Application to Adopt, Change, or Retain a Tax Year

Application to Adopt, Change, or Retain a Tax Year


Application to Adopt, Change, or Retain a Tax Year

OMB: 1545-0134

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Instructions for Form 1128

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service

(Rev. December 2011)

(Use with the January 2008 revision of Form 1128)
Application To Adopt, Change, or Retain a Tax Year
Section references are to the Internal
Revenue Code unless otherwise noted.

General Instructions
What’s New
Future developments. The IRS has
created a page on for
information about Form 1128 and its
instructions at
Information about future
developments affecting Form 1128
(such as legislation enacted after we
release it) will be posted on that

Purpose of Form
File Form 1128 to request a change
in tax year. Partnerships, S
corporations, personal service
corporations (PSCs), or trusts may be
required to file the form to adopt or
retain a certain tax year.

Who Must File
Generally, all taxpayers must file
Form 1128 to adopt, change, or retain
a tax year. However, see Exceptions
The common parent of a
consolidated group that files a
consolidated return files one Form
1128 for the consolidated group. In
addition, the common parent
corporation must (a) indicate that the
Form 1128 is for the common parent
corporation and all its subsidiaries
and (b) answer all relevant questions
on the application for each member of
the consolidated group.
If a consolidated group filing a
consolidated return wants to change
its tax year by using Rev. Proc.
2006-45, 2006-45 I.R.B. 851 at www.
(or its successor), every member of
the group must meet the revenue
procedure requirements.
If a controlled foreign corporation
(CFC) or 10/50 corporation
(noncontrolled section 902
corporation) does not have a U.S.
trade or business, then the CFC’s
controlling domestic shareholder(s)
must file Form 1128 on behalf of such
foreign corporation to change its tax
Jan 09, 2012

year (except as provided above with
respect to a controlling domestic
shareholder that is a member of a
consolidated group). See Regulations
section 1.964-1(c)(5) for the definition
of controlling domestic shareholders
of a CFC or 10/50 corporation.
If Form 1128 is filed on behalf of a
CFC or 10/50 corporation, each
controlling domestic shareholder
must attach to its tax return a copy of
the form and all other domestic
shareholders must be provided a
written notice of the election. See
Regulations section 1.964-1(c)(3) for

Do not file Form 1128 in the following

• A corporation adopting its first tax

• A corporation required to change
its tax year to file a consolidated
return with its new common parent
(see Regulations sections 1.442-1(c)
and 1.1502-76(a)).
• A foreign sales corporation (FSC)
or an interest charge domestic
international sales corporation
(IC-DISC) changing to the tax year of
the U.S. shareholder with the highest
percentage of voting power (see
section 441(h)). Also see Temporary
Regulations section 1.921-1T(b)(4).
However, a FSC or IC-DISC must file
Form 1128 to change its tax year
concurrently, if a tax year change has
been made by the U.S. shareholder.

Partnerships, S
Corporations, and Personal
Service Corporations
• A newly formed partnership

adopting a required tax year or a
52-53 week tax year with reference to
such required tax year.
• A partnership, S corporation, or
PSC terminating its section 444
election (see Temporary Regulations
section 1.444-1T(a)(5)).
• A newly formed partnership, an
electing S corporation, or a newly
formed PSC that elects under section
444 a tax year other than the required
Cat. No. 61752V

tax year by filing Form 8716, Election
To Have a Tax Year Other Than a
Required Tax Year.
• A corporation electing to be treated
as an S corporation by filing Form
2553, Election by a Small Business
Corporation, and requesting to
change or retain its tax year.

Newly married individuals changing to
the tax year of the other spouse in
order to file a joint return (Regulations
section 1.442-1(d) must be followed).

Exempt Organizations
An organization exempt under
section 501(a) does not file Form
1128 unless the organization has
changed its tax year at any time
within a 10-calendar-year period, and
the organization has had an annual
filing requirement during that 10-year
period (see Rev. Proc. 85-58, 1985-2
C.B. 740). This exception does not
apply to organizations exempt from
tax under section 521, 526, 527, or
528; organizations described in
section 401(a); and organizations
involved in a group change in tax
year for all its subordinate

• A trust (other than a tax-exempt

trust, charitable trust, or a grantor
trust under Rev. Rul. 90-55, 1990-2
C.B. 161) that adopts the calendar
year as required by section 644.
• Certain revocable trusts electing to
be treated as part of an estate.
• An employee plan or trust filing
Form 5308, Request for Change in
Plan/Trust Year, to change its plan or
trust year.

