for further guidance, for example, see
Rev. Proc. 87–56 (1987–2 CB 674), and
§ 601.601(d)(2)(ii)(b) of this chapter),
except that any office building, any
passenger train car, and any
miscellaneous structure if such
structure is not provided directly to, and
is not unique to, a railroad are excluded
from the definition of railroad-related
(8) Railroad-related services are
services that are provided directly to,
and are unique to, a railroad and that
relate to railroad shipping, loading and
unloading of railroad freight, or repairs
of rail facilities (as defined in paragraph
(b)(6) of this section) or railroad-related
property (as defined in paragraph (b)(7)
of this section). Examples of railroadrelated services are the transport of
freight by rail; the loading and
unloading of freight transported by rail;
railroad bridge services; railroad track
construction; providing railroad track
material or equipment; locomotive
leasing or rental; maintenance of
railroad’s right-of-way (including
vegetation control); piggyback trailer
ramping; rail deramping services; and
freight train cars repair services.
Examples of services that are not
railroad-related services are general
business services, such as, accounting
and bookkeeping, marketing, legal
services; janitorial services; office
building rental; banking services
(including financing of railroad-related
property); and purchasing of, or services
performed on, property not described in
paragraph (b)(7) of this section.
(9) Except as provided in paragraph
(e)(2) of this section, railroad track is
property described in STB property
accounts 8 (ties), 9 (rails and other track
material), and 11 (ballast) in 49 CFR part
1201, Subpart A. Double track is treated
as multiple lines of railroad track, rather
than as a single line of railroad track.
Thus, one mile of single track is one
mile, but one mile of double track is two
(10) Form 8900. If Form 8900 is
revised or renumbered, any reference in
this section to that form shall be treated
as a reference to the revised or
renumbered form.
(11) Examples. The application of this
paragraph (b) is illustrated by the
following examples. In all examples, the
taxpayers use a calendar taxable year,
and are not members of a controlled
Example 1. A is a manufacturer that in
2006, transports its products by rail using the
railroad tracks owned by B, a Class II railroad
that owns 500 miles of railroad track within
the United States on December 31, 2006. B
properly assigns for purposes of section 45G
100 miles of eligible railroad track to A in



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2006. A is an eligible taxpayer for 2006 with
respect to the 100 miles of eligible railroad
Example 2. C is a bank that loans money
to several Class III railroads. In 2006, C loans
money to D, a Class III railroad, who in turn
uses the loan proceeds to purchase track
material. Because providing loans is not a
service that is unique to a railroad, C is not
providing railroad-related services and, thus,
C is not an eligible taxpayer, even if D assigns
miles of eligible railroad track to C for
purposes of section 45G.
Example 3. E leases locomotives directly to
Class I, Class II, and Class III railroads. In
2006, E leases locomotives to F, a Class II
railroad that owns 200 miles of railroad track
within the United States on December 31,
2006. F properly assigns for purposes of
section 45G 200 miles of eligible railroad
track to E. Because locomotives are property
that is unique to a railroad, and E leases these
locomotives directly to F in 2006, E is an
eligible taxpayer for 2006 with respect to the
200 miles of eligible railroad track assigned
to E by F.
Example 4. The facts are the same as in
Example 3, except that E leases passenger
trains, not locomotives, to F. Because
passenger trains are not railroad-related
property for purposes of section 45G, E is not
an eligible taxpayer even if F assigns miles
of eligible railroad track to E for purposes of
section 45G.

(c) Determination of amount of
railroad track maintenance credit for
the taxable year—(1) General amount.
Except as provided in paragraph (c)(2)
of this section, for purposes of section
38, the RTMC determined under section
45G(a) for the taxable year is equal to 50
percent of the QRTME paid or incurred
(as determined under paragraph (c)(3) of
this section) by an eligible taxpayer
during the taxable year.
(2) Limitation on the credit—(i)
Eligible taxpayer is a Class II railroad or
Class III railroad. If an eligible taxpayer
is a Class II railroad or Class III railroad,
the RTMC determined under paragraph
(c)(1) of this section for the Class II
railroad or Class III railroad for any
taxable year must not exceed $3,500
multiplied by the sum of—
(A) The number of miles of eligible
railroad track owned or leased by the
Class II railroad or Class III railroad,
reduced by the number of miles of
eligible railroad track assigned under
paragraph (d) of this section by the Class
II railroad or Class III railroad to another
eligible taxpayer for that taxable year;
(B) The number of miles of eligible
railroad track owned or leased by
another Class II railroad or Class III
railroad that are assigned under
paragraph (d) of this section to the Class
II railroad or Class III railroad for the
taxable year.
(ii) Eligible taxpayer is not a Class II
railroad or Class III railroad. If an

