Attachment 6: Word document of the EIA PI Survey with Track Changes

Attachment 6 Online Survey EIA Principal Investigators (Versions A B) with Tracked Changes.doc

Process Evaluation of the NIH Director's Early Independence Award Program (EIA)

Attachment 6: Word document of the EIA PI Survey with Track Changes

OMB: 0925-0665

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Attachment 6. Survey for Early Independence Principal Investigator with tracked changes (Versions A & B).

OMB# ­0925-0665 EXP. DATE: 12/31/2015

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 60 45 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: NIH, Project Clearance Branch, 6705 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7974, Bethesda, MD 20892-7974, ATTN: PRA (0925-0476). Do not return the completed form to this address.

1. 1. Have you changed institutions since you received the Early Independence Award? Yes No

(If respondents answer NO to Question 1, respondent will complete version A of the online survey

(If respondents answer YES to Question 1, respondent will complete version B of the online survey

Version A - EIA Principal Investigators who HAVE NOT CHANGED institutions.

2. During the past fiscal year, has your position (roles and responsibilities) changed? REMOVED


Why was it changed and how has it changed?


2. Please provide the title of your current position. _____________________________________________ ADDED

3. 3. Overall, how do you feel the level of commitment from your host institution compares to what it was last year?

A. Increased B. Stayed the same C. Decreased

4. 4. How has the level of commitment from your host institution changed? REWORDED

[If A or C are checked in Question 3 above.] If the level of commitment from your host institution has changed (increased or decreased), please explain.

5. 5. During the past fiscal year, have you negotiated changes with your host institution regarding your position, and/or in the type and level of support you receive? REWORDED


What type of resources and level of support have you negotiated to change with your host institution?

What changes were made and why?


6. During the past fiscal year, what scientific collaborative activities have you participated in? REMOVED

(Please check all that apply)

Laboratory meetings with other PIs

Institutional scientific retreats

One-on-one meetings with collaborators within the institution

One-on-one meetings with collaborators outside the institution

Faculty/Division/Department Seminar series

Other (please specify):

7. During the past fiscal year, what steps has your host institution taken to integrate you and your NIH EIA scientific project into the institutional scientific culture and the faculty community? REMOVED

8. During the past fiscal year, what steps have you taken to protect your scientific independence? REMOVED

9. During the past fiscal year, what steps has your host institution taken to maintain your scientific independence? REMOVED

10. How satisfied are you with your host institution’s efforts to maintain your scientific independence? REMOVED

Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

Please comment:

6. How many collaborations are you currently involved in? _________________________________ ADDED

6a. How many of these collaborations are related to your EIA research project? ______________________

6b. Overall, what is the estimated percentage of your time dedicated to collaborations?_________________

6c. Of the time dedicated to collaborations, what is the estimated percentage related specifically to the EIA research project?________________________________________________________________________________

6d. Please elaborate on your collaborations related to the EIA research project (e.g., topic, expected outcomes, collaborators inside or outside the institution, etc.) _____________________________________________

6e. Please elaborate on your collaborations not related to the EIA research project (e.g., topic, expected outcomes, collaborators inside or outside the institution, etc.) _____________________________________________

7. 11. During the past fiscal year, which of the following challenges or barriers have you encountered as EIA PI? (Please check all that apply) REWORDED


Administrative (e.g., lack of support staff, inadequate inefficient ordering systems, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Operations (e.g., difficulty setting up the laboratory difficulties managing day-to-day activities of the laboratory, difficulty obtaining/maintaining needed equipment and supplies, accessing research resources, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Recruitment (e.g., difficulty recruiting or hiring staff to work in the laboratory and/or on the project, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Supervising staff (e.g., challenges delegating tasks, problems addressing low productivity, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Career Development (e.g., relevant training not offered, lack of opportunities to attend training, conferences, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Collaboration within the institution (e.g., unable to establish collaborations with senior scientists within the institution, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Collaboration outside the institution (e.g., unable to access senior scientists outside the institution, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Teaching (e.g., heavy teaching load, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Scientific Independence (e.g., limited time to engage in research project, unproductive interactions with faculty regarding research project, institution expectation that you to work under senior faculty, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Institution Leadership (e.g., lack of access to leadership within the institution, division, or department, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Funding (e.g., unable to identify and apply for other sources of funding, institution not facilitating transition to other sources of funding, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Integration into Institution Structures

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Management (e.g., unproductive interactions with lab staff that work with him/her, challenges overseeing the budget, not effective in securing resources, challenges managing time, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Other (please specify): ____________________________________________________________________

8. 12. Overall, how satisfied were you with your host institution’s responses to the challenges discussed in Question 117? REWORDED

Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Not Applicable

Please comment: ____________________________________________________________________________

9. 13. During the past fiscal year, has your institution formally evaluated you and the progress made in your NIH EIA research project?


