100-3 Hrsa 100-3_fy13

Children's Hospital Graduate Medical Education Program Annual Report

HRSA 100-3_FY13.xlsm

CHGME Payment Program HRSA 100-2 and HRSA 100-3 Annual Report Forms

OMB: 0915-0313

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Cover Page

Sheet 1: Cover Page

Department of Health and Human Services

OMB No. 0915-0313
Health Resources and Services Administration

Expiration Date: 11/30/2013



Public Burden Statement

An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this project is 0915-0313. Public reporting burden for the applicant for this collection of informtain is estimated to average 39.4 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instrucitons, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggetions for redcing this burden, to HRSA Reports Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 14-33, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.


Department of Health and Human Services
OMB No. 0915-0313
Health Resources and Services Administration
Expiration Date: 11/30/2013
Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment Program
HRSA 100-3-A: Training in the Health Care Needs of Different Populations
Residency Program Name:
Medicare Provider Number:
Date of Report: 12/31/12
Types of Training
For each of the following types of training, use the drop down boxes to indicate whether the training is required, elective, or not currently used in your program and, if currently used, whether the training applies to those who are underserved due to financial, sociocultural, geographic or medical reasons or combinations of these reasons. If not currently used, select none of the above or N/A for underserved population. Please complete both columns. There should be no columns left blank. See detailed guidance for complete instructions.
Type of Training Required/Elective/Not Currently Used Underserved Population
Didactic Approaches
Formal courses



Standardized patients

Case-based experiential learning (e.g., morning report, noon case presentation, morbidity & mortality)

Grand Rounds

Medical simulations

Clinical Experiences
Bedside Training

Patient Rounds

Identify/mobilize medical home

Coordination of health care and community resources

Coordination of mental health care services

Interdisciplinary patient care conferences

Assist families with transition of children into child care and educational settings

Pediatric Palliative Care/ Pediatric Hospice

Transition to adult care

Community-based Experiences
Community health center

Public health department

Drug rehabilitation program

Homeless shelter

Day care settings, including Head Start

Home visits to patients

Mobile health van

School health

Juvenile detention facilities

Migrant Health Center

Indian Health Center Sites

National Health Service Corps sites

Area Health Education Center (AHEC) sites

Rural health centers

Cultural immersion experiences

Other, specify


Other Training
Advocacy Training

Language Training

Cultural Efficacy Training


Department of Health and Human Services

OMB No. 0915-0313
Health Resources and Services Administration

Expiration Date: 11/30/2013
Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment Program
HRSA 100-3-B: Training Related to Underserved Populations: Training Content and Types of Training
Residency Program Name: #N/A
Medicare Provider Number: 00-0000
Date of Report: 12/31/12
For each of the following topic areas, please use the check boxes to indicate the types of training used to address the topic in the training program in the most recent academic year (2011-2012). Check all that apply. For example, if your program offers a lecture on homelessness as well as a community rotation in a homeless shelter, check both didactic and clinical experiences. There must be at least one check in each row. See detailed guidance for complete instructions.

Didactic Clinical Experiences/ Patient Care Research Not Currently in the Curriculum
Underserved for Financial Reasons
Poverty, including causes, consequences, & implications for child health

Uninsured and Underinsured

Medicaid and SCHIP and related programs such as EPSDT

Public sources of care (e.g., community health centers, public health departments)

Other social services, such as WIC


Migrant worker families and children

Community-based medicine

Advocacy Training

Substance Abuse

Domestic violence/child abuse

Underserved for Socio-cultural Reasons
Foreign language instruction

Issues related to use of interpreter services (both professional and ad hoc)

Cultural beliefs and attitudes

Availability of community based programs such as cultural centers

Immigration/Deportation issues

Underserved for Geographic Reasons

Transportation and travel barriers

Availability of allied health providers (PT/OT/Speech Pathology, etc.)

