Published 30-Day Federal Register Notice (FRN)

Published 30 Day FRN OMB Collection 1660-0115, 8-19-2013.pdf

Environmental and Historic Preservation Screening Form

Published 30-Day Federal Register Notice (FRN)

OMB: 1660-0115

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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 160 / Monday, August 19, 2013 / Notices

will describe the nature of the
information collection, the categories of
respondents, the estimated burden (i.e.,
the time, effort and resources used by
respondents to respond) and cost, and
the actual data collection instruments
FEMA will use.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before September 18, 2013.
ADDRESSES: Submit written comments
on the proposed information collection
to the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget. Comments
should be addressed to the Desk Officer
for the Department of Homeland
Security, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, and sent via
electronic mail to oira.submission@ or faxed to (202) 395–5806.
Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
should be made to Director, Records
Management Division, 1800 South Bell
Street, Arlington, VA 20598–3005,
facsimile number (202) 646–3347, or
email address [email protected].


Collection of Information
Title: FEMA Preparedness Grants:
Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI)
Nonprofit Security Grant Program
OMB Number: 1660–0110.
Type of information collection:
Extension, without change, of a
currently approved information
Form Titles and Numbers: FEMA
Form 089–25, NSGP Investment
Justification Template; FEMA Form
089–24, NSGP Prioritization of the
Investment Justifications.
Abstract: The NSGP is an important
tool among a comprehensive set of
measures to help strengthen the Nation
against risks associated with potential
terrorist attacks. FEMA uses the
information to evaluate applicants’
familiarity with the national
preparedness architecture and identify
how elements of this architecture have
been incorporated into regional/state/
local planning, operations, and
investments. Information collected
provides narrative details on proposed
activities (Investments) that will be
accomplished with grant funds and
prioritizes the list of applicants from
each requesting State. This program is
designed to promote coordination and
collaboration in emergency
preparedness activities among public
and private community representatives,

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State and local government agencies,
and Citizen Corps Councils.
Affected Public: Not-for-profit
Institutions; State, Local or Tribal
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 94,875 hours.
Estimated Cost: The estimated annual
cost to respondents for the hour burden
is $3,546,237.70. There are no annual
costs to respondents operations and
maintenance costs for technical
services. There is no annual start-up or
capital costs. The cost to the Federal
Government is $388,618.70.
Dated: August 9, 2013.
Charlene D. Myrthil,
Director, Records Management Division,
Mission Support Bureau, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, Department of
Homeland Security.
[FR Doc. 2013–20077 Filed 8–16–13; 8:45 am]

Federal Emergency Management
[Docket ID: FEMA–2013–0021; OMB No.

Agency Information Collection
Activities: Submission for OMB
Review; Comment Request
Federal Emergency
Management Agency, DHS.
ACTION: Notice.

The Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) will
submit the information collection
abstracted below to the Office of
Management and Budget for review and
clearance in accordance with the
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995. The submission
will describe the nature of the
information collection, the categories of
respondents, the estimated burden (i.e.,
the time, effort and resources used by
respondents to respond) and cost, and
the actual data collection instruments
FEMA will use.
DATES: Comments must be submitted on
or before September 18, 2013.
ADDRESSES: Submit written comments
on the proposed information collection
to the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs, Office of
Management and Budget. Comments
should be addressed to the Desk Officer
for the Department of Homeland
Security, Federal Emergency

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Management Agency, and sent via
electronic mail to oira.submission@ or faxed to (202) 395–5806.

Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
should be made to Director, Records
Management Division, 1800 South Bell
Street, Arlington, VA 20598–3005,
facsimile number (202) 646–3347, or
email address [email protected].

Collection of Information
Title: Environmental and Historic
Preservation Screening Form.
OMB Number: 1660–0115.
Type of information collection:
Revision of a currently approved
information collection.
Form Titles and Numbers: FEMA
Form 024–0–1, Environmental and
Historic Preservation Screening Form.
Abstract: NEPA requires that each
Federal agency to examine the impact of
its actions (including the actions of
grantees using grant funds) on the
human environment, to look at potential
alternatives to that action, and to inform
both decision-makers and the public of
those impacts through a transparent
process. This Screening Form will
facilitate FEMA’s review of grantees
actions in FEMA’s effort to comply with
the environmental requirements.
Affected Public: State, Local or Tribal
Government; Not-for-Profit Institutions.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 24,000 hours.
Estimated Cost: The estimated annual
cost to respondents for the hour burden
is $1,010,400.00. There are no annual
costs to respondents operations and
maintenance costs for technical
services. There is no annual start-up or
capital costs. The cost to the Federal
Government is $5,394,630.00.
Dated: August 12, 2013.
Loretta Cassatt,
Chief, Records Branch, Records Management
Division, Mission Support Bureau, Federal
Emergency Management Agency, Department
of Homeland Security.
[FR Doc. 2013–20081 Filed 8–16–13; 8:45 am]



File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2013-08-19
File Created2013-08-20

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