60-Day Federal Register Notice


Applications for Assistance Section 8002 Impact Aid Program

60-Day Federal Register Notice

OMB: 1810-0036

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Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 68 / Tuesday, April 9, 2013 / Notices

sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES


Electronically mail
[email protected]. Please do not
send comments here.
Department of Education (ED), in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) (44 U.S.C.
3506(c)(2)(A)), provides the general
public and Federal agencies with an
opportunity to comment on proposed,
revised, and continuing collections of
information. This helps the Department
assess the impact of its information
collection requirements and minimize
the public’s reporting burden. It also
helps the public understand the
Department’s information collection
requirements and provide the requested
data in the desired format. ED is
soliciting comments on the proposed
information collection request (ICR) that
is described below. The Department of
Education is especially interested in
public comment addressing the
following issues: (1) Is this collection
necessary to the proper functions of the
Department; (2) will this information be
processed and used in a timely manner;
(3) is the estimate of burden accurate;
(4) how might the Department enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (5) how
might the Department minimize the
burden of this collection on the
respondents, including through the use
of information technology. Please note
that written comments received in
response to this notice will be
considered public records.
Title of Collection: Streamlined
Clearance Process for Discretionary
OMB Control Number: 1894–0001
Type of Review: An extension of an
existing information collection.
Respondents/Affected Public: State,
Local, and Tribal Governments
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 1
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Burden Hours: 1
Abstract: Section 3505(a)(2) of the
PRA of 1995 provides the OMB Director
authority to approve the streamlined
clearance process proposed in this
information collection request. This
information collection request was
originally approved by OMB in January
of 1997. This information collection
streamlines the clearance process for all
discretionary grant information
collections which do not fit the generic
application process. The streamlined
clearance process continues to reduce
the clearance time for the U.S.
Department of Education’s (ED’s)
discretionary grant information

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collections by two months or 60 days.
This is desirable for two major reasons:
it would allow ED to provide better
customer service to grant applicants and
help meet ED’s goal for timely awards
of discretionary grants.
Dated: April 3, 2013.
Stephanie Valentine,
Acting Director, Information Collection
Clearance Division, Privacy, Information and
Records Management Services, Office of
[FR Doc. 2013–08235 Filed 4–8–13; 8:45 am]

[Docket No. ED–2013–ICCD–0043]

Agency Information Collection
Activities; Comment Request;
Applications for Assistance Section
8002 Impact Aid Program
Department of Education (ED),
Office of Elementary and Secondary
Education (OESE).
ACTION: Notice.

SUMMARY: In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
Chapter 3507(j)), ED is requesting the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) to conduct an emergency review
of a revision to an existing information
DATES: Approval by the OMB has been
requested by April 5, 2013. A regular
clearance process is also hereby being
initiated. Interested persons are invited
to submit comments on or before June
10, 2013.
ADDRESSES: Comments submitted in
response to this notice should be
submitted electronically through the
Federal eRulemaking Portal at http://
www.regulations.gov by selecting
Docket ID number ED–2013–ICCD–0043
or via postal mail, commercial delivery,
or hand delivery. Please note that
comments submitted by fax or email
and those submitted after the comment
period will not be accepted. Written
requests for information or comments
submitted by postal mail or delivery
should be addressed to the Director of
the Information Collection Clearance
Division, U.S. Department of Education,
400 Maryland Avenue SW., LBJ, Room
2E115, Washington, DC 20202–4537.
Electronically mail
[email protected]. Please do not
send comments here.
Department of Education (ED), in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) (44 U.S.C.

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3506(c)(2)(A)), provides the general
public and Federal agencies with an
opportunity to comment on proposed,
revised, and continuing collections of
information. This helps the Department
assess the impact of its information
collection requirements and minimize
the public’s reporting burden. It also
helps the public understand the
Department’s information collection
requirements and provide the requested
data in the desired format. ED is
soliciting comments on the proposed
information collection request (ICR) that
is described below. The Department of
Education is especially interested in
public comment addressing the
following issues: (1) Is this collection
necessary to the proper functions of the
Department; (2) will this information be
processed and used in a timely manner;
(3) is the estimate of burden accurate;
(4) how might the Department enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (5) how
might the Department minimize the
burden of this collection on the
respondents, including through the use
of information technology. Please note
that written comments received in
response to this notice will be
considered public records.
Title of Collection: Applications for
Assistance Section 8002 Impact Aid
OMB Control Number: 1810–0036.
Type of Review: a revision to an
existing information collection.
Respondents/Affected Public: State,
Local and Tribal Governments.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 250.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Burden Hours: 1,125.
Abstract: The U.S. Department of
Education is requesting an emergency
clearance for a revision of the
Application for Assistance under
Section 8002 of Title VIII of the
Elementary and Secondary Education
Act. This application is for a grant
program otherwise known as Impact
Aid Payments for Federal Property.
Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) that
have lost taxable property due to
Federal activities request financial
assistance by completing an annual
application. Regulations for Section
8002 of the Impact Aid Program are
found at 34 CFR part 222, Subpart B;
however, a change to the funding
formula contained in Section 563 of the
National Defense Appropriation Act for
FY 2013 supersedes many of these
This expedited collection is a direct
result of a statutory change included in
Section 563 of the National Defense
Appropriation Act of FY 2013 (Pub. L.




Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 68 / Tuesday, April 9, 2013 / Notices

112–239, January 2, 2013). The revised
statute simplifies the funding formula,
and therefore decreases the data
collection burden for Section 8002
applicants, with the goal of enabling the
Department to make payments to LEAs
more quickly. However, because the
statutory change is retroactive to
include payments for FY 2010, the
Impact Aid Program (IAP) must
recalculate its payments to all eligible
LEAs for FYs 2010–2013. The
applications previously submitted for
those fiscal years’ funds contain only
part of the data required under the new
formula. In order to collect the new data
required by the formula, IAP requests
approval of revised versions of Tables 3
and 4 of the application. For the FY
2014 grant application, LEAs have not
yet submitted applications, thus IAP
must collect all data needed under the
new formula with a revised application
package. The FY 2014 application
package requires fewer data elements
overall than the previous application.
Dated: April 4, 2013.
Tomakie Washington,
Acting Director, Information Collection
Clearance Division, Privacy, Information and
Records Management Services, Office of
[FR Doc. 2013–08237 Filed 4–8–13; 8:45 am]


Notice of Public Meeting of the
Interagency Steering Committee on
Radiation Standards
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.

sroberts on DSK5SPTVN1PROD with NOTICES


SUMMARY: The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) will host a meeting of the
Interagency Steering Committee on
Radiation Standards (ISCORS) on May
1, 2013 in Washington, DC. The purpose
of ISCORS is to foster early resolution
and coordination of regulatory issues
associated with radiation standards.
Member agencies include the EPA;
Nuclear Regulatory Commission;
Department of Energy; Department of
Defense; Department of Transportation;
Department of Homeland Security;
Department of Labor’s Occupational
Safety and Health Administration; and
the Department of Health and Human
Services. Observer agencies include the
Office of Science and Technology
Policy; Office of Management and
Budget; and the Defense Nuclear

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Facilities Safety Board, as well as
representatives from the States of
Arizona and Pennsylvania. ISCORS
objectives are: (1) To facilitate a
consensus on allowable levels of
radiation risk to the public and workers;
(2) to promote consistent and
scientifically sound risk assessment and
risk management approaches in setting
and implementing standards for
occupational and public protection from
ionizing radiation; (3) to promote
completeness and coherence of federal
standards for radiation protection; and
(4) to identify interagency radiation
protection issues and coordinate their
resolution. ISCORS meetings include
presentations by the chairs of the
subcommittees and discussions of
current radiation protection issues.
Committee meetings normally involve
pre-decisional intra-governmental
discussions and, as such, are normally
not open for observation by members of
the public or media. This is the one
ISCORS meeting out of four held each
year that is open to all interested
members of the public. There will be
time on the agenda for members of the
public to provide comments. Summaries
of previous ISCORS meetings are
available at the ISCORS Web site,
www.iscors.org. The final agenda for the
May 1st meeting will be posted on the
Web site shortly before the meeting.
DATES: The meeting will be held on May
1, 2013, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
ADDRESSES: The ISCORS meeting will
be held in Room 152 at the EPA
building located at 1310 L Street NW.,
in Washington, DC. Attendees are
required to present a photo ID such as
a government agency photo
identification badge or valid driver’s
license. Visitors and their belongings
will be screened by EPA security
guards. Visitors must sign the visitors
log at the security desk and will be
issued a visitors badge by the security
guards to gain access to the meeting.
Rafaela Ferguson, Radiation Protection
Division, Office of Radiation and Indoor
Air, Mailcode 6608J, Environmental
Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania
Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20460;
telephone 202–343–9362; fax 202–343–
2304; email address
[email protected].
parking is available for visitors at the
Colonial parking lot next door in the
garage of the Franklin Square building.
Visitors can also ride metro to the
McPherson Square (Blue and Orange
Line) station and leave the station via
the 17th Street exit. Walk two blocks
north on 14th Street to L Street. Turn

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right at the corner of 14th and L Streets.
EPA’s 1310 L Street building is towards
the end of the block on the right. Visit
the ISCORS Web site, www.iscors.org for
more detailed information.
Dated: April 2, 2013.
Michael P. Flynn,
Director, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air.
[FR Doc. 2013–08268 Filed 4–8–13; 8:45 am]

[EPA–HQ–OPP–2013–0121; FRL–9383–6]

Registration Review; Pesticide
Dockets Opened for Review and
Comment and Other Docket Acts;
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice; correction.

SUMMARY: EPA issued a notice in the
Federal Register of Wednesday, March
27, 2013, concerning registration
review, pesticide dockets opened for
review and comment, and other docket
acts. This document is being issued to
correct a typographical error.
Margaret Hathaway, Pesticide Reevaluation Division (7508P), Office of
Pesticide Programs, Environmental
Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania
Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460–0001;
telephone number: (703) 305–5076;
email address:
[email protected].

I. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
The Agency included in the notice a
list of those who may be potentially
affected by this action.
B. How can I get copies of this document
and other related information?
The docket for this action, identified
by docket identification (ID) number
EPA–HQ–OPP–2013–0121, is available
at http://www.regulations.gov or at the
Office of Pesticide Programs Regulatory
Public Docket (OPP Docket) in the
Environmental Protection Agency
Docket Center (EPA/DC), EPA West
Bldg., Rm. 3334, 1301 Constitution Ave.
NW., Washington, DC 20460–0001. The
Public Reading Room is open from 8:30
a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through
Friday, excluding legal holidays. The
telephone number for the Public
Reading Room is (202) 566–1744, and
the telephone number for the OPP



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File Modified2013-04-09
File Created2013-04-09

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