30-Day Notice of Proposed Collection Submission

78 FR 39290 7-1-13.pdf

National Survey of Mortgage Borrowers (NSMB)

30-Day Notice of Proposed Collection Submission

OMB: 2590-0012

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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 126 / Monday, July 1, 2013 / Notices

All comments will become a matter of
public record.
Dated at Washington, DC, this 26th day of
June 2013.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Robert E. Feldman,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2013–15673 Filed 6–28–13; 8:45 am]

Proposed Agency Information
Collection Activities: Submission for
OMB Review; Comment Request Re
Appraisal Standards
Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC).
ACTION: Notice and request for comment.

The FDIC, as part of its
continuing effort to reduce paperwork
and respondent burden, invites the
general public and other Federal
agencies to take this opportunity, as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (4 U.S.S. chapter 35), to
comment on renewal of an existing
information collection as required by
the PRA. On April 23, 2013 (78 FR
23933), the FDIC solicited pubic
comment for a 60-day period on renewal
without change of its information
collection entitled, ‘‘Appraisal
Standards’’ (OMB No. 3064–0103). No
comments were received. Therefore, the
FDIC hereby gives notice of submission
of its request for renewal to OMB for
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before July 31, 2013.
ADDRESSES: Interested parties are
invited to submit written comments. All
comments should refer to the name of
the collection. Comments may be
submitted by any of the following
• http://www.FDIC.gov/regulations/
• Email: [email protected].
• Mail: Leneta G. Gregorie
(202.898.3719), Counsel, Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th
Street NW., Room NY–5050,
Washington, DC 20429.
• Hand Delivery: Comments may be
hand-delivered to the guard station at
the rear of the 550 17th Street Building
(located on F Street), on business days
between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
A copy of the comments may also be
submitted to the FDIC Desk Officer,
Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Office of Management and
Budget, New Executive Office Building,
Room 10235, Washington, DC 20503.

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is requesting OMB approval to renew
the following information collection:
Title: Appraisal Standards.
OMB Number: 3064–0103.
Number of respondents: 4460.
Frequency of response: 58.96.
Number of responses: 263,000.
Burden per respondent: 45 minutes.
Total annual burden: 197,250 hours.
General Description of Collection:
This collection is provided for in 12
CFR Part 323 of FDIC’s regulations. Part
323 implements a portion of Title XI of
the Financial Institutions Reform,
Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989
(‘‘FIRREA’’). Title XI of FIRREA is
designed to provide protection for
federal financial and public policy
interests by requiring real estate
appraisals used in connection with
federally related transactions to be
performed in writing, in accordance
with uniform standards, by an appraiser
whose competency has been
demonstrated and whose professional
conduct will be subject to effective




further information about this
information collection, please contact
Leneta G. Gregorie, by telephone at
(202) 898–3719 or by mail at the address
identified above. In addition, copies of
the forms contained in the collection
can be obtained at the FDIC’s Web site:


Request for Comment
Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
these collections of information are
necessary for the proper performance of
the FDIC’s functions, including whether
the information has practical utility; (b)
the accuracy of the estimate of the
burden of the information collection,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (c)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the information collection on
respondents, including through the use
of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
All comments will become a matter of
public record.
Dated at Washington, DC, this 26th day of
June, 2013.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Robert E. Feldman,
Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2013–15672 Filed 6–28–13; 8:45 am]

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[No. 2013–N–08]

Proposed Collection; Comment
Federal Housing Finance
ACTION: 30-day Notice of Submission of
Information Collection for Approval
from Office of Management and Budget.