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eligible taxpayer is not a Class II
railroad or Class III railroad, the RTMC
determined under paragraph (c)(1) of
this section for the eligible taxpayer for
any taxable year must not exceed $3,500
multiplied by the number of miles of
eligible railroad track assigned under
paragraph (d) of this section by a Class
II railroad or Class III railroad to the
eligible taxpayer for the taxable year.
(iii) No carryover of amount that
exceeds limitation. Amounts that
exceed the limitation under paragraph
(c)(2)(i) of this section or paragraph
(c)(2)(ii) of this section, may never be
carried over to another taxable year.
(3) Determination of amount of
QRTME paid or incurred—(i) In general.
The term paid or incurred means, in the
case of a taxpayer using an accrual
method of accounting, a liability
incurred (within the meaning of
§ 1.446–1(c)(1)(ii)). A liability may not
be taken into account under section 45G
and this section prior to the taxable year
during which the liability is incurred.
Any amount that an eligible taxpayer
(assignee) pays a Class II railroad or
Class III railroad (assignor) in exchange
for an assignment of one or more miles
of eligible railroad track under
paragraph (d) of this section, is treated,
for purposes of this section, as QRTME
paid or incurred by the assignee, and
not by the assignor, at the time and to
the extent the assignor pays or incurs
(ii) Effect of reimbursements received
from persons other than a Class II or
Class III railroad. The amount of
QRTME treated as paid or incurred
during the taxable year by an eligible
taxpayer under paragraphs (b)(3)(ii) and
(iii) of this section shall be reduced by
any amount to which the eligible
taxpayer is entitled to be reimbursed,
directly or indirectly, from persons
other than a Class II or Class III railroad.
(4) Examples. The application of this
paragraph (c) is illustrated by the
following examples. In all examples, the
taxpayers use an accrual method of
accounting and a calendar taxable year,
and are not members of a controlled
Example 1. Computation of RTMC; section
45G credit limitation is not exceeded. (i) G
is a Class II railroad that owns or has leased
to it 1,000 miles of railroad track within the
United States on December 31, 2006. H is a
manufacturer that in 2006, transports its
products by rail using the rail facilities of G.
In 2006, for purposes of section 45G, G
assigns 100 miles of eligible railroad track to
H and does not make any other assignments
of railroad track miles. H did not receive any
other assignments of railroad track miles in
2006. During 2006, G incurred QRTME in the
amount of $2.5 million and H incurred
QRTME in the amount of $200,000.

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(ii) For 2006, G determines the tentative
amount of RTMC under paragraph (c)(1) of
this section to be $1,250,000 (50% multiplied
by $2,500,000 QRTME incurred by G during
2006). G further determines G’s credit
limitation under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this
section for 2006 to be $3,150,000 ($3,500
multiplied by 900 miles of eligible railroad
track (1,000 miles owned by, or leased to, G
on December 31, 2006, less 100 miles
assigned by G to H in 2006)). Because G’s
tentative amount of RTMC does not exceed
G’s credit limitation amount for 2006, G may
claim a RTMC for 2006 in the amount of
(iii) For 2006, H determines the tentative
amount of RTMC under paragraph (c)(1) of
this section to be $100,000 (50% multiplied
by $200,000 QRTME incurred by H during
2006). H further determines H’s credit
limitation under paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this
section for 2006 to be $350,000 ($3,500
multiplied by 100 miles of eligible railroad
track assigned by G to H in 2006). Because
H’s tentative amount of RTMC does not
exceed H’s credit limitation amount for 2006,
H may claim a RTMC in the amount of
Example 2. Computation of RTMC; section
45G credit limitation is exceeded. (i) The
facts are the same as in Example 1, except
that G assigned for purposes of section 45G
only 50 miles of railroad track to H in 2006
and, during 2006, H incurred QRTME in the
amount of $400,000.
(ii) For 2006, G determines the tentative
amount of RTMC under paragraph (c)(1) of
this section to be $1,250,000 (50% multiplied
by $2,500,000 QRTME incurred by G during
2006). G further determines G’s credit
limitation under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this
section for 2006 to be $3,325,000 ($3,500
multiplied by 950 miles of eligible railroad
track (1,000 miles owned by, or leased to, G
on December 31, 2006, less 50 miles assigned
by G to H in 2006)). Because G’s tentative
amount of RTMC does not exceed G’s credit
limitation amount for 2006, G may claim a
RTMC in the amount of $1,250,000.
(iii) For 2006, H determines the tentative
amount of RTMC under paragraph (c)(1) of
this section to be $200,000 (50% multiplied
by $400,000 QRTME incurred by H during
2006). H further determines H’s credit
limitation under paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this
section for 2006 to be $175,000 ($3,500
multiplied by 50 miles of eligible railroad
track assigned by G to H in 2006). Because
H’s tentative amount of RTMC exceeds H’s
credit limitation amount for 2006, H may
claim a RTMC in the amount of $175,000 (the
credit limitation amount). Under paragraph
(c)(2)(iii) of this section, there is no carryover
of the $25,000 (the tentative amount of
$200,000 less the credit limitation amount of
$175,000) that exceeds the limitation.
Example 3. Railroad track miles assigned
for payment. (i) J is a Class II railroad that
owns or has leased to it 1,000 miles of
railroad track within the United States on
December 31, 2006. K is a corporation that
sells ties, ballast, and other track material to
Class I, Class II, and Class III railroads.
During 2006, K sold these items to J and J
incurred QRTME in the amount of $1
million. Also, on December 6, 2006, J



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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 218 / Tuesday, November 13, 2007 / Rules and Regulations