Public sources of care in rural areas

Underserved for Medical Reasons
Medical Home

Care coordination with other health care providers

Interfacing with community organizations (such as schools and day cares)

Palliative care for terminally ill children / Pediatric hospice

Individualized education plans (IEPs)

Americans with Disabilities Act

Dental Care
Oral health screening

Counseling for oral hygiene, diet (e.g., baby bottle use), and fluoride use

Fluoride guidelines

Referral for dental care

Access to dental health services

Availability of public sources of dental services


Department of Health and Human Services

OMB No. 0915-0313
Health Resources and Services Administration

Expiration Date: 11/30/2013
Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment Program
HRSA 100-3-C: Residency Training Topics, Changes in Residency Training
Training Experiences and Resulting Benefits
Residency Program Name: #N/A
Medicare provider number: 00-0000
Date of Report: 12/31/12
Please indicate whether each topic listed in this worksheet was part of the program's training/curriculum in the most recent academic year (2011-2012) and, if so, whether the topic was newly offered since the previous year (2010-2011) or expanded or improved since the previous academic year . Also, please briefly describe resulting benefits from any change(s) in the space provided following each broad subheading. If you wish to provide greater detail about the benefits resulting from changes in the curricula, you may do so by adding a sheet to the Excel workbook or attaching a separate document.
[Benefits may include, for example, increases in medical knowledge; improvements in clinical competence; increased awareness of psychosocial and behavioral aspects of health and illness; increased awareness of the availability of community resources; increased ability to function as a medical home provider; improvements in patient care and outcomes and promotion of leadership skills.]
If no changes have occurred, you need not complete the rationale and "benefits" sections. See detailed guidance for complete instructions.

If Yes If Yes
No, Not Part of Training in Most Recent Academic Year (2011-2012) Yes, Part of Training in Most Recent Academic Year (2011-2012) Is this Newly Offered since the Previous Academic Year? (2010-2011)? Has this Training Expanded or Improved since previous year (2010-2011)?

Didactic Training
Basic Science


Developmental biology

Translational Research

Effects of physical environment (toxins, etc)

Effects of social environment (crime, etc)

Tailoring therapy to the individual

Health Promotion
Promoting positive health behaviors

Health promotion/ Illness Prevention

Screening/referral for maternal depression

Screening/referral for parental substance abuse

Screening/referral for domestic violence

Tobacco prevention and control

Obesity-directed care

Anticipatory guidance

Other Topics in Didactic Training
Family-centered pediatrics

Interdisciplinary care

Medical Home model

Cultural competency

Competency-based training

Physician-patient communication

Patient advocacy

Leadership training (conflict resolution, self-awareness, vision-entrepreneurship, etc)

Interpretation of research

Care of domestically adopted children

Care of internationally adopted children

Dental Care
Oral health screening

Counseling for oral hygiene, diet (e.g., baby bottle use), and fluoride use

Fluoride guidelines

Referral for dental care

Access to dental health services

Availability of public sources of dental services

Community Health System Topics
Substance abuse treatment system

Domestic violence resources

Mental/behavioral health care system

Social service system

Public education

Welfare system

Foster care system

Migrant health system

Indian health service

Community-level advocacy

Legislative/ policy advocacy

Clinical Training
Community Based Pediatric Rotations/Clinical Experiences
Local and state health departments

Community health centers


Day care

Juvenile detention facilities

Home care services

Advocacy (communicating with elected officials, providing legislative testimony, etc.)

Private practice

Child protective teams

Head Start

Homeless Shelters

Mobile health van

Other Clinical Experiences/Rotations
Scholarly activities (performing basic, clinical, translational, or health services research)

Use of transformative learning techniques, e.g., role plays, reflective exercises

Resident project

Changes in Training Evaluation
Observed structured clinical examination (OSCE)

360 evaluations

Standardized patients

Record reviews

Chart-stimulated recall

Checklists of observed behaviors

Global ratings

Procedure logs

Case logs

Patient surveys

Reflective exercises


Department of Health and Human Services

OMB No. 0915-0313
Health Resources and Services Administration

Expiration Date: 11/30/2013
Children's Hospitals Medical Education Payment Program
HRSA 100-3-D: Training Related to Measurement and Improvement in Quality, Changes in Training and Resulting Benefits of Change
Residency Program Name: #N/A
Medicare Provider Number: 00-0000
Date of Report: 12/31/12
Please indicate whether each topic listed in this worksheet was part of the program's training/curriculum in the most recent academic year (2011-2012) and, if so, whether the topic was newly offered since the previous year or expanded or improved since the previous academic year (2010-2011). There must be at least one check mark in each row. Also, please briefly describe the reasons for and resulting benefits from any change(s) in the space provided following each broad subheading. If you wish to provide greater detail about the benefits resulting from changes in the curricula, you may do so by adding a sheet to the Excel workbook or attaching a separate document.
[Benefits may include, for example, increases in medical knowledge; improvements in clinical competence; increased awareness of psychosocial and behavioral aspects of health and illness; increased awareness of the availability of community resources; increased ability to function as a medical home provider; improvements in patient care and outcomes and promotion of leadership skills.]
If no changes have occurred, you need not complete the rationale and "benefits" section. See detailed guidance for complete instructions.