When To File
Tax Year Adoption, Change,
or Retention
• To request a ruling to adopt,

change, or retain a tax year, file Form
1128 by the due date (not including
extensions) of the federal income tax
return for the first effective year. Do
not file earlier than the day following
the end of the first effective year. In

the case of a change in tax year, the
first effective year is the short period
required to effect the change.
• To request automatic approval to
change a tax year under Rev. Proc.
2006-45 (Form 1128, Part II, Section
A) or Rev. Proc. 2006-46, 2006-45
I.R.B. 859 at
2006-45_IRB/index.html (Form 1128,
Part II, Section B), file by the due
date of the return (including
extensions) for the short period
required to effect the change. A Form
1128 filed by a controlling domestic
shareholder (or its common parent)
on behalf of a CFC or 10/50
corporation is due no later than the
due date (including extensions) of
that shareholder’s (or its common
parent’s) income tax return for its tax
year with or within which ends the
first effective year of the CFC or 10/
50 corporation.
• For an individual filing to change to
a calendar year under Rev. Proc.
2003-62, 2003-32 I.R.B. 299 at www.
(Form 1128, Part II, Section C), Form
1128 must be filed on or before the
due date (including extensions) for
filing the federal income tax return for
the short period required to effect the
• To change a tax year under Rev.
Proc. 85-58 (Form 1128, Part II,
Section D), file by the 15th day of the
5th calendar month after the end of
the short period.

Late Applications
Generally, an application filed after
the appropriate due date stated
above is considered late.
However, applications filed within
90 days after the due date may be
considered as timely filed under
Regulations section 301.9100-1 when
the applicant establishes that:
1. The taxpayer acted reasonably
and in good faith and
2. Granting relief will not prejudice
the interests of the government.
Applications that are filed more
than 90 days after the due date are
presumed to jeopardize the interests
of the Government, and will be
approved only in unusual and
compelling circumstances.
Under either circumstance, an
extension request must be filed under
Procedure and Administration
Regulations section 301.9100-3 and
is a ruling request under Rev. Proc.
2011-7, 2011-1 I.R.B. 233 at www.irs.
gov/irb/2011-01_IRB/index.html and
is subject to public inspection under
section 6110. See section 7 of Rev.
Proc. 2011-1, 2011-1 I.R.B. 1 at
html (updated annually) for
information on requesting a ruling.
Note. An extension request under
Rev. Proc. 2011-1 (or its successor)
requires payment of a user fee.

Do not file a request for
automatic approval with either
CAUTION address below. Doing so will
result in a significant delay in the
processing of your request.

Early Applications

If Part III (ruling request) applies to
the applicant, file Form 1128 and the
appropriate user fee with the IRS
National Office. Mail Form 1128 to:

Generally, an application to adopt or
change a tax year will not be
considered if it is submitted before
the end of the short period.

Where To File
Part II—Automatic Approval
If Part II (automatic approval request)
applies to the applicant, file Form
1128 with the Internal Revenue
Service Center, Attention: Entity
Control, where the applicant’s income
tax return is filed. The applicant also
must attach a copy of Form 1128 to
the federal income tax return filed for
the short period required to effect the
CFCs and 10/50 corporations. If
the form is filed on behalf of a CFC or
10/50 corporation, the controlling
domestic shareholder who retains the
jointly executed consent described in
Regulations section 1.964-1(c)(3)(ii)
must file Form 1128 with its tax return
for its tax year with or within which
ends the first effective year of the
CFC or the 10/50 corporation. The
other controlling domestic
shareholder(s) must attach a copy of
the form to its income tax return for its
tax year with or within which ends the
tax year of the CFC or 10/50
Note. If a corporation is required to
file Form 1128 with its tax return and
is a member of an affiliated group of
corporations filing a consolidated
return, the common parent must file
the Form 1128 with the consolidated
Applications prior to an election to
become an S corporation. If a
corporation is requesting to change
its tax year prior to making an
election to become an S corporation
and the requested tax year is a
permitted tax year for S corporations
(for example, a calendar tax year), file
Form 1128 as an attachment to Form
2553 to ensure that the S corporation
is permitted the tax year requested on
Form 2553. See Form 1128, Part II,
line 2. Do not file Form 1128 with the
above address for automatic approval
requests. For information on where to
file Form 2553, see the Instructions
for Form 2553.


Part III—Ruling Request

Internal Revenue Service
Associate Chief Counsel (Income
Tax and Accounting)
Attention: CC:PA:LPD:DRU
P.O. Box 7604
Ben Franklin Station
Washington, DC 20044-7604
The IRS will acknowledge receipt
of the application within 45 days. You
can inquire about the status of the
application by writing to:
Control Clerk, CC:ITA
Internal Revenue Service
Room 4516
1111 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20224-0002
The applicant will receive
notification of its approval or denial. If
no communication is received from
the IRS regarding the application
within 90 days, contact the Control
Exempt organizations requesting a
ruling should send Form 1128 and
the application user fee to:
Internal Revenue Service
P.O. Box 12192
Covington, KY 41012-0192
You can inquire about the status of
an application for exempt
organizations by calling

Who Must Sign
Except as discussed below
(regarding automatic approval
requests filed on behalf of a CFC or
10/50 corporation), Form 1128 must
be signed by the filer as discussed
below. A valid signature by the
individual or an officer of the
organization is required on Form
1128. If the form does not have a
valid signature, it will not be

If this application is for a husband and
wife, enter both names on the line
“Name of filer.” Both husband and
wife must sign the application on the
line “Signature and date.”

Show the partnership name, followed
by the signature of a general partner

on behalf of a state law partnership,
or a member-manager on behalf of a
limited liability company.

Show the name of the estate and the
signature and title of the fiduciary or
other person legally authorized to

Show the name of the trust and the
signature and title of the fiduciary or
other person legally authorized to

Tax-Exempt Organizations
Show the name of the organization
and the signature of a principal officer
or other person authorized to sign,
followed by his or her title.