Describe the evaluation process, the issues discussed, and who performed the evaluation _____________________


Will you be formally evaluated in the future? If so, when and what process will be used to conduct your evaluation?


14. During the past fiscal year, what type and level of support have you received from leadership at your host institution? (e.g., Department Chair, Division Head, Dean, etc.) REMOVED

15. How satisfied are you with the support that you received from the leadership at your host institution during the past fiscal year? (e.g., Department Chair, Division Head, Dean, etc.) REMOVED

Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

Please comment:

10. 16. Have there been any changes in the advisory structure in place for the EIA program at your host institution?


Please explain


17. During the past fiscal year, how often have you met with your advisor(s) and what issues were discussed during the meeting? REWORDED

Please comment on the advisory structure in place for the EIA program at your host institution and any changes in the past fiscal year. Include how often you met with your advisor (s) and what issues were discussed during the meeting (s). _______________________________________________________

11. 18. During the past fiscal year, how satisfied are were you with the faculty in their advisory role your advisor(s) associated with the EIA program? REWORDED

Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Not Applicable

Please comment: ____________________________________________________________________________

12. 19. During the past fiscal year, what type and level of support have you received from senior colleagues (excluding advisors) at your host institution? REWORDED

Please comment on the type and level of support you have received from senior colleagues (excluding advisors) and leadership (e.g., Department Chair, Division Head, Dean, etc.) at your host institution during the past fiscal year?

20. How satisfied are you with the support that you received from senior colleagues (excluding advisors) during the past fiscal year? REMOVED

Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

Please comment:

21. During the past fiscal year, what administrative and/or support resources were provided to you? (e.g., human resources, supply and equipment ordering systems, administrative assistance, budget manager, etc.) REMOVED

13. 22. How satisfied are you with the administrative and/or support resources that were provided to you during the past fiscal year? REWORDED

Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

Please comment:

[If Dissatisfied or Very Dissatisfied are checked] Please comment on the administrative and/or support resources provided during the past fiscal year (e.g., human resources, supply and equipment ordering systems, administrative assistance, budget manager, etc.).

23. During the past fiscal year, what career development resources were provided to you, and which ones did you use? (e.g., courses in laboratory management, grant writing, staff supervision, etc.) REMOVED

14. 24. How satisfied are you with the career development resources that you used during the past fiscal year? REWORDED

Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

Please comment:

[If Dissatisfied or Very Dissatisfied are checked] Please comment on your experience with your institution’s career development resources during the past fiscal year (e.g., courses in laboratory management, grant writing, staff supervision, etc.).

15. 25. During the past fiscal year, did you teach a course?


Please describe the type of courses taught and your teaching load_________________________________________


16. 26. During the past fiscal year, which of the following sources of funding have you applied for? Please check all that apply.

I have NOT applied for additional sources of funding during the past year


What is the status of this funding request?

Applied, but did not receive funding Applied, awaiting notification Funding received

Please list the name of the Institute or Office of the Director, the name of the program, the amount, and the period of funding _________

Government Agencies (excluding NIH)

What is the status of this funding request?

Applied, but did not receive funding Applied, awaiting notification Funding received

Please list the name of the organization, the name of the program, the amount, and the period of funding _____

Institutional Resources

What is the status of this funding request?

Applied, but did not receive funding Applied, awaiting notification Funding received

Please list the name of the organization, the name of the program, the amount, and the period of funding _____

Private (e.g., foundations, industry, etc.)

What is the status of this funding request?

Applied, but did not receive funding Applied, awaiting notification Funding received

Please list the name of the organization, the name of the program, the amount, and the period of funding _____

Other: ___________________

What is the status of this funding request?

Applied, but did not receive funding Applied, awaiting notification Funding received

Please list the name of the organization, the name of the program, the amount, and the period of funding _____

17. 27. Which of the following have occurred during the past fiscal year? Please check all that apply. REWORDED

I am applying for tenure

I filed a patent application or have been granted a patent

I expanded my research group (e.g., added staff)

I formed new partnerships/collaborations

Please describe the partnership/collaboration

I received an award(s)

What award(s) did you receive? ________________________________________

I was promoted

What promotion did you receive? ______________________________________

I published an original, peer-reviewed article

Are you the senior or corresponding author? _________________________________

Please provide the URL or citation ________________________________________

I published a book or other non-periodical, one time publication (e.g., monograph, any significant publication in the proceedings of a one-time conference or in the report of a one-time study, commission, or the like).