If Yes If Yes

No, Not Part of Training in Most Recent Academic Year (2011-2012) Yes, Part of Training in Most Recent Academic Year (2011-2012) Is this Training Newly Offered since the Previous Academic Year (2010-2011)? Has this Training been Expanded or Improved since the Previous Academic Year (2010-2011)?
Health Care Quality
Quality characteristics

Evidence-based medicine

Ambulatory care sensitive conditions


Small area variation

Health care disparities

Systematic literature reviews/meta-analysis

Practice guidelines

Quality Measurement

Consumer Assessments of Health Plans (CAHPS)

Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS)

Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) Pediatric Quality Indicators

AHRQ Clinical Performance Measures for Ambulatory Care

Structure/Process/Outcomes Measures

Performance measurement and indicators

Severity/risk adjustment

Sentinel event

Interdisciplinary care

Quality Improvement
Physician reminder systems (e.g., prompts in paper charts or computer-based reminders)

Facilitated relay of clinical data to providers (e.g., use of faxes to send information between PCP and specialists)

Audit and feedback approaches (e.g., performance review, report cards, benchmarking)

Physician education (e.g., conferences, etc.)

Patient education (e.g., pamphlets, classes, self-care instruction, etc.)

Promotion of disease self management (e.g., workshops, monitoring devices, etc)

Patient reminder systems (e.g., telephone or postcard reminder systems)

Organizational changes (e.g., total quality management, continuous quality improvement, etc.)

Financial incentives (e.g., pay for performance)

Use of practice guidelines

Sheet 6: HRSA 100-3-E CHNG IN NO. OF RES

Department of Health And Human Services

OMB No. 0915-0313
Health Resources and Services Administration

Expiration Date: 11/30/2013
Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment Program
HRSA 100-3-E: Changes in the Numbers of Residents and Faculty Members and Resulting Benefits

Residency Program Name: #N/A
Medicare Provider Number: 00-0000
Date of Report: 12/31/12
For your training program answer the following questions. See detailed guidance for complete instructions.

In which year was this training program first offered?

In the following table, please indicate the total number of trainees (which is the sum of the number of residents documented in the last column(s) of 100-1-C plus 100-1-D of each specified program) and faculty involved in your program in the previous academic year (2010-2011) and in the most recent year of funding (2011-2012):
Previous Academic Year (2010-2011) Most Recent Year (2011-2012)
Number of Residents Number of Faculty Number of Residents Number of Faculty

How have the changes in the number of residents and/or the number of faculty in your program yielded benefits to your residents, institution, or patients?
[Benefits may include, for example, increases in medical knowledge; improvements in clinical competence; increased awareness of psychosocial and behavioral aspects of health and illness; increased awareness of the availability of community resources; increased ability to function as a medical home provider; improvements in patient care and outcomes and promotion of leadership skills.] Please respond in the space below.


Department of Health and Human Services

OMB No. 0915-0313
Health Resources and Services Administration
Expiration Date: 11/30/2013
Children's Hospitals Graduate Medical Education Payment Program
HRSA 100-3-F: Practice Locations of Residents Completing Training
Residency Program Name: #N/A
Medicare Provider Number: 00-0000
Date of Report: 12/31/12
Public Law 109-307 requires that you report for each resident (who was in a hospital-sponsored program or who spent 75% of his/her training time in your hospital in the last academic year) who completed training in the academic year (2011-2012), his or her first place of employment lasting at least 6 months: city, state, zip code, and type of employment for their current position. Do not include names or SSN's--just resident # 1; resident #2, etc., as indicated in the table. If no residents completed training in the academic year (2011-2012) indicate by selecting the "No" response in the question immediately following these instructions. See detailed guidance for complete instructions.
Did one or more resident(s) complete training in the academic year (2011-2012)?
Resident No. City State Zip Code Type of Employment













































Sheet 8: .

