Appendix C: S-STEM Principal Investigator Survey (PI Survey)
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Programming notes (not to be displayed to respondents) will appear in BLUE or brown text throughout this document.
General guidelines:
Each screen of the survey should display one question at a time unless otherwise indicated.
Each screen should display a standard set of Navigation buttons: Go Back, Continue, Save & Return Later.
Default font should be Calibri, 11-point, regular black text.
Some items contain placeholders for fields that should be programmed to be auto-filled from the sample file for each respondent. These fields are
enclosed in [brackets] and printed in brown.
Sample variables:
Reference date
Grant start date
Academic term
Degree type
PI’s first name
PI’s last name
Date common to all respondents regardless of actual date of survey completion (e.g., March 1, 2013)
Name of PI’s institution
Institution-specific abbreviated name of S-STEM project (Default = “S-STEM”)
Month and year that S-STEM grant was awarded
Type of academic calendar used by grantee institution (e.g., semester, trimester, quarter)
Associates or Bachelor’s degree, depending on degree type indicated in monitoring data
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Welcome. You are receiving this survey because you are a current or former Principal Investigator of the Scholarships in Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (S-STEM) project at [Name_Institution]. Abt Associates, an independent educational research firm in Bethesda,
MD, is conducting this study on behalf of the National Science Foundation to help NSF better understand how S-STEM is being implemented on
college campuses nationwide, including how projects deliver both financial and non-financial support to S-STEM scholarship recipients. This
survey is part of a comprehensive evaluation study, the results of which will inform the S-STEM program at large. We estimate that it will take
approximately 20 minutes to complete the survey.
Participation is voluntary. Deciding not to participate in this survey will have no affect on you or your institution’s current or future support
from NSF. We will not reveal to NSF whether you take the survey or not. You may skip questions on the survey or stop at any time. There are
no physical risks and minimal other risks associated with your participation. In most studies like this one, there is a very minimal risk that your
privacy might be violated and we have taken several steps to minimize this risk (see “Privacy”). You may not benefit directly from completing
this survey, but your participation may benefit undergraduate students and institutions of higher education.
Privacy. Your responses to this survey are protected under the Privacy Act of 1974 (as amended 5 U.S.C.A. 552a). In files we use to analyze
survey data, we will replace your name and email address with a Study ID number. After the survey period has ended, we will separate the
answers you give to survey questions from information that could identify you or your institution. The link between your Study ID number,
name, email address, name of your institution, and other identifying information will be stored in an encrypted “key file” separate from your
survey responses. Reports based on this survey will never identify you or your institution individually, and information from the survey will be
reported only in summary form across responses provided by all survey participants. When the study ends, we share with NSF survey data
files with Study ID numbers and not individual or institutional names, email addresses or other information that could be used to identify any
individual study participant or institution. At the conclusion of the study, we will destroy the encrypted key file that links you to your survey
Questions. If you have questions about the study, please consult the FAQs or feel free to contact the study director, Alina Martinez of
Abt Associates Inc. at or by email at . You may also contact the S-STEM program officer at
NSF, (). If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, you may contact Teresa Doksum, the Abt
Institutional Review Board Administrator at (877) 520-6835 or by email at [email protected]. This study’s IRB approval number is #xxxx, valid
from mm/dd/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy. To learn more about this study, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions page < insert link>.
Please scroll down.
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Consent. Please click on “Begin” if you agree to participate in this survey. You may skip questions on the survey or stop at any time. If you stop
partway through the survey, you can resume the survey at any time by clicking on the survey link sent to you. < Begin button>
This information collection meets the requirements of 44 U.S.C. § 3507, as amended by section 2 of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. According to the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it
displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is xxxx-xxxx (expires on mm/dd/yyyy). The time required to
complete this information collection is estimated to average 20 minutes per response. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of time estimates or
suggestions for improving this form, please contact: , , National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA ZZZZZ.
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
FAQs are Optional screens, displayed only if R clicks on FAQs button
Why are you doing this study?
Why have I been selected to participate in this survey?
How did you get my contact information?
How long will this survey take to complete?
How will you use my comments?
Does this study have human subjects review clearance?
Who is funding the study?
Who are Abt Associates, Inc. and Abt SRBI?
Why are you doing this study?
