DoDD 5105.60

DoDD 5105.60 NGA.pdf

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Enterprise Workforce System

DoDD 5105.60

OMB: 0704-0504

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Department of Defense

NUMBER 5105.60
July 29, 2009

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)


See Enclosure 1

1. PURPOSE. Under the authorities vested in the Secretary of Defense by title 10, United States
Code (U.S.C.) and title 50, U.S.C. (References (a) and (b)), and pursuant to DoD Directive
(DoDD) 5143.01 (Reference (c)), this Directive reissues DoDD 5105.60 (Reference (d)) to
update the mission, organization and management, responsibilities and functions, relationships,
authorities, and administration of NGA. This Directive shall be interpreted consistent with law,
policy, and directive, including, as applicable, those related to the Director of National
Intelligence (DNI).

2. APPLICABILITY. This Directive applies to OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of
the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the
Office of Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field
Activities, and all other organizational entities in the Department of Defense (hereafter referred
to collectively as the “DoD Components”). The term “Military Services,” as used herein, refers
to the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps.

3. DEFINITIONS. See Glossary.

4. MISSION. NGA shall support U.S. national security objectives by providing timely,
relevant, and accurate geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) to the Department of Defense, the
Intelligence Community (IC), and other U.S. Government (USG) departments and agencies;
conducting other intelligence-related activities essential for U.S. national security; providing
GEOINT for safety of navigation information; preparing and distributing maps, charts, books,
and geodetic products; designing, developing, operating, and maintaining systems related to the
processing and dissemination of GEOINT; and providing GEOINT in support of the combat
objectives of the Armed Forces of the United States. The mission of NGA includes the
responsibilities and functions contained herein.

DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009
a. NGA is a Defense Agency. The Secretary of Defense exercises authority, direction, and
control over NGA, pursuant to References (a) and (b), and other applicable authorities. The
Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD(I)) exercises authority, direction, and control
on behalf of the Secretary of Defense over the Director, NGA, pursuant to Reference (c) and the
responsibilities and authorities of the Secretary of Defense in References (a), (b), and (c).
b. NGA is designated a Combat Support Agency of the Department of Defense, pursuant to
Reference (a). NGA also has significant national missions under section 404e of Reference (b)
and Executive Order (E.O.) 12333 (Reference (e)).
c. NGA shall consist of a Director and such subordinate organizational elements as the
Director establishes within the resources assigned by the Secretary of Defense or the DNI, as
appropriate. The Director, if a military officer, shall carry the grade of lieutenant general or vice
d. Intelligence produced by NGA with substantive military value shall be submitted directly
to the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense and, as appropriate, to the Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff and the DNI with notification to the USD(I), pursuant to Reference (c).
e. NGA is also an element of the IC, subject to the oversight of the DNI, pursuant to
References (b) and (e). The DNI provides objectives, priorities, and guidance for, determines
requirements and the budget of, and exercises execution, transfer, and reprogramming authorities
over the National Intelligence Program (NIP) portion of the NGA budget. The DNI also
exercises National Intelligence tasking and oversight; certain authorities for personnel,
acquisition management, security, information technology, education, and training; oversight of
intelligence coordination with foreign governments and international organizations; and other
applicable authorities over NGA, pursuant to References (b) and (e). The Director, NGA, shall
assist the Secretary of Defense and the DNI in their respective responsibilities to manage,
develop, and ensure implementation of policies, principles, standards, and guidelines for the
security of information systems that support the operations under their respective control, as well
as support the operations of other USG departments and agencies with national security
information. The Director, NGA, shall keep the USD(I) fully informed of all National
Intelligence activities undertaken by NGA that are tasked by the DNI.

6. RESPONSIBILITIES AND FUNCTIONS. The Director, NGA, under the authority,
direction, and control of the USD(I), serves as the principal advisor to the Secretary of Defense,
the Secretaries of the Military Departments, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the
Combatant Commanders, and leaders of other USG departments and agencies on GEOINT. The
Director, NGA, serves as the DoD GEOINT Manager, conducting all GEOINT activities
delegated under the authorities of the Secretary of Defense and the USD(I). The Director, NGA,
shall also advise the DNI and the Director of Defense Intelligence (DDI) – as established in the
Secretary of Defense and DNI Memorandum of Agreement (Reference (f)) – on all matters under
the purview of the DNI concerning GEOINT and serves as the GEOINT Functional Manager,


DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009
pursuant to Reference (e), and is responsible for leading and providing guidance to the National
System for Geospatial Intelligence (NSG). The DDI will advise the DNI on critical deficiencies
and strengths in GEOINT-related Defense Intelligence capabilities after consultation with the
Director, NGA, and provide assessments on the effect of such deficiencies and strengths in
meeting National Intelligence objectives. In the exercise of these responsibilities, the Director,
NGA, shall plan, organize, direct, and manage NGA and all assigned resources to provide
peacetime, contingency, crisis, and combat GEOINT support to the operational military forces of
the United States. The Director, NGA, shall develop and manage those Military Intelligence
Program (MIP) resources and capabilities under the purview of NGA. The Director, NGA, shall
also plan and provide for survival, recovery, and reconstitution of NGA mission-essential
functions, pursuant to DoDD 3020.26 (Reference (g)) and DoD Instruction (DoDI) 3020.39
(Reference (h)). The Director, NGA, shall:
(1) Provide responsive GEOINT products, support, services, and information. Lead
planning, prioritization of validated collection requirements, tasking, as appropriate (including
national and tactical), collection, processing, exploitation, and dissemination to the DoD
Components, the IC, the National Security Council, other USG departments and agencies, and
foreign governments, as appropriate.
(2) Across the NSG, manage GEOINT planning, collection, operations, analysis,
production, and dissemination, as well as lead unified GEOINT operations to assess, align, and
execute GEOINT analysis and production.
(3) Establish and/or consolidate DoD geospatial data collection requirements and, as
appropriate, task or coordinate collection with the DoD Components to collect and provide these
(4) Review and respond to GEOINT requirements and priorities for military operations
in support of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Combatant Commanders, pursuant
to Secretary of Defense Memorandum and Defense Intelligence Operations Coordination Center
Execute Order (References (i) and (j)).
(5) Review and validate the national reconnaissance GEOINT requirements and
priorities for national customers, and develop and submit to the DNI a consolidated statement of
GEOINT requirements and priorities, pursuant to policies and procedures established by the
(6) Manage tasking of GEOINT collection operations, pursuant to References (a), (b),
(e), and Director of Central Intelligence Directive (DCID) 1/8 (Reference (k)) as follows:
(a) Develop and consolidate GEOINT collection requirements for the NSG.
(b) Support GEOINT requirements of other USG departments and agencies.


DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009
(c) Task, as appropriate, DoD GEOINT collection elements to meet National
Intelligence requirements and priorities as established by the Secretary of Defense and the DNI,
consistent with Reference (j).
(d) Provide advisory tasking of theater assets to the Defense Intelligence Operations
Coordination Center (DIOCC) for GEOINT collection to meet National Intelligence
requirements, pursuant to Reference (j).
(e) In coordination with the DIOCC and the National Intelligence Coordination
Center, determine when overriding National Intelligence requirements can only be met by assets
assigned to, or under the operational control of, a Combatant Command or a Military Service
component command under a Combatant Commander. In this instance, coordinate with the
Commander, U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM), via the DIOCC to obtain Secretary of
Defense approval to allocate theater or Service-assigned collection assets to National Intelligence
collection requirements.
(f) Plan and execute the transfer of National Intelligence tasking authority, pursuant
to DoDD S-3325.2 (Reference (l)).
(7) Serve as the DoD Lead for all acquisition or exchange of commercial and/or foreign
government-owned imagery-related remote sensing data for the DoD Components. Coordinate
such purchases by other USG departments and agencies, on request. Exercise disclosure and
release of any classified information used in conjunction with unclassified imagery or
information. Execute the responsibilities assigned under National Security Presidential Directive
27 (Reference (m)).
(8) Serve as the DoD representative to the United States Board on Geographic Names, as
established in the Memorandum of Understanding between the United States Board on
Geographic Names and the Defense Mapping Agency (Reference (n)).
(9) Provide for Safety of Navigation, pursuant to Reference (a) and the International
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (Reference (o)).
(10) Disseminate and facilitate sharing of GEOINT by the most efficient and expeditious
means consistent with DoDD 8320.02 (Reference (p)), and DoD and Office of the Director of
National Intelligence (ODNI) security and information sharing policies and procedures.
(11) Design and manage NGA programs and activities to improve standards of
performance, economy, and efficiency.
(12) Serve as the DoD Lead for Terrain Environment Modeling and Simulation,
coordinating with DoD modeling and simulation activities related to the geospatial aspects of
natural and man-made features across the environmental domains of Earth, the atmosphere, and
near-Earth space, pursuant to DoDD 5000.59 (Reference (q)).


DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009
(13) Execute disclosure and release responsibilities as authorized by National Disclosure
Policy – 1 (Reference (r)).
(14) Formulate, coordinate, and implement policy for the classification, control,
disclosure, and release of GEOINT for the NSG, pursuant to DNI guidance.
(15) Develop and submit to the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff a consolidated statement of GEOINT production requirements and priorities,
pursuant to the National Defense Strategy and Guidance for Development of the Force (GDF) for
FY2010-2015 (References (s) and (t)).
(16) Protect intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized disclosure, pursuant to
guidance received from the Secretary of Defense and the DNI, as well as References (b), (e), and
DoDI 5030.59 (Reference (u)), and E.O. 12958 (Reference (v)).
(17) Identify and analyze the industrial base, as appropriate, to meet essential national
GEOINT requirements and to ensure industrial base impacts on NGA functions are considered.
Assess the applicability of evolving U.S. and foreign commercial capabilities to meet GEOINT
needs in support of national security objectives.
(18) Maintain the capability to conduct GEOINT mission tasking and mission
management of Reserve Forces engaged or capable of being engaged in these activities, pursuant
to DoDI 3305.07 (Reference (w)).
(19) Monitor and evaluate the performance of the DoD Components having GEOINT
planning, programming, tasking, collection, processing, production, exploitation, dissemination,
and retention functions in meeting national and military GEOINT requirements. Make
recommendations to the DoD Components to remedy issues and take actions, as appropriate.
Report evaluation results annually to the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff, the USD(I), the DNI, and the DDI.
(20) To the extent authorized by the DNI, evaluate the performance of USG departments
and agencies of the IC having GEOINT planning, programming, tasking, collection, processing,
production, exploitation, and dissemination functions in meeting National and non-National
Intelligence requirements. Report evaluation results to the Secretary of Defense and the DNI.
(21) Define and effect cooperative GEOINT production and dissemination arrangements
to enhance the performance of DoD and IC GEOINT-related elements.
(22) Manage the GEOINT archive of the USG and appropriate commercial, theater, and
tactical imagery and geospatial data. Establish policy, guidelines, objectives, and standards for
retention of GEOINT consistent with law and policy.
(23) Participate, as appropriate, in Secretary of Defense and DNI acquisition processes,
consistent with DoDD 5000.01, Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) 801 (formerly ICD


DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009
105), and Secretary of Defense and DNI Memorandum of Agreement (References (x), (y), and
(24) Conduct counterintelligence activities, pursuant to DoDD O-5240.02 (Reference
(aa)) and References (c) and (e). Disseminate threat information to the Defense
Counterintelligence and Human Intelligence Center or other authorized DoD elements in a
timely manner.
b. GEOINT Architecture and Standards
(1) Serve as the DoD Lead for GEOINT standards and prescribe, mandate, and enforce
standards and architectures related to GEOINT and GEOINT tasking, collection, processing,
exploitation, and international geospatial information for the DoD Components and for the nonDoD elements of the IC, pursuant to References (a) and (b), to include:
(a) Standards for end-to-end architectures and embedded interfaces related to
(b) Standards for geospatial aspects of natural and man-made features across the
environmental domains of Earth, the atmosphere, and near-Earth space.
(c) Standards for GEOINT collected or produced within the Department of Defense.
(d) Technical guidance and direction to the DoD Components and other components
of the NSG regarding standardization and interoperability of systems requiring, exploiting,
and/or disseminating GEOINT.
(2) Represent the Department of Defense in national and international geospatial
information standardization activities.
c. GEOINT Systems
(1) Establish end-to-end and system architectures related to GEOINT in compliance with
National and Defense Information Infrastructure guidance and standards, pursuant to References
(a) and (b).
(2) Develop, acquire, and field GEOINT-related systems.
(a) Perform or direct research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E),
deployment, operation, and maintenance of systems, applications, and services related to
GEOINT tasking, collection, processing, exploitation, dissemination, and storage.
(b) Transfer or otherwise provide such systems to the DoD Components and to other
USG departments and agencies, as appropriate.


DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009
(c) Participate in DoD experiments and demonstrations to provide geospatial
research and development tools to guide the advanced GEOINT capabilities of future warfare
d. GEOINT Training and Education. Develop and prescribe standards for GEOINT
tradecraft and career development programs, pursuant to Reference (e), as well as DoDI 3305.10,
DoDD 1322.18, and DoDI 1430.04 (References (ab), (ac), and (ad)).
e. GEOINT Functional Management and Program Management
(1) Lead and provide functional management guidance to the NSG, including the
issuance of doctrine, standards, policies, directives, and procedures required for GEOINT.
Advise on GEOINT investment strategies and activities, including RDT&E and procurement
within the MIP and NIP.
(2) Promote GEOINT collaboration, cooperation, and information sharing with other
DoD Components, the IC, other USG departments and agencies, and allied and coalition partners
under USD(I) and DNI guidance, as appropriate.
(3) Serve as the Program Manager for the National Geospatial Intelligence Program
within the NIP and as the Component Manager for the NGA MIP, pursuant to DoDD 5205.12
(Reference (ae)).
(4) Advise the Secretary of Defense and the DNI on future needs for GEOINT
capabilities and systems.
(5) Advise the Defense Acquisition Board, the Joint Requirements Oversight Council,
the Defense Science Board, the Joint Space Management Board, the DNI Deputy’s Executive
Committee, and other DoD boards on GEOINT, as appropriate.
(6) Issue procedures and instructions for GEOINT and related matters to the NSG, as
necessary, including handbooks for exploitation and analysis as well as dissemination and
release of GEOINT, consistent with DoD and ODNI guidance and policies.
(7) Support national level forums that review GEOINT strategy and international policy
and assess future GEOINT capabilities.
f. GEOINT International Engagement
(1) Establish and maintain international GEOINT agreements and arrangements with
foreign governments and international organizations, pursuant to References (a) and (b) and
consistent with Reference (e). Formulate international GEOINT strategies and manage GEOINT
relationships with foreign governments and international organizations in coordination with the
USD(I) and the DNI, and ensure these strategies and relationships conform to DoD and ODNI
policy. Oversee GEOINT relationships with foreign governments, pursuant to Reference (a).


DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009
(a) Coordinate and establish international GEOINT relationships for technical
support and the exchange of GEOINT data, information, technology, and resources.
(b) Report to the Secretary of Defense all GEOINT international agreements
concluded by NGA in accordance with DoDD 5530.3 (Reference (af)). Further, inform the
USD(I) of all other GEOINT international arrangements or engagements undertaken by NGA.
(2) Execute foreign disclosure and release responsibilities for national and commercial
imagery, pursuant to DNI Memorandum (Reference (ag)).
(3) Disclose and release GEOINT-related classified military information through Top
Secret, pursuant to Reference (r), to foreign mission partners to support NGA and U.S. national
security requirements.
(4) Direct, support, manage, and oversee DoD and IC-related research and experiments,
both foreign and domestic, related to the design, development, and future operations of GEOINT
space and airborne system architectures.
(5) Prepare and execute Foreign Military Sales cases for GEOINT services and articles.
(6) Conduct Accommodation Procurements on behalf of foreign countries, pursuant to
Reference (a).
g. Additional Activities. Perform additional activities and such other duties as may be
directed by the President of the United States, the Secretary of Defense, the USD(I), or the DNI.

a. The Director, NGA, in the performance of assigned functions and responsibilities, shall:
(1) Report directly to the USD(I), pursuant to References (c) and (e), Secretary of
Defense authorities in References (a) and (b), and other applicable authorities.
(2) Report to the Secretary of Defense when operational exigencies require immediate
decision. The Director, NGA, shall inform the USD(I) in a timely manner when such is
imminent or has occurred.
(3) Be responsible to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for GEOINT matters
affecting the responsibilities of the Chairman under Reference (a), especially requirements
associated with the joint planning process and for matters affecting the missions and
responsibilities of the Combatant Commanders and Secretaries of the Military Departments,
pursuant to DoDD 3000.06 (Reference (ah)).
(4) Exchange information and coordinate actions and advice with the Heads of the DoD
Components having collateral or related responsibilities and functions, as appropriate.


DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009
(5) Maintain communication and/or liaison with other IC and USG departments and
agencies on GEOINT matters, pursuant to References (a) and (b), and other applicable
(6) Report to the DNI, pursuant to DDI responsibilities in References (c) and (f), and
maintain liaison with other USG departments and agencies on GEOINT matters.
(7) Provide direct support to the DIOCC and Combatant Command-level and
operational-level centers, pursuant to References (i) and (j). Inform the DIOCC and the
respective operational-level centers of NGA activities occurring in each Combatant Command
area of responsibility.
(8) Participate, as appropriate, in the Secretary of Defense Biennial Review of Defense
Agencies and DoD Field Activities in coordination with the Director of Administration and
Management (DA&M).
(9) Notify the USD(I) and the General Counsel of the Department of Defense within 90
days of the issuance date when the Director, NGA, believes a DoD issuance would damage,
limit, or seriously inhibit NGA from performing its missions.
(10) Support the Combatant Commanders, the Combatant Commands’ Components, and
the Secretaries of the Military Departments, as appropriate.
(11) Use existing systems, facilities, and services of the Department of Defense and
other USG departments and agencies, when possible, to avoid duplication and achieve maximum
efficiency and economy, as well as to preserve the capability of assigned facilities and other
assets to accomplish the NGA mission.
(12) Conduct all NGA activities, pursuant to DoDD 5240.01 (Reference (ai)) and DoD
5240.1-R (Reference (aj)).
b. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff shall review and assess NGA responsiveness
and readiness to support operating forces in the event of war or threats to national security, and is
authorized to communicate with and task the Director, NGA, pursuant to Reference (a) and the
Unified Command Plan (Reference (ak)).
c. The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency, under the authority, direction, and control of
the USD(I), shall:
(1) Within existing resources, provide expertise, capabilities, and all available data and
information necessary for the Director, NGA, to perform the responsibilities and functions
prescribed herein.
(2) As Director, DIOCC, coordinate via Commander, USSTRATCOM, to receive
Secretary of Defense approval to allocate theater or Service-assigned collection assets, when


DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009
advised by the Director, NGA, that overriding national GEOINT requirements cannot otherwise
be met. The Director, NGA, shall provide technical advice and direction to effect the tasking.
d. The Directors of the National Security Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office,
under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(I), shall, within existing resources, provide
expertise, capabilities, and all available data within authorized guidelines and information
necessary for the Director, NGA, to perform the responsibilities and functions prescribed herein.
e. The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
(USD(AT&L)) shall coordinate with the USD(I) and the GEOINT Functional Manager when
new GEOINT activities or programs are proposed to ensure compliance with GEOINT
f. The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration/DoD Chief
Information Officer shall provide guidance to the Director, NGA, regarding information sharing
management in consultation and coordination with the USD(I) and DNI.
g. The Heads of the DoD Components shall:
(1) Provide assistance, support, data, and information, in their respective fields of
responsibility and within available resources, to the Director, NGA, to carry out functions as
assigned herein.
(2) Comply with taskings from the Director, NGA, pursuant to this Directive.
(3) Submit GEOINT production requirements to the Director, NGA, pursuant to
procedures established by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
(4) Coordinate with Director, NGA, on all matters concerning the mission, capabilities,
functions, and operations of the NSG.
h. The Commanders of the Combatant Commands and the Heads of the other DoD
Components, as applicable, as primary collectors of theater GEOINT, shall provide NGA with
ready access to theater collection plans, operations, and collected theater GEOINT in
coordination with the Director, DIOCC.
i. The Secretaries of the Military Departments shall:
(1) Designate Service GEOINT elements within each respective Military Department to
facilitate integration of GEOINT-related activities and Military Service functions across the
NSG. The element shall serve as the formal Service point of contact for all NSG planning,
programming, budgeting, acquisition, technology investment, policy, doctrine, training,
tradecraft, personnel, tasking, collection, process, production, exploitation, and dissemination
functions related to Military Service GEOINT functions and activities.


DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009
(2) Coordinate their GEOINT plans, programs (including international plans or
programs), and budgets with the Director, NGA, as the Functional Manager for GEOINT.
(3) Participate and assist in coordinating the Functional Manager evaluation of DoD
Components having GEOINT-related activities and functions.