Please provide the URL or citation___________________________________________________________

I produced other publications such as conference papers and presentations

Please provide the URL or citation____________________________________________________________

I have expanded my research focus

Please explain ____________________________________________________________________________

I changed my research focus

Please explain ____________________________________________________________________________

My work has been was featured in the popular press and/or media

In what popular press and/or media has your work been featured? Please provide the URL or citation _______

I served as a grant reviewer

Please explain provide the name of the institution and the topic_____________________________________

Other (please specify): ______________________________________________________________________

18. 28. What products resources resulted from your scientific project during the past fiscal year? Please check all that apply. REWORDED

I do not have any products resources to report

Website(s) or other Internet site(s)

Please provide URL for the website or other internet sites that you can attribute to EIA funding and the percent attribution ______________________________________________________________________________

Technologies or techniques

Please list all your technologies or techniques that you can attribute to EIA funding and the percent attribution_

Inventions, patent applications, and/or licenses

Please list all your inventions, patent applications, and/or licenses that you can attribute to EIA funding and the percent attribution __________________________________________________________________________

Other products resources

Please check the products resources that you can attribute to EIA funding and the percent attribution


Please describe and provide the percent attribution to EIA funding ______

Physical collections

Please describe and provide the percent attribution to EIA funding ______

Audio or video products

Please describe and provide the percent attribution to EIA funding ______

Software or NetWare

Please describe and provide the percent attribution to EIA funding ______


Please describe and provide the percent attribution to EIA funding ______

Educational aids or curricula

Please describe and provide the percent attribution to EIA funding ______

Instruments or equipment

Please describe and provide the percent attribution to EIA funding ______

Data & Research Material (e.g., cell lines, DNA probes, animal models, etc.)

Please describe and provide the percent attribution to EIA funding ______

Other (Please specify describe and indicate the percent attribution to EIA funding): _____________________

19. 29. Gender (Please choose only one)



20. 30. Ethnicity (Please choose only one)

Hispanic or Latino

Not Hispanic or Latino

21. 31. Race (Please choose all that apply)

American Indian or Alaska Native


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander


32. What is your institution? _______________________ REMOVED

33. What additional support would be useful from the NIH during your time as an awardee? REMOVED

22. 34. Please feel free to share any other thoughts you might have related to the EIA program.


Version B - EIA Principal Investigators who HAVE CHANGED institutions.

2. When did you change host institutions? (month/date/year) _____________

3. What was your position at your old host institution (e.g., tenure track faculty, non-tenure track research fellow, etc.)?

4. What is your current position and title at your new host institution (e.g., tenure track faculty, non-tenure track research fellow, etc.)? REWORDED

5. What were the reasons for changing institutions?

6. Were there challenges associated with changing institutions? If so, what were they and how were they addressed?

7. How many collaborations are you currently involved in? _________________________________ ADDED

7a. How many of these collaborations are related to your EIA research project? ______________________

7b. Overall, what is the estimated percentage of your time dedicated to collaborations?_________________

7c. Of the time dedicated to collaborations, what is the estimated percentage related specifically to the EIA research project?________________________________________________________________________________

7d. Please elaborate on your collaborations related to the EIA research project (e.g., topic, expected outcomes, collaborators inside or outside the institution, etc.) _____________________________________________

7e. Please elaborate on your collaborations not related to the EIA research project (e.g., topic, expected outcomes, collaborators inside or outside the institution, etc.) _____________________________________________


7. What are your roles and responsibilities as an Early Independence Principal Investigator (PI) at your host institution? REMOVED

8. During the past fiscal year, what scientific collaborative activities have you participated in? REMOVED

(Please check all that apply)

Laboratory meetings of other PIs

Institutional scientific retreats

One-on-one meetings with collaborators within the institution

One-on-one meetings with collaborators outside the institution

Faculty/Division/Department/Seminar series

Formal introductions to the scientific community at the new host institution

Other (please specify):

9. During the past fiscal year, what steps has your host institution taken to integrate you and your NIH EIA scientific project into the institutional scientific culture and the faculty community? REMOVED

