AFR Frequently Asked Questions

AFR Frequently Asked Questions 2013.pdf

National Park Service Concessions, 36 CFR 51

AFR Frequently Asked Questions

OMB: 1024-0029

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Frequently Asked Questions

NPS Electronic Annual Financial Reports

Click on a question to skip to the answer

What is the website for the NPS electronic Annual Financial Report (AFR)?
Where can I find the User’s Guides?
What is the difference between the Long Form Guide, Short Form Guide and Excel Guide?
I have a short memo from my park or region that has directions on how to submit the electronic AFR, is
that the same thing as the User’s Guide?
What should I do if I try to create an AFR account and my concID is not on the drop down list?
What should I do if I try to create an AFR account and my concID is on the drop down list but the business
name is wrong?
Do I need to recreate my AFR account every year or can I use the same one over and over?
Who should I call if I need help with my AFR?
What happens if I call for help and by the time someone returns my call, the due date for the submittal of
the 2012 AFR has passed?
I have a Mac computer, can I still electronically submit my AFR?
Can I submit a paper copy of the AFR instead of an electronic copy?
When I try to submit my AFR and click on the browse button on the submit worksheet nothing happens.
When I click the Browse button on the Submit worksheet, it asks for my password, but will not accept my
AFR account password.
I just set my macro security settings to Low, but the buttons are still not working.
When I try to save my AFR, there is only the option to do Save As.
Can I add other worksheets to the AFR file?
There is not enough room on schedules F, K O or L; what should I do?
How do I calculate deductions for Franchise Fees if I use the AFR Short Form?
Do any schedules on the AFR still need to be reviewed or audited ?
I am required to have my AFR audited or reviewed, how do I submit the opinion letter and other
documents from my CPA?
What happens if I file my AFR on an old form?
If I don’t have Microsoft Excel on my computer is there some other program that I can use to complete
the electronic AFR?
Schedule E on the long form AFR (Statement of Cash Flows), requires the direct method for reporting this
information. Is it possible to get a waiver for the direct method and submit a paper copy of the
Statement of Cash Flows completed with the indirect method?
Can I cut and paste from another document?
What should I do if I realize I made a mistake on my AFR after it has been submitted?


What is the website for the NPS electronic Annual Financial Report (AFR)?


The AFR website is:
Note: Do not have someone else send you the AFR form or copy it from another site. The AFR forms
are regularly updated, and the correct version is only available on the AFR website.


Where can I find the User’s Guides?


The User’s Guides are posted on the website listed above; it is important to review the Long Form or
Short Form Guide. This document provides specific guidance as to how to create an AFR account,
download the form, setting macro security levels and submitting the AFR.

Frequently Asked Questions- NPS Annual Financial Reports

What is the difference between the Long Form Guide, Short Form Guide and Excel Guide?


The Long Form Guide and Short Form Guide provide guidance specific to those two forms. It is
important for everyone to read the Guide which pertains to the form they are completing. The Excel
Guide is for users who are unfamiliar with Microsoft Excel and provides more detailed instructions in
using Excel to complete the AFR.


I have a short memo from my park or region that has directions on how to submit the electronic AFR,
is that the same thing as the User’s Guide?


No, the User‘s Guides are the most current documents available and should always be used. They can
be found on the NPS website listed above.


What is my Concessioner ID (ConcID)?


The concessioner ID is the middle part of your contract number, which can be found on the front page
of your contract. If your contract number is CC-BUIS002-07, for example, then your concID is BUIS002.


What should I do if I try to create an AFR account and my concID is not on the drop down list?


Call Emily Backus at 303-987-6919 or email [email protected].


What should I do if I try to create an AFR account and my concID is on the drop down list but the
business name is wrong?


As long as the concID is correct, you should be able to create the account. Occasionally, there is a
delay in updating the business names, but they are updated on a regular basis.


Do I need to recreate my AFR account every year or can I use the same one over and over?


You only have to establish your account one time, the email and password you used when the account
was established can be used year after year. The account can be updated if any of the account
information changes.


Who should I call if I need help with my AFR?
Call Emily Backus at 303-987-6919. Please be aware that due to the large volume of calls it may be up
to a week before you receive a response.


What happens if I call for help and by the time someone returns my call, the due date for the submittal
of the 2012 AFR has passed?
If you are concerned your AFR will not be submitted before your due date, please contact your park
and talk to the concessions specialist.


I have a Mac computer, can I still electronically submit my AFR?


No. Even though Microsoft Excel is available for Mac, we are having problems adjusting the macro
security settings to the appropriate level. If you have a Mac computer you should contact your park
for permission to submit a hard copy 2012 AFR.

Frequently Asked Questions- NPS Annual Financial Reports

Can I submit a paper copy of the AFR instead of an electronic copy?


No, unless there are extenuating circumstances. If submitting an electronic copy creates a hardship for
you, submit a written request to the superintendent of your park describing the hardship and
requesting permission to submit a paper copy. If the superintendent approves your request, make two
copies of your AFR; send one to your park and one to the WASO office. This approval is granted on an
annual basis only, a written request to submit a paper copy would have to be submitted each year.