8. AUTHORITIES. The Director, NGA, is hereby delegated authority to:
a. Communicate directly with the Heads of the DoD Components, as necessary, to carry out
assigned responsibilities and functions, including requests for advice and assistance.
Communications to the Military Departments shall be transmitted through the Secretaries of the
Military Departments, their designees, or as otherwise provided in law or as directed by the
Secretary of Defense in other DoD issuances. Communications to the Combatant Commanders
normally shall be transmitted through the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
b. Communicate with other Government officials, representatives of the Legislative Branch,
members of the public, and representatives of foreign governments or other entities, as
appropriate, in carrying out assigned responsibilities and functions. Communications with
representatives of the Legislative Branch shall be coordinated with the Assistant Secretary of
Defense for Legislative Affairs or the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial
Officer of the Department of Defense, as applicable, and be consistent with the DoD Legislative
Program. Those issues which fall under the purview of the DNI will be coordinated with the
c. Obtain reports, information, advice, and assistance, consistent with DoDD 4630.05
(Reference (al)) and DoDI 8910.01 (Reference (am)), as necessary, to carry out assigned
responsibilities and functions. Exploit and integrate lessons learned from joint and DoD
organizations and warfighting analysis centers.
d. Publish guidance to the DoD Components in carrying out assigned responsibilities
prescribed herein in accordance with the authorities contained in Enclosure 2.
e. Exercise functional management and oversight of the NSG, including technical oversight
of NSG tactical elements, to ensure interoperability between existing and future NSG systems,
connectivity between national and tactical systems, and modernization of tactical systems.
f. Coordinate with the Military Services to establish GEOINT elements within each Military
Service to ensure integration of GEOINT-related activities and functions across the NSG.
g. Exercise the administrative authorities contained in Enclosure 2.


DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009
a. The Director, NGA, if a civilian, is appointed by the Secretary of Defense, after the
Secretary has obtained the concurrence of the DNI as provided for in Reference (e), section 201
of Reference (a), and section 403-6 of Reference (b). The USD(I) shall make recommendations
to the Secretary of Defense regarding the prospective Director.
b. The Director, NGA, if a military officer, is appointed by the President, upon
recommendation of the Secretary of Defense. The Secretary must obtain the concurrence of the
DNI before making such recommendation, pursuant to Reference (e), section 201 of Reference
(a), and section 403-6 of Reference (b). The USD(I) shall make recommendations to the
Secretary of Defense regarding the prospective nominee.
c. The Secretaries of the Military Departments shall assign military personnel to NGA,
pursuant to approved Joint Manpower Program authorizations and procedures for assignment to
joint duty. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff shall review NGA joint staffing
requirements for those functions related to NGA direct-intelligence support to the Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and provide appropriate recommendations to the USD(I).
d. The Director, NGA, shall be authorized such personnel, facilities, funds, and other
resources as the Secretary of Defense, or the DNI, as applicable, deems appropriate, to include
facilities, services, and other support from the Military Departments. The Director, NGA, may
obtain personnel, administrative, and contracting support from the Heads of the other DoD
Components, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, the Secretary of Homeland
Security, and/or the DNI, to the extent permitted by law, including, but not limited to, Reference
(c) and Public Law 104-201, “National Imagery and Mapping Agency Act of 1996” (Reference

10. RELEASABILITY. UNLIMITED. This Directive is approved for public release and is
available on the Internet from the DoD Issuances Web Site at

11. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Directive is effective immediately.

1. References
2. Delegations of Authority


DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009


Title 10, United States Code
Title 50, United States Code
DoD Directive 5143.01, “Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD(I)),”
November 23, 2005
(d) DoD Directive 5105.60, “National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA),”
October 11, 1996 (hereby canceled)
(e) Executive Order 12333, “United States Intelligence Activities,” December 4, 1981, as
(f) Memorandum of Agreement between the Secretary of Defense and the Director of National
Intelligence on the Director of Defense Intelligence, May 21, 20071
(g) DoD Directive 3020.26, “Department of Defense Continuity Programs,” January 9, 2009
(h) DoD Instruction 3020.39, “Integrated Continuity Program for the Defense Intelligence
Enterprise (DIE),” September 12, 2008
(i) Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Defense Intelligence Operations Coordination Center
Establishment Directive,” October 1, 2007
(j) Defense Intelligence Operations Coordination Center Execute Order, December 4, 20072
(k) Director of Central Intelligence Directive 1/8, “Management of National Imagery, Imagery
Intelligence, Geospatial Activities, and Related Information,” March 21, 20013
(l) DoD Directive S-3325.2, “Transfer of National Intelligence Collection Tasking Authority
(U),” March 16, 20094
(m) National Security Presidential Directive 27, “U.S. Commercial Remote Sensing Space
Policy,” April 25, 2003
(n) Memorandum of Understanding between the United States Board on Geographic Names
and the Defense Mapping Agency by the Secretary of the Interior, the Chairman of the U.S.
Board on Geographic Names, and the Director, Defense Mapping Agency, April 15, 19875
(o) International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended
(p) DoD Directive 8320.02, “Data Sharing in a Net Centric Department of Defense,”
April 23, 2007
(q) DoD Directive 5000.59, “DoD Modeling and Simulation (M&S) Management,”
August 8, 2007
(r) National Disclosure Policy – 1, “National Policy and Procedures for the Disclosure of
Classified Military Information to Foreign Governments and International Organizations,”
October 2, 20006

For Official Use Only, a copy of this Memorandum of Agreement can be obtained by authorized users at The DDI is a position in the ODNI.
For Official Use Only, a copy can be requested from the J-2/Joint Staff at 703-614-7816.
Copies of DCIDs are available to authorized SIPRNET users at
This document is classified and may be obtained by authorized users on the SIPRNET DoD Issuances website at
For Official Use Only, a copy of this Memorandum of Agreement can be obtained by authorized users at
Provided to designated disclosure authorities on a need-to-know basis from the Office of the Director for
International Security Programs, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Security Policy, Office of the
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy.



DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009



National Defense Strategy, August 5, 2008
Guidance for the Development of the Force (GDF) for FY2010-2015, May 12, 20087
DoD Instruction 5030.59, “National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) LIMITED
DISTRIBUTION Geospatial Intelligence,” December 7, 2006
Executive Order 12958, “Classified National Security Information,” April 17, 1995, as
DoD Instruction 3305.07, “Joint Reserve Intelligence Program (JRIP),” March 27, 2007
DoD Directive 5000.01, “The Defense Acquisition System,” May 12, 2003
Intelligence Community Directive 801 (formerly ICD 105), “Acquisition,”
August 16, 2006
Memorandum of Agreement between the Secretary of Defense and the Director of National
Intelligence on the Management of Acquisition Programs Executed at the Department of
Defense Intelligence Community Elements, March 25, 20085
DoD Directive O-5240.02, “Counterintelligence,” December 20, 20074
DoD Instruction 3305.10, “DoD Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) Training,”
December 22, 2006
DoD Directive 1322.18, “Military Training,” January 13, 2009
DoD Instruction 1430.04, “Civilian Employee Training,” June 2, 2007
DoD Directive 5205.12, “Military Intelligence Program (MIP),” November 14, 2008
DoD Directive 5530.3, “International Agreements,” June 11, 1987
Director of National Intelligence Memorandum, “Implementation Plan Relating to National
Classified Satellite Imagery Authorities (U),” (Executive Secretariat 00687),
December 13, 20058
DoD Directive 3000.06, “Combat Support Agencies,” July 10, 2007
DoD Directive 5240.01, “DoD Intelligence Activities,” August 27, 2007
DoD Regulation 5240.1-R, “Procedures Governing the Activities of DoD Intelligence
Components that Affect United States Persons,” December 7, 1982
Unified Command Plan, December 17, 20089
DoD Directive 4630.05, “Interoperability and Supportability of Information Technology
(IT) and National Security Systems (NSS),” May 5, 2004
DoD Instruction 8910.01, “Information Collection and Reporting,” March 6, 2007
Public Law 104-201, “National Imagery and Mapping Agency Act of 1996,”
September 23, 1996


This document is classified. A copy may be obtained by authorized users on a need-to-know basis from the Office
of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans, and Forces, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
for Policy.
This document is classified. A copy may be requested by authorized users from the National GeospatialIntelligence Agency, Office of International Affairs and Policy at 301-227-3511.
For Official Use Only and on a need-to-know basis; a copy can be obtained from the J-5/Joint Staff at 703-6932742.



DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009

Pursuant to the authority vested in the Secretary of Defense, and subject to his or her authority,
direction, and control, and in accordance with DoD policies and issuances, the Director, NGA, or
in the absence of the Director, the person acting for the Director, is hereby delegated authority as
required in the administration of NGA missions and operations to:
a. Human Resources
(1) Exercise the authority vested in the Secretary of Defense according to sections 301,
302(b), 3101, and 5107 of title 5, U.S.C., and Chapter 83 of title 10, U.S.C., as amended, on the
employment, direction, and general administration of NGA civilian personnel.
(2) Fix rates of pay for wage-rate employees exempted from the Classification Act of
1949 according to section 5102 of title 5, U.S.C., on the basis of rates established under the
Federal Wage System. In fixing such rates, the Director, NGA, shall follow the wage schedule
established by the DoD Wage Fixing Authority.
(3) Pursuant to the authority vested in the Secretary of Defense under section 1609 of
title 10, U.S.C., terminate the employment of NGA employees. This authority may NOT be
further delegated.
(4) Administer oaths of office to those entering the Executive Branch of the Federal
Government or any other oath required by law in connection with employment therein, pursuant
to section 2903 of title 5, U.S.C., and designate in writing, as may be necessary, officers and
employees of NGA to perform this function.
(5) Carry out delegations regarding the Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel System
as prescribed in DoDD 1400.35.
(6) Establish an NGA Incentive Awards Board, pay cash awards to, and incur necessary
expenses for, the honorary recognition of civilian employees of the Government whose
suggestions, inventions, superior accomplishments, or other personal efforts, including special
acts or services, benefit NGA, pursuant to section 4503 of title 5, U.S.C., Office of Personnel
Management (OPM) regulations, and DoD 1400.25.
(7) Act as agent for the collection and payment of employment taxes imposed by
appropriate statutes.
(8) As necessary, use advisory committees and employ temporary or intermittent experts
or consultants, as approved by the Secretary of Defense or the DA&M, in support of NGA
functions consistent with section 173 of title 10, U.S.C.; section 3109(b) of title 5, U.S.C.;



DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009
Federal Advisory Committee Act, title 5, U.S.C. Appendix 2; and DoDI 5105.04 and DoDD
(9) Authorize and approve:
(a) Temporary duty travel for military personnel assigned or detailed to NGA,
pursuant to Joint Federal Travel Regulations, Volume 1, “Uniformed Service Members.”
(b) Travel for NGA civilian employees, pursuant to Joint Travel Regulations,
Volume 2, “DoD Civilian Personnel.”
(c) Invitational travel to non-DoD personnel whose consultative, advisory, or other
highly specialized technical services are required in a capacity that is directly related to or in
connection with NGA activities, pursuant to section 5703 of title 5, U.S.C., and Joint Travel
Regulations, Volume 2, “DoD Civilian Personnel.”
(d) Overtime work for NGA civilian employees, pursuant to chapter 55, subchapter
V of title 5, U.S.C., and applicable OPM regulations.
(e) Funds available for travel by military personnel assigned or detailed to NGA for
expenses incident to attendance at meetings of technical, scientific, professional, or other similar
organizations in such instances when the approval of the Secretary of Defense, or designee, is
required by section 412 of title 37, U.S.C., and sections 4110 and 4111 of title 5, U.S.C.
b. Security
(1) Pursuant to E.O.s 10450, 12333, 12958, and 12968, as well as DoDD 5200.02 and
DoDI 5200.01 and, as applicable, DCIDs and ICDs (such as ICD 704), and DNI regulations, as
appropriate (copies of DCIDs and ICDs are available to authorized Secret Internet Protocol
Router Network users at
(a) Designate any position in NGA as a “sensitive” position.
(b) Authorize, in the case of an emergency, the temporary appointment of a person to
a sensitive position in NGA for a limited period of time and for whom an appropriate
background investigation has not been completed.
(c) Grant, suspend, deny, or revoke security clearances for NGA civilian personnel
and NGA-sponsored contractors and consultants, pursuant to ICD 704, DoD 5200.2-R, DoDD
5220.22, and DoDD 5220.6.
(d) Administer the NGA polygraph program, pursuant to DoD policy and the DoD
Polygraph and Credibility Assessment Program.
(e) Gather additional information from a subject to conduct an adjudicative review of
known derogatory information when there are indications that an individual currently or



DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009
previously Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI)-cleared or SCI-eligible may no longer
meet security standards.
(f) Authorize accreditation authority for SCI Facilities, pursuant to DCID 6/9.
(g) Implement a Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Program, pursuant to
DoDI 5240.01, DoDI 5240.05, and ICD 702.
(h) Publish the necessary security regulations for the protection of property and
places under the jurisdiction of the Director, NGA, pursuant to DoDI 5200.08.
(2) Protect the security of NGA installations, activities, property, information, and
personnel by appropriate means, including the publication of necessary security regulations.
(3) Administer DoD and IC security policies and programs within NGA.
(4) Review NGA personnel and security records and conduct preliminary inquiries into
suspicious activities, pursuant to DoDD O-5240.02.
(5) Establish and conduct an organic counterintelligence program that protects NGA, the
Department of Defense, and U.S. national security interests, pursuant to DoDD O-5240.02.
(6) Conduct appropriate counterintelligence activities to detect, identify, assess, exploit,
counter, and neutralize intelligence collection efforts, other intelligence activities, sabotage, or
terrorist activities of foreign powers, organizations, or persons directed against NGA or its
mission, personnel, information, material facilities, and activities.
c. Records
(1) Maintain an official seal and attest to the authenticity of official NGA records under
that seal.
(2) Develop, establish, and maintain an active and continuing Records Management
Program, pursuant to section 3102 of title 44, U.S.C., and DoDD 5015.2.
d. Publications
(1) Authorize the publication of advertisements, notices, or proposals in newspapers,
magazines, or other public media, as required, for the effective administration and operation of
NGA, consistent with section 3702 of title 44, U.S.C.
(2) Establish and maintain, for the functions assigned, an appropriate publications system
for common supply and service regulations, instructions, and reference documents, and changes
thereto, pursuant to DoDI 5025.01.



DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009
(3) Provide maps, charts, and other publications to the public at prices and under
regulations that the Secretary of Defense may prescribe, under section 453 of title 10, U.S.C.
(4) Withhold from sale and public disclosure geospatial information, including maps,
charts, and other geodetic products that are restricted by international agreement, that reveal
sensitive sources and methods used to obtain source material for production of the geospatial
information, or whose disclosure would jeopardize or interfere with ongoing military or
intelligence operations, reveal military operational or contingency plans, or reveal, jeopardize, or
compromise military or intelligence capabilities, pursuant to section 455 of title 10, U.S.C.
e. Acquisition/Procurement, Financial Management, and Property
(1) Enter into support and service agreements with the Military Departments, other DoD
Components, and other USG departments and agencies, as required, for the effective
performance of NGA responsibilities and functions.
(2) Enter into and administer contracts, directly or through a Military Department, DoD
contract administration services component, or other USG departments and agencies, as
appropriate, for supplies, equipment, and services required to accomplish the NGA mission. To
the extent that any law or E.O. specifically limits such authority to persons at the Secretarial
level of a Military Department, such authority shall be exercised by the appropriate Under
Secretary of Defense or Assistant Secretary of Defense.
(3) Use the Government-Wide Commercial Purchase Card for making appropriate
purchases of material and services, other than personal services, for NGA when it is determined
to be more advantageous and consistent with the best interests of the Government.
(4) Lease non-excess property under the control of NGA, under terms that will promote
the National Defense or that will be in the public interest, under section 2667a of title 10, U.S.C.
(5) Serve as the Designated Approving Authority for information access and automated
information systems and networks across NGA and at all protection levels.
(6) Serve as the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) for NGA programs funded wholly
or in majority by funds available from the Department of Defense, including the MIP, pursuant
to DoDD 5000.1 and DoDI 5000.02, when appropriately delegated by the USD(AT&L). The
Director, NGA, shall exercise such delegated MDA, pursuant to delegation instructions and
applicable procedures as directed by the Secretary of Defense and the USD(AT&L).
(7) Serve as the MDA for major systems funded wholly or in majority by the NIP,
pursuant to section 403(9) of title 41, U.S.C. and section 403-1 of title 50, U.S.C., when
appropriately delegated jointly by the Secretary of Defense and the DNI, pursuant to the
Memorandum of Agreement between the DNI and the Secretary of Defense, “Management of
Acquisition Programs Executed at the Department of Defense Intelligence Community
Elements.” The Director, NGA, shall exercise such delegated MDA, pursuant to delegation



DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009
instructions and applicable procedures as directed by the Secretary of Defense and the DNI,
pursuant to ICD 801 (formerly ICD 105).
(8) Enter into personal services contracts to the extent permitted by law.
(9) Approve premium-class travel when required for the successful performance of an
intelligence mission.
(10) Exercise the authority delegated to the Secretary of Defense by the Administrator of
the General Services Administration on the disposal of surplus personal property for
responsibilities assigned herein.
(11) Establish and maintain appropriate property accounts for NGA, appoint Boards of
Survey, approve reports of survey, relieve personal liability, and drop accountability for NGA
property contained in the authorized property accounts that has been lost, damaged, stolen,
destroyed, or otherwise rendered unserviceable, pursuant to applicable laws and regulations.
(12) Enter into contractual instruments for commercial-type concessions, and maintain
general supervision over commercial-type concessions operated in NGA facilities considered
necessary to promote the health, morale, welfare, and productivity of the military members and
civilian employees of NGA, pursuant to allocable non-appropriated fund regulations.
(13) Direct, administer, and provide services to foreign governments under Foreign
Military Sales, pursuant to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended; the Arms Export
Control Act of 1976, as amended; and DoD 5105.65-M.
(14) Exercise authorities delegated to the Department of Defense under the Arms Export
Control Act and the Export Administration regulations in support of NGA missions.
(15) Accept gifts and contributions of money, property, or services for DoD programs in
support of the accomplishment of NGA missions, pursuant to section 2608 of title 10, U.S.C.
(16) Exercise the authority vested in the Secretary of Defense according to section 454
of title 10, U.S.C., relating to international agreements.
f. Re-Delegation. The Director, NGA, may re-delegate these authorities, as appropriate and
in writing, except as otherwise restricted in this enclosure or by law or regulation.



DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009

Director of Administration and Management
Director of Central Intelligence Directive
Director of Defense Intelligence
Defense Intelligence Operations Coordination Center
Department of Defense Directive
Department of Defense Instruction
Director of National Intelligence


Executive order


geospatial intelligence


Intelligence Community
Intelligence Community Directive


Milestone Decision Authority
Military Intelligence Program


National Intelligence Program
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
National System for Geospatial Intelligence


Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Office of Personnel and Management


research, development, test, and evaluation


Sensitive Compartmented Information


United States Code
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
United States Government
United States Strategic Command



DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009
Unless otherwise noted, these terms and their definitions are for the purpose of this Directive.
direct tasking. Authoritative tasking of systems and resources dedicated to a GEOINT collection
capability to fulfill GEOINT requirements.
Functional Manager. Pursuant to E.O. 12333, Functional Managers shall report to the DNI
concerning the extent of their duties as Functional Managers, and may be charged with
developing and implementing strategic guidance, policies, and procedures for activities related to
a specific intelligence discipline or set of intelligence activities; setting training and tradecraft
standards; and ensuring coordination within and across intelligence disciplines and IC elements
and with related non-intelligence activities. Functional Managers may also advise on resource
management; policies and procedures; collection capabilities and gaps; intelligence processing
and dissemination; technical architectures; and other issues or activities, as applicable.
GEOINT. The exploitation and analysis of imagery and geospatial information to describe,
assess, and visually depict physical features and geographically referenced activities on the
Earth. GEOINT consists of imagery, imagery intelligence, and geospatial information (section
467 of Reference (a)). GEOINT collection encompasses all aspects of: literal, infrared (IR), and
synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery; overhead persistent infrared capabilities; and geospatial
information and services. The terms imagery intelligence and advanced geospatial intelligence
are encompassed within this definition of GEOINT. GEOINT includes the exploitation and
analysis of electro-optical, IR, and radar imagery; and of geospatial, spectral, laser, IR,
radiometric, SAR phase history, polarimetric, spatial, and temporal data. It employs all ancillary
data, signature information, and fused data products, as necessary. Integrated GEOINT products
may also include data and information from collateral sources.
geospatial information. Defined in sections 455(c) and 467 of Reference (a).
geospatial information and services. The collection, information extraction, storage,
dissemination, and exploitation of geodetic, geomagnetic, imagery (both commercial and
national source), gravimetric, aeronautical, topographic, hydrographic, littoral, cultural, and
toponymic data accurately referenced to a precise location on the surface of the Earth.
Geospatial services include tools that enable users to access and manipulate data, and also
include instruction, training, laboratory support, and guidance for the use of geospatial data.
imagery. Defined in section 467 of Reference (a).
imagery intelligence. Defined in section 467 of Reference (a).
National Geospatial Intelligence Program. Imagery, imagery intelligence, and geospatial fiscal
and personnel resources program within the NIP for which Director, NGA, is Program Manager.
NSG. The combination of technology, policies, capabilities, doctrine, activities, people, data,
and organizations necessary to produce GEOINT. The NSG community consists of geospatial-



DoDD 5105.60, July 29, 2009
intelligence-related members of the IC, Military Departments, Joint Staff, Combatant
Commands, and other USG departments and agencies, including the Central Intelligence
Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Department of Homeland Security, with
contributions from international entities, private industry, academia, and defense or civil
community service providers.



File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleDoD Directive 5105.60, July 29, 2009
SubjectNational Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
File Modified2012-09-18
File Created2009-07-29

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