CFC or 10/50 Corporation
For a CFC or 10/50 corporation with a
U.S. trade or business and filing Form
1128 as the applicant, follow the
same rules as other corporations (see
All Other Filers below). If the form is
being filed on behalf of a CFC or 10/
50 corporation by its controlling
domestic shareholder(s), follow the
instructions below for ruling requests
and automatic approval requests.
Ruling request. A ruling request
application that is filed on behalf of a
CFC or 10/50 corporation must be
signed by an authorized officer of the
designated (controlling domestic)
shareholder that retains the jointly
executed consent as provided for in
Regulations section 1.964-1(c)(3)(ii).
A schedule listing the name(s) and
identifying number(s) of the
controlling domestic shareholder(s)
must be attached to the application.
Also, the controlling domestic
shareholder(s) must satisfy the
requirements of Regulations section
1.964-1(c)(3). If the designated
(controlling domestic) shareholder is
a member of a consolidated group,
then an authorized officer of the
common parent must sign. Do not
sign the copy of Form 1128 filed with
the income tax return.
Automatic approval request. An
automatic ruling request application
that is filed on behalf of a CFC or 10/
50 corporation does not have to be
signed. However, the controlling
domestic shareholder completing the
form must satisfy the requirements of
Regulations section 1.964-1(c)(3) and
retain the jointly executed consent
described in Regulations section

All Other Filers
The application must show the name
of the company and the signature of

the president, vice president,
treasurer, assistant treasurer, or chief
accounting officer (such as tax
officer) authorized to sign, and their
official title. Receivers, trustees, or
assignees must sign any application
they are required to file. For a
consolidated group filing a
consolidated return with its common
parent, the form should be signed by
an authorized officer of the common
parent corporation.

Preparer (Other Than Filer/
If the individual preparing Form 1128
is not the filer or applicant, the
preparer also must sign. However, in
the case of an automatic approval
request, the Form 1128 attached to
the income tax return does not need
to be signed.

Specific Instructions
Part I–General
All applicants must complete Part I.
Attachments to Form 1128 must
show the applicant’s name,
identifying number, and address. Also
indicate that the statement is an
attachment to Form 1128.

If the application is filed for a husband
and wife who file a joint income tax
return, the names of both should
appear in the heading.
In general, the filer of the form is
the applicant. However, for members
of a consolidated group of
corporations and certain foreign
corporations, Form 1128 may be filed
on behalf of the applicant. For a
consolidated group of corporations,
enter the name and employer
identification number (EIN) of the
parent corporation on the first line as
the filer and enter the name(s) and
EIN(s) of the member corporations
applying for a change in accounting
period on the fourth line. For CFCs
and 10/50 corporations, enter the
name and EIN of the controlling
domestic shareholder(s) (common
parent, if applicable) on the first line
and the name and EIN, if any, of the
foreign corporation on the fourth line.
If there is more than one filer or
applicant, attach a statement listing
each filer’s or applicant’s name and

Identifying Number
Individuals enter their social security
number (SSN). If the application is for
a husband and wife who file a joint
return, enter both SSNs. However, if
one or both are engaged in a trade or
business, enter the EIN instead of the
SSNs. All other applicants enter their
Except as discussed below
(regarding foreign corporations), if the
applicant does not have an EIN or
SSN, it must apply for one. An EIN
may be applied for:
• Online—Click on Employer ID
Numbers link at
businesses. The EIN is issued
immediately once the application
information is validated.
• By telephone at 1-800-829-4933.
• By mailing or faxing Form SS-4,
Application for Employer Identification
A limited liability company must
determine which type of federal tax
entity it will be (that is, partnership,
corporation, or disregarded entity)
before applying for an EIN (see Form
8832, Entity Classification Election,
for details).
Note. Applicants who are not
located within the United States or
U.S. possessions cannot use the
online application to obtain an EIN.
For more information on applying
for an EIN, see the instructions for
Form SS-4.
An SSN must be applied for on
Form SS-5, Application for a Social
Security Card. Form SS-5 can be
obtained at SSA offices or by calling
the SSA at 1-800-772-1213. It is also
available from the SSA website at
If the applicant has not received its
EIN or SSN by the time the
application is due, write “Applied for”
in the space for the identifying
Foreign corporations. If the
applicant is a foreign corporation that
is not otherwise required to have or
obtain an EIN, enter “Not applicable”
in the space provided for the
identifying number.

Include the suite, room, or other unit
number after the street address. If the
Post Office does not deliver mail to
the street address and the filer has a
P.O. box, show the box number
If the filer receives its mail in care
of a third party (such as an
accountant or attorney), enter on the
street address line “C/O” followed by

the third party’s name and street
address or P.O. box.