NSF is interested in learning about how S-STEM Principal Investigators are implementing their projects at their institutions. In particular, NSF
would like to understand how PIs identify recruit, and support S-STEM scholarship recipients, including financial and non-financial support. The
information collected in this survey will contribute to a broader study of the S-STEM program, which includes a survey of a sample of S-STEM
scholarship recipients and site visits to selected S-STEM awardee institutions. The information collected in the study will help NSF identify
needed improvements to the program and the evaluation will help NSF meet its responsibility to evaluate the effectiveness of its programs.
Why have I been selected to participate in this survey?
You have been selected to participate because we have identified you as a current or former Principal Investigator of an S-STEM award. In case
we have mis-identified you, the first two survey items ask you to confirm (or disconfirm) your role as PI of an S-STEM award.
How did you get my contact information?
We identified you from records maintained by the National Science Foundation on S-STEM awardees and PIs.
How long will this survey take to complete?
We estimate that the survey will take about 20 minutes; it may take you less time depending on your responses.
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
How will you use my answers to survey questions?
Responses from all survey respondents will be used to answer questions about how S-STEM Principal Investigators implement their S-STEM
projects. We will not reveal your individual responses to your institution nor will we share information that could identify a specific PI or a
specific institution with NSF.
What happens if I don’t answer this survey?
Participation in the survey is voluntary. We will not tell NSF which individual PIs or which S-STEM awardee institutions choose to participate or
not in the PI survey. Study participation will not affect your current NSF funding or future applications to NSF for funding.
Has this study been reviewed and approved by a human subjects review board?
Yes, the study was approved by Abt Associates’ Institutional Review Board. If you have any concerns about your participation in this survey,
please contact Teresa Doksum, Institutional Review Board Chairperson at Abt Associates, at (877) 520-6835 or via email at [email protected].
Who is funding the study?
The study has been funded by the National Science Foundation under contract GS-10F-0086K. Abt Associates and our wholly-owned subsidiary,
Abt SRBI, will conduct the study.
Who are Abt Associates, Inc. and Abt SRBI?
Abt Associates is an independent research firm headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts with offices in Bethesda, MD, Durham, NC, and
Atlanta, GA. Abt SRBI is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Abt Associates specializing in large-scale data collection and public opinion research. NSF
has contracted with us to conduct an evaluation of the S-STEM program, including a survey of S-STEM awardee PIs.
Who can I contact if I have additional questions?
We welcome additional questions about the purposes or administration of this study. If you have questions about the study, you can contact the
project officer for the study of the National Science Foundation, Connie Della-Piana by emailing [email protected]. You can also contact the
study’s project director, Dr. Alina Martinez of Abt Associates Inc. at (xxx) xxx-xxxx or
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Programmer note: all text below starting with “Module A: Verifying Information About You” through Item A2 should appear on same screen
Module A: Verifying Information about You
To begin, we’d like to confirm that we’ve reached the appropriate person.
According to our records, your name is [PI_FirstName PI_LastName]. Is this correct? Please mark one only.
Yes, this is correct
No, my name has changed or my name is misspelled above. My name is: [ textbox, 75]
No, I am not the person named above.
If A1 = 2 then LET PI_NAME = entered text. If A1=3 then SKIP TO EXIT MODULE. IF A1= . (missing), show text “Please provide an answer. It is necessary to
confirm that we have reached the correct person.” If still missing, go to A2
Are you a current or former Principal Investigator (PI) of a National Science Foundation Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics (S-STEM) award? Please mark one only.
Yes, current PI
Yes, former PI
If A2=3 SKIP TO EXIT MODULE and flag for follow-up by research team; if A2 = . (missing), show text, ““Please provide an answer. It is necessary to confirm
that we have reached the correct person.” If still missing, go to A3; else go to A3
On what type of calendar system does your institution operate? Please mark one only.
Other (please specify): [textbox, 75]
Use the response selected to populate [Academic term] fields for remainder of survey
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Module B: The Structure of your S-STEM project
First, we would like to know if the S-STEM project has a particular name at your institution.
At your institution, do S-STEM scholarship recipients know the scholarship by a different name (i.e., other than “S-STEM”)? Please mark
one only.
1 Yes, a different name
0 No, they know the name “S-STEM”
If B1=1, then B1a; else if B1=0 then B2a. If B1=missing, show text “Please select an answer.” If still missing, go to B1a.