Less than 25%
Not Currently Used

76% or more

Not Applicable

The annual number of trainees increased

The annual number of trainees decreased

The annual number of trainees stayed the same

The number of faculty increased

The number of faculty decreased

The number of faculty stayed the same


Private Practice

Non-academic medical center

Non-academic medical center - Hospitalist

Non-academic medical center - Outpatient clinic

Academic medical center - Additional training (fellowships, etc.)

Academic medical center - Hospitalist

Academic medical center - Staff Physician

Academic medical center - Faculty Physician

Academic medical center - Other academia

Public setting - Community/rural/migrant health center

Public setting - Health department

Government - Federal (CDC, FDA, NCHS, etc)

Government - State government

Government - National Health Service Corps

Government - Military

Private industry - Pharmaceuticals/Biotechnology/Software


Not currently employed





2 or 3 Populations

All of the above

None of the above or N/A

Sheet 9: ...

No No Yes
1 Adolescent Medicine Pediatrics No
2 Allergy Immunology
3 Anesthesiology
4 Child Abuse Pediatrics
5 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
6 Child Neurology
7 Colon & Rectal Surgery
8 Dermatology
9 Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics
10 Emergency Medicine
11 Emergency Medicine (Pediatric)a
12 Family Medicine
13 Hospice and Palliative Medicine
14 Internal Medicine /Pediatrics
15 Medical Genetics
16 Medical Toxicology
17 Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
18 Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
19 Neurological Surgery
20 Neurology
21 Nuclear Medicine
22 Obstetrics and Gynecology
23 Ophthalmology
24 Orthopedic Surgery
25 Otolaryngology
26 Pathology
27 Pediatric Anesthesiology
28 Pediatric Cardiology
29 Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery
30 Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
31 Pediatric Dermatology
32 Pediatric Emergency Medicine
33 Pediatric Endocrinology
34 Pediatric Gastroenterology
35 Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
36 Pediatric Infectious Disease
37 Pediatric Nephrology
38 Pediatric Neurosurgery
39 Pediatric Ophthalmology
40 Pediatric Orthopedics
41 Pediatric Otolaryngology
42 Pediatric Pathology
43 Pediatric Pulmonology
44 Pediatric Radiology
45 Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine
46 Pediatric Rheumatology
47 Pediatric Sleep Medicine
48 Pediatric Sports Medicine
49 Pediatric Surgery
50 Pediatric Transplant Hepatology
51 Pediatric Urology
52 Pediatrics
53 Pediatrics/Dermatology
54 Pediatrics/Emergency Medicine
55 Pediatrics/Medical Genetics
56 Pediatrics/Physical Medicine and Rehab
57 Pediatrics/Psychiatry/Child & Adolescent Psych
58 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
59 Plastic Surgery
60 Preventive Medicine
61 Psychiatry
62 Radiology
63 Surgery
64 Thoracic Surgery
65 Urology
66 Other: ABA Alternative Pathway (Anesthesia)
67 Other: Addiction Psychiatry
68 Other: Adolescent Bariatric Surgery
69 Other: Adolescent Medicine
70 Other: Adult Transplant Hepatology
71 Other: Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology
72 Other: Adult Congenital Heart Disease
73 Other: Advanced General Dentistry
74 Other: Advanced Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology Neurooncology
75 Other: Advanced Pediatric Hematology/ Oncology Stem Cell Transplantation
76 Other: Anesthesia/Pain Medicine
77 Other: Anesthesiology/ Critical Care Medicine
78 Other: Body MRI
79 Other: Bone & Marrow Transplantation
80 Other: Cardio DS
81 Other: Cardiology
82 Other: Child Psychology
83 Other: Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology
84 Other: Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology (Adult)
85 Other: Clinical Immunodeficiency
86 Other: Clinical Neurophysiology
87 Other: Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology
88 Other: Congenital Cardiac Surgery
89 Other: Craniofacial Surgery
90 Other: Critical Care Anesthesiology
91 Other: Critical Care Medicine
92 Other: Dentistry
93 Other: Dermapathology
94 Other: Emergency Medicine/ Family Medicine
95 Other: Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
96 Other: Endodontics
97 Other: Endovascular Surgical Neuroradiology