10. During the past fiscal year, what steps have you taken to protect your scientific independence? REMOVED

11. During the past fiscal year, what steps has your host institution taken to maintain your scientific independence? REMOVED

12. How satisfied are you with your host institution’s efforts to maintain your scientific independence? REMOVED

Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

Please comment:________________________________________________________________________

8. 13. During the past fiscal year, which of the following challenges or barriers have you encountered as EIA PI? (Please check all that apply) REWORDED


Administrative (e.g., lack of support staff, inadequate inefficient ordering systems, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Operations (e.g., difficulty setting up the laboratory difficulties managing day-to-day activities of the laboratory, difficulty obtaining/maintaining needed equipment and supplies, accessing research resources, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Recruitment (e.g., difficulty recruiting or hiring staff to work in the laboratory and/or on the project, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Supervising staff (e.g., challenges delegating tasks, problems addressing low productivity, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Career Development (e.g., relevant training not offered, lack of opportunities to attend training, conferences, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Collaboration within the institution (e.g., unable to establish collaborations with senior scientists within the institution, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Collaboration outside the institution (e.g., unable to access senior scientists outside the institution, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Teaching (e.g., heavy teaching load, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Scientific Independence (e.g., limited time to engage in research project, unproductive interactions with faculty regarding research project, institution expectation that you to work under senior faculty, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Institution Leadership (e.g., lack of access to leadership within the institution, division, or department, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Funding (e.g., unable to identify and apply for other sources of funding, institution not facilitating transition to other sources of funding, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Integration into Institution Structures

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Management (e.g., unproductive interactions with lab staff that work with him/her, challenges overseeing the budget, not effective in securing resources, challenges managing time, etc.)

Please describe the challenges, if they were addressed, and how. Please describe the challenges, steps taken by you and the host institution to address them, and if the challenges are still ongoing.

Other (please specify): ____________________________________________________________________

9. 14. Overall, how satisfied were you with your host institution’s responses to the challenges discussed in Question 138? REWORDED

Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Not Applicable

Please comment: ____________________________________________________________________________

10. 15. During the past fiscal year, has your institution formally evaluated you and the progress made in your NIH EIA research project?


Describe the evaluation process, the issues discussed, and who performed the evaluation _____________________


Will you be formally evaluated in the future? If so, when and what process will be used to conduct your evaluation?


16. During the past fiscal year, what type and level of support have you received from leadership at your host institution? (e.g., Department Chair, Division Head, Dean, etc.) REMOVED

17. How satisfied are you with the support that you received from the leadership at your host institution during the past fiscal year? (e.g., Department Chair, Division Head, Dean, etc.) REMOVED

Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

Please comment:

11. 18. Have there been any changes in the advisory structure in place for the EIA program at your host institution?


Please explain


19.During the past fiscal year, how often have you met with your advisor(s) and what issues were discussed during the meeting? REWORDED

Please comment on the advisory structure in place for the EIA program at your host institution and any changes in the past fiscal year. Include how often you met with your advisor (s) and what issues were discussed during the meeting (s). _______________________________________________________

12. 20. During the past fiscal year, how satisfied are were you with the faculty in their advisory role your advisor(s) associated with the EIA program? REWORDED

Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Not Applicable

Please comment: ____________________________________________________________________________

13. 21. During the past fiscal year, what type and level of support have you received from senior colleagues (excluding advisors) at your host institution? REWORDED

Please comment on the type and level of support you have received from senior colleagues (excluding advisors) and leadership (e.g., Department Chair, Division Head, Dean, etc.) at your host institution during the past fiscal year?

22. How satisfied are you with the support that you received from senior colleagues (excluding advisors) during the past fiscal year? REMOVED

Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

Please comment:

23. During the past fiscal year, what administrative and/or support resources were provided to you? (e.g., human resources, supply and equipment ordering systems, administrative assistance, budget manager, etc.) REMOVED

14. 24. How satisfied are you with the administrative and/or support resources that were provided to you during the past fiscal year? REWORDED

Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

Please comment:

[If Dissatisfied or Very Dissatisfied are checked] Please comment on the administrative and/or support resources provided during the past fiscal year (e.g., human resources, supply and equipment ordering systems, administrative assistance, budget manager, etc.).

25. During the past fiscal year, what career development resources were provided to you, and which ones did you use? (e.g., courses in laboratory management, grant writing, staff supervision, etc.) REMOVED

15. 26. How satisfied are you with the career development resources that you used during the past fiscal year? REWORDED

Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied

Please comment:

[If Dissatisfied or Very Dissatisfied are checked] Please comment on your experience with your institution’s career development resources during the past fiscal year (e.g., courses in laboratory management, grant writing, staff supervision, etc.).