Please enter BOTH the full name of your institution’s S-STEM scholarship and its acronym (if applicable)
Full name of my institution’s S-STEM scholarship: [textbox, 75]
Common acronym or abbreviation for this project: [textbox, 75]
If B1 =0 then let local_SSTEM_ProgABB be unchanged. Else if B1=1 then use acronym/abbreviation for remainder of local_SSTEM_ProgABB entries. If
acronym box is missing then let local_SSTEM_ProgABB = ‘project name’ text entry from B1a_1; if B1a_1 AND B1a_2 are missing then let
local_SSTEM_ProgABB = “S-STEM scholarship program”
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
B2a(i). Is your [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] funded solely by the NSF S-STEM grant (including any continuation funding for this grant), or by
additional external or institutional funding? Please mark one only.
1 Solely by the NSF S-STEM grant
2 Additional funding (please identify the name of each source of additional funding in a separate row):
[textbox, 150]
[textbox, 150]
[textbox, 150]
If you need additional rows, how many do you need?
More rows needed (enter number): [ accepts numerical values 0 to 9 ]
For each additional row needed, assign a variable of the form B2a_(j) where j= iv to iv+value, e.g., B2a_(iv), B2a_(v), … , B2a_(xiii) ]
If B2a=1, go to B2b; else If B2a=2 checked then display:
B2a(ii). What approximate proportion of [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] does each funding source cover? (please indicate percentage; total should sum
to 100%)
NSF S-STEM award
[textbox from B2a_(i)
[textbox from B2a_(ii)]
[textbox from B2a_(iii)]
Include a row for each additional textbox in B2a_(j)
Display total across rows (B2a_(j)]. Check that total sums to 100. If total ne 100, show text “the total does not sum to 100. Please adjust
your responses so that the total equal 100%.”
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Was this S-STEM grant awarded to your institution ([Name_Institution]) only or is it shared between two (or more) institutions of
higher education? Please mark one only.
My institution only ([Name_Institution])
2 or more institutions
If B3a=2 then B3b; else B4
Please list the other institution(s) of higher education that are co-awardees of this S-STEM grant. Please also give the name of the PI
(or co-PI) at each co-awardee institution: [Fill in from monitoring system data where applicable]
1a. Co-awardee institution: [textbox, 75]
1b. Name of PI/co-PI at co-awardee: [textbox, 75]
2a. Co-awardee institution: [textbox, 75]
2b. Name of PI/co-PI at co-awardee: [textbox, 75]
Provide option to allow user to enter up to 5 co-awardee institutions
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
As of the week of [Reference Date], how many faculty (including yourself as PI) at your institution contribute to the planning,
administration, oversight, or operation of the S-STEM project? If individual faculty fulfill multiple roles, please count them under
ONE role only in the table below.
Enter Whole
a. How many faculty serve as an S-STEM PI or co-PI at your institution:
b. How many other faculty (not including PI or co-PIs) serve a role in planning,
administration, oversight, or operation of your S-STEM project:
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Below is a list of NSF awards that may contribute, directly or indirectly, to the recruitment and retention of undergraduates in STEM
disciplines. Since [Reference Month] 2001, has your institution received any of the following NSF grants? Please select grants even
if they are no longer active. Please mark all that apply.
ATE (Advanced Technological Education) display for 2-year IHEs only
STEP (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program)
LSAMP (Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation)
NOYCE (Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program)
C-PATH (CISE Pathways to Revitalized Undergraduate Computing Education)
CCLI/TUES (Course Curriculum and Laboratory Improvement Program; renamed Transforming Undergraduate Education in
CREST: Centers for Research Excellence in Science and Technology
HBCU-RISE: Research Infrastructure in Science and Engineering
NSF-HBCU-UP (Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program)
NSF-REU Site Award (Research Experiences for Undergraduates Site Award)
NSF-RUI (Research at Undergraduate Institutions) or ROA (Research Opportunity Award)
Federal Cyber Service/Scholarship for Service program
NUE (Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education in Engineering)
REE (Research in Engineering Education)
ERC or MRSEC (Engineering Research Center or Materials Research Science and Engineering Center)
None of the above
Other NSF awards (please specify up to three other NSF awards that contribute to recruitment and retention of undergraduates
in STEM disciplines. The next question asks about any funding from sources other than NSF that might contribute to
recruitment and retention of undergraduates in STEM disciplines):
[textbox1, 150]
[textbox2, 150]
[textbox3, 150]
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
To the best of your knowledge, does your institution have funding from sources other than NSF that support the recruitment and
retention of students in STEM fields? Please mark one only.