98 Other: Epilepsy
99 Other: Family Medicine/ Psychiatry
100 Other: Family Medicine/ Sports Medicine
101 Other: Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery
102 Other: Fetal Cardiology
103 Other: Fetal Surgery
104 Other: Foot and Ankle Orthopedics
105 Other: Gastroenterology
106 Other: General and Community Medicine
107 Other: General Internship (DO)
108 Other: General Pediatrics
109 Other: GI Motility
110 Other: Gynecological Oncology
111 Other: Headache
112 Other: Hematology
113 Other: Hematology/ Oncology
114 Other: Hematopathology
115 Other: Hospice and Palliative Medicine
116 Other: Hospitalist
117 Other: Infectious Disease
118 Other: Internal Medicine
119 Other: Internal Medicine/ Emergency Medicine
120 Other: Internal Medicine/ Hematology/ Oncology Fellowship
121 Other: Internal Medicine/ Infectious Disease
122 Other: International Pediatric Neurosurgery
123 Other: Interventional Cardiology
124 Other: Interventional Radiology
125 Other: Lung Transplant
126 Other: Maternal Fetal Medicine
127 Other: Medical Biochemical Genetics
128 Other: Medical Genetics, Molecular Genetic Pathology
129 Other: Medical Microbiology
130 Other: Molecular Genetic Medicine
131 Other: Movement Disorders
132 Other: Musculoskeletal Oncology
133 Other: Musculoskeletal Radiolology
134 Other: Neonatology
135 Other: Nephrology
136 Other: Neuromuscular Medicine
137 Other: Neuropathology
138 Other: Neuroradiology
139 Other: Nuclear Radiology
140 Other: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
141 Other: Oral Surgery
142 Other: Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
143 Other: Orthopedic Hand Surgery
144 Other: Orthopedic Surgery of the Spine
145 Other: Osteopathy
146 Other: Pain Medicine
147 Other: Palliative Care
148 Other: Pathology, Anatomic and Clinical, Dermatopathology
149 Other: Pathology, Anatomic and Clinical, General
150 Other: Pathology, Anatomic and Clinical, Hematology
151 Other: Pathology, Blood Banking/ Transfusion Medicine
152 Other: Pathology/ Medical Microbiology
153 Other: Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
154 Other: Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology
155 Other: Pediatric Cardiac Imaging
156 Other: Pediatric Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology
157 Other: Pediatric Clinical Pharmacology
158 Other: Pediatric Colorectal Surgery
159 Other: Pediatric Dentistry
160 Other: Pediatric Diagnotic Radiology
161 Other: Pediatric Environmental Health
162 Other: Pediatric Epilepsy
163 Other: Pediatric Heart Failure Transplant
164 Other: Pediatric Hospital Medicine
165 Other: Pediatric International Surgery
166 Other: Pediatric Inteventional Cardiac Catherization
167 Other: Pediatric Neurocritical Care
168 Other: Pediatric Neuromuscular
169 Other: Pediatric Neuroradiology
170 Other: Pediatric Nutrition
171 Other: Pediatric Optometry
172 Other: Pediatric Orthodontics
173 Other: Pediatric Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
174 Other: Pediatric Plastic Surgery
175 Other: Pediatric Preventive Cardiology
176 Other: Pediatric Surgical Critical Care
177 Other: Pediatric Transplantation Surgery
178 Other: Pediatric Trauma Surgery
179 Other: Pedodontics
180 Other: Plastic Hand Surgery
181 Other: Plastic Surgery - Integrated
182 Other: Podiatric Medicine and Surgery
183 Other: Preliminary Medicine
184 Other: Preliminary Surgery
185 Other: Preventative Medicine-Medical Toxicology
186 Other: Procedural Dermatology, General
187 Other: Psychosomatic Medicine
188 Other: Pulmonary Disease
189 Other: Pulmonary Medicine/ Critical Care Medicine
190 Other: Pulmonology
191 Other: Quality Scholars in Transforming Health Care
192 Other: Radiation Oncology
193 Other: Reproductive Endocrinology
194 Other: Rheumatology
195 Other: Sleep Medicine
196 Other: Spinal Cord
197 Other: Spinal Cord Injury Medicine
198 Other: Sports Medicine
199 Other: Surgical Critical Care
200 Other: Surgical Scholar
201 Other: Traditional Rotating Internships (Osteopathic)
202 Other: Transitional Year
203 Other: Transplant Medicine
204 Other: Transplant Surgery
205 Other: Vascular and Interventional Radiology
206 Other: Vascular Anomalies Surgery
207 Other: Vascular Neurology
208 Other: Vascular Surgery
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