assigned for purposes of section 45G 150
miles of eligible railroad track to K and K
paid J $800,000 for that assignment. K did
not pay or incur any other QRTME during
(ii) For 2006, in accordance with paragraph
(c)(3)(ii) of this section, J is treated as having
incurred QRTME in the amount of $200,000
($1 million QRTME actually incurred by J
less the $800,000 paid by K to J for the
assignment of the railroad track miles in
2006). For 2006, J determines the tentative
amount of RTMC under paragraph (c)(1) of
this section to be $100,000 (50% multiplied
by $200,000 QRTME treated as incurred by
J during 2006). J further determines J’s credit
limitation amount under paragraph (c)(2)(i)
of this section for 2006 to be $2,975,000
($3,500 multiplied by 850 miles of eligible
railroad track (1,000 miles owned by, or
leased to, J on December 31, 2006, less 150
miles assigned by J to K in 2006)). Because
J’s tentative amount of RTMC does not
exceed J’s credit limitation amount for 2006,
J may claim a RTMC in the amount of
(iii) For 2006, K is an eligible taxpayer
because, during 2006, K provided railroadrelated property to J and received an
assignment of eligible railroad track miles
from J. Under paragraph (c)(3)(ii) of this
section, K is treated as having incurred
QRTME in the amount of $800,000 (the
amount paid by K to J for the assignment of
the railroad track miles in 2006). For 2006,
K determines the tentative amount of RTMC
under paragraph (c)(1) of this section to be
$400,000 (50% multiplied by $800,000
QRTME treated as incurred by K during
2006). K further determines K’s credit
limitation amount under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)
of this section for 2006 to be $525,000
($3,500 multiplied by 150 miles of eligible
railroad track assigned by J in 2006). Because
K’s tentative amount of RTMC does not
exceed K’s credit limitation amount for 2006,
K may claim a RTMC in the amount of
(iv) The results in this Example 3 would
be the same if K sold the ties, ballast, and
other track material with a fair market value
of $1 million to J for $200,000 in exchange
for the assignment by J of 150 miles of
eligible railroad track to K.
Example 4. Reimbursement of QRTME. (i)
L is a Class III railroad that owns or has
leased to it 500 miles of railroad track within
the United States on December 31, 2006. M
is a manufacturer that in 2006 transports its
products by rail using the rail facilities of L.
During 2006, L did not incur any QRTME.
Also, in 2006, L assigned for purposes of
section 45G 200 miles of eligible railroad
track to M and agreed to reduce L’s freight
shipping rates to M by $250,000 in exchange
for M upgrading these railroad track miles.
Consequently, during 2006, M incurred
QRTME of $500,000 to upgrade these 200
miles of railroad track and L reduced L’s
freight shipping rates for M by $250,000.
(ii) For 2006, M is an eligible taxpayer
because, during 2006, M transported property
using the rail facilities of L and received an
assignment of eligible railroad track miles
from L. The amount of QRTME paid or
incurred by M during 2006 is $500,000 and

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is not reduced by the reimbursement of
$250,000 by L to M because, under paragraph
(c)(3)(ii) of this section, QRTME is not
reduced by reimbursements from Class II or
Class III railroads. For 2006, M determines
the tentative amount of RTMC under
paragraph (c)(1) of this section to be $250,000
(50% multiplied by $500,000 QRTME
incurred by M during 2006). M further
determines M’s credit limitation amount
under paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section for
2006 to be $700,000 ($3,500 multiplied by
200 miles of eligible railroad track assigned
by L to M in 2006). Because M’s tentative
amount of RTMC does not exceed M’s credit
limitation amount for 2006, M may claim a
RTMC in the amount of $250,000.

(d) Assignment of track miles—(1) In
general. An assignment of any mile of
eligible railroad track under this
paragraph (d) is a designation by a Class
II railroad or Class III railroad that is
made solely for purposes of section 45G
and this section of a specific number of
miles of eligible railroad track as being
assigned to another eligible taxpayer for
a taxable year. A designation must be in
writing and must include the name and
taxpayer identification number of the
assignee, and the information required
under the rules of paragraph
(d)(4)(iii)(B) of this section. A
designation requires no transfer of legal
title or other indicia of ownership of the
eligible railroad track, and need not
specify the location of any assigned mile
of eligible railroad track. Further, an
assigned mile of eligible railroad track
need not correspond to any specific
mile of eligible railroad track with
respect to which the eligible taxpayer
actually pays or incurs the QRTME.
(2) Assignment eligibility. Only a
Class II railroad or Class III railroad may
assign a mile of eligible railroad track.
If a Class II railroad or Class III railroad
assigns a mile of eligible railroad track
to an eligible taxpayer, the assignee is
not permitted to reassign any mile of
eligible railroad track to another eligible
taxpayer. The maximum number of
miles of eligible railroad track that may
be assigned by a Class II railroad or
Class III railroad for any taxable year is
its total miles of eligible railroad track
less the miles of eligible railroad track
that the Class II railroad or Class III
railroad retains for itself in determining
its RTMC for the taxable year.
(3) Effective date of assignment. If a
Class II railroad or Class III railroad
assigns a mile of eligible railroad track,
the assignment is treated as being made
by the Class II railroad or Class III
railroad at the close of its taxable year
in which the assignment was made.
With respect to the assignee, the
assignment of a mile of eligible railroad
track is taken into account for the
taxable year of the assignee that

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includes the date the assignment is
treated as being made by the assignor
Class II railroad or Class III railroad
under this paragraph (d)(3).
(4) Assignment information
statement—(i) In general. A taxpayer
must file Form 8900, ‘‘Qualified
Railroad Track Maintenance Credit,’’
with its timely filed (including
extensions) Federal income tax return
for the taxable year for which the
taxpayer assigns any mile of eligible
railroad track, even if the taxpayer is not
itself claiming the RTMC for that taxable
(ii) Assignor. Except as provided in
paragraph (d)(4)(iv) of this section, a
Class II railroad or Class III railroad
(assignor) that assigns one or more miles
of eligible railroad track during a taxable
year to one or more eligible taxpayers
must attach to the assignor’s Form 8900
for that taxable year an information
statement providing—
(A) The name and taxpayer
identification number of each assignee;
(B) The total number of miles of the
assignor’s eligible railroad track;
(C) The number of miles of eligible
railroad track assigned by the assignor
to each assignee for the taxable year;
(D) The total number of miles of
eligible railroad track assigned by the
assignor to all assignees for the taxable
(iii) Assignee. Except as provided in
paragraph (d)(4)(iv) of this section, an
eligible taxpayer (assignee) that has
received an assignment of miles of
eligible railroad track during its taxable
year from a Class II railroad or Class III
railroad, and that claims the RTMC for
that taxable year, must attach to the
assignee’s Form 8900 for that taxable
year a statement—
(A) Providing the total number of
miles of eligible railroad track assigned
to the assignee for the assignee’s taxable
year; and
(B) Attesting that the assignee has in
writing, and has retained as part of the
assignee’s records for purposes of
§ 1.6001–1(a), the following information
from each assignor:
(1) The name and taxpayer
identification number of each assignor.
(2) The date of each assignment made
by each assignor (as determined under
paragraph (d)(3) of this section) to the
(3) The number of miles of eligible
railroad track assigned by each assignor
to the assignee for the assignee’s taxable
(iv) Special rules for returns filed
prior to November 9, 2007. If an eligible
taxpayer’s Federal income tax return for
a taxable year beginning after December