[If B6=yes then go to B6a; If B6=no then go to C1]
For each funding source other than NSF that supports the recruitment and retention of students in STEM fields, please identify
funding organization and the name of the grant or funding program:
[Start with below and provide option to allow user to enter up to 10 programs/sponsors ]
1a. Name of funding organization: [textbox, 150]
1b. Name of grant or program: [textbox, 150]
2a. Name of funding organization: [textbox, 75]
2b. Name of grant or program: [textbox, 75]
3a. Name of funding organization: [textbox, 75]
3b. Name of grant or program: [textbox, 75]
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Did [Name_Institution] leverage receipt of your S-STEM grant to obtain other external grant funding or institutional support for
recruiting and retaining students in STEM fields? Please mark one only.
Yes (Please explain): [textbox, 1000]
Don’t know
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Module C: Recruitment and Selection of S-STEM Scholarship Recipients
How are potential scholarship recipients recruited or otherwise identified by your [ local_SSTEM_ProgABB]? Please mark all that
[local_SSTEM_ProgABB] works with [Name_Institution]’s admissions and/or financial aid office to identify current students who
may be candidates for [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship funding
[local_SSTEM_ProgABB] works with other campus office(s) to identify incoming freshmen or current students who may be
candidates for [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship funding (Please specify the other offices): [textbox, 300]
Faculty notify the PI, co-PI, or [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] coordinator/administrator directly about individual students who may be
candidates for [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship funding
Information on [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] is provided during outreach events targeting high school students or incoming first-year
Information on [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] is provided during outreach events targeting community college students [4-year IHEs
[local_SSTEM_ProgABB] is highlighted during [Name_Institution]’s new student orientation
Other (please specify): [textbox, 300]
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Within the past academic year (2012-2013), how would you characterize the success of your [ local_SSTEM_ProgABB] recruitment
Less successful than anticipated
About as successful as anticipated
More successful than anticipated
[If C1a=1 go to C1b; else go to C2]
What do you think is the reason for these recruitment difficulties?
There do not seem to be enough academically qualified students at [Name_Institution]
There do not seem to be enough students with financial need at [Name_Institution]
There do not seem to be enough students interested or already in the major(s) affiliated with [ local_SSTEM_ProgABB]
We have had a hard time disseminating information about [local_SSTEM_ProgABB]
Students choose other scholarship options that don’t have as many eligibility requirements as does [ local_SSTEM_ProgABB]
Other (please specify): [textbox, 300]
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
In addition to students’ financial need and full-time enrollment status, which of the following criteria do you use to select
[local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship recipients? Please mark yes or no for each item.
Criteria used to SELECT [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship
1=Type of high school coursework completed (e.g., math and
2=High school grade point average
3=Type of undergraduate coursework completed (e.g., math and
4=Undergraduate cumulative grade point average (all courses)
5=Undergraduate grade point average in STEM courses
6=Standardized test scores (SAT, ACT, other)
Do you use any of these other kinds of criteria to select [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship recipients? Please mark yes or no for
each item.
Criteria used to SELECT [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship
7=Letter(s) of recommendation
8=Candidate’s personal statement(s)
9=Candidate’s employment or internship experience(s)
10=In-person interview with candidate
11=Informal recommendation by a member(s) of the faculty
12=Other (please specify): [textbox, 300]
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Below is a list of STEM fields. To be eligible to receive [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship funding at [Name_Institution], in which of the
following fields must a student pursue an academic major? Please mark all fields that apply.