In accordance with the
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, the Federal
Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) is
seeking public comments concerning
the information collection known as the
‘‘National Survey of Mortgage
Borrowers’’ (NSMB). This is a new
collection that has not yet been assigned
a control number by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB). FHFA
intends to submit the information
collection to OMB for review and
approval of a three-year control number.
DATES: Interested persons may submit
comments on or before July 31, 2013.
Comments: Submit written comments
to the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs of the Office of
Management and Budget, Attention:
Desk Officer for the Federal Housing
Finance Agency, Washington, DC
20503, Fax: (202) 395–6974, Email
[email protected]. Please
also submit them to FHFA using any of
the following methods:
• Email: [email protected].
Please include Proposed Collection;
Comment Request: Affordable Housing
Program (AHP) (No. 2013–N–08) in the
subject line of the message.
• Mail/Hand Delivery: Federal
Housing Finance Agency, Eighth Floor,
400 Seventh Street SW., Washington,
DC 20024, ATTENTION: Public
Comments/Proposed Collection;
Comment Request: Affordable Housing
Program (AHP) (No. 2013–N–08).
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments. If
you submit your comment to the
Federal eRulemaking Portal, please also
send it by email to FHFA at
[email protected] to ensure timely
receipt by the agency.
We will post all public comments we
receive without change, including any
personal information you provide, such
as your name and address, on the FHFA
Web site at http://www.fhfa.gov. In
addition, copies of all comments
received will be available for
examination by the public on business



Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 126 / Monday, July 1, 2013 / Notices
days between the hours of 10 a.m. and
3 p.m., at the Federal Housing Finance
Agency, Eighth Floor, 400 Seventh
Street SW., Washington, DC 20024. To
make an appointment to inspect
comments, please call the Office of
General Counsel at (202) 649–3804.
Theresa DiVenti, Senior Economist,
Office of Systemic Risk and Market
Surveillance, by email at
[email protected] or telephone
at (202) 649–3113; or Eric Raudenbush,
Assistant General Counsel, by email at
[email protected] or telephone
at (202) 649–3084, (these are not tollfree numbers), Federal Housing Finance
Agency, 400 Seventh Street SW.,
Washington, DC 20024. The
Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
is (800) 877–8339.

mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES

A. Need For and Use of the Information
The NSMB will be a quarterly survey
of individuals who have recently
obtained a loan secured by a first
mortgage on single-family residential
property. The survey questionnaire will
be sent to approximately 7,000 new
mortgage borrowers each calendar
quarter and will consist of
approximately 80–85 multiple choice
and short answer questions designed to
obtain information about individual
residential mortgages and borrowers
that is not available elsewhere. The
NSMB is one component of a larger
project, known as the ‘‘National
Mortgage Database,’’ which is a joint
effort of FHFA and the Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).
Section 1324 of the Housing and
Economic Recovery of 2008 (HERA)
requires that FHFA conduct a monthly
survey to collect data on the
characteristics of individual prime and
subprime mortgages, and on the
borrowers and properties associated
with those mortgages. Specifically,
FHFA is required to collect data on: the
sales price of the mortgaged property;
the loan-to-value ratio of the mortgage;
the terms of the mortgage; the
creditworthiness of the borrowers;
whether borrowers on subprime
mortgages would have qualified for
prime lending; and whether the
mortgage was purchased by Fannie Mae
or Freddie Mac.1 The stated purposes of
the monthly mortgage survey required
under HERA are to enable FHFA to
prepare a detailed annual report on the
mortgage market activities of Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac relative to the rest
1 See

12 U.S.C. 4544(c).

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of the market for the Committee on
Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of
the Senate and the Committee on
Financial Services of the House of
Representatives,2 and to compile a
database of timely and otherwise
unavailable residential mortgage market
information to be made available to the
public.3 In order to fulfill those
statutory mandates, as well as to
support policymaking and research
efforts, FHFA, along with CFPB, is
committed to fund, build and manage
the National Mortgage Database. The
key purpose of the National Mortgage
Database is to make accessible accurate,
comprehensive information for
monitoring the residential mortgage
market by Congress, regulators and
other interested parties.
FHFA draws the core data for the
National Mortgage Database from a
random 1-in-20 sample of mortgages in
the database of credit information on
individual consumers maintained by
one of the three national credit
repositories. These core data may be
supplemented, for example, with
additional information from sources
such as the Home Mortgage Disclosure
Act database that is maintained by the
Federal Financial Institutions
Examination Council,4 property
valuation models, and data files
maintained by Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac. The purpose of the NSMB is to
complete the National Mortgage
Database by obtaining critical
information that is not available from
existing sources.
Under section 1324 of HERA, FHFA
must collect information on the
characteristics of individual subprime
and nontraditional mortgages, as well as
on the characteristics of borrowers on
such mortgages, including information
on the creditworthiness of those
borrowers and information sufficient to
determine whether those borrowers
would have qualified for prime
lending.5 The NSMB questionnaire is
designed to elicit this information
directly from borrowers, who are likely
to be the most reliable and accessible—
and, in some cases, the only—source for
this information. In addition, the
questionnaire is designed to elicit more
complete information on mortgage
terms, mortgaged properties, and
borrowers’ household demographics
than can be obtained from the existing
sources. The information obtained from
the NSMB, in combination with that
obtained from the existing sources, will
2 See