Person To Contact
The person to contact must be the
person authorized to sign the Form
1128, or the applicant’s authorized
representative. If the person to
contact is not the filer or the
applicant, attach Form 2848, Power
of Attorney and Declaration of
Line 1. Check all applicable boxes
to indicate the type of entity filing this
application. For example, an entity
that is a domestic corporation may
also be a regulated investment
company (RIC). That entity would
check both the “Domestic
corporation” box and the “Other” box,
and write, “RIC under sec. 851” on
the dotted line.
Lines 2a and 2b. If the requested
year is a 52-53-week tax year,
describe the year (for example, last
Saturday in December or Saturday
nearest to December 31). A
52-53-week tax year must end on the
date a specified day of the week last
occurs in a particular month or on the
date that day of the week occurs
nearest to the last day of a particular
calendar month.
A newly formed partnership or
PSC that wants to adopt a tax year
other than its required tax year must
go to Part III after completing Part I.
Line 2c. The required short period
return must begin on the day
following the close of the old tax year
and end on the day before the first
day of the new tax year. An
applicant’s first tax year generally
starts when business operations
A corporation’s tax year begins at
the earliest date it first:
• Has shareholders,
• Has assets, or
• Begins doing business.
The initial year ends on the day
before the first day of the new tax

Part II—Automatic
Approval Request

Note. All references to the Revenue
Procedures listed are to that Revenue
Procedure or its successor.
Part II is completed by applicants
requesting automatic approval of a
change in tax year under:
• Rev. Proc. 2006-45 (corporations)
as clarified and modified by Rev.
Proc. 2007-64, 2007-42 I.R.B. 818 at

• Rev. Proc. 2006-46 (pass-through

• Rev. Proc. 2003-62 (individuals),
• Rev. Proc. 76-10, 1976-1 C.B. 548
as modified by Rev. Proc. 79-3,
1979-1 C.B. 483, and Rev. Proc.
85-58 (exempt organizations), and
• Rev. Proc. 85-15, 1985-1 C.B. 516
(all filers), to correct the adoption of
an improper tax year to a calendar or
fiscal year by (1) filing an amended
return on a calendar year basis and
attach Form 1128, or (2) file a Form
1128 under the procedures of either
Rev. Proc. 2006-45, 2006-46,
2002-39, 2002-1 C.B. 1046 or its
Note. Applicants requesting an
automatic approval must complete
Parts I and II only.
A user fee is not required if
TIP requesting an automatic
approval under any of the
sections of Part II listed below.
Complete Part II if the applicant
can use the automatic approval rules
under one of the sections listed below
and the application is filed on time.

Section of Part II of Form 1128
to Complete
If the applicant is:


A corporation (other than an Section A
S corporation or a PSC)
A partnership, S
Section B
corporation, PSC, or a trust
An individual

Section C

A tax-exempt organization

Section D

If the applicant does not qualify for
automatic approval, a ruling must be
requested. See Part III for more
If the Service Center denies
approval because Form 1128 was not
filed on time, the applicant can
request relief under Regulations
section 301.9100-3, discussed earlier
under Late Applications, by
completing Part III, as discussed
later, and sending Form 1128 to the
IRS National Office for consideration.

Section A—Corporations
(Other than S Corporations
or Personal Service
Rev. Proc. 2006-45 provides
exclusive procedures for certain
corporations to obtain automatic
approval to change their annual
accounting period under section 442
and Regulations section 1.442-1(b). A

corporation complying with all the
applicable provisions of this revenue
procedure will be deemed to have
established a business purpose and
obtained the approval of the IRS to
change its accounting period. See
Rev. Proc. 2006-45 for more
Line 1. A corporation is precluded
from using the automatic approval
rules under section 4 of Rev. Proc.
2006-45 if it:
1. Has changed its annual
accounting period at any time within
the most recent 48-month period
ending with the last month of the
requested tax year. For exceptions,
see section 4.02(1) of Rev. Proc.
2. Has an interest in a
pass-through entity as of the end of
the short period. For exceptions, see
section 4.02(2) of Rev. Proc.
3. Is a shareholder of a FSC or
IC-DISC, as of the end of the short
period. For exceptions, see section
4.02(3) of Rev. Proc. 2006-45.
4. Is a FSC or an IC-DISC.
5. Is an S corporation.
6. Attempts to make an S
corporation election for the tax year
immediately following the short
period, unless the change is to a
permitted S corporation tax year.
7. Is a PSC.
8. Is a CFC. For exceptions, see
section 4.02(8) of Rev. Proc.
9. Is a tax-exempt organization,
other than an organization exempt
from tax under section 521, 526, 527,
or 528.
10. Is a cooperative association
(within the meaning of section
1381(a)) with a loss in the short
period required to effect the change
of annual accounting period, unless
the patrons of the cooperative
association are substantially the
same in the year before the change
of annual accounting period, in the
short period required to effect the
change, and in the year following the
11. Is a corporation leaving a
consolidated group. The corporation
is precluded from using the automatic
approval request procedures during
the consolidated group’s tax year in
which the corporation ceased to be a
member of the consolidated group.
See Rev. Proc. 2007-64 for details.
12. Has a required tax year (for
example, a real estate investment
trust), unless the corporation is
changing to its required tax year and
is not described in items (1) through
(11), above.