1 = Agriculture, Agriculture Operations, and Related Sciences
3 = Natural Resources and Conservation
399=Natural resources, Other
4 = Architecture and Related Services
5 = Area, Ethnic, Cultural and Gender Studies
9 = Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs
10 = Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services
11 = Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services
12 = Personal and Culinary Services (e.g., includes Cosmetology, Funeral
13 = Education
14 = Engineering
15 = Engineering Technologies/Technicians
16 = Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
19 = Family and Consumer Sciences/Human Sciences
22 = Legal Professions and Studies
23 = English Language and Literature/Letters
25 = Library Science
26 = Biological and Biomedical Sciences
27 = Mathematics and Statistics
28 = Military science/leadership/operational art
29 = Military technologies/applied sciences
30 = Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies
31 = Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies
38 = Philosophy and Religious Studies
39 = Theology and Religious Vocations
40 = Physical Sciences
41 = Science Technologies/Technicians
42 = Psychology
43 = Security, Law enforcement, Homeland security, Protective Services
4301 = Criminal Justice
44 = Public administration/social service
4506 = Economics
4507 = Geography
4509 = International Relations and Affairs
4510 = Political Science and Government
4511 = Sociology
4599 = Social sciences, Other
46 = Construction Trades
47 = Mechanic and Repair Technologies/Technicians
48 = Precision Production
49 = Transportation and Materials Moving
50 = Visual and Performing Arts
51 = Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences
52 = Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services
54 = History
60 = Residency Programs
98 = Not in a degree program
99 = Undeclared
9999 = Other major not listed
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Does your [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] project focus its recruitment efforts on, or give priority for scholarship funding to particular types of
students? Please mark all that apply in each columns. Note: The S-STEM program does NOT require institutions to give preference to
any of the following groups, but institutions may choose to do so.
efforts focus on
No specific
recruitment efforts
but selection priority
given to
Students transferring from a 2-year institution [4-yr
IHEs only]
Students transferring to a 4-year bachelor’s degree
program [2-yr IHEs only]
U.S. veterans/military
Persons with disabilities
Types of students
Racial/ethnic groups traditionally underrepresented
in STEM fields
High school students
Other (please specify): [textbox, 75]
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
In order to be considered for [local_SSTEM_ProgABB], do prospective scholarship recipients complete a formal application?
[If C5=yes go to C5a; If C5= no, go to C6]
On average, what percentage of students who apply for [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] are awarded a scholarship?
After C5a, go to C7
Students do not formally apply for [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship funding
Less than 20%
21 to 40%
41 to 60%
61 to 80%
81% to 95%
More than 95%
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
On average, what percentage of students who are eligible for [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] are awarded a scholarship?
When do most students who receive an S-STEM scholarship begin participation in [local_SSTEM_ProgABB]? Please mark one only.
Less than 20%
21 to 40%
41 to 60%
61 to 80%
81% to 95%
More than 95%
Freshman year
Sophomore year
Junior year [4-year IHEs only]
Senior year [4-year IHEs only]
Other (Please specify): [textbox, 150]
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
On average, how many first-ever [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarships do you award per academic year? (Please do not include
students receiving a second, third, etc. consecutive year of support in this total.)
20 or more
For how many [Academic term]s does a scholarship recipient typically receive [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship funding? Please
mark one only.
1 [Academic term]s
9 [Academic term]s
2 [Academic term]s
10 [Academic term]s
3 [Academic term]s
11 [Academic term]s
4 [Academic term]s
12 [Academic term]s
5 [Academic term]s
13 [Academic term]s
6 [Academic term]s
14 [Academic term]s
7 [Academic term]s
15 [Academic term]s
8 [Academic term]s
16 [Academic term]s
Other (please specify): [textbox, 75]
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
On average, how much [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship money does the typical scholar receive each [Academic term] (or per
academic year)? (Enter the dollar amount and choose the appropriate timeframe.)
$ per [Academic term] year
What is the maximum dollar amount of [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship per [Academic term] (or per academic year) that a
student may receive? (Enter the dollar amount and choose the appropriate timeframe.)
per [Academic term] year
There is no maximum
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
In addition to having financial need and attending school full-time, what is required of scholarship recipients to continue receiving
support from [local_SSTEM_ProgABB]? Please mark all that apply.
Maintain major in a STEM department (or other approved major, e.g., independent or interdisciplinary major incorporating
STEM courses)
Maintain minimum GPA
Successfully complete one or more required courses
Participate in minimum number of [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] activities/events
Attend minimum number of meetings per year with a faculty advisor or mentor
Work less than a certain number of hours per week (Please indicate hours): [ textbox, 25]
None of the above
No requirements
Other (please specify): [textbox, 300]
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Have any students who were awarded a [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship ever turned down the scholarship?