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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 218 / Tuesday, November 13, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
31, 2004, and ending before November
9, 2007, was filed before December 13,
2007, and the eligible taxpayer is not
filing an amended Federal income tax
return for that taxable year pursuant to
paragraph (g)(2) of this section before
the eligible taxpayer’s next filed original
Federal income tax return, and the
eligible taxpayer wants to apply
paragraph (g)(2) of this section but did
not include with that return the
information specified in paragraph
(d)(4)(ii) or (iii) of this section, as
applicable, the eligible taxpayer must
attach a statement containing the
information specified in paragraph
(d)(4)(ii) or (iii) of this section, as
applicable, to either—
(A) The eligible taxpayer’s next filed
original Federal income tax return; or
(B) The eligible taxpayer’s amended
Federal income tax return that is filed
pursuant to paragraph (g)(2) of this
section, provided that amended Federal
income tax return is filed by the eligible
taxpayer before its next filed original
Federal income tax return.
(5) Special rules—(i) Effect of
subsequent dispositions of eligible
railroad track during the assignment
year. If a Class II railroad or Class III
railroad assigns one or more miles of
eligible railroad track that it owned or
leased as of the actual date of the
assignment, but does not own or lease
any eligible railroad track at the close of
the taxable year in which the
assignment is made by the Class II
railroad or Class III railroad, the
assignment is not valid for that taxable
year for purposes of section 45G and
this section.
(ii) Effect of multiple assignments of
eligible railroad track miles during the
same taxable year. If a Class II railroad
or Class III railroad assigns more miles
of eligible railroad track than it owned
or leased as of the close of the taxable
year in which the assignment is made
by the Class II railroad or Class III
railroad, the assignment is valid for
purposes of section 45G and this section
only with respect to the name of the
assignee and the number of miles listed
by the assignor Class II railroad or Class
III railroad on the statement required
under paragraph (d)(4)(ii) of this section
and only to the extent of the maximum
miles of eligible railroad track that may
be assigned by the assignor Class II
railroad or Class III railroad as
determined under paragraph (d)(2) of
this section. If the total number of miles
on this statement exceeds the maximum
miles of eligible railroad track that may
be assigned by the assignor Class II
railroad or Class III railroad (as
determined under paragraph (d)(2) of
this section), the total number of miles

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on the statement shall be reduced by the
excess amount of miles. This reduction
is allocated among each assignee listed
on the statement in proportion to the
total number of miles listed on the
statement for that assignee.
(6) Examples. The application of this
paragraph (d) is illustrated by the
following examples. In none of the
examples are the taxpayers members of
a controlled group:
Example 1. Assignor and assignee have the
same taxable year. (i) N, a calendar year
taxpayer, is a Class II railroad that owns 500
miles of railroad track within the United
States on December 31, 2006. O, a calendar
year taxpayer, is not a railroad, but is a
taxpayer that provides railroad-related
property to N during 2006. On November 7,
2006, N assigns for purposes of section 45G
300 miles of eligible railroad track to O. O
receives no other assignment of eligible
railroad track in 2006. O pays or incurs
QRTME in the amount of $100,000 in
November 2006, and $50,000 in February
2007. N and O each file Form 8900 with their
timely filed Federal income tax returns for
2006 and attach the statement required by
paragraph (d)(4)(ii) and (iii), respectively, of
this section reporting the assignment of the
300 miles of eligible railroad track to O.
(ii) The assignment of the 300 miles of
eligible railroad track made by N to O on
November 7, 2006, is treated as made on
December 31, 2006 (at the close of the N’s
taxable year). Consequently, the assignment
is taken into account by O for O’s taxable
year ending on December 31, 2006. For 2006,
O is an eligible taxpayer because, during
2006, O provides railroad-related property to
N and receives an assignment of 300 eligible
railroad track miles from N. For 2006, O
determines the tentative amount of RTMC
under paragraph (c)(1) of this section to be
$50,000 (50% multiplied by $100,000
QRTME paid or incurred by O during 2006).
O further determines the credit limitation
amount under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this
section for 2006 to be $1,050,000 ($3,500
multiplied by 300 miles of eligible railroad
track assigned by N to O on December 31,
2006). Because O’s tentative amount of
RTMC does not exceed O’s credit limitation
amount for 2006, O may claim a RMTC for
2006 in the amount of $50,000.
Example 2. Assignor and assignee have
different taxable years. (i) The facts are the
same as in Example 1, except that O’s taxable
year ends on March 31.
(ii) The assignment of the 300 miles of
eligible railroad track made by N to O on
November 7, 2006, is treated as made on
December 31, 2006. As a result, the
assignment is taken into account by O for O’s
taxable year ending on March 31, 2007. Thus,
for the taxable year ending on March 31,
2007, O determines the tentative amount of
RMTC under paragraph (c)(1) of this section
to be $75,000 (50% multiplied by $150,000
QRTME incurred by O during its taxable year
ending March 31, 2007). Because O’s
tentative amount of RTMC does not exceed
O’s credit limitation amount for the taxable
year ending March 31, 2007, O may claim a