Note. If the corporation is precluded
from using the automatic approval
rules because of items (2) or (3),
listed above, it can nevertheless
automatically change to a natural
business year that meets the
25-percent gross receipts test
described in section 5.04 of Rev.
Proc. 2006-45.
If the answer to question 1 is
“Yes,” sign Form 1128 and see
Part II—Automatic Approval Request
earlier under Where To File. Do not
complete Part III. If the corporation is
requesting to change to a natural
business year that satisfies the
25-percent gross receipts test, also
include its gross receipts for the most
recent 47 months (or for any
If the answer to question 1 is “Yes”
because the applicant is a CFC that
wants to make a one-month deferral
election under section 898(c)(2), see
Rev. Proc. 2007-64 which modifies
the terms and conditions for this
election provided in Rev. Proc.
2006-45. If a CFC wants to revoke its
one-month deferral election under
section 898(c)(2) and change its tax
year to the majority U.S. shareholder
year (as defined in section 898(c)(3)),
attach a statement providing the
names, addresses, and identifying
numbers for each U.S. shareholder of
the foreign corporation.
If the answer to question 1 is “No,”
go to Part III after completing Section
Line 3. If a corporation’s interest in a
pass-through entity, CFC, FSC, or
IC-DISC (related entity) is
disregarded under section 4.02(2) or
4.02(3) of Rev. Proc. 2006-45
because the related entity is required
to change its tax year to the
corporation’s new tax year (or, in the
case of a CFC, to a tax year
beginning one month earlier than the
corporation’s new tax year), the
related entity must change its tax
year concurrently with the
corporation’s change in tax year,
either under Rev. Proc. 2006-45,
2006-46, or 2002-39. This related
party change is required
notwithstanding the testing date
provisions in section 706(b)(4)(A)(ii),
section 898(c)(3)(B), Temporary
Regulations section 1.921-1T(b)(6),
and the special provision in section

Section B—Partnerships, S
Corporations, Personal
Service Corporations, and
Rev. Proc. 2006-46 provides
exclusive procedures for a
partnership, S corporation, PSC, or
trust within its scope to adopt,
change, or retain its annual
accounting period under section 442
and Regulations section 1.442-1(b).
The automatic approval request
procedures apply to trusts, with the
exception of trusts exempt from
taxation under section 501(a),
charitable trusts described in section
4947(a)(1), and grantor trusts
described in Rev. Rul. 90-55,
changing to a calendar year.
Rev. Proc. 2006-46 only applies to
trusts that are using an incorrect tax
year and want to change to the
required calendar tax year.
Line 4. A partnership, S corporation,
PSC, or trust is precluded from using
the automatic approval rules under
section 4 of Rev. Proc. 2006-46 if any
of the following apply:
1. The entity is under examination,
unless it obtains consent of the
appropriate director as provided in
section 7.03(1) of Rev. Proc.
2. The entity is before an appeals
office with respect to any income tax
issue and its annual accounting
period is an issue under
consideration by the appeals office.
3. The entity is before a Federal
court with respect to any income tax
issue and its annual accounting
period is an issue under
consideration by the Federal court.
4. On the date the partnership or
S corporation would otherwise file its
application, the partnership’s or S
corporation’s annual accounting
period is an issue under
consideration in the examination of a
partner’s or shareholders’s federal
income tax return or an issue under
consideration by an area office or by
a Federal court with respect to a
partner’s or shareholder’s federal
income tax return.
Note. If any of the above
circumstances apply, you may still be
eligible under the automatic approval
request procedures if you comply with
the procedures explained following
item 5 below. See section 7.03 of
Rev. Proc. 2006-46 for more
5. The entity is requesting a
change to, or retention of, a natural
business year as described in section
4.01(2) of Rev. Proc. 2006-46 if the

entity has changed its annual
accounting period at any time within
the most recent 48-month period
ending with the last month of the
requested tax year. For this purpose,
the following changes are not
considered prior changes in annual
accounting period: (a) a change to a
required tax year or ownership tax
year; (b) a change from a 52-53 week
tax year to a non-52-53 week tax year
that ends with reference to the same
calendar month, and vice versa; or (c)
a change in accounting period by an
S corporation or PSC, in order to
comply with the common tax year
requirements of Regulations sections
1.1502-75(d)(3)(v) and 1.1502-76(a).
If the answer to question 4 is
“Yes,” and any of the following
situations apply, the applicable
additional procedures described
below must be followed.
• The applicant is under examination
and has obtained the consent of the
appropriate director to the change or
retention of the applicant’s annual
accounting period. The applicant
must attach to the application a
statement from the director
consenting to the change or retention.
The applicant must also provide a
copy of the application to the director
at the same time it files the
application with the Service Center.
The application must contain the
name(s) and telephone number(s) of
the examination agent(s).
• The applicant is before an appeals
(area) office and the applicant’s
annual accounting period is not an
issue under consideration by the
appeals (area) office. The applicant
must attach to the application a
separate statement signed by the
applicant certifying that, to the best of
the applicant’s knowledge, the
applicant’s annual accounting period
is not an issue under consideration by
the appeals (area) office. The
applicant must also provide a copy of
the application to the appeals officer
at the same time it files the
application with the Service Center.
The application must contain the
name and telephone number of the
appeals officer.
• The applicant is before a Federal
court and the applicant’s annual
accounting period is not an issue
under consideration by the Federal
court. The applicant must attach to
the application a separate statement
signed by the applicant certifying that,
to the best of the applicant’s
knowledge, the applicant’s annual
accounting period is not an issue
under consideration by the Federal
court. The applicant must also