If C13= Yes or missing then go to C13a; else go to D1]
What reasons did student(s) give for turning down the scholarship? Please mark all that apply.
Student changed mind about majoring in a STEM discipline
Student said that accepting the scholarship would cause him/her to lose other sources of financial aid
Student instead chose to accept another scholarship/grant because they said it provided a greater proportion of their
financial need
Student did not like the [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] requirements for participation (e.g., participation in certain events,
activities, etc.)
I don’t know the reason(s)
Student(s) gave no reason(s)
Other (please specify): [textbox, 300]
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Module D: Non-Financial Support of S-STEM Scholarship Recipients
Does [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] provide scholarship recipients with a designated faculty advisor other than any faculty advisor
assigned by a student’s home department or by the college/university at large?
Yes, all scholarship recipients have a designated [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] faculty advisor
No, scholarship recipients do not have a faculty advisor specific to [local_SSTEM_ProgABB]
[If D1=Yes go to D1a; else go to D2]
About how frequently are scholarship recipients encouraged or required to meet with their [ local_SSTEM_ProgABB] faculty advisor?
Please mark one only.
About once per week
About twice per month
About once per month
About once or twice per [Academic term]
About once or twice per academic year
Recipients choose how frequently to meet
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Does [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] intentionally cluster scholarship recipients such that students are required to take a common set of
courses together?
[If D2=yes then go to D2a; else go to D3]
Which type or types of courses are [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship recipients required to take together as a group? Please
mark all that apply.
Introductory mathematics course(s)
Introductory science or engineering course (s)
Core courses in their major
Seminar(s) specifically designed for [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship recipients
Seminar(s) NOT specifically designed for [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship recipients
Other course(s): (please specify): [textbox, 150]
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Does [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] offer scholarship recipients peer mentoring or peer tutoring services?
If D3=Yes, go to D3a, else go to D4
Does peer mentoring/tutoring take place one-on-one or in small or large groups? Check all that apply.
Groups of 2 to 4 students working with a peer mentor/tutor
Groups of 5 to 7 or more students working with a peer mentor/tutor
Groups of 8 or more students working with a peer mentor/tutor
How frequently are scholarship recipients encouraged or required to meet with their peer mentor/tutor?
About once per week
About twice per month
About once per month
About once or twice per [Academic term]
About once or twice per academic year
Recipients choose how frequently to meet
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Are any of the following academic/professional development activities available to [ local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship recipients,
and if so, are scholarship recipients required to utilize them, strongly encouraged but not required, or is it voluntary? Please mark all
that apply. [For each row, only display Columns 3,4 if activity marked “Yes” in Column 2=“Available?”]
recipients are
Scholarship recipients
required) to participate
Participation is
scholarship recipients
Internships in STEM-related industry/business
Opportunities to attend STEM professional or
student conferences
Other (Please specify): [textbox, 75]
Activity or Opportunity
Lectures, colloquia, or research seminars on STEM
topics (not for credit)
Student chapters of professional associations
(e.g., American Chemical Society, Society of
Women Engineers, etc.)
Opportunities to conduct hands-on or laboratory
research with a faculty member or graduate
student in a STEM discipline
Learning community, study group, or other
student group for academic support or
[Provide option to add additional “Other” rows]
Available to
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Are any of the following campus support services available to [ local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship recipients and, if so, does
[local_SSTEM_ProgABB] directly collaborate with such offices/services to support scholarship recipients? Are scholarship recipients
strongly encouraged to utilize these services or is it voluntary? Please mark all that apply. [Only show Columns 3-5 if activity marked “Yes” in
Column 2=“Available”]
BB] directly
Support Services
Course(s)/seminar(s) designed to aid in the college
transition (i.e., from high school to college)
Learning support center for math and science
Learning support center for writing coursework
Academic support center that targets
underrepresented students (e.g., racial/ethnic
minority, low-income, first generation to college)
Support center that offers guidance and/or resources
for prospective transfer students [2-year IHEs only]
Support center that offers guidance and/or resources
for incoming transfer students [4-year IHEs only]
Advising center that offers guidance and resources
for graduate school application
Career center that offers services such as career
counseling/workshops and job placement
Other (please specify): [textbox, 75]
Available to
scholarship recipients?