12 U.S.C. 4544(a), (b).
12 U.S.C. 4544(c)(3).
4 See 12 U.S.C. 2801–2811.
5 See 12 U.S.C. 4544(c)(2).
3 See

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make the National Mortgage Database a
high quality and uniquely
comprehensive and timely resource for
information on developments in the
residential mortgage market. The NSMB
will be especially critical in ensuring
that the National Mortgage Database
contains complete and timely
information on the range of
nontraditional and subprime mortgage
products being offered, the methods by
which these mortgages are being
marketed, and the characteristics, and
particularly creditworthiness, of
borrowers for these types of loans.
The information in the National
Mortgage Database, including that
obtained through the NSMB, will be
used for three primary purposes: (1) To
prepare the report to Congress on the
mortgage market activities of Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac that FHFA is
required to submit under section 1324
of HERA; (2) for research and analysis
by FHFA and other federal agencies that
have regulatory and supervisory
responsibilities/mandates related to
mortgage markets; and (3) to provide a
resource for research and analysis by
academics and other interested parties
outside of the government. Generally,
the National Mortgage Database will
allow Congress, regulators and other
interested parties to track emerging
trends in the mortgage origination
process throughout the United States
and will allow them to determine more
quickly and accurately when the
mortgage origination process is
changing in a way that may adversely
affect financial markets, borrowers, and
consumers. FHFA intends that the
availability of this information, as well
as the research and analyses derived
from it, will provide sufficient warning
to allow it and other regulators to take
steps to avoid or mitigate major
mortgage market crises in the future.
B. Burden Estimate
FHFA estimates the total annual
average number of survey recipients at
28,000 (7,000 x 4 calendar quarters),
with one response per recipient. The
estimate for the average amount of time
to complete each survey is 30 minutes.
The estimate for the total annual hour
burden for respondents is 14,000 hours
(28,000 respondents × 0.5 hours).
C. Comment Request
FHFA published a request for public
comments regarding this information
collection in the Federal Register on
April 25, 2013. See 78 FR 24420 (Apr.
25, 2013). The 60-day comment period
closed on June 24, 2013. FHFA received
no public comments. This notice
requests written comments on: (1)




Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 126 / Monday, July 1, 2013 / Notices

Whether the collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of
FHFA functions, including whether the
information has practical utility; (2) The
accuracy of FHFA’s estimates of the
burdens of the collection of information;
(3) Ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information collected;
and (4) Ways to minimize the burden of
the collection of information on survey
respondents, including through the use
of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Date: June 25, 2013.
Kevin Winkler,
Chief Information Officer, Federal Housing
Finance Agency.
[FR Doc. 2013–15647 Filed 6–28–13; 8:45 am]

[No. 2013–N–09]

Proposed Collection; Comment
Federal Housing Finance
ACTION: 60-day Notice of Submission of
Information Collection for Approval
From the Office of Management and

In accordance with the
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, the Federal
Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) is
seeking public comments concerning
the information collection known as
‘‘Capital Requirements for the Federal
Home Loan Banks,’’ which has been
assigned control number 2590–0002 by
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB). FHFA intends to submit the
information collection to OMB for
review and approval of a three-year
extension of the control number, which
is due to expire on September 30, 2013.
DATES: Interested persons may submit
comments on or before August 30, 2013.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments to FHFA
using any one of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://
www.regulations.gov. Follow the
instructions for submitting comments. If
you submit your comment to the
Federal eRulemaking Portal, please also
send it by email to FHFA at
[email protected] to ensure timely
receipt by the agency.
• Email: [email protected].
Please include Proposed Collection;
Comment Request: ‘‘Capital
Requirements for the Federal Home
Loan Banks, (No. 2013–N–09)’’ in the
subject line of the message.