provide a copy of the application to
the government counsel at the same
time it files the application with the
Service Center. The application must
contain the name and telephone
number of the government counsel.
If the answer to question 4 is “No”
because the applicant (or a partner or
shareholder) is under examination
and has not obtained the appropriate
director’s consent to the change or
retention of the applicant’s annual
accounting period or the applicant is
before an appeals office or Federal
court and the applicant’s annual
accounting period is an issue under
consideration by the appeals office or
Federal court, do not complete Part
If the answer to question 4 is “No”
solely because of a prior change as
described in item (5) above, go to
Part III after completing Section B.
If the answer to question 4 is “Yes”
(and the answer to question 5, 6, or 7
is also “Yes”), sign Form 1128 and
see Part II—Automatic Approval
Request under Where To File, above.
Do not complete Part III. If the answer
to question 4 is “Yes” (and the
answer to question 5, 6, or 7 is “No”),
go to Part III after completing Section
Line 6. A partnership, S corporation,
electing S corporation, or PSC
establishes a ‘‘natural business year’’
under Rev. Proc. 2006-46 by
satisfying the following ‘‘25-percent
gross receipts test.’’ The applicant
must supply its gross receipts for the
most recent 47 months (or for any
predecessor) to compute the 25
percent gross receipts test.
1. Prior 3 years gross receipts:
a. Gross receipts from sales and
services for the most recent 12-month
period that ends with the last month
of the requested annual accounting
period are totaled and then divided
into the amount of gross receipts from
sales and services for the last 2
months of this 12-month period.
b. The same computation as in a,
above is made for the two preceding
12-month periods ending with the last
month of the requested annual
accounting period.
2. Natural business year:
a. Except as provided in b, below,
if each of the three results described
in 1 above equals or exceeds 25
percent, then the requested annual
accounting period is deemed to be
the taxpayer’s natural business year.
b. The taxpayer must determine
whether any annual accounting
period other than the requested
annual accounting period also meets

the 25-percent test described in a,
above. If one or more other annual
accounting periods produce higher
averages of the three percentages
(rounded to 1/100 of a percent)
described in 1 above than the
requested annual accounting period,
then the requested annual accounting
period will not qualify as the
taxpayer’s natural business year.
3. Special rules:
a. To apply the 25-percent gross
receipts test for any particular year,
the taxpayer must compute its gross
receipts under the method of
accounting used to prepare its federal
income tax returns for such tax year.
b. If the taxpayer has a
predecessor organization and is
continuing the same business as its
predecessor, the taxpayer must use
the gross receipts of its predecessor
for purposes of computing the
25-percent gross receipts test.
c. If the taxpayer (including any
predecessor organization) does not
have a 47-month period of gross
receipts (36-month period for the
requested tax year plus an additional
11-month period for comparing the
requested tax year with other
potential tax years), then it cannot
establish a natural business year
under this revenue procedure.
d. If the requested tax year is a
52-53-week tax year, the calendar
month ending nearest to the last day
of the 52-53-week tax year is treated
as the last month of the requested tax
year for purposes of computing the
25-percent gross receipts test.
Line 7. For an S corporation, an
‘‘ownership tax year’’ is the tax year
other than a calendar year (if any)
that, as of the first day of the first
effective year, constitutes the tax year
of one or more shareholders
(including any shareholder that
concurrently changes to such tax
year) holding more than 50 percent of
the corporation’s issued and
outstanding shares of stock. For this
purpose, a shareholder that is
tax-exempt under section 501(a) is
disregarded if such shareholder is not
subject to tax on any income
attributable to the S corporation.
Tax-exempt shareholders are not
disregarded, however, if the S
corporation is wholly-owned by such
tax-exempt entities. A shareholder in
an S corporation that wants to
concurrently change its tax year must
follow the instructions generally
applicable to taxpayers changing their
tax years contained in Regulations
section 1.442-1(b), Rev. Proc.
2002-39, or any other applicable

administrative procedure published
by the IRS.
Line 8. Answer “Yes” if the
partnership is a related entity that
must concurrently change its tax year
as a term and condition of the
approval of the taxpayer’s request to
change its tax year.

Section C—Individuals
Line 9. If the answer to question 9 is
“Yes,” and the restrictions of section
4.02 of Rev. Proc. 2003-62 (or its
successor) do not apply, sign Form
1128 and see Part II—Automatic
Approval Request above under
Where To File. Do not complete Part
III. If the answer to question 9 is
“No,” go to Section A of Part III.