collaborates with this
Scholarship recipients
utilize services
Participation is
scholarship recipients
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
D6. At your institution, does coordination exist between the S-STEM project and the other NSF- or non-NSF-funded campus initiatives to
recruit and retain students in STEM occur at your institution? Check all that exist
Some of the same faculty (and staff) are involved in the oversight and administration of S-STEM are also involved in other STEM
initiatives on campus;
S-STEM scholarship recipients are encouraged to participate in activities sponsored or supported by these other initiatives
S-STEM scholars can receive additional financial support from these other initiatives
S-STEM scholars have access to resources, equipment that are partially or fully funded by these other initiatives
S-STEM scholarship recipients have educational opportunities that might not exist without these other initiatives
S-STEM scholarship recipients have access to support services that might not exist without these other initiatives
Other coordination: Please specify: [textbox]
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Module E: Scholarship Recipient Outcomes
What percent of current and former [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship recipients are currently (as of [Reference date]) enrolled in
a STEM major at [Name_Instutition]?
Percent: ___
Don’t know
If Don’t know is checked, Item E1a appears:
Does [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] collect data on:
Don’t Know
The percent of current [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship recipients
enrolled in a STEM major at your institution?
The percent of former [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship recipients
enrolled in a STEM major at your institution?
What percent of current and former [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship recipients have graduated with [Degree type] degree in a
STEM major?
Percent: ___
Don’t know
If Don’t know is checked, Item E2a appears:
Does [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] collect data on:
The percent of current [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship recipients
who have graduated with [Degree type] degree in a STEM major?
The percent of former [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship recipients
who have graduated with [Degree type] degree in a STEM major?
Don’t Know
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
[Item E3 is for 2-year IHEs only]
What percent of former [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship recipients have transferred to a four-year Bachelor’s degree program?
Percent: ___
Don’t know
If Don’t know is checked, Item E3a appears:
Does [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] collect data on:
The percent of former [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship recipients
who have transferred to a four-year Bachelor’s degree program?
Don’t Know
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
What percentage of former [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship recipients have pursued
graduate study in STEM?
Percent: ___
Don’t know
If Don’t know is checked, Item E4a appears:
Does [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] collect data on:
Don’t Know
The percent of former [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship recipients
who have pursued graduate study in STEM?
What percentage of former [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship recipients are currently working in STEM occupations?
Percent: ___
Don’t know
If Don’t know is checked, Item E5a appears:
Does [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] collect data on:
The percent of former [local_SSTEM_ProgABB] scholarship recipients
who are currently working in STEM occupations?
Don’t Know
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Module F: Additional Comments
If there is anything else we should know about your S-STEM award and the operation of [ local_SSTEM_ProgABB], please add it here:
[textbox, 1,500]
Submit Survey button takes respondent to Thank you Screen.
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
If we have identified the wrong respondent or have erroneous information, display this screen and FLAG this respondent for Abt follow-up (weekly basis)
Please accept our apology.
The information you supplied suggests that you are not eligible to participate in this study or that we have reached you in error. We regret any
inconvenience to you. If you have any questions about this study or you would like to make a comment, please contact one of the following
Dr. Alina Martinez, Study Director at Abt Associates: (xxx) xxx-xxxx or
Connie Della-Piana, S-STEM Program Evaluation Officer at the National Science Foundation: [email protected]
May we have permission to contact you by email in order to clarify your responses here? Answering “yes” does not obligate you to answer any
Yes, you may contact me. My preferred email address is: [textbox 150]
No, please do not contact me.
Thank you very much.
Survey of NSF S-STEM Principal Investigators
Thank you for completing this survey. If you have any general comments about the survey, please write them below.
[Textbox, 2500]
If you have any questions about this study or you would like to make a comment, please contact Dr. Alina Martinez, Study Director at Abt
Associates: : (xxx) xxx-xxxx or
You may also contact Dr. Connie Della-Piana, who is overseeing this study at the National Science Foundation at [email protected]
Thank you for your assistance. We greatly appreciate your time and consideration.
Your responses are very important to the National Science Foundation in understanding the impact of scholarships and additional student
support services funded by the S-STEM program. We appreciate the time you have taken to complete the survey. Your responses will be used
to improve the S-STEM program and to provide a better understanding of financial support for talented STEM majors and graduates.