16. 27. During the past fiscal year, did you teach a course?


Please describe the type of courses taught and your teaching load_________________________________________



17. 28. During the past fiscal year, which of the following sources of funding have you applied for? Please check all that apply.

I have NOT applied for additional sources of funding during the past year


What is the status of this funding request?

Applied, but did not receive funding Applied, awaiting notification Funding received

Please list the name of the Institute or Office of the Director, the name of the program, the amount, and the period of funding _________

Government Agencies (excluding NIH)

What is the status of this funding request?

Applied, but did not receive funding Applied, awaiting notification Funding received

Please list the name of the organization, the name of the program, the amount, and the period of funding _____

Institutional Resources

What is the status of this funding request?

Applied, but did not receive funding Applied, awaiting notification Funding received

Please list the name of the organization, the name of the program, the amount, and the period of funding _____

Private (e.g., foundations, industry, etc.)

What is the status of this funding request?

Applied, but did not receive funding Applied, awaiting notification Funding received

Please list the name of the organization, the name of the program, the amount, and the period of funding _____

Other: ___________________

What is the status of this funding request?

Applied, but did not receive funding Applied, awaiting notification Funding received

Please list the name of the organization, the name of the program, the amount, and the period of funding _____

18. 29. Which of the following have occurred during the past fiscal year? Please check all that apply. REWORDED

I am applying for tenure

I filed a patent application or have been granted a patent

I expanded my research group (e.g., added staff)

I formed new partnerships/collaborations

Please describe the partnership/collaboration

I received an award(s)

What award(s) did you receive? ________________________________________

I was promoted

What promotion did you receive? ______________________________________

I published an original, peer-reviewed article

Are you the senior or corresponding author? _________________________________

Please provide the URL or citation ________________________________________

I published a book or other non-periodical, one time publication (e.g., monograph, any significant publication in the proceedings of a one-time conference or in the report of a one-time study, commission, or the like).

Please provide the URL or citation___________________________________________________________

I produced other publications such as conference papers and presentations

Please provide the URL or citation____________________________________________________________

I have expanded my research focus

Please explain ____________________________________________________________________________

I changed my research focus

Please explain ____________________________________________________________________________

My work has been was featured in the popular press and/or media

In what popular press and/or media has your work been featured? Please provide the URL or citation _______

I served as a grant reviewer

Please explain provide the name of the institution and the topic_____________________________________

Other (please specify): ______________________________________________________________________

19. 30. What products resources resulted from your scientific project during the past fiscal year? Please check all that apply. REWORDED

I do not have any products resources to report

Website(s) or other Internet site(s)

Please provide URL for the website or other internet sites that you can attribute to EIA funding and the percent attribution ______________________________________________________________________________

Technologies or techniques

Please list all your technologies or techniques that you can attribute to EIA funding and the percent attribution_

Inventions, patent applications, and/or licenses

Please list all your inventions, patent applications, and/or licenses that you can attribute to EIA funding and the percent attribution __________________________________________________________________________

Other products resources

Please check the products resources that you can attribute to EIA funding and the percent attribution


Please describe and provide the percent attribution to EIA funding ______

Physical collections

Please describe and provide the percent attribution to EIA funding ______

Audio or video products

Please describe and provide the percent attribution to EIA funding ______

Software or NetWare

Please describe and provide the percent attribution to EIA funding ______


Please describe and provide the percent attribution to EIA funding ______

Educational aids or curricula

Please describe and provide the percent attribution to EIA funding ______

Instruments or equipment

Please describe and provide the percent attribution to EIA funding ______

Data & Research Material (e.g., cell lines, DNA probes, animal models, etc.)

Please describe and provide the percent attribution to EIA funding ______

Other (Please specify describe and indicate the percent attribution to EIA funding): _____________________

20. 31. Gender (Please choose only one)



21. 32. Ethnicity (Please choose only one)

Hispanic or Latino

Not Hispanic or Latino

22. 33. Race (Please choose all that apply)

American Indian or Alaska Native


Black or African American

Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander


34. What is your institution? _______________________ REMOVED

35. What additional support would be useful from the NIH during your time as an awardee? REMOVED

23. 36. Please feel free to share any other thoughts you might have related to the EIA program.



File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified ByPerryman
File Modified2013-08-16
File Created2013-08-16

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