Section D—Tax-Exempt
A tax-exempt organization can
request a change to its tax year under
the simplified method of either Rev.
Proc. 85-58 or Rev. Proc. 76-10.
Under Rev. Proc. 85-58, an
organization exempt under section
501(a) does not have to file Form
1128 unless the following conditions
described in section 3.03 of Rev.
Proc. 85-58 apply:
1. The organization was required
to file an annual information return or
Form 990-T, Exempt Organization
Business Income Tax Return, at any
time during the last 10 calendar
years; and
2. The organization has changed
its tax year at any time within the last
10 calendar years ending with the
calendar year that includes the
beginning of the short period resulting
from the change of tax year.
An organization described in
section 501(c) or (d) is exempt from
tax under section 501(a) unless the
exemption is denied under section
502 or 503.
Rev. Proc. 85-58 does not apply
• Farmers’ cooperatives exempt from
federal income tax under section 521;
• Organizations described in
sections 526, 527, and 528;
• Organizations described in section
401(a); and
• Organizations requesting a change
in a tax year on a group basis.
A central organization should
follow Rev. Proc. 76-10 to apply for a
group change in tax year for all its
subordinate organizations.
Rev. Proc. 76-10 does not apply
• Farmers’ cooperatives exempt from
federal income tax under section 521,

• Certain organizations that have

unrelated business taxable income
defined in section 512(a), and
• Organizations that are private
foundations defined in section 509(a).
Line 10. If the answer to question 10
is “Yes,” and the organization is a
section 501(a) organization to which
section 3.03 of Rev. Proc. 85-58
applies or a central organization to
which Rev. Proc. 76-10 applies, sign
Form 1128 and see Part
II—Automatic Approval Request
above under Where To File. Do not
complete Part III. If the answer to
question 10 is “Yes,” and Rev. Proc.
85-58 and 76-10 do not apply, go to
Part III.

Part III—Ruling Request
Note. All references to Revenue
Procedures are to that Revenue
Procedure or its successor.

Part III is completed only by
applicants requesting to adopt,
change, or retain a tax year that
cannot use the automatic procedures
listed in Part II.
Also, the applicant must complete
the specific section(s) in Part III that
applies to that particular applicant.

Sections of Part III of Form 1128
to Complete
If the applicant is:

Complete only

A corporation (other
than an S corporation,
10/50 corporation, or

Sections A and
B, plus any
other applicable
section in Part

An S corporation

Sections A and

A partnership

Sections A and

A CFC or 10/50

Sections A and



Do not file a tax return using
the requested tax year until
this application is approved.

Rev. Proc. 2002-39 provides the
general procedures for obtaining
approval to adopt, change, or retain a
tax year for taxpayers not qualifying
under the automatic approval rules or
if the application is late.

Section A—General
All applicants must complete this
section to request a ruling on an
adoption of, change to, or retention of
a tax year.

Line 1. If the applicant is a
partnership, S corporation, personal
service corporation, or trust and any
of the following situations apply, the
applicable additional procedures
described below must be followed.
• The applicant is under examination
and has obtained the consent of the
appropriate director to the change or
retention of the applicant’s annual
accounting period. The applicant
must attach to the application a
statement from the director
consenting to the change or retention
of its annual accounting period. The
applicant must also provide a copy of
the application to the director at the
same time it files the application with
the IRS National Office. The
application must contain the name(s)
and telephone number(s) of the
examination agent(s).
• The applicant is before an appeals
(area) office and the applicant’s
annual accounting period is not an
issue under consideration by the
appeals (area) office. The applicant
must attach to the application a
separate statement signed by the
appropriate person certifying that, to
the best of that person’s knowledge,
the entity’s annual accounting period
is not an issue under consideration by
the appeals (area) office. The
applicant must also provide a copy of
the application to the appeals officer
at the same time it files the
application with the IRS National
Office. The application must contain
the name and telephone number of
the appeals officer.
• The applicant is before a Federal
court and the applicant’s annual
accounting period is not an issue
under consideration by the Federal
court. The applicant must attach to
the application a separate statement
signed by the appropriate person
certifying that, to the best of that
person’s knowledge, the entity’s
annual accounting period is not an
issue under consideration by the
Federal court. The applicant must
also provide a copy of the application
to the government counsel at the
same time it files the application with
the IRS National Office. The
application must contain the name
and telephone number of the
government counsel.
Line 4a. Attach an explanation of
the legal basis supporting the
requested tax year. Include all
authority (statutes, regulations, etc.)
supporting the requested year. The
applicant is encouraged to include all
relevant facts and circumstances that
may establish a business purpose.

Line 4b. If the applicant requests to
establish a natural business year
under the annual business cycle test
or seasonal business test of sections
5.03(1) and 5.03(2) of Rev. Proc.
2002-39, it must provide its gross
receipts from sales or services and
approximate inventory costs (where
applicable) for each month in the
requested short period and for each
month of the three immediately
preceding tax years.
If the applicant is requesting to
change to a natural business year
that satisfies the 25-percent gross
receipts test described in section
5.03(3) of Rev. Proc. 2002-39, the
applicant must supply its gross
receipts for the most recent 47
months (or for any predecessor).
Line 14. Applicants filing to request
an automatic approval for a change in
tax year under Rev. Procs. 2006-45,
2006-46, 2003-62, 85-58, or 76-10
(Form 1128, Part II) are not required
to pay a user fee when Form 1128 is
filed on time.
Applicants filing to request a letter
ruling on a change in tax year under
Rev. Proc. 2011-1 (updated annually)
and Rev. Proc. 2002-39 must pay a
user fee. A request for an exempt
organization letter ruling on a change
in tax year under Rev. Proc. 2011-8,
2011-1 I.R.B. 237 at
2011-01_IRB/index.html, also
requires payment of a user fee.
A separate user fee is also
required for applicants filing a letter
ruling request for an extension of time
to file under Regulations section
301.9100-3 (including requests under
Rev. Procs. 2006-45, 2006-46, and
2003-62 (Form 1128, Part II, Sections
A, B, and C)).
Note. The user fees referred to in
the above paragraphs are published
in Rev. Proc. 2011-1 (exempt
organizations, see Rev. Proc.
2011-8), or an annual update. The
annual updates are published as
revenue procedures in the Internal
Revenue Bulletin. The Internal
Revenue Bulletins can be accessed
at The fees for 2011
are in Internal Revenue Bulletin
Payment of the user fee (check or
money order made payable to the
Internal Revenue Service) must be
attached to Form 1128 at the time the
form is filed. See Rev. Proc. 2011-1
for more information.