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RMTC for the taxable year ending March 31,
2007, in the amount of $75,000.
Example 3. Assignment location differs
from QRTME location. (i) P, a calendar-year
taxpayer, is a Class III railroad that owns or
has leased to it 200 miles of railroad track
within the United States on December 31,
2006. P owns 50 miles of this railroad track
and leases 150 miles of this railroad track
from Q, a Class I railroad. On February 8,
2006, P assigns for purposes of section 45G
50 miles of eligible railroad track to R. R is
not a railroad, but is a taxpayer that ships
products using the 50 miles of eligible
railroad track owned by P, and R paid
$100,000 in 2006 to P to enable P to upgrade
these 50 miles of eligible railroad track. In
March 2006, P also assigns for purposes of
section 45G 150 miles of eligible railroad
track to S. S is not a railroad, but is a
taxpayer that provides railroad-related
property to P, and S paid $400,000 to P to
enable P to upgrade P’s 200 miles of eligible
railroad track. For 2006, P pays or incurs
QRTME in the amount of $500,000 to
upgrade the 150 miles of eligible railroad
track that it leases from Q and pays or incurs
no QRTME on the 50 miles of eligible
railroad track that it owns. For 2006, P
receives no other assignment of eligible
railroad track miles and did not retain any
eligible railroad track miles for itself. Also, R
and S do not pay or incur any other amounts
that would qualify as QRTME during 2006.
P, R, and S each file Form 8900 with their
timely filed Federal income tax returns for
2006 and attach the statement required by
paragraph (d)(4) (ii) or (iii) of this section,
whichever applies, reporting the assignment
of eligible railroad track by P to R or S in
(ii) For 2006, in accordance with paragraph
(c)(3)(ii) of this section, P is treated as having
incurred QRTME in the amount of $0
($500,000 QRTME actually incurred by P less
the $100,000 paid by R to P for the
assignment of the 50 miles of eligible railroad
track and the $400,000 paid by S to P for the
assignment of the 150 miles of eligible
railroad track). Further, P assigned all of its
eligible railroad track miles to R and S for
2006. Accordingly, for 2006, P may not claim
any RTMC.
(iii) For 2006, R is an eligible taxpayer
because, during 2006, R ships property using
the rail facilities of P and receives an
assignment of 50 eligible railroad track miles
from P. In accordance with paragraph
(c)(3)(ii) of this section, R is treated as having
incurred QRTME in the amount of $100,000
(the amount paid by R to P for the assignment
of the eligible railroad track miles in 2006)
even though no work was performed on the
50 miles of eligible railroad track that was
assigned by P to R. For 2006, R determines
the tentative amount of RTMC under
paragraph (c)(1) of this section to be $50,000
(50% multiplied by $100,000 QRTME treated
as incurred by R during 2006). R further
determines the credit limitation amount
under paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section to be
$175,000 ($3,500 multiplied by 50 miles of
eligible railroad track assigned by P to R in
2006). Because R’s tentative amount of RTMC
does not exceed R’s credit limitation amount
for 2006, R may claim a RTMC for 2006 in
the amount of $50,000.



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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 218 / Tuesday, November 13, 2007 / Rules and Regulations

(iv) For 2006, S is an eligible taxpayer
because, during 2006, S provides railroadrelated property to P and receives an
assignment of 150 eligible railroad track
miles from P. In accordance with paragraph
(c)(3)(ii) of this section, S is treated as having
incurred QRTME in the amount of $400,000
(amount paid by S to P for the assignment of
the eligible railroad track miles in 2006). For
2006, S determines the tentative amount of
RTMC under paragraph (c)(1) of this section
to be $200,000 (50% multiplied by $400,000
QRTME treated as incurred by S during
2006). S further determines the credit
limitation amount under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)
of this section to be $525,000 ($3,500
multiplied by 150 miles of eligible railroad
track assigned by P to S in 2006). Because S’s
tentative amount of RTMC does not exceed
S’s credit limitation amount for 2006, S may
claim a RTMC for 2006 in the amount of
Example 4. Multiple assignments of track
miles. (i) T, a calendar-year taxpayer, is a
Class III railroad that owns or has leased to
it 200 miles of railroad track within the
United States on December 31, 2006. T owns
75 miles of this railroad track and leases 125
miles of this railroad track from U, a Class
I railroad. V and W are not railroads, but are
both taxpayers that provide railroad-related
services to T during 2006. On January 15,
2006, T assigns for purposes of section 45G
200 miles of eligible railroad track to V. V
agrees to incur, in 2006, $1.4 million of
QRTME to upgrade a portion of/segment of
these 200 miles of eligible railroad track. Due
to unexpected financial difficulties, V only
incurs $250,000 of QRTME during 2006 and
on May 15, 2006, T learns that V is unable
to incur the remainder of the QRTME. On
June 15, 2006, T assigns for purposes of
section 45G the 200 miles of railroad track to
W. In 2006, W incurs $1,100,000 of QRTME
to upgrade a portion of/segment of the
railroad track. For 2006, T receives no other
assignment of eligible railroad track miles
and did not retain any eligible railroad track
miles for itself. V and W do not receive any
other assignments of miles of eligible railroad
track miles from a Class II railroad or Class
III railroad during 2006. T and W each file
Form 8900 with their timely filed Federal
income tax returns for 2006, and attach the
statement required by paragraph (d)(4) (ii)
and (iii), respectively, of this section,
reporting the assignment of 200 miles of
eligible railroad track to W.
(ii) Because T did not retain any miles of
eligible railroad track for itself for 2006, the
maximum miles of eligible railroad track that
may be assigned by T for 2006 is 200 miles
pursuant to paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
On the statement required by paragraph
(d)(4)(ii) of this section, T assigned a total of
200 miles of eligible railroad track to W.
Consequently, because T did not list V as an
assignee on T’s statement required by
paragraph (d)(4)(ii) of this section, V did not
receive an assignment of eligible railroad
track miles from T during 2006 and V is not
an eligible taxpayer for 2006. Thus, for 2006,
V may not claim any RTMC even though V
incurred QRTME in the amount of $250,000.
(iii) For 2006, W is an eligible taxpayer
because, during 2006, W provides railroad-