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• Mail/Hand Delivery: Federal
Housing Finance Agency, Eighth Floor,
400 Seventh Street SW., Washington,
DC 20024, ATTENTION: Public
Comments/Proposed Collection;
Comment Request: ‘‘Capital
Requirements for the Federal Home
Loan Banks, (No. 2013–N–09).’’
We will post all public comments we
receive without change, including any
personal information you provide, such
as your name, address, email address,
and telephone number, on the FHFA
Web site at http://www.fhfa.gov. In
addition, copies of all comments
received will be available for
examination by the public on business
days between the hours of 10 a.m. and
3 p.m., at the Federal Housing Finance
Agency, Eighth Floor, 400 Seventh
Street SW., Washington, DC 20024. To
make an appointment to inspect
comments, please call the Office of
General Counsel at 202–649–3804.
Jonathan F. Curtis, Financial Analyst,
Division of Federal Home Loan Bank
Regulation, at 202–649–3321 (not a toll
free number), [email protected],
or by regular mail at the Federal
Housing Finance Agency, 400 Seventh
Street SW., Washington, DC 20024. The
telephone number for the
Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
is 800–877–8339.
A. Need For and Use of the Information
Each of the twelve regional Federal
Home Loan Banks (Banks) is structured
as a member-owned cooperative. An
institution that is eligible for
membership in a particular Bank must
purchase and hold a prescribed
minimum amount of the Bank’s capital
stock in order to become and remain a
member of that Bank.1 With few
exceptions, only an institution that is a
member of a Bank may obtain access to
secured loans, known as advances, or
other products provided by that Bank.
Section 6 of the Federal Home Loan
Bank Act (Bank Act) establishes the
capital structure for the Banks and
requires FHFA to issue regulations
prescribing uniform capital standards
applicable to all of the Banks.2 These
implementing regulations are set forth
in 12 CFR parts 930, 931, 932, and 933:
part 930 contains definitions applicable
to the capital regulations; part 931
establishes the requirements for the
Banks’ capital stock; part 932
establishes risk-based and total capital
requirements for the Banks; and part
1 See
2 See

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12 U.S.C. 1426(c)(1); 12 CFR 931.3, 1263.20
12 U.S.C. 1426.

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933 sets forth the requirements for the
Banks’ ‘‘capital structure plans’’ under
which each Bank establishes its own
capital structure within the parameters
of the statute and FHFA’s implementing
Both the Bank Act and FHFA’s
regulations state that a Bank’s capital
structure plan must require its members
to maintain a minimum investment in
the Bank’s capital stock, which is to be
determined for each member in a
manner prescribed by the board of
directors of the Bank and reflected in
the Bank’s capital structure plan.3
Although each Bank’s capital structure
plan establishes a slightly different
method for calculating the required
minimum stock investment for its
members, each Bank’s method is tied to
some degree to both the level of assets
held by the member institution
(typically referred to as a ‘‘membership
stock purchase requirement’’) and the
amount of advances or other business
engaged in between the member and the
Bank (typically referred to as an
‘‘activity-based stock purchase
The Banks use this information
collection to determine the amount of
capital stock a member must purchase
to maintain membership in and to
obtain services from the Bank under its
capital structure plan, and to confirm
that its members are complying with the
Bank’s stock purchase requirements.
Although the required information and
the precise method through which it is
collected differ from Bank to Bank, there
are for each Bank typically two
components to the information
collection. First, in order to calculate
and monitor compliance with its
membership stock purchase
requirement, a Bank typically requires
each member to provide and/or confirm
a quarterly report on the amount and
types of assets held by that institution.
Second, at the time it engages in a
business transaction with a member,
each Bank typically confirms with the
member the amount of additional Bank
capital stock, if any, the member must
acquire in order to satisfy the Bank’s
activity-based stock purchase
requirement and the method through
which the member will acquire that
The OMB number for the information
collection is 2590–0002, which is due to
expire on September 30, 2013. The
likely respondents include Bank
3 See


12 U.S.C. 1426(c)(1); 12 CFR 933.2(a).


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File Modified2013-06-29
File Created2013-06-29

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