Section B—Corporations
(Other Than S Corporations
and Controlled Foreign

Section C—S Corporations

Corporations must complete this
section and any other section in Part
III that applies to that particular entity.
For example, a Passive Foreign
Investment Company (PFIC)
completes Section B and attaches the
statement required by Section H.
Complete Sections B and F for a
tax-exempt organization that is a
Note. In addition to excluding
CFC(s) from Section B, 10/50
corporations are also excluded.

An S corporation must have a
permitted tax year unless it has
elected under section 444 to have a
tax year other than the required tax
year. A “permitted tax year” is:
1. A tax year that ends on
December 31 or
2. Any other tax year if the
corporation can establish a business
purpose to the satisfaction of the IRS.
For purposes of 2, above, any
deferral of income to shareholders
will not be treated as a business
purpose. For more information, see
Rev. Proc. 2006-46.
If any shareholder is applying for a
corresponding change in tax year,
that shareholder must file a separate

Form 1128 to get advance approval
to change its tax year.

Section D—Partnerships
A partnership must obtain advance
approval from the IRS to adopt,
change, or retain a tax year unless it
is not required to file Form 1128, or it
meets one of the automatic approval
rules discussed earlier in the
instructions for Part II, Section B. Also
see the exceptions for partnerships
under Who Must File, earlier.
Partners must also get separate
advance approval to change their tax
Line 23. Enter the first date a
business transaction resulted in a tax
consequence, such as receiving
income or incurring an expense.

Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice. We ask for the information on this form to carry out the Internal
Revenue laws of the United States. Section 442 says that you must obtain IRS approval if you want to adopt, change,
or retain a tax year. To obtain approval, you are required to file an application to adopt, change, or retain a tax year.
Section 6109 requires that you disclose your taxpayer identification number (SSN or EIN). Failure to provide this
information in a timely manner could result in approval of your application being delayed or withheld. Providing false
information could subject you to penalties.
Our authority to ask for information is sections 6001, 6011, and 6012(a) and their regulations, which require you to
file a return or statement with us for any tax for which you are liable. Your response is mandatory under these sections.
Section 6109 requires that you provide your SSN or EIN on what you file. This is so we know who you are, and can
process your return and other papers. You must fill in all parts of the form that apply to you.
You are not required to provide the information requested on a form that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act
unless the form displays a valid OMB control number. Books or records relating to a form or its instructions must be
retained as long as their contents may become material in the administration of any Internal Revenue law. Generally,
tax returns and return information are confidential, as required by section 6103.
However, section 6103 allows or requires the Internal Revenue Service to disclose or give the information shown on
your application to others as described in the Code. For example, we may disclose your tax information to the
Department of Justice to enforce the tax laws, both civil and criminal, and to cities, states, the District of Columbia, U.S.
commonwealths or possessions, and certain foreign governments to carry out their laws. We may also disclose this
information to federal and state agencies to enforce federal nontax criminal laws and to combat terrorism.
Keep this notice with your records. It may help you if we ask you for other information. If you have any questions
about the rules for filing and giving information, call or visit any Internal Revenue Service office.
The time needed to complete and file this form will vary depending on individual circumstances. The estimated
burden for individual taxpayers filing this form is approved under OMB control number 1545-0074 and is included in the
estimates shown in the instructions for their individual income tax return. The estimated burden for all other taxpayers
who file this form is shown below.


Learning about the
law or the form

and sending
the form to
the IRS

Parts I and II

8 hr., 36 min.

5 hr., 51 min.

6 hr., 15 min.

Parts I and III

22 hr., 14 min.

5 hr., 37 min.

7 hr., 26 min.

If you have comments concerning the accuracy of these time estimates or suggestions for making this form simpler,
we would be happy to hear from you. Email us at [email protected] and enter “Form 1128” on the subject line or write
to the Internal Revenue Service, Tax Products Coordinating Committee, SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:M:S, 1111 Constitution
Ave. NW, IR-6526, Washington, DC 20224. Do not send the tax form to this office. Instead, see Where To File earlier.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleInstruction 1128 (Rev. December 2011)
SubjectInstructions for Form 1128, Application to Adopt, Change, or Retain a Tax Year
File Modified2012-01-13
File Created2012-01-09

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