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related services to T and receives an
assignment of 200 eligible railroad track
miles from T. W determines the tentative
amount of RTMC under paragraph (c)(1) of
this section to be $550,000 (50% multiplied
by $1,100,000 QRTME incurred by W during
2006). W further determines the credit
limitation amount under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)
of this section to be $700,000 ($3,500
multiplied by the 200 miles of eligible
railroad track assigned by T to W in 2006).
Because W’s tentative amount of RTMC does
not exceed W’s credit limitation amount for
2006, W may claim a RTMC for 2006 in the
amount of $550,000.
Example 5. Multiple assignments of track
miles. (i) Same facts as in Example 4, except
T, to its Form 8900 for 2006, attaches the
statement required by paragraph (d)(4)(ii) of
this section assigning 200 miles of eligible
railroad track to W and 200 miles of eligible
railroad track to V.
(ii) Because T did not retain any miles of
eligible railroad track for itself for 2006, the
maximum miles of eligible railroad track that
may be assigned by T for 2006 is 200 miles
pursuant to paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
However, on the statement required by
paragraph (d)(4)(ii) of this section, T assigned
a total of 400 miles of eligible railroad track
(200 miles to W and 200 miles to V).
Consequently, the 400 miles of eligible
railroad track on this statement must be
reduced to the 200 maximum miles of
eligible railroad track available for
assignment for 2006. Because the statement
reports 200 miles of eligible railroad track
assigned to each W and V, the reduction of
200 miles (400 total miles of eligible railroad
track on the statement less 200 maximum
miles of eligible railroad track available for
assignment) is allocated pro-rata between W
and V and, therefore, 100 miles each to W
and V. Thus, pursuant to paragraph (d)(5)(ii)
of this section, the number of miles of
eligible railroad track assigned by T to W and
V for 2006 is 100 miles each.
(iii) For 2006, V is an eligible taxpayer
because, during 2006, V provides railroadrelated services to T and receives an
assignment of 100 eligible railroad track
miles from T. V determines the tentative
amount of RTMC under paragraph (c)(1) of
this section to be $125,000 (50% multiplied
by $250,000 QRTME incurred by V during
2006). V further determines the credit
limitation amount under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)
of this section to be $350,000 ($3,500
multiplied by the 100 miles of eligible
railroad track assigned by T to V in 2006).
Because V’s tentative amount of RTMC does
not exceed W’s credit limitation amount for
2006, V may claim a RTMC for 2006 in the
amount of $125,000.
(iv) For 2006, W is an eligible taxpayer
because, during 2006, W provides railroadrelated services to T and receives an
assignment of 100 eligible railroad track
miles from T. W determines the tentative
amount of RTMC under paragraph (c)(1) of
this section to be $550,000 (50% multiplied
by $1,100,000 QRTME incurred by W during
2006). W further determines the credit
limitation amount under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)
of this section to be $350,000 ($3,500
multiplied by the 100 miles of eligible

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railroad track assigned by T to W in 2006).
Because W’s tentative amount of RTMC
exceeds W’s credit limitation amount for
2006, W may claim a RTMC for 2006 in the
amount of $350,000 (the credit limitation).
There is no carryover of the amount of
$200,000 (the tentative amount of $550,000
less the credit limitation amount of

(e) Adjustments to basis—(1) In
general. All or some of the QRTME paid
or incurred by an eligible taxpayer
during the taxable year may be required
to be capitalized under section 263(a) as
a tangible asset or as an intangible asset.
See, for example, § 1.263(a)–4(d)(8),
which requires capitalization of
amounts paid or incurred by a taxpayer
to produce or improve real property
owned by another (except to the extent
the taxpayer is selling services at fair
market value to produce or improve the
real property) if the real property can
reasonably be expected to produce
significant economic benefits for the
taxpayer. The basis of the tangible asset
or intangible asset includes the
capitalized amount of the QRTME.
(2) Basis adjustment made to railroad
track. An eligible taxpayer must reduce
the adjusted basis of any railroad track
with respect to which the eligible
taxpayer claims the RTMC. For
purposes of section 45G(e)(3) and this
paragraph (e)(2), the adjusted basis of
any railroad track with respect to which
the eligible taxpayer claims the RTMC is
limited to the amount of QRTME, if any,
that is required to be capitalized into the
qualifying railroad structure or an
intangible asset. The adjusted basis of
the railroad track is reduced by the
amount of the RTMC allowable (as
determined under paragraph (c) of this
section) by the eligible taxpayer for the
taxable year, but not below zero. This
reduction is taken into account at the
time the QRTME is paid or incurred by
an eligible taxpayer and before the
depreciation deduction with respect to
such railroad track is determined for the
taxable year for which the RTMC is
allowable. If all or some of the QRTME
paid or incurred by an eligible taxpayer
during the taxable year is capitalized
under section 263(a) to more than one
asset, whether tangible or intangible (for
example, railroad track and bridges), the
reduction to the basis of these assets
under this paragraph (e)(2) is allocated
among each of the assets subject to the
reduction in proportion to the
unadjusted basis of each asset at the
time the QRTME is paid or incurred
during that taxable year.
(3) Examples. The application of this
paragraph (e) is illustrated by the
following examples. In each example,
all taxpayers use a calendar taxable



Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 218 / Tuesday, November 13, 2007 / Rules and Regulations
year, and no taxpayers are members of
a controlled group.
Example 1. (i) X is a Class II railroad that
owns 500 miles of railroad track within the
United States on December 31, 2006. During
2006, X incurs $1 million of QRTME for
maintaining this railroad track. X uses the
track maintenance allowance method for
track structure expenditures (for further
guidance, see Rev. Proc. 2002–65 (2002–2 CB
700) and § 601.601(d)(2)(ii)(b) of this
chapter). Assume all of the $1 million
QRTME is track structure expenditures and
none of it was expended for new track
(ii) For 2006, X determines the tentative
amount of RTMC under paragraph (c)(1) of
this section to be $500,000 (50% multiplied
by $1 million QRTME incurred by X during
2006). X further determines the credit
limitation amount under paragraph (c)(2)(i)
of this section for 2006 to be $1,750,000
($3,500 multiplied by 500 miles of eligible
railroad track). Because X’s tentative amount
of RTMC does not exceed X’s credit
limitation amount for 2006, X may claim a
RTMC for 2006 in the amount of $500,000.
(iii) Of the $1 million QRTME incurred by
X during 2006, X determines under the track
maintenance allowance method that
$750,000 is the track maintenance allowance
under section 162 and $250,000 is the
capitalized amount for the track structure. In
accordance with paragraph (e)(2) of this
section, X reduces the capitalized amount of
$250,000 by the RTMC of $500,000 claimed
by X for 2006, but not below zero. Thus, the
capitalized amount of $250,000 is reduced to
zero. X also deducts under section 162 a
track maintenance allowance of $750,000 on
its 2006 Federal income tax return.
Example 2. (i) Y is a Class II railroad that
owns or has leased to it 500 miles of eligible
railroad track within the United States on
December 31, 2006. Z is not a railroad, but
is a taxpayer that, in 2006, transports its
products using the rail facilities of Y. In
2006, Y assigns for purposes of section 45G
300 miles of eligible railroad track to Z. Z
does not receive any other assignments of
eligible railroad track miles in 2006. During
2006, Z incurs QRTME in the amount of $1
million, and Y does not incur any QRTME.
Y and Z each file Form 8900 with their
timely filed Federal income tax returns for
2006 and attach the statement required by
paragraph (d)(4)(ii) and (iii), respectively, of

this section reporting the assignment of the
300 miles of eligible railroad track to Z.
(ii) For 2006, Z determines the tentative
amount of RTMC under paragraph (c)(1) of
this section to be $500,000 (50% multiplied
by $1 million QRTME incurred by Z during
2006). Z further determines the credit
limitation amount under paragraph (c)(2)(ii)
of this section for 2006 to be $1,050,000
($3,500 multiplied by 300 miles of eligible
railroad track assigned by Y to Z in 2006).
Because Z’s tentative amount of RTMC does
not exceed Z’s credit limitation amount for
2006, Z may claim a RTMC for 2006 in the
amount of $500,000.
(iii) For 2006, Z also must determine the
portion of the $1 million QRTME that Z
incurs that is required to be capitalized under
section 263(a), and the portion that is a
section 162 expense. Because Z is not a Class
II railroad or Class III railroad, Z cannot use
the track maintenance allowance method.
Assume that all of the QRTME constitutes an
intangible asset under § 1.263(a)–4(d)(8) and,
therefore, is required to be capitalized by Z
under section 263(a) as an intangible asset. In
accordance with paragraph (e)(2) of this
section, Z reduces the capitalized amount of
$1 million by the RTMC of $500,000 claimed
by Z for 2006. Thus, the capitalized amount
of $1 million for the intangible asset is
reduced to $500,000. Further, pursuant to
§ 1.167(a)–3(b)(1)(iv), Z may treat this
intangible asset with an adjusted basis of
$500,000 as having a useful life of 25 years
for purposes of the depreciation allowance
under section 167(a).

(f) Controlled groups—(1) In general.
Pursuant to section 45G(e)(2), if an
eligible taxpayer is a member of a
controlled group of corporations, rules
similar to the rules in § 1.41–6T apply
for determining the amount of the
RTMC under section 45G(a) and this
section. To determine the amount of
RTMC (if any) allowable to a trade or
business that at the end of its taxable
year is a member of a controlled group,
a taxpayer must—
(i) Compute the group credit in the
manner described in paragraph (f)(3) of
this section; and
(ii) Allocate the group credit among
the members of the group in the manner
described in paragraph (f)(4) of this


(2) Definitions. For purposes of
section 45G(e)(2) and paragraph (f) of
this section—
(i) A trade or business is a sole
proprietorship, a partnership, a trust, an
estate, or a corporation that is carrying
on a trade or business (within the
meaning of section 162). Any
corporation that is a member of a
commonly controlled group shall be
deemed to be carrying on a trade or
business if any other member of that
group is carrying on any trade or
(ii) Group and controlled group means
a controlled group of corporations, as
defined in section 41(f)(5), or a group of
trades or businesses under common
control. For rules for determining
whether trades or businesses are under
common control, see § 1.52–1(b)
through (g);
(iii) Group credit means the RTMC (if
any) allowable to a controlled group;
(iv) Consolidated group has the
meaning set forth in § 1.1502–1(h); and
(v) Credit year means the taxable year
for which the member is computing the
(3) Computation of the group credit.
All members of a controlled group are
treated as a single taxpayer for purposes
of computing the RTMC. The group
credit is computed by applying all of the
section 45G computational rules
(including the rules set forth in this
section) on an aggregate basis.
(4) Allocation of the group credit—(i)
In general. (A) To the extent the group
credit (if any) computed under
paragraph (f)(3) of this section does not
exceed the sum of the stand-alone entity
credits of all of the members of a
controlled group, computed under
paragraph (f)(4)(ii) of this section, such
group credit shall be allocated among
the members of the controlled group in
proportion to the stand-alone entity
credits of the members of the controlled
group, computed under paragraph
(f)(4)(ii) of this section:

member ’s stand-alone entity credit
group credit that does not exceed sum of ×
all the members’ sttand-along entity credits
Sum of all the members’ stand-alone entity credits.
controlled group in proportion to the
QRTMEs of the members of the
controlled group:

QRTMEs of members that are eligible taxpayers
(group credit less the sum of all the ×
members’ stand-alone entity credits)
sum of QRTMEs of all members that are eligible taxpayeers.