When I try to submit my AFR and click on the browse button on the submit worksheet nothing
If nothing happens when you click on the browse button it means the macro security levels for Excel
need to reset. The directions for setting the macro security levels are in both of the User’s Guides.
Before trying to change the macro security settings, close the AFR form on your computer, then follow
the steps in the User’s Guide. When you are done, reopen the AFR form file.
Once the AFR form has been opened, you can then test your computer to see if the macro security
settings have been set correctly by doing the following:

Click on the “Concessioner Info” worksheet tab at the bottom of the screen
Scroll to the top of the worksheet
Click on the “Info” button at the top left corner of the screen
A window titled “Instructions – AFR Form” should pop up
If the above window pops up, then the macro security settings are correct. To close this
window click on OK twice.
If the “Instructions – AFR Form” window does not come up when you click on the “Info”
button at the top left corner of the screen, then the macro security settings are still not
correct and you may need to go through the steps again


When I click the Browse button on the Submit worksheet, it asks for my password, but will not accept
my AFR account password.


This is due to incorrect macro security settings- the same problem as the above question. If macro
security is set correctly, the AFR Form will never ask you for a password. Follow the instructions above
and in the User’s Guide to correct this problem.


I just set my macro security settings to Low, but the buttons are still not working.


Save your form, then exit Excel and reopen again.


When I try to save my AFR, there is only the option to do Save As.


Your AFR form is still open in your web browser. When you clicked to download the AFR form, you
chose “open” instead of “save.” You should always choose “save” when downloading forms from the
AFR website. To remedy this problem, do “Save As,” then close the window, then open Microsoft Excel
and open your saved form.


Frequently Asked Questions- NPS Annual Financial Reports

Can I add other worksheets to the AFR file?


No, if other worksheets are added to the AFR file, the file will not be able to upload successfully to the
National Park Service website. However, additional documents can be uploaded separately via the AFR
website. See the User’s Guide for instructions.


There is not enough room on schedules F, K O or L; what should I do?


Schedules F, K, L and O may be submitted as separate PDF, Word or Excel documents on the AFR
website. Although you may use your own format, they must contain the same information as the
schedules in the AFR. Please do not lock or protect these documents. See the User’s Guide for
Note: The AFR Supplemental File for Schedules K and O is no longer available. If your data does not fit
into the regular AFR schedules, please create a separate document and upload it to the AFR website.


How do I calculate deductions for Franchise Fees if I use the AFR Short Form?


There is a supplemental Short Form Fees Worksheet available on the AFR website for Short Form
users. You should fill in this schedule and submit it as an additional document along with your AFR.
See page 16 of the Short Form User’s Guide for more information.


Do any schedules on the AFR still need to be reviewed or audited ?


Yes, the AFR Long Form for 2012 includes space for two years of data on Schedules A, A-1, C, and E.
Your CPA should Audit or Review Schedules A through E. Along with submitting your AFR prepared
datafile as in previous years, you should also submit the Excel Long Form and the auditor’s Opinion
Letter as attachments. Detailed instructions are included on pages 23-25 of the Long Form User’s


I am required to have my AFR audited or reviewed, how do I submit the opinion letter and other
documents from my CPA?


PDF or Word copies of the review or audit documents should be submitted to the AFR website as
attachments to the AFR. See the User’s Guides for instructions. Do not insert additional worksheets in
your AFR; keep audit or review documents as separate files. Also do not lock or protect these files.


What happens if I file my AFR on an old form?


It will be returned to you to redo on the current form.


If I don’t have Microsoft Excel on my computer is there some other program that I can use to complete
the electronic AFR?


No, the only program that can be used is Microsoft Excel. If you don’t have Excel on your computer,
the options are:

purchase Microsoft Excel
use a different computer that does have Microsoft Excel

Frequently Asked Questions- NPS Annual Financial Reports

request permission from the park superintendent to submit a hard copy AFR to the
*Note: the version of Excel available via OpenOffice is not compatible with the macros in the AFR
forms. You must use a licensed copy of Microsoft Excel.

Schedule E on the long form AFR (Statement of Cash Flows), requires the direct method for reporting
this information. Is it possible to get a waiver for the direct method and submit a paper copy of the
Statement of Cash Flows completed with the indirect method?


No, schedule E, Statement of Cash Flows must be completed as presented on the electronic form.


Can I cut and paste from another document?


Sometimes, but it is not recommended because there is a high potential for errors. If you want to cut
and paste a number from a worksheet that is not part of the AFR form, make sure the cell you are
copying from contains a whole number. All number cells in the AFR are formatted with a zero decimal
point and if a number with decimals is pasted into one of the AFR cells, you may get an error when you
try to submit the AFR. Furthermore, it can create rounding errors that can affect the rest of the AFR.


What should I do if I realize I made a mistake on my AFR after it has been submitted?


First, let the concessions specialist at your park know about the mistake. Then reopen your saved Excel
copy of the AFR and make the necessary changes. Then go to the Submit tab, create a new Prepared
Data file, and submit the new Prepared Data file to the AFR website.

National Park Service WASO Commercial Services Program Contact Info
Note: If you have received permission from your Superintendent to submit a hard copy of the AFR, make two
copies of the AFR. Send one copy to the Park, and attach a copy of the letter of approval from your
Superintendent to the other copy and mail it to the address below.
WASO Commercial Services Mailing Address:
PO Box 25287
Denver, CO 80225-0287

Physical Address (if sending a FedEx):
12795 W Alameda Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80228

Staff Contact Information:
Emily Backus: 303-987-6919
[email protected]
Jeannie Short: 303-987-6916
[email protected]

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleFrequently Asked Questions 2012
File Modified2012-10-19
File Created2012-10-16

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