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members of the controlled group,
computed under paragraph (f)(4)(ii) of
this section, such excess shall be
allocated among the members of a


rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with RULES

(B) To the extent that the group credit
(if any) computed under paragraph (f)(3)
of this section exceeds the sum of the
stand-alone entity credits of all of the

rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with RULES


Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 218 / Tuesday, November 13, 2007 / Rules and Regulations

(ii) Stand-alone entity credit. The
term stand-alone entity credit means the
RTMC (if any) that would be allowable
to a member of a controlled group if the
credit were computed as if section
45G(e)(2) did not apply, except that the
member must apply the rules provided
in paragraphs (f)(5) (relating to
consolidated groups) and (f)(8) (relating
to intra-group transactions) of this
(5) Special rules for consolidated
groups—(i) In general. For purposes of
applying paragraph (f)(4) of this section,
a consolidated group whose members
are members of a controlled group is
treated as a single member of the
controlled group and a single standalone entity credit is computed for the
consolidated group.
(ii) Special rule for allocation of group
credit among consolidated group
members. The portion of the group
credit that is allocated to a consolidated
group is allocated to the members of the
consolidated group in accordance with
the principles of paragraph (f)(4) of this
section. However, for this purpose, the
stand-alone entity credit of a member of
a consolidated group is computed
without regard to section 45G(e)(2).
(6) Tax accounting periods used—(i)
In general. The credit allowable to a
member of a controlled group is that
member’s share of the group credit
computed as of the end of that member’s
taxable year. In computing the group
credit for a group whose members have
different taxable years, a member
generally should treat the taxable year of
another member that ends with or
within the credit year of the computing
member as the credit year of that other
member. For example, Q, R, and S are
members of a controlled group of
corporations. Both Q and R are calendar
year taxpayers. S files a return using a
fiscal year ending June 30. For purposes
of computing the group credit at the end
of Q’s and R’s taxable year on December
31, S’s fiscal year ending June 30, which
ends within Q’s and R’s taxable year, is
treated as S’s credit year.
(ii) Special rule when timing of
QRTME is manipulated. If the timing of
QRTME by members using different tax
accounting periods is manipulated to
generate a credit in excess of the amount
that would be allowable if all members
of the group used the same tax
accounting period, then the appropriate
Internal Revenue Service official in the
operating division that has examination
jurisdiction of the return may require
each member of the group to calculate
the credit in the current taxable year
and all future years as if all members of
the group had the same taxable year and
base period as the computing member.

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(7) Membership during taxable year in
more than one group. A trade or
business may be a member of only one
group for a taxable year. If, without
application of this paragraph (f)(7), a
business would be a member of more
than one group at the end of its taxable
year, the business shall be treated as a
member of the group in which it was
included for its preceding taxable year.
If the business was not included for its
preceding taxable year in any group in
which it could be included as of the end
of its taxable year, the business shall
designate in its timely filed (including
extensions) federal income tax return for
the taxable year the group in which it
is being included. If the business does
not so designate, then the appropriate
Internal Revenue Service official in the
operating division that has examination
jurisdiction of the return will determine
the group in which the business is to be
included. If the Federal income tax
return for a taxable year beginning after
December 31, 2004, and ending before
November 9, 2007, was filed before
December 13, 2007, and the business
wants to apply paragraph (g)(2) of this
section but did not designate its group
membership in that return, the business
must designate its group membership
for that year either—
(i) In its next filed original Federal
income tax return; or
(ii) In its amended Federal income tax
return that is filed pursuant to
paragraph (g)(2) of this section,
provided that amended Federal income
tax return is filed by the business before
its next filed original Federal income tax
(8) Intra-group transactions—(i) In
general. Because all members of a group
under common control are treated as a
single taxpayer for purposes of
determining the RTMC, transfers
between members of the group are
generally disregarded.
(ii) Payment for QRTME. Amounts
paid or incurred by the owner (or lessor)
of eligible railroad track to another
member of the group for QRTME shall
be taken into account as QRTME by the
owner (or lessor) of the eligible railroad
track for purposes of section 45G only
to the extent of the lesser of—
(A) The amount paid or incurred to
the other member; or
(B) The amount that would have been
considered paid or incurred by the other
member for the QRTME, if the QRTME
was not reimbursed by the owner (or
lessor) of the eligible railroad track.
(g) Effective/applicability date—(1) In
general. Except as provided in
paragraphs (g)(2) and (g)(3) of this
section, this section applies to taxable

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years ending on or after September 7,
(2) Taxable years ending before
September 7, 2006. A taxpayer may
apply this section to taxable years
beginning after December 31, 2004, and
ending before September 7, 2006,
provided that the taxpayer applies all
provisions in this section to the taxable
(3) Special rules for returns filed prior
to November 9, 2007. If a taxpayer’s
Federal income tax return for a taxable
year beginning after December 31, 2004,
and ending before November 9, 2007,
was filed before December 13, 2007, and
the taxpayer is not filing an amended
Federal income tax return for that
taxable year pursuant to paragraph (g)(2)
of this section before the taxpayer’s next
filed original Federal income tax return,
see paragraphs (d)(4)(iv) and (f)(7) of
this section for the statements that must
be attached to the taxpayer’s next filed
original Federal income tax return.
§ 1.45G–1T


Par. 5. Section 1.45G–1T is removed.

■ Par. 6. The authority citation for part
602 continues to read as follows:

Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805.

Par. 7. In § 602.101, paragraph (b) is
amended by removing the entry for
‘‘1.45G–1T’’ from the table.


Par. 8. In § 602.101, paragraph (b) is
amended by adding the following entry
in numerical order to the table to read
as follows:


§ 602.101


OMB control numbers.

(b) * * *



CFR part or section where
identified and described
1.45G–1 ................................



Current OMB
control No.


Linda E. Stiff,
Deputy Commissioner for Services and
Approved: November 2, 2007.
Eric Solomon,
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury (Tax
[FR Doc. E7–22142 Filed 11–9–07; 8:45 am]



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SubjectExtracted Pages
AuthorU.S. Government Printing Office
File Modified2007-11-09
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